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AGC research report 73
National Diet Library
Table of Contentsハイドロフルオロオレフィン(HFOs)の反応性を活用する含フッ素ヘテロ環化合物の合成 異なる電気特性を有する種々グラフェンの1-50GHzにおけるインピーダンス評価 アルコールの添加によるin vivo遺伝子治療用アデノ随伴ウイルスの生産性及び品質の向上 ガラス中の多価元素の価数別化学分析方法の開発(1) : 硫化物硫黄と硫酸塩硫黄の定量 ガラス中の多価元素の価数別化学分析方法の開発(2) : 酸化鉄を含むガラス中のスズの価数分析 分子類似度サンプリングによる深層ニューラルネットワーク電子イオン化マススペクトル予測の改善 ケイ酸塩ガラスおよび融液の熱膨張係数の組成および構造依存性 Modeling short-range and three-membered ring structures in lithium borosilicate glasses using a machine-learning potential Effect of Al2O3 addition on the thermal expansion of sodium alkaline-earth silicate glasses : a molecular dynamics study Effect of small additions of Li2O on phase separation and crystallization of barium-silicate glasses The role of silanol groups on the reaction of SiO2 and anhydrous hydrogen fluoride gas The fluorocarbene exploit : enforcing alternation in ring-opening metathesis polymerization Electron in a cube : synthesis and characterization of perfluorocubane as an electron acceptor 他誌への発表論文一覧(2022.07-2023.06)
AGC research report 72
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsNa2O-RO-SiO2ガラス (R= Mg, Ca) 中のFe2+イオンの構造 核酸医薬の送達を指向したフルオロアルキル修飾ミセルの開発 アミン添加による2次元有機無機ハイブリッド材料の高品質結晶合成 ヘテロダイン検出振動和周波発生分光法による含フッ素アクリルポリマー : 空気界面での配向状態の解析 Suppression of rayleigh scattering in silica glass by codoping boron and fluorine : molecular dynamics simulations with force­ matching and neural network potentials Simulation of catastrophic failure in a residual stress field Relaxation modes of metaphosphate glasses with entropic shrinkage Tuning the mechanical toughness of the metal nanoparticle­ implanted glass : the effect of nanoparticle growth conditions CDMOs play a critical role in the biopharmaceutical ecosystem Theoretical estimation of dielectric loss of oxide glasses using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations Highly active cross-metathesis of tetrafluoroethylene with a seven-membered N-heterocyclic-carbene-ruthenium catalyst Fluorine-containing bio-inert polymers : roles of intermediate water 他誌への発表論文一覧(2021.07-2022.06)
AGC research report 71
National Diet Library
Table of Contentsサンドペーパー落下試験におけるカバーガラス破壊現象の解析 真球状中空シリカナノ粒子の開発 フッ素を用いた水和構造制御と生体親和性の発現 多価イオン検出高分解能マススペクトルを用いたKendrick mass defect (KMD) プロットによる高分子量ポリオールの末端構造解析 クラウドコンピューティングを活用した設計最適化 光学シミュレーションを用いた視認性評価法の開発 Tuning the mechanical toughness of the metal nanoparticle-implanted glass : the effect of nanoparticle growth conditions Mechanical properties of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass-ceramics precipitating hexagonal CaAl2Si2O8 crystals Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of perfluorosulfonic acid polymer in water-ethanol mixtures Relaxation of anisotropic alkali metaphosphate glass How fluorine minimizes density fluctuations of silica glass : molecular dynamics study with machine-learning assisted force-matching potential Determination of sulfur in soda-lime silicate glass by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy following separation using an alumina column Surface modification of soda-lime-silicate glass via the high-temperature electrochemical injection of tin ions Monodisperse silica nanoparticle-carbon black composite microspheres as photonic pigments 他誌への発表論文一覧(2020.07-2021.06)
AGC research report 70
National Diet Library
Table of Contentsガラスの低燃費生産に向けたガラス融液の吸収スペクトル測定技術の向上と、微量金属イオンの添加効果の検討 重要農薬中間体3-(ジフルオロメチル)-1-メチル-1H-ピラゾール-4-カルボン酸(DFPA)の新規合成法開発 ギロチンカット制約を有する板取り問題へのイジングマシンの適用 高速高周波用フッ素系プリント基板用材料の開発動向 無アルカリガラス中サブppmレベルの微量ヒ素定量方法 Development of new low-GWP refrigerants-refrigerant mixtures including HFO-1123 An arsenal of tools based on Kendrick mass defects to process congested electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectra of polymers with multiple charging Large-scale molecular dynamics simulation of perfluorosulfonic acid membranes : remapping coarse-grained to all-atomistic simulations An efficient computational procedure to obtain a more stable glass structure High-temperature bending fatigue properties of oxide dispersion-strengthened platinum-rhodium alloy under high axial stress Understanding the effect of hydration on the bio-inert properties of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate copolymers with small amounts of amino- or/and fluorine-containing monomers Control of the near-surface OH concentration of float glass by anodic proton injection Anisotropic structure of alkali metaphosphate glasses A novel cardiac differentiation method of a large number and uniformly-sized spheroids using microfabricated culture vessels Higher toughness of metal-nanoparticle-implanted sodalime silicate glass with increased ductility 他誌へ発表の報文一覧(2019.07-2020.06)
