
Chem-bio informatics journal

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Chem-bio informatics journal 10
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsIn silico based ligand design and docking studies of GSK-3β inhibitors In silico based ligand design and docking studies of GSK-3β inhibitors : 日本語要旨
Chem-bio informatics journal 9
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsStructural studies of coenzyme Q10 inclusion complex with γ-cyclodextrin using chemical analyses and molecular modeling Structural studies of coenzyme Q10 inclusion complex with γ-cyclodextrin using chemical analyses and molecular modeling : 日本語要旨 Prediction of fragile points of coiled coils Prediction of fragile points of coiled coils : 日本語要旨 Molecular geometry-dependent atomic charge calculation with modified charge equilibration method Molecular geometry-dependent atomic charge calculation with modified charge equilibration method : 日本語要旨 Identification of the dual action antihypertensive drugs using TFS-based support vector machines Identification of the dual action antihypertensive drugs using TFS-based support vector machines : erratum Identification of the dual action antihypertensive drugs using TFS-based support vector machines : 日本語要旨 Validation of ArgusLab efficiencies for binding free energy calculations Validation of ArgusLab efficiencies for binding free energy calculations : 日本語要旨 Validation of techniques for structure prediction and thermostabilization of a protein : a case study using the TIM-barrel enzyme lactate oxidase Validation of techniques for structure prediction and thermostabilization of a protein : a case study using the TIM-barrel enzyme lactate oxidase : 日本語要旨 Calculation of fraction of dose absorbed : comparison between analytical solution based on one compartment steady state concentration approximation and dynamic seven compartment model Calculation of fraction of dose absorbed : comparison between analytical solution based on one compartment steady state concentration approximation and dynamic seven compartment model : 日本語要旨 Gene expression profile of MAP kinase PTC1 mutant exposed to aflatoxin B1 : dysfunctions of gene expression in glucose utilization and sphingolipid metabolism Gene expression profile of MAP kinase PTC1 mutant exposed to aflatoxin B1 : dysfunctions of gene expression in glucose utilization and sphingolipid metabolism : 日本語要旨
Chem-bio informatics journal 8 (3)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsIntegrated pharmacokinetic assessment and strategy for orally effective prodrugs overcoming luminal degradation and biological membrane barriers Integrated pharmacokinetic assessment and strategy for orally effective prodrugs overcoming luminal degradation and biological membrane barriers : 日本語要旨 Functional genomics analysis of n-alkyl sulfates toxicity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Functional genomics analysis of n-alkyl sulfates toxicity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae : 日本語要旨 Application of rough set theory to high throughput screening data for rational selection of lead compounds Application of rough set theory to high throughput screening data for rational selection of lead compounds : 日本語要旨 A high performance prediction system of coiled coil domains containing heptad breaks : SOSUIcoil A high performance prediction system of coiled coil domains containing heptad breaks : SOSUIcoil : 日本語要旨
Chem-bio informatics journal 8 (2)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsPharmacokinetic strategy for designing orally effective prodrugs overcoming biological membrane barriers : proposal of kinetic classification and criteria for membrane-permeable prodrug-likeness Pharmacokinetic strategy for designing orally effective prodrugs overcoming biological membrane barriers : proposal of kinetic classification and criteria for membrane-permeable prodrug-likeness : 日本語要旨 Density, diffusion, and site-dipole field of solvent around four types of flavonoid studid by molecular dynamics Density, diffusion, and site-dipole field of solvent around four types of flavonoid studid by molecular dynamics : 日本語要旨 Physicochemical properties of GPCR amino acid sequences for understanding GPCR-G-protein coupling Physicochemical properties of GPCR amino acid sequences for understanding GPCR-G-protein coupling : 日本語要旨
Chem-bio informatics journal 8 (1)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsClassification and characterization of human full-length cDNA clones that are difficult to sequence Classification and characterization of human full-length cDNA clones that are difficult to sequence : 日本語要旨 Solvent site-dipole field accompanying protein-ligand approach process Solvent site-dipole field accompanying protein-ligand approach process : 日本語要旨
Chem-bio informatics journal 7 (3)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsChemical biology/chemical genetics/chemical genomics : importance of chemical library Chemical biology/chemical genetics/chemical genomics : importance of chemical library : 日本語要旨 Nuclear proteins with charge periodicity of 28 residues are specifically increased in vertebrate genomes Nuclear proteins with charge periodicity of 28 residues are specifically increased in vertebrate genomes : 日本語要旨
Chem-bio informatics journal 7 (2)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsCompound-transporter interaction studies using canonical correlation analysis Compound-transporter interaction studies using canonical correlation analysis : 日本語要旨 Nuclear localization of proteins with a charge periodicity of 28 residues Nuclear localization of proteins with a charge periodicity of 28 residues : 日本語要旨
Chem-bio informatics journal 7 (1)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsInvestigation of the relationship between sample size and risk factors for complex diseases based on a simulation study Investigation of the relationship between sample size and risk factors for complex diseases based on a simulation study : 日本語要旨 Implementation of the blue moon ensemble method Implementation of the blue moon ensemble method : 日本語要旨
Chem-bio informatics journal 6 (3)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsComparative analyses for selecting effective siRNA sequences Comparative analyses for selecting effective siRNA sequences : 日本語要旨
Chem-bio informatics journal 6 (2)
Available onlineNational Diet Library
Table of ContentsThe evaluation of environmental waters using yeast DNA microarray The evaluation of environmental waters using yeast DNA microarray : 日本語要旨 Application of KiBank database Application of KiBank database : 日本語要旨 Statistical applications for SNPs analysis Statistical applications for SNPs analysis : 日本語要旨

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