
Outstanding dissertations in the fine arts

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Outstanding dissertations in the fine arts

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Garland Pub
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At head of ser. title of Fauvism reexamined. 1976: A Garland series

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The theme of the conversion of Paul in Italian paintings from the early Christian period to the high RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Attic white-ground : its development on shapes other than lekythoiLeave the NDL website. The works of Mariotto AlbertinelliLeave the NDL website. Paul Gauguin in the context of symbolismLeave the NDL website. Piet Mondrian's early career : the "naturalistic" periodsLeave the NDL website. Antonio and Francesco Guardi, their life and milieu : with a catalogue of their figure drawingsLeave the NDL website. The sculpture of Tullio Lombardo : studies in sources and meaningLeave the NDL website. The role of Vincent van Gogh's copies in the development of his artLeave the NDL website. The works of Girolamo Savoldo : the 1955 dissertation, with a review of research, 1955-1985Leave the NDL website. Picasso criticism, 1901-1939 : the making of an artist-heroLeave the NDL website. Juan de Valdés Leal (1622-1690), his life and workLeave the NDL website. Louise Nevelson, iconography and sourcesLeave the NDL website. James Ensor's "The entry of Christ into Brussels in 1889"Leave the NDL website. The Baptistery of PisaLeave the NDL website. Watteau and the north : studies in the Dutch and Flemish baroque influence on French rococo paintingLeave the NDL website. Perspective, optics, and Delft artists around 1650Leave the NDL website. The "Vie de St. Denis" manuscript (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Ms. fr. 2090-2092)Leave the NDL website. The Sienese painter Paolo di Giovanni Fei (c. 1345-1411)Leave the NDL website. Variations on the Imperial theme in the age of Maximilian II and Rudolf IILeave the NDL website. The Arco Foscari : the building of a triumphal gateway in fifteenth century VeniceLeave the NDL website. Studies on Vasari's architectureLeave the NDL website. Zacharie Astruc, critic, artist, and JaponisteLeave the NDL website. Western Greek land-use and city-planning in the Archaic periodLeave the NDL website. French Cistercian grisaille glassLeave the NDL website. Borromini's San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane : a study in multiple form and architectural symbolismLeave the NDL website. Fauvism reexaminedLeave the NDL website. Studies in the personal imagery of Cosimo I de' M edici, Duke of FlorenceLeave the NDL website. Some followers of Domenico GhirlandajoLeave the NDL website. The life and work of Albert Carrier-BelleuseLeave the NDL website. The frescoes in Siena's Palazzo pubblico, 1289-1539 : studies in imagery and relations to other communal palaces in TuscanyLeave the NDL website. The last judgment in sixteenth century northern Europe : a study of the relation between art and the ReformationLeave the NDL website. Critical corpus of the mosaic pavements on the Greek mainland, fourth/sixth centuries, with architectural surveysLeave the NDL website. Greek monumental bronze sculpture of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.Leave the NDL website. Pictor succensor : a study of Salvator Rosa as satirist, cynic, and painterLeave the NDL website. Roman rococo architecture from Clement XI to Benedict XIV (1700-1758)Leave the NDL website. Torres Straits sculpture : a study in Oceanic primitive artLeave the NDL website. The descent from the Cross : its relation to the extra-liturgical "Depositio" dramaLeave the NDL website. Girodet-Trioson : an iconographical studyLeave the NDL website. Monet's seriesLeave the NDL website. The imaginary view scenes of Antonio CanalettoLeave the NDL website. Watteau's drawings : their use and significanceLeave the NDL website. Niccolò and Piero LambertiLeave the NDL website. The