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Pamphlets in American history

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Pamphlets in American history

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A study of the physical vigor of American womenLeave the NDL website. Woman's century calendarLeave the NDL website. The evolution of the familyLeave the NDL website. The Brugoyne campaign : an address delivered on the battle-field on the one hundredth celebration of the battle of Bemis Heights, September 19, 1877Leave the NDL website. Ballots for both : an address at Greenville, N.C., 8 December, 1916Leave the NDL website. Women in trade unions in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The American Civil Liberties Union today and tomorrowLeave the NDL website. Dear fellow worker : [letter concerning the drafting of 18- and 19-year olds]Leave the NDL website. ReportLeave the NDL website. The church state problem has been handed to you! : a guide for community groupsLeave the NDL website. Registration of women for war-time serviceLeave the NDL website. Political prisoners in federal military prisonsLeave the NDL website. Civil liberties of teachers and students : academic freedom : a statement of principles governing freedom for teacher and students in public and private schools and collegesLeave the NDL website. ReportLeave the NDL website. The authentication of the Declaration of independence, July 4, 1776Leave the NDL website. Director's report, 1965. --Leave the NDL website. The principles for which the American Revolution was fought : an address before the Ohio Society, Sons of the Revolution, delivered at the Queen City Club, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 22, 1904Leave the NDL website. Minority parties on the ballot : a survey of restrictions on minority parties, together with recommended legislationLeave the NDL website. The Professional Woman's Club, Los Angeles, California, 1917-1918Leave the NDL website. Valley Forge and the presidents of the United States of America : by W. Herbert BurkLeave the NDL website. A report on the costs and benefits of electronic surveillanceLeave the NDL website. It's not only communists' rights! : The ACLU's stand on outlawing the Communist Party, loyalty tests, House Un-American Activities Committee, communist students in the colleges, alien communists, anti-communist oathstby union officersLeave the NDL website. The abortion controversy : a doctor's guide to the lawLeave the NDL website. The bombardment of New York and the fight for independence on the waters of New York against the sea power of Great Britain in the year 1776Leave the NDL website. Presenting the American Civil Liberties Union : What are its principles, how does it work, where does it get its money, who controls its policies?Leave the NDL website. The particular case of the Georgia loyalists : in addition to the general case and claim of the American loyalists, which was lately published by order of their agentsLeave the NDL website. A woman's opportunities in business and the industries : an address given at the second annual commencement of Simmons College, Boston, June 12, 1907Leave the NDL website. ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. The battle of Saratoga : a poem, with historical and explanatory notesLeave the NDL website. The life and services of Major General John ThomasLeave the NDL website. Captain Gustavus Conyngham : a sketch of the services he rendered to the cause of American independenceLeave the NDL website. General Campbell and his immortal four hundred remarks in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, June 6, 1939Leave the NDL website. Brochure of Bunker Hill : with heliotype viewsLeave the NDL website. The economic function of woman : a paper submitted to the American Academy of Political and Social ScienceLeave the NDL website. Letter to ladies, in favor of female physicians for their sexLeave the NDL website. John Hanson, president of the United States in Congress assembled, 1781-1782Leave the NDL website. The fate of blood-thirsty oppressors, and God's tender care of his distressed people : a sermon, preached at Lexington, April 19, 1776, to commemorate the murder, bloodshed and commencement of hostilities, between Great-Britain and America, in that town, by a brigade of troops of George III, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, in the nineteenth of April, 1775 ; to which is added, a brief narrative of the principal transactions of that dayLeave the NDL website. The command in the battle of Bunker Hill : with a reply to "Remarks on Frothingham's history of the battle, by S. Swett"Leave the NDL website. Considerations on the propriety of imposing taxes in the British colonies, for the purpose of raising a revenue, by act of