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Energy and the western United States : politics and developmentLeave the NDL website. Brazil : politics in a patrimonial societyLeave the NDL website. Policy and methods in German and American antitrust law : a comparative studyLeave the NDL website. The crisis in historical materialism : class, politics, and culture in Marxist theoryLeave the NDL website. Resources for health : technology assessment for policy makingLeave the NDL website. Urban development in the Third World : internal dynamics of Lahore, PakistanLeave the NDL website. Brazil in transitionLeave the NDL website. The United States and Pakistan : the evolution of an influence relationshipLeave the NDL website. New methods in social science research : policy sciences and futures researchLeave the NDL website. Technology transfer and international lawLeave the NDL website. The Overseas Private Investment Corporation : a study in political riskLeave the NDL website. Puerto Rico : equality and freedom at issueLeave the NDL website. The Food retailing industry : market structure, profits, and pricesLeave the NDL website. Rural Asia : challenge and opportunityLeave the NDL website. Roots to power : a manual for grassroots organizingLeave the NDL website. Development of moral reasoning : practical approachesLeave the NDL website. Politics and change in SpainLeave the NDL website. Women, religion, and development in the Third WorldLeave the NDL website. New directions in economic policy : an agenda for the 1980sLeave the NDL website. Regulating the multinational enterprise : national and international challengesLeave the NDL website. Military families : adaptation to changeLeave the NDL website. America's future : transition to the 21st centuryLeave the NDL website. An economic analysis of southern African agricultureLeave the NDL website. Municipal productivity : a comparison of fourteen high-quality-service citiesLeave the NDL website. Soviet and Chinese aid to African nationsLeave the NDL website. Equal employment issues : race and sex discrimination in the United States, Canada, and BritainLeave the NDL website. Congressional committee politics : continuity and changeLeave the NDL website. Politics and public policy in Kenya and TanzaniaLeave the NDL website. Television myth and the American mindLeave the NDL website. Multinationals in a changing environment : a study of business-government relations in the Third WorldLeave the NDL website. The political transformation of Spain after FrancoLeave the NDL website. Financing the metropolisLeave the NDL website. Career patterns in education : women, men, and minorities in public school administrationLeave the NDL website. Health of the stateLeave the NDL website. Contending with Kennan : toward a philosophy of American powerLeave the NDL website. The political role of minority groups in the Middle EastLeave the NDL website. Congress and national defense : the politics of the unthinkableLeave the NDL website. The Arab-Israeli conflict : perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Information technology and psychology, prospects for the futureLeave the NDL website. U.S. foreign assistance : investment or folly?Leave the NDL website. Science, technology, and economic development : a historical and comparative studyLeave the NDL website. Romanian foreign policy and the United NationsLeave the NDL website. The Construing personLeave the NDL website. The Latin American policies of U.S. allies : balancing global interests and regional concernsLeave the NDL website. Coal models and their use in government planningLeave the NDL website. Defense politics of the Atlantic AllianceLeave the NDL website. International lending by U.S. commercial banks : a casebookLeave the NDL website. Ancient affections : ethnic groups and foreign policyLeave the NDL website. Burmese political values : the socio-political roots of authoritarianismLeave the NDL website. Women in the work forceLeave the NDL website. Soviet-U.S. relations : the selected writings and speeches of Konstantin U. ChernenkoLeave the NDL website. Foreign investment and development in EgyptLeave the NDL website. The Presidential debates : media, electoral, and policy perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Cognition and environment : functioning in an uncertain worldLeave the NDL website. Yemen, traditionalism vs. modernityLeave the NDL website. Business power and public policyLeave the NDL website. Cures by psychotherapy : what effects change?Leave the NDL website. The Middle East todayLeave the NDL website. The struggle for Zimbabwe : battle in the bushLeave the NDL website. North/south relations : studies of dependency reversalLeave the NDL website. Costing labor contracts and judging their financial impactLeave the NDL website. The Soviet party-state : the politics of ideocratic despotismLeave the NDL website. On infantryLeave the NDL website. Pakistan : Islam, politics, and national solidarityLeave the NDL website. Arms transfers in the modern worldLeave the NDL website. The Kissinger legacy : American-Middle East policyLeave the NDL website. America's other voice : the story of Radio Free Europe and Radio LibertyLeave the NDL website. Arms transfers in the modern worldLeave the NDL website. Regulatory reform : new vision or old curse?Leave the NDL website. Local government finance in the Third World : a case study of the PhilippinesLeave the NDL website. The