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Note (General):

續編は背には續輯とあり書名及編著者索引内容: 「近代中国史料叢刊編著者索引」、「近代中国史料叢刊書名索引 : 自第1輯至100輯」續編書名及編著者索引内容: 「近代中國史料叢刋續編書名索引 : (自第1輯至100輯)」、「近代中國史料叢刋續編編著者索引 : (自第1輯至100輯)」...

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第一次教育統計圖表Leave the NDL website. 清末籌備立憲檔案史料Leave the NDL website. 臺灣對外關係・清末臺灣洋務史料Leave the NDL website. 文學社武昌首義紀實 . 梅楞章京筆記Leave the NDL website. 近代史事與人物Leave the NDL website. 猛悔樓詩Leave the NDL website. 浙西抗戰紀略Leave the NDL website. 復初齋文集Leave the NDL website. 鹽乘Leave the NDL website. 中國近代史四講Leave the NDL website. 郎潛二筆 : 燕下郷睉録Leave the NDL website. 林文忠公政書Leave the NDL website. 黄膺白先生家傳Leave the NDL website. 王文敏公(懿榮)遺集Leave the NDL website. 血潮彙刊Leave the NDL website. 近代湘賢手扎 . 譚延闓手扎Leave the NDL website. 黔南職方紀略Leave the NDL website. 春冰室野乘Leave the NDL website. 現代政治人物述評Leave the NDL website. 李剛己遺稿Leave the NDL website. 劉中丞(霞仙)奏疏Leave the NDL website. 戴季陶(傳賢)先生編年傳記Leave the NDL website. 不自慊齋漫存Leave the NDL website. 柏堂師友言行記 . 湘軍水陸戰記(即湘軍志)Leave the NDL website. 錢牧齋(謙益)先生遺事及年譜 . 萬年少(壽祺)先生年譜 . 周漁璜(起渭)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 段玉裁(茂堂)先生年譜 ; 高郵王氏(念孫・引之)父子年譜Leave the NDL website. 三水梁燕孫(士詒)先生哀輓録Leave the NDL website. 林文忠公(則徐)奏稿Leave the NDL website. 百年一夢記Leave the NDL website. 傳記・年譜・詩詞・日記Leave the NDL website. 張靖達公(樹聲)奏議Leave the NDL website. 鹽務年鑑Leave the NDL website. 國朝史料零拾Leave the NDL website. 中復堂全集後湘詩集・二集・續集Leave the NDL website. 蒙墾續供Leave the NDL website. 退廬筆記Leave the NDL website. 邊事續鈔Leave the NDL website. 交游日録Leave the NDL website. 中國公路史 : 民國四十六年Leave the NDL website. 天根文鈔 ; 天根詩鈔Leave the NDL website. 欽定滿洲祭神祭天典禮Leave the NDL website. 同治朝東華續録Leave the NDL website. 狄君武先生遺稿Leave the NDL website. 敏求軒述記Leave the NDL website. 桐城呉先生(汝綸)年譜Leave the NDL website. 五車書室見聞録Leave the NDL website. 天根文鈔 ; 天根詩鈔Leave the NDL website. 滿蒙新藏述略Leave the NDL website. 南洋三月記Leave the NDL website. 民國軍事近紀Leave the NDL website. 沈端恪公(近思)遺書Leave the NDL website. 篷窗隨録Leave the NDL website. 記聞類編Leave the NDL website. 庚子西狩叢談Leave the NDL website. 國恥痛史Leave the NDL website. 復辟詳志(民國六年) . 復辟紀實(民國六年)Leave the NDL website. 萬竹樓隨筆 ; 近三十年見聞雜記Leave the NDL website. 大中華雑誌Leave the NDL website. 劉光祿(錫鴻)遺稿Leave the NDL website. 粤軺集Leave the NDL website. 平番奏疏Leave the NDL website. 陸軍行政紀要Leave the NDL website. 滿洲國記實Leave the NDL website. 且頑老人七十歳自叙Leave the NDL website. 志頤堂詩文集Leave the NDL website. 滇事危言二集Leave the NDL website. 南征紀略 . 籌邊紀略Leave the NDL website. 那文毅公(彦成)總統河南等省軍務奏議Leave the NDL website. 顨盦集Leave the NDL website. 觀休室詩Leave the NDL website. 椒生隨筆 . 瓜圃叢刊叙録Leave the NDL website. 外交文牘 : 民國元年至十年Leave the NDL website. 繩枻齋年譜Leave the NDL website. 冬暄草堂師友牋存Leave the NDL website. 唐繼堯Leave the NDL website. 范伯子先生全集(連語) . 范伯子先生遺墨Leave the NDL website. 銅官感舊集Leave the NDL website. 新世説Leave the NDL website. 合肥李勤恪公(瀚章)政書Leave the NDL website. 羅大愚先生紀念集Leave the NDL website. 小航文存Leave the NDL website. 湘綺府君年譜Leave the NDL website. 四川通飭章程Leave the NDL website. 宦海伏波大事記Leave the NDL website. 賑記Leave the NDL website. 英屬馬來半島Leave the NDL website. 慈衛室詩草 ; 粤行集 ; 訒菴詩稿Leave the NDL website. 譚文勤公(鍾麟)奏稿Leave the NDL website. 中俄會商交収東三省電報彙鈔 . 東三省蒙務公牘彙編Leave the NDL website. 那文毅公(彦成)總統陝西軍務奏議Leave the NDL website. 聖徳紀略 ; 儤直紀略 ; 恩遇紀略 ; 舊聞紀略Leave the NDL website. 會澤筆記 . 會澤四秩榮慶録Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文編Leave the NDL website. 黄梨洲(宗羲)年譜 . 王船山(夫之)年譜Leave the NDL website. 求闕齋弟子記Leave the NDL website. 汪悔翁(士鐸)乙丙日記 . 汪梅村年譜稿Leave the NDL website. 中國關税問題 : 民國八年Leave the NDL website. 回顧録Leave the NDL website. 續碑傳集Leave the NDL website. 旅美鱗爪Leave the NDL website. 四川善後會議録Leave the NDL website. 災賑全書Leave the NDL website. 大學院公報Leave the NDL website. 蟫香館使黔日記Leave the NDL website. 花隨人聖盫摭憶Leave the NDL website. 一山文存Leave the NDL website. 釧影樓回憶録Leave the NDL website. 中英法外交詞典 : 民國十四年Leave the NDL website. 退一歩齋文集Leave the NDL website. 山東軍興紀略Leave the NDL website. 中國近時外交史Leave the NDL website. 中西聞見録選編Leave the NDL website. 康南海(有爲)先生年譜續編Leave the NDL website. 國地財政劃分問題 . 中國陸路關税史Leave the NDL website. 喬勤恪公(松年)奏議Leave the NDL website. 楊儒庚辛存稿Leave the NDL website. 風雲人物小誌 . 近代中國作家筆名録Leave the NDL website. 山西民政刊要Leave the NDL website. 西北叢編Leave the NDL website. 臺灣通史Leave the NDL website. 清代四名人家書 : 林則徐・彭玉麟・張之洞・李鴻章Leave the NDL website. 辛亥革命史 ; 帝制運動始末記Leave the NDL website. 虚受堂詩存Leave the NDL website. 喬勤恪公(松年)奏議Leave the NDL website. 九朝新語 ; 十朝新語外編Leave the NDL website. 太平天國史料 . 太平天國有趣文件Leave the NDL website. 第二次中國教育年鑑Leave the NDL website. 呉佩孚先生集Leave the NDL website. 西學東漸記Leave the NDL website. 羊城古鈔Leave the NDL website. 中國境界變遷大勢考Leave the NDL website. 卷施閣集Leave the NDL website. 方家園雜詠紀事 : 附吟草四種Leave the NDL website. 十年來之中國經濟 (一九三六-一九四五)Leave the NDL website. 北伐行軍日記Leave the NDL website. 華會見聞録Leave the NDL website. 清仁宗睿皇帝聖訓Leave the NDL website. 陽湖趙惠甫(烈文)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 冰嶺紀程 . 半隱廬叢稿Leave the NDL website. 于中丞(蔭霖)奏議Leave the NDL website. 蔣百里(方震)先生文集Leave the NDL website. 征西紀略 . 西寧軍務節略 . 新疆伊犂亂事本末Leave the NDL website. 缶廬集Leave the NDL website. 靳文襄公(輔)奏疏Leave the NDL website. 不匱室詩鈔 . 黄梅花屋詩稿Leave the NDL website. 清代閨閣詩人徴略Leave the NDL website. 大義覺迷録 . 清初三大疑案考實Leave the NDL website. 大清會典Leave the NDL website. 在陸草堂文集Leave the NDL website. 上海市政概要 : 1934 . 上海租税華人會重要文件 : 1936Leave the NDL website. 山西民政彙刊(民國二十年)Leave the NDL website. 潘公展(有猷)先生言論詩詞選集Leave the NDL website. 夷氛紀聞 . 惕菴年譜Leave the NDL website. 中復堂全集姚氏先徳傳 . 中復堂全集附録・年譜Leave the NDL website. 耘農七十文存Leave the NDL website. 天命、天聰、崇徳朝東華録Leave the NDL website. 清代名人墨蹟Leave the NDL website. 呂海寰往來譯稿Leave the NDL website. 福建財政史綱Leave the NDL website. 康南海官制議Leave the NDL website. 汪旭初(東)先生遺集Leave the NDL website. 黒龍江外記Leave the NDL website. 評壇、社論、時評 : 國聞週報第3巻1期至第3巻50期 : 自民國15年1月至民國15年12月Leave the NDL website. 卅年存稿Leave the NDL website. 拳匪紀略Leave the NDL website. 呉中平寇記Leave the NDL website. 上海研究資料Leave the NDL website. 野棠軒文集Leave the NDL website. 桐城耆舊傳Leave the NDL website. 文獻徴存録Leave the NDL website. 錢文端公(陳羣)年譜 . 啖蔗軒自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 劉中丞(芝田)奏稿Leave the NDL website. 愼所立齋文集 ; 愼所立齋詩集Leave the NDL website. 太炎先生自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 螾廬未定稿Leave the NDL website. 民國之精華Leave the NDL website. 眠琴閣遺文 ; 眠琴閣遺詩 . 約菴詩録Leave the NDL website. 奧簃朝鮮三種 . 舊聞零拾Leave the NDL website. 光宣列傳Leave the NDL website. 西畺交渉志要Leave the NDL website. 小滄桑記Leave the NDL website. 忍古樓詩續 . 階平老人重游泮水紀念册Leave the NDL website. 京江張文貞公 (玉書) 文集Leave the NDL website. 一斑録Leave the NDL website. 愚齋存稿Leave the NDL website. 現代中國文學史Leave the NDL website. 水流雲在館奏議・詩鈔Leave the NDL website. 拳匪紀事Leave the NDL website. 萇楚齋隨筆・續筆・三筆Leave the NDL website. 澹盦文存 . 廣東藏書紀事詩Leave the NDL website. 遼東疏稿Leave the NDL website. 無事爲福齋隨筆 . 簷曝雜記Leave the NDL website. 内蒙古紀要Leave the NDL website. 内自訟齋文選 . 斯未信齋雜録Leave the NDL website. 張文襄公(之洞)年譜Leave the NDL website. 臺灣 : 民國卅四年版 : 坿:臺灣革命史Leave the NDL website. 江西紀遊 . 清寧集Leave the NDL website. 蔣百里先生傳Leave the NDL website. 辛亥革命北方實録Leave the NDL website. 詞垣日記 . 乞師日記Leave the NDL website. 宋漁父先生傳略・遺著・哀誄Leave the NDL website. 中國近代學人象傳Leave the NDL website. 廣西省施政紀録 : 民國二十二年Leave the NDL website. 眉廬叢話 ; 餐攖廡隨筆Leave the NDL website. 