Parliament. North-America, Printed by a North AmericanLeave the NDL website. What price freedom? : text of address at Chicago University Convocation, June, 1949Leave the NDL website. The wiretapping problem today : a report of the American Civil Liberties UnionLeave the NDL website. Lord Shelburne and the founding of British-American goodwillLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : hearing before the Committee on Woman Suffrage of the United States Senate, on Senate Joint Resolution 81, proposing an amendment to the Constitution providing that the rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex, April 19, 1900Leave the NDL website. Women on the farm : an address delivered before the Woman's Committee, Council of National Defense, May 13, 1918, Washington, D.C.Leave the NDL website. Some of the reasons against woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Love in freedomLeave the NDL website. Address from the National Congress on Uniform Divorce Laws to the President and the Congress of the United States and the governors and legislatures of the several states : together with the resolutions adopted by the Divorce Congress at Washington, February 19-23, 1906 ; draft of a uniform law relating to annulment of marriage and divorce ; and separate lawsorelating to return of statistics on maLeave the NDL website. List of members of the Women's Rest Tour Association, 264 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass., November 15, 1898Leave the NDL website. The modern man and maidLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : hearings before a joint committee of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Woman Suffrage, United States Senate, sixty-second Congress, second session...Leave the NDL website. Woman suffrage and child labor legislationLeave the NDL website. Program : Tenth-Anniversary Convention of the National League of Women Voters, 1920-1930, Brown Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky, April 28-May 3, 1930Leave the NDL website. Mary Louisa Duncan Putnam : William Clement PutnamLeave the NDL website. What is an anti-suffragistLeave the NDL website. An address at the centennial of the birth of Sophia Smith, the founder of Smith College at Northampton, Massachusetts, delivered May 27, 1896Leave the NDL website. Woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. A sketch of the Battle of Guilford Court HouseLeave the NDL website. A sketch of the life of George Roberts, who fought under John Paul JonesLeave the NDL website. Sons of the American Revolution. Minnesota Society. 1896 prize medal essay contest by the high school scholars of the state of Minnesota on the Declaration of independenceLeave the NDL website. Report of the Columbian Association of Housekeepers and Bureau of Information ; with plans for the work outlined in the National Columbian Household Economic Association, which was incorporated March 15, 1893Leave the NDL website. War's heretics : a plea for the conscientious objectorsLeave the NDL website. Mr. Roosevelt's speech on suffrage delivered at St. Johnsbury, Vt., August 30, 1912Leave the NDL website. An address delivered at Bennington on the 15th August, A.D. 1829 : it being thefifty-second anniversary of Bennington BattleLeave the NDL website. School buildings as public forums : a survey of discrimination against unpopular minorities in the use of public school buildingsLeave the NDL website. Deportations : suggestions to attorneys handling deportations involving political or economic views and activitiesLeave the NDL website. WayneLeave the NDL website. The rape of privacyLeave the NDL website. The State Department's ban on Saklatvala : the facts in a case of international significanceLeave the NDL website. A woman's placeLeave the NDL website. The case for equality in state jury service : memorandum in support of ACLU proposal to amend S. 2923(Civil rights protection act of 1966), to with exclusion of women from service on state juriesLeave the NDL website. Is woman suffrage important?Leave the NDL website. Addresses at a public meeting in opposition to the extension of woman suffrage, Cazenovia, N. Y., August 14, 1912Leave the NDL website. The wage-earning woman and the state : a reply to Miss Minnie BronsonLeave the NDL website. The Continental Army at the crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas night of 1776Leave the NDL website. Celebration of the battle of King's Mountain : October, 1855, and the address of the Hon. John S. Preston ; together with the proceedings of the meetings and accompanying documentsLeave the NDL website. [Pamphlet critical of the activities of the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950's]Leave the NDL website. Woman on the benchLeave the NDL website. Uncivil liberty : an essay to show the injustice and impolicy