Uprooted of the western Sahel : migrants' quest for cash in the SenegambiaLeave the NDL website. Environmental assessment and design : a new tool for the applied behavioral scientistLeave the NDL website. Old boys new women : the politics of sex discriminationLeave the NDL website. The political economy of France : from Pompidou to MitterrandLeave the NDL website. Behavioral community psychology : progress and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Financing and risk in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Women's status and fertility in the Muslim worldLeave the NDL website. The premature antifascists : North American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-39 : an oral historyLeave the NDL website. Radical dissent in contemporary Israeli politics : cracks in the wallLeave the NDL website. Jump cut : Hollywood, politics, and counter cinemaLeave the NDL website. Senior settlers : social integration in retirement communitiesLeave the NDL website. The Effects of stress and pollution on marine animalsLeave the NDL website. Strangers at home : Vietnam veterans since the warLeave the NDL website. Attitudes and behavior : an annotated bibliographyLeave the NDL website. MMPI, clinical and research trendsLeave the NDL website. The United States and world development, agenda 1980Leave the NDL website. Collective bargaining in the British public sectorLeave the NDL website. New conventional weapons and East-West securityLeave the NDL website. Technology, environment, and human valuesLeave the NDL website. American presidential elections : trust and the rational voterLeave the NDL website. Explorations in Chicano psychologyLeave the NDL website. Strategic budgeting : a comparison between U.S. and Japanese companiesLeave the NDL website. Class structure : a critical perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Post-traumatic stress disorder : diagnosis, treatment, and legal issuesLeave the NDL website. The multinational company : instrument for world growthLeave the NDL website. Poverty and malnutrition in Latin America : early childhood intervention programs : a report to the Ford FoundationLeave the NDL website. U.S. national health policy : an analysis of the Federal roleLeave the NDL website. Foreign policy making in Western Europe : a comparative approachLeave the NDL website. Management of work and personal life : problems and opportunitiesLeave the NDL website. The Africans : a readerLeave the NDL website. A cross-cultural study of a multinational company : attitudinal responses to participative managementLeave the NDL website. Foreign workers in Western Europe : an emerging political forceLeave the NDL website. Somatization and hypochondriasisLeave the NDL website. Politics in Pakistan : the nature and direction of changeLeave the NDL website. The American constitutional system under strong and weak partiesLeave the NDL website. The ASEAN states : coping with dependenceLeave the NDL website. The political economy of ZimbabweLeave the NDL website. Party politics in the SouthLeave the NDL website. Family violenceLeave the NDL website. One money for EuropeLeave the NDL website. Detente : a documentary recordLeave the NDL website. The development of job design theories and techniquesLeave the NDL website. Political and social thought in the contemporary Middle EastLeave the NDL website. The role of U.S. agriculture in foreign policyLeave the NDL website. The southern redneck : a phenomenological class studyLeave the NDL website. Nations without a State : ethnic minorities in Western EuropeLeave the NDL website. Chronic pain : the psychotherapeutic spectrumLeave the NDL website. Japan and the Asian Development BankLeave the NDL website. Bolivia : past, present, and future of its politicsLeave the NDL website. Puerto Rico, commonwealth or colony?Leave the NDL website. Islam, nationalism, and radicalism in Egypt and the SudanLeave the NDL website. Intelligence and race : the origins and dimensions of the IQ controversyLeave the NDL website. Progress or catastrophe : the nature of biological science and its impact on human societyLeave the NDL website. Social interaction in Chinese societyLeave the NDL website. Tight money timing : the impact of interest rates and the Federal Reserve on the stock marketLeave the NDL website. Cerebral hemisphere asymmetry : method, theory, and applicationLeave the NDL website. The competition : dealing with JapanLeave the NDL website. Perceptual-motor behaviour : developmental assessment and therapyLeave the NDL website. Mexican democracy : a critical viewLeave the NDL website. The declining Northeast : demographic and economic analysesLeave the NDL website. The Soviet marriage market : mate-selection in Russia and the USSRLeave the NDL website. Ending hunger : an idea whose time has comeLeave the NDL website. International conflicts and collective security, 1946-1977 : the United Nations, Organization of American States, Organization of African Unity, and Arab LeagueLeave the NDL website. Conservation under F. D. R.Leave the NDL website. The winning ticket : Daley, the Chicago machine, and Illinois politicsLeave the NDL website. The Left academy : Marxist scholarship on American campusesLeave the NDL website. Moral behavior in Chinese societyLeave the NDL website. Whistleblowing research : methodological and moral issuesLeave the NDL website. A future that will work : competitiveness and compassionLeave the