
Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik

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Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik

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Funktionalanalysis der DiskretisierungsmethodenLeave the NDL website. Spin-Strukturen und Dirac-Operatoren über pseudoriemannschen MannigfaltigkeitenLeave the NDL website. Quasikonforme Abbildungen und elliptische Systeme erster Ordnung in der EbeneLeave the NDL website. Grundlagen der sequentiellen StatistikLeave the NDL website. Algebraic and differential topology--global differential geometryLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Operator Algebras, Ideals, and their Applications in Theoretical Physics, Leipzig, September 25-October 2, 1983Leave the NDL website. Bayesian estimation and experimental design in linear regression modelsLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über K-TheorieLeave the NDL website. Approximation of Gaussian random elements and statisticsLeave the NDL website. Searching algorithmsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear elliptic boundary value problemsLeave the NDL website. Locally convex spaces and operator idealsLeave the NDL website. The structure of indecomposable modulesLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear analysis, function spaces and applications : proceedings of the spring school held in Litomyšl, 1986Leave the NDL website. Algebraic and topological properties of finite partially ordered setsLeave the NDL website. Analysis on topological groups : general Lie theoryLeave the NDL website. Improved estimation of distribution parameters : Stein-type estimatorsLeave the NDL website. Numerical treatment of differential equations : proceedings of the third Seminar held at the Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, German Democratic Republic, 20-24 May, 1985Leave the NDL website. Grundzüge der universellen AlgebraLeave the NDL website. Some applications of weighted Sobolev spacesLeave the NDL website. Differential-algebraic equations and their numerical treatmentLeave the NDL website. Effective observation of random fieldsLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen zum eindimensionalen Wienerschen ProzessLeave the NDL website. Schiessverfahren zur Lösung von Rand- und EigenwertaufgabenLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Conference Ergodic Theory and Related Topics II, Georgenthal (Thuringia), GDR, April 20-25, 1986Leave the NDL website. Algebraische Methoden in der ganzzahligen OptimierungLeave the NDL website. Graphs, hypergraphs, and applications : proceedings of the Conference on Graph Theory held in Eyba, October 1th [sic] to 5th, 1984Leave the NDL website. Stochastische Evolutionsgleichungen und deren SteuerungLeave the NDL website. Analytische Funktionen in der ZahlentheorieLeave the NDL website. Self-dual Riemannian geometry and instantons : proceedings of a Summer School on Yang-Mills-Equations held in Kagel, 1979Leave the NDL website. Sobolev spaces of infinite order and differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Dimension theory for ordinary differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Sperner theory in partially ordered setsLeave the NDL website. Einführung in die Theorie parabolischer VariationsungleichungenLeave the NDL website. Einbettungssätze für Sobolewsche RäumeLeave the NDL website. Regularization for applied inverse and ill-posed problems : a numerical approachLeave the NDL website. The integral equations of the theory of elasticityLeave the NDL website. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz : Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften im Paradigma der MetaphysikLeave the NDL website. Approximate solution of plastic flow theory problemsLeave the NDL website. Der Graphensatz in lokalkonvexen topologischen VektorräumenLeave the NDL website. Sequential testsLeave the NDL website. Surveys on analysis, geometry and mathematical physicsLeave the NDL website. Limit theorems and some applications in statistical physicsLeave the NDL website. Function spaces, differential operators and nonlinear analysisLeave the NDL website. Zur Theorie Sobolewscher RäumeLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Berlin, November 13-19, 1985 : on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the Humboldt-University BerlinLeave the NDL website. Partielle Differentialgleichungen : klassische, funktionalanalytische und komplexe MethodenLeave the NDL website. Function spaces : proceedings of the International Conference, Poznań, August 25-30, 1986Leave the NDL website. Linear-implizite Runge-Kutta-Methoden und ihre AnwendungLeave the NDL website. Graphs and other combinatorial topics : proceedings of the third Czechoslovak Symposium on Graph Theory, held in Prague, August 