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Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences discussion paper series

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Analytical valuation of swap yield curvesLeave the NDL website. Approximation of nonlinear term structure modelsLeave the NDL website. ファジィ入出力データの可能性線形回帰分析における影響の大きいデータの検出法とその応用Leave the NDL website. Estimation of persistence in log volatility under panel data model specificationLeave the NDL website. Software growth optionsLeave the NDL website. An empirical reexamination of the Solow growth modelLeave the NDL website. On the Skiadas 'Conditional preference approach' to choice under uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. Differentials in the demand for health cheek-up in JapanLeave the NDL website. Decision making with information search constraints : an analysis of information search pattern and perceived inner statesLeave the NDL website. Beveridge curve and regional mobilities of unemployed job seekers in JapanLeave the NDL website. Real interval representationsLeave the NDL website. Mere and specific knowledge of the existence of a Nash EquilibriumLeave the NDL website. Highway construction under referendum and representative democracyLeave the NDL website. Evaluating the relative effectiveness of training school programs to community-based programs on Japanese juvenile delinquents with different backgroundsLeave the NDL website. 都道府県ランキング再考 : 「新国民生活指標」を例にLeave the NDL website. 高齢者の在宅介護費用の計量経済学的分析Leave the NDL website. An integration of the optimal stopping problem and the optimal pricing problem : model with no recallLeave the NDL website. A generalization of subjective expected utility without transitivity and additivityLeave the NDL website. B-スプライノンパラメトリック回帰モデルにおける過剰適合の回避についてLeave the NDL website. Imperfect recall and solution concepts in extensive gamesLeave the NDL website. On teaching innovations and experiments in economicsLeave the NDL website. The interaction of market structures and external exposuer [i.e. exposure] effects on profit margins : an empirical analysis of TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Characterizations of convex geometries by extreme point operatorLeave the NDL website. Testing for serial correlation in the presence of stochastic volatilityLeave the NDL website. Evolution of thoughts : deductive game theories in the inductive game situationLeave the NDL website. A knowledge-based variable selection method for box-cox transformationLeave the NDL website. Positional parametersLeave the NDL website. Optimal call admission control for voice and data traffic in mobile communication networksLeave the NDL website. Determinants of social violence among the youth and their risky health behaviors : policy implicationsLeave the NDL website. "Dislike-for-inflation psychology" and endogenous price fluctuations reconsideredLeave the NDL website. The effect of human resource management practices on Japanese MNC subsidiary performance : a partial mediating modelLeave the NDL website. ホームページにみる情報発信の国際比較Leave the NDL website. An optimal hostage rescue problemLeave the NDL website. Effects of R&E activities on rice production in Taiwan, 1976-93Leave the NDL website. Incentives for innovation under differentiated goods marketsLeave the NDL website. Non-uniform and comprehensive evaluation in social systems analysisLeave the NDL website. On accuracy of local linear approximation for the term structure of interest ratesLeave the NDL website. Effect of rural non-farm employment and infrastructure on agricultural productivity : evidence from IndiaLeave the NDL website. D-CAT : a distributed channel allocation strategy based on a threshold scheme for cellular mobile networksLeave the NDL website. Interior point trajectories and a homogeneous model for nonlinear complementarity problems over symmetric conesLeave the NDL website. A new view on statistical inference Part II (Continuation) : 分布の位場所を示す母数の場合Leave the NDL website. 整理解雇規制の経済分析Leave the NDL website. A new view on statistical inference : testing hypothesos based on briefest randomized regions. -case of shifting parameters-Leave the NDL website. Financial repression and external openness in an endogenous growth modelLeave the NDL website. Optimal stopping problem with controlled recallLeave the NDL website. Money-income causality revisited in EGARCH : spoillovers of monetary of policy to the Asia from the USLeave the NDL website. Price response of agricultural households with heterogeneous types of family labor : a structural estimation for Japanese rice farmersLeave the NDL website. An agile production planning and control with additional purchase ordersLeave the NDL website. Optimal stopping problem with recall costLeave the NDL website. Reconfiguration heuristics for logical topologies in wide-area WDM networksLeave the NDL website. A mobility based resource predictive scheme with QoS guarantees in multimedia wireless networksLeave the NDL website. A queueing model with input of MPEG frame sequences and interfering trafficLeave the NDL website. The impact of minimum wage on female employment in JapanLeave the NDL website. Realization theory of discrete-event systems and its application to the uniqueness and universality of DEVS formalismLeave the NDL website. A comment on section 4 of D. P. 1002Leave the NDL website. Measuring the cost of the Japanese financial recessionLeave the NDL website. A DEA-CP model for comprehensive rankingLeave the NDL website. Totally convex preferences for gamblesLeave the NDL website. A new stochastic learning algorithm for neural networksLeave the NDL website. 日本の内部労働市場 : 被雇用者の超過労働と健康Leave the NDL website. Modeling a player's perspective I : info-memory protocolsLeave the NDL website. 'External stability' and 'internal instability' of peasant households : a formal analysisLeave the NDL website. Optimal hypothesis testing under unbiased estimates : applications to the family of retracted distributionsLeave the NDL website. ECR for freshnessLeave the NDL website. 日本女性の離職行動Leave the NDL website. An efficient heuristic for routing and wavelength assignment in optimal WDM networksLeave the NDL website. 非正規データにおける情報量規準を用いた共分散構造モデルの選択問題 : 「日本人の国民性調査」データへの適応Leave the NDL website. Non-separable preferences, terms of trade shocks, and the measurement of intertemporal substitutionLeave the NDL website. 個人と社会Leave the NDL website. A complexity bound of a predictor-corrector smoothing method using CHKS-functions for monotone LCPLeave the NDL website. Commuting and spatial structure in Japanese metropolisesLeave the NDL website. Decision making in partially interactive games I : game theoretic developmentsLeave the NDL website. A new method to estimate stochastic volatility models : a log-GARCH approachLeave the NDL website. 