
CEDEFOP panorama

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CEDEFOP panorama

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European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
CEDEFOP, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
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30 cm
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The financing of vocational education and training in Germany : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. Agora XII : training for mentally disabled people and their trainers : permitting the mentally disabled a genuine and appropriate exercise of their rights : Thessaloniki, 5 and 6 July 2001Leave the NDL website. Mass vocational education and training in Europe : classical models of the 19th century and training in England, France and Germany during the first half of the 20thLeave the NDL website. Learning-conducive work : a survey of learning conditions in Norwegian workplacesLeave the NDL website. ICT practitioner skills and training solutions at sub-degree and vocational level in Europe : guidelines for ICT training and curriculum developmentLeave the NDL website. Lifelong learning in Finland : the extent to which vocational education and training policy is nurturing lifelong learning in FinlandLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in Italy : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. Antizipation von Berufs- und Qualifikationsentwicklungen : Empfehlungen und Schlussfolgerungen aufgrund einer Untersuchung neuer, innovativer Methoden und Instrumente in der Europäischen Union = Anticipating occupational and qualificational developments : recommendations and conclusions based on a review of recent innovations in methods and instruments applied in the European Union = Prévoir le développement des professions et des qualifications : recommandations et conclusions basées sur une étude des innovations récentes relatives aux méthodes et aux instruments utilisés dans l'Union européenneLeave the NDL website. Systems, institutional frameworks and processes for early identification of skill needsLeave the NDL website. Pratiques innovantes en formation et enjeux pour la professionnalisation des acteurs = Innovative practices in the field of training and related professional development issuesLeave the NDL website. Vocational training and innovative practices in the environmental sector : a comparison of ten EU Member States, with specimen cases : synthesis report in the context of the 'Observing innovations in vocational training' projectLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of Eurostat education, training and skill data sourcesLeave the NDL website. Skill needs in Europe : focus on 2020Leave the NDL website. Agora VII : working time, training time : Thessaloniki, 7-8 October 1999Leave the NDL website. Innovative learning measures for older workersLeave the NDL website. Identification, assessment and recognition of non-formal learning in SpainLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in Ireland : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. Trends and skill needs in tourismLeave the NDL website. Disadvantaged groups in transnational placement projectsLeave the NDL website. Agora V : identification, evaluation and recognition of non-formal learning : Thessaloniki, 15 and 16 March 1999Leave the NDL website. The impact of new technologies on occupational profiles in the banking sector : case studies in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and FranceLeave the NDL website. Work and learning in micro-enterprises in the printing industry : a comparative research study into the relationship between technological and organisational developments and training activities in micro-enterprises in the printing industry in four European countriesLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in Spain : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. Sectoral training funds in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Scenarios and strategies for vocational education and lifelong learning in Europe : summary of findings and conclusions of the joint CEDEFOP/ETF project (1998-2002)Leave the NDL website. Competence and human resource development in multinational companies in three European Union Member States : a comparative analysis between Austria, the Netherlands and the United KingdomLeave the NDL website. ICT and e-business skills and training in Europe : towards a comprehensive European e-skills reference framework : final synthesis reportLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in Portugal : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. Mobility in the European chemicals industry sector : the role of transparency and recognition of vocational qualificationsLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in Sweden : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. The rise of national VET systems in a comparative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Human resource accounting : interests and conflicts : A discussion paperLeave the NDL website. Lifelong vocational guidance : European case studiesLeave the NDL website. Quality in e-learning : use and dissemination of quality approaches in European e-learning : a study by the European Quality ObservatoryLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in Spain : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. ICT practitioner skills and training : banking and financial servicesLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in the United Kingdom : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. Agora-II : 'the role of the company in lifelong learning' : Thessaloniki, 17 and 18 November 1997Leave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in Finland : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in Greece : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. Lifelong learning in the Netherlands : the extent to which vocational education and training policy is nurturing lifelong learning in the NetherlandsLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in Luxembourg : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. The vocational education and training system in Ireland : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. Agora XI : the learning region : Thessaloniki, 15 to 16 March 2001Leave the NDL website. Lifelong learning in Sweden : the extent to which vocational education and training policy is nurturing lifelong learning in SwedenLeave the NDL website. Supporting quality in vocational training through networkingLeave the NDL website. Identification, assessment and recognition of non-formal learning in GreeceLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in Greece : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. From policy to practice : a systemic change to lifelong guidance in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Transparency