
Harvard economic studies

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Harvard economic studies

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Published under the direction of the Department of Economics

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The development of the American glass industryLeave the NDL website. The state tax commission : a study of the development and results of state control over the assessment of property for taxationLeave the NDL website. United States v. United Shoe Machinery Corporation : an economic analysis of anti-trust caseLeave the NDL website. The American maritime industries and public policy, 1789-1914 : an economic historyLeave the NDL website. The service sector in Soviet economic growth : a comparative studyLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium and growth in the world economy : economic essaysLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of the tariff questionLeave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of valueLeave the NDL website. Exchange control in central EuropeLeave the NDL website. Monopolistic competition and general equilibrium theoryLeave the NDL website. Monopolistic competition and general equilibrium theoryLeave the NDL website. The economic problems of forestry in the Appalachian regionLeave the NDL website. Modeling Japanese-American trade : a study of asymmetric interdependenceLeave the NDL website. Negotiating the Law of the SeaLeave the NDL website. Politics, finance, and consequences : a study of the relations between politics and finance in the ancient world with special reference to the consequences of sound and unsound policiesLeave the NDL website. The logic of collective action : public goods and the theory of groupsLeave the NDL website. State control of local finance in MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. Corporate promotion and reorganizationsLeave the NDL website. Determinants of consumer demand for house furnishings and equipmentLeave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of valueLeave the NDL website. Scheduling of petroleum refinery operationsLeave the NDL website. Collected papersLeave the NDL website. Studies in development planningLeave the NDL website. The Italian emigration of our timesLeave the NDL website. Location theory and the shoe and leather industriesLeave the NDL website. The supply and control of money in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Corporate promotions and reorganizationsLeave the NDL website. General equilibrium of international discrimination : the case of customs unionsLeave the NDL website. The street railway in Massachusetts : the rise and decline of an industryLeave the NDL website. The supply and control of money in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The Canadian economy : prospect and retrospectLeave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of valueLeave the NDL website. Time in India's development programmesLeave the NDL website. Monopoly and competition in the English coal trade, 1550-1850Leave the NDL website. City milk distributionLeave the NDL website. The enforcement of English apprenticeship : a study in applied mercantilism, 1563-1642Leave the NDL website. The telecommunications industry : the dynamics of market structureLeave the NDL website. Agriculture and industrialization : the adjustments that take place as an agricultural country is industrializedLeave the NDL website. Germany's economic preparations for warLeave the NDL website. The investment decision : an empirical studyLeave the NDL website. The theory of economic development : an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycleLeave the NDL website. The economic aspects of Argentine federalism, 1820-1852Leave the NDL website. The history of the grain trade in France, 1400-1710Leave the NDL website. The newsprint paper industry : an economic analysisLeave the NDL website. Free trade between the United States and Canada : the potential economic effectsLeave the NDL website. American treasure and the price revolution in Spain, 1501-1650Leave the NDL website. The English patents of monopolyLeave the NDL website. Monopolistic competition and general equilibrium theoryLeave the NDL website. Essays in the economics of uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. The international economy and monetary movements in France, 1493-1725Leave the NDL website. The Mesta : a study in Spanish economic history 1273-1836Leave the NDL website. The world wheat economy, 1885-1939Leave the NDL website. The economic and social history of an English village (Crawley, Hampshire) A.D. 909-1928Leave the NDL website. Federal control of entry into air transportationLeave the NDL website. German financial policies, 1932-1939Leave the NDL website. The logic of collective action : public goods and the theory of groupsLeave the NDL website. Foundations of economic analysisLeave the NDL website. The cotton manufacturing industry of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Interbrand choice, strategy, and bilateral market powerLeave the NDL website. The English patents of monopolyLeave the NDL website. The early English customs system : a documentary study of the institutional and economic history of the customs from the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Trade and economic structure : models and methodsLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of the tariff questionLeave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of valueLeave the NDL website. Vertical integration and joint ventures in the aluminum industryLeave the NDL website. Air transport and its regulators : an industry studyLeave the NDL website. The fiscal impact of federalism in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The stannaries : a study of the English