
Bombay Sanskrit series

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Bombay Sanskrit series

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Bāna's KādambarīLeave the NDL website. Handbook to the study of the RigvedaLeave the NDL website. उपनिषद्वाक्यकोशः = A concordance to the principal Upanishads and BhagavadgîtâLeave the NDL website. The Raghuvamsa of Kalidasa : with the commentary of MallinathaLeave the NDL website. PanchatantraLeave the NDL website. The Paddhati of Sarngadhara : a Sanskrit anthologyLeave the NDL website. The Malavikagnimitra : a Sanskrit play by KalidasaLeave the NDL website. The Deśīnāmamālā of HemachandraLeave the NDL website. The Rekhâgaṇita, or, Geometry in SanskritLeave the NDL website. PañchatantraLeave the NDL website. The Vikramorvaśîyam : a Sanskrit playLeave the NDL website. Tarka-saṁgraha of Annaṁbhaṭṭa : with the author's own dīpikā, and Govardhana's nyāya-bodhinīLeave the NDL website. A second selection of hymns from the ṚigvedaLeave the NDL website. The Navasâhasâṅka Charita of Padmaguta alias Parimala : containing the preface, the text with various readings, and an index to the ślôkasLeave the NDL website. The Vikramorvasiyam : a drama in five actsLeave the NDL website. The Raghuvaṃśa of Kâlidâsa : with the commentary of MallinâthaLeave the NDL website. The Bhaṭṭi-Kâvya, or RâvaṇavadhaLeave the NDL website. Eleven Ātharvaṇa Upanishads : with DīpikāsLeave the NDL website. The DvyâśrayakâvyaLeave the NDL website. आपस्तम्बीयधर्मसूत्रम् = Āpastamba's aphorisms on the sacred law of the HindusLeave the NDL website. The Nitisataka and Vairagyasataka of Bhartrihari : with extracts from two Sanskrit commentariesLeave the NDL website. Aphorisms on the sacred law of the Hindus = आपस्तम्बीयधर्मसूत्रम्Leave the NDL website. Patañjalasūtrāṇi : with the scholium of Vyāsa, and the commentary of VāchaspatiLeave the NDL website. HitopadeśaLeave the NDL website. MudrārākṣasaLeave the NDL website. The Mṛichchhakaṭika, or, Toy cart : a prakaraṇaLeave the NDL website. Hymns from the RigvedaLeave the NDL website. Tarka-saṅgraha of Annambhaṭṭa : with the author's Dîpikâ, and Govardhana's Nyâya-bodhinîLeave the NDL website. The Parâśara-Dharma-saṃhitâ, or, Parâśara smṛiti : with the commentary by Sâyaṇa MâdhavâchâryaLeave the NDL website. PanchatantraLeave the NDL website. The Daśakumâracharita of DaṇḍinLeave the NDL website. MudrârâkshasaLeave the NDL website. Nyāyakośa, or, Dictionary of the technical terms of the Nyāya philosophy &c.Leave the NDL website. The Vikramorvaśîyam : a Sanskrit playLeave the NDL website. The Mahānārāyana-Upanishad of the Atharva-Veda : with the Dīpikā of NārāyaṇaLeave the NDL website. Mudrârâkshasa by Viśâkhadatta : with the commentary of ḌhuṇḍhirâjaLeave the NDL website. The Tarkakaumudi : being an introduction to the principles of the Vaisheshika and the Nayaya philosophiesLeave the NDL website. Aphorisms on the sacred law of the Âryas, as taught in the school of Vasishṭha = श्रीवासिष्ठधर्माशास्त्रम्Leave the NDL website. The Gaüḍavaho : a historical poem in PrākṛitLeave the NDL website. HitopadesaLeave the NDL website. The Mahânârâyana-upanishad of the Atharvaveda : with the dîpikâ of NarayanaLeave the NDL website. PanchatantraLeave the NDL website. Hymns from the ṚigvedaLeave the NDL website. The Kumârapâlacharita (Prâkṛita dvyâśraya kâvya)Leave the NDL website. The Naishkarmya-siddhi of Sureśvarāchārya : with the Chandrikā of JnānoṭtamaLeave the NDL website. The Vikramânkadevacharita : a life of King Vikramâditya-Tribhuvana Malla of Kalyâṇa = विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरितम्Leave the NDL website. The Bhaṭṭi-Kâvya, or RâvaṇavadhaLeave the NDL website. Hymns from the ṚgvedaLeave the NDL website. The Ekâvalî of Vidyâdhara : with the commentary, Tarala, of Mallinâtha and with a critical notice of manuscripts, introduction and critical and explanatory notesLeave the NDL website. The Paribháshenduśekhara of NágojíbhaṭṭaLeave the NDL website. The Naishkarmyasiddhi of Suresvaracharya : with the Chandrika of JnanottamaLeave the NDL website. Hymns from the RigvedaLeave the NDL website. The Râjataraṅgiṇî of KalhaṇaLeave the NDL website. KâdambarîLeave the NDL website.