drawings by Hans Holbein the Younger for Erasmus' "Praise of folly"Leave the NDL website. The cycle of frescoes of the Chapel of Le LigetLeave the NDL website. Leonardo on the eye : an English translation and critical commentary of MS. D in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, with studies on Leonardo's methodology and theories on opticsLeave the NDL website. Paul Klee and primitive artLeave the NDL website. Federico Barocci : anima naturaliterLeave the NDL website. MichelozzoLeave the NDL website. Maso di Banco : a Florentine artist of the early TrecentoLeave the NDL website. Romanesque sculpture from the Cathedral of Saint-Etienne, ToulouseLeave the NDL website. The sculptor Giovanni BolognaLeave the NDL website. The early sculpture of Bartolomeo AmmanatiLeave the NDL website. Thoré-Bürger and the art of the pastLeave the NDL website. The inscription in fifteenth century Florentine paintingLeave the NDL website. A study of Lorenzo de' Medici's villa at Poggio a CaianoLeave the NDL website. The relation of Seneca false face masks to Seneca and Ontario archeologyLeave the NDL website. Boydell's Shakespeare galleryLeave the NDL website. Bourges Cathedral : the west portalsLeave the NDL website. The paintings of the Casa VasariLeave the NDL website. The murals of Tepantitla, TeotihuacanLeave the NDL website. The pictorial sources of mythological and scientific illustrations in Hrabanus Maurus' De rerum naturisLeave the NDL website. The painting of the passions in theory, practice, and criticism in later eighteenth century FranceLeave the NDL website. Filippino Lippi's Strozzi Chapel in Santa Maria NovellaLeave the NDL website. The colossal sculpture of the cinquecentoLeave the NDL website. Archipenko : a study of the early works, 1908-1920Leave the NDL website. The Nabis, their history and their art, 1888-1896Leave the NDL website. Manet and the nude : a study of iconography in the Second EmpireLeave the NDL website. François Boucher's early development as a draughtsman, 1720-1734Leave the NDL website. Monet and his criticsLeave the NDL website. Picasso's "Vollard suite"Leave the NDL website. Giulio Parigi's stage designs : Florence and the early Baroque spectacleLeave the NDL website. Fifteenth century Florentine studies : the Palazzo Medici and a ledger for the Church of San LorenzoLeave the NDL website. The iconography of the facade of Saint-Gilles-du-GardLeave the NDL website. Fluctuant representation in synthetic cubism : Picasso, Braque, Gris, 1910-1920Leave the NDL website. Anton Raphael Mengs and neoclassicismLeave the NDL website. Kasimir Malevich's Black square and the genesis of suprematism 1907-1915Leave the NDL website. The drawings of Rosso FiorentinoLeave the NDL website. Modernismo : the Catalan renaissance of the artsLeave the NDL website. The international style of 1800 : a study in linear abstractionLeave the NDL website. Rubens and the counter reformation : studies in his religious paintings between 1609 and 1620Leave the NDL website. Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps, 1803-1860Leave the NDL website. The early work of Luca Signorelli : 1465-1490Leave the NDL website. Occult symbolism in France : Joséphin Péladan and the Salons de la Rose-CroixLeave the NDL website. A reconstruction of the Hōgen-Heiji monogatari emakiLeave the NDL website. The Villa Medici in RomeLeave the NDL website. Giovanni Antonio Bazzi--"Il Sodoma"Leave the NDL website. The ceramics of the Mosque of Rüstem Pasha and the environment of changeLeave the NDL website. The illuminations of the Stavelot BibleLeave the NDL website. Alberti's Church of San Sebastiano in MantuaLeave the NDL website. Vicencio Carducho and seventeenth century Castilian paintingLeave the NDL website. Hieronymus Cock, printmaker and publisherLeave the NDL website. Paul Delaroche : a study in nineteenth-century French history paintingLeave the NDL website. Cardinal Federico Borromeo as a patron and a critic of the arts and his MVSAEVM of 1625Leave the NDL website. The medallion style : a