
Materialien zur Kunde des älteren englischen Dramas

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Materialien zur Kunde des älteren englischen Dramas

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Note (General):

Reprint ed., originally published in Louvain by A. Uystpruist

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Documents relating to the revels at court in the time of King Edward VI and Queen Mary : (the Loseley manuscripts)Leave the NDL website. Äussere Geschichte der englischen Theatertruppen in dem Zeitraum von 1559 bis 1642Leave the NDL website. How a man may chuse a good wife from a bad . The Fleire . John Mason's The Turke . Studley's translations of seneca's Agamemnon and MedeaLeave the NDL website. Ben Jonson's DramenLeave the NDL website. The queen, or, The excellency of her sexLeave the NDL website. EverymanLeave the NDL website. The Marlowe concordanceLeave the NDL website. Everyman . A new enterlude of godly queene Hester . The divil's charterLeave the NDL website. Ben Jonson's Sad shepherd ; with Waldron's continuationLeave the NDL website. John Fordes dramatische WerkeLeave the NDL website. The Jewes tragedyLeave the NDL website. A concordance to the works of Thomas KydLeave the NDL website. A tale of a tubLeave the NDL website. The Jewes tragedy . Jasper Heywood and his translations of seneca's Troas, Thyestes and Hercules furensLeave the NDL website. John Ford's dramatic works : reprinted from the original QuartosLeave the NDL website. Ben Jonson's The fountaine of self-loue, or, Cynthias revels . EverymanLeave the NDL website. The Marlowe concordanceLeave the NDL website. Sir Gyles GoosecappeLeave the NDL website. The enterlude of Youth : nebst Fragmenten des playe of Lucres und von Nature . The queen, or the excellency of her sex . Victoria : a Latin comedyLeave the NDL website. Ben Jonson's DramenLeave the NDL website. Victoria : a Latin comedyLeave the NDL website. Nathanael Richards' Tragedy of Messallina : the Roman emperesse . Daniel's the tragedie of cleopatra . A newe interlude of impacyente pouerteLeave the NDL website. John Mason's The TurkeLeave the NDL website. William Hunnis and the revels of the Chapel Royal : a study of his period and the influences which affected ShakespeareLeave the NDL website. A newe interlude of impacyente pouerte, from the quarto of 1560Leave the NDL website. Ben Jonson's Every man out of his humor : reprinted from Holme's quarto of 1600 ; Ben Jonson's Every man out of his humor : reprinted from Linge's quarto of 1600 . Anthony Brewer's The love-sick kingLeave the NDL website. The enterlude of Youth : nebst Fragmenten des playe of Lucres und von NatureLeave the NDL website. The blind beggar of Bednall GreenLeave the NDL website. A concordance to the works of Thomas KydLeave the NDL website. Bales Kynge Johan : nach der Handschrift in der Chatsworth collectionLeave the NDL website. Ben Jonson's Every man out of his humorLeave the NDL website. William Sampson's Vow-breakerLeave the NDL website. Sir Gyles Goosecappe . Everyman . William Hunnis and the revels of the chapel royalLeave the NDL website. Thomas May's Tragedy of Julia Agrippina, empresse of Rome ; nebst einem Anhang Die tragœdie "Nero" und Thomas MayLeave the NDL website. Satiro-mastix, or, The untrussing of the humorous poetLeave the NDL website. John Fordes dramatische Werke . John Ford's dramatic works : reprinted from the original quartosLeave the NDL website. Pedantius : a Latin comedy formerly acted in Trinity College, Cambridge . Studien über Shakespeare's Wirkung auf zeitgenössische Dramatiker . Ben Jonson's Every man in his humor . Ben Jonson's Sad shepherd with Waldron's continuationLeave the NDL website. Ben Jonson's The fountaine of self-loue, or, Cynthias revelsLeave the NDL website. Nathanael Richards' Tragedy of Messallina : the Roman emperesseLeave the NDL website. Documents relating to the Revels at Court in the time of King Edward VI and Queen Mary : the Loseley manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Jasper Heywood and his translations of Seneca's Troas, Thyestes and Hercules furensLeave the NDL website. The king and queenes entertainement at RichmondLeave the NDL website. John Fordes dramatische WerkeLeave the NDL website. The devil's charterLeave the NDL website. Äussere Geschichte der englischen Theatertruppen in dem Zeitraum von 1559 bis 1642 . Everyman : a comparative study of texts and sourcesLeave the NDL website. Anthony Brewer's The love-sick kingLeave the NDL website. EverymanLeave the NDL website. Documents relating to the Office of the revels in the time of Queen ElizabethLeave the NDL website. The blind beggar of Bednall Green . The king and qveenes entertainement at Richmond . Pleasant dialogues and dramma'sLeave the NDL website. William Sampson's Vow-breaker . Thomas May's tragedy of Julia Agrippina, empresse of Rome ; nebst einem Anhang Die tragœdie "Nero" und Thomas MayLeave the NDL website. John Fordes dramatische Werke, erster Band . John Ford's dramatic works : reprinted from the original quartosLeave the NDL website. The FleireLeave the NDL website. Ben Jonson's Every man in his humorLeave the NDL website. Bales Kynge Johan : nach der Handschrift in der Chatsworth collectionLeave the NDL website. How a man may chuse a good wife from a badLeave the NDL website. Ben Jonson's Every man out of his humorLeave the NDL website. Studien über Shakespeare's Wirkung auf zeitgenössische DramatikerLeave the NDL website. Pleasant dialogues and dramma'sLeave the NDL website. Die Dialekt- und Ausländertypen des älteren englischen DramasLeave the NDL website. Die Dialekt- und Ausländertypen des älteren englischen DramasLeave the NDL website. Studley's translations of Seneca's Agamemnon and MedeaLeave the NDL website. Daniel's The tragedie of Cleopatra nach dem Drucke von 1611Leave the NDL website. A new enterlude of godly Queene HesterLeave the NDL website. Pedantius : a Latin comedy formerly acted in Trinity College, CambridgeLeave the NDL website. Documents relating to the Office of the Revels in the time of Queen ElizabethLeave the NDL website. Äussere Geschichte der englischen Theatertruppen in dem Zeitraum von 1559 bis 1642 . Satiro-mastix, or, the vntrussing of the humorous poetLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Documents relating to the revels at court in the time of King Edward VI and Queen Mary : (the Loseley manuscripts)

