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AGARD conference proceedings

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AGARD conference proceedings

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development
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Advanced navigational techniquesLeave the NDL website. Flight testingLeave the NDL website. Behaviour and analysis of mechanically fastened joints in composite structureLeave the NDL website. The Aerospace environment at high altitudes and its implications for spacecraft charging and communicationsLeave the NDL website. Engine response to distorted inflow conditionsLeave the NDL website. Aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of rotorcraft : L'Aérodynamique et l'aéroacoustique des aéronefs à voilure tournanteLeave the NDL website. Selection and training advances in aviation = Les progrès réalisés en sélection et formation des personnels navigantsLeave the NDL website. Secondary flows in turbomachines : papers presented at the Propulsion and Energetics Panel 74th(B) Specialists' Meeting, held in Luxembourg, 30 August - 1 September 1989Leave the NDL website. Fluid dynamics of three-dimensional turbulent shear flows and transitionLeave the NDL website. Human behaviour in high stress situations in aerospace operationsLeave the NDL website. Impact head injury: responses, mechanisms, tolerance, treatment and countermeasures = Les traumatismes craniens consecutifs aux impacts: les mechanismes, la tolerance, le traitement et les contremesuresLeave the NDL website. Tactical aerospace C[3]I in coming years : commandes, pilotage, communications, renseignements tactiques ae̊rospatiaux dans les prochaines anne̊esLeave the NDL website. Phase and frequency instabilities in electromagnetic wave propagationLeave the NDL website. Aerospace materials process modellingLeave the NDL website. Guidance and control for future air-defence systems : techniques de guidage/pilotage pour les syste̊mes futurs de de̊fence anti-ae̊rienneLeave the NDL website. Service life of solid propellant systems = La durée de vie des systèmes à ergols solidesLeave the NDL website. Erosion, corrosion and foreign object damage effects in gas turbines : les conse̊quences de l'endommagement des turbines a︡ gaz par e̊rosion, corrosion et objets e̊trangersLeave the NDL website. Strategic management of the cost problem of future weapon systems = Gestion strategique des couts des futurs systemes d'armesLeave the NDL website. Radar signature analysis and imaging of military targets = L'analyse de la signature radar et de la vidéoscopie de cibles militairesLeave the NDL website. Implications of advanced technologies for air and spacecraft escape : papers presented at the Aerospace Medical Panel Symposium held in Munich, Germany, from 24 to 28 April 1989Leave the NDL website. Applications of computational fluid dynamics in aeronauticsLeave the NDL website. Aircraft flight instrumentation integrated data systemsLeave the NDL website. Efficient conduct of individual flights and air traffic or optimum utilization of modern technology for the overall benefit of civil and military airspace usersLeave the NDL website. Advanced aerodynamic measurement technology = Technologies avancées de mesure aérodynamiqueLeave the NDL website. Information management and decision making in advanced airborne weapon systemsLeave the NDL website. Composite repair of military aircraft structures : la Re̊paration composite des structures d'avions militairesLeave the NDL website. Low-level and Nap-of-the-Earth (N.O.E) night operations: Ope̊ration de nuit a︡ basse altitude et en rase mottesLeave the NDL website. Loss mechanisms and unsteady flows in turbomachines = Les mécanismes des pertes et les écoulements instationnaires dans les turbomachinesLeave the NDL website. Subsystem Ingetration for Tactical Missiles (SITM) and Design and Operatin of Unmanned Air Vehicles (DOUAV) = L'intégration des sous-systèmes dans les missiles tactiques et la conception et l'exploitation des véhicules sans piloteLeave the NDL website. Multi-sensor systems and data fusion for telecommunications, remote sensing and radar = Les systémes multi-senseurs et le fusionnement des données pour les télécommunications, la télédétection et les radarsLeave the NDL website. High temperature surface interactionsLeave the NDL website. Advanced computer aids in the planning and execution of air warfare and ground strike operationsLeave the NDL website. New light alloysLeave the NDL website. System design considerations for unmanned tactical aircraft (UTA) = Les considérations dans les projects de systèemes pour les aéronefs tactiques et non pilotésLeave the NDL website. Barriers to information transfer and approaches toward their reductionLeave the NDL website. Planning and designing