of vocational qualifications : the Leonardo da Vinci approachLeave the NDL website. Identification of skill needs : projects and actions for Greece : a reviewLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in Austria : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. Indicators for quality in VET : to enhance European cooperationLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in Austria : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. ICT practitioner skills and training : automotive industryLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in the Netherlands : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in Germany : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. ICT practitioner skills and training : graphic arts and media sectorLeave the NDL website. Identification of skill needs in nanotechnologyLeave the NDL website. Agora-1 : raising the level of diplomas and their distribution on the labour market : the lessons of the past and prospects for the future : Thessaloniki, 30 June 1997Leave the NDL website. European reference levels for education and training : promoting credit transfer and mutual trust : study commissioned to the qualifications and curriculum authority, EnglandLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in Denmark : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. PROFF : professionalisation of VET teachers for the futureLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in the Netherlands : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. Analyse comparée des profils professionnels dans les secteurs liés à l'environnement : études de cas en Italie, en France et en GrèceLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in the Netherlands : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in Belgium : brief descriptionLeave the NDL website. Internationalising vocational education and training in Europe : prelude to an overdue debate : a discussion paperLeave the NDL website. The vocational education and training system in Italy : short discriptionLeave the NDL website. Finanzierung der Berufsbildung in Deutschland : FinanzierungsporträtLeave the NDL website. The learning continuity : European inventory on validating non-formal and informal learning : national policies and practices in validating non-formal and informal learningLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in France : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. Consultation process on the European Commission's memorandum on lifelong learning : analysis of national reportsLeave the NDL website. Professionalising career guidance : practitioner competences and qualification routes in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Work and learning in micro car-repair enterprises : a comparative study on the relationship between technological and organisational developments and training activities in micro car-repair enterprises in four European countries : synthesis reportLeave the NDL website. Agora IX : alternative education and training processes : Thessaloniki, 26-27 June 2000Leave the NDL website. Innovation and training in the agribusiness complex : synthesis report of a study in various product chains in five European countriesLeave the NDL website. The development of VET in the context of the construction of the EC/EU and the role of CEDEFOPLeave the NDL website. Assuring the quality of VET systems by defining expected outcomes : a cross-country analysis in seven member statesLeave the NDL website. Individual learning accountsLeave the NDL website. The challenge of e-learning in small enterprises : issues for policy and practice in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Agora VIII : jobrotation : Thessaloniki, 20-21 March 2000Leave the NDL website. The need for competences due to the increasing use of information and communication technologiesLeave the NDL website. The impact of information and communication technologies on vocational competences and training : case studies in Italy, France and Spain : synthesis reportLeave the NDL website. Mobility in the European health sector : the role of transparency and recognition of vocational qualificationsLeave the NDL website. Mobility in the European tourism sector : the role of transparency and recognition of vocational qualificationsLeave the NDL website. Agora VI, reporting on human capital : is it possible to report on human capital and, if so, why and how? : Thessaloniki, 24-25 June 1999Leave the NDL website. Mobility and transparency of vocational qualifications : an overview of studies on the tourism, chemical and healthcare sectors in EuropeLeave the NDL website. The financing of vocational education and training in Spain : financing portraitLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in Denmark : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. Towards European skill needs forecastingLeave the NDL website. O sistema de educac̦ão e formac̦ão profissional em Portugal : descric̦ão sumáriaLeave the NDL website. Citizens' views on lifelong learning in the 10 new member states : report based on the special Eurobarometer 231Leave the NDL website. Exploring the returns to continuing vocational training in enterprises : a review of research within and outside of the European UnionLeave the NDL website. Grundlagen eines "Gemeinsamen Bezugsrahmens für die Qualitätssicherung" für die berufliche Bildung in Europa = Fundamentals of a common quality assurance framework (CQAF) for VET in Europe = Principes fondamentaux d'un cadre commun pour l'assurance de la qualité (CCAQ) dans l'EFP en EuropeLeave the NDL website. Output-related funding in vocational education and training : a discussion paper and case studiesLeave the NDL website. Funding continuing training in small and medium-sized enterprises : discussion and case studies from across the EULeave the NDL website. Guidance policies in the knowledge society : trends, challenges and responses across Europe : a CEDEFOP synthesis reportLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in the United Kingdom : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. A sectoral approach to training in the printing industry and the hospital sector : synthesis report of a study in five european countriesLeave the NDL website. Career development at work : a review of career guidance to support people in employmentLeave the NDL website. Vocational education and training in Finland : short descriptionLeave the NDL website. Fields of training : manualLeave the NDL website. Innovations in lifelong learning : capitalising on ADAPTLeave the NDL website. AGORA-IV : the low-skilled on the European labour market : prospects and policy options : towards a minimum learning platform Thessaloniki, 29-30 October 1998Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The financing of vocational education and training in Germany : financing portrait