24th to 27th, 1982Leave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über nichtlineare operatorengleichungenLeave the NDL website. Numerische Verfahren der diskreten Optimierung : Modelle, Algorithmen, KomplexitätLeave the NDL website. Pseudoinverse Matrizen und die Methode der RegularisierungLeave the NDL website. Elemente der Analysis auf MannigfaltigkeitenLeave the NDL website. Numerical treatment of differential equations : selection of papers presented at the Fourth International Seminar "NUMDIFF-4" held at the Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, German Democratic Republic, May 25-29, 1987Leave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über partielle DifferentialgleichungenLeave the NDL website. Weighted Sobolev spacesLeave the NDL website. Numerical treatment of differential equations : selection of papers presented at the fifth international seminar "NUMDIFF-5", held at the Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, May 22-26, 1989Leave the NDL website. Integral equations in convolution with discontinuous presymbols, singular integral equations with fixed singularities, and their applications to some problems of mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Evolution equations in scales of banach spacesLeave the NDL website. Fourier analysis and function spacesLeave the NDL website. Numerische Behandlung von Fortsetzungs- und Bifurkationsproblemen bei RandwertaufgabenLeave the NDL website. Spaces of Besov-Hardy-Sobolev typeLeave the NDL website. Mathematics in the alternative set theoryLeave the NDL website. Recent trends in mathematics, Reinhardsbrunn 1982 : conference in Reinhardsbrunn, October 11-October 13, 1982Leave the NDL website. Seminar analysis of the Karl-Weierstraß-Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the GDR 1985/86Leave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über K-TheorieLeave the NDL website. Dependencies in relational databasesLeave the NDL website. Probleme und Methoden der mathematischen Physik : 8. Tagung, Karl-Marx-Stadt, 20. bis 24. Juni 1983Leave the NDL website. Matricial version of the classical Schur problemLeave the NDL website. Mathematical models in physics and chemistry and numerical methods of their realization : proceedings of the seminar held in Visegrád, 1982Leave the NDL website. Regularity of solutions of quasilinear elliptic systemsLeave the NDL website. Projektionsverfahren und die näherungsweise Lösung singulärer GleichungenLeave the NDL website. Sequentielle ZuverlässigkeitsprüfungLeave the NDL website. Twistors and killing spinors on riemannian manifoldsLeave the NDL website. Vorlesung über Funktionentheorie mehrerer VariablerLeave the NDL website. A survey on congruence lattice representationsLeave the NDL website. Cartiertheorie kommutativer formaler GruppenLeave the NDL website. Einführung in die Variationsrechnung /Svatopluk Fučík, Jindřich Nečas, Vladimír Souček.Leave the NDL website. Optimality conditions for parabolic control problems and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Problems and Methods in Mathematical Physics (9. TMP) held in Karl-Marx-Stadt 1988, June 27-July 1Leave the NDL website. Strafmethoden und modifizierte Lagrangefunktionen in der nichtlinearen OptimierungLeave the NDL website. Seminar analysis of the Karl-Weierstraß-Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the GDR 1986/87Leave the NDL website. Optimal quadrature formulasLeave the NDL website. Integral equations with fixed singularitiesLeave the NDL website. Mixed type equationsLeave the NDL website. Asymptotic behaviour and Stieltjes transformation of distributionsLeave the NDL website. Differential topology-geometry and related fields, and their applications to the physical sciences and engineering : dedicated to Henry Poincaré(1854-1912)Leave the NDL website. Operators of Fuchs type, conical singularities, and asymptotic methodsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to the theory of nonlinear elliptic equationsLeave the NDL website. Function spaces : proceedings of the Second International Conference, Poznań 1989, August 28-September 2Leave the NDL website. Labyrinth problems : labyrinth-searching abilities of automataLeave the NDL website. Hamiltonian properties of products of graphs and digraphsLeave the NDL website. Convex statistical distancesLeave the NDL website. Quasikonforme Abbildungen : neue Methoden und AnwendungenLeave the NDL website. Analytische Methoden in der Theorie der ErhaltungsgleichungenLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear analysis, function spaces, and applications : proceedings of a spring school held in Horni Bradlo, 1978Leave the NDL website. Spektraleigenschaften singulärer gewöhnlicher DifferentialoperatorenLeave the NDL website. Grundprinzipien der Theorie der ExtremalaufgabenLeave the NDL