effective defence and related information servicesLeave the NDL website. Applications of advances in navigation to guidance and controlLeave the NDL website. Space vehicle flight mechanics : la mécanique du vol des véhicules spatiaux : copies of papers presented at the Flight Mechanics Panel Symposium held in Luxembourg from 13th to 16th November 1989Leave the NDL website. The man-machine interface in tactical aircraft design and combat automationLeave the NDL website. Flight test techniquesLeave the NDL website. Motion cues in flight simulation and simulator induced sicknessLeave the NDL website. Aeromedical support issues in contingency operations = Le soutien aéromédical lors des opérations non programméesLeave the NDL website. Active control technology: applications and lessons learned : les technologies du syste̊me de contrôle actif : applications et enseignementsLeave the NDL website. Neurological limitations of aircraft operatrins: human performance implications = Les limitations neurologiques des opérations aériennes: les conséquences pour les performances des équipagesLeave the NDL website. Applications of mesh generation to complex 3-D configurationsLeave the NDL website. Space systems design and development testing : les Essais dans la conception et le de̊veloppement des syste︡mes spatiauxLeave the NDL website. Advanced aeroservoelastic testing and data analysis = Les essais aéroservoélastiques et l'analyse des donnéesLeave the NDL website. Environmental factors in electronic warfare related to aerospace systems = Les facteurs d'environnement en guerre électronique relatifs aux systèmes aérospatiauxLeave the NDL website. Propagation effects and circuit performance of modern military radio systems with particular emphasis on those employing bandspreadingLeave the NDL website. The clinical basis for aeromedical decision making : Les bases cliniques pour la prise de de̊cision dans le domaine aèromèdicalLeave the NDL website. Space systems as contributors to the NATO defence mission = Les systèmes spatiaux contribuant à la stratégie de défense de l'OTANLeave the NDL website. Aircraft fire safety = La sécurité incendie des aéronefsLeave the NDL website. Advances in rotorcraft technology = Les avanceés en technologies pour aéronefs à voilure tournanteLeave the NDL website. Advances in flight testing = Les avancées dans le domaine des essais en volLeave the NDL website. Guidance and control design considerations for low-altitude and terminal-area flightLeave the NDL website. Combustion instabilities in liquid-fuelled propulsion systemsLeave the NDL website. Advanced components for turbojet enginesLeave the NDL website. Multifunction radar for airborne applicationsLeave the NDL website. The Repair of aircraft structures involving composite materialsLeave the NDL website. Improvement of combat performance for existing and future aircraftLeave the NDL website. Neck injury in advanced military aircraft environments : papers presented at the Aerospace Medical Panal Symposium held in Munich, Germany, from 24 to 28 april 1989Leave the NDL website. Computational methods for aerodynamic design(inverse) and optimizationLeave the NDL website. Principles and practice of bionicsLeave the NDL website. Advanced packaging concepts for digital avionics : les techniques avance̊es de mise sous boitierLeave the NDL website. Artificial intelligenceLeave the NDL website. Propagation factors in space communicationsLeave the NDL website. Antennas for avionicsLeave the NDL website. Unsteady aerodynamic phenomena in turbomachines : papers presented at the Propulsion and Energetics Panel 74th(A) Specialists' Meeting, held in Luxembourg, 28-30 August 1989Leave the NDL website. Validation of computational fluid dynamics : papers presented and discussions held at the Symposium of the Fluid Dynamics Panel in Lisbon, Portugal, 2-5 May, 1988Leave the NDL website. Symposium on structural optimizationLeave the NDL website. Scattering and propagation in random mediaLeave the NDL website. High Power Microwaves (HPM) = Les Micro-ondes de Forte Puissance (MFP)Leave the NDL website. Aircraft fire safetyLeave the NDL website. Operational decision aids for exploiting or mitigating electromagnetic propagation effectsLeave the NDL website. Audio effectiveness in aviation = L'efficacite des communications vocales en aeronautiqueLeave the NDL website. Avionics in spacecraft : papers presented at the 22nd Technical Symposium of the Avionics Panel of AGARD, held in Rome, Italy, 31 May-4 June 1971Leave the NDL website. Digital communications systems: propagation effects, thechnical solutions, systems design =Systèmes de propagation numériques: effets de la propagation, solutions techniques, conception des systèmesLeave the NDL website. Aerodynamic data accuracy and quality: requirements and capabilities in