定期借家権制度と賃貸住宅市場Leave the NDL website. Hypothesis testing based on lagrange's method : applications to cauchy, exponential and logistic distributionsLeave the NDL website. Best symmetric two-sided test for the positional parameter of the uniform distributionLeave the NDL website. Estimation of persistence in log-volatility using panel dataLeave the NDL website. Optimal hostage rescue problem where an action can only be taken once : case where its effectiveness lasts up to the deadlineLeave the NDL website. An analysis of inflation targeting policy in a money-in-the-utility-function frameworkLeave the NDL website. Continuum of zero points of a mapping on a compact, convex setLeave the NDL website. A load balancing facility using Aglets, a Java-based mobile agent systemLeave the NDL website. Evaluating relative effectiveness of training school programs to probation on recividism of Japanese juvenile delinquentsLeave the NDL website. Processor-sharing and random-service queues with semi-markovian arrivalsLeave the NDL website. Analytical model of visibility of a landmarkLeave the NDL website. Negative self selection into self employment among African AmericansLeave the NDL website. Efficient patterns of linear facilitiesLeave the NDL website. Regret region hypothesis testing using unbiased statistics : application to the left-retracted exponential distributionLeave the NDL website. The poor or the vulnerable? : tracking the targets of private and public transfers in Korea with reference to the financial crisisLeave the NDL website. False beliefs and game theory : implications from the Japanese comic story Konnyaku MondôLeave the NDL website. 公共財の外部性と経済厚生について : 二地域二部門均衡モデル分析Leave the NDL website. Empirical evidences for the skewed distribution of inefficiencyLeave the NDL website. Technical efficiency of production in hospitals in JapanLeave the NDL website. Business failure of new firms : an empirical analysis using a multiplicative hazards modelLeave the NDL website. A homogeneous model for P[0] and P[*] nonlinear complementarity problemsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to epistemic logics and their game theoretic applicationsLeave the NDL website. Two-dimensional commodity tax competitionLeave the NDL website. A characterization of perfect {0, ±1}-MatricesLeave the NDL website. Hypothesis testing based on Lagrange's methodLeave the NDL website. Modeling the term structure of interest rates with general short-rate modelsLeave the NDL website. Extreme point axioms for closure spacesLeave the NDL website. Threshold models for comparative probability on finite setsLeave the NDL website. Federalizing Japan : a silent revolution?Leave the NDL website. Estimating the maintenance and repair cost in life cycle cost calculation : a case of automobile ownershipLeave the NDL website. Global optimization method for solving mathematical programs with linear complementarity constraintsLeave the NDL website. Experiment for positive externalities : is coase theorem applicable to the positive externalities ?Leave the NDL website. Experiment of dictator games and fairnessLeave the NDL website. Effects of the Shadow pate of wage on output supply : a structural estimation for japanese rice farmersLeave the NDL website. What causes chief executive officer(CEO) turnover? : an event history analysis of entrepreneurial firmsLeave the NDL website. Semimetric thresholds for finite posetsLeave the NDL website. A new extension of Caristi-Kirk's fixed point theoremLeave the NDL website. Intra and inter-regional causal linkages of emerging stock markets : evidence from Asia and Latin America in and out of crisesLeave the NDL website. Exchange rate, price behavior and market structurs : a case of TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Mutually M-intersecting Hermitian varietiesLeave the NDL website. Autonomic management of a universityLeave the NDL website. Cross-country relative price volatility : its components and effects of market strucuture [i.e. structure]Leave the NDL website. Efficiency of hospitals in Japan : a stochastic frontier approachLeave the NDL website. Call loss probabilities in CDMA cellular mobile communication networksLeave the NDL website. 切断型分布の推測問題についての考察Leave the NDL website. An optimal hostage rescue problem : revision of discussion paper no. 872Leave the NDL website. Income distribution and transfer income as a social safety net in KoreaLeave the NDL website. Healthcare services accessibility of children in the USALeave the NDL website. Heuristic methods for linear multiplicative programmingLeave the NDL website. Unbiased tests for location and scale parameters : case of Cauchy distributionLeave the NDL website. Spatial clustering of housing construction in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area : an application of spatially clustered fixed-effects and spatially correlated random-effects modelsLeave the NDL website. Effects of social origins of alliances on alliance performanceLeave the NDL website. Bayes検定についての考察 : 決定理論的アプローチLeave the NDL website. Symmetric sets of curves and combinatorial arraysLeave the NDL website. Measurement of international capital mobility in Korea, Mexico and Hong Kong : application of Shibata and Shintani approachLeave the NDL website. Finite-dimensional utilitiesLeave the NDL website. Are computers at home a form of consumption or an investment ? : a longitudinal analysis for JapanLeave the NDL website. Intertemporal substitution and consumer durables : an analysis based on Japanese dateLeave the NDL website. A new method of econometric model simulation : resampling approachLeave the NDL website. Map projection errors in the Weber problemLeave the NDL website. A queue with semi-Markovian batch plus poissom arrivals with application to the MPEG frame sequenceLeave the NDL website. Agricultural productivity growth and the non-farm sector in India : an assessment of the dataLeave the NDL website. Sharing health risk and income risk within households : evidence from Japanese dataLeave the NDL website. 周遊距離Voronoi図とその商業立地への応用Leave the NDL website. Regret region hypothesis testing : application to the left-retracted exponential distributionLeave the NDL website. Voting model for construction transportation infrastructureLeave the NDL website. Customers selection problem where multiple customers can be held : numerical experimentLeave the NDL website. 中国地域経済成長の収束過程と格差要因Leave the NDL website. Exponential regression of dynamic panel data models = 動学的パネルデータの指数回帰Leave the NDL website. Effects of research and extension activities on the agricultural production technology in postwar Japan, 1957-1997Leave the NDL website. Dislike for inflation creates endogenous price fluctuations : an analysis under a logarithmic utility functionLeave the NDL website. A survey of combinatorial maximum flow algorithms on a network with gainsLeave the NDL website. 