of ruling woman without her consentLeave the NDL website. The story of the Declaration of independenceLeave the NDL website. The Boston Tea Party : an address delivered at a meeting of the Oregon Society,Sons of the American Revolution, December 15, 1923Leave the NDL website. The other side of the Declaration of independence : a lecture at Westminster Chapel, Elizabeth, N.J., December 16th, 1897Leave the NDL website. Sorting out the wreckage : a report on drug law enforcement in VermontLeave the NDL website. A circular letter addressed to the state Societies of the Cincinnati, by the general meeting, convened at Philadelphia, May 3, 1784 : together with the Institution, as altered and amendedLeave the NDL website. The blank-cartridge ballotLeave the NDL website. Report of the director to the National Council of the Emergency Civil LibertiesCommittee, April 8, 1961Leave the NDL website. [Benedict Arnold : clippings about]Leave the NDL website. The progress of colored women : an address delivered before the National American Women's Suffrage Association, at the Columbia Theater, Washington, D.C., February 18, 1898, on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversaryLeave the NDL website. Women and other enigmas ; being certain meditations of my friend the cynicLeave the NDL website. Radio programs in the public interest : answers to the radio industry's objections to the FCC's new standards of judging the public service of radioLeave the NDL website. A brief description of the battle of King's Mountain, "the turning point of the American Revolution," fought in York County, S. C., October 7, 1780 : together with brief accounts of previous celebrations, illustrations showing the battlefield and monuments, and interesting data concerning the 150th anniversary celebration to be held on the battleground October 7, 1930Leave the NDL website. Back to the Bill of RightsLeave the NDL website. The centennial anniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and the British forces under his command on the 19th day of October, 1781, virtually the closing of the struggle for American independence : to be appropriately celebrated on the field of Yorktown, Va., in October, 1881Leave the NDL website. View of the claim of the heirs of BleaumarchaisLeave the NDL website. Woman : a poem, read before the graduating class of the Female College of Ohio, at their commencement exercises, July 17, 1852...Leave the NDL website. New York Association of Working Girls' Societies, 1893Leave the NDL website. History and capture of Major André : taken from the revised History of Westchester CountyLeave the NDL website. Woman's right to the ballotLeave the NDL website. The woman's place ; her position in the Christian world ; the problem considered under four grand heads : woman outstripped by man, even in domestic handiworkLeave the NDL website. An address to the Congress of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. An answer to a pamphlet, entitled Taxation no tyranny : Addressed to the author, and to persons in powerLeave the NDL website. John Stark's career : written for the New Hampshire Historical SocietyLeave the NDL website. Notes from the Rev. Samuel Cooper's interleaved almanacs of 1764 and 1769Leave the NDL website. Surprise and capture of Paulus Hoeck: commemorative oration before the people of Jersey City, August 19th, 1879Leave the NDL website. An oration delivered at West Chester, Pennsylvania, on the 17th of June, 1875, the one hundredth anniversary of the battle of Bunker HillLeave the NDL website. Girls Trade Education League, organized for the purpose of assisting girls in choosing a vocationLeave the NDL website. The annual meeting in the State House, and commemorative dinner at the Narragansett Hotel, Providence, R. I., on the fourth of July, 1878Leave the NDL website. Autographs of the signers of the DeclarationLeave the NDL website. The journal of Lieut. William Feltman, of the First Pennsylvania Regiment, fromMay 26, 1781 to April 25, 1782, embracing the Siege of Yorktown and the Southern campaignLeave the NDL website. The one hundredth anniversary of the destruction of tea in Boston Harbor, with asketch of William Russell, of Boston, one of the "tea destroyers"Leave the NDL website. Observations on Mr. Stedman's History of the American warLeave the NDL website. Importing women for immoral purposes : a partial report from the Immigration Commission on the importation and harboring of women for immoral purposesLeave the NDL website. Dropouts : A political problemLeave the NDL website. Report of Committee on Dress made to the Exective Board of the National Council of Women, Dec. 14-15, 1892Leave the NDL website. Remarks on a "Reprint of the original letters from Washington to Joseph Reed, during the American Revolution, referred to in the pamphlets