website. Attraktoreingrenzung für nichtlineare SystemeLeave the NDL website. Gödel's theorems : a workbook on formalization : for LaurenLeave the NDL website. Stochastic geometry, geometric statistics, stereology : proceedings of a conference held at Oberwolfach, 1983Leave the NDL website. Infinitely divisible and stable measures on Banach spacesLeave the NDL website. Non-local methods for pendulum-like feedback systemsLeave the NDL website. Method of Rothe in evolution equationsLeave the NDL website. Methoden zur Schätzung der Ordnung bei autoregressiven ModellenLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über K-TheorieLeave the NDL website. KranzprodukteLeave the NDL website. Global analysis - analysis on manifolds : dedicated to Marston Morse (1892-1976)Leave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über algebraische FlächenLeave the NDL website. M-matrices in numerical analysisLeave the NDL website. Problems and methods in mathematical physicsLeave the NDL website. Einführung in die Theorie der Kategorien und FunktorenLeave the NDL website. Equadiff 7 : proceedings of the 7th Czechoslovak Conference on Differential Equations and their Applications held in Prague, 1989Leave the NDL website. Banach lattices and operatorsLeave the NDL website. Matrix analysis for applied sciencesLeave the NDL website. Foundations of global nonlinear analysisLeave the NDL website. Konstanten in einigen Ungleichungen der AnalysisLeave the NDL website. Absolute algebraLeave the NDL website. Nichtabsolut konvergente integraleLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Week of Algebraic Geometry, Bucharest, June 30-July 6, 1980Leave the NDL website. Equadiff 5 : proceedings of the Fifth Czechoslovak Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications held in Bratislava, August 24th to 28th, 1981Leave the NDL website. Theorie der normalen FlachheitLeave the NDL website. Symposium "Partial Differential Equations" Holzhau 1988Leave the NDL website. Stochastische Spiele und EntscheidungsmodelleLeave the NDL website. Zur Parameterbestimmung in nichtlinearen Problemen : eine Einführung in die Koeffizientenbestimmung mittels Optimalitätskriterien in stationären partiellen Differentialgleichungen und SystemenLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the International Conference on Operator Algebras, Ideals, and their Applications in Theoretical Physics : Leipzig, September 12.-20., 1977Leave the NDL website. Sobolev spaces on domainsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear analysis, function spaces and applications : proceedings of the spring school held in Písek, 1982Leave the NDL website. Mathematical analysisLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the spring school held in Roudnice nad Labem, 1990Leave the NDL website. Topics in the theory of A[p][α] spacesLeave the NDL website. Seminar D. Eisenbud/B. Singh/W. VogelLeave the NDL website. Solution of initial value problems in classes of generalized analytic functions : the method of scales of Banach spacesLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über nichtlineare Funktional-analysisLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Numerical Analysis, Prague 1987Leave the NDL website. Symposium "Analysis on Manifolds with Singularities", Breitenbrunn 1990Leave the NDL website. Semimodular lattices : dedicated to Garrett BirkhoffLeave the NDL website. Dissipative motion in state spacesLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Funktionalanalysis der Diskretisierungsmethoden

  • Spin-Strukturen und Dirac-Operatoren über pseudoriemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten

  • Quasikonforme Abbildungen und elliptische Systeme erster Ordnung in der Ebene

  • Grundlagen der sequentiellen Statistik

  • Algebraic and differential topology--global differential geometry

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Related Material
Funktionalanalysis der Diskretisierungsmethoden
Spin-Strukturen und Dirac-Operatoren über pseudoriemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten
Quasikonforme Abbildungen und elliptische Systeme erster Ordnung in der Ebene
Grundlagen der sequentiellen Statistik
Algebraic and differential topology--global differential geometry
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Operator Algebras, Ideals, and their Applications in Theoretical Physics, Leipzig, September 25-October 2, 1983
Bayesian estimation and experimental design in linear regression models
Vorlesungen über K-Theorie
Approximation of Gaussian random elements and statistics
Searching algorithms
Nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems
Locally convex spaces and operator ideals
The structure of indecomposable modules
Nonlinear analysis, function spaces and applications : proceedings of the spring school held in Litomyšl, 1986