縮み型分布族と、それに、含まれる母数の、推測問題 = Statistical inference under a family of retreated (or retracted) distributionsLeave the NDL website. Size-Density hypothesis in p-Median problemsLeave the NDL website. タイ経済の成長源泉に関する実証的研究 : 1980-94Leave the NDL website. Bootstrap re-sampling and cross-validation for neural network learningLeave the NDL website. Search process evaluation for a hierarchical menu system by Markov chainsLeave the NDL website. Measuring the welfare cost of the Japanese long stagnationLeave the NDL website. Target cost setting method and authority of target cost allocation in product development organizationsLeave the NDL website. Customers selection problem with idling profit where only one customer is allowed to be held : revision of discussion papers no. 1032Leave the NDL website. Multiserver queue with semi-Markovian batch plus Poisson arrivals with application to the MPEG frame sequence and interfering trafficLeave the NDL website. An informatic and computational variable selection method for Almon distributed lag regressionLeave the NDL website. Marriage, family structure, and time spent on housework in JapanLeave the NDL website. 分社制と事業部制における社会的業績評価指標が財務的業績に及ぼす効果Leave the NDL website. Optimal multicast routing using genetic algorithm for WDM optical networksLeave the NDL website. Case of the retreated distributionsLeave the NDL website. Counting handovers in a cellular mobile communication network : equilibrium renewal process approachLeave the NDL website. Multiserver queue with semi-Markovian batch arrivals with application to the MPEG frame sequenceLeave the NDL website. Optimal two-sided test for the location parameter of the uniform distribution based on Lagrange's methodLeave the NDL website. Unbiased test for a location parameter : case of logistic distributionLeave the NDL website. Comparative statics in rental housing markets with indivisibilitiesLeave the NDL website. The evolution of regional income distribution in JapanLeave the NDL website. Weakening the sure-thing principle : decomposable choice under uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. An analysis of Japanese automobile market in market equilibriumLeave the NDL website. The greedy algorithm for a class of lattice polyhedra and its consequencesLeave the NDL website. Evaluating treatments of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis when the response is potentially non-ignorably missingLeave the NDL website. Government deregulation and R & D intensity in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry : a non-parametric approachLeave the NDL website. Waiting time analysis of M[X]/G/1 queues with/without vacations under ramdom order of service disciplineLeave the NDL website. Optimal two-sided tests for the Cauchy distribution in two-sample problem based on Lagrange's methodLeave the NDL website. Traffic-based reconfiguration for logical topologies in large-scale WDM optical networksLeave the NDL website. Entry mode choice of the Japanese MNEs in Europe : impact of firm and industrial factorsLeave the NDL website. An hedonic analysis of the rental office market in the Tokyo CBD : 1985-1994 fiscal yearsLeave the NDL website. Production structure and technical change in Thai agriculture, 1972-1994Leave the NDL website. Tow action problemsLeave the NDL website. A fuzzy linear regression analysis for fuzzy input-output data using the least square method under linear constraints and its application to fuzzy rating dataLeave the NDL website. Port capital formation and economic development in Japan : a vector autoregression approachLeave the NDL website. Overseas entry decision and ownership strategy of Japanese companies : institution and corporate governanceLeave the NDL website. Optimization over the efficient setLeave the NDL website. 相互評価の下での可能性定理Leave the NDL website. Inductive game theory : discrimination and prejudicesLeave the NDL website. Case of the uniform distribution U[θ, θ+1)Leave the NDL website. A queueing model with input of MPEG frame sequences and interfering traffic (a revised version)Leave the NDL website. Continuous learning as a mediator of the relationship between personality and sales performance : an empirical study on Japanese information system companyLeave the NDL website. Economic Growth and Financial Intermediation under the Japanese Financial CrisisLeave the NDL website. Proposing non-uniform evaluation in social systems analysisLeave the NDL website. Relaxed most negative cycle and most positive cut canceling algorithms for minimum cost flowLeave the NDL website. Appropriation of returns from technological assets and the values of patents and R&D in Japanese high-tech firmsLeave the NDL website. Effects of the internal wage on output supply : a structural estimation for Japanese rice farmersLeave the NDL website. ARCH variance structures and news : the six asian emerging marketsLeave the NDL website. Bayesian analysis of stochastic volatility models with heavy-tailed distributionsLeave the NDL website. An unbiased one-sided test for the positional parameter of the exponential distributionLeave the NDL website. 市場メカニズムを通じた防災対策について : 地震リスクに関する実証研究からのインプリケーションLeave the NDL website. Semantics of epistemic logics of shallow depths for game theoryLeave the NDL website. A mental model of creative process in naturalistic decision making : its qualitative and mathematical representationsLeave the NDL website. Optimal hypothesis testing under unbiased estimates : application to the logistic distributionLeave the NDL website. Intergenerational externalities and optimal taxation of elderly care servicesLeave the NDL website. Production structure and technical change in Thai agriculture, 1972-1994Leave the NDL website. Random walk stochastic volatility modelsLeave the NDL website. A bicriteria Euclidean location associated with maxmin and minmax criteriaLeave the NDL website. Modeling the profiles of Japanese independent voters in the early 1996Leave the NDL website. Long-run matching relationship in the Japanese labor market : a panel cointegration approachLeave the NDL website. Map of common knowledge logicsLeave the NDL website. A theoretical assessment of the rescue package for Japanese banksLeave the NDL website. A re-consideration on technical inefficiency in stochastic frontier production modelsLeave the NDL website. A UML model of agile production planning and control systemLeave the NDL website. Self-regular proximities and new search directions for nonlinear P*(K) complementarity problemsLeave the NDL website. A knowledge-based variable selection method for Box-Cox TransformationLeave the NDL website. Impact of rural small and medium enterprises on agriculture : a sectoral approachLeave the NDL website. Push-pull partial covering problemsLeave the NDL website. An application of stochastic sensitivity analysis to financial engineeringLeave the NDL website. On the existence of a unique completely labeled simplexLeave the NDL website. Keynesian multipliers in a dynamic macroeconomic model of monopolistic competitionLeave the NDL website. Call loss and forced termination probabilities in cellular radio communication networks with irregular topologiesLeave the NDL website. Stochastic analysis of number of corporations in a market derived from strategic policies of individual corporations for market entry and retreatLeave the NDL website. Optimal stopping problem with finite-period reservationLeave the NDL website. 