of Lord Mahon and Mr. Sparks"Leave the NDL website. The Princeton surprise, 1777Leave the NDL website. Observations introductory to reading the Declaration of independence, at Salem, July 4, 1823Leave the NDL website. Religious liberty in the U.S. today : a survey of the restraints on religious freedomLeave the NDL website. The case of the Christian pacifists at Los Angeles, Cal.Leave the NDL website. Col. Jacob Klock's regiment, Second Reg., Tryon County (N.Y.) Militia, 1775-84Leave the NDL website. Campaign for choiceLeave the NDL website. Reports on the Laws of New England, presented to the New England meeting, convened at the Meionaon, Sept. 19 and 20, 1855Leave the NDL website. Address upon women's suffrage in Wyoming, delivered at Association Hall, Philadelphia, April 3rd, 1882Leave the NDL website. Report of hearing before the Committee on Woman Suffrage, February 15, 1898Leave the NDL website. An address commemorative of seven young men of Danvers, who were slain in the battle of Lexington : delivered in the Old South Meeting House, in Danvers, on the 60th anniversary of the battle, with notesLeave the NDL website. How Colorado laws discriminate against womenLeave the NDL website. The 'Robinson House' : or reminiscences of West-Point and Arnold the traitorLeave the NDL website. The case against parochiaidLeave the NDL website. Constitutional rights in war timeLeave the NDL website. The woman questionLeave the NDL website. Reasons for the centennial at Washington's Headquarters, Newburgh, N.Y., prepared at the request of the trusteesLeave the NDL website. Report of the committee appointed under act of the General Assembly : approved March 12, 1912, for the purpose of re-interring the remains of General Henry Lee --"Light Horse Harry" Lee -- at Lexington, VirginiaLeave the NDL website. Why we ask the ballot : an address before the Judiciary Committee of the Assembly of the Senate of New York, April 3, 1872Leave the NDL website. A talk to women on the suffrage questionLeave the NDL website. A statement to members and friends of the American Civil Liberties Union, concerning the resolution fixing qualifications for membership on our guiding committees and staffLeave the NDL website. State laws affecting women in the United States, and directions for making exhibit mapsLeave the NDL website. The evils suffered by American women and American children : the causes and remedies, presented in an address to meetings of ladies in Cincinnati, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and other cities ; also, an address to the Protestant clergy of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The constitutional rights of the women of the United States : an address beforethe International Council of Women, Washington, D.C., March 30, 1888Leave the NDL website. Second statement of the National Council of Women of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of the constitutional questions involved in the Draft act of May 18, 1917 : extracts from attorneys' briefs in cases now in preparationLeave the NDL website. The things that make a womanLeave the NDL website. Col. Timothy Green, of the army of the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. The Hessian prisoners in the American war of independence and their life in captivityLeave the NDL website. Minority parties on the ballot, with memorandum concerning the purpose of the accompanying bill providing for the placing of names of candidates on the ballotLeave the NDL website. The story of the Ford case : are strike leaders responsible for whatever violence occurs in a strike?Leave the NDL website. Original revolutionary chronicle : the battle-day of GermantownLeave the NDL website. Violence in Peekskill : a report of the violations of civil liberties at two Paul Robeson concerts near Peekskill N.Y., August 27th and September 4th, 1949Leave the NDL website. Defence of Col. Timothy Pickering against Bancroft's historyLeave the NDL website. ...The status of women in ChileLeave the NDL website. Women and the labor movement in AmericaLeave the NDL website. The forty eight hour law ; do working women really want it?Leave the NDL website. The continuing effect of the American Revolution : an address...on the occasion of the celebration of the prelude to independence, June 10th, 1961, at the 18th-century capitol, Williamsburg, VirginiaLeave the NDL website. History of the Battle of Breed's HillLeave the NDL website. The public function of woman : a sermon preached at the Music Hall, March 27, 1853Leave the NDL website. Dedication of the memorial to John Graham and comrades : with historical address, September 6, 1920Leave the NDL website. Gen. John Sullivan and the battle of Rhode Island : a sketch of the former and a description of the latterLeave the NDL website. Academic freedom in the