wind tunnel testingLeave the NDL website. Technologies for precision air strike operations in rapid-reaction and localised-conflict scenarios = Les techniques pour les opérations air-sol dans les situations de conflits localisés et de réactions rapidesLeave the NDL website. Widespread fatigue damage in military aircraft = L'endommagement en fatigue des avions militairesLeave the NDL website. Advanced architectures for aerospace mission systems = Architectures futures pour l'avionique de gestion de missionLeave the NDL website. Bolted/bonded joints in polymeric composites = Assemblages boulonnés/collés en matériaux conposites polymèresLeave the NDL website. Situation awareness: limitations and enhancement in the aviation environment = La conscience de la situation: les limitations et l'amélioration en environnement aéronautiqueLeave the NDL website. Advanced non-intrusive instrumentation for propulsion engines = L'instrumentation non-invasive avancée pour les propulseursLeave the NDL website. Advanced aero-engine concepts and controls = Les concepts avancés et les commandes des nouveaux moteurs d'avionLeave the NDL website. Flight in adverse environmental conditions : copies of papers presented at the Flight Mechanics Panel Symposium held at Gol, Norway from 8 to 11 May 1989Leave the NDL website. Remote sensing: a valuable source of information = La télédétection - source précieuse de renseignementsLeave the NDL website. Aerodynamics of wind tunnel circuits and their components = L'aérodynamique des circuits des souffleries et de leurs composantsLeave the NDL website. Atmospheric propagation in the UV, visible, IR and MM-wave region and related systems aspectsLeave the NDL website. Advancements in retrieval technology as related to information systemsLeave the NDL website. Stability and control of tactical missile systemsLeave the NDL website. Application of direct and large eddy simulation to transition and turbulence : L'Application de la simulation directe et de la simulation des gros tourbillons a la transition et a la turbulence : conference proceedings on Fluid Dynamics held at Chania, Crete Greece in April 1994Leave the NDL website. Future aerospace technology in the service of the Alliance = Les technologies aéronautiques et spatiales du futur au service de l'alliance atlantiqueLeave the NDL website. High resolution air- and spaceborne radarLeave the NDL website. Aerodynamics of store integration and separation = L'aérodynamique de l'intégration et du largage des charges externesLeave the NDL website. Guidance and control of precision guided weaponsLeave the NDL website. Advanced joining of aerospace metallic materialsLeave the NDL website. Flight simulationLeave the NDL website. Thermal mechanical fatigue of aircraft engine materials = La fatigue thermomécanique des matériaux constitutifs des moteurs d'avionLeave the NDL website. Analytical and numerical methods for investigation of flow fields with chemical reactions, especially related to combustionLeave the NDL website. Testing and measurement techniques in heat transfer and combustion : papers presented at the 55th (A) specialists' meeting of the AGARD Propulsion and Energetics Panel, held at the Royal Library, Brussels, Belgium, on 5-7 May 1980Leave the NDL website. Biochemical enhancement of performanceLeave the NDL website. Tribology for aerospace systems = La tribologie pour les systèmes aèrospatiauxLeave the NDL website. Transonic and supersonic phenomena in turbomachinesLeave the NDL website. Radio antennas for aircraft and aerospace vehiclesLeave the NDL website. Energy absorption of aircraft structures as an aspect of crashworthinessLeave the NDL website. Environmental aspects of rocket and gun propulsion : les aspects environnementaux de la propulsion par fuse̊e et des canonsLeave the NDL website. Guidance and control of unmanned air vehiclesLeave the NDL website. Electronic transfer of information and its impact on aerospace and defence research and developmentLeave the NDL website. Mechanical qualification of large flexible spacecraft structuresLeave the NDL website. Dual usage in military and commercial technology in guidance and control : technologies duales militaires et civiles de guidage/pilotageLeave the NDL website. Advances in techniques and technologies for air vehicle navigation and guidanceLeave the NDL website. Fluid physics of hypersonic wakes : papers presented at a Specialists' Meeting of the Fluid Dynamics Panel of AGARD held at the Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 10-12 May, 1967Leave the NDL website. Flight simulation - where are the challenges? = Simulation de vol - quels sont les défis?Leave the NDL website. Software engineering and its application to avionicsLeave the NDL website. Validation of computational fluid dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Engine