3時間3分間診療の経済分析 : 患者の病院選択Leave the NDL website. 状況依存的意思決定の定性的モデル : 心的モノサシ理論による説明Leave the NDL website. 立地制約, 距離制約を考慮に入れた一般化ウェーバー問題Leave the NDL website. Return to market work after childbearing : the case of married women in JapanLeave the NDL website. Environmental and economic evaluation of refuse derived fuels : with a special focus on the application of Japanese technology in CanadaLeave the NDL website. Epistemic considerations of decision making gamesLeave the NDL website. Trainers' dilemma of choosing between training and promotionLeave the NDL website. The 'rule of thumb' consumption over business trends : a panel study in JapanLeave the NDL website. Damages or reinstatement : a note on remedies for illegal DismissalLeave the NDL website. 地震危険度と地価形成 : 東京都の事例Leave the NDL website. Equilibrium in an exchange economy with multiple indivisible commodities and moneyLeave the NDL website. Handling "Don't know" survey responses : the case of Japanese voters on party supportLeave the NDL website. Determinants and probability distribution of inefficiency in the stochastic cost frontier of Japanese hospitalsLeave the NDL website. 林分成長分析のための一般化非線形混合効果モデルLeave the NDL website. Exchange rate pass-through in the deflationary Japan : how effective is the yen's depreciation for fighting deflation?Leave the NDL website. Customers selection problem with idling profitLeave the NDL website. An empirical investigation of the rice production structure in Taiwan, 1976-93Leave the NDL website. Preventive care and health care expendituresLeave the NDL website. Japanese voters and the responsibility hypothesis : the 1996 House of Representatives electionLeave the NDL website. Do consumers understand TCO? : an empirical study of consumer decision making in the U.S. automobile marketLeave the NDL website. Correlation of interdeparture times in M/G/1 and M/G/1/K queuesLeave the NDL website. Customer mobility and commodity tax competitionLeave the NDL website. Benefit evaluation on the public policy for making refuse derived fuels and compost out of municipal solid waste : a case study for Nogi Town, Tochigi prefecture, JapanLeave the NDL website. Dynamic mobility management for cellular networks : a delayed renewal process approachLeave the NDL website. Optimal wavelength converter placement in optical networks by genetic algorithmLeave the NDL website. 特殊と一般の逆転Leave the NDL website. The demand for health check-up and uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. Democratic motivation and bureaucratic consequences : administrative reform in JapanLeave the NDL website. Uncertainty in selecting alliance partners : the three reduction mechanisms and alliance formation processesLeave the NDL website. On the determinants of career interruption by childbirth of married women in JapanLeave the NDL website. Determinants of community-based formal home care and nursing home care, and their negative relationship : a case of JapanLeave the NDL website. Hypothesis testing based on Lagrange's method : an application to the location parameter of the exponential distributionLeave the NDL website. The response of the internal prices in the agricultural household model with two missing marketsLeave the NDL website. 被保険者のモラルハザードと医師の代理者機能 : 97年自己負担率改定における歯科のケースLeave the NDL website. Securitization of assets into multiple securities : an option-theoretic valuationLeave the NDL website. Japanese wage curve : a pseudo panel study/ by Shigeki KanoLeave the NDL website. M/G/1 Queue with Multiple Working VacationsLeave the NDL website. 派生証券市場の価格の分布の歪みに関する一考察Leave the NDL website. On symmetries and asymmetries between maximization OSP and minimization OSP : model with no recallLeave the NDL website. Job transfer and influence activitiesLeave the NDL website. Analysis and application of polling modelsLeave the NDL website. How important is non-farm sector for agriculture : a dynamic panel approach for rural IndiaLeave the NDL website. Performance analysis of the IEEE 1394 serial bus interface by a simple queueing modelLeave the NDL website. Counting handovers in a cellular mobile communication network : delayed renewal process approachLeave the NDL website. ERPを用いてビジネスプロセスを作り出すための情報システム方法論 : quickIPP--日程計画業務の場合Leave the NDL website. Do venture businesses really wish to to public? : an empirical analysisLeave the NDL website. A construction of combinatorial arrays from non-linear functionsLeave the NDL website. A robust boosting method for mislabeled dateLeave the NDL website. Q-convergence with interquartile rangesLeave the NDL website. Estimating a matching function and regional matching efficiencies : Japanese panel date for 1973-1999Leave the NDL website. A new view on statistical inference Part II : 分布の位場所を示す母数の場合Leave the NDL website. Welfare effects of trade liberalization and port efficiency in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Performance analysis of the IEEE 1394 serial busLeave the NDL website. The behavior of agricultural households under constrained off-farm wage employment : an alternative decomposition of their comparative statics analysisLeave the NDL website. ノンサーベイ・アプローチによるつくば市産業関連表の作成と分析Leave the NDL website. An alternative method for predicting technical inefficiency in stochastic frontier modelsLeave the NDL website. Imitation and market behaviorLeave the NDL website. 都市周辺における自然公園の経済的価値に関する評価と測定 : 茨城県牛久自然観察の森における事例研究Leave the NDL website. Estimation of the hedonic price function using monotonicity restrictionLeave the NDL website. Efficient location for a semi-obnoxious facilityLeave the NDL website. An empirical matching function with regime switching : the Japanese caseLeave the NDL website. 