NDL website. People in culture : a survey of cultural anthropologyLeave the NDL website. The M16 controversies : military organizations and weapons acquisitionLeave the NDL website. The United States and world development : agenda 1979Leave the NDL website. World trade issues : regime, structure, and policyLeave the NDL website. Knowledge and discretion in government regulationLeave the NDL website. Organization in vision : essays on gestalt perceptionLeave the NDL website. Tradition and change in postindustrial Japan : the role of the political partiesLeave the NDL website. Disclosure of corporate social performance : survey, evaluation, and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Brain and personalityLeave the NDL website. The economics of the Caribbean BasinLeave the NDL website. Human rights : cultural and ideological perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Business power and public policyLeave the NDL website. Prejudice and tolerance in IrelandLeave the NDL website. The Italian economyLeave the NDL website. Military propaganda : psychological warfare and operationsLeave the NDL website. Property, power, and public choice : an inquiry into law and economicsLeave the NDL website. Public opinion, tracking and targetingLeave the NDL website. Brigadista : harvest and war in Nicaragua : eyewitness accounts of North American volunteers working in NicaraguaLeave the NDL website. Industrial security managementLeave the NDL website. Congress, the presidency, and the Taiwan Relations ActLeave the NDL website. Commercializing defense related technologyLeave the NDL website. Trade problems between Japan and Western EuropeLeave the NDL website. Whistleblowing : managing dissent in the workplaceLeave the NDL website. Women and nutrition in Third World countriesLeave the NDL website. Transnational banks and the dynamics of the Peruvian foreign debt and inflationLeave the NDL website. The Lebanese civil warLeave the NDL website. Organizational behavior in schools and school districtsLeave the NDL website. The child's political world : a longitudinal perspectiveLeave the NDL website. The New republic : a voice of modern liberalismLeave the NDL website. The conduct of just and limited warLeave the NDL website. Multinational companies and economic concentration in EuropeLeave the NDL website. The social progress of nationsLeave the NDL website. Yugoslavia after TitoLeave the NDL website. Communication and social structure : critical studies in mass media researchLeave the NDL website. Passbook number F. 47927 : women and Mau Mau in KenyaLeave the NDL website. Psychosocial factors affecting healthLeave the NDL website. Determinants of travel choiceLeave the NDL website. Women and colonization : anthropological perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Asia and U.S. foreign policyLeave the NDL website. Political conflict on the Horn of AfricaLeave the NDL website. Interpreting the Third World : politics, economics, and social issuesLeave the NDL website. Manage IT! : exploiting information systems for effective managementLeave the NDL website. Politics and nationhood : post-revolutionary PortugalLeave the NDL website. Investment and divestment policies of multinational corporations in EuropeLeave the NDL website. International security in southwest AsiaLeave the NDL website. The preeminence of international financial centersLeave the NDL website. Women in the world-system : its impact on status and fertilityLeave the NDL website. The politics of educational changeLeave the NDL website. Objective mental measurement : individual and program evaluation using the Rasch modelLeave the NDL website. Islamic resurgence in the Arab worldLeave the NDL website. Word processing : first step to the office of the future?Leave the NDL website. Oil revenues and accelerated growth : absorptive capacity in IraqLeave the NDL website. Women in transition : career, family, and life satisfaction in three cohortsLeave the NDL website. Changing patterns of security and stability in AsiaLeave the NDL website. The public's right to know : the Supreme Court and the First AmendmentLeave the NDL website. Tillers : an oral history of family farms in CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Japanese policy and East Asian securityLeave the NDL website. Environment and population : problems of adaptation : an experimental book integrating statements by 162 contributorsLeave the NDL website. Hospital social work practiceLeave the NDL website. Clinical training and health care costs : a basic curriculum for medical educationLeave the NDL website. Development in rich and poor countriesLeave the NDL website. Successful business policiesLeave the NDL website. Face the futureLeave the NDL website. An examination of questionable payments and practicesLeave the NDL website. Class and culture in cold war America : a rainbow at midnightLeave the NDL website. Managerial and technical motivation : assessing needs for achievement, power, and affiliationLeave the NDL website. Assessing stress in childrenLeave the NDL website. Images of life on children's television : sex roles, minorities, and familiesLeave the NDL website. Mexican oil and natural gas : political, strategic, and economic implicationsLeave the NDL website. Policy alternatives for a new international economic order : an economic analysisLeave the NDL website. Urban development in the Third World : policy guidelinesLeave the NDL