庚子教會華人流血史Leave the NDL website. 張南通先生(謇)榮哀録Leave the NDL website. 滿鐡問題Leave the NDL website. 瀛寰考略Leave the NDL website. 掌固零拾Leave the NDL website. 碑傳集Leave the NDL website. 都門紀略Leave the NDL website. 袁枚評傳Leave the NDL website. 呉榮光自訂年譜 . 勤愼堂自治官書Leave the NDL website. 蘇盦集Leave the NDL website. 天咫偶聞Leave the NDL website. 退還庚款事宜來往文件Leave the NDL website. 嶺西公牘彙存Leave the NDL website. 禮政Leave the NDL website. 乙亥叢編四種 . 百爵堂叢刊兩種Leave the NDL website. 端忠敏公奏稿Leave the NDL website. 左文襄公(宗棠)年譜Leave the NDL website. 嘯亭雜録・續録Leave the NDL website. 沙基痛史Leave the NDL website. 清列朝后妃傳稿Leave the NDL website. 澄懷園文存Leave the NDL website. 國朝宮史Leave the NDL website. 補學軒文集外編Leave the NDL website. 樊山集Leave the NDL website. 平浙紀略Leave the NDL website. 湘軍新志Leave the NDL website. 板橋集Leave the NDL website. 淞滬血戰廻憶録 : 附淞滬中日血戰初集Leave the NDL website. 清代碑傳文通檢Leave the NDL website. 黄陶樓先生(彭年)年譜 . 藝風老人自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 清朝翰詹源流編年 . 于襄勤公(成龍)年譜Leave the NDL website. 雲南北界勘察記Leave the NDL website. 厲期室詩文集 . 葑里賸稿 . 石歩山人游記Leave the NDL website. 龔定盦(自珍)全集類編Leave the NDL website. 戎幕半生Leave the NDL website. 劉壯肅公(省三)奏議Leave the NDL website. 對俄特刊Leave the NDL website. 永憲録Leave the NDL website. 建設委員會公報Leave the NDL website. 麗白樓自選詩Leave the NDL website. 庭聞録Leave the NDL website. 沈光文(斯菴)先生專集Leave the NDL website. 龍江公牘存略Leave the NDL website. 共和關鍵録Leave the NDL website. 補學軒詩集Leave the NDL website. 西遊筆略Leave the NDL website. 籌辦夷務始末 : 咸豐朝Leave the NDL website. 徐文定公(光啓)集Leave the NDL website. 蕉軒隨録Leave the NDL website. 清道人遺集Leave the NDL website. 中國礦業調査記Leave the NDL website. 荊州駐防八旗志Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文三編Leave the NDL website. 三名臣書牘Leave the NDL website. 東北之交通Leave the NDL website. 近代名人小傳Leave the NDL website. 清末民初中國官紳人名録Leave the NDL website. 金壺七墨全集Leave the NDL website. 宣統三年冬季職官録Leave the NDL website. 蔡松坡(鍔)先生遺集Leave the NDL website. 全國財政會議彙編Leave the NDL website. 百尺梧桐閣集Leave the NDL website. 沁水賈氏塋廟石刻文稿 . 潘齡皋手扎Leave the NDL website. 世載堂雜憶Leave the NDL website. 常徳抗日血戰史Leave the NDL website. 申報評論選 : 民國二十一年Leave the NDL website. 碑傳集三編Leave the NDL website. 張君勱先生九秩誕辰紀念册Leave the NDL website. 冷廬雜識Leave the NDL website. 清高宗純皇帝聖訓Leave the NDL website. 舊京詩文存Leave the NDL website. 琉球入學聞見録Leave the NDL website. 欽定大清會典事例Leave the NDL website. 震旦月報Leave the NDL website. 鴉片戰爭史Leave the NDL website. 清芬閣集Leave the NDL website. 汪榮寶日記Leave the NDL website. 國朝名臣言行録Leave the NDL website. 國聞報彙編Leave the NDL website. 日本雜事詩Leave the NDL website. 上海産業與上海職工Leave the NDL website. 太平天國革命史Leave the NDL website. 甘簃詩文集Leave the NDL website. 官制篇 . 幣制奏案輯要Leave the NDL website. 莫氏四種Leave the NDL website. 還讀我書室老人手訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 江南製造局記Leave the NDL website. 國民政府近三年來外交經過紀要 : 民國十五 - 十八年 . 反日特刊Leave the NDL website. 光緒丙午(三十二)年交渉要覽Leave the NDL website. 雲在山房叢書三種Leave the NDL website. 一士類稿 ; 一士譚薈Leave the NDL website. 碑傳集Leave the NDL website. 潛廬續稿Leave the NDL website. 在園雜志Leave the NDL website. 郵政六十週年紀念刊 : 附:清代交通人物小傳・從業人員經驗談Leave the NDL website. 式洪室詩文遺稿Leave the NDL website. 中和月刊史料選集Leave the NDL website. 國朝耆獻類徴選編Leave the NDL website. 翼王石達開全集Leave the NDL website. 潛廬詩録Leave the NDL website. 非宇舘文存Leave the NDL website. 第三屆太平洋國交討論會紀要Leave the NDL website. 河海崑崙録Leave the NDL website. 鹿洲初集Leave the NDL website. 中國貿易年鑑Leave the NDL website. 査辦八旗事務表Leave the NDL website. 清代名人手扎甲集Leave the NDL website. 萃錦吟Leave the NDL website. 雪橋詩話餘集Leave the NDL website. 張君勵先生七十壽慶紀念論文集Leave the NDL website. 浙西抗戰記略Leave the NDL website. 治臺必告録Leave the NDL website. 上海市商會商業統計 : 一九三二-三四Leave the NDL website. 咸同中興名賢手扎Leave the NDL website. 清代名人翰墨Leave the NDL website. 救荒六十策Leave the NDL website. 杜月笙先生(鏞)紀念集Leave the NDL website. 國民革命要覽Leave the NDL website. 南社紀略Leave the NDL website. 左舜生自選集Leave the NDL website. 俄帝侵略中國簡史Leave the NDL website. 正定王氏家傳 : 坿王蔭祐覺華龕詩存Leave the NDL website. 康有爲長興里講學記 . 康南海長安演説集 . 蕭伯瑤先生遺稿Leave the NDL website. 陸文愼公(寳忠)年譜 . 袁忠節公(昶)手扎Leave the NDL website. 驢背集 ; 審國病書 ; 大盗竊國記 ; 丙午釐訂官制芻議Leave the NDL website. 左文襄公(宗棠)家書Leave the NDL website. 庚子使舘被圍記Leave the NDL website. 通商約章類纂Leave the NDL website. 新關文件録 : 一九〇九年Leave the NDL website. 奏定北洋學堂章程 . 江蘇師範學堂章程Leave the NDL website. 庸菴尚書奏議Leave the NDL website. 曽胡談薈Leave the NDL website. 郵傳部奏議類編・續編Leave the NDL website. 中法戰爭資料Leave the NDL website. 那文毅公(彦成)兩廣總督奏議Leave the NDL website. 民國經濟史Leave the NDL website. 英傑歸眞Leave the NDL website. 胡翼南先生全集Leave the NDL website. 東槎紀略Leave the NDL website. 因社集 : 坿楊楚孫先生詩集Leave the NDL website. 譚瀏陽先生(嗣同)全集Leave the NDL website. 黎副總統(元洪)政書Leave the NDL website. 雜著Leave the NDL website. 租界與中國 . 滬租界前後經過概要 . 澳門雜詩Leave the NDL website. 牧令須知Leave the NDL website. 那文毅公(彦成)西寧辧事大臣江南副河道總督喀什噶爾參贊大臣奏議Leave the NDL website. 段祺瑞Leave the NDL website. 鷗堂日記 . 琿牘偶存Leave the NDL website. 張惠肅公(亮基)年譜Leave the NDL website. 哀思録Leave the NDL website. 清朝開國方略Leave the NDL website. 康煕與羅馬使節關係文書 . 乾嘉詩壇點將録Leave the NDL website. 李鴻章新傳Leave the NDL website. 撫滇奏議Leave the NDL website. 龍壁山房文集Leave the NDL website. 中華民國史料Leave the NDL website. 遐案彙稿 : 民國三十五年増訂本Leave the NDL website. 經史百家雜鈔 ; 經史百家簡編Leave the NDL website. 王蘇州(仁堪)遺書Leave the NDL website. 陶齋文集Leave the NDL website. 正誼雜誌Leave the NDL website. 徐愚齋自敍年譜Leave the NDL website. 李文忠公(鴻章)事略 . 夢蕉亭雜記Leave the NDL website. 保甲運動叢刊(民國二十年) . 湖南之團防(民國二十三年)Leave the NDL website. 柳西草堂日記Leave the NDL website. 明清進士題名録索引Leave the NDL website. 清宣統朝中日交渉史料 : 軍機處原藏Leave the NDL website. 閻潛丘(若璩)先生年譜 . 戴東原(震)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 日清戰史講授録Leave the NDL website. 學壽堂日記Leave the NDL website. 臺灣詩乘 : 坿:臺灣詩薈雜文鈔Leave the NDL website. 漢冶萍公司史略Leave the NDL website. 欽定剿捕臨清逆匪紀略Leave the NDL website. 太平天國史稿Leave the NDL website. 清理紅本紀Leave the NDL website. 蜀燹述略Leave the NDL website. 南阜山人斅文存稿 . 聽雨間談Leave the NDL website. 梁任公近著Leave the NDL website. 滿洲秘檔Leave the NDL website. 王光祈先生紀念册Leave the NDL website. 大雲山房文稾初集Leave the NDL website. 女學Leave the NDL website. 粤漢鐵路交渉秘密檔案Leave the NDL website. 張伯苓先生紀念集Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文續編Leave the NDL website. 止叟年譜 ; 永憶録Leave the NDL website. 陳侍御奏稿Leave the NDL website. 國朝掌故輯要Leave the NDL website. 内政部第一期民政會議紀要 : 民國十八年Leave the NDL website. 捲菸統税史Leave the NDL website. 清代蠲卹制度之研究Leave the NDL website. 湘綺樓詩集Leave the NDL website. 劉尚書(秉璋)奏議Leave the NDL website. 中國鐵路史Leave the NDL website. 憲政要覧 . 行憲述要 : 坿法規Leave the NDL website. 全國教育行政會議各省區報告彙録Leave the NDL website. 革命軍第一次東征實戰記 : 坿棉湖大捷五十週年紀念特刊Leave the NDL website. 丹桂堂自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 蕉廊脞録Leave the NDL website. 杶廬所聞録Leave the NDL website. 南山集Leave the NDL website. 文集Leave the NDL website. 鴉片戰爭之研究(資料篇)Leave the NDL website. 樂道堂文鈔・續鈔Leave the NDL website. 京口掌故叢編Leave the NDL website. 審安齋遺稿Leave the NDL website. 津門雜記Leave the NDL website. 隴右紀實録Leave the NDL website. 北洋人物史料三種Leave the NDL website. 奉天邊務輯要 . 吉林剿撫蒙亂詳細報告書Leave the NDL website. 金冬心先生詩集Leave the NDL website. 陶文毅公(澍)集Leave the NDL website. 浙鴻爪印Leave the NDL website. 十葉野聞Leave the NDL website. 曲石文録Leave the NDL website. 被侵害之中國Leave the NDL website. 南昌行營召集第二次保安會議紀録 : 民國二十三年Leave the NDL website. 國恥 . 上海民潮七日記Leave the NDL website. 