
Editiones Arnamagnæanæ

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Editiones Arnamagnæanæ

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Ejnar Munksgaard
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Table of Contents

  • Gibbons saga

  • Ívens saga

  • Hrólfs saga Kraka

  • Hrafns saga Sveinbjarnarsonar : B-redaktionen

  • Íslenzk fornkvæði : islandske folkeviser

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Note (General)
"Concilio et auctoritate Legati Arnamagnæani a Jón Helgason"
Related Material
Gibbons saga
Ívens saga
Hrólfs saga Kraka
Hrafns saga Sveinbjarnarsonar : B-redaktionen
Íslenzk fornkvæði : islandske folkeviser
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Late medieval Icelandic Romances
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Islandske originaldiplomer indtil 1450 : faksimiler
Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta
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Reykjahólabók : islandske helgenlegender
Membrana Regia Deperdita
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Dunstanus saga
Alkuin de Virtutibus et Vitiis i norsk-islandsk overlevering og Udvidelser til Jonsbogens kapitel om domme
Harðar saga
The history of the cross-tree down to Christ's passion : icelandic legend versions
Plácidus Saga
Hemings ðáttr Áslákssonar
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