study in the origins of Byzantine tasteLeave the NDL website. "Parade": Cubism as theaterLeave the NDL website. Dealers, critics, and collectors of modern painting : aspects of the Parisian art market between 1910 and 1930Leave the NDL website. Titian's assistants during the later yearsLeave the NDL website. Filippo Lippi studies : naturalism, style, and iconography in early Renaissance artLeave the NDL website. Gustave Courbet : a study of style and societyLeave the NDL website. The Fo-kuang ssu : literary evidences and Buddhist imagesLeave the NDL website. Bernardo Martorell, fifteenth-century Catalan artistLeave the NDL website. Artists' contracts of the early RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. The architecture of Ventura RodriguezLeave the NDL website. The drawings of Salvator RosaLeave the NDL website. The young Correggio and his Leonardesque sourcesLeave the NDL website. Isamu Noguchi : a study of the sculptureLeave the NDL website. Delacroix and RaphaelLeave the NDL website. Relief sculpture for the facade of the Certosa di Pavia, 1473-1499Leave the NDL website. The pursuit of pleasure : the rococo revival in French romantic artLeave the NDL website. The Giffard Bible : Bodleian Library MS Laud misc. 752Leave the NDL website. Pieter Aertsen, Joachim Beuckelaer, and the rise of secular painting in the context of the ReformationLeave the NDL website. The early drawings of Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier) 1902-1908Leave the NDL website. The Quartiere de' Banchi : urban planning in Rome in the first half of the CinquencentoLeave the NDL website. Lorenzo Bartolini and Italian influences on American sculptors in Florence, 1825-1850Leave the NDL website. Allart van EverdingenLeave the NDL website. Gauguin's religious themesLeave the NDL website. The sculpture of Vincenzo Danti : a study in the influence of Michelangelo and the ideals of the ManieraLeave the NDL website. Cestello : a Cistercian church of the Florentine renaissanceLeave the NDL website. The revival of the Tima Mandala in medieval JapanLeave the NDL website. The "Mir iskusstva" group and Russian art, 1898-1912Leave the NDL website. Gustave Geffroy and the criticism of paintingLeave the NDL website. The Venetian chapel of the Sacrament in the sixteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Edward T. and William A. Potter : American Victorian architectsLeave the NDL website. The Annunciation from the right : from early Christian times to the sixteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Greek sculptural groups : archaic and classicalLeave the NDL website. Roman group portraiture : the funerary reliefs of the late republic and early empireLeave the NDL website. The western portal of Saint-Loup-de-NaudLeave the NDL website. Paul Klee, the formative yearsLeave the NDL website. Hellenistic statues of Aphrodite : studies in the history of their stylistic developmentLeave the NDL website. Ford Madox Brown and the pre-Raphaelite history-pictureLeave the NDL website. Jan Both : paintings, drawings and printsLeave the NDL website. Aspects of "official" painting and philosophic art, 1789-1799Leave the NDL website. The position of Duchamp's Glass in the development of his artLeave the NDL website. Florentine busts : sculpted portraiture in the fifteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. The graphic art of Onchi Koshiro : innovation and traditionLeave the NDL website. Francis Bacon : the early and middle years, 1928-1958Leave the NDL website. The insignia of the Notitia dignitatumLeave the NDL website. The Siena baptistry font : a study of an early Renaissance collaborative program, 1416-1434Leave the NDL website. Paul Gauguin : the paintings of the first voyage to TahitiLeave the NDL website. The clôture of Notre-Dame and its role in the fourteenth century choir programLeave the NDL website. French Renaissance fountainsLeave the NDL website. Wolf Huber studies : aspects of Renaissance thought and practice in Danube School paintingLeave the NDL website.