website. Shipping and development policy : an integrated assessmentLeave the NDL website. Technology licensing and multinational enterprisesLeave the NDL website. Work and equality in Soviet society : the division of labor by age, gender, and nationalityLeave the NDL website. Moscow's city governmentLeave the NDL website. Money market fundsLeave the NDL website. Feminism in American politics : a study of ideological influenceLeave the NDL website. Dependent development and industrial order : an Asian case studyLeave the NDL website. NATO burden-sharing : risks and opportunitiesLeave the NDL website. Export policy : a global assessmentLeave the NDL website. Child health care communicationsLeave the NDL website. Women's worlds : from the new scholarshipLeave the NDL website. Children, television, and sex-role stereotypingLeave the NDL website. Government spending : trends and issuesLeave the NDL website. Heritage : civilization and the Jews : study guideLeave the NDL website. Planning the future of Saudi Arabia : a model for achieving national prioritiesLeave the NDL website. Marketing to changing consumer markets : environmental scanningLeave the NDL website. Political forces in ArgentinaLeave the NDL website. Wage control and inflation in the Soviet bloc countriesLeave the NDL website. The "discovery" of sudden infant death syndrome : lessons in the practice of political medicineLeave the NDL website. The oil decade : conflict and cooperation in the WestLeave the NDL website. The political role of the United Nations : advancing the world communityLeave the NDL website. Organisational effectiveness in a multinational bureaucracyLeave the NDL website. The politics of taxation : revenue without representationLeave the NDL website. Consumerism in the United States : an inter-industry analysisLeave the NDL website. A preface to grants economics : the economy of love and fearLeave the NDL website. Performers & performances : the social organization of artistic workLeave the NDL website. Economic change and consumer shopping behaviorLeave the NDL website. American political theology : historical perspective and theoretical analysisLeave the NDL website. Gay children grown up : gender culture and gender devianceLeave the NDL website. Transnational corporations and underdevelopmentLeave the NDL website. Direct electric utility competition : the natural monopoly mythLeave the NDL website. Sellers & servants : working women in Lima, PeruLeave the NDL website. Keynes' economic legacy : contemporary economic theoriesLeave the NDL website. An introduction to airline economicsLeave the NDL website. The political and social economy of commodity controlLeave the NDL website. Marketing financial servicesLeave the NDL website. Libya since the revolution : aspects of social and political developmentLeave the NDL website. The mass media election : how Americans choose their presidentLeave the NDL website. The United States and world trade : changing patterns and dimensionsLeave the NDL website. Jobs and gender : a study of occupational prestigeLeave the NDL website. Soviet-American trade negotiationsLeave the NDL website. Foreign policy decision making : perception, cognition, and artificial intelligenceLeave the NDL website. The United Nations : reality and idealLeave the NDL website. The conduct of just and limited warLeave the NDL website. The Japanese American community : a three-generation studyLeave the NDL website. Chinese foreign policy : developments after MaoLeave the NDL website. The public's right to know : the Supreme Court and the First AmendmentLeave the NDL website. Political relations and American ZionismLeave the NDL website. The logic of imperialismLeave the NDL website. The Indonesian economyLeave the NDL website. Financing industrial investmentLeave the NDL website. Will Europe fight for oil? : energy relations in the Atlantic areaLeave the NDL website. Primary care research : encounter records and the denominator problemLeave the NDL website. Mediation of environmental disputes : a sourcebookLeave the NDL website. Promoters : structure and functionLeave the NDL website. Government control and multinational strategic management : power systems and telecommunication equipmentLeave the NDL website. The sociology of operaLeave the NDL website. The entrepreneur as culture hero : preadaptations in Nigerian economic developmentLeave the NDL website. The world economy since the war : the politics of uneven developmentLeave the NDL website. Russia's future : the communist education of Soviet youthLeave the NDL website. Workspace : creating environments in organizationsLeave the NDL website. Counseling in the community college : models and approachesLeave the NDL website. Winners and losers in East-West trade : a behavioral analysis of U.S.