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CISM courses and lectures

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International Centre for Mechanical Sciences
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Gyrodynamics : course held at the Department of General Mechanics October 1970Leave the NDL website. Nonlinear dynamics of elastic bodiesLeave the NDL website. Solutions periodiques ou presque periodiques des systemes differentiels de la mecanique non-lineaireLeave the NDL website. Advanced numerical applications and plasticity in geomechanicsLeave the NDL website. Plasticity and beyond : microstructures, crystal-plasticity and phase transitionsLeave the NDL website. Mixed finite element technologiesLeave the NDL website. Modelling macroscopic phenomena at liquid boundariesLeave the NDL website. Theory of bilinear dynamical systems : course held at the Department for Automation and Information July 1972, UdineLeave the NDL website. Semi-rigid joints in structural steelworkLeave the NDL website. Aluminium structural designLeave the NDL website. Wind effects on buildings and design of wind-sensitive structuresLeave the NDL website. Information theory : new trends and open problemsLeave the NDL website. Environmental applications of mechanics and computer science : proceedings of CISM 30th Anniversary Conference, Udine, May 29, 1999Leave the NDL website. Dynamic stability and bifurcation in nonconservative mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Shape and layout optimization of structural systems and optimality criteria methodsLeave the NDL website. Source coding theory : lectures held at the Department for Automation and Information , June 1970Leave the NDL website. Nonlinear waves in solidsLeave the NDL website. Moving Interfaces in Crystalline SolidsLeave the NDL website. Lectures on linear least-squares estimationLeave the NDL website. Multiscale modeling of complex materials : phenomenological, theoretical and computational aspectsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear stability of structures : theory and computational techniquesLeave the NDL website. Unilateral problems in structural analysis - 2 : proceedings of the second meeting on unilateral problems in structural analysis, Prescudin, June 17-20, 1985Leave the NDL website. Mechanics of crustal rocksLeave the NDL website. Finite element and boundary element techniques from mathematical and engineering point of viewLeave the NDL website. Introduction to structural optimizationLeave the NDL website. Advances in medium and high temperature solid oxide fuel cell technologyLeave the NDL website. The general and restricted problems of three bodies : course held at the Department for General Mechanics., September 1973Leave the NDL website. Probabilistic methods in geotechnical engineeringLeave the NDL website. Singular perturbations in systems and controlLeave the NDL website. Analysis and control of mixing with an application to micro and macro flow processesLeave the NDL website. Microsystems mechanical designLeave the NDL website. Advances of soft computing in engineeringLeave the NDL website. Channel coding theory : course held at the Department for Automation and Information, July, 1970Leave the NDL website. Electrokinetics and electrohydrodynamics in microsystemsLeave the NDL website. Continuum mechanics in environmental sciences and geophysicsLeave the NDL website. Waves in geophysical fluids : tsunamis, rogue waves, internal waves and internal tidesLeave the NDL website. Modern issues in non-saturated soilsLeave the NDL website. Discrete field analysis of structural systemsLeave the NDL website. Nonsmooth mechanics of solidsLeave the NDL website. AMST '02 : advanced manufacturing systems and technology : proceedings of the sixth international conferenceLeave the NDL website. Fluid dynamics of cavitation and cavitating turbopumpsLeave the NDL website. Continuum micromechanicsLeave the NDL website. Combinatorial search problemsLeave the NDL website. Methodology, implementation and applications of decision support systemsLeave the NDL website. Multiphase reacting flows : modelling and simulationLeave the NDL website. Cavitation instabilities and rotordynamic effects in turbopumps and hydroturbines : turbopump and inducer cavitation, experiments and designLeave the NDL website. laser cinematography of explosions : lectures delivered during the course on experimental methods in mechanics, October 1971, Udine 1971Leave the NDL website. Dynamical systems, wave-based computation and neuro-inspired robotsLeave the NDL website. Phase change with convection : modelling and validationLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the theory of automata : course held at the Department for Automation and Information, July 1971Leave the NDL website. Contact modeling for solids and particlesLeave the NDL website. On theory and practice of robots and manipulators : Ro.man.sy.'73 : first CISM, IFToMM Symposium, 5-8 September 1973Leave the NDL website. Continuum damage mechanics theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Kinetic and continuum theories of granular and porous mediaLeave the NDL website. Optical methods in experimental solid mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Plasticity in structural engineering fundamentals and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Principles of nonparametric learningLeave the NDL website. Development of knowledge-based systems for engineeringLeave the NDL website. Neural networks in the analysis and design of structuresLeave the NDL website. Drop-surface interactionsLeave the NDL website. Engineering applications of dynamics of chaosLeave the NDL website. Shell-like structures : advanced theories and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Data fusion and perceptionLeave the NDL website. Pattern formation at interfacesLeave the NDL website. Parameter identification of materials and structuresLeave the NDL website. ElectrohydrodynamicsLeave the NDL website. Atmospheric convection : reserch and operational forecasting aspectsLeave the NDL website. Thermodynamic effects in wave propagationLeave the NDL website. Algebraic methods in pattern recognitionLeave the NDL website. Diagnostics of rotating machines in power plants : proceedings of the CISM/IFToMM Symposium, October 27-29, 1993, Udine, ItalyLeave the NDL website. RoManSy 19 - robot design, dynamics and control : proceedings of the 19th CISM-IFtomm SymposiumLeave the NDL website. Arch dams : designing and monitoring for safetyLeave the NDL website. Reliability problems : general principles and applications in mechanics of solids and structuresLeave the NDL website. Mathematical structure of finite random cybernetic systems : lectures held at the Department for Automation and Information, July 1971Leave the NDL website. Foundations of micropolar thermoelasticityLeave the NDL website. ROMANSY 22 : robot design, dynamics and control : proceedings of the 22nd CISM IFToMM Symposium, June 25-28, 2018, Rennes, FranceLeave the NDL website. Coding and complexityLeave the NDL website. Biomechanics of engineering : modelling, simulation, controlLeave the NDL website. The general and restricted problems of three bodiesLeave the NDL website. Stability and wave propagation in fluids and solidsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic methods in fluid mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Thin films of soft matterLeave the NDL website. Material parameter identification and inverse problems in soft tissue biomechanicsLeave the NDL website. Wavefield inversionLeave the NDL website. Extremum and variational principles in mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Transition problems of aelotropic yield and creep ruptureLeave the NDL website. Mixing and dispersion in flows dominated by rotation and buoyancyLeave the NDL website. Discrete structural optimizationLeave the NDL website. Noise sources in turbulent shear flows : fundamentals and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Structural dynamics ; heat conduction : courses held at the department of mechanics of solids July 1972 : Udine 1972Leave the NDL website. Free surface flowsLeave the NDL website. Structural