
Science and technique of democracy

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Science and technique of democracy

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Constitutional justice and democracy by referendum : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Strasbourg, on 23-24 June 1995 in co-operation with the "Institut des hautes études européennes" of Strasbourg, Robert Schuman University, and with the support of the European UnionLeave the NDL website. Definition and development of human rights and popular sovereignty in EuropeLeave the NDL website. The cancellation of election resultsLeave the NDL website. Democracy, rule of law and foreign policy = Démocratie, etat de droit et politique étrangèreLeave the NDL website. Local self-government, territorial integrity and protection of minorities : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organized in Lausanne on 25-27 April 1996 in co-operation with the Swiss Institute of Comparative LawLeave the NDL website. European integration and constitutional lawLeave the NDL website. European and US constitutionalismLeave the NDL website. The status of international treaties on human rightsLeave the NDL website. The protection of national minorities by their kin-state = La protection des minorités nationales par leur Etat-parentLeave the NDL website. The resolution of conflicts between the central state and entities with legislative power by the Constitutional Court = La résolution des conflits entre État central et entités dotées d'un pouvoir législatif par la Cour constitutionnelleLeave the NDL website. The participation of minorities in public lifeLeave the NDL website. European electoral heritage : 10 years of the code of good practice in electoral mattersLeave the NDL website. European standards of electoral law in contemporary constitutionalismLeave the NDL website. Implementation of constitutional provisions regarding mass media in a pluralist democracy : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Nicosia on 16-18 December 1994 in co-operation with the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Cyprus and with the support of the European CommissionLeave the NDL website. Constitutional implications of accession to the European Union = Les implications constitutionnelles de l'adhésion à l'Union européenneLeave the NDL website. Organisation of elections by an impartial bodyLeave the NDL website. Societies in conflict : the contribution of law and democracy to conflict resolution = Sociétés en conflict : la contribution du droit et de la démocratie au règlement des conflitsLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Constitutional justice and democracy by referendum : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Strasbourg, on 23-24 June 1995 in co-operation with the "Institut des hautes études européennes" of Strasbourg, Robert Schuman University, and with the support of the European Union

  • Definition and development of human rights and popular sovereignty in Europe

  • The cancellation of election results

  • Democracy, rule of law and foreign policy = Démocratie, etat de droit et politique étrangère

  • Local self-government, territorial integrity and protection of minorities : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organized in Lausanne on 25-27 April 1996 in co-operation with the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law

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Collection science and technique of democracy
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Related Material
Constitutional justice and democracy by referendum : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Strasbourg, on 23-24 June 1995 in co-operation with the "Institut des hautes études européennes" of Strasbourg, Robert Schuman University, and with the support of the European Union
Definition and development of human rights and popular sovereignty in Europe
The cancellation of election results
Democracy, rule of law and foreign policy = Démocratie, etat de droit et politique étrangère
Local self-government, territorial integrity and protection of minorities : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organized in Lausanne on 25-27 April 1996 in co-operation with the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
European integration and constitutional law
European and US constitutionalism
The status of international treaties on human rights
The protection of national minorities by their kin-state = La protection des minorités nationales par leur Etat-parent
The resolution of conflicts between the central state and entities with legislative power by the Constitutional Court = La résolution des conflits entre État central et entités dotées d'un pouvoir législatif par la Cour constitutionnelle
The participation of minorities in public life
European electoral heritage : 10 years of the code of good practice in electoral matters
European standards of electoral law in contemporary constitutionalism
Implementation of constitutional provisions regarding mass media in a pluralist democracy : proceedings of the UniDem Seminar organised in Nicosia on 16-18 December 1994 in co-operation with the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Cyprus and with the support of the European Commission
Constitutional implications of accession to the European Union = Les implications constitutionnelles de l'adhésion à l'Union européenne
Organisation of elections by an impartial body
Societies in conflict : the contribution of law and democracy to conflict resolution = Sociétés en conflict : la contribution du droit et de la démocratie au règlement des conflits
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