condition monitoring - technology and experienceLeave the NDL website. The characterisation & modification of wakes from lifting vehicles in fluids = La caractérisation et la modification des sillages crées dans les fluides par des véhicules portantLeave the NDL website. Optoelectronic components and devicesLeave the NDL website. Recent issues and advances in aeromedical evacuation : MEDEVAC : les Progre︡s re̊cents et les questions pose̊es dans le domaine de l'e̊vacuation ae̊rome̊dicaleLeave the NDL website. Advances in Tactical Rocket PropulsionLeave the NDL website. Advanced instrumentation for aero engine componentsLeave the NDL website. Hypersonic boundary layers and flow fields : papers presented at a Specialists' Meeting of the Fluid Dynamics Panel of AGARD held at the Royal Aeronautical Society, London, 1-3 May, 1968Leave the NDL website. Corrosion detection and management of advanced airframe materials = La détection de la corrosion et la gestion des matériaux avancés dans la construction des cellulesLeave the NDL website. Guidance, control and positioning of future precision guided stand-off weapons systemsLeave the NDL website. Progress and challenges in CFD methods and altogrithms = Progrès réalisès et défis en méthodes et algorithmes CFDLeave the NDL website. Displays for command and control centersLeave the NDL website. Propagation assessment in coastal environments = L'évaluation de la propagation en régions côtièresLeave the NDL website. Artificial intelligenceLeave the NDL website.

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Advanced navigational techniques
Flight testing
Behaviour and analysis of mechanically fastened joints in composite structure
The Aerospace environment at high altitudes and its implications for spacecraft charging and communications
Engine response to distorted inflow conditions
Aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of rotorcraft : L'Aérodynamique et l'aéroacoustique des aéronefs à voilure tournante
Selection and training advances in aviation = Les progrès réalisés en sélection et formation des personnels navigants
Secondary flows in turbomachines : papers presented at the Propulsion and Energetics Panel 74th(B) Specialists' Meeting, held in Luxembourg, 30 August - 1 September 1989
Fluid dynamics of three-dimensional turbulent shear flows and transition
Human behaviour in high stress situations in aerospace operations
Impact head injury: responses, mechanisms, tolerance, treatment and countermeasures = Les traumatismes craniens consecutifs aux impacts: les mechanismes, la tolerance, le traitement et les contremesures
Tactical aerospace C[3]I in coming years : commandes, pilotage, communications, renseignements tactiques ae̊rospatiaux dans les prochaines anne̊es
Phase and frequency instabilities in electromagnetic wave propagation
Aerospace materials process modelling
Guidance and control for future air-defence systems : techniques de guidage/pilotage pour les syste̊mes futurs de de̊fence anti-ae̊rienne
Service life of solid propellant systems = La durée de vie des systèmes à ergols solides
Erosion, corrosion and foreign object damage effects in gas turbines : les conse̊quences de l'endommagement des turbines a︡ gaz par e̊rosion, corrosion et objets e̊trangers
Strategic management of the cost problem of future weapon systems = Gestion strategique des couts des futurs systemes d'armes
Radar signature analysis and imaging of military targets = L'analyse de la signature radar et de la vidéoscopie de cibles militaires
Implications of advanced technologies for air and spacecraft escape : papers presented at the Aerospace Medical Panel Symposium held in Munich, Germany, from 24 to 28 April 1989
Applications of computational fluid dynamics in aeronautics
Aircraft flight instrumentation integrated data systems
Efficient conduct of individual flights and air traffic or optimum utilization of modern technology for the overall benefit of civil and military airspace users
Advanced aerodynamic measurement technology = Technologies avancées de mesure aérodynamique
Information management and decision making in advanced airborne weapon systems
Composite repair of military aircraft structures : la Re̊paration composite des structures d'avions militaires
Low-level and Nap-of-the-Earth (N.O.E) night operations: Ope̊ration de nuit a︡ basse altitude et en rase mottes
Loss mechanisms and unsteady flows in turbomachines = Les mécanismes des pertes et les écoulements instationnaires dans les turbomachines
Subsystem Ingetration for Tactical Missiles (SITM) and Design and Operatin of Unmanned Air Vehicles (DOUAV) = L'intégration des sous-systèmes dans les missiles tactiques et la conception et l'exploitation des véhicules sans pilote
