
Pointwise ergodic theorems for arithmetic sets . Le théorème de comparaison entre cohomologies de de Rham d'une variété algébrique complexe et le théorème d'existence de Riemann . Volumes of s-arithmetic quotients of semi-simple groups . Finiteness theorems for discrete subgroups of bounded covolume in semi-simple groups . Harmonic mappings of Kähler manifolds to locally symmetric spaces . Absolutely continuous invariant measures for maps with flat tops . A foliation of R[3] and other punctured 3-manifolds by circles . Transformation de Fourier et majoration de sommes exponentielles

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Pointwise ergodic theorems for arithmetic sets . Le théorème de comparaison entre cohomologies de de Rham d'une variété algébrique complexe et le théorème d'existence de Riemann . Volumes of s-arithmetic quotients of semi-simple groups . Finiteness theorems for discrete subgroups of bounded covolume in semi-simple groups . Harmonic mappings of Kähler manifolds to locally symmetric spaces . Absolutely continuous invariant measures for maps with flat tops . A foliation of R[3] and other punctured 3-manifolds by circles . Transformation de Fourier et majoration de sommes exponentielles

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by Jean Bourgain . par Zoghman Mebkhout . by Gopal Prasad . by Armand Borel and Gopal Prasad . by James A. Carlson and Domingo Toledo . by Michael Benedicks and Michal Misiurewicz . by Elmar Vogt . par Nicholas M. Katz et Gérard Laumon
Institut des hautes études scientifiques
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27 cm
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by Jean Bourgain . par Zoghman Mebkhout . by Gopal Prasad . by Armand Borel and Gopal Prasad . by James A. Carlson and Domingo Toledo . by Michael Benedicks and Michal Misiurewicz . by Elmar Vogt . par Nicholas M. Katz et Gérard Laumon
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27 cm
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