optimization under stability and vibration constraintsLeave the NDL website. Configurational mechanics of materialsLeave the NDL website. Random theory of deformation of structured media . Thermodynamics of deformation in structured mediaLeave the NDL website. Limit of the spinning process in manufacturing synthetic fibersLeave the NDL website. Advanced nonlinear strategies for vibration mitigation and system identificationLeave the NDL website. Mechanics of Microstructured MaterialsLeave the NDL website. Separated representations and PGD-based model reduction : fundamentals and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Fractals and fractional calculus in continuum mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Dynamical systems and microphysicsLeave the NDL website. Structure and multiscale mechanics of carbon nanomaterialsLeave the NDL website. Ingegneria sismicaLeave the NDL website. Biomechanics and sports : proceedings of the XI Winter Universiads 2003Leave the NDL website. Adaptive finite elements in linear and nonlinear solid and structural mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Linear adaptive decision functions and their application to clinical decisionLeave the NDL website. Seismic resistant steel structuresLeave the NDL website. Coding for Markov sources : course held at the Department for Automation and Infomation , June 1971Leave the NDL website. Dynamics of mechanical systems with variable massLeave the NDL website. Romansy 12, theory and practice of robots and manipulators : proceedings of the twelfth CISM-IFToMM SymposiumLeave the NDL website. Computational acousticsLeave the NDL website. New trends in thin structures : formulation, optimization and coupled problemsLeave the NDL website. ROMANSY 18 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control : proceedings of the 18th CISM-IFToMM symposiumLeave the NDL website. Random processes in mechanical sciences : course held at the departments for mechanics of deformable bodies and for automation and information, September-October 1969Leave the NDL website. Generalized continua and dislocation theory : theoretical concepts, computational methods and experimental verificationLeave the NDL website. Refurbishment of buildings and bridgesLeave the NDL website. Rock mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Environmental geomechanicsLeave the NDL website. Fluid mechanics of surfactant and polymer solutionsLeave the NDL website. Crack dynamics in metallic materialsLeave the NDL website. Dynamical inverse problems : theory and applicationLeave the NDL website. Forced linear vibrationsLeave the NDL website. Mechanics and thermomechanics of rubberlike solidsLeave the NDL website. Application of holography and hologram interferometry to photoelasticityLeave the NDL website. Progress in computational analysis of inelastic structuresLeave the NDL website. Instabilities of flows : with and without heat transfer and chemical reactionLeave the NDL website. Heavy current fluidics : course held at the Department of Fluiddynamics, October 1970Leave the NDL website. Computerized symbolic manipulation in mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Environmental wind engineering and design of wind energy structuresLeave the NDL website. Application of numerical methods to geotechnical problems : proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering-NUMGE98, Udine, Italy, October 14-16, 1998Leave the NDL website. Limit analysis and rheological approach in soil mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Reduced-order modelling for flow controlLeave the NDL website. Ferroic functional Materials : experiment, modeling and simulationLeave the NDL website. MechatronicsLeave the NDL website. Advanced design of mechanical systems : from analysis to optimizationLeave the NDL website. Creep transition in cylindersLeave the NDL website. Steel plated structuresLeave the NDL website. The constitutive law in thermoplasticityLeave the NDL website. Chemo-mechanical couplings in porous media geomechanics and biomechanicsLeave the NDL website. New developments in contact problemsLeave the NDL website. Behaviour of granular materialsLeave the NDL website. Material instabilities in elastic and plastic solidsLeave the NDL website. Constitutive relations under impact loadings : experiments, theoretical and numerical aspectsLeave the NDL website. Quantitative-qualitative measure of informationLeave the NDL website. Method of integral relations : thoery and selected applications to blunt-body problemsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the ISSEK94 Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Artificial IntelligenceLeave the NDL website. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics with application to solids : dedicated to the memory of professor Theodor LehmannLeave the NDL website. Progress in computational analysis of inelastic structuresLeave the NDL website. Cardiovascular fluid mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Dynamic localization phenomena in elasticity, acoustics and electromagnetismLeave the NDL website. Mechanical vibration : where do we stand?Leave the NDL website. Visco-plastic behaviour of geomaterilasLeave the NDL website. Computational contact mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Problems in turbomachineryLeave the NDL website. Optimal filteringLeave the NDL website. Extremely deformable structuresLeave the NDL website. Particles in wall-bounded turbulent flows : deposition, re-suspension and agglomerationLeave the NDL website. MagnetohydrodynamicsLeave the NDL website. Multi-user communication systemsLeave the NDL website. Whys and hows in uncertainty modelling : probability, fuzziness and anti-optimizationLeave the NDL website. Cellular and porous materials in structures and processesLeave the NDL website. Simulation techiques [i.e. techniques] for applied dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Rarefied gas flows theory and experimentLeave the NDL website. Biomechanics of soft tissue in cardiovascular systemsLeave the NDL website. Substructuring in engineering dynamics : emerging numerical and experimental techniquesLeave the NDL website. Statistical continuum mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Static and dynamic photoelasticity and caustics, recent developmentsLeave the NDL website. Protection of the architectural heritage against earthquakesLeave the NDL website. Microfluidics: history, theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Generalized continua from the theory to engineering applicationsLeave the NDL website. Modelling and analysis of reinforced concrete structures for dynamic loadingLeave the NDL website. Modal analysis of nonlinear mechanical systemsLeave the NDL website. Case histories in offshore engineeringLeave the NDL website. Advances in computational nonlinear mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Fractal flow design : how to design bespoke turbulence and whyLeave the NDL website. Interfacial phenomena and the Marangoni effectLeave the NDL website. Lectures on the theory of exothermic flows behind shock waves : course held at the Department of Hydro-and Gas-dynamics, July 1970Leave the NDL website. Applications of tensor functions in solid mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Selected papers on the teaching of mathematics as a service subjectLeave the NDL website. Learning, networks and statisticsLeave the NDL website. General theory of noiseless channelsLeave the NDL website. A contribution to the vector and tensor analysisLeave the NDL website. Summation theorems in structural stabilityLeave the NDL website. Matrix analysis of discrete elastic systemsLeave the NDL website. Computational gasdynamicsLeave the NDL website. Critical speed of gyroscopesLeave the NDL website. Damage and fracture of disordered materialsLeave the NDL website. Vehicle dynamics of modern passenger carsLeave the NDL website. Mesoscale models : from micro-physics to macro-interpretationLeave the NDL website. Vortices and turbulence at very low temperaturesLeave the NDL website. Thin shell theory : new trends and applicationsLeave the NDL website. High-cycle metal fatigue : from theory to