意思決定とナッシュ均衡Leave the NDL website. Sufficient conditions for the second largest characteristic value of a non-negative matrixLeave the NDL website. Cost analysis of Japanese municipal hospitals : cross-section data in 1992 fiscal yearLeave the NDL website. Entry and exit in the Japanese manufacturing industriesLeave the NDL website. Video game demand in Japan : a household data analysisLeave the NDL website. Statistical philosophy, computational techniques and practically-best regression equationLeave the NDL website. Medical services and imperfect information in JapanLeave the NDL website. Fast routing and wavelength assignment heuristics for large-Scale WDM optical networksLeave the NDL website. Decomposable choice under uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. A neo-classical approach to the classic export-base model : a supply-constrained I-O systemLeave the NDL website. Bounded interpersonal inferences and decision makingLeave the NDL website. A testing of the purchasing power parity hypothesis using vector autoregressive modelLeave the NDL website. Möbius functions on rooted forests and their applications to Faigle-Kern's dual greedy polyhedraLeave the NDL website. Maximum network flows with concave gainsLeave the NDL website. Lexicographic quasilinear utilityLeave the NDL website. K-function and optimal stopping problemsLeave the NDL website. Hypothesis testing based on Lagrange's method : application to the uniform distributionLeave the NDL website. 戯曲 : 蒟蒻問答とゲーム論Leave the NDL website. Sensitivity analysis in data miningLeave the NDL website. Customers selection problem where only one customer is allowed to be heldLeave the NDL website. 部門別設備投資と内部資本市場 : 製造業パネルデータによる実証分析Leave the NDL website. 東京大都市圏における集積の経済と不経済の要因分析Leave the NDL website. Transition from fee-for-service to prospective payment system : hospital services under national health insurance systemLeave the NDL website. 公開財務情報と株価及び社債流通価格を用いた倒産確率の推定とその応用Leave the NDL website. Productivity and operating performance of Japanese merging firms : keiretsu-related and independent mergersLeave the NDL website. Estimating the leverage effect using panel data with large number of listed issues over fixed daily periodsLeave the NDL website. Relative backwardness and policy determinants of techological [i.e. technological] catching upLeave the NDL website. A market test for sex discrimination : evidence from Japanese firm-level panel dataLeave the NDL website. The costs and benefits of tenancy rent control in TokyoLeave the NDL website. Choquet expected utility with dense capacitiesLeave the NDL website. Extensive games with time structuresLeave the NDL website. Another determinant of strategic conformity : effects of resource dependence and the role of organizational credibility, Ver 4.1.Leave the NDL website. Effectiveness of government policy : an experience of the Japanese managed national health care systemLeave the NDL website. Balanced arrays from quadratic functionsLeave the NDL website. A study on the effect of organizational family supportiveness on employees' turnover intentionLeave the NDL website. Optimal hostage rescue problem where action can only be taken once : case where effect vanishes thereafterLeave the NDL website. Minimax inverse problems of minimum cutsLeave the NDL website. Impacts of R&E activities on the production structure of the Japanese rice sector, 1956-92Leave the NDL website. Urban structure and commuting distance : a theoretical approach to excess commutingLeave the NDL website. Collusive price leadership under repeated gamesLeave the NDL website. Transaction scheduling with temporal data in real-time database systemsLeave the NDL website. Comprehensive evaluation of the public policy for making solidified fuel and compost out of waste : case study for Nogi Town, Tochigi Prefecture, JapanLeave the NDL website. A policy analysis of the Philippine rice market : government intervention and its economic effectsLeave the NDL website. Finding a partner : selection uncertainty in alliance formationLeave the NDL website. Regulated drug pricing and hospital efficiency in JapanLeave the NDL website. Case of the uniform distribution U[θ, θ+1)Leave the NDL website. A new view on statistical inference subtitle : statistical inference based on briefest randomized regions. -case of shifting parameters-Leave the NDL website. Optimal two-sides tests for the positional and proportional parameters of the exponential distribution : comparison with the generalized likelihood-ratio testsLeave the NDL website. ビジネスプロセスの制御システムについてLeave the NDL website. Who should own rights of service invention, employees or firms?Leave the NDL website. A geometrical solution for quadratic bicriteria location modelsLeave the NDL website. Modeling party support of Japanese voters in the early 1996Leave the NDL website. Cross-border shopping and commodity tax harmonizationLeave the NDL website. Dynamic pricing policy in a selling problemLeave the NDL website. 「台湾における日本流行文化と消費行動」報告書Leave the NDL website. Nonparametric BayesianからみたBayes検定論Leave the NDL website. A dynamic decision model of marriage, childbearing, and labor force participation on women in JapanLeave the NDL website. Employment protection regulations and new hiring/ by Kyota EguchiLeave the NDL website. A complexity analysis of a smoothing method using CHKS-functions for monotone linear complementarity problemsLeave the NDL website. A note on minimax inverse generalized minimum cost flow problemsLeave the NDL website. Waiting time analysis for M[X]/G/1 priority queues with/without vacations under ramdom order of service disciplineLeave the NDL website. Vagueness in human judgment and decision making : analysis of fuzzy rating dataLeave the NDL website. A supplement for D.P. no. 713Leave the NDL website. Effects of R&E activities on rice production in Taiwan, 1976-93Leave the NDL website. Epistemic logic of shallow depths and game theoretical applicationsLeave the NDL website. Horticulture of epistemic models of shallow depthsLeave the NDL website. Dynamic pricing policy in a buying problemLeave the NDL website. An unbiased test for the location parameter of the uniform distributionLeave the NDL website. 地震危険度と家賃 : 耐震対策のための政策的インプリケーションLeave the NDL website. A note on a theorem of continuum of zero pointsLeave the NDL website. Pricing path dependent securities by the extended tree methodLeave the NDL website. A switching model of optimal asset selling problemLeave the NDL website. Counting the number of renewals during a random interval in a discrete-time delayed renewel processLeave the NDL website. Profit margins, foreign trade and the business cycle in a small open economyLeave the NDL website. Performance analysis of CSMA/CA Wireless LANsLeave the NDL website. Statistical procedure for assessing the amount of carbon sequestrated by sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) plantationLeave the NDL website. Survival of new soft ware houses : a first reportLeave the NDL website. Intrafamily time allocation of housework : evidence from JapanLeave the NDL website. Solving sports scheduling problems using network structureLeave the NDL website. An algorithm for strictly convex quadratic programming with box constraintsLeave the NDL website. 