
The University of Chicago, Oriental Institute publications

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The University of Chicago, Oriental Institute publications

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The Holmes expeditions to LuristanLeave the NDL website. Inscriptions from Tell Abū ṢalābīkhLeave the NDL website. The foundations of research and regional survey in the tsaghkahovit plain, ArmeniaLeave the NDL website. Qur'ānic commentary and traditionLeave the NDL website. The royal tombs and other monumentsLeave the NDL website. The structural remains of the later phases : Chatal Hüyük, Tell al-Judaidah, and Tell Ta‘yinatLeave the NDL website. Medinet Habu graffiti facsimilesLeave the NDL website. The Bubastite portalLeave the NDL website. Paleolithic man and the Nile-faiyum divide : a study of the region during Poliocene and Pleistocene timesLeave the NDL website. The Egyptian Book of the dead, documents in the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of ChicagoLeave the NDL website. Sennacherib's aqueduct at JerwanLeave the NDL website. The origins of state organizations in prehistoric highland Fars, southern Iran : excavations at Tall-e BakunLeave the NDL website. Tall-i-Bakun A, season of 1932Leave the NDL website. Pre-Sargonid temples in the Diyala regionLeave the NDL website. Sumerian texts of varied contentsLeave the NDL website. General plans and viewsLeave the NDL website. Persepolis fortification tabletsLeave the NDL website. The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus : published in facsimile and hieroglyphic transliteration with translation and commentary in two volumesLeave the NDL website. The inner sanctuaries : with translations of texts, commentary, and glossaryLeave the NDL website. Drehem administrative documents from the reign of Amar-SuenaLeave the NDL website. The annals of SennacheribLeave the NDL website. More sculpture from the Diyala regionLeave the NDL website. Urbanism and cultural landscapes in northeastern Syria : the Tell Hamoukar survey, 1999-2001Leave the NDL website. Excavations in the palace and at a city gateLeave the NDL website. Paleolithic man and the Nile valley in upper and middle Egypt : a study of the region during Pliocene and Pleistocene timesLeave the NDL website. Festival scenes of Ramses IIILeave the NDL website. Historical textsLeave the NDL website. Excavations in the palace and at a city gateLeave the NDL website. The earlier assemblages phases A-JLeave the NDL website. Ancient settlement systems and cultures in the Ram Hormuz plain, Southwestern Iran : excavations at Tall-e Geser and regional survey in the Ram Hormuz areaLeave the NDL website. Inscriptions from Alishar and vicinityLeave the NDL website. The Egyptian Book of the dead, documents in the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of ChicagoLeave the NDL website. The North Temple and sounding E : excavations of the Joint Expedition to Nippur of the American Schools of Oriental Research and the Oriental Institute of the University of ChicagoLeave the NDL website. On the margin of the Euphrates : settlement and land use at Tell es-Sweyhat and in the upper Lake Assad area, SyriaLeave the NDL website. Sculpture of the third millennium B.C. from Tell Asmar and KhafājahLeave the NDL website. Ancient Oriental seals in the collection of Mrs. Agnes Baldwin BrettLeave the NDL website. Festival scenes of Ramses IIILeave the NDL website. Ancient oriental cylinder and other seals with a description of the collection of Mrs. William H. MooreLeave the NDL website. The mortuary temple of Ramses IIILeave the NDL website. Structures, reliefs, inscriptionsLeave the NDL website. The mortuary temple of Ramses IIILeave the NDL website. The Gimilsin Temple and the Palace of the Rulers at Tell AsmarLeave the NDL website. The portico, the treasury, and chapels adjoining the first hypostyle hall with marginal material from the forecourtsLeave the NDL website. Images of heroic encounterLeave the NDL website. Neo-Babylonian texts in the Oriental Institute collectionLeave the NDL website. Barhebraeus' scholia on the Old TestamentLeave the NDL website. Early Megiddo on the East Slope (the "Megiddo Stages") : a report on the early occupation of the East Slope of Megiddo : result of the Oriental Institute's excavations, 1925-1933Leave the NDL website. Ancient Oriental seals in the collection of Mr. Edward T. NewellLeave the NDL website. Historical textsLeave the NDL website. Hittite hieroglyphic monumentsLeave the NDL website. Prehistoric archeology along the Zagros FlanksLeave the NDL website. Scarabs, scaraboids, seals and seal impressions from Medinet HabuLeave the NDL website. The Proverbs of Solomon in Sahidic Coptic, according to the Chicago manuscriptLeave the NDL website. Aramaic ritual texts from PersepolisLeave the NDL website. Sculpture and inscriptions from the monumental entrance to the palatial complex at Kerkenes Dağ, TurkeyLeave the NDL website. Nippur, III : Kassite buildings in area WC-1Leave the NDL website. The early dynastic to Akkadian transition : the area WF sounding at NippurLeave the NDL website. Seasons of 1925-34, Strata I-VLeave the NDL website. Key plans showing locations of Theban temple decorationsLeave the NDL website. Archaeology of the Bronze Age, Hellenistic, and Roman remains at an ancient town on the Euphrates RiverLeave the NDL website. The development of a prehistoric regional center in lowland Susiana, southwestern Iran : final report on the last six seasons of excavations, 1972-1978Leave the NDL website. Persepolis treasury tabletsLeave the NDL website. Nuzi personal namesLeave the NDL website. The rise of the north Arabic script and its