  • Agora XII : training for mentally disabled people and their trainers : permitting the mentally disabled a genuine and appropriate exercise of their rights : Thessaloniki, 5 and 6 July 2001

  • Mass vocational education and training in Europe : classical models of the 19th century and training in England, France and Germany during the first half of the 20th

  • Learning-conducive work : a survey of learning conditions in Norwegian workplaces

  • ICT practitioner skills and training solutions at sub-degree and vocational level in Europe : guidelines for ICT training and curriculum development

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Material Type
30 cm
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Cedefop panorama series
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Related Material
The financing of vocational education and training in Germany : financing portrait
Agora XII : training for mentally disabled people and their trainers : permitting the mentally disabled a genuine and appropriate exercise of their rights : Thessaloniki, 5 and 6 July 2001
Mass vocational education and training in Europe : classical models of the 19th century and training in England, France and Germany during the first half of the 20th
Learning-conducive work : a survey of learning conditions in Norwegian workplaces
ICT practitioner skills and training solutions at sub-degree and vocational level in Europe : guidelines for ICT training and curriculum development
Lifelong learning in Finland : the extent to which vocational education and training policy is nurturing lifelong learning in Finland
The financing of vocational education and training in Italy : financing portrait
Antizipation von Berufs- und Qualifikationsentwicklungen : Empfehlungen und Schlussfolgerungen aufgrund einer Untersuchung neuer, innovativer Methoden und Instrumente in der Europäischen Union = Anticipating occupational and qualificational developments : recommendations and conclusions based on a review of recent innovations in methods and instruments applied in the European Union = Prévoir le développement des professions et des qualifications : recommandations et conclusions basées sur une étude des innovations récentes relatives aux méthodes et aux instruments utilisés dans l'Union européenne
Systems, institutional frameworks and processes for early identification of skill needs
Pratiques innovantes en formation et enjeux pour la professionnalisation des acteurs = Innovative practices in the field of training and related professional development issues
Vocational training and innovative practices in the environmental sector : a comparison of ten EU Member States, with specimen cases : synthesis report in the context of the 'Observing innovations in vocational training' project
Evaluation of Eurostat education, training and skill data sources
Skill needs in Europe : focus on 2020
Agora VII : working time, training time : Thessaloniki, 7-8 October 1999
Innovative learning measures for older workers
Identification, assessment and recognition of non-formal learning in Spain
The financing of vocational education and training in Ireland : financing portrait
Trends and skill needs in tourism
Disadvantaged groups in transnational placement projects
Agora V : identification, evaluation and recognition of non-formal learning : Thessaloniki, 15 and 16 March 1999
The impact of new technologies on occupational profiles in the banking sector : case studies in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France
Work and learning in micro-enterprises in the printing industry : a comparative research study into the relationship between technological and organisational developments and training activities in micro-enterprises in the printing industry in four European countries
Vocational education and training in Spain : short description
Sectoral training funds in Europe
Scenarios and strategies for vocational education and lifelong learning in Europe : summary of findings and conclusions of the joint CEDEFOP/ETF project (1998-2002)
Competence and human resource development in multinational companies in three European Union Member States : a comparative analysis between Austria, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
ICT and e-business skills and training in Europe : towards a comprehensive European e-skills reference framework : final synthesis report
The financing of vocational education and training in Portugal : financing portrait
Mobility in the European chemicals industry sector : the role of transparency and recognition of vocational qualifications
The financing of vocational education and training in Sweden : financing portrait
The rise of national VET systems in a comparative perspective
Human resource accounting : interests and conflicts : A discussion paper
Lifelong vocational guidance : European case studies
Quality in e-learning : use and dissemination of quality approaches in European e-learning : a study by the European Quality Observatory
Vocational education and training in Spain : short description
ICT practitioner skills and training : banking and financial services
The financing of vocational education and training in the United Kingdom : financing portrait
Agora-II : 'the role of the company in lifelong learning' : Thessaloniki, 17 and 18 November 1997
The financing of vocational education and training in Finland : financing portrait
Vocational education and training in Greece : short description
Lifelong learning in the Netherlands : the extent to which vocational education and training policy is nurturing lifelong learning in the Netherlands
Vocational education and training in Luxembourg : short description
The vocational education and training system in Ireland : short description
Agora XI : the learning region : Thessaloniki, 15 to 16 March 2001
Lifelong learning in Sweden : the extent to which vocational education and training policy is nurturing lifelong learning in Sweden