Algebraic and topological properties of finite partially ordered sets
Analysis on topological groups : general Lie theory
Improved estimation of distribution parameters : Stein-type estimators
Numerical treatment of differential equations : proceedings of the third Seminar held at the Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, German Democratic Republic, 20-24 May, 1985
Grundzüge der universellen Algebra
Some applications of weighted Sobolev spaces
Differential-algebraic equations and their numerical treatment
Effective observation of random fields
Vorlesungen zum eindimensionalen Wienerschen Prozess
Schiessverfahren zur Lösung von Rand- und Eigenwertaufgaben
Proceedings of the Conference Ergodic Theory and Related Topics II, Georgenthal (Thuringia), GDR, April 20-25, 1986
Algebraische Methoden in der ganzzahligen Optimierung
Graphs, hypergraphs, and applications : proceedings of the Conference on Graph Theory held in Eyba, October 1th [sic] to 5th, 1984
Stochastische Evolutionsgleichungen und deren Steuerung
Analytische Funktionen in der Zahlentheorie
Self-dual Riemannian geometry and instantons : proceedings of a Summer School on Yang-Mills-Equations held in Kagel, 1979
Sobolev spaces of infinite order and differential equations
Dimension theory for ordinary differential equations
Sperner theory in partially ordered sets
Einführung in die Theorie parabolischer Variationsungleichungen
Einbettungssätze für Sobolewsche Räume
Regularization for applied inverse and ill-posed problems : a numerical approach
The integral equations of the theory of elasticity
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz : Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften im Paradigma der Metaphysik
Approximate solution of plastic flow theory problems
Der Graphensatz in lokalkonvexen topologischen Vektorräumen
Sequential tests
Surveys on analysis, geometry and mathematical physics
Limit theorems and some applications in statistical physics
Function spaces, differential operators and nonlinear analysis
Zur Theorie Sobolewscher Räume
Proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Berlin, November 13-19, 1985 : on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the Humboldt-University Berlin
Partielle Differentialgleichungen : klassische, funktionalanalytische und komplexe Methoden
Function spaces : proceedings of the International Conference, Poznań, August 25-30, 1986
Linear-implizite Runge-Kutta-Methoden und ihre Anwendung
Graphs and other combinatorial topics : proceedings of the third Czechoslovak Symposium on Graph Theory, held in Prague, August 24th to 27th, 1982
Vorlesungen über nichtlineare operatorengleichungen
Numerische Verfahren der diskreten Optimierung : Modelle, Algorithmen, Komplexität
Pseudoinverse Matrizen und die Methode der Regularisierung
Elemente der Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten
Numerical treatment of differential equations : selection of papers presented at the Fourth International Seminar "NUMDIFF-4" held at the Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, German Democratic Republic, May 25-29, 1987
Vorlesungen über partielle Differentialgleichungen
Weighted Sobolev spaces
Numerical treatment of differential equations : selection of papers presented at the fifth international seminar "NUMDIFF-5", held at the Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, May 22-26, 1989
Integral equations in convolution with discontinuous presymbols, singular integral equations with fixed singularities, and their applications to some problems of mechanics
Evolution equations in scales of banach spaces
Fourier analysis and function spaces
Numerische Behandlung von Fortsetzungs- und Bifurkationsproblemen bei Randwertaufgaben
Spaces of Besov-Hardy-Sobolev type
Mathematics in the alternative set theory
Recent trends in mathematics, Reinhardsbrunn 1982 : conference in Reinhardsbrunn, October 11-October 13, 1982
Seminar analysis of the Karl-Weierstraß-Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the GDR 1985/86
Vorlesungen über K-Theorie
Dependencies in relational databases
Probleme und Methoden der mathematischen Physik : 8. Tagung, Karl-Marx-Stadt, 20. bis 24. Juni 1983
Matricial version of the classical Schur problem
Mathematical models in physics and chemistry and numerical methods of their realization : proceedings of the seminar held in Visegrád, 1982
Regularity of solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems
Projektionsverfahren und die näherungsweise Lösung singulärer Gleichungen
Sequentielle Zuverlässigkeitsprüfung
Twistors and killing spinors on riemannian manifolds
Vorlesung über Funktionentheorie mehrerer Variabler
A survey on congruence lattice representations
Cartiertheorie kommutativer formaler Gruppen
Einführung in die Variationsrechnung /Svatopluk Fučík, Jindřich Nečas, Vladimír Souček.