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Outstanding dissertations in the fine arts : a Garland series
A Garland series. Outstanding dissertations in the fine arts
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Note (General)
At head of ser. title of Fauvism reexamined. 1976: A Garland series
Related Material
The theme of the conversion of Paul in Italian paintings from the early Christian period to the high Renaissance
Attic white-ground : its development on shapes other than lekythoi
The works of Mariotto Albertinelli
Paul Gauguin in the context of symbolism
Piet Mondrian's early career : the "naturalistic" periods
Antonio and Francesco Guardi, their life and milieu : with a catalogue of their figure drawings
The sculpture of Tullio Lombardo : studies in sources and meaning
The role of Vincent van Gogh's copies in the development of his art
The works of Girolamo Savoldo : the 1955 dissertation, with a review of research, 1955-1985
Picasso criticism, 1901-1939 : the making of an artist-hero
Juan de Valdés Leal (1622-1690), his life and work
Louise Nevelson, iconography and sources
James Ensor's "The entry of Christ into Brussels in 1889"
The Baptistery of Pisa
Watteau and the north : studies in the Dutch and Flemish baroque influence on French rococo painting
Perspective, optics, and Delft artists around 1650
The "Vie de St. Denis" manuscript (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Ms. fr. 2090-2092)
The Sienese painter Paolo di Giovanni Fei (c. 1345-1411)
Variations on the Imperial theme in the age of Maximilian II and Rudolf II
The Arco Foscari : the building of a triumphal gateway in fifteenth century Venice
Studies on Vasari's architecture
Zacharie Astruc, critic, artist, and Japoniste
Western Greek land-use and city-planning in the Archaic period
French Cistercian grisaille glass
Borromini's San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane : a study in multiple form and architectural symbolism
Fauvism reexamined
Studies in the personal imagery of Cosimo I de' M edici, Duke of Florence
Some followers of Domenico Ghirlandajo
The life and work of Albert Carrier-Belleuse
The frescoes in Siena's Palazzo pubblico, 1289-1539 : studies in imagery and relations to other communal palaces in Tuscany
The last judgment in sixteenth century northern Europe : a study of the relation between art and the Reformation
Critical corpus of the mosaic pavements on the Greek mainland, fourth/sixth centuries, with architectural surveys
Greek monumental bronze sculpture of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.
Pictor succensor : a study of Salvator Rosa as satirist, cynic, and painter
Roman rococo architecture from Clement XI to Benedict XIV (1700-1758)
Torres Straits sculpture : a study in Oceanic primitive art
The descent from the Cross : its relation to the extra-liturgical "Depositio" drama
Girodet-Trioson : an iconographical study
Monet's series
The imaginary view scenes of Antonio Canaletto
Watteau's drawings : their use and significance
Niccolò and Piero Lamberti
The drawings by Hans Holbein the Younger for Erasmus' "Praise of folly"
The cycle of frescoes of the Chapel of Le Liget
Leonardo on the eye : an English translation and critical commentary of MS. D in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, with studies on Leonardo's methodology and theories on optics
Paul Klee and primitive art
Federico Barocci : anima naturaliter
Maso di Banco : a Florentine artist of the early Trecento
Romanesque sculpture from the Cathedral of Saint-Etienne, Toulouse
The sculptor Giovanni Bologna
The early sculpture of Bartolomeo Ammanati
Thoré-Bürger and the art of the past
The inscription in fifteenth century Florentine painting
A study of Lorenzo de' Medici's villa at Poggio a Caiano
The relation of Seneca false face masks to Seneca and Ontario archeology
Boydell's Shakespeare gallery
Bourges Cathedral : the west portals
The paintings of the Casa Vasari
The murals of Tepantitla, Teotihuacan
The pictorial sources of mythological and scientific illustrations in Hrabanus Maurus' De rerum naturis
The painting of the passions in theory, practice, and criticism in later eighteenth century France
Filippino Lippi's Strozzi Chapel in Santa Maria Novella
The colossal sculpture of the cinquecento
Archipenko : a study of the early works, 1908-1920
The Nabis, their history and their art, 1888-1896
Manet and the nude : a study of iconography in the Second Empire