Multi-sensor systems and data fusion for telecommunications, remote sensing and radar = Les systémes multi-senseurs et le fusionnement des données pour les télécommunications, la télédétection et les radars
High temperature surface interactions
Advanced computer aids in the planning and execution of air warfare and ground strike operations
New light alloys
System design considerations for unmanned tactical aircraft (UTA) = Les considérations dans les projects de systèemes pour les aéronefs tactiques et non pilotés
Barriers to information transfer and approaches toward their reduction
Planning and designing effective defence and related information services
Applications of advances in navigation to guidance and control
Space vehicle flight mechanics : la mécanique du vol des véhicules spatiaux : copies of papers presented at the Flight Mechanics Panel Symposium held in Luxembourg from 13th to 16th November 1989
The man-machine interface in tactical aircraft design and combat automation
Flight test techniques
Motion cues in flight simulation and simulator induced sickness
Aeromedical support issues in contingency operations = Le soutien aéromédical lors des opérations non programmées
Active control technology: applications and lessons learned : les technologies du syste̊me de contrôle actif : applications et enseignements
Neurological limitations of aircraft operatrins: human performance implications = Les limitations neurologiques des opérations aériennes: les conséquences pour les performances des équipages
Applications of mesh generation to complex 3-D configurations
Space systems design and development testing : les Essais dans la conception et le de̊veloppement des syste︡mes spatiaux
Advanced aeroservoelastic testing and data analysis = Les essais aéroservoélastiques et l'analyse des données
Environmental factors in electronic warfare related to aerospace systems = Les facteurs d'environnement en guerre électronique relatifs aux systèmes aérospatiaux
Propagation effects and circuit performance of modern military radio systems with particular emphasis on those employing bandspreading
The clinical basis for aeromedical decision making : Les bases cliniques pour la prise de de̊cision dans le domaine aèromèdical
Space systems as contributors to the NATO defence mission = Les systèmes spatiaux contribuant à la stratégie de défense de l'OTAN
Aircraft fire safety = La sécurité incendie des aéronefs
Advances in rotorcraft technology = Les avanceés en technologies pour aéronefs à voilure tournante
Advances in flight testing = Les avancées dans le domaine des essais en vol
Guidance and control design considerations for low-altitude and terminal-area flight
Combustion instabilities in liquid-fuelled propulsion systems
Advanced components for turbojet engines
Multifunction radar for airborne applications
The Repair of aircraft structures involving composite materials
Improvement of combat performance for existing and future aircraft
Neck injury in advanced military aircraft environments : papers presented at the Aerospace Medical Panal Symposium held in Munich, Germany, from 24 to 28 april 1989
Computational methods for aerodynamic design(inverse) and optimization
Principles and practice of bionics
Advanced packaging concepts for digital avionics : les techniques avance̊es de mise sous boitier
Artificial intelligence
Propagation factors in space communications
Antennas for avionics
Unsteady aerodynamic phenomena in turbomachines : papers presented at the Propulsion and Energetics Panel 74th(A) Specialists' Meeting, held in Luxembourg, 28-30 August 1989
Validation of computational fluid dynamics : papers presented and discussions held at the Symposium of the Fluid Dynamics Panel in Lisbon, Portugal, 2-5 May, 1988
Symposium on structural optimization
Scattering and propagation in random media
High Power Microwaves (HPM) = Les Micro-ondes de Forte Puissance (MFP)
Aircraft fire safety
Operational decision aids for exploiting or mitigating electromagnetic propagation effects
Audio effectiveness in aviation = L'efficacite des communications vocales en aeronautique
Avionics in spacecraft : papers presented at the 22nd Technical Symposium of the Avionics Panel of AGARD, held in Rome, Italy, 31 May-4 June 1971
Digital communications systems: propagation effects, thechnical solutions, systems design =Systèmes de propagation numériques: effets de la propagation, solutions techniques, conception des systèmes
Aerodynamic data accuracy and quality: requirements and capabilities in wind tunnel testing
Technologies for precision air strike operations in rapid-reaction and localised-conflict scenarios = Les techniques pour les opérations air-sol dans les situations de conflits localisés et de réactions rapides
Widespread fatigue damage in military aircraft = L'endommagement en fatigue des avions militaires
