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Works v. 1 1842 no.2 (1847) no.3 1848 no.3 (1848) no.8 1849 no.5 (1849) no.6 (1849) no.7 1850 no.9 1850 no.008 yr.1850 no.8 (1850) no.7 (1850) no.12 1851 no.9 (1851) no.10 (1851) no.14 1852 no.11 (1852) no.12 (1852) no.13 1853 no.13 (1853) no.14 (1853) no.15 (1854) no.16 (1854) no.17 (1854) no.18 (1855) no.19 (1855) no.20 (1856) no.21 1857 no.22 (1857) no.21 (1857) no.23 1858 no.24 1859 no.23 (1859) no.24 (1859) no.25 (1859) no.26 (1859) no.27 (1860) no.28 (1861) no.29 (1862) no.30 (1862) no.31 (1863) no.32 (1863) no.33 (1864) no.34 (1865) no.36 1866 no.37 1866 no.35 (1866) no.38 (1867) no.39 (1868) no.40 (1868) no.41 (1869) no.42 (1869) no.44 (1871) no.45 (1871) no.46 1872 no.46 (1872) no.47 (1872) no.50 (1873) no.48 (1873) no.49 (1873) no.52 1874 no.52 (1874) no.51 (1874) no.53 1875 no.53 (1875) no.54 (1876) no.55 1877 no.55 (1877) no.56 (1877) no.57 (1878) no.58 (1879) no.62 1880 no.59v.1 1880 no.60 (1880) no.59 (1880) no.61 (1880) no.62 (1880) no.63 (1881) no.64 (1881) no.65 (1882) no.69 1883 no.67 (1883) no.68 (1883) no.69 (1884) no.71 (1885) no.70 (1885) no.74 1886 no.72 (1886) no.73 (1886) no.74 (1887) no.75 (1887) no.76 (1887) no.78 1888 no.77 (1888) no.80 1889 no.78 (1889) no.79 (1889) no.82 1890 no.80 (1890) no.84 1891 no.82 (1891) no.83 (1891) no.85 1892 no.84 (1892) no.85 (1892) no.86 (1893) no.87 (1893) no.89 1894 no.88 1894 ser.1 no.088 yr.1894 no.89 (1894) no.88 (1894) no.90 (1894) no.91 (1895) no.92 (1896) no.93 (1896) no.95 (1896) no.94 (1896)

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Works v. 1 1842

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India in the fifteenth century : being a collection of narratives of voyages to India in the century preceding the Portuguese discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, from Latin, Persian, Russian, and Italian sources, now first translated into EnglishLeave the NDL website. The English New England voyages, 1602-1608Leave the NDL website. Four travel journals : the Americas, Antarctica and Africa, 1775-1874Leave the NDL website. Pieter van den Broecke's journal of voyages to Cape Verde, Guinea and Angola (1605-1612)Leave the NDL website. Narratives of voyages towards the North-West in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631 : with selections from the early records of the Honourable the East India Company and from MSS. in the British MuseumLeave the NDL website. Reports on the discovery of PeruLeave the NDL website. William Robert Broughton's voyage of discovery to the North Pacific 1795-1798Leave the NDL website. Travels in Europe, 1608-1628Leave the NDL website. Richard Hakluyt & his successors : a volume issued to commemorate the centenary of the Hakluyt SocietyLeave the NDL website. The bondage and travels of Johann Schiltberger, a native of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396-1427Leave the NDL website. The diary of William Hedges, Esq. (afterwards Sir William Hedges) : during his agency in Bengal, as well as on his voyage out and return overland (1681-1687)Leave the NDL website. The observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt. in his voyage into the south sea in the year 1593Leave the NDL website. The historie of travaile into Virginia Britannia : expressing the cosmographie and comodities of the country, togither with the manners and costomes of the peopleLeave the NDL website. Newfoundland discovered : English attempts at colonisation, 1610-1630Leave the NDL website. The travels of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, A.D. 1325-1354Leave the NDL website. The Hakluyt handbookLeave the NDL website. The quest and occupation of Tahiti by emissaries of Spain during the years 1772-1776 : told in despatches and other contemporary documentsLeave the NDL website. Sir Walter Ralegh's discoverie of GuianaLeave the NDL website. The Roanoke voyages, 1584-1590 : documents to illustrate the English voyages to North America under the patent granted to Walter Raleigh in 1584Leave the NDL website. The East and West Indian mirror : being an account of Joris van Speilbergen's voyage round the world (1614-1617), and the Australian navigations of Jacob Le MaireLeave the NDL website. Documents concerning English voyages to the Spanish Main, 1569-1580Leave the NDL website. The book of Duarte Barbosa : an account of the countries bordering on the Indian Ocean and their inhabitantsLeave the NDL website. A traveller in thirteenth-century Arabia : Ibn al-Mujāwir's Tārīkh al-mustabṣirLeave the NDL website. History of the IncasLeave the NDL website. The historie of travell