tin minerLeave the NDL website. The monetary crisisLeave the NDL website. British monetary policy and the balance of payments, 1951-1957Leave the NDL website. The efficiency of the coal industry : an application of linear programmingLeave the NDL website. Karl Marx's interpretation of historyLeave the NDL website. The theory of economic development : an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycleLeave the NDL website. Karl Marx's interpretation of historyLeave the NDL website. The creation of purchasing power : a study in the problem of economic stabilizationLeave the NDL website. Karl Marx's interpretation of historyLeave the NDL website. Money, prices, and wages in Valencia, Aragon, and Navarre, 1351-1500Leave the NDL website. The financial history of Boston from May 1, 1822, to January 31, 1909Leave the NDL website. Consumer demand in the United States, 1929-1970 : analyses and projectionsLeave the NDL website. An economic history of SwedenLeave the NDL website. The theory of international prices : history, criticism and restatementLeave the NDL website. American railroads and the transformation of the ante-bellum economyLeave the NDL website. Economic analysis of product innovation : the case of CT scannersLeave the NDL website. The creation of purchasing power : a study in the problem of economic stabilizationLeave the NDL website. Essays in the earlier history of American corporationsLeave the NDL website. Market control in the aluminum industryLeave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of valueLeave the NDL website. Economics for agricultureLeave the NDL website. The New England fishing industry : a study in price and wage settingLeave the NDL website. Growth, distribution, and pricesLeave the NDL website. The history of the grain trade in France, 1400-1710Leave the NDL website. Fascist economic policy : an analysis of Italy's economic experimentLeave the NDL website. Prosperity and depression : a theoretical analysis of cyclical movementsLeave the NDL website. Development alternatives in Pakistan : a multisectoral and regional analysis of planning problemsLeave the NDL website. The economic and social history of an English village : Crawley, Hampshire, A.D. 909-1928Leave the NDL website. Consumer demand in the United States : analyses and projectionsLeave the NDL website. The commercial paper house in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Grain growers' cooperation in Western CanadaLeave the NDL website. Western prices before 1861 : a study of the Cincinnati marketLeave the NDL website. The early history of deposit banking in Mediterranean EuropeLeave the NDL website. Economic fluctuations in the United States : a systematic analysis of long-run trends and business cycles, 1866-1914Leave the NDL website. Wages in eighteenth century EnglandLeave the NDL website. Federal subsidies to the provincial governments in CanadaLeave the NDL website. Forests and sea power : the timber problem of the Royal Navy, 1652-1862Leave the NDL website. Economics and liberalism : collected papersLeave the NDL website. Wool-growing and the tariff : a study in the economic history of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. American treasure and the price revolution in Spain, 1501-1650Leave the NDL website. Employment hazards : an investigation of market performanceLeave the NDL website. Interregional competition in agriculture : with special reference to dairy farming in the Lake States and New EnglandLeave the NDL website. The New York money market and the finance of trade, 1900-1913Leave the NDL website. Consumption behavior and the effects of government fiscal policiesLeave the NDL website. Methods of crop forecastingLeave the NDL website. Economics for agricultureLeave the NDL website. A & P : a study in price-cost behavior and public policyLeave the NDL website. The theory of trade and protectionLeave the NDL website. Investment and production : a study in the theory of the capital-using enterpriseLeave the NDL website. Norway : the planned revivalLeave the NDL website. Capital transfers and economic policy : Canada, 1951-1962Leave the NDL website. Planning educational systems for economic growthLeave the NDL website. The Middlesex Canal, 1793-1860Leave the NDL website. The New York bond market, 1920-1930Leave the NDL website. The history of the British post officeLeave the NDL website. Industrial restructuring with job security : the case of European steelLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of the tariff questionLeave the NDL website. A study of fluid milk pricesLeave the NDL website. Monetary theory before Adam SmithLeave the NDL website. Oligopoly and technical progressLeave the NDL website. Government policy and the distribution of income in Peru, 1963-1973Leave the NDL website. Fluctuations in American business, 1790-1860Leave the NDL website. The American carpet manufacture : a history and an analysisLeave the NDL website. The assignatsLeave the NDL website. Railroad reorganizationLeave the NDL website. Foundations of economic analysisLeave the NDL website. Foundations of economic analysisLeave the NDL website. Oligopoly and technical progressLeave the NDL website. The land question and the Irish economy, 1870-1903Leave the NDL website. Banking theories in the United States before 1860Leave the NDL website. Competition in the Midwestern coal industryLeave the NDL website. Hawaii : a century of economic change, 1778-1876Leave the NDL website. The economics of competition in the transportation industriesLeave the NDL website. Market signaling : informational transfer in hiring and related screening processesLeave the NDL website. The evolution of the English corn market : from the twelfth to the eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. German monetary theory 1905-1933Leave the NDL website. Housing