Advanced architectures for aerospace mission systems = Architectures futures pour l'avionique de gestion de mission
Bolted/bonded joints in polymeric composites = Assemblages boulonnés/collés en matériaux conposites polymères
Situation awareness: limitations and enhancement in the aviation environment = La conscience de la situation: les limitations et l'amélioration en environnement aéronautique
Advanced non-intrusive instrumentation for propulsion engines = L'instrumentation non-invasive avancée pour les propulseurs
Advanced aero-engine concepts and controls = Les concepts avancés et les commandes des nouveaux moteurs d'avion
Flight in adverse environmental conditions : copies of papers presented at the Flight Mechanics Panel Symposium held at Gol, Norway from 8 to 11 May 1989
Remote sensing: a valuable source of information = La télédétection - source précieuse de renseignements
Aerodynamics of wind tunnel circuits and their components = L'aérodynamique des circuits des souffleries et de leurs composants
Atmospheric propagation in the UV, visible, IR and MM-wave region and related systems aspects
Advancements in retrieval technology as related to information systems
Stability and control of tactical missile systems
Application of direct and large eddy simulation to transition and turbulence : L'Application de la simulation directe et de la simulation des gros tourbillons a la transition et a la turbulence : conference proceedings on Fluid Dynamics held at Chania, Crete Greece in April 1994
Future aerospace technology in the service of the Alliance = Les technologies aéronautiques et spatiales du futur au service de l'alliance atlantique
High resolution air- and spaceborne radar
Aerodynamics of store integration and separation = L'aérodynamique de l'intégration et du largage des charges externes
Guidance and control of precision guided weapons
Advanced joining of aerospace metallic materials
Flight simulation
Thermal mechanical fatigue of aircraft engine materials = La fatigue thermomécanique des matériaux constitutifs des moteurs d'avion
Analytical and numerical methods for investigation of flow fields with chemical reactions, especially related to combustion
Testing and measurement techniques in heat transfer and combustion : papers presented at the 55th (A) specialists' meeting of the AGARD Propulsion and Energetics Panel, held at the Royal Library, Brussels, Belgium, on 5-7 May 1980
Biochemical enhancement of performance
Tribology for aerospace systems = La tribologie pour les systèmes aèrospatiaux
Transonic and supersonic phenomena in turbomachines
Radio antennas for aircraft and aerospace vehicles
Energy absorption of aircraft structures as an aspect of crashworthiness
Environmental aspects of rocket and gun propulsion : les aspects environnementaux de la propulsion par fuse̊e et des canons
Guidance and control of unmanned air vehicles
Electronic transfer of information and its impact on aerospace and defence research and development
Mechanical qualification of large flexible spacecraft structures
Dual usage in military and commercial technology in guidance and control : technologies duales militaires et civiles de guidage/pilotage
Advances in techniques and technologies for air vehicle navigation and guidance
Fluid physics of hypersonic wakes : papers presented at a Specialists' Meeting of the Fluid Dynamics Panel of AGARD held at the Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 10-12 May, 1967
Flight simulation - where are the challenges? = Simulation de vol - quels sont les défis?
Software engineering and its application to avionics
Validation of computational fluid dynamics
Engine condition monitoring - technology and experience
The characterisation & modification of wakes from lifting vehicles in fluids = La caractérisation et la modification des sillages crées dans les fluides par des véhicules portant
Optoelectronic components and devices
Recent issues and advances in aeromedical evacuation : MEDEVAC : les Progre︡s re̊cents et les questions pose̊es dans le domaine de l'e̊vacuation ae̊rome̊dicale
Advances in Tactical Rocket Propulsion
Advanced instrumentation for aero engine components
Hypersonic boundary layers and flow fields : papers presented at a Specialists' Meeting of the Fluid Dynamics Panel of AGARD held at the Royal Aeronautical Society, London, 1-3 May, 1968
Corrosion detection and management of advanced airframe materials = La détection de la corrosion et la gestion des matériaux avancés dans la construction des cellules
Guidance, control and positioning of future precision guided stand-off weapons systems
Progress and challenges in CFD methods and altogrithms = Progrès réalisès et défis en méthodes et algorithmes CFD
Displays for command and control centers
Propagation assessment in coastal environments = L'évaluation de la propagation en régions côtières
Artificial intelligence