into Virginia Britania (1612)Leave the NDL website. A collection of documents on Spitzbergen & Greenland : comprising a translation from F. Martens' Voyage to Spitzbergen, a translation from Isaac de La Peyrère's Histoire du Groenland, and God's power and providence in the preservation of eight men in Greenland nine moneths and twelve dayesLeave the NDL website. A description of the coasts of East Africa and Malabar : in the beginnings of the sixteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. The travel journal of Antonio de Beatis : Germany, Switzerland, the Low Countries, France and Italy, 1517-1518Leave the NDL website. New light on Drake : a collection of documents relating to his voyage of circumnavigation 1577-1580Leave the NDL website. The central Australian expedition, 1844-1846 : the journals of Charles SturtLeave the NDL website. The life and acts of Don Alonzo Enriquez de Guzman, a knight of Seville, of the Order of Santiago, A.D. 1518 to 1543Leave the NDL website. Narrative of the embassy of Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the court of Timour at Samarcand, A.D. 1403-6Leave the NDL website. A new voyage & description of the isthmus of AmericaLeave the NDL website. Barbot on Guinea : the writings of Jean Barbot on West Africa, 1678-1712Leave the NDL website. The chronicle of MuntanerLeave the NDL website. The itinerário of Jerónimo LoboLeave the NDL website. Narrative of the Portuguese embassy to Abyssinia during the years 1520-1527Leave the NDL website. The journal of Christopher Columbus : (during his first voyage, 1492-93) and documents relating to the voyages of John Cabot and Gaspar Corte RealLeave the NDL website. The historye of the Bermudaes or Summer islandsLeave the NDL website. Travels in Asia, 1628-1634Leave the NDL website. The discovery of the large, rich, and beautiful empire of Guiana : with a relation of the great and golden city of Manoa (which the Spaniards call el Dorado) etc. performed in the year 1595Leave the NDL website. The periplus of the Erythraean SeaLeave the NDL website. A particuler discourse concerninge the greate necessitie and manifolde commodyties that are like to growe to this Realme of Englande by the Westerne discoueries lately attempted, written in the yere 1584 by Richarde Hackluyt of Oxforde known as Discourse of Western PlantingLeave the NDL website. The strange adventures of Andrew Battell of Leigh, in Angola and the adjoining regionsLeave the NDL website. The Iceland journal of Henry Holland, 1810Leave the NDL website. The discovery and conquest of Terra Florida, by Don Ferdinando de Soto, and six hundred Spaniards, his followersLeave the NDL website. The journal of Jean-François de Galaup de la Pérouse, 1785-1788Leave the NDL website. The voyages of William Baffin, 1612-1622Leave the NDL website. Francis Mortoft : his book, being his travels through France and Italy, 1658-1659Leave the NDL website. History of the imâms and seyyids of ʿOmânLeave the NDL website. The boundary survey, 1840-1844Leave the NDL website. Some records of Ethiopia, 1593-1646 : being extracts from the History of High Ethiopia or Abassia by Manoel de Almeida : together with Bahrey's History of the GallaLeave the NDL website. The voyage of Captain Don Felipe Gonzalez : in the ship of the line San Lorenzo, with the frigate Santa Rosalia in company, to Easter Island in 1770-1 : preceded by an extract from Mynheer Jacob Roggeveen's official log of his discovery of and visit to Easter Island, in 1722Leave the NDL website. The second part of the Chronicle of PeruLeave the NDL website. Juan Maria Schuver's travels in North East Africa, 1880-1883Leave the NDL website. Missionary friars, Rashíduddín, Pegolotti, MarignolliLeave the NDL website. The commentaries of the great Afonso Dalboquerque, second viceroy of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Prutky's travels in Ethiopia and other countriesLeave the NDL website. A brief summe of geographieLeave the NDL website. The voyages of the Venetian brothers, Nicolò & Antonio Zeno, to the northern seas in the XIVth century : comprising the latest known accounts of the lost colony of Greenland, and of the Northmen in America before ColumbusLeave the NDL website. The origins of the Grand Tour : the travels of Robert Montagu, Lord Mandeville (1649-1654), William Hammond (1655-1658), Banaster Maynard (1660-1663)Leave the NDL website. The Portuguese expedition to Abyssinia in 1541-1543, as narrated by Castanhoso : with some contemporary letters, the short account of Bermudez, and certain extracts from CorreaLeave the NDL website. The letters of Amerigo Vespucci and other