and neighborhood dynamics : a simulation studyLeave the NDL website. Economic motives : a study in the psychological foundations of economic theory, with some reference to other social sciencesLeave the NDL website. Social adaptation : a study in the development of the doctrine of adaptation as a theory of social progressLeave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of valueLeave the NDL website. Monetary problems of an export economy : the Cuban experience 1914-1947Leave the NDL website. Competition in the open economy : a model applied to CanadaLeave the NDL website. Direct taxation in AustriaLeave the NDL website. Argentine international trade under inconvertible paper money 1880-1900Leave the NDL website. The French international accounts, 1880-1913Leave the NDL website. State taxation of metallic depositsLeave the NDL website. The logic of collective action : public goods and the theory of groupsLeave the NDL website. Public ownership of telephones on the continent of EuropeLeave the NDL website. Theory of marketsLeave the NDL website. The structure of Soviet wages : a study in socialist economicsLeave the NDL website. The development of the business corporation in England, 1800-1867Leave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of valueLeave the NDL website. Income, saving and the theory of consumer behaviorLeave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of valueLeave the NDL website. German monetary theory, 1905-1933Leave the NDL website. Economic maturity and entrepreneurial decline : British iron and steel, 1870-1913Leave the NDL website. British international gold movements and banking policy, 1881-1913Leave the NDL website. The economics of multi-plant operation : an international comparisons studyLeave the NDL website. The lodging house problem in BostonLeave the NDL website. The greenbacks and resumption of specie payments, 1862-1879Leave the NDL website. Productivity and U.S. economic growthLeave the NDL website. English theories of central banking control, 1819-1858 : with some account of contemporary procedureLeave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of valueLeave the NDL website. A survey of Federal Reserve policyLeave the NDL website. The greenbacks and resumption of specie payments, 1862-1879Leave the NDL website. Advertising and market powerLeave the NDL website. Eighteenth century business corporations in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of the tariff question : an examination of the development of American industries under protectionLeave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of valueLeave the NDL website. The organization of the boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts before 1875Leave the NDL website. Interregional and international tradeLeave the NDL website. An econometric model of Canada under the fluctuating exchange rateLeave the NDL website. Water-resource development : the economics of project evaluationLeave the NDL website. The anthracite coal combination in the United States : with some account of the early development of the anthracite industryLeave the NDL website. The history of the United States post office to the year 1829Leave the NDL website. The taxation of capital incomeLeave the NDL website. War and prices in Spain, 1651-1800Leave the NDL website. The Italian emigration of our timesLeave the NDL website. The money interest and the public interest : American monetary thought, 1920-1970Leave the NDL website. Canada's balance of international indebtedness, 1900-1913 : an inductive study in the theory of international tradeLeave the NDL website. Foundations of economic analysisLeave the NDL website. The theory of monopolistic competitionLeave the NDL website. New England textiles in the nineteenth century : profits and investmentLeave the NDL website. Studies in Massachusetts town financeLeave the NDL website. Trade and economic structure : models and methodsLeave the NDL website. Production in the United States : 1860-1914Leave the NDL website. The Illinois Central Railroad and its colonization workLeave the NDL website. Dry farming in the Northern Great Plains, 1900-1925Leave the NDL website. Secrecy and the arms race : a theory of the accumulation of strategic weapons and how secrecy affects itLeave the NDL website. Trade and economic structure : models and methodsLeave the NDL website. Economic concentration and the monopoly problemLeave the NDL website. Economics and liberalism : collected papersLeave the NDL website. Canada in the world economyLeave the NDL website. Market control and planning in Communist ChinaLeave the NDL website. Interregional and international tradeLeave the NDL website. Exchange depreciation : its theory and its history, 1931-35, with some consideration of related domestic policiesLeave the NDL website. Trade and navigation between Spain and the Indies in the time of the HapsburgsLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The development of the American glass industry

  • The state tax commission : a study of the development and results of state control over the assessment of property for taxation

  • United States v. United Shoe Machinery Corporation : an economic analysis of anti-trust case

  • The American maritime industries and public policy, 1789-1914 : an economic history

  • The service sector in Soviet economic growth : a comparative study

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Note (General)
Published under the direction of the Department of Economics
Related Material
The development of the American glass industry
The state tax commission : a study of the development and results of state control over the assessment of property for taxation
United States v. United Shoe Machinery Corporation : an economic analysis of anti-trust case
