
The man of manners, or, Plebeian polish'd : being plain and familiar rules for a modest and genteel behaviour, on most of the ordinary occasions of life, whereby the many vanities, weaknesses and impertinences incident to human nature, (which expose persons to contempt and ridicule) may be easily avoided : written chiefly for the use and benefit of persons of mean births and education, who have unaccountably plung'd themselves into wealth and power ... The third edition

Icons representing 図書

The man of manners, or, Plebeian polish'd : being plain and familiar rules for a modest and genteel behaviour, on most of the ordinary occasions of life, whereby the many vanities, weaknesses and impertinences incident to human nature, (which expose persons to contempt and ridicule) may be easily avoided : written chiefly for the use and benefit of persons of mean births and education, who have unaccountably plung'd themselves into wealth and power ...

The third edition

Material type
Jones, Erasmus, d. 1740
Printed for J. Roberts ... and sold by E. Withers ... and J. Jolliffe ...
Publication date
Material Format
Capacity, size, etc.
20 cm. (8vo)
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Note (General):

Date (1768) of publication from NUCAlso: Author (John Erasmus) and date (1737?) from ESTCHead- and tailpieces, initials...

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Material Type
The third edition
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
20 cm. (8vo)
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