documents illustrative of his careerLeave the NDL website. The struggle for the South Atlantic : the Armada of the Strait, 1581-1584Leave the NDL website. The travel diary of Robert Bargrave, levant merchant (1647-1656)Leave the NDL website. Russian California, 1806-1860 : a history in documentsLeave the NDL website. Travels of Fray Sebastien Manrique, 1629-1643 : a translation of the Itinerario de las missiones OrientalesLeave the NDL website. Europeans in West Africa, 1450-1560 : documents to illustrate the nature and scope of Portuguese enterprise in West Africa, the abortive attempt of Castilians to create an empire there, and the early English voyages to Barbary and GuineaLeave the NDL website. The history and description of Africa and of the notable things therein containedLeave the NDL website. First part of the Royal commentaries of the YncasLeave the NDL website. The war of ChupasLeave the NDL website. True description of three voyages by North-East towards Cathay and China, undertaken by the Dutch in the years 1594, 1595, and 1596Leave the NDL website. Spanish documents concerning English voyages to the Caribbean, 1527-1568Leave the NDL website. The voyage of Thomas Best to the East Indies, 1612-14Leave the NDL website. Map of Peru : to illustrate The travels of Cieza de Leon, in 1532-50, The Royal commentaries of Garcilasso de la Vega (1609), and The natural and moral history of the Indies, by Father Joseph de Acosta (1608)Leave the NDL website. The voyages of 1817, 1818 and 1820Leave the NDL website. Early voyages and travels to Russia and PersiaLeave the NDL website. Life and travels : Denmark, England, the Cape, Madagascar, Comoro Is., Coromandel Coast, Tranquebar, St. Helena, Ascension Is., Ireland, Iceland, 1618-1679Leave the NDL website. The voyage of Captain John Narbrough to the Strait of Magellan and the South Sea in His Majesty's Ship Sweepstakes, 1669-1671Leave the NDL website. Colonising expeditions to the West Indies and Guiana, 1623-1667Leave the NDL website. Explorations on behalf of the Royal Geographical Society, 1835-1839Leave the NDL website. The travels of Pedro Teixeira : with his "Kings of Harmuz," and extracts from his "Kings of Persia."Leave the NDL website. An Elizabethan in 1582 : the diary of Richard Madox, Fellow of All SoulsLeave the NDL website. Κοσμα Αιγυπτιου μοναχου Χριστιανικη τοπογραφια = The Christian topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian monkLeave the NDL website. The history of the great and mighty Kingdom of China and the situation thereofLeave the NDL website. Early voyages and travels in the LevantLeave the NDL website. The voyages of Sir James Lancaster, Kt. to the East Indies : with abstracts of journals of voyages to the East Indies, during the seventeenth century, preserved in the India Office and the voyage of Captain John Knight (1606), to seek the North-West PassageLeave the NDL website. The voyages of 1811, 1812 and 1813Leave the NDL website. The voyage of Christopher Middleton 1741-1742Leave the NDL website. The war of Quito . and Inca documentsLeave the NDL website. Russia at the close of the sixteenth century : comprising, the treatise "Of the Russe Common Wealth," by Giles Fletcher, and the Travels of Sir Jerome Horsey, now for the first time printed entire from his own manuscriptLeave the NDL website. Notes upon Russia :being a translation of the earliest account of that country entitled Rerum Moscoviticarum commentariiLeave the NDL website. Diary of Richard Cocks : cape-merchant in the English factory in Japan, 1615-1622 : with correspondenceLeave the NDL website. The three voyages of William Barents to the Arctic regions, (1594, 1595, and 1596)Leave the NDL website. The discovery of Tahiti : a journal of the second voyage of H.M.S. Dolphin round the world under the command of Captain Wallis, R.N., in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768Leave the NDL website. The Red Sea and adjacent countries at the close of the seventeenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Narratives of the rites and laws of the YncasLeave the NDL website. Preliminary essay on the intercourse between China and the western nations previous to the discovery of the Cape routeLeave the NDL website. Sir Francis Drake, his voyage, 1595Leave the NDL website. A relation of a voyage to GuianaLeave the NDL website. A geographical account of countries round the Bay of Bengal, 1669 to 1679Leave the NDL website. The papers of Thomas Bowrey, 1669-1713 : discovered in 1913 by John Humphreys, M.A., F.S.A. and now in the possession of Lieut.