Optimality conditions for parabolic control problems and applications
Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Problems and Methods in Mathematical Physics (9. TMP) held in Karl-Marx-Stadt 1988, June 27-July 1
Strafmethoden und modifizierte Lagrangefunktionen in der nichtlinearen Optimierung
Seminar analysis of the Karl-Weierstraß-Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the GDR 1986/87
Optimal quadrature formulas
Integral equations with fixed singularities
Mixed type equations
Asymptotic behaviour and Stieltjes transformation of distributions
Differential topology-geometry and related fields, and their applications to the physical sciences and engineering : dedicated to Henry Poincaré(1854-1912)
Operators of Fuchs type, conical singularities, and asymptotic methods
Introduction to the theory of nonlinear elliptic equations
Function spaces : proceedings of the Second International Conference, Poznań 1989, August 28-September 2
Labyrinth problems : labyrinth-searching abilities of automata
Hamiltonian properties of products of graphs and digraphs
Convex statistical distances
Quasikonforme Abbildungen : neue Methoden und Anwendungen
Analytische Methoden in der Theorie der Erhaltungsgleichungen
Nonlinear analysis, function spaces, and applications : proceedings of a spring school held in Horni Bradlo, 1978
Spektraleigenschaften singulärer gewöhnlicher Differentialoperatoren
Grundprinzipien der Theorie der Extremalaufgaben
Attraktoreingrenzung für nichtlineare Systeme
Gödel's theorems : a workbook on formalization : for Lauren
Stochastic geometry, geometric statistics, stereology : proceedings of a conference held at Oberwolfach, 1983
Infinitely divisible and stable measures on Banach spaces
Non-local methods for pendulum-like feedback systems
Method of Rothe in evolution equations
Methoden zur Schätzung der Ordnung bei autoregressiven Modellen
Vorlesungen über K-Theorie
Global analysis - analysis on manifolds : dedicated to Marston Morse (1892-1976)
Vorlesungen über algebraische Flächen
M-matrices in numerical analysis
Problems and methods in mathematical physics
Einführung in die Theorie der Kategorien und Funktoren
Equadiff 7 : proceedings of the 7th Czechoslovak Conference on Differential Equations and their Applications held in Prague, 1989
Banach lattices and operators
Matrix analysis for applied sciences
Foundations of global nonlinear analysis
Konstanten in einigen Ungleichungen der Analysis
Absolute algebra
Nichtabsolut konvergente integrale
Proceedings of the Week of Algebraic Geometry, Bucharest, June 30-July 6, 1980
Equadiff 5 : proceedings of the Fifth Czechoslovak Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications held in Bratislava, August 24th to 28th, 1981
Theorie der normalen Flachheit
Symposium "Partial Differential Equations" Holzhau 1988
Stochastische Spiele und Entscheidungsmodelle
Zur Parameterbestimmung in nichtlinearen Problemen : eine Einführung in die Koeffizientenbestimmung mittels Optimalitätskriterien in stationären partiellen Differentialgleichungen und Systemen
Proceedings of the International Conference on Operator Algebras, Ideals, and their Applications in Theoretical Physics : Leipzig, September 12.-20., 1977
Sobolev spaces on domains
Nonlinear analysis, function spaces and applications : proceedings of the spring school held in Písek, 1982
Mathematical analysis
Proceedings of the spring school held in Roudnice nad Labem, 1990
Topics in the theory of A[p][α] spaces
Seminar D. Eisenbud/B. Singh/W. Vogel
Solution of initial value problems in classes of generalized analytic functions : the method of scales of Banach spaces
Vorlesungen über nichtlineare Funktional-analysis
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Numerical Analysis, Prague 1987
Symposium "Analysis on Manifolds with Singularities", Breitenbrunn 1990
Semimodular lattices : dedicated to Garrett Birkhoff
Dissipative motion in state spaces
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