applicationsLeave the NDL website. UM99 user modeling : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference, Banff, Canada, June 20-24, 1999Leave the NDL website. Kinetic theory and gas dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Hydronautique et hydromecanique : techniques de calcul et methodes analogiques : course held at the Department of Mechanics of Fluids, October 1971Leave the NDL website. Adaptive signal processingLeave the NDL website. General theory of noiseless channelsLeave the NDL website. Light gauge metal structures recent advancesLeave the NDL website. Dynamics of flexible spacecraftLeave the NDL website. Unilateral problems in structural analysis : proceedings of the Second Meeting on Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis, Ravello, September 22-24, 1983Leave the NDL website. Recent developments in thermomechanics of solidsLeave the NDL website. Advances in source codingLeave the NDL website. Mechanics of micropolar mediaLeave the NDL website. Issues on machine visionLeave the NDL website. Collective dynamics from bacteria to crowds : an excursion through modeling, analysis and simulationLeave the NDL website. AMST '05 advanced manufacturing systems and technology : seventh International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology ProceedingsLeave the NDL website. Variational models and methods in solid and fluid mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Mathematics of multi objective optimizationLeave the NDL website. Surface waves in geomechanics : direct and inverse modelling for soils and rocksLeave the NDL website. Rock fracture mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Deployable StructuresLeave the NDL website. Modern testing techniques for structural systems : dynamics and controlLeave the NDL website. Human and machine locomotionLeave the NDL website. Materiomics : multiscale mechanics of biological materials and structuresLeave the NDL website. Numerical modeling of concrete crackingLeave the NDL website. Boundary element advances in solid mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Coupled instabilities in metal structures : theoretical and design aspectsLeave the NDL website. Classical and advanced theories of thin structures : mechanical and mathmemathical aspectsLeave the NDL website. Mechanics of fibrous materials and applications : physical and modeling aspectsLeave the NDL website. Efficient high-order discretizations for computational fluid dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Topics in magnetohydrodynamic topology, reconnection and stability theoryLeave the NDL website. Efficient high-order discretizations for computational fluid dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Advanced theories for deformation, damage and failure in materialsLeave the NDL website. Controlling delayed dynamics : advances in theory, methods and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Discrete computational mechanics of masonry structuresLeave the NDL website. Electro- and magneto-mechanics of soft solids : constitutive modelling, numerical implementations, and instabilitiesLeave the NDL website. Materials and electro-mechanical and biomedical devices based on nanofibers /Alexander L. Yarin ... [et al.]Leave the NDL website. Computer aided automatic designLeave the NDL website. Romansy 14 : theory and practice of robots and manipulators : proceedings of the fourteenth CISM-IFToMM SymposiumLeave the NDL website. Data acquisition and analysis for multimedia GISLeave the NDL website. Structural optmizationLeave the NDL website. Introductory lectures on the finite element methodLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear analysis of shells by finite elementsLeave the NDL website. Mechanics of solids with phase changesLeave the NDL website. Continuum theory of the mechanics of fibre-reinforced compositesLeave the NDL website. Mixed boundary value problems of plane anisotropic bodies : lectures held at the Department for Mechanics of Deformable Bodies, September-October 1969Leave the NDL website. Multiphase microfluidics the diffuse interface modelLeave the NDL website. Secure digital communicationsLeave the NDL website. Damage mechanics and micromechanics of localized fracture phenomena in inelastic solidsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic methods in mechanics of granular bodiesLeave the NDL website. Shape memory alloysLeave the NDL website. Crack and contact problems for viscoelastic bodiesLeave the NDL website. Eurocode '92 : International Symposium on Coding Theory and ApplicationsLeave the NDL website. Stability problems of steel structuresLeave the NDL website. Fluid-structure interactions in acousticsLeave the NDL website. A survey of algebraic coding theoryLeave the NDL website. Romansy 11, theory and practice of robots and manipulators : proceedings of the eleventh CISM-IFToMM SymposiumLeave the NDL website. Flow of particles in suspensionsLeave the NDL website. Theory and practice of robots and manipulators : proceedings of RoManSy 10: Tenth CISM-IFToMM SymposiumLeave the NDL website. Modern trends in laminates mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Passive and active structural vibration control in civil engineeringLeave the NDL website. The art of modeling mechanical systemsLeave the NDL website. Topics in magnetohydrodynamic topology, reconnection and stability theoryLeave the NDL website. The role of mechanics in the study of lipid bilayersLeave the NDL website. Collective dynamics of particles : from viscous to turbulent flowsLeave the NDL website. Theory of micropolar elasticityLeave the NDL website. New design concepts for high speed air transportLeave the NDL website. Analysis and design of algorithms in combinatorial optimizationLeave the NDL website. Romansy 16 : robot design, dynamics, and controlLeave the NDL website. Inelastic behaviour of structures under variable repeated loads : direct analysis methodsLeave the NDL website. Topology optimization in structural mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Waves in nonlinear pre-stressed materialsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to gasdynamics of explosions : Course held at the Department of Hydro- and Gas-Dynamics, Sept. 1970Leave the NDL website. Multiscale modeling in continuum mechanics and structured deformationsLeave the NDL website. Random excitation of structures by eathquakes and atmospheric turbulenceLeave the NDL website. Advanced dynamics and control of structures and machinesLeave the NDL website. Stochastic processes with learning propertiesLeave the NDL website. Dynamics of high-speed vehiclesLeave the NDL website. Cooperative and non-cooperative many players differential games : course held at the Department of Automation and Information, July 1973Leave the NDL website. Application of system identification in engineeringLeave the NDL website. Multiscale Modelling of Plasticity and Fracture by Means of Dislocation MechanicsLeave the NDL website. Information complexity and control in quantum physics : proceedings of the 4th International Seminar on Mathematical Theory of Dynamical Systems and Microphysics, Udine, September 4-13, 1985Leave the NDL website. Nonlinear waves in fluids : recent advances and modern applicationsLeave the NDL website. Mechanics of fibrous materials and applications : physical and modeling aspectsLeave the NDL website. ROMANSY 21 : robot design, dynamics and control : proceedings of the 21st CISM-IFToMM Symposium, June 20-23, Udine, ItalyLeave the NDL website. Modelling and experimentation in two-phase flowLeave the NDL website. Dynamic motion : chaotic and stochastic behaviourLeave the NDL website. Advanced finite element technologiesLeave the NDL website. Basics of robotics : theory and components of manipulators and robotsLeave the NDL website. Nonlocal theory of material mediaLeave the NDL website. Algorithm design for computer system designLeave the NDL website. Arteries and arterial blood flowLeave the NDL website. Asymptotic methods in fluid mechanics : survey and recent advancesLeave the NDL website. Mechanical behaviour of soils under environmentally induced cyclic loadsLeave the NDL website. On the thermodynamics of elastic materials