-Colonel Henry Howard, F.S.A.Leave the NDL website. The voyages and colonising enterprises of Sir Humphrey GilbertLeave the NDL website. History of the two Tartar conquerors of China : including the two journeys into Tartary of Father Ferdinand Verbiest, in the suite of the Emperor Kang-hi, from the French of Père Pierre Joseph d'Orléans, of the Company of Jesus, to which is added Father Pereira's journey into Tartary in the suite of the same emperor, from the Dutch of Nicolaas WitsenLeave the NDL website. Pedro Páez's History of Ethiopia, 1622Leave the NDL website. The resolution journal of Johann Reinhold Forster, 1772-1775Leave the NDL website. New light on the discovery of Australia, as revealed by the journal of Captain Don Diego de Prado y TovarLeave the NDL website. Early Spanish voyages to the Strait of MagellanLeave the NDL website. The first voyage round the world, by MagellanLeave the NDL website. Sir Francis Drake's West Indian voyage, 1585-86Leave the NDL website. The three voyages of Edmond Halley in the Paramore, 1698-1701Leave the NDL website. A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the world, 1791-1795 : with an introduction and appendicesLeave the NDL website. New light on Drake : a collection of documents relating to his voyage of circumnavigation 1577-1580Leave the NDL website. The embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the court of the Great Mogul, 1615-1619, as narrated in his journal and correspondenceLeave the NDL website. History of the imâms and seyyids of ʾOmânLeave the NDL website. The true history of the conquest of New SpainLeave the NDL website. The expedition of the St. Jean-Baptiste to the Pacific, 1769-1770 : from journals of Jean de Surville and Guillaume LabéLeave the NDL website. A new account of East India and Persia : being nine years' travels, 1672-1681Leave the NDL website. The voyages and manifesto of William Fergusson, a surgeon of the East India Company 1731-1739Leave the NDL website. Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus : Romæ 1555 = Description of the Northern peoples : Rome 1555Leave the NDL website. The travels of Abbé Carré in India and the Near East, 1672 to 1674Leave the NDL website. Japanese travellers in sixteenth-century Europe : a dialogue concerning the mission of the Japanese ambassadors to the Roman Curia (1590)Leave the NDL website. A journal of the first voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-1499Leave the NDL website. The voyage of Robert Dudley, afterwards styled Earl of Warwick and Leicester and Duke of Northumberland, to the West Indies, 1594-1595Leave the NDL website. The Hawkins' voyages during the reigns of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and James ILeave the NDL website. The travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 to 1508Leave the NDL website. The voyage of François Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and BrazilLeave the NDL website. Early Dutch and English voyages to Spitsbergen in the 17th centuryLeave the NDL website. The voyages and colonising enterprises of Sir Humphrey GilbertLeave the NDL website. Memorials of the Empire of Japon : in the XVI and XVII centuriesLeave the NDL website. Travels in Europe, 1639-1647Leave the NDL website. The original writings & correspondence of the two Richard HakluytsLeave the NDL website. The Purchas handbook : studies of the life, times and writings of Samuel Purchas 1577-1626 : with bibliographies of his books and of works about himLeave the NDL website. The third voyage of Martin Frobisher to Baffin Island, 1578Leave the NDL website. The travels of Pietro della Valle in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Sir Joseph Banks, Iceland and the North Atlantic 1772-1820 : journals, letters and documentsLeave the NDL website. Select letters of Christopher Columbus : with other original documents relating to his four voyages to the New WorldLeave the NDL website. The Malaspina expedition, 1789-1794 : journal of the voyageLeave the NDL website. Travels in Achin, Mauritius, Madagascar, and St. Helena, 1638Leave the NDL website. Narrative of a voyage to the West Indies and Mexico in the years 1599-1602, with maps and illustrationsLeave the NDL website. The rise of British GuianaLeave the NDL website. Select letters of Christopher Columbus : with other original documents relating to his four voyages to the New WorldLeave the NDL website. The pilgrimage of Arnold von Harff, knight : from Cologne through Italy, Syria, Egypt, Arabia, Ethiopia, Nubia, Palestine, Turkey, France, and Spain, which he accomplished in the years 1496 to 1499Leave the NDL website. South China in the sixteenth