
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca et Byzantina : Quellen und Studien

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Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca et Byzantina : Quellen und Studien

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Harlfinger, Dieterほか
Walter de Gruyter
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Note (General):

Editors: Dieter Harlfinger, Christof Rapp, Marwan Rashed, Dieter R. ReinschAt head of title: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Related materials as well as pre- and post-revision versions

Forms and concepts : concept formation in the Platonic traditionLeave the NDL website. Les commentaires de Simplicius et de Jean Philopon à la Physique d'Aristote : tradition et innovationLeave the NDL website. Essentialisme : Alexandre d'Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologieLeave the NDL website. Byzantine commentaries on Aristotle's Rhetoric : anonymous and Stephanus, In artem Rhetoricam commentariaLeave the NDL website. Commentary on Aristotle, Prior Analytics (Book II) : critical edition with introduction and translationLeave the NDL website. Commentary on Aristotle, Nicomachean ethics : critical edition with introduction and translationLeave the NDL website. Paraphrase of Aristotle, De anima : critical edition with introduction and translationLeave the NDL website. Ontology in early Neoplatonism : Plotinus, Porphyry, IamblichusLeave the NDL website. Aristotle and his commentators : studies in memory of Paraskevi KotziaLeave the NDL website. Commentary and tradition : Aristotelianism, Platonism, and post-Hellenistic philosophyLeave the NDL website. Alexandre d'Aphrodise, commentaire perdu à la Physique d'Aristote (livres IV-VIII) : les scholies byzantines : édition, traduction et commentaireLeave the NDL website. Proklos, Tria opuscula : textkritisch kommentierte Retroversion der Übersetzung Wilhelms von MoerbekeLeave the NDL website. Kommentare zu Aristoteles,  "De partibus animalium" : Redaktionen zu Michael von Ephesos : Kritische Edition und EinleitungLeave the NDL website. Nikephoros Blemmydes, "Epitome physica" : Untersuchungen zur handschriftlichen ÜberlieferungLeave the NDL website. Ps.-Aristotele, De mirabilibus auscultationibus : indagini sulla storia della tradizione e ricezione del testoLeave the NDL website. Commentary on Aristotle, Metaphysics (books I-III) : critical edition with introduction and notesLeave the NDL website. Boéthos de Sidon - exégète d'Aristote et philosopheLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Forms and concepts : concept formation in the Platonic tradition

  • Les commentaires de Simplicius et de Jean Philopon à la Physique d'Aristote : tradition et innovation

  • Essentialisme : Alexandre d'Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologie

  • Byzantine commentaries on Aristotle's Rhetoric : anonymous and Stephanus, In artem Rhetoricam commentaria

  • Commentary on Aristotle, Prior Analytics (Book II) : critical edition with introduction and translation

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Note (General)
Editors: Dieter Harlfinger, Christof Rapp, Marwan Rashed, Dieter R. Reinsch
At head of title: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Related Material
Forms and concepts : concept formation in the Platonic tradition
Les commentaires de Simplicius et de Jean Philopon à la Physique d'Aristote : tradition et innovation
Essentialisme : Alexandre d'Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologie
Byzantine commentaries on Aristotle's Rhetoric : anonymous and Stephanus, In artem Rhetoricam commentaria
Commentary on Aristotle, Prior Analytics (Book II) : critical edition with introduction and translation
Commentary on Aristotle, Nicomachean ethics : critical edition with introduction and translation
Paraphrase of Aristotle, De anima : critical edition with introduction and translation
Ontology in early Neoplatonism : Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus
Aristotle and his commentators : studies in memory of Paraskevi Kotzia
Commentary and tradition : Aristotelianism, Platonism, and post-Hellenistic philosophy
Alexandre d'Aphrodise, commentaire perdu à la Physique d'Aristote (livres IV-VIII) : les scholies byzantines : édition, traduction et commentaire
Proklos, Tria opuscula : textkritisch kommentierte Retroversion der Übersetzung Wilhelms von Moerbeke
Kommentare zu Aristoteles,  "De partibus animalium" : Redaktionen zu Michael von Ephesos : Kritische Edition und Einleitung
Nikephoros Blemmydes, "Epitome physica" : Untersuchungen zur handschriftlichen Überlieferung
Ps.-Aristotele, De mirabilibus auscultationibus : indagini sulla storia della tradizione e ricezione del testo
Commentary on Aristotle, Metaphysics (books I-III) : critical edition with introduction and notes
Boéthos de Sidon - exégète d'Aristote et philosophe