
Holdings of Libraries in Japan

This page shows libraries in Japan other than the National Diet Library that hold the material.

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  • CiNii Research

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Bibliographic Record

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Material Type
Alternative Title
Series of in-depth studies on rural poverty alleviation
Série d'études approfondies sur la lutte contre la pauvreté rurale
Serie de estudios profundos sobre la mitigación de la pobreza rural
In-depth study series
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Related Material
A review of Nepal's efforts in poverty alleviation
Towards the alleviation of rural poverty in the Sudan
Rural poverty alleviation in Bangladesh : experiences and policies
Somalia : case study on rural poverty
Rural poverty in Grenada
Rural poverty alleviation : the case of Ethiopia
Alleviation of rural poverty in the Republic of Korea
Rural poverty and agrarian reform in the Philippines
The alleviation of rural poverty in Cameroon
The dynamics of rural poverty in Ghana and its alleviation
Data Provider (Database)
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research