兵政Leave the NDL website. 全國經濟會議專刋Leave the NDL website. 金陵兵事彙略 ; 思痛記Leave the NDL website. 漢文華語康煕皇帝聖諭廣訓Leave the NDL website. 國民革命軍戰史初稿Leave the NDL website. 中國近代貨幣史 (一八一四-一九一九)Leave the NDL website. 清末職官表Leave the NDL website. 瀛譚Leave the NDL website. 英吉利國記 . 藏事陳略 : 坿:中國撫綏西藏略・英國謀通西藏略Leave the NDL website. 節菴先生遺詩Leave the NDL website. 治體Leave the NDL website. 嚴幾道詩文鈔Leave the NDL website. 異辭録Leave the NDL website. 永憲録Leave the NDL website. 清宣宗成皇帝聖訓Leave the NDL website. 從戎偶筆Leave the NDL website. 李文貞公(光地)年譜Leave the NDL website. 碑傳集補Leave the NDL website. 中俄會議參考文件Leave the NDL website. 凌霄 ・一士隨筆Leave the NDL website. 養知書屋文詩集Leave the NDL website. 補齋詩文Leave the NDL website. 太平天國史料Leave the NDL website. 北洋公牘類纂Leave the NDL website. 日本陸軍士官學校中華民國留學生名簿Leave the NDL website. 阿文成公(桂)年譜Leave the NDL website. 李文忠公(鴻章)朋僚函稿Leave the NDL website. 中國經濟年鑑Leave the NDL website. 撫新紀程Leave the NDL website. 趙裘萼公(熊詔)賸稿Leave the NDL website. 辛亥革命畫史Leave the NDL website. 西北視察記Leave the NDL website. 中國鹽書目録Leave the NDL website. 嶺雲海日樓詩鈔Leave the NDL website. 卷首 ; 奏議Leave the NDL website. 湖濱補讀廬叢刻Leave the NDL website. 駐外各使館星期報告Leave the NDL website. 中國鹽政實録Leave the NDL website. 中國公債史料Leave the NDL website. 中國金銀鎳幣圖説Leave the NDL website. 范伯子先生全集Leave the NDL website. 游戎出塞日記 . 隴蜀之游Leave the NDL website. 清季各國照會目録Leave the NDL website. 心太平室集Leave the NDL website. 近世中國秘史Leave the NDL website. 清初史料叢編Leave the NDL website. 上海金融組織概要Leave the NDL website. 光緒戊申春夏兩季爵秩全覽Leave the NDL website. 鮑忠壮公(超)年譜 . 馬端敏公(新貽)年譜Leave the NDL website. 課餘偶録Leave the NDL website. 神州女報Leave the NDL website. 雪橋詩話續集Leave the NDL website. 船政奏疏彙編Leave the NDL website. 汪梅村先生集Leave the NDL website. 魚千里齋隨筆Leave the NDL website. 太平洋會議與梁士詒Leave the NDL website. 全國經濟會議専刊 : 民國17年Leave the NDL website. 總理遺墨Leave the NDL website. 退廬全集Leave the NDL website. 退醒廬筆記Leave the NDL website. 宮傅楊果勇侯自編年譜Leave the NDL website. 曾惠敏公(劼剛)遺集Leave the NDL website. 籌海初集Leave the NDL website. 最近之五十年Leave the NDL website. 雲南省農村調査Leave the NDL website. 解放別録 . 贛皖湘鄂視察記Leave the NDL website. 欽定大清會典事例Leave the NDL website. 使俄草Leave the NDL website. 参議院公報Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文統編Leave the NDL website. 中華銀行史Leave the NDL website. 清朝掌故彙編内編Leave the NDL website. 金雞譚薈Leave the NDL website. 江忠烈公(忠源)遺集Leave the NDL website. 中國近代貨幣史資料 : 一八二二-一九一一Leave the NDL website. 北洋公牘類續編Leave the NDL website. 近代佚聞Leave the NDL website. 丁文誠公(寶楨)遺集Leave the NDL website. 爵秩全覽Leave the NDL website. 東方兵事紀略Leave the NDL website. 曾惠敏公(紀澤)詩集Leave the NDL website. 奉禁義和拳彙録 . 平原拳匪紀事 . 畿南濟變紀略Leave the NDL website. 蕩平髮逆圖記Leave the NDL website. 中國外交史及外交問題Leave the NDL website. 孫文靖公(爾准)奏牘Leave the NDL website. 涿州戰紀Leave the NDL website. 剿匪紀實Leave the NDL website. 慈禧外記Leave the NDL website. 全國禁烟會議彙編Leave the NDL website. 北伐行軍日記Leave the NDL website. 太平天國革命史Leave the NDL website. 西安事變史料Leave the NDL website. 家書 ; 家訓Leave the NDL website. 當代中國人物志 : 民国二十六年版Leave the NDL website. 養吉齋叢録Leave the NDL website. 在日辦理賠償歸還工作綜述Leave the NDL website. 近代中國鐵路史資料Leave the NDL website. 大清律例會通新纂Leave the NDL website. 國民救國軍抗日血戰史Leave the NDL website. 呂海寰奏稿Leave the NDL website. 中國革命史Leave the NDL website. 十八國游歴日記 ; 藕廬詩草Leave the NDL website. 兵部公牘Leave the NDL website. 折獄奇聞Leave the NDL website. 辛亥革命回憶録Leave the NDL website. 儀徴劉孟瞻(文淇)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 茹經堂文集Leave the NDL website. 教育遺議Leave the NDL website. 顯志堂稿Leave the NDL website. 賊情彙纂Leave the NDL website. 中國關税制度論Leave the NDL website. 學源堂詩集Leave the NDL website. 廣州事變與上海會議Leave the NDL website. 平臺紀略 : 附奏疏Leave the NDL website. 趙柏巖集Leave the NDL website. 得一録Leave the NDL website. 南巡盛典Leave the NDL website. 明清歴科進士題名録Leave the NDL website. 記章太炎先生Leave the NDL website. 浪跡十年Leave the NDL website. 庚辛提牢筆記 . 庚子拳亂資料Leave the NDL website. 中國貿易年鑑 : 民國37年Leave the NDL website. 吟香書室奏疏Leave the NDL website. 澄懷園自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 回憶録 : 手稿本Leave the NDL website. 屑玉叢譚初集Leave the NDL website. 國恥演説 . 程壁光Leave the NDL website. 我佛山人筆記Leave the NDL website. 安徽省二十四年度省縣地方預算彙編Leave the NDL website. 長沙瞿氏叢刊Leave the NDL website. 道咸同光名人手扎 : 湖南王氏収藏Leave the NDL website. 東三省交渉輯◆D34768◆要Leave the NDL website. 新世紀Leave the NDL website. 中華民國憲法史Leave the NDL website. 南通張季直(謇)先生傳記Leave the NDL website. 乾隆朝東華續録Leave the NDL website. 全國農會聯合會第一次紀事Leave the NDL website. 四當齋集Leave the NDL website. 越風半月刊Leave the NDL website. 孫文定公(嘉淦)奏疏Leave the NDL website. 陳英士(其美)先生年譜 . 梅川譜偈Leave the NDL website. 趙文恪公(退菴)自訂年譜遺集Leave the NDL website. 綏遠省分縣調査報告Leave the NDL website. 廣西善後芻議Leave the NDL website. 國防與外交Leave the NDL website. 西北最近十年來史料 . 中國國民黨商民運動經過Leave the NDL website. 初使泰西記Leave the NDL website. 甲寅雜誌存稿Leave the NDL website. 槐廳載筆Leave the NDL website. 歐戰之教訓與中國之將來Leave the NDL website. 上海市工務局略史及其組織沿革 : 民國二十六年Leave the NDL website. 許文肅公(景澄)遺集Leave the NDL website. 那文毅公(彦成)籌劃回疆善後奏議Leave the NDL website. 石遺先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 包愼伯(世臣)先生年譜 . 未灰齋文集Leave the NDL website. 侯官郭氏家集彙刻Leave the NDL website. 江蘇自治公報類編 : 宣統三年Leave the NDL website. 魯巖所學集Leave the NDL website. 康熙朝東華録Leave the NDL website. 魯案善後月報特刊Leave the NDL website. 翁松禪(同龢)手扎Leave the NDL website. 東征集Leave the NDL website. 濟案 . 濟南慘案Leave the NDL website. 黎文肅公(培敬)遺書 : 書扎Leave the NDL website. 竹葉亭雜記 . 豫乘識小録Leave the NDL website. 秋浦周尚書(玉山)全集Leave the NDL website. 曾惠敏公(紀澤)奏疏Leave the NDL website. 桐城呉先生(汝綸)尺牘Leave the NDL website. 鳳臺 ・ 永寧祗謁筆記Leave the NDL website. 杭阿坦都統奏議Leave the NDL website. 國際聯盟教育考察團報告書Leave the NDL website. 蔡孑民(元培)先生言行録Leave the NDL website. 游歴日本考査商務日記Leave the NDL website. 辛丑日記Leave the NDL website. 太平天國資料Leave the NDL website. 湖北縣政概況(民國二十三年)Leave the NDL website. 一週間國内外大事述評、述要Leave the NDL website. 光緒會典Leave the NDL website. 臨時政府内務行政紀要Leave the NDL website. 清外史 . 賓退隨筆Leave the NDL website. 李忠武公(續賓)遺書Leave the NDL website. 中國鐵路志 : 民國四十三年Leave the NDL website. 不忍雜誌Leave the NDL website. 荒政叢書Leave the NDL website. 清代科舉考試述録Leave the NDL website. 胡上將宗南年譜Leave the NDL website. 清朝御史題名録Leave the NDL website. 出使美日秘國日記Leave the NDL website. 十八家詩鈔Leave the NDL website. 農隱盧文鈔Leave the NDL website. 餘冬璅録 . 平定教匪紀事Leave the NDL website. 太平軍・小刀會亂滬史料 . 蜷廬隨筆Leave the NDL website. 左舜生先生紀念册Leave the NDL website. 岑襄勳公(毓英)遺集Leave the NDL website. 中和月刊第六卷合訂本Leave the NDL website. 仙屏書屋初集文録Leave the NDL website. 海外工讀十年紀實Leave the NDL website. 民國經世文編Leave the NDL website. 中倭戰守始末記Leave the NDL website. 樂道堂文鈔Leave the NDL website. 彭剛直公(玉麐)奏稿Leave the NDL website. 最近三十年中國外交史Leave the NDL website. 庚子北京事變紀略 . 永清庚辛紀略 . 庚子教案函牘Leave the NDL website. 雪生年録Leave the NDL website. 李烈鈞將軍自傳 . 八十自述Leave the NDL website. 浙東籌防録Leave the NDL website. 鄂多台日記Leave the NDL website. 安樂郷人詩續Leave the NDL website. 辛亥革命始末記Leave the NDL website. 文續 ; 文又續Leave the NDL website. 李文忠公(鴻章)朋僚函稿Leave the NDL website. 各省區歴年財政彙覽Leave the NDL website. 近世人物志Leave the NDL website. 呉語亭日記Leave the NDL website. 陝西省農村調査Leave the NDL website. 上海抗日血戰史Leave the NDL website. 國聞週報 : 名人録・時人彙録Leave the NDL website. 禮閼郵齋詩存 ; 繭齋詩餘 . 學圃老人詞稿Leave the NDL website. 昌言報Leave the NDL website. 度支部通阜司奏案輯要Leave the NDL website. 十年來之中國經濟建設 : 民廿五~卅四年Leave the NDL website. 