and of reacting fluid mixturesLeave the NDL website. Advances in database systems : implementations and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Dynamic methods for damage detection in structuresLeave the NDL website. Manipulation and control of jets in crossflowLeave the NDL website. Localization and fracture phenomena in inelastic solidsLeave the NDL website. Advanced manufacturing systems and technologyLeave the NDL website. Controllability and optimizationLeave the NDL website. Computational and experimental mechanics of advanced materialsLeave the NDL website. Romansy 13, theory and practice of robots and manipulators : proceedings of the thirteenth CISM-IFToMM SymposiumLeave the NDL website. Dynamics of rotors : stability and system identificationLeave the NDL website. A survey of algebraic coding theoryLeave the NDL website. Entropy, absolute temperature, and coldness in thermodynamics : boundary conditions in porous materialsLeave the NDL website. Plasticité classique et viscoplasticitéLeave the NDL website. Advanced methods for groundwater pollution controlLeave the NDL website. Creep and damage in materials and structuresLeave the NDL website. Identification methods for structural health monitoringLeave the NDL website. Geometries, codes and cryptographyLeave the NDL website. New trends in structural health monitoringLeave the NDL website. Impact engineering of composite structuresLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear mechanics of soft fibrous materialsLeave the NDL website. Computational intelligence in data miningLeave the NDL website. Mechanics and design of tubular structuresLeave the NDL website. Component reliability under creep-fatigue conditionsLeave the NDL website. Isogeometric methods for numerical simulationLeave the NDL website. Stochastic approach to fatigue : experiments, modelling and reliability estimationLeave the NDL website. Analysis and estimation of stochastic mechanical systemsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear thermoelasticity : lectures held at the Department of Mechanics of Solids, July 1972Leave the NDL website. Rotating fluids in geophysical and industrial applicationsLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in the theory of polar continua : course held at the Department for Mechanics of Defformable Bodies, June-July 1970Leave the NDL website. Identification of vibrating structuresLeave the NDL website. Fluid dynamics of jet amplifiers : course held at the Department of Hydro- and Gasdynamics, September 1970Leave the NDL website. Control of flow instabilities and unsteady flowsLeave the NDL website. Eddy structure identificationLeave the NDL website. Acoustics, mechanics, and the related topics of mathematical analysis : proceedings of the International Conference to Celebrate Robert P. Gilbert's 70th Birthday : CAES du CNRS, Frejus, France, 18-22 June 2002Leave the NDL website. Nondeterministic MechanicsLeave the NDL website. Theory of couple-stresses in bodies with constrained rotationsLeave the NDL website. Thermodynamics of materials with memoryLeave the NDL website. Algebraic coding theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Engineering plasticity : theory of metal forming processesLeave the NDL website. Variational principles in thermo- and magneto-elasticityLeave the NDL website. Kinetic theory and gas dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Stability of elastic structuresLeave the NDL website. Dynamic positioning of vessels at seaLeave the NDL website. Information theory and reliable communicationLeave the NDL website. Introduction to gasdynamics of explosionsLeave the NDL website. Physiological fluid mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear dynamical systems in economicsLeave the NDL website. Modeling of defects and fracture mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Modeling and simulation of tribological problems in technologyLeave the NDL website. Applied micromechanics of porous materialsLeave the NDL website. The information theory approach to communicationsLeave the NDL website. Hydrodynamics of lakesLeave the NDL website. Fluidic applications : course held at the Department of Hydro-and Gas-Dynamics, October 1970Leave the NDL website. Mechanics of random and multiscale microstructuresLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of global bearing capacities of structuresLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems for ordinary differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Gas-lubricated bearings of gyroscopesLeave the NDL website. Advanced problems in bridge constructionLeave the NDL website. Postbuckling behavior of structuresLeave the NDL website. Preferences and similaritiesLeave the NDL website. Introductory lectures on the finite element methodLeave the NDL website. Numerical methods and constitutive modelling in geomechanicsLeave the NDL website. Kinematics and dynamics of multi-body systemsLeave the NDL website. Selected topics in information theoryLeave the NDL website. Electromagnetic interactions in elastic solidsLeave the NDL website. Multiscale modelling of damage and fracture processes in composite materialsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic methods in the dynamics of satelitesLeave the NDL website. Polarization gradient in elastic dielectricsLeave the NDL website. Singular configurations of mechanisms and manipulatorsLeave the NDL website. Approximate analysis of stochastic processes in mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Topics in combinatorial optimizationLeave the NDL website. Poly-, quasi- and rank-one convexity in applied mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Environmental Stratified FlowsLeave the NDL website. Mechanical waves in solidsLeave the NDL website. Exploiting nonlinear behavior in structural dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Advanced turbulent flow computationsLeave the NDL website. Mechanics of masonry structuresLeave the NDL website. Walking : biological and technological aspectsLeave the NDL website. Micropolar elasticity : symposiumLeave the NDL website. Lectures on visco-plastic fluid mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Fluidic sensors and some large scale devices : course held at the Department of Hydro-and Gas-Dynamics, October 1970Leave the NDL website. Dynamical analysis of vehicle systems : theoretical foundations and advanced applicationsLeave the NDL website. Mathematical programming methods in structural plasticityLeave the NDL website. Bifurcation and stability of dissipative systemsLeave the NDL website. Multicriteria decision makingLeave the NDL website. Periodic optimizationLeave the NDL website. Thermodynamics in contemporary dynamicsLeave the NDL website. The fluid dynamics of climateLeave the NDL website. Biomechanical modelling at the molecular, cellular and tissue levelsLeave the NDL website. Invariantive mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Thermomechanics in solids : a Symposium held at CISM, Udine, in July 1974Leave the NDL website. Multibody dynamics with unilateral contactsLeave the NDL website. Selected topics and applications of tensor analysis : course held at the Department for Mechanics of Deformable Bodies and for Hydro-and Gasdynamics, June-July 1970Leave the NDL website. Information transmission with simbols of different costLeave the NDL website. Biomechanics of motionLeave the NDL website. Irreversible thermodynamics of continuous media : Internal variable theoryLeave the NDL website. Shock waves in real gasesLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear waves in real fluidsLeave the NDL website. Problems in structural identification and diagnostics : general aspects and applications : MURST Project n. MM08342598 - COFIN 2000Leave the NDL website. Invariantive mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Advances in constitutive relations applied in computer codesLeave the NDL website. Sport aerodynamicsLeave the NDL website. Turbulence structure and modulationLeave the NDL website. Multiscale mechanobiology of bone remodeling and adaptationLeave the NDL website. Planning based on decision theoryLeave the NDL website. Advanced earthquake engineering