secondary schoolsLeave the NDL website. Woman's rights in America : a retrospect of sixty yezrs, 1848-1908Leave the NDL website. The Burgoyne campaign of July-October, 1777Leave the NDL website. Journal of Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Vose, April-June, 1776Leave the NDL website. What rights for the unemployed? : a summary of the attacks on the rights of the unemployed to organize, demonstrate and petitionLeave the NDL website. A plan of reconciliation with America : Consistent with the dignity and interests of both countries. Humbly inscribed to the kingLeave the NDL website. A Mike Wallace interview with Erich FrommLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the first Margaret Fuller Society of Chicago, 1880-81Leave the NDL website. Haym Salomon, the patriot broker of the Revolution, his real achievements and their exaggeration : an open letter to Congressman CellerLeave the NDL website. Civil Rights for Indians : the first program of bills in Congress to establish civil rights for American Indians ...Leave the NDL website. Universal civil rights, what they mean and how to get themLeave the NDL website. [Miscellany of Revolutionary War biographies]Leave the NDL website. Woman : her mission and lifeLeave the NDL website. The French idea of American independence on the eve of the French RevolutionLeave the NDL website. The "Knights of Liberty" mob and the I.W.W. prisoners at Tulsa, Okla. (November 9, 1917)Leave the NDL website. An oration, upon the beauties of liberty, or the essential rights of the Americans : delivered at the Second Baptist-Church in Boston. Upon the last annual ThanksgivingLeave the NDL website. Woman's suffrage and sentimentLeave the NDL website. Outline of the legal position of women in Pennsylvania, 1911, including changes made in the law by the 1911 LegislatureLeave the NDL website. Saratoga : the battle, battle ground, visitors' guide, with mapsLeave the NDL website. The higher education of woman in AmeircaLeave the NDL website. Faits mémorables du Général LafayetteLeave the NDL website. Address of Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton on the divorce bill before the Judiciary Committee of the New York Senate in the assembly chanber Feb. 8, 1961Leave the NDL website. Arnold, the American traitor ; André, the British spy ; Washington, the defender of constitutional liberty, the father of his country, the commander-in-chief of the American army : address, delivered before the historical and foresty society of Rockland county, on February 22, 1881Leave the NDL website. Forty-sixth Annual Convention, National American Woman Suffrage Association, day sessions, Representatives Hall, State Capitol, evening mass meeting, Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, Tenn., November eleventh to seventeenth inclusive, 1914Leave the NDL website. "With quietness they work" : report of the activities of Southern women in education against lynching during 1937Leave the NDL website. FascismLeave the NDL website. Address delivered before the Essex Institute, October 5, 1874, at the centennial anniversary of the meeting of the Provincial Assembly in Salem, October 5, 1774Leave the NDL website. The legacy of the American Revolution to the British West Indies and Bahamas : a chapter out of the history of the American loyalistsLeave the NDL website. A British account of the battle of Lexington, and the last meeting in the Dowsw Library at No. 30 Tremont St., BostonLeave the NDL website. Civil rights in Kentucky since 1863 : emancipation centenniel, 1863-1963Leave the NDL website. How New York laws discriminate against women : including changes made in 1924 LegislatureLeave the NDL website. A sketch from the life of Rev. James Beebee, A. M., soldier and preacher, who, from May 8th, 1747, to September 8th, 1785, was pastor of the Church of Christ at North Stratford, (now Trumbull, Conn.) : to which is added Mr. Beebee's address to his people, in 1758, when they departed, with him, to Fort George, to fight the Indians and FrenchLeave the NDL website. Nonpartisan political lecture, universal suffrage : the Republican National Convention, held in Chicago, June, 1912, and Colonel Roosevelt's reversal of doctrine on woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Speech of Mr. Burges, of Rhode Island, on the amendatory bills for relief of the survivors of the revolutionary army, in the Committee of the Whole, House of Representatives, January 4, 1827Leave the NDL website. Stop S-1Leave the NDL website. Michael Cresap : a brief sketch of the revolutionary hero who led the first company of Frederick County soldiers into the War of Independence, and in honor of whose memory Headquarters Company, First Infantry, Maryland National Guard is called Cresap's RiflesLeave the NDL website. Burgoyne's Campaign : a brief