
Table of Contents

  • Tractatus figurarum : Treatise on noteshapes

  • The Euclidean Division of the canon : Greek and Latin sources : new critical texts and translations on facing pages, with an introduction, annotations, and indices verborum and nominum et rerum

  • Contrapunctus = Counterpoint

  • The Berkeley manuscript : University of California Music Library, ms. 744 (olim Phillipps 4450)

  • Προς μουσικους = Against the musicians (Adversus musicos)

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Related Material
Tractatus figurarum : Treatise on noteshapes
The Euclidean Division of the canon : Greek and Latin sources : new critical texts and translations on facing pages, with an introduction, annotations, and indices verborum and nominum et rerum
Contrapunctus = Counterpoint
The Berkeley manuscript : University of California Music Library, ms. 744 (olim Phillipps 4450)
Προς μουσικους = Against the musicians (Adversus musicos)
Regule = The rules . and Summa = The summa
Ars cantus mensurabilis mensurata per modos iuris = The art of mensurable song measured by the modes of law
Brevis summula proportionum quantum ad musicam pertinet ; and, Parvus tractatulus de modo monacordum dividendi = A short summary of ratios insofar as they pertain to music ; and, A little treatise on the method of dividing the monochord
Nova musica and De proportionibus
De musica verbali libri duo = Two books on verbal music
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00993775 : BA00993775