analysisLeave the NDL website. High-performance computing of big data for turbulence and combustionLeave the NDL website. Friction and instabilitiesLeave the NDL website. New trends in vibration based structural health monitoringLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the design of pattern recognition devicesLeave the NDL website. Lectures on Wiener and Kalman filteringLeave the NDL website. Rolling contact phenomenaLeave the NDL website. Modern methods of analytical mechanics and their applicationsLeave the NDL website. Advanced procrustes analysis models in photogrammetric computer visionLeave the NDL website. Photoelasticity in theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Stochastic methods in fluids mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Theoretical acoustics and numerical techniqesLeave the NDL website. Water supply network district metering : theory and case studyLeave the NDL website. Smart structures : applications and related technologiesLeave the NDL website. The linear theory of thermoelasticityLeave the NDL website. Topology optimization in structural and continuum mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Structure and realization problems in the theory of dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Mechanics and electrodynamics of magneto- and electro-elastic materialsLeave the NDL website. Mechanics of musical instrumentsLeave the NDL website. Nonsmooth mechanics and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Active and passive vibration control of structuresLeave the NDL website. A theory of elasticity with microstructure for directionally reinforced compositesLeave the NDL website. Topics in artificial intelligenceLeave the NDL website. New physical trends in experimental mechanicsLeave the NDL website. A short course on error correcting codesLeave the NDL website. Crashworthiness : energy management and occupant protectionLeave the NDL website. Magneto - thermoelasticity : course held at the Department of Mechanics of Solids, June- July 1972Leave the NDL website. Degradations and Instabilities in GeomaterialsLeave the NDL website. Discrete mechanics : a unified approachLeave the NDL website. Global nonlinear dynamics for engineering design and system safetyLeave the NDL website. Engineering mechanics of fibre reinforced polymers and composite structuresLeave the NDL website. Decision theory and multi-agent planningLeave the NDL website. Wave propagation in linear and nonlinear periodic media : analysis and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Lectures on radiating gasdynamics : general equations and boundary conditions : course held at the department of mechanics of fluid, October 1972Leave the NDL website. Examples to Extremum and Variational Principles in MechanicsLeave the NDL website. Fluid mechanics of planets and starsLeave the NDL website. Foundations of the mathematical theory of structuresLeave the NDL website. Large plastic deformation of crystalline aggregatesLeave the NDL website. Dynamic plasticity of metalsLeave the NDL website. Time and frequency representation of signals and systemsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear fracture mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Abelian groups and modules : proceedings of the Udine Conference, Udine, April 9-14, 1984Leave the NDL website. Theories of turbulenceLeave the NDL website. Emerging methods for multidisciplinary optimizationLeave the NDL website. Random vibrationsLeave the NDL website. Failure and damage analysis of advanced materialsLeave the NDL website. Recent advances in boundary layer theoryLeave the NDL website. Wind-excited vibrations of structuresLeave the NDL website. Modern problems of structural stabilityLeave the NDL website. Operations research models in flexible manufacturing systemsLeave the NDL website. Computational aspects of structural acoustics and vibrationLeave the NDL website. Structure-preserving integrators in nonlinear structural dynamics and flexible multibody dynamicsLeave the NDL website. The tragicomedy of classical thermodynamics : course held at the department of mechanics of solidsLeave the NDL website. Topics in finite elasticityLeave the NDL website. Selected topics in boundary integral formulations for solids and fluidsLeave the NDL website. Phenomenological and mathematical modelling of structural instabilitiesLeave the NDL website. The Evaluation of materials and structures by quantitative ultrasonicsLeave the NDL website. Chaotic motions in nonlinear dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Waves and instabilities in plasmasLeave the NDL website. User modeling : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, UM97, Chialaguna, Sardinia, Italy, June 2-5 1997Leave the NDL website. Finite elements methods via tensors : course held at the Department of Mechanics of Solids, June 1972Leave the NDL website. AMST '99 advanced manufacturing systems and technology : proceedings of the Fifth International ConferenceLeave the NDL website. Field equations for thermoelastic bodies with uniform symmetry. Acceleration waves in isotropic thermoelastic bodiesLeave the NDL website. Application of integral transforms in the theory of elasticityLeave the NDL website. ROMANSY 23 : robot design, dynamics and control : proceedings of the 23rd CISM IFToMM SymposiumLeave the NDL website. Mixing and dispersion in flows dominated by rotation and buoyancyLeave the NDL website. Small scale modeling and simulation of incompressible turbulent multi-phase flowLeave the NDL website. Novel finite element technologies for solids and structuresLeave the NDL website. Fluid mechanics of planets and starsLeave the NDL website. Physics of granular suspensions : micro-mechanics of geophysical flowsLeave the NDL website. Exploiting the use of strong nonlinearity in dynamics and acousticsLeave the NDL website. Vehicle dynamics : fundamentals and ultimate trendsLeave the NDL website. ROMANSY 24 - robot design, dynamics and control : proceedings of the 24th CISM IFToMM SymposiumLeave the NDL website. Mechanics and physics of fracture : multiscale modeling of the failure behavior of solidsLeave the NDL website. Transport phenomena in complex fluidsLeave the NDL website. Novel finite element technologies for solids and structuresLeave the NDL website. Modeling in engineering using innovative numerical methods for solids and fluidsLeave the NDL website. Mechanics of strain gradient materialsLeave the NDL website. Substructuring in engineering dynamics : emerging numerical and experimental techniquesLeave the NDL website. Modeling and simulation of tribological problems in technologyLeave the NDL website.

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International Centre for Mechanical Sciences courses and lectures
Courses and lectures
CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences courses and lectures
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Gyrodynamics : course held at the Department of General Mechanics October 1970
Nonlinear dynamics of elastic bodies
Solutions periodiques ou presque periodiques des systemes differentiels de la mecanique non-lineaire
Advanced numerical applications and plasticity in geomechanics
Plasticity and beyond : microstructures, crystal-plasticity and phase transitions
Mixed finite element technologies
Modelling macroscopic phenomena at liquid boundaries
Theory of bilinear dynamical systems : course held at the Department for Automation and Information July 1972, Udine
Semi-rigid joints in structural steelwork
Aluminium structural design
Wind effects on buildings and design of wind-sensitive structures
Information theory : new trends and open problems
Environmental applications of mechanics and computer science : proceedings of CISM 30th Anniversary Conference, Udine, May 29, 1999
Dynamic stability and bifurcation in nonconservative mechanics
Shape and layout optimization of structural systems and optimality criteria methods
Source coding theory : lectures held at the Department for Automation and Information , June 1970
Nonlinear waves in solids
Moving Interfaces in Crystalline Solids
Lectures on linear least-squares estimation
Multiscale modeling of complex materials : phenomenological, theoretical and computational aspects