Ḳur'ānic development, with a full description of the Ḳur'ān manuscripts in the Oriental InstituteLeave the NDL website. Post-Ramessid remainsLeave the NDL website. Earlier historical records of Ramses IIILeave the NDL website. Megiddo tombsLeave the NDL website. Mounds in the plain of Antioch : an archeological surveyLeave the NDL website. The stratigraphic sequence at Kurban HöyükLeave the NDL website. Stratigraphy, pottery, and small finds from Chatal Höyük in the Amuq PlainLeave the NDL website. Drehem administrative documents from the reign of ŠulgiLeave the NDL website. Later historical records of Ramses IIILeave the NDL website. Post-Ramessid remainsLeave the NDL website. The third hypostyle hall and all rooms accessible from it with friezes of scenes from the roof terraces and exterior walls of the templeLeave the NDL website. Soundings at Tell FakhariyahLeave the NDL website. The Megiddo water systemLeave the NDL website. The Mastaba of MererukaLeave the NDL website. The temple oval at KhafājahLeave the NDL website. The facade, portals, upper register scenes, columns, marginalia, and statuary in the Colonnade Hall : with translations of texts, commentary, and glossaryLeave the NDL website. Stratified cylinder seals from the Diyala regionLeave the NDL website. The tomb of Tjanefer at ThebesLeave the NDL website. The Megiddo ivoriesLeave the NDL website. Bir Umm FawakhirLeave the NDL website. Inscriptions from AdabLeave the NDL website. The early Neo-Babylonian governor's archive from NippurLeave the NDL website. The temples of the Eighteenth DynastyLeave the NDL website. The re chapel, the royal mortuary complex, and adjacent rooms with miscellaneous material from the pylons the forecourts, and the first hypostyle hallLeave the NDL website. The eastern high gate : with translations of textsLeave the NDL website. Demotic ostraca from Medinet HabuLeave the NDL website. The graffiti on the Khonsu temple roof at Karnak : a manifestation of personal pietyLeave the NDL website. Settlement and land use at Kurban Höyük and other sites in the lower Karababa BasinLeave the NDL website. Old Babylonian public buildings in the Diyala regionLeave the NDL website. The calendar, the "Slaughterhouse," and minor records of Ramses IIILeave the NDL website. Paleolithic man and the Nile valley in lower Egypt, with some notes upon a part of the Red Sea littoral : a study of the regions during Pliocene and Pleistocene timesLeave the NDL website. Sumerian lexical texts from the Temple school of NippurLeave the NDL website. A Byzantine church at Khirbat al-KarakLeave the NDL website. Middle Kingdom copies of pyramid textsLeave the NDL website. Bismaya : recovering the lost city of AdabLeave the NDL website. Contents of the treasury and other discoveriesLeave the NDL website. Earliest land tenure systems in the Near East : ancient KudurrusLeave the NDL website. Oriental Institute Hawara papyri : demotic and Greek texts from an Egyptian family archive in the Fayum (fourth to third century B.C.)Leave the NDL website. The wall reliefsLeave the NDL website. Seasons of 1925-34, Strata I-VLeave the NDL website. The great hypostyle hall in the Temple of Amun at KarnakLeave the NDL website. Tax receipts, taxpayers, and taxes in early Ptolemaic ThebesLeave the NDL website. The first five seasons of excavations, 1961-1971Leave the NDL website. The festival procession of Opet in the colonnade hall : with translations of texts, commentary, and glossaryLeave the NDL website. Explorations in central Anatolia, season of 1926Leave the NDL website. Ptolemais : city of the Libyan PentapolisLeave the NDL website. Theban desert road survey in the Egyptian western desertLeave the NDL website. Pottery from the Diyala regionLeave the NDL website. The citadel and the townLeave the NDL website. Excavations at the prehistoric mound of Chogha Bonut, Khuzestan, Iran : seasons 1976/77, 1977/78, and 1996Leave the NDL website. Baked clay figurines and votive beds from Medinet HabuLeave the NDL website. Explorations in central Anatolia, season of 1926Leave the NDL website. The rise of the north Arabic script and its Ḳur'ānic development, with a full description of the Ḳur'ān manuscripts in the Oriental InstituteLeave the NDL website. Sumerian epics and mythsLeave the NDL website. Private houses and graves in the Diyala regionLeave the NDL website. The portico, the treasury, and chapels adjoining the first hypostyle hall with marginal material from the forecourtsLeave the NDL website. Oriental forerunners of Byzantine painting : First-Century wall paintings from the fortress of Dura on the Middle EuphratesLeave the NDL website. Reliefs and inscriptions at KarnakLeave the NDL website. The Gimilsin Temple and the Palace of the Rulers at Tell AsmarLeave the NDL website. Paleolithic man and the Nile Valley in Nubia and Upper Egypt : a study of the region during Pliocene and Pleistocene timesLeave the NDL website. The Alishar Hüyük, season of 1927Leave the NDL website. The Alishar Hüyük, seasons of 1928 and 1929Leave the NDL website. Final report on the stratum VI excavationsLeave the NDL website. The Egyptian coffin textsLeave the NDL website. Language and LiteratureLeave the NDL website. Temple of Enlil, scribal quarter, and soundings : excavations of the Joint Expedition to Nippur of the University Museum of Philadelphia and the Oriental Institute of the University of ChicagoLeave the NDL website. Coptic ostraca from Medinet HabuLeave the NDL website. Material remains of the Megiddo cultLeave the NDL website. Seasons of 1935-39Leave the NDL website. The Alishar Hüyük, seasons of 1930-1932Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The Holmes expeditions to Luristan