-Soviet détente (1970-1980)Leave the NDL website. Public policy and administration in the Soviet UnionLeave the NDL website. Class struggle in socialist Poland : with comparisons to YugoslaviaLeave the NDL website. Risk trends of U.S. multinational and domestic firmsLeave the NDL website. Frontiers in organization and managementLeave the NDL website. Understanding television : essays on television as a social and cultural forceLeave the NDL website. Export promotion : the public and private sector interactionLeave the NDL website. School social systems and student achievement : schools can make a differenceLeave the NDL website. Families and change : social needs and public policiesLeave the NDL website. The American left : failures and fortunesLeave the NDL website. The United States and Brazil : limits of influenceLeave the NDL website. Soviet images of dissidents and nonconformistsLeave the NDL website. After plastic surgery : adaptation and adjustmentLeave the NDL website. Adaptation and education in JapanLeave the NDL website. International occupational safety and health resource catalogueLeave the NDL website. The crisis in historical materialism : class, politics and culture in Marxist theoryLeave the NDL website. Women and men as leaders : in business, educational, and social service organizationsLeave the NDL website. Bias in psychotherapyLeave the NDL website. Economic development of South Korea : the political economy of successLeave the NDL website. Pure types are rare : myths and meanings of madnessLeave the NDL website. Europe + Latin America + the multinationals : a positive sum game for the exchange of raw materials and technology in the 1980sLeave the NDL website. Doing business with the RussiansLeave the NDL website. Life after work : retirement, leisure, recreation, and the elderlyLeave the NDL website. The United States and Mexico : patterns of influenceLeave the NDL website. Transfer of technology : U.S. multinationals and Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Cultures in collision : the interaction of Canadian and U.S. television broadcast policiesLeave the NDL website. Multinational distribution : channel, tax, and legal strategiesLeave the NDL website. Political parties in Turkey : the role of IslamLeave the NDL website. Soviet policy toward Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan : the dynamics of influenceLeave the NDL website. Japan's role in Soviet economic growth : transfer of technology since 1965Leave the NDL website. Patterns of diplomatic thinking : a cross-national study of structural and social-psychological determinantsLeave the NDL website. Human spatial abilities : sources of sex differencesLeave the NDL website. Japanese and U.S. policy in AsiaLeave the NDL website. International crises and crisis management : an East-West symposiumLeave the NDL website. Information through the printed word : the dissemination of scholarly, scientific, and intellectual knowledgeLeave the NDL website. Future challenges of management educationLeave the NDL website. Labor relations in a public service industry : unions, management, and the public interest in mass transitLeave the NDL website. Contemporary issues in political theoryLeave the NDL website. The United States and world development : agenda 1979Leave the NDL website. The residential circumstances of the urban poor in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. The suburban environment and womenLeave the NDL website. Strategic dimensions of economic behaviorLeave the NDL website. Economic integration among developing nations : law and policyLeave the NDL website. Househusbands : men and housework in American familiesLeave the NDL website. Alternative careers for humanities PhDs : perspectives of students and graduatesLeave the NDL website. West German politics in the mid-eighties : crisis and continuityLeave the NDL website. The Father-infant relationship : observational studies in the family settingLeave the NDL website. Asian energy problems : an Asian Development Bank surveyLeave the NDL website. Choosing an electoral system : issues and alternativesLeave the NDL website. International bank regulationLeave the NDL website. The politics of raising State and local revenueLeave the NDL website. Flexible life scheduling : breaking the education-work-retirement lockstepLeave the NDL website. U.S.-Arab economic relations : a time of transitionLeave the NDL website. Decisions for sale : corruption and reform in land-use and building regulationLeave the NDL website. Middle East foreign policy : issues and processesLeave the NDL website. Trinidad and Tobago : democracy and development in the CaribbeanLeave the NDL website. State policies and Federal programs : priorities and constraintsLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of the time value of moneyLeave the NDL website. Energy, from opulence to sufficiencyLeave the NDL website. Mind and immunity : behavioral immunology : an annotated bibliography 1976-1982Leave the NDL website. The fifteen minute hour : applied psychotherapy for the primary care physicianLeave the NDL website. Energy and employmentLeave the NDL website. Principles of learning and memoryLeave the NDL website. Work, marriage, and motherhood : the career persistence of female physiciansLeave the NDL website. The political economics of international bank lendingLeave the NDL website. The Challenge of China and Japan : study guide to accompany audio/print courseLeave the NDL website. Social psychology of absenteeismLeave the NDL website. Schumpeterian economicsLeave the NDL website. Schumpeter's vision : capitalism, socialism, and democracy after 40 yearsLeave the NDL website. Mobilizing technology for world developmentLeave the NDL website. Administrative science & politics in the USSR & the United States : Soviet responses to American management techniques, 1917-presentLeave the NDL website. The Challenge of China and Japan : politics and development in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Living poorly in AmericaLeave the NDL website. Local economic development : a guide to practiceLeave the