sketch of the campaign which ended in the surrender of the Britisch Army, at Saratoga, October, 1777, with concise descriptions of the principal places and objects connected with the surrenderLeave the NDL website. Journal of Dr. Elias Cornelius, a Revolutionary surgeon : graphic description of his sufferings while a prisoner in Provost Jail, New York, 1777 and 1778, with a biographical sketchLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Ohio Women's Convention, held at Salem April 19th and 20th, 1850 ; with an addressLeave the NDL website. Minisink battleLeave the NDL website. In memoriam of Gen'l Casimir PulaskiLeave the NDL website. How to work for suffrage in an election district or voting precinctLeave the NDL website. "Nations in nightshirts" : address of Hon. Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior, at the seventeenth annual meeting of the American Civil Liberties Union, December 8th, 1937, New York CityLeave the NDL website. An address delivered at the completion of the Bunker Hill Monument, June 17, 1843Leave the NDL website. Letters of Nathaniel Noyes to William Henshaw, 1744-1755Leave the NDL website. The law of woman lifeLeave the NDL website. A brief history of the Revolution, with a sketch of the life of Captain John Hewson : including the Constitution of the United States, a statistical view of the grand federal procession, Mr. Wilson's oration, Washington's farewell address, etc. etcLeave the NDL website. Civil rights in the U.SLeave the NDL website. A sermon delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Newburyport, August 23, 1857 ; commemorative of the character of Miss Mary C. Greenleaf, late a missionary teacher at Wapanucka, in the Chickasaw NationLeave the NDL website. Twenty years for free speech!Leave the NDL website. The Burgoyne campaign : Bemis Heights, Sept'r 19th and Oct'r 7th, 1777 ; HauverIsland and its fortificationsLeave the NDL website. Journal of Lucia Ruggles HolmanLeave the NDL website. Biographical sketch of Doctor Jonathan Potts, directer general of the hospitals of the northern and middle departments in the War of the Revolution : with extracts from his correspondenceLeave the NDL website. Fourth annual convention, First Presbyterian Church, Greeley, October 11th and 12th, 1898Leave the NDL website. The Women's Trade Union League of IllinoisLeave the NDL website. Address of the officers and standing committee of the New Jersey Monument AssociationLeave the NDL website. How to get un-arrested : a new law that clears up your arrest record if you are not convictedLeave the NDL website. ...The needs of self-supporting womenLeave the NDL website. Military (1776-'79) transactions of ...Colonel... Arent Schuyler de Peyster, born 27th June, 1736, at New York, U.S.A., died November, 1822 (1823?), at Dumfries, Scotland... also, details of the discovery of the Ellice and de Peyster Islandsin the Pacific Ocean, in May, 1819, by Arent Schuyler de Peyster, nephew of Colonel A.S. de P., born 4th April, 1779, died 7 May, 1863, at New York ; the former the grandson, the latter the great grandson, of de Heer Abraham de Peyster, Sr.Leave the NDL website. The battle of Elizabethtown : speech delivered on the occasion of the annual celebration at the Guilford battle ground, July 4th, 1901, at which time was unveiled the colonial column, and a monument to Captain Jameso Morehead of the 10th Regiment North Carolina Continental LineLeave the NDL website. The attempted deportation of John Strachey : abstract of the proceedings before the District Director of Immigration at ChicagoLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. The legal condition of girls and women in MichiganLeave the NDL website. The general introduction to the two tracts on civil liberty, the war in America, and the finances of the kingdom...Leave the NDL website. 'The appropriate sphere of women' : a discourse delivered in the Bowdoin Street Church, July 9, 1837Leave the NDL website. Monument at Fort Recovery, Ohio... : speech of William E. Tou Velle, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives Friday, April 10, 1908Leave the NDL website. Additional observations on the nature and value of civil liberty, and the war with America : also observations on schemes for raising money by public loans; an historical deduction and analysis of the national debt; and a brief account of the debts and resources of FranceLeave the NDL website. How Senator Borah handles facts : our revolutionary debt to FranceLeave the NDL website. Unveiling of the monument tothe memory of Captain John Brady at Muncy, Pa., on Wednesday, October 15th, 1879Leave the NDL website. Considerations on the measures carrying on with respect to the British colonies in North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The controversy between Great-Britain and