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Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory

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Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory 49 (4)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents1 Research on a system for monitoring, analyzing, and forecasting of the space environment 2 Solar and solar wind : 2-1 optical and radio solar observation for space weather 2 Solar and solar wind : 2-2 L5 mission and observation of interplanetary CME 2 Solar and solar wind : 2-3 solar wind plasma instrument for the L5 mission 2 Solar and solar wind : 2-4 a forecast tool using Java script for predicting arrival time of interplanetary disturbances to the earth 3 Magnetosphere : 3-1 real time data reception of ACE and IMAGE satellites 3 Magnetosphere : 3-2 prediction of the Dst index from solar wind parameters by a neural network method 3 Magnetosphere : 3-3 real-time geomagnetic data acquisition from Siberia region and its application : PURAES project 3 Magnetosphere : 3-4 quasi-real time geomagnetic data transfer from near northern magnetic pole region 3 Magnetosphere : 3-5 development of instrument for the resonance scattering emission of oxygen ion (OⅡ:83.4nm) : toward the imagery of magnetosphere 4 Ionosphere and thermosphere : 4-1 derivation of TEC and estimation of instrumental biases from GEONET in Japan 5 Information service : 5-1 ionospheric observation and observation information processing system 5 Information service : 5-2 space environment information service system 5 Information service : 5-3 development of telephone service system 5 Information service : 5-4 space weather forecast in the future manned space era Correcting instable signal in near-field antenna gain measurement Radar cross section reduction sheet : introduction to patents List of published presentation papers (Jun. 2002-Aug. 2002)
Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory 49 (3)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents1 Space weather and its hazards on the high-tech system 2 Solar phenomena and solar wind : 2-1 study of energy build-up in solar flares 2 Solar phenomena and solar wind : 2-2 high-energy particle acceleration in the heliosphere 2 Solar phenomena and solar wind : 2-3 solar wind and interplanetary disturbances 2 Solar phenomena and solar wind : 2-4 interplanetary magnetic flux ropes 3 The magnetosphere : 3-1 formation of the magnetosphere and magnetospheric plasma regime 3 The magnetosphere : 3-2 generation of convection in the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling system 3 The magnetosphere : 3-3 evolution of the ionospheric convection due to changes in the interplanetary magnetic field 3 The magnetosphere : 3-4 transmission line model for ground magnetic disturbances 3 The magnetosphere : 3-5 geomagnetic storms 3 The magnetosphere : 3-6 space weather research with computer simulations 4 Ionosphere and thermosphere : 4-1 ionospheric irregularities Device and method for outputting random vectors and recording medium : introduction to patents List of published presentation papers (Mar. 2002-May 2002)
Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory 49 (2)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents1 Research and development of global environment measurements 2 Satelliteborne measurement technologies : 2-1 development of Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (JEM/SMILES) aboard the International Space Station 2 Satelliteborne measurement technologies : 2-2 balloon-borne superconducting submillimeter-wave limb-emission sounder for observations of middle atmosphere 2 Satelliteborne measurement technologies : 2-3 Global Precipitation Measurement program and the development of dual-frequency precipitation radar 2 Satelliteborne measurement technologies : 2-4 space-borne coherent Doppler lidar 3 Airborne measurement technologies : 3-1 airborne multiparameter precipitation radar (CAMPR) observation of wind fields in snow clouds 3 Airborne measurement technologies : 3-2 polarimetric rainfall observation with CAMPR (CRL Airborne Multiparameter Precipitation Radar) 3 Airborne measurement technologies : 3-3 cloud observation with CRL airborne cloud radar (SPIDER) 3 Airborne measurement technologies : 3-4 airborne/spaceborne laser altimeter 3 Airborne measurement technologies : 3-5 development of airborne high-resolution multi-parameter imaging radar SAR, Pi-SAR 3 Airborne measurement technologies : 3-6 flight experiments of airborne high-resolution multi-parameter imaging radar, Pi-SAR 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-1 CRL Alaska Project : international collaborations for observing Arctic atmosphere environment in Alaska 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-2 imaging riometer database developed in cooperation with the University of Alaska 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-3 recent results and future plans of atmospheric study using CRL all-sky imagers 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-4 development of CRL Fabry-Perot interferometers and observation of the thermosphere 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-5 lidar instruments for the observations of the arctic atmosphere in Alaska-project 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-6 trace gas observation with Poker Flat FTIR 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-7 development of millimeter-wave radiometers and stratospheric observation 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-8 development of a 400 MHz-band Wind Profiler Radar with RASS 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-9 long-term observations using L-band wind profiler in Asia 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-10 development of the CRL Okinawa Bistatic polarimetric Radar 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-11 observation of the tropospheric aerosol by using a Mie lidar : observation at the arid region in China 4 Ground-based measurement technologies : 4-12 development of long-range ocean radar system 5 Development of data network systems for global environment measurements : 5-1 development of SALMON system and the environment data transfer experiment 5 Development of data network systems for global environment measurements : 5-2 development of collaboration system for environmental study 6 Special issue on global environment measurements Distributing, transmitting, and receiving system : introduction to patents List of published presentation papers (Dec. 2001-Feb. 2002)
Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory 49 (1)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents1 Special issue on photonic technology 2 Photonic research activity at CRL 3 Photonic networks : 3-1 optical code division multiplexing and its application to peta-bit/s photonic network 3 Photonic networks : 3-2 ultra-fast photonic packet routing technology 4 Photonic wireless technologies : 4-1 research and development of photonic feeding antennas 4 Photonic wireless technologies : 4-2 optical heterodyne detection for 60-GHz-band radio-on-fiber systems 5 Photonic propagation technologies : 5-1 artificial star generation by stratospheric Rayleigh scattering 5 Photonic propagation technologies : 5-2 distorted image reconstruction using photorefractive effects 6 Photonic device technologies : 6-1 resonant type optical modulators for 10GHz band 6 Photonic device technologies : 6-2 research and developments on p-type germanium lasers in the frequency range from 0.1 terahertz to few terahertz 6 Photonic device technologies : 6-3 ultrafast electron control of optical device 7 Quantum communication technologies : 7-1 quantum detection circuit for quantum channel coding 7 Quantum communication technologies : 7-2 continuous variable teleportation of non-classical states in noisy environment Transmitter identification : the development of a high speed data acquisition system with receiving functions Transmitter identification : experimental techniques and results Ionosphere propagation delay measurement system using an inverse spread spectrum : introduction to patents List of published presentation papers (Sep. 2001-Nov. 2001)
Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory 48 (4)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents1 Special issue on Yokosuka Radio Communications Research Center 2 Research strategy of Yokosuka Radio Communications Research Center 3 Wireless communications : 3-1 wireless network integration technology : 3-1-1 MIRAI architecture for heterogeneous network 3 Wireless communications : 3-1 wireless network integration technology : 3-1-2 156 Mbps ultrahigh-speed wireless LAN prototype in the 38GHz band 3 Wireless communications : 3-2 wireless communications system using stratospheric platforms : 3-2-1 R&D program on telecom and broadcasting system using high altitude platform stations 3 Wireless communications : 3-2 wireless communications system using stratospheric platforms : 3-2-2 a study of frequency sharing and contribution to ITU for wireless communication systems using stratospheric platforms 3 Wireless communications : 3-3 wireless access system : 3-3-1 design and performance of a millimeter-wave video-transmission system using 60-GHz band for indoor BS signals transmission 3 Wireless communications : 3-3 wireless access system : 3-3-2 a millimeter-wave broadband wireless access system using mobile tracking technology 3 Wireless communications : 3-4 ITS wireless transmission technology : 3-4-1 technologies of millimeter-wave inter-vehicle communications : propagation characteristics 3 Wireless communications : 3-4 ITS wireless transmission technology : 3-4-2 technologies of millimeter-wave road-vehicle communications 3 Wireless communications : 3-5 broadcasting system : 3-5-1 an advanced CATV system with wireless distribution 4 Millimeter wave devices : 4-1 research project on millimeter-wave semiconductor devices 4 Millimeter wave devices : 4-2 research on millimeter-wave communication devices including test and measurement techniques 5 Electromagnetic environment : 5-1 recent progress of studies on EMC relating to various equipment 5 Electromagnetic environment : 5-2 review of Bio-EMC studies Multi-directional antenna : introduction to patents List of published presentation papers (Jun. 2001-Aug. 2001)
Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory 48 (3)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of Contents1 Human-care communication project in Keihanna Human Info-Communications Research Center : a new turn of human interface and contents processing technologies research in CRL 2 Toward the realization of situation-sharing communications technology : 2-1 research on communication mechanism of embodied interaction 2 Toward the realization of situation-sharing communications technology : 2-2 study of emergent communication mechanisms 2 Toward the realization of situation-sharing communications technology : 2-3 using humanoid robots to study human communication 3 Toward an education and learning support environment : 3-1 new horizons in computational linguistics 3 Toward an education and learning support environment : 3-2 language learning in the 21st century 3 Toward an education and learning support environment : 3-3 study of speech communication mechanisms based on the understanding of human biological functions 4 Toward creation of a new media environment : 4-1 research on interactive communication media and contents 4 Toward creation of a new media environment : 4-2 3D space-shared communications : Multimedia Virtual Laboratory Project 5 Towards creation of a communications support environment : 5-1 barrier-free communications 5 Towards creation of a communications support environment : 5-2 spoken communication in multiple modalities 5 Towards creation of a communications support environment : 5-3 studies on community knowledge creation support in knowledge network society 6 Towards realization of human-care communication technology : perspective Two-imensionally-arrayed compression-stressed semiconductor photodetector : introduction to patents List of published presentation papers (Mar. 2001-May 2001)
Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory 48 (2)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsAt the time of becoming an independent administrative institution Special issue on research and development for a next-generation info-communication network A study on photonic network architecture Proposal of a policy model for the next-generation Internet testbed CRL next generation Internet project and APII-testbed project Research activities in Emergency Communications Group Design of the VoD system for high-quality video and audio With D1 Over IP System for issuing and distributing space-weather reports An image retrieval method based on a genetic algorithm controlled by user's mind Antenna system for mobile earth stations : introduction to patents List of published presentation papers (Dec. 2000-Feb. 2001)

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