NDL website. The women's rights movement in Iran : mutiny, appeasement, and repression from 1900 to KhomeiniLeave the NDL website. Computers, information and manufacturing systemsLeave the NDL website. Living poorly in AmericaLeave the NDL website. Social change in Israel : attitudes and events, 1967-1979Leave the NDL website. The dynamics of economic policy making in EgyptLeave the NDL website. Fading partnership : America and Europe after 30 yearsLeave the NDL website. Transfer pricing and multinational corporations : an overview of concepts, mechanisms and regulationsLeave the NDL website. Value for value psychotherapy : the economic and therapeutic barterLeave the NDL website. Human resources and African developmentLeave the NDL website. Seniors on stage : the impact of applied theatre techniques on the elderlyLeave the NDL website. Hotel security managementLeave the NDL website. Technology venturing : American innovation and risk-takingLeave the NDL website. The new economics of health care : DRGs, case mix, and length of stayLeave the NDL website. Grassroots development in Latin America & the Caribbean : oral histories of social changeLeave the NDL website. High-level manpower in Iran : from hidden conflict to crisisLeave the NDL website. Population control in China : theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Indians of the Americas : human rights and self-determinationLeave the NDL website. Social systems and schizophrenia : selected papersLeave the NDL website. Retirement : you're in chargeLeave the NDL website. The Supreme Court and the First AmendmentLeave the NDL website. Financing development in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Children's counting types : philosophy, theory, and applicationLeave the NDL website. Organization development in the mining industry : theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Jewish origins of the psychoanalytic movementLeave the NDL website. Alcoholism and drug abuse in the workplace : employee assistance programsLeave the NDL website. The politics of protection : the U.S. Secret Service in the terrorist ageLeave the NDL website. Centralization and autonomy : a study in organization behaviourLeave the NDL website. Government in the classroom : dollars and power in educationLeave the NDL website. The Political economy of CameroonLeave the NDL website. Institutionalizing innovation : a study of organizational learning systemsLeave the NDL website. Organizational behavior in Chinese societyLeave the NDL website. Art, ideology, and politicsLeave the NDL website. The Japanese school : lessons for industrial AmericaLeave the NDL website. Presidents and their parties : leadership or neglect?Leave the NDL website. Soviet foreign policy toward Western EuropeLeave the NDL website. The World military order : the impact of military technology on the Third WorldLeave the NDL website. Development of urban systems in AfricaLeave the NDL website. Aging sensory systems and perceptionLeave the NDL website. Grand corporate strategy and critical functions : interactive effects of organizational dimensionsLeave the NDL website. Participation in organizational change : the TVA experimentLeave the NDL website. French political parties under the Fifth RepublicLeave the NDL website.

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Brain and personality
The economics of the Caribbean Basin
Human rights : cultural and ideological perspectives
Business power and public policy
Prejudice and tolerance in Ireland
The Italian economy
Military propaganda : psychological warfare and operations
Property, power, and public choice : an inquiry into law and economics
Public opinion, tracking and targeting
Brigadista : harvest and war in Nicaragua : eyewitness accounts of North American volunteers working in Nicaragua
Industrial security management
Congress, the presidency, and the Taiwan Relations Act
Commercializing defense related technology
Trade problems between Japan and Western Europe
Whistleblowing : managing dissent in the workplace
Women and nutrition in Third World countries
Transnational banks and the dynamics of the Peruvian foreign debt and inflation
The Lebanese civil war
Organizational behavior in schools and school districts
The child's political world : a longitudinal perspective
The New republic : a voice of modern liberalism
The conduct of just and limited war
Multinational companies and economic concentration in Europe
The social progress of nations
Yugoslavia after Tito
Communication and social structure : critical studies in mass media research
Passbook number F. 47927 : women and Mau Mau in Kenya
Psychosocial factors affecting health
Determinants of travel choice
Women and colonization : anthropological perspectives
Asia and U.S. foreign policy
Political conflict on the Horn of Africa
Interpreting the Third World : politics, economics, and social issues
Manage IT! : exploiting information systems for effective management
Politics and nationhood : post-revolutionary Portugal
Investment and divestment policies of multinational corporations in Europe
International security in southwest Asia
The preeminence of international financial centers
Women in the world-system : its impact on status and fertility
The politics of educational change
Objective mental measurement : individual and program evaluation using the Rasch model
Islamic resurgence in the Arab world
Word processing : first step to the office of the future?
