
वुल्नर-भारतभारती-ग्रंथमाला = Woolner Indological series

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वुल्नर-भारतभारती-ग्रंथमाला = Woolner Indological series

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संपादक, विश्वबन्धु = editor, Vishva Bandhu
Vishveshvaranand [Vedic Research] Institute
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Rājataraṅgiṇī of KalhaṇaLeave the NDL website. Ṛgveda and the Indus valley civilizationLeave the NDL website. Tagore centenary volumeLeave the NDL website. श्रीमद्भागवतभाषापरिच्छेदः : भागवतपुराणगतवाग्विमर्शपर इदम्प्रथमो द्वादशाध्याय्यात्मको ग्रन्थःLeave the NDL website. The Sāṅkhya Kārika of Īśvarakṛṣṇa : a philosopher's expositionLeave the NDL website. Atharvavedīya-bṛhat-sarvānukramaṇikāLeave the NDL website. Rājataraṅgiṇī of Śrīvara and ŚukaLeave the NDL website. उपनिषदों में काव्यतत्तवLeave the NDL website. हिंदी ग्रंथ-सूची सारिणी : १८२८ से ले कर अप्रैल १९७२ तक प्रकाशित हिंदी ग्रंथ-सूचियों तथा सूचीपत्रों की विवरणात्मक सारिणीLeave the NDL website. लेनिनामृतम् = Lenināṛtam : a poetical biography of Lenin in Sanskrit with Hindi translationLeave the NDL website. Teachings of Swami Dayanand : talks and sermonsLeave the NDL website. The foreign policy of Warren HastingsLeave the NDL website. The genius of TagoreLeave the NDL website. भारतेन्दु और आधुनिकता : भारत में आधुनिकता का सूत्रपातLeave the NDL website. Kālidāsa : an assessment by ĀnandavardhanaLeave the NDL website. Aspects of Indian cultureLeave the NDL website. An introduction into Lamaism : the mystical Buddhism of TibetLeave the NDL website. Puṣpahāsaḥ = PushpahāsaḥLeave the NDL website. राजतरङ्गिणीLeave the NDL website. The changeable and the unchangeable in religionLeave the NDL website. Outline of Indian historyLeave the NDL website. The resurrection of cow in IndiaLeave the NDL website. आचार्य केशवदास के तीन ग्रन्थ (शिखनख, बारहमासा, छन्दमाला)Leave the NDL website. वैतान-श्रौत-सूत्रम् : सोमादित्यकृताऽऽक्षेपानुविधि-संज्ञकभाष्योपेतम्Leave the NDL website. Beginning of Punjabi nationalism : autobiography of R.B. Mul RajLeave the NDL website. Rājataraṅgiṇī of JonarājaLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Rājataraṅgiṇī of Kalhaṇa

  • Ṛgveda and the Indus valley civilization

  • Tagore centenary volume

  • श्रीमद्भागवतभाषापरिच्छेदः : भागवतपुराणगतवाग्विमर्शपर इदम्प्रथमो द्वादशाध्याय्यात्मको ग्रन्थः

  • The Sāṅkhya Kārika of Īśvarakṛṣṇa : a philosopher's exposition

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Material Type
Title Transcription
वुल्नर भारत भारती ग्रंथ माला
संपादक, विश्वबन्धु = editor, Vishva Bandhu
Author Heading
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Alternative Title
वुलनर-भारतभारती ग्रन्थमाला
वुल्नर भारत भारती ग्रन्थ माला
Woolner Indological series
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Related Material
Rājataraṅgiṇī of Kalhaṇa
Ṛgveda and the Indus valley civilization
Tagore centenary volume
श्रीमद्भागवतभाषापरिच्छेदः : भागवतपुराणगतवाग्विमर्शपर इदम्प्रथमो द्वादशाध्याय्यात्मको ग्रन्थः
The Sāṅkhya Kārika of Īśvarakṛṣṇa : a philosopher's exposition
Rājataraṅgiṇī of Śrīvara and Śuka
उपनिषदों में काव्यतत्तव
हिंदी ग्रंथ-सूची सारिणी : १८२८ से ले कर अप्रैल १९७२ तक प्रकाशित हिंदी ग्रंथ-सूचियों तथा सूचीपत्रों की विवरणात्मक सारिणी
लेनिनामृतम् = Lenināṛtam : a poetical biography of Lenin in Sanskrit with Hindi translation
Teachings of Swami Dayanand : talks and sermons
The foreign policy of Warren Hastings
The genius of Tagore
भारतेन्दु और आधुनिकता : भारत में आधुनिकता का सूत्रपात
Kālidāsa : an assessment by Ānandavardhana
Aspects of Indian culture
An introduction into Lamaism : the mystical Buddhism of Tibet
Puṣpahāsaḥ = Pushpahāsaḥ
The changeable and the unchangeable in religion
Outline of Indian history
The resurrection of cow in India
आचार्य केशवदास के तीन ग्रन्थ (शिखनख, बारहमासा, छन्दमाला)
वैतान-श्रौत-सूत्रम् : सोमादित्यकृताऽऽक्षेपानुविधि-संज्ञकभाष्योपेतम्
Beginning of Punjabi nationalism : autobiography of R.B. Mul Raj
Rājataraṅgiṇī of Jonarāja