劉永福傳Leave the NDL website. 陸文節公(建瀛)奏議Leave the NDL website. 扎記 ・ 輯佚書Leave the NDL website. 潛廬類稿Leave the NDL website. 呂海寰往來信稿、雜纂Leave the NDL website. 法軍侵臺檔補編Leave the NDL website. 中國憲法史Leave the NDL website. 兩廣官報Leave the NDL website. 光緒建元以來督撫年表 . 奏定學堂章程Leave the NDL website. 桂之華軒遺集Leave the NDL website. 中國共産黨之透視Leave the NDL website. 呉稚暉先生紀念集Leave the NDL website. 敬郷筆述Leave the NDL website. 中外經濟年報Leave the NDL website. 周文忠公(天爵)尺牘 . 卞制軍(頌臣)政書Leave the NDL website. 上海市政概要 : 民國二十三年Leave the NDL website. 革命史譚Leave the NDL website. 鹿洲公案Leave the NDL website. 鄭延平(成功)年譜 . 傅青主先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 戡定新疆記Leave the NDL website. 敝帚齋主人年譜 . 舊聞隨筆Leave the NDL website. 期不負齋政書Leave the NDL website. 中國最近世史Leave the NDL website. 孫慕韓(寶琦)先生碑銘手扎集Leave the NDL website. 東三省經濟調査録Leave the NDL website. 夢痕記 : 坿民國政制改造論Leave the NDL website. 直東剿匪電存Leave the NDL website. 西游日記Leave the NDL website. 補學軒文集續刻Leave the NDL website. 大清北洋海軍章程Leave the NDL website. 茂泉實業文集Leave the NDL website. 李文襄公(之芳)奏議 : 附・別録, 年譜Leave the NDL website. 鴉片戰爭史實考Leave the NDL website. 關税特別會議議事録Leave the NDL website. 駐外使領舘職員録 : 民國二十二・二十七年Leave the NDL website. 鳴原堂論文 ; 詩集Leave the NDL website. 朱九江(次琦)先生傳 . 康南海書牘Leave the NDL website. 李鴻章年(日)譜Leave the NDL website. 和談覆轍在中國 : 民國五十七年Leave the NDL website. 變法經緯公例論Leave the NDL website. 珠巖山人三種 : 金鑾瑣記・鴒原録・思子軒傳奇 . 肅藻遺書Leave the NDL website. 清代名人書扎Leave the NDL website. 京兆通縣農工銀行十年史Leave the NDL website. 王文勤公(慶雲)年譜 . 王蘇州(仁堪)遺書Leave the NDL website. 北寧鐡路沿線經濟調査報告Leave the NDL website. 圜府頊記 . 綺情樓雜記Leave the NDL website. 中國省銀行史略Leave the NDL website. 中俄交渉史 . 中俄外交沿革史Leave the NDL website. 胡文忠公(林翼)年譜Leave the NDL website. 漸西邨人初集Leave the NDL website. 楝亭集Leave the NDL website. 津門雜記Leave the NDL website. 張中丞(聯桂)奏議Leave the NDL website. 駱文忠公奏議Leave the NDL website. 范忠貞公(承謨)全集Leave the NDL website. 實學報Leave the NDL website. 中華民國憲法史料Leave the NDL website. 茶陽三家文鈔Leave the NDL website. 陳英士先生革命小史 . 民國外史 . 中國革命名人傳Leave the NDL website. 室名索引Leave the NDL website. 京口僨城録 . 出圍城記 . 草間日記Leave the NDL website. 楊永泰先生言論集Leave the NDL website. 徐志摩年譜 . 新文學家回想録Leave the NDL website. 工政Leave the NDL website. 抗戰八年Leave the NDL website. 曾忠襄公(國荃)書扎 : 坿文集Leave the NDL website. 李肅毅伯(鴻章)奏議Leave the NDL website. 同光風雲録Leave the NDL website. 桐城呉先生(汝綸)文・詩集Leave the NDL website. 最近官紳履歴彙編Leave the NDL website. 軍事委員會委員長行營政治工作報告Leave the NDL website. 西台奏疏Leave the NDL website. 昭代名人尺牘小傳Leave the NDL website. 余嘉錫論學集Leave the NDL website. 閩海贈言 . 臺海使槎録Leave the NDL website. 皇朝瑣屑録Leave the NDL website. 餘集Leave the NDL website. 荒政輯要Leave the NDL website. 咸同貴州軍事史Leave the NDL website. 臺灣關係文獻集零Leave the NDL website. 湘軍援鄂戰史 . 壬戌政變記Leave the NDL website. 隨軺筆記四種Leave the NDL website. 復菴先生集Leave the NDL website. 俄蒙回憶録Leave the NDL website. 中國近代之報業Leave the NDL website. 統一全國水利行政事業記要 ; 全國經濟委員會報告Leave the NDL website. 清太祖努爾哈赤實録Leave the NDL website. 庚子詩鑑 . 拳變繋日要録Leave the NDL website. 黎元洪評傳Leave the NDL website. 嘉慶東巡紀事 . 科布多政務總册 . 總管内務府現行條例 : 廣儲司Leave the NDL website. 蠖園文存Leave the NDL website. 修史試筆Leave the NDL website. 柳州府君年譜Leave the NDL website. 臺灣府志Leave the NDL website. 最近十年中俄之交渉Leave the NDL website. 沈文肅公(葆楨)政書Leave the NDL website. 存素堂全集 : 年譜・詩文稿・奏疏Leave the NDL website. 兩般秋雨菴隨筆Leave the NDL website. 蘭苕館外史Leave the NDL website. 海軍大事記 . 中法・中日兵事本末 . 中日議和記略Leave the NDL website. 清季新設職官年表 . 京秩王公大小官員毎歳俸銀考Leave the NDL website. 籌辦夷務始末 : 同治朝Leave the NDL website. 聖武記Leave the NDL website. 察哈爾全區墾政輯覽Leave the NDL website. 國内外一週間大事紀Leave the NDL website. 黄公度(遵憲)先生傳稿Leave the NDL website. 故舊文存 . 志盦遺稿Leave the NDL website. 雍正朝東華録Leave the NDL website. 今傳是樓詩話Leave the NDL website. 鹺政備覽 : 兩廣 . 中國鹽政沿革史 : 長蘆Leave the NDL website. 王壯武公(錱)遺集Leave the NDL website. 抗戰十年前之中國 : 一九二七-一九三六Leave the NDL website. 睦州存藁 : 坿臺垣疏稿Leave the NDL website. 廣西省農村調査Leave the NDL website. 五卅痛史Leave the NDL website. 洪憲慘史 . 復辟詳志Leave the NDL website. 中國金融年鑑Leave the NDL website. 清末民初留日陸軍士官學校人名簿Leave the NDL website. 劉武愼公(長佑)遺書Leave the NDL website. 海防紀略Leave the NDL website. 全國生産會議總報告Leave the NDL website. 蘇聯陰謀文證彙編 : 民國十七年Leave the NDL website. 周佩箴先生全集 . 兪鴻鈞先生紀念集 . 霍寶樹逝世五周年紀念文集Leave the NDL website. 中國外債彙編Leave the NDL website. 山西民政彙刊Leave the NDL website. 李傅相(鴻章)歴聘歐美記Leave the NDL website. 陳東塾(禮)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 出使英・法・義・比四國日記Leave the NDL website. 曾慕韓(琦)先生日記選Leave the NDL website. 潛廬隨筆Leave the NDL website. 光緒丁未(卅三年)政藝叢書Leave the NDL website. 英、法聯軍史料Leave the NDL website. 舟車所至Leave the NDL website. 劉襄勤公(毅齋)奏稿Leave the NDL website. 批牘Leave the NDL website. 履園叢話Leave the NDL website. 張季子(謇)九録Leave the NDL website. 水雲樓詩詞稿合本 . 煮藥漫抄Leave the NDL website. 中國縣銀行年鑑Leave the NDL website. 沈竹岑日記手稿Leave the NDL website. 宣統條約Leave the NDL website. 湘潭袁氏家集Leave the NDL website. 芙蓉江上草堂詩集Leave the NDL website. 合肥李氏三世遺集Leave the NDL website. 臺灣語典 ; 雅言Leave the NDL website. 清代毘陵名人小傳稿Leave the NDL website. 清代捐納制度Leave the NDL website. 戰後經濟調査會第一次報告書 . 戰後經濟調査會第四次報告書Leave the NDL website. 戊戌變法人物傳稿Leave the NDL website. 英軺日記Leave the NDL website. 五年來河南政治總報告(民國二十四年) . 河南省政府五年來施政統計(民國二十四年)Leave the NDL website. 巡臺退思録Leave the NDL website. 民國職官表 : 民國元年一月至民國七年六月止 . 現代史料Leave the NDL website. 籌鄂(俄)龜鑑Leave the NDL website. 英軺私記 . 使徳日記 . 述徳筆記Leave the NDL website. 嘉慶朝東華續録Leave the NDL website. 雲南遊記Leave the NDL website. 江楚會奏變法三摺Leave the NDL website. 求牧芻言 : 附・誰園詩稿Leave the NDL website. 清季中外使領年表Leave the NDL website. 近世中國史Leave the NDL website. 兟莊存稿Leave the NDL website. 羅壯勇公(思舉)年譜Leave the NDL website. 長毋想忘詩詞集 . 李嘯風先生詩文集Leave the NDL website. 一週間國内外大事述要Leave the NDL website. 清朝春曹題名 . 清朝貢擧年表Leave the NDL website. 東省鐡路沿革史 . 吉敦鐡路沿線調査録Leave the NDL website. 屠光祿(梅君)疏稿Leave the NDL website. 紅杏山房遺藁Leave the NDL website. 孫中山先生廿年來手扎Leave the NDL website. 社評 : 國聞週報第一巻一期至第二巻五十期 : 自民國十三年八月至民國十四年十二月Leave the NDL website. 時務報Leave the NDL website. 清皇室四譜Leave the NDL website. 錢敏肅公(調甫)奏疏Leave the NDL website. 皇朝政典類纂Leave the NDL website. 聽雨叢談Leave the NDL website. 清譚Leave the NDL website. 欽定國子監則例Leave the NDL website. 太湖趙氏家集叢刻Leave the NDL website. 李士禎・李煦父子年譜Leave the NDL website. 星軺日記 . 南遊記Leave the NDL website. 外交部沿革紀略Leave the NDL website. 酒邊詞Leave the NDL website. 崔東壁先生(述)年譜 . 黄蕘圃先生(丕烈)年譜Leave the NDL website. 通甫類稿Leave the NDL website. 交渉要覽類篇Leave the NDL website. 無錫楊仁山(楷)先生遺著Leave the NDL website. 中國禁烟法令變遷史Leave the NDL website. 道光朝東華續録Leave the NDL website. 南通張季直先生逝世四十周年紀念集Leave the NDL website. 職官任免月表 : 民國元年 - 六年Leave the NDL website. 參議院公報Leave the NDL website. 侯官嚴氏叢刻Leave the NDL website. 四譯舘則Leave the NDL website. 川鹽紀要Leave the NDL website. 近百年來上海政治經濟史 : 一八四二-一九三七Leave the NDL website. 藤陰雜記 . 漏網喁魚集Leave the NDL website. 中國國民黨第一二三四次全國代表大會彙刊Leave the NDL website. 李申耆(兆洛)年譜Leave the NDL website. 蜀海叢談Leave the NDL website. 平漢年鑑Leave the NDL website. 上海銀行公會事業史Leave the NDL website. 日本國志Leave the NDL website. 康煕條約 ; 雍正條約 ; 乾隆條約 ; 道光條約Leave the NDL website. 上海通志舘期刊Leave the NDL website. 滿清稗史Leave the NDL website. 張惠肅公(亮基)奏稿Leave the NDL website. 呼江吸海樓詩Leave the NDL website. 陝西實業考察記 . 海南島旅行記Leave the NDL website. 請纓日記Leave the NDL website. 松龕先生全集Leave the NDL website. 督河奏疏Leave the NDL website. 呉梅村(偉業)年譜 . 洪北江(亮吉)年譜Leave the NDL website. 