century, being the narratives of Galeote Pereira, Fr. Gaspar da Cruz, O.P., Fr. Martín de Rada, O.E.S.A. (1550-1575)Leave the NDL website. The chronicle of the discovery and conquest of GuineaLeave the NDL website. The three voyages of Martin Frobisher, in search of a passage to Cathaia and India by the North-West, A.D. 1576-8, reprinted from the first edition of Hakluyt's Voyages, with selections from manuscript documents in the British Museum and State Paper OfficeLeave the NDL website. Narratives of the voyages of Pedro Sarmiento de Gambóa to the Straits of MagellanLeave the NDL website. The Desert route to India : being the journals of four travellers by the great desert caravan route between Aleppo and Basra, 1745-1751Leave the NDL website. The three voyages of Vasco da Gama, and his viceroyalty : from the Lendas da India of Gaspar Correa : accompanied by original documentsLeave the NDL website. The voyage of Captain John Saris to Japan, 1613Leave the NDL website. Early voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia : a collection of documents, and extracts from early manuscript maps, illustrative of the history of discovery on the coasts of that vast island, from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the time of Captain CookLeave the NDL website. The captivity of Hans Stade of Hesse in A.D. 1547-1555, among the wild tribes of Eastern BrazilLeave the NDL website. A scientific, antiquarian and picturesque tour : John (Fiott) Lee in Ireland, England and Wales, 1806-1807Leave the NDL website. The voyages of Sir James Lancaster to Brazil and the East Indies, 1591-1603Leave the NDL website. The voyage of François Leguat of Bresse to Rodriguez, Mauritius, Java, and the Cape of Good HopeLeave the NDL website. The Philippine islands, Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan, and China, at the close of the sixteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Mandeville's travels : texts and translationsLeave the NDL website. Esmeraldo de situ orbisLeave the NDL website. The travels of John Sanderson in the Levant, 1584-1602 : with his autobiography and selections from his correspondenceLeave the NDL website. Australia circumnavigated : the voyage of Matthew Flinders in HMS Investigator, 1801-1803Leave the NDL website. The Canarian, or, Book of the conquest and conversion of the Canarians in the year 1402 by Messire Jean de BethencourtLeave the NDL website. Select letters of Christopher Columbus : with other original documents relating to his four voyages to the New WorldLeave the NDL website. The travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, A.D. 1532-50, contained in the first part of his Chronicle of PeruLeave the NDL website. The first and second voyagesLeave the NDL website. Relations of Golconda in the early seventeenth centuryLeave the NDL website. The voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to the East Indies : from the old English translation of 1598. The first book, containing his description of the East, in two volumesLeave the NDL website. The voyages of Cadamosto and other documents on Western Africa in the second half of the fifteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Narrative of the proceedings of Pedrarias Davila : in the provinces of Tierra Firme or Castilla del Oro, and of the discovery of the South Sea and the coasts of Peru and NicaraguaLeave the NDL website. The discovery of River Gambra (1623)Leave the NDL website. João Rodrigues's account of sixteenth-century JapanLeave the NDL website. Life and travels : Iceland, England, Denmark, White Sea, Faroes, Spitzbergen, Norway, 1593-1622Leave the NDL website. The third and fourth voyagesLeave the NDL website. The suma oriental of Tomé Pires : an account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, written in Malacca and India in 1512-1515 ; and, The book of Francisco Rodrigues : rutter of a voyage in the Red Sea, nautical rules, almanack and maps written and drawn in the East before 1515Leave the NDL website. The mission of Friar William of Rubruck : his journey to the court of the Great Khan Möngke, 1253-1255Leave the NDL website. Peter Floris, his voyage to the East Indies in the Globe, 1611-1615 : the contemporary translation of his journalLeave the NDL website. The journal of Rochfort Maguire, 1852-1854 : two years at Point Barrow, Alaska, aboard HMS Plover in the search for Sir John FranklinLeave the NDL website. Ibn Batuta, Benedict Goës, indexLeave the NDL website. The voyage of Willim Moor and Francis Smith, 1746-1747Leave the NDL website. History of the New WorldLeave the NDL website. Compassing the vaste