一般病院と老人病院の効率性の比較 : フロンティア生産関数Leave the NDL website. 経済成長か, 環境保全か : 中国経済を事例としてLeave the NDL website. Additive utilities on densely ordered setsLeave the NDL website. Newsboy problem with pricing policyLeave the NDL website. On "Paradoxes" in the centipede and chain-store games I : nonepistemic considerationsLeave the NDL website. Are private transfers altruistically motivated ? : the case of NepalLeave the NDL website. Global convergence of a class of non-interior-point algorithms using Chen-Harker-Kanzow functions for nonlinear complementarity problemsLeave the NDL website. Impacts of Japanese and the US monetary policies on Asian economiesLeave the NDL website. インターネットを用いたビジネスモデル特許の一分類法Leave the NDL website. Regional disparities of the Japanese banking performanceLeave the NDL website. Social welfare function for restricted reference domainLeave the NDL website. 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A new view on statistical inference Part II (Continuation) : 分布の位場所を示す母数の場合
A new view on statistical inference : testing hypothesos based on briefest randomized regions. -case of shifting parameters-
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A queueing model with input of MPEG frame sequences and interfering traffic
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A complexity bound of a predictor-corrector smoothing method using CHKS-functions for monotone LCP
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A new method to estimate stochastic volatility models : a log-GARCH approach
Hypothesis testing based on lagrange's method : applications to cauchy, exponential and logistic distributions
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Empirical evidences for the skewed distribution of inefficiency
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Business failure of new firms : an empirical analysis using a multiplicative hazards model
A homogeneous model for P[0] and P[*] nonlinear complementarity problems
Introduction to epistemic logics and their game theoretic applications
Two-dimensional commodity tax competition
A characterization of perfect {0, ±1}-Matrices
Hypothesis testing based on Lagrange's method
Modeling the term structure of interest rates with general short-rate models
Extreme point axioms for closure spaces
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Estimating the maintenance and repair cost in life cycle cost calculation : a case of automobile ownership
Global optimization method for solving mathematical programs with linear complementarity constraints
Experiment for positive externalities : is coase theorem applicable to the positive externalities ?
Experiment of dictator games and fairness
Effects of the Shadow pate of wage on output supply : a structural estimation for japanese rice farmers
What causes chief executive officer(CEO) turnover? : an event history analysis of entrepreneurial firms
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Intra and inter-regional causal linkages of emerging stock markets : evidence from Asia and Latin America in and out of crises
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Efficiency of hospitals in Japan : a stochastic frontier approach
Call loss probabilities in CDMA cellular mobile communication networks
An optimal hostage rescue problem : revision of discussion paper no. 872
Income distribution and transfer income as a social safety net in Korea
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A new method of econometric model simulation : resampling approach
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Regret region hypothesis testing : application to the left-retracted exponential distribution
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Effects of research and extension activities on the agricultural production technology in postwar Japan, 1957-1997
Dislike for inflation creates endogenous price fluctuations : an analysis under a logarithmic utility function
A survey of combinatorial maximum flow algorithms on a network with gains
縮み型分布族と、それに、含まれる母数の、推測問題 = Statistical inference under a family of retreated (or retracted) distributions
Size-Density hypothesis in p-Median problems
タイ経済の成長源泉に関する実証的研究 : 1980-94
Bootstrap re-sampling and cross-validation for neural network learning
Search process evaluation for a hierarchical menu system by Markov chains
Measuring the welfare cost of the Japanese long stagnation
Target cost setting method and authority of target cost allocation in product development organizations
Customers selection problem with idling profit where only one customer is allowed to be held : revision of discussion papers no. 1032
Multiserver queue with semi-Markovian batch plus Poisson arrivals with application to the MPEG frame sequence and interfering traffic
An informatic and computational variable selection method for Almon distributed lag regression
Marriage, family structure, and time spent on housework in Japan
Optimal multicast routing using genetic algorithm for WDM optical networks
Case of the retreated distributions
Counting handovers in a cellular mobile communication network : equilibrium renewal process approach
Multiserver queue with semi-Markovian batch arrivals with application to the MPEG frame sequence
Optimal two-sided test for the location parameter of the uniform distribution based on Lagrange's method
Unbiased test for a location parameter : case of logistic distribution
Comparative statics in rental housing markets with indivisibilities
The evolution of regional income distribution in Japan
Weakening the sure-thing principle : decomposable choice under uncertainty
An analysis of Japanese automobile market in market equilibrium
The greedy algorithm for a class of lattice polyhedra and its consequences
Evaluating treatments of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis when the response is potentially non-ignorably missing
Government deregulation and R & D intensity in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry : a non-parametric approach
Waiting time analysis of M[X]/G/1 queues with/without vacations under ramdom order of service discipline
Optimal two-sided tests for the Cauchy distribution in two-sample problem based on Lagrange's method
Traffic-based reconfiguration for logical topologies in large-scale WDM optical networks
Entry mode choice of the Japanese MNEs in Europe : impact of firm and industrial factors
An hedonic analysis of the rental office market in the Tokyo CBD : 1985-1994 fiscal years
Production structure and technical change in Thai agriculture, 1972-1994