清史講義Leave the NDL website. 淮軍平捻記Leave the NDL website. 韜園詩集Leave the NDL website. 毋自欺室文集Leave the NDL website. 筆記合刻 ; 圍爐瑣憶 ; 籐蔭客贅 ; 稗販雜餘Leave the NDL website. 河北民政統計(民國十九年) . 北平市政府二十二年度行政統計Leave the NDL website. 光緒政要Leave the NDL website. 兪兪齋詩稿Leave the NDL website. 中國國民黨革命理論之研究 . 國民政府任命文武職官一覽表Leave the NDL website. 中國抗戰軍事發展史Leave the NDL website. 花谿間筆正續集 ; 新經濟政策Leave the NDL website. 合肥執政年譜初稿 . 安福趣史Leave the NDL website. 三願堂日記Leave the NDL website. 出席國民大會記 : 卅七年三月Leave the NDL website. 景紫堂文集Leave the NDL website. 呉文節公(文鎔)遺集Leave the NDL website. 咸豐朝東華續録Leave the NDL website. 敬孚類稿Leave the NDL website. 山東懸案細目協定Leave the NDL website. 北洋海軍章程Leave the NDL website. 上海新報Leave the NDL website. 關税研究會議事録Leave the NDL website. 戰時經濟法規Leave the NDL website. 寶綸堂文鈔Leave the NDL website. 林獻堂先生紀念集 : 年譜・遺著・追思録Leave the NDL website. 姓名總目 ; 學術Leave the NDL website. 金田之游及其他Leave the NDL website. 思補齋筆記Leave the NDL website. 民國史要Leave the NDL website. 新疆槪述 ; 使藏紀程 . 伊寗事變紀略Leave the NDL website. 國民革命史Leave the NDL website. 曾文正公年譜 . 崇徳老人紀念册Leave the NDL website. 碩果亭詩Leave the NDL website. 督軍團傳Leave the NDL website. 近代書院學校制度變遷考 . 萬木草堂憶舊 . 清季各省興學史Leave the NDL website. 懷冰室集Leave the NDL website. 西征紀事Leave the NDL website. 弗堂類稿Leave the NDL website. 康南海先生詩集Leave the NDL website. 平定關隴紀略Leave the NDL website. 滿漢大臣列傳Leave the NDL website. 軍機章京題名 . 乘査筆記Leave the NDL website. 雲南勘界籌邊記Leave the NDL website. 藏事輯要Leave the NDL website. 西藏通覽Leave the NDL website. 虚受堂文集Leave the NDL website. 龔端毅公(鼎孳)奏疏Leave the NDL website. 國朝先正事略Leave the NDL website. 中外交渉類要表 ; 光緒通商綜覈表Leave the NDL website. 廖仲愷先生殉難資料及哀思録Leave the NDL website. 戊戌履霜録 ; 國聞備乘Leave the NDL website. 那文毅公(彦成)二任陝甘總督奏議Leave the NDL website. 波逐六十年Leave the NDL website. 菸酒税史Leave the NDL website. 出使公牘・奏疏Leave the NDL website. 陶勤肅公(模)奏議Leave the NDL website. 左文襄公征西史略Leave the NDL website. 粤海關志Leave the NDL website. 微尚齋雜文Leave the NDL website. 張世膺烈士遺墨 . 山居憶語Leave the NDL website. 全國工商會議彙編 : 民國二十年Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文新編續集Leave the NDL website. 畏廬文集・詩存・論文Leave the NDL website. 甕牖餘談Leave the NDL website. 王芃生先生紀念集Leave the NDL website. 荻芬書屋文詩稿Leave the NDL website. 宋漁父遺著Leave the NDL website. 退思齋文詩存Leave the NDL website. 清秘述聞Leave the NDL website. 有恆心齋全集Leave the NDL website. 海客日譚Leave the NDL website. 新爾雅Leave the NDL website. 宋臺秋唱 . 更生記Leave the NDL website. 耐菴奏議存稿Leave the NDL website. 郭華野(琇)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 劍花室詩集Leave the NDL website. 玉池老人自叙 . 從戎紀略Leave the NDL website. 金貴銀賤風潮Leave the NDL website. 京師譯學館校友録 : 坿民國七年國立北京大學職員履歴表Leave the NDL website. 清太祖高皇帝聖訓 ; 清太宗文皇帝聖訓 ; 清世祖章皇帝聖訓 ; 清聖祖仁皇帝聖訓Leave the NDL website. 淄川靖逆記Leave the NDL website. 國内外一週大事紀Leave the NDL website. 度支輯略Leave the NDL website. 張溥泉先生回憶録・日記Leave the NDL website. 第四軍紀實Leave the NDL website. 盛京奏議Leave the NDL website. 愚齋未刊信稿Leave the NDL website. 寫禮廎遺著Leave the NDL website. 補學軒文集Leave the NDL website. 賀先生(濤)文集Leave the NDL website. 欽定大清會典Leave the NDL website. 中華民國第三次教育圖表Leave the NDL website. 辛亥革命大事録 . 華盛頓會義Leave the NDL website. 宗室貢舉備考Leave the NDL website. 行素齋雜記 . 安樂康平室隨筆Leave the NDL website. 陝西實業考察Leave the NDL website. 咄咄吟 . 夷患備嘗記Leave the NDL website. 何文貞公遺書 . 劉葆眞太史文集Leave the NDL website. 翁松禪相國(同龢)尺牘眞跡Leave the NDL website. 中興將帥別傳Leave the NDL website. 林文忠公(則徐)書札手迹Leave the NDL website. 皇清紀年五表Leave the NDL website. 朱九江(次琦)先生集Leave the NDL website. 頤淵詩集 . 槐村詩草Leave the NDL website. 王文直公(東槐)遺集Leave the NDL website. 詞話Leave the NDL website. 滄趣樓奏議 ・ 詩集Leave the NDL website. 皇清道咸同光奏議Leave the NDL website. 辛卯侍行記Leave the NDL website. 兪兪齋文稿Leave the NDL website. 那文毅公(彦成)奉使粤東等省初任陝甘總督奏議Leave the NDL website. 陸費伯鴻先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 約章分類輯要Leave the NDL website. 宣統己酉大政記Leave the NDL website. 民國野史Leave the NDL website. 綏乘Leave the NDL website. 善後會議公報Leave the NDL website. 鄭子尹(珍)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 悚齋日記Leave the NDL website. 福建省工作報告 : 民國二十三年Leave the NDL website. 舊典備徴Leave the NDL website. 方望溪(苞)先生全集Leave the NDL website. 清代考試制度資料Leave the NDL website. 陸軍軍官學校第四隊學生詳細調査表Leave the NDL website. 防共聯席會議紀録彙編 : 山西省Leave the NDL website. 中國戰時經濟志Leave the NDL website. 戰後太平洋問題 : 附美國人所見太平洋問題Leave the NDL website. 中國經營西域史 : 民國二十五年版Leave the NDL website. 張公(錦文)襄理軍務紀略Leave the NDL website. 交通官報Leave the NDL website. 上海共同租界工部局年報Leave the NDL website. 呉興周夢坡(慶雲)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 蒙古簡史新編Leave the NDL website. 曾(國藩)・胡(林翼)手扎Leave the NDL website. 日本國志Leave the NDL website. 中國憲政史話Leave the NDL website. 辛亥革命與列強態度Leave the NDL website. 團練事宜Leave the NDL website. 中復堂全集東槎紀略・寸陰叢録Leave the NDL website. 水稻試驗・茶業Leave the NDL website. 清代文讞紀略Leave the NDL website. 槐卿遺稿Leave the NDL website. 中國鐵路借款合同彙編Leave the NDL website. 蒿菴・蒿叟隨筆Leave the NDL website. 中國基督教史綱Leave the NDL website. 孟子要略Leave the NDL website. 春在堂隨筆Leave the NDL website. 馬端敏公(新貽)奏議Leave the NDL website. 中國重要銀行營業概況研究 . 關税問題專刊Leave the NDL website. 雲南首義擁護共和國始末記Leave the NDL website. 天放樓文言 : 附詩集Leave the NDL website. 星洲十年Leave the NDL website. 王風箋題 . 國恥詩話Leave the NDL website. 雅堂先生文集・餘集Leave the NDL website. 奏議・書牘・雜著Leave the NDL website. 山西民政刊要(民國二十二年)Leave the NDL website. 遐菴彙稿Leave the NDL website. 民國史料文編Leave the NDL website. 清室外紀Leave the NDL website. 梁任公知交手札 : 新會梁氏藏Leave the NDL website. 許世英先生紀念集Leave the NDL website. 東征要電佚存Leave the NDL website. 適可齋紀言紀行Leave the NDL website. 國民軍史稿Leave the NDL website. 于清端公(成龍)政書Leave the NDL website. 中國錢莊槪要Leave the NDL website. 清外史Leave the NDL website. 湖北縣政概況Leave the NDL website. 關税案牘彙編Leave the NDL website. 八年抗戰之經過Leave the NDL website. 湘綺樓文集Leave the NDL website. 全國銀行年鑑Leave the NDL website. 孫中山先生書信手札集Leave the NDL website. 新政條例 ; 抑戒齋奏牘輯存Leave the NDL website. 清光緒朝中法交渉史料Leave the NDL website. ◆D2491◆堂文集Leave the NDL website. 近代名人翰墨Leave the NDL website. 蘇州織造李煦奏摺Leave the NDL website. 庸菴文編Leave the NDL website. 民國政史拾遺 . 中國共産黨之來源Leave the NDL website. 道咸同光名人手扎第一集Leave the NDL website. 愼所立齋文集 ; 愼所立齋詩集Leave the NDL website. 國民參政會川康建設視察團報告書Leave the NDL website. 英使謁見乾隆紀實Leave the NDL website. 張嗇菴(謇)實業文鈔Leave the NDL website. 常慊慊齋文集Leave the NDL website. 晦明軒稿Leave the NDL website. 清代各地將軍都統大臣等年表Leave the NDL website. 郭允叔(象升)文鈔Leave the NDL website. 曉晴齋散記Leave the NDL website. 新疆游記Leave the NDL website. 南澗文集 . 希古堂尺牘Leave the NDL website. 近代二十家評傳Leave the NDL website. 蒿盦類稿・續稿・奏稿Leave the NDL website. 近代中國史料叢刊自第一輯至一〇〇輯書名及編著者索引Leave the NDL website. 盛京通鑑 . 瀋故Leave the NDL website. 國家主義論文集Leave the NDL website. 辛亥以後十七年職官年表Leave the NDL website. 滇黔奏議Leave the NDL website. 當代名人新演講集Leave the NDL website. 東游六十四日隨筆Leave the NDL website. 中日甲午戰爭之外交背景Leave the NDL website. 徳壯果公(楞泰)年譜Leave the NDL website. 中國抗戰史Leave the NDL website. 庚辛之際月表Leave the NDL website. 馬相伯(良)先生文集・續編・新編Leave the NDL website. 滿蒙經濟大觀Leave the NDL website. 東藩紀要Leave the NDL website. 馬相伯(良)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 御製圓明園圖詩Leave the NDL website. 戊午雜誌Leave the NDL website. 吉林外記Leave the NDL website. 韌菴老人自訂年譜 . 驢背集Leave the NDL website. 那文毅公(彦成)刑部尚書三任陝甘總督奏議Leave the NDL website. 石船詩存Leave the NDL website. 輶軒抗議Leave the NDL website. 