The American maritime industries and public policy, 1789-1914 : an economic history
The service sector in Soviet economic growth : a comparative study
Equilibrium and growth in the world economy : economic essays
Some aspects of the tariff question
The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of value
Exchange control in central Europe
Monopolistic competition and general equilibrium theory
Monopolistic competition and general equilibrium theory
The economic problems of forestry in the Appalachian region
Modeling Japanese-American trade : a study of asymmetric interdependence
Negotiating the Law of the Sea
Politics, finance, and consequences : a study of the relations between politics and finance in the ancient world with special reference to the consequences of sound and unsound policies
The logic of collective action : public goods and the theory of groups
State control of local finance in Massachusetts
Corporate promotion and reorganizations
Determinants of consumer demand for house furnishings and equipment
The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of value
Scheduling of petroleum refinery operations
Collected papers
Studies in development planning
The Italian emigration of our times
Location theory and the shoe and leather industries
The supply and control of money in the United States
Corporate promotions and reorganizations
General equilibrium of international discrimination : the case of customs unions
The street railway in Massachusetts : the rise and decline of an industry
The supply and control of money in the United States
The Canadian economy : prospect and retrospect
The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of value
Time in India's development programmes
Monopoly and competition in the English coal trade, 1550-1850
City milk distribution
The enforcement of English apprenticeship : a study in applied mercantilism, 1563-1642
The telecommunications industry : the dynamics of market structure
Agriculture and industrialization : the adjustments that take place as an agricultural country is industrialized
Germany's economic preparations for war
The investment decision : an empirical study
The theory of economic development : an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle
The economic aspects of Argentine federalism, 1820-1852
The history of the grain trade in France, 1400-1710
The newsprint paper industry : an economic analysis
Free trade between the United States and Canada : the potential economic effects
American treasure and the price revolution in Spain, 1501-1650
The English patents of monopoly
Monopolistic competition and general equilibrium theory
Essays in the economics of uncertainty
The international economy and monetary movements in France, 1493-1725
The Mesta : a study in Spanish economic history 1273-1836
The world wheat economy, 1885-1939
The economic and social history of an English village (Crawley, Hampshire) A.D. 909-1928
Federal control of entry into air transportation
German financial policies, 1932-1939
The logic of collective action : public goods and the theory of groups
Foundations of economic analysis
The cotton manufacturing industry of the United States
Interbrand choice, strategy, and bilateral market power
The English patents of monopoly
The early English customs system : a documentary study of the institutional and economic history of the customs from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century
Trade and economic structure : models and methods
Some aspects of the tariff question
The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of value
Vertical integration and joint ventures in the aluminum industry
Air transport and its regulators : an industry study
The fiscal impact of federalism in the United States
The stannaries : a study of the English tin miner
The monetary crisis
British monetary policy and the balance of payments, 1951-1957
The efficiency of the coal industry : an application of linear programming
Karl Marx's interpretation of history
The theory of economic development : an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle
Karl Marx's interpretation of history
The creation of purchasing power : a study in the problem of economic stabilization
Karl Marx's interpretation of history
Money, prices, and wages in Valencia, Aragon, and Navarre, 1351-1500
The financial history of Boston from May 1, 1822, to January 31, 1909
Consumer demand in the United States, 1929-1970 : analyses and projections
An economic history of Sweden
The theory of international prices : history, criticism and restatement
American railroads and the transformation of the ante-bellum economy
Economic analysis of product innovation : the case of CT scanners
The creation of purchasing power : a study in the problem of economic stabilization
Essays in the earlier history of American corporations
Market control in the aluminum industry
The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of value
Economics for agriculture
The New England fishing industry : a study in price and wage setting
Growth, distribution, and prices
The history of the grain trade in France, 1400-1710
Fascist economic policy : an analysis of Italy's economic experiment
Prosperity and depression : a theoretical analysis of cyclical movements
Development alternatives in Pakistan : a multisectoral and regional analysis of planning problems
The economic and social history of an English village : Crawley, Hampshire, A.D. 909-1928
Consumer demand in the United States : analyses and projections
The commercial paper house in the United States
Grain growers' cooperation in Western Canada
Western prices before 1861 : a study of the Cincinnati market
The early history of deposit banking in Mediterranean Europe
Economic fluctuations in the United States : a systematic analysis of long-run trends and business cycles, 1866-1914
Wages in eighteenth century England