her colonies reviewed : the several pleas of the colonies in support of their right to all the liberties and privileges of British subjects, and to exemption from the legislative authority of Parliament, stated and considered; and the nature of their connection with, and dependence on Great-Britain, shown upon the evidence of historical facts and authenticLeave the NDL website. Women and the problem of earning a livingLeave the NDL website. Address to the United States Senate and House of RepresentativesLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of manuscripts and relics in Washington's Head-quarters, Newburgh, N. Y. ; with historical sketch, prepared for the trustees under act of May 11, 1874Leave the NDL website. Form of constitution under which local councils of women may be organized in harmony with the National Council of Women of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Our press censorship : the case of Freeman Knowles of the Lantern. -- DeadwoodLeave the NDL website. My lady of the search-lightLeave the NDL website. Anti-suffrage campaign manual, endorsed by Women's Anti-Suffrage Association of MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. The flight of American loyalists to the British IslesLeave the NDL website. The completed sets of the signers of the Declaration of independence, 1925Leave the NDL website. Record of 83rd Con-ress on legislation affecting civil libertiesLeave the NDL website. The expedition of Lafayette against Arnold : a paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, January 14th, 1878Leave the NDL website. A Catholic clergyman's reasons for equal suffrageLeave the NDL website. Dark days of the Republic : farmer Washington's vision ; the catching of Moses DunbarLeave the NDL website. Washington and his army at Acquackanonk, an incident of the retreat of 'seventy-six : an address delivered at Passaic, New Jersey, October 18, 1901, on the occasion of the unveiling of a monument commemorating the crossing of the Passaic River at Acquackanonk by Washington and his army, on November 21-22, 1776Leave the NDL website. June, 1977 supplement to ACLU practice manual on military discharge upgradingLeave the NDL website. Gen. Francis Nash : an address, delivered at the unveiling of a monument to General Nash, voted by Congress at the Guilford battle ground, July 4, 1906Leave the NDL website. Present Phases of the divorce questionLeave the NDL website. Nathan Hale : a poem, delivered before the Alumni Association of Columbia College, October 27, 1858Leave the NDL website. Letters and advice to young girls and young ladies, on dress, education, marriage, their sphere, influence, women's work, women's rights etc.Leave the NDL website. Address delivered before a committee ofthe Massachusetts Legislature, February 6, 1878, in opposition to a petition togrant suffrage in municipal affairs to women taxpayersLeave the NDL website. War aimsLeave the NDL website. Unequal jusice under law : women and the ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. The young lady's Sunday book : a practical manual of the Christian duties of piety, benevolence and self-government, prepared with particular reference to the formation of the female characterLeave the NDL website. Colonel John Brown, of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, the brave accuser of Benedict Arnold : an address delivered before the Fort Renssilaer Chapter of the D.A.R. and others, at the village of Palatine Bridge, New York, September 29, 1908Leave the NDL website. Narrative of Jonathan Rathbun, with accurate accounts of the capture Groton Fort, the massacre that followed, and the sacking and burning of New London, September 6, 1781, by the British forces, under the command of the traitor Renedict Arnold : together with an interesting appendixLeave the NDL website. The Center diary : a newsletter for members of the Center for the Study of Democratic InstitutionsLeave the NDL website. Women's clubs and public librariesLeave the NDL website. Report from the committee to whom was referred, on the twenty-second instant, the memorial of Justina Adelaide Maxime se Grasse and Melanie Veronique Maxime de Gress, in behalf ofathemselves, ans their absent sisters, Amelie and Silvie de Grasse, daughters of the late compte de Grasse; together with the said memorial, and a former memorial, presented the 13th Feb. 1795, with the report thereon. December 27, 1797Leave the NDL website. Letters of Samuel Cooper to Thomas Pownall, 1769-1777Leave the NDL website. Program of the Monday Club, season of 1894-5 : a study of PlatoLeave the NDL website. Burgoyne's surrender : an oration delivered on the one hundredth anniversary ofthe event, October 17, 1877, at Schuylerville, N. YLeave the NDL website. Smash censorship! : report, Grand Mass Meeting, Madison