民國大事類表Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經濟文新編Leave the NDL website. 城西草堂詩史Leave the NDL website. 梁節菴(鼎芬)先生賸稿 . 張提法公(學華)年譜Leave the NDL website. 中國田賦問題Leave the NDL website. 同治甲戌日兵侵台始末Leave the NDL website. 南京市政概況 : 民國二十七年Leave the NDL website. 京江張文貞公 (玉書) 年譜文集Leave the NDL website. 凌滄集 . 游台吟稿Leave the NDL website. 李文忠公尺牘Leave the NDL website. 玉井山舘筆記 . 四魂集 . 李鴻章遊俄紀事Leave the NDL website. 軍書彙鈔Leave the NDL website. 東西洋考察記Leave the NDL website. 清代紀事年表Leave the NDL website. 中復堂全集中復堂遺稿・續編Leave the NDL website. 退菴随筆Leave the NDL website. 李文忠公(鴻章)全集Leave the NDL website. 伍先生(秩庸)公牘 . 伍廷芳Leave the NDL website. 左文襄公(宗棠)全集Leave the NDL website. 膠濟鐡路接収八週紀要Leave the NDL website. 西南遊行雜寫Leave the NDL website. 法軍侵臺檔Leave the NDL website. 光緒丁未(三十三)年交渉要覽Leave the NDL website. 陽湖張惠言先生手稿Leave the NDL website. 中復堂全集東溟文後集外集Leave the NDL website. 俄國西伯利東偏紀要 . 守邊輯要Leave the NDL website. 籌辦夷務始末 : 道光朝Leave the NDL website. 曾胡治兵語録 . 治匪紀略Leave the NDL website. 東溟奏稿Leave the NDL website. 曾文正公(國藩)全集編刊考略Leave the NDL website. 蘉菴詩集 ; 冷芸詞Leave the NDL website. 廣東農業概況調査報告書續編Leave the NDL website. 蘿華山館遺集Leave the NDL website. 澹園詩集 . 椽筆樓初集Leave the NDL website. 清文宗顯皇帝聖訓Leave the NDL website. 康南海文集Leave the NDL website. 寶韋齋類稿Leave the NDL website. 光緒通商列表Leave the NDL website. 鳳池園集Leave the NDL website. 顔習齋(元)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 茹經堂奏疏Leave the NDL website. 山東懸案細目協定Leave the NDL website. 天嬰室叢稿Leave the NDL website. 錢牧齋(謙益)先生遺事及年譜 : 虞山丁氏鈔藏 . 萬年少(壽祺)先生年譜 . 周漁璜(起渭)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 呉愙齋(大澂)尺牘Leave the NDL website. 宦游紀略Leave the NDL website. 初月樓聞見録・續録Leave the NDL website. 建都論戰 . 邊人芻言Leave the NDL website. 朱家驊先生紀念冊Leave the NDL website. 弢園尺牘Leave the NDL website. 湖北革命知之録Leave the NDL website. 瓜園述異 . 睇嚮齋秘籙Leave the NDL website. 駐粤八旗志Leave the NDL website. 湘綺樓説詩 . 方湖類稿 ; 光宣詩壇點將録Leave the NDL website. 皇清奏議Leave the NDL website. 虚受堂書扎Leave the NDL website. 欽定學政全書Leave the NDL website. 季鸞文存Leave the NDL website. 關税問題專刊 . 中國重要銀行營業概況研究Leave the NDL website. 退耕堂政書Leave the NDL website. 清史拾遺 . 軍機故事Leave the NDL website. 欽定學堂章程 : 附張百煕進呈全學章程摺Leave the NDL website. 孤軍雜誌政黨專號Leave the NDL website. 粤滇線雲貴段經濟調査總報告Leave the NDL website. 十九路軍興亡史Leave the NDL website. 財政會議録 : 民國二年 . 各省區釐金収數表 : 民國十四年Leave the NDL website. 魏叔子(禧)先生年譜 . 梁質人(份)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 宣統政紀Leave the NDL website. 于文襄公(敏中)手扎 . 文文忠公(祥)事略Leave the NDL website. 五十年來之中國經濟 (一八九六-一九四七)Leave the NDL website. 越縵堂文集Leave the NDL website. 封陵五日録Leave the NDL website. 鹽務公報Leave the NDL website. 我軍血戰抗日的前後Leave the NDL website. 同治條約Leave the NDL website. 黄克強・蔡松坡軼事 . 清代州縣故事Leave the NDL website. 年譜Leave the NDL website. 辱國春秋Leave the NDL website. 庚戌粵東軍變記 . 辛亥四川事變之我Leave the NDL website. 民國經濟史Leave the NDL website. 清黨實録Leave the NDL website. 粤鹺紀要Leave the NDL website. 鷗舫詩文鈔Leave the NDL website. 中東戰紀本末Leave the NDL website. 拙盦叢稿Leave the NDL website. 桐郷勞先生(乃宣)遺稿Leave the NDL website. 西清王氏重刊族譜Leave the NDL website. 清代地理沿革表Leave the NDL website. 温侍御(毅夫)年譜及檗盦奏稿Leave the NDL website. 杭州八旗駐防營志略Leave the NDL website. 汪穰卿(康年)先生傳記遺文Leave the NDL website. 考據Leave the NDL website. 胡文忠公(林翼)遺集Leave the NDL website. 建國銓眞Leave the NDL website. 秋浦周尚書(玉山)全集Leave the NDL website. 庸間齋筆記Leave the NDL website. 胡文忠公(林翼)遺集Leave the NDL website. 蓬廬文鈔Leave the NDL website. 最近三十年中國軍事史Leave the NDL website. 校邠廬抗議Leave the NDL website. 還我青島Leave the NDL website. 俄蒙協約審勘録Leave the NDL website. 安福禍國記(民國九年) . 復滇録(民國十三年)Leave the NDL website. 求闕齋讀書録 ; 求闕齋日記類鈔Leave the NDL website. 駐外各使館星期報告Leave the NDL website. 曾惠敏公(紀澤)文集Leave the NDL website. 李鴻章致潘鼎新書札 . 李文忠公(鴻章)年譜Leave the NDL website. 錢牧齋(謙益)先生尺牘Leave the NDL website. 欽定康濟録Leave the NDL website. 臺陽見聞録Leave the NDL website. 欽定大清會典圖Leave the NDL website. 粤漢鐡路廣韶段史略附廣三段 : 民國十九年 . 浙贛鐡路統計年報 : 民國三十五年Leave the NDL website. 郭華野(琇)先生疏稿Leave the NDL website. 呂文節公(鶴田)奏議 . 胡文忠公(林翼)年譜Leave the NDL website. 思玄堂詩Leave the NDL website. 棉陽學準Leave the NDL website. 諫書稀菴筆記Leave the NDL website. 觀物化齋詩集 . 一枝廬詩鈔Leave the NDL website. 咄咄吟 . 夷患備嘗記Leave the NDL website. 中國全面抗戰大事記Leave the NDL website. 迷惘集Leave the NDL website. 同治中興京外奏議約編Leave the NDL website. 北征日記Leave the NDL website. 信及録Leave the NDL website. 黎襄勤公(世序)奏議Leave the NDL website. 毛尚書(鴻賓)奏稿Leave the NDL website. 中復堂全集東溟奏稿Leave the NDL website. 舒藝室詩存Leave the NDL website. 近代中國教育史料Leave the NDL website. 西行逐日記Leave the NDL website. 衛藏圖識Leave the NDL website. 大事記 ; 榮哀録 ; 坿未刊信稿Leave the NDL website. 變法自強奏議彙編Leave the NDL website. 濤園集Leave the NDL website. 二二五五疏Leave the NDL website. 戊戌六君子遺集Leave the NDL website. 太平天國起義記 . 太平天國詔諭Leave the NDL website. 大清會典Leave the NDL website. 入幕須知五種Leave the NDL website. 陸軍軍官學校第一隊學生詳細調査表Leave the NDL website. 漢口慘殺案 . 廣州沙基慘案交渉文件首編Leave the NDL website. 中國商戰失敗史Leave the NDL website. 江蘇省政述要Leave the NDL website. 曽忠襄公(國荃)批牘・年譜Leave the NDL website. 廣東省財政紀實Leave the NDL website. 中國近代史工業史資料Leave the NDL website. 舒藝室雜著Leave the NDL website. 臺灣日記與禀啓Leave the NDL website. 胡先生(漢民)紀念專刊Leave the NDL website. 粤氛紀事Leave the NDL website. 刑案匯覽續編Leave the NDL website. 章太炎(炳麟)先生家書Leave the NDL website. 南亭四話Leave the NDL website. 天主教傳入中國概觀 . 義和團運動史Leave the NDL website. 清代七百名人傳Leave the NDL website. 杭城辛酉紀事詩原藁 . 古槐書屋詞Leave the NDL website. 勸學篇 . 趨庭隨筆Leave the NDL website. 處理日本投降文件彙編Leave the NDL website. 黎文肅公(培敬)遺書 : 自述年譜・奏疏Leave the NDL website. 滿洲國外國貿易統計年報Leave the NDL website. 陶廬雜録Leave the NDL website. 清開國史料考Leave the NDL website. 改革鹽務報告書Leave the NDL website. 茹經先生自訂年譜正續篇Leave the NDL website. 續増科場條例Leave the NDL website. 庫頁島志略 ; 合河政紀Leave the NDL website. 滿洲産業統計Leave the NDL website. 清史論叢Leave the NDL website. 陳炯明叛國史Leave the NDL website. 清末各省官自費留日學生姓名表Leave the NDL website. 中華民國開國史Leave the NDL website. 欽定科場條例Leave the NDL website. 逸雲詩詞遺稿Leave the NDL website. 籌濟編Leave the NDL website. 無錫楊氏三葉傳記碑志集Leave the NDL website. 安呉四種Leave the NDL website. 刑政Leave the NDL website. 欽定滿洲源流考Leave the NDL website. 佳夢軒雜著Leave the NDL website. 田賦案牘彙編Leave the NDL website. 中俄交渉記Leave the NDL website. 黄遵憲與日本友人筆談遺稿Leave the NDL website. 中法戰爭資料Leave the NDL website. 振綺堂叢書初集Leave the NDL website. 中日國際史Leave the NDL website. 朱執信文存Leave the NDL website. 善後会議公報Leave the NDL website. 五二三蒙難二十週年紀念文集Leave the NDL website. 船政奏疏彙編Leave the NDL website. 觀光紀遊Leave the NDL website. 庚子都門紀事詩Leave the NDL website. 美國與中國之關係 : 中譯本Leave the NDL website. 湘事記 . 徐世昌Leave the NDL website. 國朝通商始末記Leave the NDL website. 郎潛三筆 : 壬癸藏扎記Leave the NDL website. 中東路問題Leave the NDL website. 浙中髮匪紀略 . 金壇見聞記Leave the NDL website. 謗書Leave the NDL website. 國父墨寶 . 黄留守(興)書牘Leave the NDL website. 念樓集Leave the NDL website. 海外覊情 : 坿澹園隨興Leave the NDL website. 江南園林志Leave the NDL website. 山西村政彙編Leave the NDL website. 度支部税課司奏案彙要Leave the NDL website. 春在堂楹聯録存Leave the NDL website. 語冰閣奏議Leave the NDL website. 錢文端公(陳羣)年譜 : 補卷中 . 劉武愼公(長佑)年譜 : 補卷三Leave the NDL website. 劉忠誠公(坤一)遺集Leave the NDL website. 清朝武功紀盛Leave the NDL website. 黨軍Leave the NDL website. 粤閩巡視紀略Leave the NDL website. 張文襄公(之洞)全集Leave the NDL website. 君憲問題文電彙編Leave the NDL website. 王靜安(國維)先生紀念號Leave the NDL website. 勞山集Leave the NDL website. 忠義紀聞録Leave the NDL website. 