AGC research report 69
National Diet Library
Table of Contentsガラスのスクラッチ硬度測定 AR/MRグラス向け高屈折率ガラスウエハの開発 散乱光の光弾性効果を用いたガラスの応力測定装置の開発 環境対応型フッ素系溶剤AMOLEA®AS-300の開発 細胞治療・再生医療用iPS細胞大量培養プラットフォームの開発 高精度コンピュータグラフィックス技術を利用したガラス外観シミュレーションシステムの開発 HUD検査機の開発 アンチグレアカバーガラスの光学特性・触感評価 Preparation of polymer brushes with well-controlled stereoregularity and evaluation of their functional properties Effects of particle size and briquetting of soda-lime-silicate glass batch on viscosity during batch-to-melt conversion Remotely floating wire-assisted generation of high-density atmospheric pressure plasma and SF6-added plasma etching of quartz glass 3D microstructure and crack pathways of toughened CaO- Al2O3-SiO2 glass by precipitation of hexagonal CaAl2Si2O8 crystal Relation between microstructure and flexibility of doubly cross- linked organic-inorganic aerogels Understanding the molar volume of alkali-alkaline earth-silicate glasses via Voronoi polyhedra analysis Electrochemical C(sp3)-H fluorination 他誌への発表論文一覧(2018.07-2019.06)
AGC research report 68
National Diet Library
Table of ContentsUV-C LED用石英ガラスレンズの開発 固体Li+伝導体ガラス組成開発 準安定CaAl2Si2O8結晶が析出した新しいCaO-Al2O3-SiO2系ガラスセラミックス 架橋特性に優れる高機能フッ素ゴム AFLAS® 400E/ AFLAS® 600S HFO-1123の不均化反応の抑制手法の開発と不均化反応の確率的解析 金属触媒を用いたエチレン/フッ化ビニル共重合及び触媒再活性化の鍵となるPd-F結合へのオレフィン挿入反応 Effect of glass composition on the hardness of surface layers on aluminosilicate glasses formed through reaction with strong acid Significant suppression of Rayleigh scattering loss in silica glass formed by the compression of its melted phase Lateral deformation and defect resistance of compacted silica glass : quantification of the scratching hardness of brittle glasses Thermal diffusivity of soda-lime-silica powder batch and briquettes Material design of transparent oxide semiconductors for organic electronics : why do zinc silicate thin films have exceptional properties? Molecular dynamics study on the mechanical deformation of hydrated perfluorosulfonic acid polymer membranes Assessing the performance of the Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson exchange potential for optical constants of semiconductors in the ultraviolet-visible light region フッ素化学工業原料を利用する含フッ素化合物合成反応 Analysis of water transport inside hydrophilic carbon fiber micro-porous layers with high-performance operation in PEFC Microfabric vessel-based system for efficient 3D culture and rapid differentiation of pluripotent stem cells for regenerative medicine Low-autofluorescence fluoropolymer membrane filters for cell filtration 他誌への発表論文一覧(2017-2018.06)
旭硝子研究報告 67
National Diet Library
Table of Contents電子デバイスパッケージングプロセスにおける熱応力発生を低減させる新規ガラス基板の開発 ガラスの触り心地の制御と評価 Liリッチ正極材料の結晶構造制御によるサイクル特性改善 ガラス中に含まれる鉄イオンに起因する光吸収スペクトルの計算機シミュレーション ラマンおよびNMR分光法によるリチウムイオン電池用フッ素系電解液の配位状態の定量解析 An atomistic-to-continuum molecular dynamics : theory, algorithm, and applications Migration behavior of network-modifier cations at glass surface during electrical poling High spatial resolution laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging of organic layers in an organic light-emitting diode Microfabric vessels for embryoid body formation and rapid differentiation of pluripotent stem cells Mass scale calibration of TOF-SIMS spectra with molecular ions of internal additives A multiscale model for amorphous materials Higher order Cauchy-Born rule based multiscale cohesive zone model and prediction of fracture toughness of silicon thin films Change in the surface OH group on soda lime silicate glass and silica glass after heat treatment in nitrogen atmosphere Unusual indentation behavior of alkali metaphosphate glass above glass transition temperature Effect of properties of hydrophilic microporous layer (MPL) on PEFC performance Glass substrate for micro display devices Synthesis of perfluoroalkylated pentacenes and evaluation of their fundamental physical properties 他誌への発表論文一覧(2016.07-2017.06)
旭硝子研究報告 66
National Diet Library
