Author/Editorby Lawrence J. Culligan, editor-in-chief and Milorad Nikolic, managing editor ; assisted by the editorial staff of West Publishing Company
Note (General)American legal encyclopedia (many volumes) ; Vol. 1-9, 10-19, 20-29, 31-39, 40-49, ... 100-109, ... etc. 10 vol 単位で別書誌とする
Publisher name varies slightly: Thomson/West, Thomson Reuters
Vol. 20: [Cost to Counties]
Vol. 21: [Courts to Creditor and Debtor]
Vol. 22: [Criminal law 1 to 418]. Vol. 22 (2006): [Criminal law 1 to 542]. Vol. 22 (2016): [Criminal law: substantive principles to criminal procedure and rights of the accused §§1 to 274]. Vol. 22A: [Criminal law 419 to 815]. Vol. 22A (2006): [Criminal law 543 to 1104]. Vol. 22A (2016): [Criminal procedure and rights of the accused §§275 to 773]
Vol. 23: [Criminal law 816 to 1141]. Vol. 23 (2006): [Criminal law 1105 to 1555]. Vol. 23 (2016): [Criminal procedure and rights of the accused §§774 to 1328]. Vol. 23A: [Criminal law 1142 to 1457]. Vol. 23A (2006): [Criminal law 1556 to 1994]. Vol. 23A (2016): [Criminal procedure and rights of the accused §§1329 to 2058]
Vol. 24: [Criminal law 1458 to end]. Vol. 24 (2006): [Criminal law 1995 to end]. Vol. 24 (2016): [Criminal procedure and rights of the accused §§2059 to end]
Vol. 25: Cropus to Damages 316. Vol. 25 (2012): Crops to Damages §§ 1 to 191. Vol. 25A: Damages 317 to Death. Vol. 25A (2012): Damages §§ 192 to 469 to Death
Vol. 26: [Debt to dedication]. Vol. 26A: [Deeds]. Vol. 26B: [Depositaries to detinue]
Vol. 27: [Discovery to Disturbance of public meetings]. Vol. 27A: [Divorce 1 to 269]. Vol. 27B: [Divorce 270 to 548]. Vol. 27C: [Divorce 549 to end]
Vol. 27A (2005): Divorce 1 to 458. Vol. 27B (2005): Divorce 459 to 899. Vol. 27C (2005): Divorce 900 to end. v. 27A (2016): Divorce §§ 1 to 459. v. 27B (2016): Divorce §§ 460 to 956. v. 27C (2016): Divorce §§ 957 to end
Vol. 28: [Domestic abuse and violence to Drugs and narcotics 1 to 223]. Vol. 28A: [Drugs and narcotics 224 to end to Election of remedies or rights or theories of recovery]
Vol. 28 (2008): Domestic abuse and violence to drugs and narcotics 1 to 341. Vol. 28A (2008): Drugs and narcotics 342 to end to election of remedies or rights or theories of recovery
Vol. 29: [Elections to Electricity]. Vol. 29A, v. 29A (2017): [Embezzlement to Eminent domain]
Kept to date by cumulative annual pocket parts
Includes indexes
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