Oil revenues and accelerated growth : absorptive capacity in Iraq
Women in transition : career, family, and life satisfaction in three cohorts
Changing patterns of security and stability in Asia
The public's right to know : the Supreme Court and the First Amendment
Tillers : an oral history of family farms in California
Japanese policy and East Asian security
Environment and population : problems of adaptation : an experimental book integrating statements by 162 contributors
Hospital social work practice
Clinical training and health care costs : a basic curriculum for medical education
Development in rich and poor countries
Successful business policies
Face the future
An examination of questionable payments and practices
Class and culture in cold war America : a rainbow at midnight
Managerial and technical motivation : assessing needs for achievement, power, and affiliation
Assessing stress in children
Images of life on children's television : sex roles, minorities, and families
Mexican oil and natural gas : political, strategic, and economic implications
Policy alternatives for a new international economic order : an economic analysis
Urban development in the Third World : policy guidelines
Shipping and development policy : an integrated assessment
Technology licensing and multinational enterprises
Work and equality in Soviet society : the division of labor by age, gender, and nationality
Moscow's city government
Money market funds
Feminism in American politics : a study of ideological influence
Dependent development and industrial order : an Asian case study
NATO burden-sharing : risks and opportunities
Export policy : a global assessment
Child health care communications
Women's worlds : from the new scholarship
Children, television, and sex-role stereotyping
Government spending : trends and issues
Heritage : civilization and the Jews : study guide
Planning the future of Saudi Arabia : a model for achieving national priorities
Marketing to changing consumer markets : environmental scanning
Political forces in Argentina
Wage control and inflation in the Soviet bloc countries
The "discovery" of sudden infant death syndrome : lessons in the practice of political medicine
The oil decade : conflict and cooperation in the West
The political role of the United Nations : advancing the world community
Organisational effectiveness in a multinational bureaucracy
The politics of taxation : revenue without representation
Consumerism in the United States : an inter-industry analysis
A preface to grants economics : the economy of love and fear
Performers & performances : the social organization of artistic work
Economic change and consumer shopping behavior
American political theology : historical perspective and theoretical analysis
Gay children grown up : gender culture and gender deviance
Transnational corporations and underdevelopment
Direct electric utility competition : the natural monopoly myth
Sellers & servants : working women in Lima, Peru
Keynes' economic legacy : contemporary economic theories
An introduction to airline economics
The political and social economy of commodity control
Marketing financial services
Libya since the revolution : aspects of social and political development
The mass media election : how Americans choose their president
The United States and world trade : changing patterns and dimensions
Jobs and gender : a study of occupational prestige
Soviet-American trade negotiations
Foreign policy decision making : perception, cognition, and artificial intelligence
The United Nations : reality and ideal
The conduct of just and limited war
The Japanese American community : a three-generation study
Chinese foreign policy : developments after Mao
The public's right to know : the Supreme Court and the First Amendment
Political relations and American Zionism
The logic of imperialism
The Indonesian economy
Financing industrial investment
Will Europe fight for oil? : energy relations in the Atlantic area
Primary care research : encounter records and the denominator problem
Mediation of environmental disputes : a sourcebook
Promoters : structure and function
Government control and multinational strategic management : power systems and telecommunication equipment
The sociology of opera
The entrepreneur as culture hero : preadaptations in Nigerian economic development
The world economy since the war : the politics of uneven development
Russia's future : the communist education of Soviet youth
Workspace : creating environments in organizations
Counseling in the community college : models and approaches
Winners and losers in East-West trade : a behavioral analysis of U.S.-Soviet détente (1970-1980)
Public policy and administration in the Soviet Union
Class struggle in socialist Poland : with comparisons to Yugoslavia
Risk trends of U.S. multinational and domestic firms
Frontiers in organization and management
Understanding television : essays on television as a social and cultural force
Export promotion : the public and private sector interaction
School social systems and student achievement : schools can make a difference
Families and change : social needs and public policies
The American left : failures and fortunes
The United States and Brazil : limits of influence
Soviet images of dissidents and nonconformists
After plastic surgery : adaptation and adjustment
Adaptation and education in Japan
International occupational safety and health resource catalogue
The crisis in historical materialism : class, politics and culture in Marxist theory
Women and men as leaders : in business, educational, and social service organizations
Bias in psychotherapy
Economic development of South Korea : the political economy of success
Pure types are rare : myths and meanings of madness