Table of Contents巻頭言 : コーポレート研究開発のマネジメント 親フッ素性を用いたプリンテッドエレクトロニクス向けプロセス溶媒の選定 Improvement of MEA performance for PEFC by using high oxygen permeable ionomers 陽電子消滅法によるシリカガラスの空隙の観測 高精細ディスプレイ用ガラス基板の構造緩和変形 非晶質C12A7エレクトライドの有機ELへの応用 29Si NMR法による含ケイ素材料の構造解析 高耐光性高透過率コンポジット 2段階でイオン交換した化学強化ガラスの応力分布測定に関する調査 Molecular dynamics study of liquid silica under high pressure Residual entropy and structural disorder in glass : a review of history and an attempt to resolve two apparently conflicting views Toughening of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass by dmisteinbergite precipitation Effect of molybdenum and titanium oxides on mechanical and thermal properties of cordierite-enstatite glass-ceramics Effect of molybdenum and tungsten oxides on nucleation and crystallization behaviors of MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses Structure and mechanical property of water-containing soda-alumina-silica glass by molecular dynamics simulation Product design for strong cover glass Ex situ characterization method for flooding in gas diffusion layers and membrane electrode assemblies with a hydrophilic gas diffusion layer Clarifying the chemical state of additives in membranes for polymer electrolyte fuel cells by X-ray absorption fine structure Flow property at capillary extrusion for ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer Design, synthesis, and properties of a series of charged iridium(III) complexes with a neutral bidentate ligand for deep-blue phosphorescent emitter 他誌への発表論文一覧(2015.07-2016.06)
旭硝子研究報告 65
National Diet Library
Table of Contents巻頭言 : スマートシティ、スマートハウス、スマートモビリティに関わるAGCの素材 建築用高性能Low-Eガラスの開発 現場施工型後付けLow-Eガラス「アトッチ®」の開発 調光ガラスWONDERLITE® : 特殊コーティングを組み合わせた自動車用大型調光ガラスが、自動車の快適性向上と省エネに貢献 世界初ガラスベンチルーフによるFIFAワールドカップでの多目的プロジェクト 高性能エレクトレット「サイトップEGG」を用いた小型振動発電器のIoTセンサ電源への応用 FRP引抜成形品『プラアロイ®』の特徴と太陽光発電用架台への適用事例の紹介 膜構造用ETFEフィルムの展開 環境対応形フッ素樹脂塗料 : 粉体形・水性形 低GWP冷媒“AMOLEA®”の開発 ガラス及びボデーの伝熱特性が電気自動車の電費・航続距離に与える影響 ガラス基板寸法が反りへ及ぼす影響に関する調査 Ruthenium-catalyzed olefin cross-metathesis with tetrafluoroethylene and analogous fluoroolefins Mechanical properties of anisotropic metaphosphate glass IR practical extinction coefficients of water in alkali lime silicate glasses determined by nuclear reaction analysis Development of the ''PERFECT'' direct fluorination method and its industrial applications Inward migration of glass-modifier cations during heat treatment under an N2 atmosphere Light extraction analysis of organic light emitting diodes fabricated on high refractive index glass scattering layer A novel catalyst for ammonia synthesis at ambient temperature and pressure : visible light responsive photocatalyst using localized surface plasmon resonance Effects of impeller type on mixing performance in continuous laminar flow Examination of the ambient effects on the stability of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide thin film transistors using a laser-glass-sealing technology Numerical simulation of plasma confinement in DC magnetron sputtering under different magnetic fields and anode structures Rheological characterization on thermal degradation of ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer Selective separation of fluorinated compounds from complex organic mixtures by pyrolysis-comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry Barium titanate dispersion obtained by a high pressure methods and light resistant composites containing the nanoparticles 他誌への発表論文一覧(2014.07-2015.06)
旭硝子研究報告 64
National Diet Library
Table of Contentsライフサイエンス分野に貢献するAGCの材料 新規緑内障治療薬タフルプロストの開発 抗体医薬精製用アフィニティシリカ担体の開発 医療用途向け短鎖撥水/撥油剤アサヒガードの開発 イオン交換膜におけるイオンの選択透過性 バイオレメディエーションによる土壌・地下水浄化 旭硝子のファイン重曹の紹介 : その幅広い用途・東日本震災時の秘話 Mechanism of hologram formation on glass surface by recording technique with corona discharge Analysis of TOF-SIMS spectra using quaternary ammonium ions for mass scale calibration Refractive index change of multicomponent glass films for bismuthate erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers prepared by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering under different magnetic fields of cathode Influence of shield roughness on Mo/Si defect density for extreme ultraviolet lithography mask blanks Practical IR extinction coefficients of water in soda lime aluminosilicate glasses determined by nuclear reaction analysis Li-ion conductive phosphosilicate glass ceramics synthesized by ion exchange Homogeneity improvement of TiO2-SiO2 glass synthesized by the soot method and its evaluation using the ultrasonic measurement system Residual entropy and structural disorder in glass : fluctuation phenomena and time-dependent features as deduced from an Ising-type structural model Ultra-miniaturized and surface-mountable glass-based 3D IPAC packages for RF Modules Impact of cathode fabrication on fuel cell performance 他誌への発表論文一覧(2013.07-2014.06)

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Research report of Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd.
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