Tow action problems
A fuzzy linear regression analysis for fuzzy input-output data using the least square method under linear constraints and its application to fuzzy rating data
Port capital formation and economic development in Japan : a vector autoregression approach
Overseas entry decision and ownership strategy of Japanese companies : institution and corporate governance
Optimization over the efficient set
Inductive game theory : discrimination and prejudices
Case of the uniform distribution U[θ, θ+1)
A queueing model with input of MPEG frame sequences and interfering traffic (a revised version)
Continuous learning as a mediator of the relationship between personality and sales performance : an empirical study on Japanese information system company
Economic Growth and Financial Intermediation under the Japanese Financial Crisis
Proposing non-uniform evaluation in social systems analysis
Relaxed most negative cycle and most positive cut canceling algorithms for minimum cost flow
Appropriation of returns from technological assets and the values of patents and R&D in Japanese high-tech firms
Effects of the internal wage on output supply : a structural estimation for Japanese rice farmers
ARCH variance structures and news : the six asian emerging markets
Bayesian analysis of stochastic volatility models with heavy-tailed distributions
An unbiased one-sided test for the positional parameter of the exponential distribution
市場メカニズムを通じた防災対策について : 地震リスクに関する実証研究からのインプリケーション
Semantics of epistemic logics of shallow depths for game theory
A mental model of creative process in naturalistic decision making : its qualitative and mathematical representations
Optimal hypothesis testing under unbiased estimates : application to the logistic distribution
Intergenerational externalities and optimal taxation of elderly care services
Production structure and technical change in Thai agriculture, 1972-1994
Random walk stochastic volatility models
A bicriteria Euclidean location associated with maxmin and minmax criteria
Modeling the profiles of Japanese independent voters in the early 1996
Long-run matching relationship in the Japanese labor market : a panel cointegration approach
Map of common knowledge logics
A theoretical assessment of the rescue package for Japanese banks
A re-consideration on technical inefficiency in stochastic frontier production models
A UML model of agile production planning and control system
Self-regular proximities and new search directions for nonlinear P*(K) complementarity problems
A knowledge-based variable selection method for Box-Cox Transformation
Impact of rural small and medium enterprises on agriculture : a sectoral approach
Push-pull partial covering problems
An application of stochastic sensitivity analysis to financial engineering
On the existence of a unique completely labeled simplex
Keynesian multipliers in a dynamic macroeconomic model of monopolistic competition
Call loss and forced termination probabilities in cellular radio communication networks with irregular topologies
Stochastic analysis of number of corporations in a market derived from strategic policies of individual corporations for market entry and retreat
Optimal stopping problem with finite-period reservation
3時間3分間診療の経済分析 : 患者の病院選択
状況依存的意思決定の定性的モデル : 心的モノサシ理論による説明
立地制約, 距離制約を考慮に入れた一般化ウェーバー問題
Return to market work after childbearing : the case of married women in Japan
Environmental and economic evaluation of refuse derived fuels : with a special focus on the application of Japanese technology in Canada
Epistemic considerations of decision making games
Trainers' dilemma of choosing between training and promotion
The 'rule of thumb' consumption over business trends : a panel study in Japan
Damages or reinstatement : a note on remedies for illegal Dismissal
地震危険度と地価形成 : 東京都の事例
Equilibrium in an exchange economy with multiple indivisible commodities and money
Handling "Don't know" survey responses : the case of Japanese voters on party support
Determinants and probability distribution of inefficiency in the stochastic cost frontier of Japanese hospitals
Exchange rate pass-through in the deflationary Japan : how effective is the yen's depreciation for fighting deflation?
Customers selection problem with idling profit
An empirical investigation of the rice production structure in Taiwan, 1976-93
Preventive care and health care expenditures
Japanese voters and the responsibility hypothesis : the 1996 House of Representatives election
Do consumers understand TCO? : an empirical study of consumer decision making in the U.S. automobile market
Correlation of interdeparture times in M/G/1 and M/G/1/K queues
Customer mobility and commodity tax competition
Benefit evaluation on the public policy for making refuse derived fuels and compost out of municipal solid waste : a case study for Nogi Town, Tochigi prefecture, Japan
Dynamic mobility management for cellular networks : a delayed renewal process approach
Optimal wavelength converter placement in optical networks by genetic algorithm
The demand for health check-up and uncertainty
Democratic motivation and bureaucratic consequences : administrative reform in Japan
Uncertainty in selecting alliance partners : the three reduction mechanisms and alliance formation processes
On the determinants of career interruption by childbirth of married women in Japan
Determinants of community-based formal home care and nursing home care, and their negative relationship : a case of Japan
Hypothesis testing based on Lagrange's method : an application to the location parameter of the exponential distribution
The response of the internal prices in the agricultural household model with two missing markets
被保険者のモラルハザードと医師の代理者機能 : 97年自己負担率改定における歯科のケース
Securitization of assets into multiple securities : an option-theoretic valuation
Japanese wage curve : a pseudo panel study/ by Shigeki Kano
M/G/1 Queue with Multiple Working Vacations
On symmetries and asymmetries between maximization OSP and minimization OSP : model with no recall
Job transfer and influence activities
Analysis and application of polling models
How important is non-farm sector for agriculture : a dynamic panel approach for rural India
Performance analysis of the IEEE 1394 serial bus interface by a simple queueing model
Counting handovers in a cellular mobile communication network : delayed renewal process approach
ERPを用いてビジネスプロセスを作り出すための情報システム方法論 : quickIPP--日程計画業務の場合
Do venture businesses really wish to to public? : an empirical analysis
A construction of combinatorial arrays from non-linear functions
A robust boosting method for mislabeled date
Q-convergence with interquartile ranges
Estimating a matching function and regional matching efficiencies : Japanese panel date for 1973-1999