Europe + Latin America + the multinationals : a positive sum game for the exchange of raw materials and technology in the 1980s
Doing business with the Russians
Life after work : retirement, leisure, recreation, and the elderly
The United States and Mexico : patterns of influence
Transfer of technology : U.S. multinationals and Eastern Europe
Cultures in collision : the interaction of Canadian and U.S. television broadcast policies
Multinational distribution : channel, tax, and legal strategies
Political parties in Turkey : the role of Islam
Soviet policy toward Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan : the dynamics of influence
Japan's role in Soviet economic growth : transfer of technology since 1965
Patterns of diplomatic thinking : a cross-national study of structural and social-psychological determinants
Human spatial abilities : sources of sex differences
Japanese and U.S. policy in Asia
International crises and crisis management : an East-West symposium
Information through the printed word : the dissemination of scholarly, scientific, and intellectual knowledge
Future challenges of management education
Labor relations in a public service industry : unions, management, and the public interest in mass transit
Contemporary issues in political theory
The United States and world development : agenda 1979
The residential circumstances of the urban poor in developing countries
The suburban environment and women
Strategic dimensions of economic behavior
Economic integration among developing nations : law and policy
Househusbands : men and housework in American families
Alternative careers for humanities PhDs : perspectives of students and graduates
West German politics in the mid-eighties : crisis and continuity
The Father-infant relationship : observational studies in the family setting
Asian energy problems : an Asian Development Bank survey
Choosing an electoral system : issues and alternatives
International bank regulation
The politics of raising State and local revenue
Flexible life scheduling : breaking the education-work-retirement lockstep
U.S.-Arab economic relations : a time of transition
Decisions for sale : corruption and reform in land-use and building regulation
Middle East foreign policy : issues and processes
Trinidad and Tobago : democracy and development in the Caribbean
State policies and Federal programs : priorities and constraints
Fundamentals of the time value of money
Energy, from opulence to sufficiency
Mind and immunity : behavioral immunology : an annotated bibliography 1976-1982
The fifteen minute hour : applied psychotherapy for the primary care physician
Energy and employment
Principles of learning and memory
Work, marriage, and motherhood : the career persistence of female physicians
The political economics of international bank lending
The Challenge of China and Japan : study guide to accompany audio/print course
Social psychology of absenteeism
Schumpeterian economics
Schumpeter's vision : capitalism, socialism, and democracy after 40 years
Mobilizing technology for world development
Administrative science & politics in the USSR & the United States : Soviet responses to American management techniques, 1917-present
The Challenge of China and Japan : politics and development in East Asia
Living poorly in America
Local economic development : a guide to practice
The women's rights movement in Iran : mutiny, appeasement, and repression from 1900 to Khomeini
Computers, information and manufacturing systems
Living poorly in America
Social change in Israel : attitudes and events, 1967-1979
The dynamics of economic policy making in Egypt
Fading partnership : America and Europe after 30 years
Transfer pricing and multinational corporations : an overview of concepts, mechanisms and regulations
Value for value psychotherapy : the economic and therapeutic barter
Human resources and African development
Seniors on stage : the impact of applied theatre techniques on the elderly
Hotel security management
Technology venturing : American innovation and risk-taking
The new economics of health care : DRGs, case mix, and length of stay
Grassroots development in Latin America & the Caribbean : oral histories of social change
High-level manpower in Iran : from hidden conflict to crisis
Population control in China : theory and applications
Indians of the Americas : human rights and self-determination
Social systems and schizophrenia : selected papers
Retirement : you're in charge
The Supreme Court and the First Amendment
Financing development in Latin America
Children's counting types : philosophy, theory, and application
Organization development in the mining industry : theory and practice
Jewish origins of the psychoanalytic movement
Alcoholism and drug abuse in the workplace : employee assistance programs
The politics of protection : the U.S. Secret Service in the terrorist age
Centralization and autonomy : a study in organization behaviour
Government in the classroom : dollars and power in education
The Political economy of Cameroon
Institutionalizing innovation : a study of organizational learning systems
Organizational behavior in Chinese society
Art, ideology, and politics
The Japanese school : lessons for industrial America
Presidents and their parties : leadership or neglect?
Soviet foreign policy toward Western Europe
The World military order : the impact of military technology on the Third World
Development of urban systems in Africa
Aging sensory systems and perception
Grand corporate strategy and critical functions : interactive effects of organizational dimensions
Participation in organizational change : the TVA experiment
French political parties under the Fifth Republic
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00620847 : BA00620847