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Related Material
Bāna's Kādambarī
Handbook to the study of the Rigveda
उपनिषद्वाक्यकोशः = A concordance to the principal Upanishads and Bhagavadgîtâ
The Raghuvamsa of Kalidasa : with the commentary of Mallinatha
The Paddhati of Sarngadhara : a Sanskrit anthology
The Malavikagnimitra : a Sanskrit play by Kalidasa
The Deśīnāmamālā of Hemachandra
The Rekhâgaṇita, or, Geometry in Sanskrit
The Vikramorvaśîyam : a Sanskrit play
Tarka-saṁgraha of Annaṁbhaṭṭa : with the author's own dīpikā, and Govardhana's nyāya-bodhinī
A second selection of hymns from the Ṛigveda
The Navasâhasâṅka Charita of Padmaguta alias Parimala : containing the preface, the text with various readings, and an index to the ślôkas
The Vikramorvasiyam : a drama in five acts
The Raghuvaṃśa of Kâlidâsa : with the commentary of Mallinâtha
The Bhaṭṭi-Kâvya, or Râvaṇavadha
Eleven Ātharvaṇa Upanishads : with Dīpikās
The Dvyâśrayakâvya
आपस्तम्बीयधर्मसूत्रम् = Āpastamba's aphorisms on the sacred law of the Hindus
The Nitisataka and Vairagyasataka of Bhartrihari : with extracts from two Sanskrit commentaries
Aphorisms on the sacred law of the Hindus = आपस्तम्बीयधर्मसूत्रम्
Patañjalasūtrāṇi : with the scholium of Vyāsa, and the commentary of Vāchaspati
The Mṛichchhakaṭika, or, Toy cart : a prakaraṇa
Hymns from the Rigveda
Tarka-saṅgraha of Annambhaṭṭa : with the author's Dîpikâ, and Govardhana's Nyâya-bodhinî
The Parâśara-Dharma-saṃhitâ, or, Parâśara smṛiti : with the commentary by Sâyaṇa Mâdhavâchârya
The Daśakumâracharita of Daṇḍin
Nyāyakośa, or, Dictionary of the technical terms of the Nyāya philosophy &c.
The Vikramorvaśîyam : a Sanskrit play
The Mahānārāyana-Upanishad of the Atharva-Veda : with the Dīpikā of Nārāyaṇa
Mudrârâkshasa by Viśâkhadatta : with the commentary of Ḍhuṇḍhirâja
The Tarkakaumudi : being an introduction to the principles of the Vaisheshika and the Nayaya philosophies
Aphorisms on the sacred law of the Âryas, as taught in the school of Vasishṭha = श्रीवासिष्ठधर्माशास्त्रम्
The Gaüḍavaho : a historical poem in Prākṛit
The Mahânârâyana-upanishad of the Atharvaveda : with the dîpikâ of Narayana
Hymns from the Ṛigveda
The Kumârapâlacharita (Prâkṛita dvyâśraya kâvya)
The Naishkarmya-siddhi of Sureśvarāchārya : with the Chandrikā of Jnānoṭtama
The Vikramânkadevacharita : a life of King Vikramâditya-Tribhuvana Malla of Kalyâṇa = विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरितम्
The Bhaṭṭi-Kâvya, or Râvaṇavadha
Hymns from the Ṛgveda
The Ekâvalî of Vidyâdhara : with the commentary, Tarala, of Mallinâtha and with a critical notice of manuscripts, introduction and critical and explanatory notes
The Paribháshenduśekhara of Nágojíbhaṭṭa
The Naishkarmyasiddhi of Suresvaracharya : with the Chandrika of Jnanottama
Hymns from the Rigveda
The Râjataraṅgiṇî of Kalhaṇa
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