  • Inscriptions from Tell Abū Ṣalābīkh

  • The foundations of research and regional survey in the tsaghkahovit plain, Armenia

  • Qur'ānic commentary and tradition

  • The royal tombs and other monuments

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Related Material
The Holmes expeditions to Luristan
Inscriptions from Tell Abū Ṣalābīkh
The foundations of research and regional survey in the tsaghkahovit plain, Armenia
Qur'ānic commentary and tradition
The royal tombs and other monuments
The structural remains of the later phases : Chatal Hüyük, Tell al-Judaidah, and Tell Ta‘yinat
Medinet Habu graffiti facsimiles
The Bubastite portal
Paleolithic man and the Nile-faiyum divide : a study of the region during Poliocene and Pleistocene times
The Egyptian Book of the dead, documents in the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago
Sennacherib's aqueduct at Jerwan
The origins of state organizations in prehistoric highland Fars, southern Iran : excavations at Tall-e Bakun
Tall-i-Bakun A, season of 1932
Pre-Sargonid temples in the Diyala region
Sumerian texts of varied contents
General plans and views
Persepolis fortification tablets
The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus : published in facsimile and hieroglyphic transliteration with translation and commentary in two volumes
The inner sanctuaries : with translations of texts, commentary, and glossary
Drehem administrative documents from the reign of Amar-Suena
The annals of Sennacherib
More sculpture from the Diyala region
Urbanism and cultural landscapes in northeastern Syria : the Tell Hamoukar survey, 1999-2001
Excavations in the palace and at a city gate
Paleolithic man and the Nile valley in upper and middle Egypt : a study of the region during Pliocene and Pleistocene times
Festival scenes of Ramses III
Historical texts
Excavations in the palace and at a city gate
The earlier assemblages phases A-J
Ancient settlement systems and cultures in the Ram Hormuz plain, Southwestern Iran : excavations at Tall-e Geser and regional survey in the Ram Hormuz area
Inscriptions from Alishar and vicinity
The Egyptian Book of the dead, documents in the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago
The North Temple and sounding E : excavations of the Joint Expedition to Nippur of the American Schools of Oriental Research and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
On the margin of the Euphrates : settlement and land use at Tell es-Sweyhat and in the upper Lake Assad area, Syria
Sculpture of the third millennium B.C. from Tell Asmar and Khafājah
Ancient Oriental seals in the collection of Mrs. Agnes Baldwin Brett
Festival scenes of Ramses III
Ancient oriental cylinder and other seals with a description of the collection of Mrs. William H. Moore
The mortuary temple of Ramses III
Structures, reliefs, inscriptions
The mortuary temple of Ramses III
The Gimilsin Temple and the Palace of the Rulers at Tell Asmar
The portico, the treasury, and chapels adjoining the first hypostyle hall with marginal material from the forecourts
Images of heroic encounter
Neo-Babylonian texts in the Oriental Institute collection
Barhebraeus' scholia on the Old Testament
Early Megiddo on the East Slope (the "Megiddo Stages") : a report on the early occupation of the East Slope of Megiddo : result of the Oriental Institute's excavations, 1925-1933
Ancient Oriental seals in the collection of Mr. Edward T. Newell
Historical texts
Hittite hieroglyphic monuments
Prehistoric archeology along the Zagros Flanks
Scarabs, scaraboids, seals and seal impressions from Medinet Habu
The Proverbs of Solomon in Sahidic Coptic, according to the Chicago manuscript
Aramaic ritual texts from Persepolis
Sculpture and inscriptions from the monumental entrance to the palatial complex at Kerkenes Dağ, Turkey
Nippur, III : Kassite buildings in area WC-1
The early dynastic to Akkadian transition : the area WF sounding at Nippur
Seasons of 1925-34, Strata I-V
Key plans showing locations of Theban temple decorations
Archaeology of the Bronze Age, Hellenistic, and Roman remains at an ancient town on the Euphrates River
The development of a prehistoric regional center in lowland Susiana, southwestern Iran : final report on the last six seasons of excavations, 1972-1978