Nonlinear stability of structures : theory and computational techniques
Unilateral problems in structural analysis - 2 : proceedings of the second meeting on unilateral problems in structural analysis, Prescudin, June 17-20, 1985
Mechanics of crustal rocks
Finite element and boundary element techniques from mathematical and engineering point of view
Introduction to structural optimization
Advances in medium and high temperature solid oxide fuel cell technology
The general and restricted problems of three bodies : course held at the Department for General Mechanics., September 1973
Probabilistic methods in geotechnical engineering
Singular perturbations in systems and control
Analysis and control of mixing with an application to micro and macro flow processes
Microsystems mechanical design
Advances of soft computing in engineering
Channel coding theory : course held at the Department for Automation and Information, July, 1970
Electrokinetics and electrohydrodynamics in microsystems
Continuum mechanics in environmental sciences and geophysics
Waves in geophysical fluids : tsunamis, rogue waves, internal waves and internal tides
Modern issues in non-saturated soils
Discrete field analysis of structural systems
Nonsmooth mechanics of solids
AMST '02 : advanced manufacturing systems and technology : proceedings of the sixth international conference
Fluid dynamics of cavitation and cavitating turbopumps
Continuum micromechanics
Combinatorial search problems
Methodology, implementation and applications of decision support systems
Multiphase reacting flows : modelling and simulation
Cavitation instabilities and rotordynamic effects in turbopumps and hydroturbines : turbopump and inducer cavitation, experiments and design
laser cinematography of explosions : lectures delivered during the course on experimental methods in mechanics, October 1971, Udine 1971
Dynamical systems, wave-based computation and neuro-inspired robots
Phase change with convection : modelling and validation
An introduction to the theory of automata : course held at the Department for Automation and Information, July 1971
Contact modeling for solids and particles
On theory and practice of robots and manipulators : Ro.man.sy.'73 : first CISM, IFToMM Symposium, 5-8 September 1973
Continuum damage mechanics theory and applications
Kinetic and continuum theories of granular and porous media
Optical methods in experimental solid mechanics
Plasticity in structural engineering fundamentals and applications
Principles of nonparametric learning
Development of knowledge-based systems for engineering
Neural networks in the analysis and design of structures
Drop-surface interactions
Engineering applications of dynamics of chaos
Shell-like structures : advanced theories and applications
Data fusion and perception
Pattern formation at interfaces
Parameter identification of materials and structures
Atmospheric convection : reserch and operational forecasting aspects
Thermodynamic effects in wave propagation
Algebraic methods in pattern recognition
Diagnostics of rotating machines in power plants : proceedings of the CISM/IFToMM Symposium, October 27-29, 1993, Udine, Italy
RoManSy 19 - robot design, dynamics and control : proceedings of the 19th CISM-IFtomm Symposium
Arch dams : designing and monitoring for safety
Reliability problems : general principles and applications in mechanics of solids and structures
Mathematical structure of finite random cybernetic systems : lectures held at the Department for Automation and Information, July 1971
Foundations of micropolar thermoelasticity
ROMANSY 22 : robot design, dynamics and control : proceedings of the 22nd CISM IFToMM Symposium, June 25-28, 2018, Rennes, France
Coding and complexity
Biomechanics of engineering : modelling, simulation, control
The general and restricted problems of three bodies
Stability and wave propagation in fluids and solids
Stochastic methods in fluid mechanics
Thin films of soft matter
Material parameter identification and inverse problems in soft tissue biomechanics
Wavefield inversion
Extremum and variational principles in mechanics
Transition problems of aelotropic yield and creep rupture
Mixing and dispersion in flows dominated by rotation and buoyancy
Discrete structural optimization
Noise sources in turbulent shear flows : fundamentals and applications
Structural dynamics ; heat conduction : courses held at the department of mechanics of solids July 1972 : Udine 1972
Free surface flows
Structural optimization under stability and vibration constraints
Configurational mechanics of materials
Random theory of deformation of structured media . Thermodynamics of deformation in structured media
Limit of the spinning process in manufacturing synthetic fibers
Advanced nonlinear strategies for vibration mitigation and system identification
Mechanics of Microstructured Materials
Separated representations and PGD-based model reduction : fundamentals and applications
Fractals and fractional calculus in continuum mechanics
Dynamical systems and microphysics
Structure and multiscale mechanics of carbon nanomaterials
Ingegneria sismica
Biomechanics and sports : proceedings of the XI Winter Universiads 2003
Adaptive finite elements in linear and nonlinear solid and structural mechanics
Linear adaptive decision functions and their application to clinical decision
Seismic resistant steel structures
Coding for Markov sources : course held at the Department for Automation and Infomation , June 1971
Dynamics of mechanical systems with variable mass
Romansy 12, theory and practice of robots and manipulators : proceedings of the twelfth CISM-IFToMM Symposium
Computational acoustics
New trends in thin structures : formulation, optimization and coupled problems
ROMANSY 18 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control : proceedings of the 18th CISM-IFToMM symposium
Random processes in mechanical sciences : course held at the departments for mechanics of deformable bodies and for automation and information, September-October 1969
Generalized continua and dislocation theory : theoretical concepts, computational methods and experimental verification
Refurbishment of buildings and bridges
Rock mechanics
Environmental geomechanics
Fluid mechanics of surfactant and polymer solutions
Crack dynamics in metallic materials
Dynamical inverse problems : theory and application
Forced linear vibrations
Mechanics and thermomechanics of rubberlike solids
Application of holography and hologram interferometry to photoelasticity
Progress in computational analysis of inelastic structures
Instabilities of flows : with and without heat transfer and chemical reaction
Heavy current fluidics : course held at the Department of Fluiddynamics, October 1970
Computerized symbolic manipulation in mechanics
Environmental wind engineering and design of wind energy structures
Application of numerical methods to geotechnical problems : proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering-NUMGE98, Udine, Italy, October 14-16, 1998
Limit analysis and rheological approach in soil mechanics
Reduced-order modelling for flow control
Ferroic functional Materials : experiment, modeling and simulation
Advanced design of mechanical systems : from analysis to optimization
Creep transition in cylinders
Steel plated structures
The constitutive law in thermoplasticity
Chemo-mechanical couplings in porous media geomechanics and biomechanics
New developments in contact problems
Behaviour of granular materials
Material instabilities in elastic and plastic solids
Constitutive relations under impact loadings : experiments, theoretical and numerical aspects
Quantitative-qualitative measure of information
Method of integral relations : thoery and selected applications to blunt-body problems
Proceedings of the ISSEK94 Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Artificial Intelligence
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics with application to solids : dedicated to the memory of professor Theodor Lehmann
Progress in computational analysis of inelastic structures
Cardiovascular fluid mechanics
Dynamic localization phenomena in elasticity, acoustics and electromagnetism
Mechanical vibration : where do we stand?