Supporting quality in vocational training through networking
Identification, assessment and recognition of non-formal learning in Greece
The financing of vocational education and training in Greece : financing portrait
From policy to practice : a systemic change to lifelong guidance in Europe
Transparency of vocational qualifications : the Leonardo da Vinci approach
Identification of skill needs : projects and actions for Greece : a review
Vocational education and training in Austria : short description
Indicators for quality in VET : to enhance European cooperation
The financing of vocational education and training in Austria : financing portrait
ICT practitioner skills and training : automotive industry
The financing of vocational education and training in the Netherlands : financing portrait
Vocational education and training in Germany : short description
ICT practitioner skills and training : graphic arts and media sector
Identification of skill needs in nanotechnology
Agora-1 : raising the level of diplomas and their distribution on the labour market : the lessons of the past and prospects for the future : Thessaloniki, 30 June 1997
European reference levels for education and training : promoting credit transfer and mutual trust : study commissioned to the qualifications and curriculum authority, England
The financing of vocational education and training in Denmark : financing portrait
PROFF : professionalisation of VET teachers for the future
Vocational education and training in the Netherlands : short description
Analyse comparée des profils professionnels dans les secteurs liés à l'environnement : études de cas en Italie, en France et en Grèce
Vocational education and training in the Netherlands : short description
Vocational education and training in Belgium : brief description
Internationalising vocational education and training in Europe : prelude to an overdue debate : a discussion paper
The vocational education and training system in Italy : short discription
Finanzierung der Berufsbildung in Deutschland : Finanzierungsporträt
The learning continuity : European inventory on validating non-formal and informal learning : national policies and practices in validating non-formal and informal learning
The financing of vocational education and training in France : financing portrait
Consultation process on the European Commission's memorandum on lifelong learning : analysis of national reports
Professionalising career guidance : practitioner competences and qualification routes in Europe
Work and learning in micro car-repair enterprises : a comparative study on the relationship between technological and organisational developments and training activities in micro car-repair enterprises in four European countries : synthesis report
Agora IX : alternative education and training processes : Thessaloniki, 26-27 June 2000
Innovation and training in the agribusiness complex : synthesis report of a study in various product chains in five European countries
The development of VET in the context of the construction of the EC/EU and the role of CEDEFOP
Assuring the quality of VET systems by defining expected outcomes : a cross-country analysis in seven member states
Individual learning accounts
The challenge of e-learning in small enterprises : issues for policy and practice in Europe
Agora VIII : jobrotation : Thessaloniki, 20-21 March 2000
The need for competences due to the increasing use of information and communication technologies
The impact of information and communication technologies on vocational competences and training : case studies in Italy, France and Spain : synthesis report
Mobility in the European health sector : the role of transparency and recognition of vocational qualifications
Mobility in the European tourism sector : the role of transparency and recognition of vocational qualifications
Agora VI, reporting on human capital : is it possible to report on human capital and, if so, why and how? : Thessaloniki, 24-25 June 1999
Mobility and transparency of vocational qualifications : an overview of studies on the tourism, chemical and healthcare sectors in Europe
The financing of vocational education and training in Spain : financing portrait
Vocational education and training in Denmark : short description
Towards European skill needs forecasting
O sistema de educac̦ão e formac̦ão profissional em Portugal : descric̦ão sumária
Citizens' views on lifelong learning in the 10 new member states : report based on the special Eurobarometer 231
Exploring the returns to continuing vocational training in enterprises : a review of research within and outside of the European Union
Grundlagen eines "Gemeinsamen Bezugsrahmens für die Qualitätssicherung" für die berufliche Bildung in Europa = Fundamentals of a common quality assurance framework (CQAF) for VET in Europe = Principes fondamentaux d'un cadre commun pour l'assurance de la qualité (CCAQ) dans l'EFP en Europe
Output-related funding in vocational education and training : a discussion paper and case studies
Funding continuing training in small and medium-sized enterprises : discussion and case studies from across the EU
Guidance policies in the knowledge society : trends, challenges and responses across Europe : a CEDEFOP synthesis report
Vocational education and training in the United Kingdom : short description
A sectoral approach to training in the printing industry and the hospital sector : synthesis report of a study in five european countries
Career development at work : a review of career guidance to support people in employment
Vocational education and training in Finland : short description
Fields of training : manual
Innovations in lifelong learning : capitalising on ADAPT
AGORA-IV : the low-skilled on the European labour market : prospects and policy options : towards a minimum learning platform Thessaloniki, 29-30 October 1998