A new view on statistical inference Part II : 分布の位場所を示す母数の場合
Welfare effects of trade liberalization and port efficiency in China
Performance analysis of the IEEE 1394 serial bus
The behavior of agricultural households under constrained off-farm wage employment : an alternative decomposition of their comparative statics analysis
An alternative method for predicting technical inefficiency in stochastic frontier models
Imitation and market behavior
都市周辺における自然公園の経済的価値に関する評価と測定 : 茨城県牛久自然観察の森における事例研究
Estimation of the hedonic price function using monotonicity restriction
Efficient location for a semi-obnoxious facility
An empirical matching function with regime switching : the Japanese case
Sufficient conditions for the second largest characteristic value of a non-negative matrix
Cost analysis of Japanese municipal hospitals : cross-section data in 1992 fiscal year
Entry and exit in the Japanese manufacturing industries
Video game demand in Japan : a household data analysis
Statistical philosophy, computational techniques and practically-best regression equation
Medical services and imperfect information in Japan
Fast routing and wavelength assignment heuristics for large-Scale WDM optical networks
Decomposable choice under uncertainty
A neo-classical approach to the classic export-base model : a supply-constrained I-O system
Bounded interpersonal inferences and decision making
A testing of the purchasing power parity hypothesis using vector autoregressive model
Möbius functions on rooted forests and their applications to Faigle-Kern's dual greedy polyhedra
Maximum network flows with concave gains
Lexicographic quasilinear utility
K-function and optimal stopping problems
Hypothesis testing based on Lagrange's method : application to the uniform distribution
戯曲 : 蒟蒻問答とゲーム論
Sensitivity analysis in data mining
Customers selection problem where only one customer is allowed to be held
部門別設備投資と内部資本市場 : 製造業パネルデータによる実証分析
Transition from fee-for-service to prospective payment system : hospital services under national health insurance system
Productivity and operating performance of Japanese merging firms : keiretsu-related and independent mergers
Estimating the leverage effect using panel data with large number of listed issues over fixed daily periods
Relative backwardness and policy determinants of techological [i.e. technological] catching up
A market test for sex discrimination : evidence from Japanese firm-level panel data
The costs and benefits of tenancy rent control in Tokyo
Choquet expected utility with dense capacities
Extensive games with time structures
Another determinant of strategic conformity : effects of resource dependence and the role of organizational credibility, Ver 4.1.
Effectiveness of government policy : an experience of the Japanese managed national health care system
Balanced arrays from quadratic functions
A study on the effect of organizational family supportiveness on employees' turnover intention
Optimal hostage rescue problem where action can only be taken once : case where effect vanishes thereafter
Minimax inverse problems of minimum cuts
Impacts of R&E activities on the production structure of the Japanese rice sector, 1956-92
Urban structure and commuting distance : a theoretical approach to excess commuting
Collusive price leadership under repeated games
Transaction scheduling with temporal data in real-time database systems
Comprehensive evaluation of the public policy for making solidified fuel and compost out of waste : case study for Nogi Town, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
A policy analysis of the Philippine rice market : government intervention and its economic effects
Finding a partner : selection uncertainty in alliance formation
Regulated drug pricing and hospital efficiency in Japan
Case of the uniform distribution U[θ, θ+1)
A new view on statistical inference subtitle : statistical inference based on briefest randomized regions. -case of shifting parameters-
Optimal two-sides tests for the positional and proportional parameters of the exponential distribution : comparison with the generalized likelihood-ratio tests
Who should own rights of service invention, employees or firms?
A geometrical solution for quadratic bicriteria location models
Modeling party support of Japanese voters in the early 1996
Cross-border shopping and commodity tax harmonization
Dynamic pricing policy in a selling problem
Nonparametric BayesianからみたBayes検定論
A dynamic decision model of marriage, childbearing, and labor force participation on women in Japan
Employment protection regulations and new hiring/ by Kyota Eguchi
A complexity analysis of a smoothing method using CHKS-functions for monotone linear complementarity problems
A note on minimax inverse generalized minimum cost flow problems
Waiting time analysis for M[X]/G/1 priority queues with/without vacations under ramdom order of service discipline
Vagueness in human judgment and decision making : analysis of fuzzy rating data
A supplement for D.P. no. 713
Effects of R&E activities on rice production in Taiwan, 1976-93
Epistemic logic of shallow depths and game theoretical applications
Horticulture of epistemic models of shallow depths
Dynamic pricing policy in a buying problem
An unbiased test for the location parameter of the uniform distribution
地震危険度と家賃 : 耐震対策のための政策的インプリケーション
A note on a theorem of continuum of zero points
Pricing path dependent securities by the extended tree method
A switching model of optimal asset selling problem
Counting the number of renewals during a random interval in a discrete-time delayed renewel process
Profit margins, foreign trade and the business cycle in a small open economy
Performance analysis of CSMA/CA Wireless LANs
Statistical procedure for assessing the amount of carbon sequestrated by sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation
Survival of new soft ware houses : a first report
Intrafamily time allocation of housework : evidence from Japan
Solving sports scheduling problems using network structure
An algorithm for strictly convex quadratic programming with box constraints
一般病院と老人病院の効率性の比較 : フロンティア生産関数
経済成長か, 環境保全か : 中国経済を事例として
Additive utilities on densely ordered sets
Newsboy problem with pricing policy
On "Paradoxes" in the centipede and chain-store games I : nonepistemic considerations
Are private transfers altruistically motivated ? : the case of Nepal
Global convergence of a class of non-interior-point algorithms using Chen-Harker-Kanzow functions for nonlinear complementarity problems
Impacts of Japanese and the US monetary policies on Asian economies
Regional disparities of the Japanese banking performance
Social welfare function for restricted reference domain
Who drives the Russian financial markets?
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