Author/Editorby Arnold O. Ginnow, editor-in-chief and Milorad Nikolic, managing editor ; assisted by the editorial staff of West Publishing Company
Note (General)American legal encyclopedia (many volumes ) ; Vol. 1-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, ... 100-109, ... etc. 10 vol 単位で別書誌とする
Publisher name varies slightly: Thomson/West, Thomson Reuters
Vol. 1: Abandonment - Accountants -- v. 1A: Accounting - Acctions -- v. 1 (2016): Abandonment to Accountants -- v. 1A (2016): Accounting to Actions
Vol. 2: Adjoining landowners - Adverse possession -- v. 2 (2013): Adjoining landowners to adverse possession -- v. 2A: Aeronautics and aerospace - Agency 1 to 469 -- v. 2A (2013): Aeronautics and aerospace to Agency §1 to 498
Vol. 3: Agency 470 - Aliens 653 -- v. 3 (2013): Agency §499 to end to Aliens §1 to 657 -- v. 3A: Aliens 654 to end -- v. 3A (2013): Aliens §658 to end -- v. 3B: Alteration of instruments - Annuities -- v. 3B (2013): Alteration of instruments to annuities
Vol. 4: Appeal and error, 1 to 630 -- v. 4 (2007): Appeal and error, 1 to 747
Vol. 5: Appeal and error, 631 to end -- v. 5 (2007): Appeal and error, 748 to end
Vol. 6: Appearances to Armed services -- v. 6 (2016): Appearances to Armed services §§1 to 282 -- v. 6A: Arrest to Assignments -- v. 6A (2016): Armed services §§283 to end to Assignments
Vol. 7: Assistance to Attorney & client 60 -- v. 7 (2015): Assistance to Attorney & client §§1 to 99 -- v. 7A: Attorney & client 61 to End to Audita querela -- 7A(2015): Attorney & client §§100 to End to Audita querela
Vol. 8: Bail - Bailment -- v. 8 (2017): Bail to Bailments -- v. 8A: Bankruptcy -- v. 8 (c2005): Bail - Bailments -- v. 8A (2006): Bankruptcy 1 to 756 -- v. 8B (2006): Bankruptcy 757 to end -- v. 8A (2016): Bankruptcy §§1 to 763 -- v. 8B (2016): Bankruptcy §§764 to end
Vol. 9. Banks and Banking
Kept to date by cumulative annual pocket parts
Includes index
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