globe of the earth : studies in the history of the Hakluyt Society, 1846-1996 : with a complete list of the society's publicationsLeave the NDL website. The voyages and works of John Davis the navigatorLeave the NDL website. The geography of Hudson's Bay : being the remarks of Captain W. Coats in many voyages to that locality between the years 1727 and 1751Leave the NDL website. The expedition of Captain Jens Munk to Hudson's Bay in search of a North-West Passage in 1619-20Leave the NDL website. The Danish expeditions to Greenland in 1605, 1606, and 1607 : to which is added Captain James Hall's Voyage to Greenland in 1612Leave the NDL website. François Valentijn's description of CeylonLeave the NDL website. The voyage of Captain Bellingshausen to the Antarctic Seas, 1819-1821Leave the NDL website. Expeditions into the valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639Leave the NDL website. Travels in the Tian'-Shan' : 1856-1857Leave the NDL website. The expedition of Pedro de Ursua & Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado and Omagua in 1560-1Leave the NDL website. Yermak's campaign in Siberia : a selection of documentsLeave the NDL website. The journal of John Jourdain, 1608-1617, describing his experiences in Arabia, India, and the Malay ArchipelagoLeave the NDL website. Searching for Franklin : the land Arctic searching expedition : James Anderson's and James Stewart's expeditions via the Back River, 1855Leave the NDL website. The journey of William of Rubruck to the eastern parts of the world, 1253-55Leave the NDL website. Travels to Tana and Persia . A narrative of Italian travels in Persia, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuriesLeave the NDL website. The voyages of 1814, 1815 and 1816Leave the NDL website. English and Irish settlement on the River Amazon, 1550-1646Leave the NDL website. Odoric of PordenoneLeave the NDL website. New light on the discovery of Australia : as revealed by the journal of Captain Don Diego de Prado y TovarLeave the NDL website. The voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to Bantam and the Moluccas : being the second voyage set forth by the Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East-IndiesLeave the NDL website. The voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to the Moluccas, 1604-1606Leave the NDL website. Jerusalem pilgrimage, 1099-1185Leave the NDL website. The voyage of Pedro Álvares Cabral to Brazil and India, from contemporary documents and narrativesLeave the NDL website. Early voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia : a collection of documents, and extracts from early manuscript maps, illustrative of the history of discovery on the coasts of that vast island, from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the time of Captain CookLeave the NDL website. Tractatus de globis et eorum usu : a treatise descriptive of the globes constructed by Emery Molyneux, and published in 1592 . Sailing directions for the circumnavigation of England, and for a voyage to the Straits of Gibralter (from a 15th century MS.)Leave the NDL website. The war of Las SalinasLeave the NDL website. The Pacific journal of Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, 1767-1768Leave the NDL website. Travels in South-West England and Western India, with a diary of events in London, 1658-1663, and in Penryn, 1664-1667Leave the NDL website. The discovery of the Solomon Islands by Alvaro de Mendaña in 1568 : translated from the original Spanish manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. The voyages of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, 1595 to 1606Leave the NDL website. Divers voyages touching the discovery of America and the islands adjacentLeave the NDL website. The world encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, being his next voyage to that to Nombre de Dios : collated with an unpublished manuscript of Francis FletcherLeave the NDL website. The voyages of Captain Luke Foxe of Hull, and Captain Thomas James of Bristol, in search of a North-West Passage in 1631-32 : with narratives of the earlier North-West voyages of Frobisher, Davis, Weymouth, Hall, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge, and othersLeave the NDL website. Further English voyages to Spanish America, 1583-1594 : documents from the Archives of the Indies at Seville illustrating English voyages to the Caribbean, the Spanish Main, Florida, and VirginiaLeave the NDL website. Journal of the travels and labours of Father Samuel Fritz in the river of the Amazons between 1686 and 1723Leave the NDL website. Mirabilia descripta : the wonders of the EastLeave the NDL website. The voyage of Semen Dezhnev in 1648 : Bering's precursor, with selected documentsLeave the NDL website. Henry Hudson, the navigator : the original documents in which his career is recordedLeave the NDL website. Travels in England, Western India, Achin, Macao, and the Canton River, 1634-1637Leave the NDL website. The voyage of Nicholas Downton to the East Indies, 1614-15 : as recorded in contemporary narratives and lettersLeave the NDL website. The discoveries of the world, from their first original unto the year of Our Lord 1555Leave the NDL website. A walk across Africa : J.A. Grant's account of the Nile expedition of 1860-1863Leave the NDL website. Bombay in the days of Queen Anne : being an account of the settlementLeave the NDL website. The travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 to 1508Leave the NDL website. Memorias antiguas historiales del PeruLeave the NDL website. The conquest of the River Plate, 1535-1555Leave the NDL website. The fifth letter of Hernan Cortes to the Emperor Charles V, containing an account of his expedition to HondurasLeave the NDL website. The journal of William Lockerby, sandalwood trader in the Fijian Islands during the years 1808-1809 : with an introduction & other papers connected with the earliest European visitors to the IslandsLeave the NDL website. The discovery of the South Shetland Islands : the voyages of the brig Williams 1819-1820 as recorded in contemporary documents and the journal of midshipman C.W. PoynterLeave the NDL website. The historie of travell into Virginia Britania (1612)Leave the NDL website. Book of the knowledge of all the kingdoms, lands, and lordships that are in the world, and the arms and devices of each land and lordship, or of the kings and lords who possess themLeave the NDL website. The Guanches of Tenerife : the holy image of our lady of Candelaria and the Spanish conquest and settlementLeave the NDL website. The natural & moral history of the IndiesLeave the NDL website. The travels of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa , A.D. 1325-1354Leave the NDL website. On the Erythraean seaLeave the NDL website. The Javanese travels of Purwalelana : a nobleman's account of his journeys across the island of Java,1860-1875Leave the NDL website. Spanish and Portuguese conflict in the Spice Islands : the Loaysa Expedition to the Moluccas 1525-1535 : from Book XX of the general and natural history of the IndiesLeave the NDL website. English travellers to Venice, 1450-1600Leave the NDL website. An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands in the South Pacific Ocean : with an original grammar and vocabulary of their language compiled and arranged from the extensive communications of Mr. William Mariner, several years resident in those islandsLeave the NDL website. The Arctic journal of Captain Henry Wemyss Feilden, R.A., the naturalist in H.M.S. Alert, 1875-1876Leave the NDL website. The levant voyage of the Blackham Galley (1696-1698) : the sea journal of John Looker, ship's surgeonLeave the NDL website.

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v. 1 1842
no.2 (1847)
no.3 1848
no.3 (1848)
no.8 1849
no.5 (1849)
no.6 (1849)
no.7 1850
no.9 1850
no.008 yr.1850
no.8 (1850)
no.7 (1850)
no.12 1851
no.9 (1851)
no.10 (1851)
no.14 1852
no.11 (1852)
no.12 (1852)
no.13 1853
no.13 (1853)
no.14 (1853)
no.15 (1854)
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no.18 (1855)
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no.21 1857
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no.23 1858
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no.36 1866
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no.41 (1869)
no.42 (1869)
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no.45 (1871)
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no.55 1877
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no.58 (1879)
no.62 1880
no.59v.1 1880
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no.59 (1880)
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no.69 1883
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no.74 1886
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no.85 1892
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no.85 (1892)
no.86 (1893)
no.87 (1893)
no.89 1894
no.88 1894
ser.1 no.088 yr.1894
no.89 (1894)
no.88 (1894)
no.90 (1894)
no.91 (1895)
no.92 (1896)
no.93 (1896)
no.95 (1896)
no.94 (1896)
issued by the Hakluyt Society
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Works issued by the Hakluyt Society
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