  • Äussere Geschichte der englischen Theatertruppen in dem Zeitraum von 1559 bis 1642

  • How a man may chuse a good wife from a bad . The Fleire . John Mason's The Turke . Studley's translations of seneca's Agamemnon and Medea

  • Ben Jonson's Dramen

  • The queen, or, The excellency of her sex

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Material Type
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Alternative Title
Materials for the study of the Old English drama
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Reprint ed., originally published in Louvain by A. Uystpruist
Related Material
Documents relating to the revels at court in the time of King Edward VI and Queen Mary : (the Loseley manuscripts)
Äussere Geschichte der englischen Theatertruppen in dem Zeitraum von 1559 bis 1642
How a man may chuse a good wife from a bad . The Fleire . John Mason's The Turke . Studley's translations of seneca's Agamemnon and Medea
Ben Jonson's Dramen
The queen, or, The excellency of her sex
The Marlowe concordance
Everyman . A new enterlude of godly queene Hester . The divil's charter
Ben Jonson's Sad shepherd ; with Waldron's continuation
John Fordes dramatische Werke
The Jewes tragedy
A concordance to the works of Thomas Kyd
A tale of a tub
The Jewes tragedy . Jasper Heywood and his translations of seneca's Troas, Thyestes and Hercules furens
John Ford's dramatic works : reprinted from the original Quartos
Ben Jonson's The fountaine of self-loue, or, Cynthias revels . Everyman
The Marlowe concordance
Sir Gyles Goosecappe
The enterlude of Youth : nebst Fragmenten des playe of Lucres und von Nature . The queen, or the excellency of her sex . Victoria : a Latin comedy
Ben Jonson's Dramen
Victoria : a Latin comedy
Nathanael Richards' Tragedy of Messallina : the Roman emperesse . Daniel's the tragedie of cleopatra . A newe interlude of impacyente pouerte
John Mason's The Turke
William Hunnis and the revels of the Chapel Royal : a study of his period and the influences which affected Shakespeare
A newe interlude of impacyente pouerte, from the quarto of 1560
Ben Jonson's Every man out of his humor : reprinted from Holme's quarto of 1600 ; Ben Jonson's Every man out of his humor : reprinted from Linge's quarto of 1600 . Anthony Brewer's The love-sick king
The enterlude of Youth : nebst Fragmenten des playe of Lucres und von Nature
The blind beggar of Bednall Green
A concordance to the works of Thomas Kyd
Bales Kynge Johan : nach der Handschrift in der Chatsworth collection
Ben Jonson's Every man out of his humor
William Sampson's Vow-breaker
Sir Gyles Goosecappe . Everyman . William Hunnis and the revels of the chapel royal
Thomas May's Tragedy of Julia Agrippina, empresse of Rome ; nebst einem Anhang Die tragœdie "Nero" und Thomas May
Satiro-mastix, or, The untrussing of the humorous poet
John Fordes dramatische Werke . John Ford's dramatic works : reprinted from the original quartos
Pedantius : a Latin comedy formerly acted in Trinity College, Cambridge . Studien über Shakespeare's Wirkung auf zeitgenössische Dramatiker . Ben Jonson's Every man in his humor . Ben Jonson's Sad shepherd with Waldron's continuation
Ben Jonson's The fountaine of self-loue, or, Cynthias revels
Nathanael Richards' Tragedy of Messallina : the Roman emperesse
Documents relating to the Revels at Court in the time of King Edward VI and Queen Mary : the Loseley manuscripts
Jasper Heywood and his translations of Seneca's Troas, Thyestes and Hercules furens
The king and queenes entertainement at Richmond
John Fordes dramatische Werke
The devil's charter
Äussere Geschichte der englischen Theatertruppen in dem Zeitraum von 1559 bis 1642 . Everyman : a comparative study of texts and sources
Anthony Brewer's The love-sick king
Documents relating to the Office of the revels in the time of Queen Elizabeth
The blind beggar of Bednall Green . The king and qveenes entertainement at Richmond . Pleasant dialogues and dramma's
William Sampson's Vow-breaker . Thomas May's tragedy of Julia Agrippina, empresse of Rome ; nebst einem Anhang Die tragœdie "Nero" und Thomas May
John Fordes dramatische Werke, erster Band . John Ford's dramatic works : reprinted from the original quartos
The Fleire
Ben Jonson's Every man in his humor
Bales Kynge Johan : nach der Handschrift in der Chatsworth collection
How a man may chuse a good wife from a bad
Ben Jonson's Every man out of his humor
Studien über Shakespeare's Wirkung auf zeitgenössische Dramatiker
Pleasant dialogues and dramma's
Die Dialekt- und Ausländertypen des älteren englischen Dramas
Die Dialekt- und Ausländertypen des älteren englischen Dramas
Studley's translations of Seneca's Agamemnon and Medea
Daniel's The tragedie of Cleopatra nach dem Drucke von 1611
A new enterlude of godly Queene Hester
Pedantius : a Latin comedy formerly acted in Trinity College, Cambridge
Documents relating to the Office of the Revels in the time of Queen Elizabeth
Äussere Geschichte der englischen Theatertruppen in dem Zeitraum von 1559 bis 1642 . Satiro-mastix, or, the vntrussing of the humorous poet
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