
Table of Contents

  • 外国仲裁裁决承认及执行论 = Study on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards

  • 知识产权侵权责任理论研究

  • 宋代女性法律地位研究 = Research on the legal status of female in Song dynasty

  • 近代中国的司法发展 = The judicial development of modern China

  • 农村土地承包经营权法律保障研究 = Research on the legal protection of the right of contractual land managements

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Related Material
外国仲裁裁决承认及执行论 = Study on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards
宋代女性法律地位研究 = Research on the legal status of female in Song dynasty
近代中国的司法发展 = The judicial development of modern China
农村土地承包经营权法律保障研究 = Research on the legal protection of the right of contractual land managements
大陆法系夫妻财产制研究 = The study on matrimonial regimes of civil law system
明代家産継承與爭訟 = The inheritance of the familial propery and lawsuits concerning it in Ming Dynasty
清代法官的司法观念 = Judge's judicial ideas in the period of the Qing dynasty
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