錫清弼制軍奏稿Leave the NDL website. 李文忠公(鴻章)事略 . 夢蕉亭雜記Leave the NDL website. 太平天國佚聞Leave the NDL website. 中華民國再造史Leave the NDL website. 黎副總統書牘彙編Leave the NDL website. 教育部行政紀要Leave the NDL website. 欽定大清會典事例Leave the NDL website. 清穆宗毅皇帝聖訓Leave the NDL website. 李申夫(榕)先生全集Leave the NDL website. 山東問題彙刊Leave the NDL website. 民彝雜誌Leave the NDL website. 咸豐條約Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文三編Leave the NDL website. 平夷録Leave the NDL website. 近世中國史Leave the NDL website. 中日戰爭資料Leave the NDL website. 綏遠奏議Leave the NDL website. 庚子京師褒恤録Leave the NDL website. 中國近代史參考資料Leave the NDL website. 陸海軍大元帥大本營公報Leave the NDL website. 征南輯略Leave the NDL website. 歐戰期間中日交渉史Leave the NDL website. 外交公報Leave the NDL website. 鐵路・電信七十五週年紀念刊Leave the NDL website. 張潛園書廣雅相國奏議 . 白石山館詩 . 清夜齋詩稿Leave the NDL website. 甘泉郷人稿 : 坿餘稿・年譜Leave the NDL website. 東塾續集Leave the NDL website. 兩罍軒尺牘Leave the NDL website. 咸同名賢手扎Leave the NDL website. 康有爲與戊戌變法Leave the NDL website. 實業公報Leave the NDL website. 葵園自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 澗于集Leave the NDL website. 戸政Leave the NDL website. 心史叢刊Leave the NDL website. 成山老人自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 清昇平署存檔事例漫抄Leave the NDL website. 駱公年譜Leave the NDL website. 雪橋詩話三集Leave the NDL website. 撫黔奏疏Leave the NDL website. 嘉定(徐致祥)長白(寶廷)二先生奏議Leave the NDL website. 捲菸統税史Leave the NDL website. 將吏法言Leave the NDL website. 趙恭毅公(申喬)賸稿Leave the NDL website. 戊戌變法檔案史料Leave the NDL website. 中華民國史Leave the NDL website. 外蒙交渉始末記 . 止室筆記Leave the NDL website. 七十浮生塵影録Leave the NDL website. 梁任公詩稿手蹟Leave the NDL website. 辛亥革命史料 . 蘄水湯先生(化龍)遺念録Leave the NDL website. 別號索引Leave the NDL website. 謝鑄陳回憶録Leave the NDL website. 恩福堂筆記 . 王鴻緒密摺彙存Leave the NDL website. 光緒朝捐納則例 . 庚戌資政院議案草, 四巻(宣統二年)Leave the NDL website. 内務府慶典成案Leave the NDL website. 惜抱軒手扎 . 姚惜抱(鼐)先生家書Leave the NDL website. 平定回疆剿擒逆匪方略Leave the NDL website. 鴉片戰爭前中英交渉文書Leave the NDL website. 雪橋詩話初集Leave the NDL website. 澄廬詩集 . 客人對Leave the NDL website. 臺灣 : 民國十五年版Leave the NDL website. 上海之商業 : 1935Leave the NDL website. 讀書改過齋叢録Leave the NDL website. 近代秘密社會史料Leave the NDL website. 孫夏峯先生筆記 . 祁叔頴尺牘詩稿Leave the NDL website. 清世宗憲皇帝聖訓Leave the NDL website. 海南抗戰紀要Leave the NDL website. 中俄界記Leave the NDL website. 張謇傳記Leave the NDL website. 撫夷日記 . 瀛壖雜志Leave the NDL website. 樂道堂詩鈔Leave the NDL website. 江蘇省農村調査Leave the NDL website. 清議報全編Leave the NDL website. 四十自述Leave the NDL website. 新兵制與新兵法Leave the NDL website. 撫粤政略Leave the NDL website. 延吉邊務報告Leave the NDL website. 國恥史要Leave the NDL website. 戊戌奏稿Leave the NDL website. 觚賸Leave the NDL website. 中國釐金史Leave the NDL website. 鏡湖自撰年譜Leave the NDL website. 林文忠公日記Leave the NDL website. 度支部軍餉司奏案彙編Leave the NDL website. 曾忠襄公(國荃)奏議Leave the NDL website. 中國對日戰事損失之估計 (一九三七-一九四三) . 甲午以來中日軍事外交大事紀要 (一八九四-一九三七)Leave the NDL website. 呉州四程詩文集Leave the NDL website. 近百年來中外關係Leave the NDL website. 君子舘類稿Leave the NDL website. 使琉球記Leave the NDL website. 太虚大師寰游記Leave the NDL website. 閩縣林侍郎(紹年)奏稿Leave the NDL website. 南路實業調査團報告書Leave the NDL website. 軌政紀要Leave the NDL website. 中國勞動年鑑Leave the NDL website. 詞話續 ; 説文閩音通Leave the NDL website. 周止菴(學熈)先生別傳Leave the NDL website. 江蘇省政治年鑑 : 民國十三年Leave the NDL website. 遲莊回憶録Leave the NDL website. 那文毅公(彦成)初任直隷總督奏議Leave the NDL website. 文集Leave the NDL website. 墾務奏議Leave the NDL website. 譚瀏陽全集 : 附・年譜Leave the NDL website. 農林・測候Leave the NDL website. 覺迷要録Leave the NDL website. 半生雜記Leave the NDL website. 北京大學研究所國學門月刊Leave the NDL website. 鈕惕生(永建)先生遺扎選集Leave the NDL website. 三上彭官保(雪琴)書 . 滇事危言初集Leave the NDL website. 東洲草堂文集Leave the NDL website. 正定王氏雙節永慕録Leave the NDL website. 蒙藏佛教史Leave the NDL website. 己未同年録 . 國立東北大學廿週年記念册Leave the NDL website. 欽定宮中現行則例Leave the NDL website. 春在堂尺牘Leave the NDL website. 金粟齋遺集Leave the NDL website. 滿宮殘照記Leave the NDL website. 翼教叢編Leave the NDL website. 敦懷堂洋務叢鈔Leave the NDL website. 李恕谷(塨)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 潘文勤公(伯寅)奏疏Leave the NDL website. 杭州市政府十周年紀念特刊 : 民國二十六年Leave the NDL website. 鴉片事略 . 夷艘入寇記 . 四朝佚聞Leave the NDL website. 古微堂内外集Leave the NDL website. 東嵐謝氏明詩略 ; 八十壽言Leave the NDL website. 江蘇省政府政情述要Leave the NDL website. 曾慕韓(琦)先生遺著Leave the NDL website. 中國幇會三百年革命史Leave the NDL website. 新大陸遊記 . 扶桑十旬記Leave the NDL website. 柘湖宦游録Leave the NDL website. 林文忠公(則徐)公牘Leave the NDL website. 普天忠憤集Leave the NDL website. 中國伶人血縁之研究Leave the NDL website. 張勲穢史 . 徐樹錚正傳・軼事Leave the NDL website. 戊辰奏牘存鈔Leave the NDL website. 中復堂全集康輶紀行Leave the NDL website. 宸垣識略Leave the NDL website. 梧門詩話Leave the NDL website. 留日學生名簿Leave the NDL website. 武昌革命史Leave the NDL website. 皇清紀年五表通檢Leave the NDL website. 壽愷堂集Leave the NDL website. 全國新生活運動 : 民國二十四年Leave the NDL website. 馮宮保(子材)軍牘集要Leave the NDL website. 退補齋文存Leave the NDL website. 程璧光殉國記 . 甲子奉直戰史Leave the NDL website. 赤馬謠Leave the NDL website. 江表忠略Leave the NDL website. 中法越南關係始末Leave the NDL website. 税務公報Leave the NDL website. 煕朝新語Leave the NDL website. 劉大中先生伉儷追思録Leave the NDL website. 張濂卿先生詩文稿Leave the NDL website. 光緒乙巳(三十一)年交渉要覽Leave the NDL website. 明清名人尺牘墨寶Leave the NDL website. 島居遺稿 . 滄江歳晩集 . 市隱憶稿Leave the NDL website. 拙尊園叢稿Leave the NDL website. 中西紀事Leave the NDL website. 當代黨國名人講演集Leave the NDL website. 陸軍軍官學校第二隊學生詳細調査表Leave the NDL website. 戊戌政變記 : 丁酉重刊Leave the NDL website. 癸亥政變記Leave the NDL website. 馮軍門萃亭(子材)軍牘彙存Leave the NDL website. 藝風堂文集Leave the NDL website. 民權素Leave the NDL website. 國防論Leave the NDL website. 淞滬和戰紀事 . 淪陷七周年的東北Leave the NDL website. 霆軍紀略Leave the NDL website. 故宮清錢譜Leave the NDL website. 俄遊彙編Leave the NDL website. 新民堂日記Leave the NDL website. 西康圖經Leave the NDL website. 膠澳志Leave the NDL website. 中復堂全集識小録Leave the NDL website. 瓦徳西拳亂筆記Leave the NDL website. 大清新編法典Leave the NDL website. 辛亥殉難記Leave the NDL website. 曾文正公(國藩)事略Leave the NDL website. 海關權與民國前途Leave the NDL website. 六君子傳Leave the NDL website. 課餘續餘Leave the NDL website. 劉武愼公(長佑)年譜Leave the NDL website. 黄遵憲詩論評 : 坿年譜 . 微尚老人自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文四編Leave the NDL website. 倭文端公(艮齋)遺書Leave the NDL website. 沈文忠公(兆霖)集 : 附自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文新増時洋務續編Leave the NDL website. 趙魯菴(天錫)先生集Leave the NDL website. 我所知道的國民軍與國民黨合作史Leave the NDL website. 樊山政書Leave the NDL website. 翁松禪(同龢)家書Leave the NDL website. 顧亭林詩集彙注Leave the NDL website. 清朝掌故彙編外編Leave the NDL website. 外交思痛録Leave the NDL website. 臺案彙録Leave the NDL website. 恤蒿廬文初稿Leave the NDL website. 共匪西竄記Leave the NDL website. 獄中人語Leave the NDL website. 五年來河南政治總報告 : 民國二十四年 . 河南省政府五年來施政統計 : 民國二十四年Leave the NDL website. 覺顚冥齋内言Leave the NDL website. 蘉菴文集Leave the NDL website. 陳少白先生年譜 . 張弼士君生平事略 . 馮平山記事册Leave the NDL website. 牧齋初學集Leave the NDL website. 義和團檔案史料Leave the NDL website. 甌海觀政録Leave the NDL website. 自西徂東Leave the NDL website. 中國錢荘概要Leave the NDL website. 水遠山長集Leave the NDL website. 梁誠的出使美國Leave the NDL website. 桐城呉先生(汝綸)日記Leave the NDL website. 廣西年鑑Leave the NDL website. 子馨文在Leave the NDL website. 中國外交史Leave the NDL website. 内銓奏草Leave the NDL website. 昭代名人尺牘小傳續集Leave the NDL website. 黎文肅公(培敬)遺書 : 奏疏・公牘Leave the NDL website. 南省公餘録Leave the NDL website. 潘公展(有猷)先生言論詩詞選集Leave the NDL website. 中國之儲蓄銀行史Leave the NDL website. 江蘇兵事紀略Leave the NDL website. 