EditionThe third edition, wherein are inserted the three tracts ...
Alternative TitleThe jurisdiction of the admiralty of England asserted
The ancient sea-laws of Oleron, Wisby, and the Hanse-Towns, still in force
The sovereignty of the British seas, proved by records, history, and the municipal laws of this kingdom
Advice concerning bills of exchange
The merchant's mirrour, or, Directions for the perfect ordering and keeping of his accounts
An introduction to merchants-accompts, containing seven distinct questions or accompts
Amphithalami, or, The accountants closet: being an abridgement of merchants-accounts kept by debitors and creditors
Note (General)"The third edition, wherein are inserted the three tracts following, never before printed in any former impression, I. The jurisdiction of the admiralty of England asserted / by Richard Zouch ... ; II. The ancient sea laws of Oleron, Wisby, and the Hanse-towns, still in force, rendered into English for the use of navigators by G. Miege ... ; III. The sovereignty of the British seas, proved by records, history, and the municipal laws of this kingdom, by Sir John Buroughs"
Pagination: [14], 340, 43-130, 28, 22, [8], 42, [20], 54, [250], [124], [84], 14-36, [5] p
The last page blank
Contents: (from t.p.) I. The collection of sea laws -- II. Advice concerning bills of exchange / by John Marius -- III. The merchants mirrour, or, Directions for the perfect ordering of keeping of his accompts ... / by R. Dassorne -- IV. An introduction to merchants accompts / by John Collins -- V. The accountants closet ... / by Abraham Liset
Most sections with separate title page (imprints vary) or divisional title page: The jurisdiction of the admiralty of England asserted. London : printed for Tho. Bassert, ... and Rich. Chiswell ..., 1686. -- The ancient sea-laws of Oleron, Wisby, and the Hanse-Towns ... London : Printed by J. Redmayne, for T. Basset ..., 1686. -- The sovereignty of the British seas ... London : Printed J. Redmayne, for Richard Chiswell ..., 1686 -- Advice concerning bills of exchange. The fourth edition, very much enlarged and corrected by the authour. London : printed for Robert Horne, 1684. -- The merchant's mirrour, or, Directions for the perfect ordering and keeping of his accounts. London : printed by Miles Flesher, for Robert Horne, 1684. -- An introduction to merchants-accompts, containing seven distinct questions or accompts. London : printed by William Godbid, 1675. -- Amphithalami, or, The accountants closet. London : Printed by Miles Flesher, 1684
References: ESTC R229419
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