Persepolis treasury tablets
Nuzi personal names
The rise of the north Arabic script and its Ḳur'ānic development, with a full description of the Ḳur'ān manuscripts in the Oriental Institute
Post-Ramessid remains
Earlier historical records of Ramses III
Megiddo tombs
Mounds in the plain of Antioch : an archeological survey
The stratigraphic sequence at Kurban Höyük
Stratigraphy, pottery, and small finds from Chatal Höyük in the Amuq Plain
Drehem administrative documents from the reign of Šulgi
Later historical records of Ramses III
Post-Ramessid remains
The third hypostyle hall and all rooms accessible from it with friezes of scenes from the roof terraces and exterior walls of the temple
Soundings at Tell Fakhariyah
The Megiddo water system
The Mastaba of Mereruka
The temple oval at Khafājah
The facade, portals, upper register scenes, columns, marginalia, and statuary in the Colonnade Hall : with translations of texts, commentary, and glossary
Stratified cylinder seals from the Diyala region
The tomb of Tjanefer at Thebes
The Megiddo ivories
Bir Umm Fawakhir
Inscriptions from Adab
The early Neo-Babylonian governor's archive from Nippur
The temples of the Eighteenth Dynasty
The re chapel, the royal mortuary complex, and adjacent rooms with miscellaneous material from the pylons the forecourts, and the first hypostyle hall
The eastern high gate : with translations of texts
Demotic ostraca from Medinet Habu
The graffiti on the Khonsu temple roof at Karnak : a manifestation of personal piety
Settlement and land use at Kurban Höyük and other sites in the lower Karababa Basin
Old Babylonian public buildings in the Diyala region
The calendar, the "Slaughterhouse," and minor records of Ramses III
Paleolithic man and the Nile valley in lower Egypt, with some notes upon a part of the Red Sea littoral : a study of the regions during Pliocene and Pleistocene times
Sumerian lexical texts from the Temple school of Nippur
A Byzantine church at Khirbat al-Karak
Middle Kingdom copies of pyramid texts
Bismaya : recovering the lost city of Adab
Contents of the treasury and other discoveries
Earliest land tenure systems in the Near East : ancient Kudurrus
Oriental Institute Hawara papyri : demotic and Greek texts from an Egyptian family archive in the Fayum (fourth to third century B.C.)
The wall reliefs
Seasons of 1925-34, Strata I-V
The great hypostyle hall in the Temple of Amun at Karnak
Tax receipts, taxpayers, and taxes in early Ptolemaic Thebes
The first five seasons of excavations, 1961-1971
The festival procession of Opet in the colonnade hall : with translations of texts, commentary, and glossary
Explorations in central Anatolia, season of 1926
Ptolemais : city of the Libyan Pentapolis
Theban desert road survey in the Egyptian western desert
Pottery from the Diyala region
The citadel and the town
Excavations at the prehistoric mound of Chogha Bonut, Khuzestan, Iran : seasons 1976/77, 1977/78, and 1996
Baked clay figurines and votive beds from Medinet Habu
Explorations in central Anatolia, season of 1926
The rise of the north Arabic script and its Ḳur'ānic development, with a full description of the Ḳur'ān manuscripts in the Oriental Institute
Sumerian epics and myths
Private houses and graves in the Diyala region
The portico, the treasury, and chapels adjoining the first hypostyle hall with marginal material from the forecourts
Oriental forerunners of Byzantine painting : First-Century wall paintings from the fortress of Dura on the Middle Euphrates
Reliefs and inscriptions at Karnak
The Gimilsin Temple and the Palace of the Rulers at Tell Asmar
Paleolithic man and the Nile Valley in Nubia and Upper Egypt : a study of the region during Pliocene and Pleistocene times
The Alishar Hüyük, season of 1927
The Alishar Hüyük, seasons of 1928 and 1929
Final report on the stratum VI excavations
The Egyptian coffin texts
Language and Literature
Temple of Enlil, scribal quarter, and soundings : excavations of the Joint Expedition to Nippur of the University Museum of Philadelphia and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
Coptic ostraca from Medinet Habu
Material remains of the Megiddo cult
Seasons of 1935-39
The Alishar Hüyük, seasons of 1930-1932
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