
Table of Contents

  • The first part of the Shoo King, or the books of T'ang, the book of Yu, the book of Hea, the book of Shang, and the prolegomena

  • The second, third, and fourth parts of the She-King, or the minor odes of the kingdom, the greater odes of the kigdom, the sacrificial odes and praise-songs, and the indexes

  • The first part of the she-king, or the lessons from the states ; and the prolegomena

  • The works of Mencius

  • Dukes Seang, Ch'aou, Ting, and Gae, with Tso's appendix, and the indexes

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Material Type
by James Legge
Publication, Distribution, etc.
27 cm
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
"In seven volumes"
Related Material
The first part of the Shoo King, or the books of T'ang, the book of Yu, the book of Hea, the book of Shang, and the prolegomena
The second, third, and fourth parts of the She-King, or the minor odes of the kingdom, the greater odes of the kigdom, the sacrificial odes and praise-songs, and the indexes
The first part of the she-king, or the lessons from the states ; and the prolegomena
The works of Mencius
Dukes Seang, Ch'aou, Ting, and Gae, with Tso's appendix, and the indexes
The fifth part of the Shoo King, or the books of Chow, and the indexes
Confucian analects ; The great learning ; and, The doctrine of the mean
Dukes Yin, Hwan, Chwang, Min, He, Wan, Seuen and Ch'ing, and the prolegomena