François Boucher's early development as a draughtsman, 1720-1734
Monet and his critics
Picasso's "Vollard suite"
Giulio Parigi's stage designs : Florence and the early Baroque spectacle
Fifteenth century Florentine studies : the Palazzo Medici and a ledger for the Church of San Lorenzo
The iconography of the facade of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard
Fluctuant representation in synthetic cubism : Picasso, Braque, Gris, 1910-1920
Anton Raphael Mengs and neoclassicism
Kasimir Malevich's Black square and the genesis of suprematism 1907-1915
The drawings of Rosso Fiorentino
Modernismo : the Catalan renaissance of the arts
The international style of 1800 : a study in linear abstraction
Rubens and the counter reformation : studies in his religious paintings between 1609 and 1620
Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps, 1803-1860
The early work of Luca Signorelli : 1465-1490
Occult symbolism in France : Joséphin Péladan and the Salons de la Rose-Croix
A reconstruction of the Hōgen-Heiji monogatari emaki
The Villa Medici in Rome
Giovanni Antonio Bazzi--"Il Sodoma"
The ceramics of the Mosque of Rüstem Pasha and the environment of change
The illuminations of the Stavelot Bible
Alberti's Church of San Sebastiano in Mantua
Vicencio Carducho and seventeenth century Castilian painting
Hieronymus Cock, printmaker and publisher
Paul Delaroche : a study in nineteenth-century French history painting
Cardinal Federico Borromeo as a patron and a critic of the arts and his MVSAEVM of 1625
The medallion style : a study in the origins of Byzantine taste
"Parade": Cubism as theater
Dealers, critics, and collectors of modern painting : aspects of the Parisian art market between 1910 and 1930
Titian's assistants during the later years
Filippo Lippi studies : naturalism, style, and iconography in early Renaissance art
Gustave Courbet : a study of style and society
The Fo-kuang ssu : literary evidences and Buddhist images
Bernardo Martorell, fifteenth-century Catalan artist
Artists' contracts of the early Renaissance
The architecture of Ventura Rodriguez
The drawings of Salvator Rosa
The young Correggio and his Leonardesque sources
Isamu Noguchi : a study of the sculpture
Delacroix and Raphael
Relief sculpture for the facade of the Certosa di Pavia, 1473-1499
The pursuit of pleasure : the rococo revival in French romantic art
The Giffard Bible : Bodleian Library MS Laud misc. 752
Pieter Aertsen, Joachim Beuckelaer, and the rise of secular painting in the context of the Reformation
The early drawings of Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier) 1902-1908
The Quartiere de' Banchi : urban planning in Rome in the first half of the Cinquencento
Lorenzo Bartolini and Italian influences on American sculptors in Florence, 1825-1850
Allart van Everdingen
Gauguin's religious themes
The sculpture of Vincenzo Danti : a study in the influence of Michelangelo and the ideals of the Maniera
Cestello : a Cistercian church of the Florentine renaissance
The revival of the Tima Mandala in medieval Japan
The "Mir iskusstva" group and Russian art, 1898-1912
Gustave Geffroy and the criticism of painting
The Venetian chapel of the Sacrament in the sixteenth century
Edward T. and William A. Potter : American Victorian architects
The Annunciation from the right : from early Christian times to the sixteenth century
Greek sculptural groups : archaic and classical
Roman group portraiture : the funerary reliefs of the late republic and early empire
The western portal of Saint-Loup-de-Naud
Paul Klee, the formative years
Hellenistic statues of Aphrodite : studies in the history of their stylistic development
Ford Madox Brown and the pre-Raphaelite history-picture
Jan Both : paintings, drawings and prints
Aspects of "official" painting and philosophic art, 1789-1799
The position of Duchamp's Glass in the development of his art
Florentine busts : sculpted portraiture in the fifteenth century
The graphic art of Onchi Koshiro : innovation and tradition
Francis Bacon : the early and middle years, 1928-1958
The insignia of the Notitia dignitatum
The Siena baptistry font : a study of an early Renaissance collaborative program, 1416-1434
Paul Gauguin : the paintings of the first voyage to Tahiti
The clôture of Notre-Dame and its role in the fourteenth century choir program
French Renaissance fountains
Wolf Huber studies : aspects of Renaissance thought and practice in Danube School painting