
Dbu ma'i mtha' dpyod luṅ rigs gter mdzod kyi dgoṅs don gsal bar byed pa'i ñin byed snaṅ ba zab lam lta ba'i mig 'byed : a detailed exegesis of 'Jam-dbyaṅs-bźad-pa'i-rdo-rje's 'Dbu ma la 'jug pa'i mtha' dpyod', basic presentation of Madhyamika philosophy of the Sgo-maṅ tradition Microfiche ed

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Dbu ma'i mtha' dpyod luṅ rigs gter mdzod kyi dgoṅs don gsal bar byed pa'i ñin byed snaṅ ba zab lam lta ba'i mig 'byed : a detailed exegesis of 'Jam-dbyaṅs-bźad-pa'i-rdo-rje's 'Dbu ma la 'jug pa'i mtha' dpyod', basic presentation of Madhyamika philosophy of the Sgo-maṅ tradition

Microfiche ed

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by Blo-gros-rgya-mtsho
Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions
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11 x 15 cm
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Title on header: Dbu ma'i mtha' dpyod luṅ rigs gter mdzod kyi dgoṅs don gsal ...Half title of original: དབུ་མའི་མཐའ་དཔྱོད་ལུང་རིགས་གཏེར་མཛོད་ཀྱི་དགོངས...

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Material Type
by Blo-gros-rgya-mtsho
Microfiche ed
Publication Date
11 x 15 cm
Alternative Title
དབུ་མའི་མཐའ་དཔྱོད ལུང་རིགས་གཏེར་མཛོད ཀྱི དགོངས་དོན་གསལ་བར་བྱེད་པ ཡི ཉིན་བྱེད་སྣང་བ ཟབ་ལམ་ལྟ་བའི་མིག་འབྱེད ཅེས་བྱ་བ བཞུགས་སོ
dbu ma'i mtha' dpyod lung rigs gter mdzod kyi dgongs don gsal bar byed pa'i nyin byed snang ba zab lam lta ba'i mig 'byed ces bya ba bzhugs so
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