約法會議紀録Leave the NDL website. 林文忠公政書Leave the NDL website. 春暉草堂筆記 . 歸廬談往録Leave the NDL website. 蒼虬閣詩Leave the NDL website. 春在堂雜文Leave the NDL website. 馬中丞(丕瑤)遺集Leave the NDL website. 民國十週紀事本末Leave the NDL website. 吏政Leave the NDL website. 簠齋尺牘Leave the NDL website. 袖海樓雜著Leave the NDL website. 秋讞輯要Leave the NDL website. 劉銘傳撫臺前後檔案Leave the NDL website. 瀋陽痛史 . 淪陷七週年的東北Leave the NDL website. 唐中丞(訓方)遺集Leave the NDL website. 殷譜經侍郎自叙年譜Leave the NDL website. 庚申粵人驅賊始末記 : 坿粵軍囘師紀略Leave the NDL website. 程氏遺稿四種Leave the NDL website. 内蒙盟旗自治運動紀實Leave the NDL website. 籌瞻疏稿Leave the NDL website. 張文毅公(芾)奏稿Leave the NDL website. 望嵓堂奏稿Leave the NDL website. 中復堂全集東溟文集外集Leave the NDL website. 太平天國叢書十三種 . 盾鼻隨聞録Leave the NDL website. 山右讞獄記 . 近代筆記過眼録Leave the NDL website. 書札Leave the NDL website. 清宮述聞 . 陪都雜述Leave the NDL website. 裕忠節公(魯山)遺書Leave the NDL website. 阮荀伯先生遺集 : 附年譜Leave the NDL website. 劉石菴公(墉)家書眞蹟 : 劉大同藏 . 翁常熟(同龢)手扎 : 龎潔公藏Leave the NDL website. 兩浙宦游紀略 . 義烏兵事紀略Leave the NDL website. 護國之役電文及論文 . 松坡軍中遺墨Leave the NDL website. 李文恭公(星沅)奏議Leave the NDL website. 籌邊芻言 . 籌藏芻議Leave the NDL website. 世載堂詩稿 . 徐世昌Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文編五集Leave the NDL website. 甲午中日戰輯Leave the NDL website. 中華民國憲法草案説明書(二十九年)Leave the NDL website. 河北民政統計 : 民國十九年 . 北平市政府二十二年度行政統計Leave the NDL website. 膠澳志 . 膠澳租借始末電存Leave the NDL website. 惜抱軒文集Leave the NDL website. 歐戰後之中國 . 歐戰後之新世界Leave the NDL website. 養雲山莊文詩鈔Leave the NDL website. 鎭安晏海澄(安瀾)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 大清會典Leave the NDL website. 陶樓文鈔 ・ 雜著Leave the NDL website. 清代名人軼事Leave the NDL website. 補齋日記Leave the NDL website. 清代西藏史料叢刊Leave the NDL website. 樂齋漫筆 . 桂系據粤之由來及其經過Leave the NDL website. 宣統皇帝秘聞Leave the NDL website. 湉廬遺稿Leave the NDL website. 西巡回鑾始末記Leave the NDL website. 長春詠 ; 秣陵吟Leave the NDL website. 郭侍郎(嵩燾)奏疏Leave the NDL website. 上海租界略史Leave the NDL website. 朱笥河(筠)先生年譜 . 邵二雲(晉涵)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 郎潛紀聞Leave the NDL website. 雲臥山莊尺牘Leave the NDL website. 明末清初灌輸西學之偉人 . 清代雲南銅政考Leave the NDL website. 清季外交史料Leave the NDL website. 潘祖蔭年譜Leave the NDL website. 歴代名人年譜總目Leave the NDL website. 方恪敏公(觀承)奏議Leave the NDL website. 樞垣紀略Leave the NDL website. 法越交兵紀Leave the NDL website. 帆影樓紀事 . 晩晴集Leave the NDL website. 廣東經濟紀實Leave the NDL website. 湘綺樓箋啓Leave the NDL website. 達衷集Leave the NDL website. 豫軍紀略Leave the NDL website. 石渠餘紀Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文新編Leave the NDL website. 曾惠敏公(紀澤)使西日記Leave the NDL website. 國民政府外交史Leave the NDL website. 學源堂文集Leave the NDL website. 南社叢選Leave the NDL website. 史家陳寅恪傳 : 坿:陳寅恪先生著述目録編年Leave the NDL website. 中書典故彙紀Leave the NDL website. 張夕厂先生(崟)年譜 . 柳快軒文集Leave the NDL website. 讀易草堂文集 . 鄰蘇老人年譜 . 何翽高先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 尹仲容先生紀念集Leave the NDL website. 天岳山館文鈔Leave the NDL website. 五三血跡Leave the NDL website. 西北邊荒佈道記 . 八十年來之江南傳教史Leave the NDL website. 黄克強先生傳記 . 蔡(鍔)黄(興)追悼録 . 丁巳滇川軍閧紀録Leave the NDL website. 近代中國國内外大事記Leave the NDL website. 安樂郷人詩集 . 金問泗詩詞稿Leave the NDL website. 雲南北界勘察記Leave the NDL website. 養晦堂文・詩集Leave the NDL website. 匑厂文稿Leave the NDL website. 四松堂集Leave the NDL website. 中日交渉紀事本末 . 袁世凱僞造民意紀實Leave the NDL website. 陳清端公(璸)詩集Leave the NDL website. 陸軍軍官學校第三隊學生詳細調査表Leave the NDL website. 劉大將軍(永福)平倭戰記Leave the NDL website. 魯案中日聯合會議紀録Leave the NDL website. 民國十年之呉佩孚 : 附呉佩孚戰史Leave the NDL website. 退菴随筆Leave the NDL website. 舒藝室隨筆Leave the NDL website. 為什麼失去大陸 : 民國五十三年Leave the NDL website. 論評選輯Leave the NDL website. 周止菴先生自敍年譜Leave the NDL website. 蒙古鑑Leave the NDL website. 黎文肅公(培敬)遺書 : 黔軺紀程・雜著・詩文略・外集Leave the NDL website. 參與國際聯合會調査委員會中國代表處説帖Leave 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締造共和之英雄尺牘Leave the NDL website. 呉鐵城先生紀念集Leave the NDL website. 黄埔軍校與國民革命軍 . 抗兵集Leave the NDL website. 湘藩案牘鈔存Leave the NDL website. 南海康(有爲)先生傳 . 康南海自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 劉中丞(韞齋)奏稿Leave the NDL website. 奉直戰爭紀事 . 呉佩孚正傳Leave the NDL website. 定穎記事 . 逆黨禍蜀記Leave the NDL website. 鮚埼亭集Leave the NDL website. 新生活運動總報告 : 民國二十三年Leave the NDL website. 獨志堂叢稿Leave the NDL website. 當代中國實業人物志 : 民國卅七年版Leave the NDL website. 國難會議紀録Leave the NDL website. 多忠勇公(隆阿)勤勞録Leave the NDL website. 湯文正公(潛菴)全集Leave the NDL website. 孫中山先生演説全集Leave the NDL website. 東方雜誌「五卅事件」増刊Leave the NDL website. 孔庸之(祥煕)先生講演集Leave the NDL website. 綏遠省分縣調査報告 (下) . 綏遠河套治要Leave the NDL website. 安徽民政工作紀要Leave the NDL website. 各國約章纂要Leave the NDL website. 西北邊界地名譯漢考證Leave the NDL website. 楡塞紀行録Leave the NDL website. 田硯齋文集 . 退谷文存Leave the NDL website. 那文毅公(彦成)二任直隷總督奏議Leave the NDL website. 聯俄與仇俄問題討論集 : 民國十五年Leave the NDL website. 黄遠生遺箸Leave the NDL website. 使東述略 : 坿雜詠 . 棧雲峽雨日記 : 坿詩章Leave the NDL website. 補學軒詩集續刊Leave the NDL website. 亡國鑑 : 附國恥録Leave the NDL website. 呂海寰往來電函録稿Leave the NDL website. 隆裕皇太后大事記 . 甲子清室密謀復辟文證Leave the NDL website. 東塾集Leave the NDL website. 全國合作事業討論會彙編Leave the NDL website. 羅忠節公(澤南)遺集Leave the NDL website. 中華民國教育法規彙編Leave the NDL website. 清代名人翰墨續集Leave the NDL website. 會澤唐氏榮哀録Leave the NDL website. 周武壯公(盛傳)遺書 (附:年譜)Leave the NDL website. 英斂之先生日記遺稿Leave the NDL website. 庚子海外紀事Leave the NDL website. 理財便覽Leave the NDL website. 革命日誌Leave the NDL website. 金薤琳琅齋文存Leave the NDL website. 扶桑遊紀Leave the NDL website. 止菴詩存・外集Leave the NDL website. 窺園留草Leave the NDL website. 水竹邨人詩集Leave the NDL website. 不平等條約的研究Leave the NDL website. 鄒魯文存Leave the NDL website. 當代名人小傳Leave the NDL website. 越縵堂國事日記Leave the NDL website. 廣東農業概況調査報告書Leave the NDL website. 李忠節公(鑑堂)奏議Leave the NDL website. 申報年鑑 : 民國二十四年Leave the NDL website. 菽園詩集Leave the NDL website. 八年抗戰與台灣光復Leave the NDL website. 開縣李尚書(宗羲)政書Leave the NDL website. 欽定六部處分則例Leave the NDL website. 中國幣制及生計問題Leave the NDL website. 浙江省農村調査Leave the NDL website. 滿洲貿易詳細統計Leave the NDL website. 黄少司寇(爵滋)奏疏Leave the NDL website. 越縵堂日記索引Leave the NDL website. 心白日齋集Leave the NDL website. 桂林梁先生(濟)遺書Leave the NDL website. 教務紀略Leave the NDL website. 庚辛泣杭録Leave the NDL website. 岑襄勤公(毓英)年譜Leave the NDL website. 格致新報Leave the NDL website. 國軍松滬抗日記Leave the NDL website. 止室(任先)先生年譜・詩存Leave the NDL website. 我在六十歳以前Leave the NDL website. 石油人史話Leave the NDL website. 大雲山房文稾二集Leave the NDL website. 現代政治人物述評Leave the NDL website. 浙江省礦産調査所彙報Leave the NDL website. 周中丞(少樸)撫江奏稿Leave the NDL website. 光緒壬寅(廿八年)政藝叢書Leave the NDL website. 二知軒文存Leave the NDL website. 皇朝經世文統編Leave the NDL website. 苓泉居士自訂年譜Leave the NDL website. 軍興本末紀略 . 克復金陵賊黨供招Leave the NDL website. 我的回憶Leave the NDL website. 程將軍(雪樓)守江奏稿Leave the NDL website. 高梧軒詩全集Leave the NDL website. 光緒朝東華録Leave the NDL website. 純常子枝語Leave the NDL website. 東三省交渉輯要Leave the NDL website. 珠沈滄海 : 李萬居先生傳Leave the NDL website. 臺灣省各機關職員録 : 民國三十五年Leave the NDL website. 清代吏治叢談Leave the NDL website. 平定粤匪紀略Leave the NDL website. 中華民國憲法史料Leave the NDL website. 三水梁燕孫(士詒)先生年譜Leave the NDL website. 反俄與反共Leave the NDL website. 皇朝新政文編Leave the NDL website. 法越交兵紀Leave the NDL website. 蘇俄據東北 : 民國三十四年至三十五年Leave the NDL website. 清代倉儲研究Leave the NDL website. 光緒條約Leave the NDL website. 汪漢溪先生哀輓録Leave the NDL website. 欽定大清會典事例Leave the NDL website. 全國鐡路商運會議彙刊Leave the NDL website.

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