Federal subsidies to the provincial governments in Canada
Forests and sea power : the timber problem of the Royal Navy, 1652-1862
Economics and liberalism : collected papers
Wool-growing and the tariff : a study in the economic history of the United States
American treasure and the price revolution in Spain, 1501-1650
Employment hazards : an investigation of market performance
Interregional competition in agriculture : with special reference to dairy farming in the Lake States and New England
The New York money market and the finance of trade, 1900-1913
Consumption behavior and the effects of government fiscal policies
Methods of crop forecasting
Economics for agriculture
A & P : a study in price-cost behavior and public policy
The theory of trade and protection
Investment and production : a study in the theory of the capital-using enterprise
Norway : the planned revival
Capital transfers and economic policy : Canada, 1951-1962
Planning educational systems for economic growth
The Middlesex Canal, 1793-1860
The New York bond market, 1920-1930
The history of the British post office
Industrial restructuring with job security : the case of European steel
Some aspects of the tariff question
A study of fluid milk prices
Monetary theory before Adam Smith
Oligopoly and technical progress
Government policy and the distribution of income in Peru, 1963-1973
Fluctuations in American business, 1790-1860
The American carpet manufacture : a history and an analysis
The assignats
Railroad reorganization
Foundations of economic analysis
Foundations of economic analysis
Oligopoly and technical progress
The land question and the Irish economy, 1870-1903
Banking theories in the United States before 1860
Competition in the Midwestern coal industry
Hawaii : a century of economic change, 1778-1876
The economics of competition in the transportation industries
Market signaling : informational transfer in hiring and related screening processes
The evolution of the English corn market : from the twelfth to the eighteenth century
German monetary theory 1905-1933
Housing and neighborhood dynamics : a simulation study
Economic motives : a study in the psychological foundations of economic theory, with some reference to other social sciences
Social adaptation : a study in the development of the doctrine of adaptation as a theory of social progress
The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of value
Monetary problems of an export economy : the Cuban experience 1914-1947
Competition in the open economy : a model applied to Canada
Direct taxation in Austria
Argentine international trade under inconvertible paper money 1880-1900
The French international accounts, 1880-1913
State taxation of metallic deposits
The logic of collective action : public goods and the theory of groups
Public ownership of telephones on the continent of Europe
Theory of markets
The structure of Soviet wages : a study in socialist economics
The development of the business corporation in England, 1800-1867
The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of value
Income, saving and the theory of consumer behavior
The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of value
German monetary theory, 1905-1933
Economic maturity and entrepreneurial decline : British iron and steel, 1870-1913
British international gold movements and banking policy, 1881-1913
The economics of multi-plant operation : an international comparisons study
The lodging house problem in Boston
The greenbacks and resumption of specie payments, 1862-1879
Productivity and U.S. economic growth
English theories of central banking control, 1819-1858 : with some account of contemporary procedure
The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of value
A survey of Federal Reserve policy
The greenbacks and resumption of specie payments, 1862-1879
Advertising and market power
Eighteenth century business corporations in the United States
Some aspects of the tariff question : an examination of the development of American industries under protection
The theory of monopolistic competition : a re-orientation of the theory of value
The organization of the boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts before 1875
Interregional and international trade
An econometric model of Canada under the fluctuating exchange rate
Water-resource development : the economics of project evaluation
The anthracite coal combination in the United States : with some account of the early development of the anthracite industry
The history of the United States post office to the year 1829
The taxation of capital income
War and prices in Spain, 1651-1800
The Italian emigration of our times
The money interest and the public interest : American monetary thought, 1920-1970
Canada's balance of international indebtedness, 1900-1913 : an inductive study in the theory of international trade
Foundations of economic analysis
The theory of monopolistic competition
New England textiles in the nineteenth century : profits and investment
Studies in Massachusetts town finance
Trade and economic structure : models and methods
Production in the United States : 1860-1914
The Illinois Central Railroad and its colonization work
Dry farming in the Northern Great Plains, 1900-1925
Secrecy and the arms race : a theory of the accumulation of strategic weapons and how secrecy affects it
Trade and economic structure : models and methods
Economic concentration and the monopoly problem
Economics and liberalism : collected papers
Canada in the world economy
Market control and planning in Communist China
Interregional and international trade
Exchange depreciation : its theory and its history, 1931-35, with some consideration of related domestic policies
Trade and navigation between Spain and the Indies in the time of the Hapsburgs
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