Visco-plastic behaviour of geomaterilas
Computational contact mechanics
Problems in turbomachinery
Optimal filtering
Extremely deformable structures
Particles in wall-bounded turbulent flows : deposition, re-suspension and agglomeration
Multi-user communication systems
Whys and hows in uncertainty modelling : probability, fuzziness and anti-optimization
Cellular and porous materials in structures and processes
Simulation techiques [i.e. techniques] for applied dynamics
Rarefied gas flows theory and experiment
Biomechanics of soft tissue in cardiovascular systems
Substructuring in engineering dynamics : emerging numerical and experimental techniques
Statistical continuum mechanics
Static and dynamic photoelasticity and caustics, recent developments
Protection of the architectural heritage against earthquakes
Microfluidics: history, theory and applications
Generalized continua from the theory to engineering applications
Modelling and analysis of reinforced concrete structures for dynamic loading
Modal analysis of nonlinear mechanical systems
Case histories in offshore engineering
Advances in computational nonlinear mechanics
Fractal flow design : how to design bespoke turbulence and why
Interfacial phenomena and the Marangoni effect
Lectures on the theory of exothermic flows behind shock waves : course held at the Department of Hydro-and Gas-dynamics, July 1970
Applications of tensor functions in solid mechanics
Selected papers on the teaching of mathematics as a service subject
Learning, networks and statistics
General theory of noiseless channels
A contribution to the vector and tensor analysis
Summation theorems in structural stability
Matrix analysis of discrete elastic systems
Computational gasdynamics
Critical speed of gyroscopes
Damage and fracture of disordered materials
Vehicle dynamics of modern passenger cars
Mesoscale models : from micro-physics to macro-interpretation
Vortices and turbulence at very low temperatures
Thin shell theory : new trends and applications
High-cycle metal fatigue : from theory to applications
UM99 user modeling : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference, Banff, Canada, June 20-24, 1999
Kinetic theory and gas dynamics
Hydronautique et hydromecanique : techniques de calcul et methodes analogiques : course held at the Department of Mechanics of Fluids, October 1971
Adaptive signal processing
General theory of noiseless channels
Light gauge metal structures recent advances
Dynamics of flexible spacecraft
Unilateral problems in structural analysis : proceedings of the Second Meeting on Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis, Ravello, September 22-24, 1983
Recent developments in thermomechanics of solids
Advances in source coding
Mechanics of micropolar media
Issues on machine vision
Collective dynamics from bacteria to crowds : an excursion through modeling, analysis and simulation
AMST '05 advanced manufacturing systems and technology : seventh International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology Proceedings
Variational models and methods in solid and fluid mechanics
Mathematics of multi objective optimization
Surface waves in geomechanics : direct and inverse modelling for soils and rocks
Rock fracture mechanics
Deployable Structures
Modern testing techniques for structural systems : dynamics and control
Human and machine locomotion
Materiomics : multiscale mechanics of biological materials and structures
Numerical modeling of concrete cracking
Boundary element advances in solid mechanics
Coupled instabilities in metal structures : theoretical and design aspects
Classical and advanced theories of thin structures : mechanical and mathmemathical aspects
Mechanics of fibrous materials and applications : physical and modeling aspects
Efficient high-order discretizations for computational fluid dynamics
Topics in magnetohydrodynamic topology, reconnection and stability theory
Efficient high-order discretizations for computational fluid dynamics
Advanced theories for deformation, damage and failure in materials
Controlling delayed dynamics : advances in theory, methods and applications
Discrete computational mechanics of masonry structures
Electro- and magneto-mechanics of soft solids : constitutive modelling, numerical implementations, and instabilities
Materials and electro-mechanical and biomedical devices based on nanofibers /Alexander L. Yarin ... [et al.]
Computer aided automatic design
Romansy 14 : theory and practice of robots and manipulators : proceedings of the fourteenth CISM-IFToMM Symposium
Data acquisition and analysis for multimedia GIS
Structural optmization
Introductory lectures on the finite element method
Nonlinear analysis of shells by finite elements
Mechanics of solids with phase changes
Continuum theory of the mechanics of fibre-reinforced composites
Mixed boundary value problems of plane anisotropic bodies : lectures held at the Department for Mechanics of Deformable Bodies, September-October 1969
Multiphase microfluidics the diffuse interface model
Secure digital communications
Damage mechanics and micromechanics of localized fracture phenomena in inelastic solids
Stochastic methods in mechanics of granular bodies
Shape memory alloys
Crack and contact problems for viscoelastic bodies
Eurocode '92 : International Symposium on Coding Theory and Applications
Stability problems of steel structures
Fluid-structure interactions in acoustics
A survey of algebraic coding theory
Romansy 11, theory and practice of robots and manipulators : proceedings of the eleventh CISM-IFToMM Symposium
Flow of particles in suspensions
Theory and practice of robots and manipulators : proceedings of RoManSy 10: Tenth CISM-IFToMM Symposium
Modern trends in laminates mechanics
Passive and active structural vibration control in civil engineering
The art of modeling mechanical systems
Topics in magnetohydrodynamic topology, reconnection and stability theory
The role of mechanics in the study of lipid bilayers
Collective dynamics of particles : from viscous to turbulent flows
Theory of micropolar elasticity
New design concepts for high speed air transport
Analysis and design of algorithms in combinatorial optimization
Romansy 16 : robot design, dynamics, and control
Inelastic behaviour of structures under variable repeated loads : direct analysis methods
Topology optimization in structural mechanics
Waves in nonlinear pre-stressed materials
Introduction to gasdynamics of explosions : Course held at the Department of Hydro- and Gas-Dynamics, Sept. 1970
Multiscale modeling in continuum mechanics and structured deformations
Random excitation of structures by eathquakes and atmospheric turbulence
Advanced dynamics and control of structures and machines
Stochastic processes with learning properties
Dynamics of high-speed vehicles
Cooperative and non-cooperative many players differential games : course held at the Department of Automation and Information, July 1973
Application of system identification in engineering
Multiscale Modelling of Plasticity and Fracture by Means of Dislocation Mechanics
Information complexity and control in quantum physics : proceedings of the 4th International Seminar on Mathematical Theory of Dynamical Systems and Microphysics, Udine, September 4-13, 1985
Nonlinear waves in fluids : recent advances and modern applications
Mechanics of fibrous materials and applications : physical and modeling aspects
ROMANSY 21 : robot design, dynamics and control : proceedings of the 21st CISM-IFToMM Symposium, June 20-23, Udine, Italy
Modelling and experimentation in two-phase flow
Dynamic motion : chaotic and stochastic behaviour
Advanced finite element technologies
Basics of robotics : theory and components of manipulators and robots
Nonlocal theory of material media
Algorithm design for computer system design
Arteries and arterial blood flow
Asymptotic methods in fluid mechanics : survey and recent advances
Mechanical behaviour of soils under environmentally induced cyclic loads
On the thermodynamics of elastic materials and of reacting fluid mixtures
Advances in database systems : implementations and applications
Dynamic methods for damage detection in structures
Manipulation and control of jets in crossflow
Localization and fracture phenomena in inelastic solids
Advanced manufacturing systems and technology
Controllability and optimization
Computational and experimental mechanics of advanced materials
Romansy 13, theory and practice of robots and manipulators : proceedings of the thirteenth CISM-IFToMM Symposium
Dynamics of rotors : stability and system identification
A survey of algebraic coding theory
Entropy, absolute temperature, and coldness in thermodynamics : boundary conditions in porous materials
Plasticité classique et viscoplasticité
Advanced methods for groundwater pollution control
Creep and damage in materials and structures
Identification methods for structural health monitoring
Geometries, codes and cryptography
New trends in structural health monitoring
Impact engineering of composite structures
Nonlinear mechanics of soft fibrous materials
Computational intelligence in data mining
Mechanics and design of tubular structures
Component reliability under creep-fatigue conditions
Isogeometric methods for numerical simulation
