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英文タイトル: Macau studies

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澳门博彩产业竞争力研究Leave the NDL website. 望洋法雨 : 全球化与澳门民商法的变迁Leave the NDL website. 近现当代传媒与澳港台文学经验Leave the NDL website. 澳门中文新诗发展史研究 (1938~2008) = A research on the history of Chinese poetry in Macau (1938-2008)Leave the NDL website. 社会卷Leave the NDL website. 明清澳门渉外法律研究 = A research on foreign-related laws in Macao of the Ming and early Qing dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 动荡年代 : 辛亥革命前后的香山与澳门 = An era of turmoil : Xiangshan county and Macau before and after the Xinhai revolutionLeave the NDL website. 现代澳门社会治理模式研究 = On the pattern of governance of contemporary MacauLeave the NDL website. 自治与他治 : 澳门的行政、司法与社团(1553-1999)Leave the NDL website. 一国两制与澳门治理民主化Leave the NDL website. 澳门人文社会科学研究文选(2008-2011) = Selected works of social sciences and humanities of Macau(2008-2011)Leave the NDL website. 澳门土生葡人的宗教信仰 : 从"单一"到"多元混融"的变迁Leave the NDL website. 陆海交接处 : 早期世界贸易体系中的澳门 = Where the land joins with oceanLeave the NDL website. 新秩序 : 澳门社会治理研究Leave the NDL website. 治理与秩序 : 全球化进程中的澳门法(1553-1999)Leave the NDL website. 文化艺术卷Leave the NDL website. 澳门社团体制变迁 : 自治、代表与参政Leave the NDL website. 个人资料的法律保护 : 放眼中国内地、香港、澳门及台湾Leave the NDL website. 澳门基本法与澳门特別行政区法治研究 = A study on the basic law of Macau and the rule of law of the Macau Special Administrative RegionLeave the NDL website. 澳门出土明代青花瓷器研究 = A research on blue and white porcelain wares of the Ming dynasty unearthed in MacauLeave the NDL website. 珠海、澳门与近代中西文化交流 : "首届珠澳文化论坛"论文集Leave the NDL website. 历史巻 (含法制史)Leave the NDL website. "一带一路"与澳门发展Leave the NDL website. 一国两制与澳门特区制度建设 = One country, two systems and institutional building of the Macau special administrative regionLeave the NDL website. 澳门纪事 : 18, 19世纪三个法国人的中国观察Leave the NDL website. 蠔镜映西潮 : 屏蔽与缓冲中的清代澳门中西交流Leave the NDL website. 往东方去:16-18世纪徳意志与东方贸易Leave the NDL website. 把世界带进中国 : 从澳门出发的中国近代史Leave the NDL website. 韦卓民与中西方文化交流 : "第二届珠澳文化论坛"论文集 = Wei Zhuomin and cultural exchanges between China and the WestLeave the NDL website. 政治卷Leave the NDL website. "以天主和利益的名义" : 早期葡萄牙海洋扩张的历史Leave the NDL website. 镜海微澜 : 黄鸿钊澳门史研究选集Leave the NDL website. 新时代新征程Leave the NDL website. "一国两制"下的中央管治权研究Leave the NDL website. 马礼逊对华传播活动研究 = A study on Robert Morrison's activities of dissemination and evangelism in ChinaLeave the NDL website. 澳門民事訴訟制度改革研究 = A study of the reform of the civil litigation system of MacauLeave the NDL website. 语言翻译卷Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • 澳门博彩产业竞争力研究

  • 望洋法雨 : 全球化与澳门民商法的变迁

  • 近现当代传媒与澳港台文学经验

  • 澳门中文新诗发展史研究 (1938~2008) = A research on the history of Chinese poetry in Macau (1938-2008)

  • 社会卷

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マカオ ケンキュウ ソウショ
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Macau studies
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英文タイトル: Macau studies
Related Material
望洋法雨 : 全球化与澳门民商法的变迁
澳门中文新诗发展史研究 (1938~2008) = A research on the history of Chinese poetry in Macau (1938-2008)
明清澳门渉外法律研究 = A research on foreign-related laws in Macao of the Ming and early Qing dynasties
动荡年代 : 辛亥革命前后的香山与澳门 = An era of turmoil : Xiangshan county and Macau before and after the Xinhai revolution
现代澳门社会治理模式研究 = On the pattern of governance of contemporary Macau
自治与他治 : 澳门的行政、司法与社团(1553-1999)
澳门人文社会科学研究文选(2008-2011) = Selected works of social sciences and humanities of Macau(2008-2011)
澳门土生葡人的宗教信仰 : 从"单一"到"多元混融"的变迁
陆海交接处 : 早期世界贸易体系中的澳门 = Where the land joins with ocean
新秩序 : 澳门社会治理研究
治理与秩序 : 全球化进程中的澳门法(1553-1999)
澳门社团体制变迁 : 自治、代表与参政
个人资料的法律保护 : 放眼中国内地、香港、澳门及台湾
澳门基本法与澳门特別行政区法治研究 = A study on the basic law of Macau and the rule of law of the Macau Special Administrative Region
澳门出土明代青花瓷器研究 = A research on blue and white porcelain wares of the Ming dynasty unearthed in Macau
珠海、澳门与近代中西文化交流 : "首届珠澳文化论坛"论文集
历史巻 (含法制史)
一国两制与澳门特区制度建设 = One country, two systems and institutional building of the Macau special administrative region
澳门纪事 : 18, 19世纪三个法国人的中国观察
蠔镜映西潮 : 屏蔽与缓冲中的清代澳门中西交流
把世界带进中国 : 从澳门出发的中国近代史
韦卓民与中西方文化交流 : "第二届珠澳文化论坛"论文集 = Wei Zhuomin and cultural exchanges between China and the West
"以天主和利益的名义" : 早期葡萄牙海洋扩张的历史
镜海微澜 : 黄鸿钊澳门史研究选集
马礼逊对华传播活动研究 = A study on Robert Morrison's activities of dissemination and evangelism in China
澳門民事訴訟制度改革研究 = A study of the reform of the civil litigation system of Macau