Stochastic approach to fatigue : experiments, modelling and reliability estimation
Analysis and estimation of stochastic mechanical systems
Nonlinear thermoelasticity : lectures held at the Department of Mechanics of Solids, July 1972
Rotating fluids in geophysical and industrial applications
Recent developments in the theory of polar continua : course held at the Department for Mechanics of Defformable Bodies, June-July 1970
Identification of vibrating structures
Fluid dynamics of jet amplifiers : course held at the Department of Hydro- and Gasdynamics, September 1970
Control of flow instabilities and unsteady flows
Eddy structure identification
Acoustics, mechanics, and the related topics of mathematical analysis : proceedings of the International Conference to Celebrate Robert P. Gilbert's 70th Birthday : CAES du CNRS, Frejus, France, 18-22 June 2002
Nondeterministic Mechanics
Theory of couple-stresses in bodies with constrained rotations
Thermodynamics of materials with memory
Algebraic coding theory and applications
Engineering plasticity : theory of metal forming processes
Variational principles in thermo- and magneto-elasticity
Kinetic theory and gas dynamics
Stability of elastic structures
Dynamic positioning of vessels at sea
Information theory and reliable communication
Introduction to gasdynamics of explosions
Physiological fluid mechanics
Nonlinear dynamical systems in economics
Modeling of defects and fracture mechanics
Modeling and simulation of tribological problems in technology
Applied micromechanics of porous materials
The information theory approach to communications
Hydrodynamics of lakes
Fluidic applications : course held at the Department of Hydro-and Gas-Dynamics, October 1970
Mechanics of random and multiscale microstructures
Evaluation of global bearing capacities of structures
Nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations
Gas-lubricated bearings of gyroscopes
Advanced problems in bridge construction
Postbuckling behavior of structures
Preferences and similarities
Introductory lectures on the finite element method
Numerical methods and constitutive modelling in geomechanics
Kinematics and dynamics of multi-body systems
Selected topics in information theory
Electromagnetic interactions in elastic solids
Multiscale modelling of damage and fracture processes in composite materials
Stochastic methods in the dynamics of satelites
Polarization gradient in elastic dielectrics
Singular configurations of mechanisms and manipulators
Approximate analysis of stochastic processes in mechanics
Topics in combinatorial optimization
Poly-, quasi- and rank-one convexity in applied mechanics
Environmental Stratified Flows
Mechanical waves in solids
Exploiting nonlinear behavior in structural dynamics
Advanced turbulent flow computations
Mechanics of masonry structures
Walking : biological and technological aspects
Micropolar elasticity : symposium
Lectures on visco-plastic fluid mechanics
Fluidic sensors and some large scale devices : course held at the Department of Hydro-and Gas-Dynamics, October 1970
Dynamical analysis of vehicle systems : theoretical foundations and advanced applications
Mathematical programming methods in structural plasticity
Bifurcation and stability of dissipative systems
Multicriteria decision making
Periodic optimization
Thermodynamics in contemporary dynamics
The fluid dynamics of climate
Biomechanical modelling at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels
Invariantive mechanics
Thermomechanics in solids : a Symposium held at CISM, Udine, in July 1974
Multibody dynamics with unilateral contacts
Selected topics and applications of tensor analysis : course held at the Department for Mechanics of Deformable Bodies and for Hydro-and Gasdynamics, June-July 1970
Information transmission with simbols of different cost
Biomechanics of motion
Irreversible thermodynamics of continuous media : Internal variable theory
Shock waves in real gases
Nonlinear waves in real fluids
Problems in structural identification and diagnostics : general aspects and applications : MURST Project n. MM08342598 - COFIN 2000
Invariantive mechanics
Advances in constitutive relations applied in computer codes
Sport aerodynamics
Turbulence structure and modulation
Multiscale mechanobiology of bone remodeling and adaptation
Planning based on decision theory
Advanced earthquake engineering analysis
High-performance computing of big data for turbulence and combustion
Friction and instabilities
New trends in vibration based structural health monitoring
An introduction to the design of pattern recognition devices
Lectures on Wiener and Kalman filtering
Rolling contact phenomena
Modern methods of analytical mechanics and their applications
Advanced procrustes analysis models in photogrammetric computer vision
Photoelasticity in theory and practice
Stochastic methods in fluids mechanics
Theoretical acoustics and numerical techniqes
Water supply network district metering : theory and case study
Smart structures : applications and related technologies
The linear theory of thermoelasticity
Topology optimization in structural and continuum mechanics
Structure and realization problems in the theory of dynamical systems
Mechanics and electrodynamics of magneto- and electro-elastic materials
Mechanics of musical instruments
Nonsmooth mechanics and applications
Active and passive vibration control of structures
A theory of elasticity with microstructure for directionally reinforced composites
Topics in artificial intelligence
New physical trends in experimental mechanics
A short course on error correcting codes
Crashworthiness : energy management and occupant protection
Magneto - thermoelasticity : course held at the Department of Mechanics of Solids, June- July 1972
Degradations and Instabilities in Geomaterials
Discrete mechanics : a unified approach
Global nonlinear dynamics for engineering design and system safety
Engineering mechanics of fibre reinforced polymers and composite structures
Decision theory and multi-agent planning
Wave propagation in linear and nonlinear periodic media : analysis and applications
Lectures on radiating gasdynamics : general equations and boundary conditions : course held at the department of mechanics of fluid, October 1972
Examples to Extremum and Variational Principles in Mechanics
Fluid mechanics of planets and stars
Foundations of the mathematical theory of structures
Large plastic deformation of crystalline aggregates
Dynamic plasticity of metals
Time and frequency representation of signals and systems
Nonlinear fracture mechanics
Abelian groups and modules : proceedings of the Udine Conference, Udine, April 9-14, 1984
Theories of turbulence
Emerging methods for multidisciplinary optimization
Random vibrations
Failure and damage analysis of advanced materials
Recent advances in boundary layer theory
Wind-excited vibrations of structures
Modern problems of structural stability
Operations research models in flexible manufacturing systems
Computational aspects of structural acoustics and vibration
Structure-preserving integrators in nonlinear structural dynamics and flexible multibody dynamics
The tragicomedy of classical thermodynamics : course held at the department of mechanics of solids
Topics in finite elasticity
Selected topics in boundary integral formulations for solids and fluids
Phenomenological and mathematical modelling of structural instabilities
The Evaluation of materials and structures by quantitative ultrasonics
Chaotic motions in nonlinear dynamical systems
Waves and instabilities in plasmas
User modeling : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, UM97, Chialaguna, Sardinia, Italy, June 2-5 1997
Finite elements methods via tensors : course held at the Department of Mechanics of Solids, June 1972
AMST '99 advanced manufacturing systems and technology : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference
Field equations for thermoelastic bodies with uniform symmetry. Acceleration waves in isotropic thermoelastic bodies
Application of integral transforms in the theory of elasticity
ROMANSY 23 : robot design, dynamics and control : proceedings of the 23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium
Mixing and dispersion in flows dominated by rotation and buoyancy
Small scale modeling and simulation of incompressible turbulent multi-phase flow
Novel finite element technologies for solids and structures
Fluid mechanics of planets and stars
Physics of granular suspensions : micro-mechanics of geophysical flows
Exploiting the use of strong nonlinearity in dynamics and acoustics
Vehicle dynamics : fundamentals and ultimate trends
ROMANSY 24 - robot design, dynamics and control : proceedings of the 24th CISM IFToMM Symposium
Mechanics and physics of fracture : multiscale modeling of the failure behavior of solids
Transport phenomena in complex fluids
Novel finite element technologies for solids and structures
Modeling in engineering using innovative numerical methods for solids and fluids
Mechanics of strain gradient materials
Substructuring in engineering dynamics : emerging numerical and experimental techniques
Modeling and simulation of tribological problems in technology
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