Square Garden, Jan. 14, 1924Leave the NDL website. MarijuanaLeave the NDL website. Address at the unveiling of the statur of Colonel William Prescott, on Bunker Hill, June 17, 1881Leave the NDL website. Nantucket in the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Democracy in trade unions : a survey, with a program of actionLeave the NDL website. Major John Garrett, slain July 3, 1778 : a forgotten hero of the massacre of Wyoming, PennsylvaniaLeave the NDL website. Address to the Women's Rights Committee of the Ohio LegislatureLeave the NDL website. Who's Un-American? : an answer to the "patriots"Leave the NDL website. Battle of Kings Mountain, fought October 7, 1780, and other important dataLeave the NDL website. History of the Battle of Bunker (Breed's) Hill, on June 17, 1775, from authentic sources in print and manuscriptLeave the NDL website. A brief history of the Rhode Island Woman Suffrage Association during twenty-four years, from 1868 to 1893Leave the NDL website. Wedding customs then and nowLeave the NDL website. Memorials of Col. Jehu EyreLeave the NDL website. Observations relative to the execution of Major Andre as a spy, in 1780, correcting errors and refuting false imputationsLeave the NDL website. EphemeraLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention, held at the Broadway Tabernacle, in the City of New York, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 6th and 7th, 1853Leave the NDL website. ...The woman home-maker in the city : a study of statistics relating to married women in the City of Rochester, N.Y., at the Census of 1920Leave the NDL website. Why man needs woman's ballotLeave the NDL website. Manual for political equality clubsLeave the NDL website. The speech of General Conway, member of Parliament for Saint Edmondsbury, on moving in the House of Commons, (on the 5th of May, 1780), "That leave be given to bring in a bill foryquieting the troubles now reigning in the British colonies in America, and for enabling His Majesty to appoint commissioners, with full powers to treat, and conclude upon terms of conciliation with the said colonies"Leave the NDL website. In memoriam, Phebe Caroline ClarkLeave the NDL website. An American sea captain of colonial timesLeave the NDL website. Evils of the Revolutionary WarLeave the NDL website. The lady's self-instructor in millinery, mantua making and all branches of plain sewing, with particular directions for cutting out dresses, etc., illustrated with fourteen engravingsLeave the NDL website. In the Supreme Court of the United States, October term, 1873, Virginia L. Minor, et al., plaintiffs in error vs. Reese Happersett, defendant in error : statement and brief of plaintiffs in error...Leave the NDL website. Fort Moultrie Centennial : being an illustrated account of the doings at Fort Moultrie, Sullivan's Island, Charleston (S.C.) HarborLeave the NDL website. Abstract of Colorado state laws affecting the rights and property of womenLeave the NDL website. The girl that disappears : the real facts about the white slave trafficLeave the NDL website. Votes for menLeave the NDL website. Woman's dress : its moral and physical relations : being an essay delivered before the World's Health Convention, New York City, Nov., 1864Leave the NDL website. The American housewife at work : a statistical examination of the proposed restriction of the Chicago School Board, prohibiting the continuance of teaching after matrimonyLeave the NDL website. Hearing before the United States Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage, held in the Marble Room of the United States Senate, on the 13th day of February, 1900, at 10 o'clock a.m.Leave the NDL website. Observations on the fifth article of the treaty with America : and on the necessity of appointing a judicial enquiry into the merits and losses of the American loyalistsLeave the NDL website. Silas Deane, diplomat of the Revolution : a paper read before the Society of Colonial Dames of PennsylvaniaLeave the NDL website. Centennial Assopciation of Valley Forge, June 19th, 1778-June 19th, 1878Leave the NDL website. Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pa /freedoms Foundation at Valley ForgeLeave the NDL website. Reports of standing committees, fourth biennial, May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 1901, Council Bluffs, Ia.Leave the NDL website. Excellence and influence of the female character : a sermon, preached in the Presbyterian Church in Murray-Street, at the request of the New-York Female Missionary SocietyLeave the NDL website. The free and the brave : a letter to the House Un-American Activities Committee on the Mundt-Nixon billLeave the NDL website. Presenting the American Civil Liberties Union : What are its principles, how does it work, where does it get its money, who controls its policies?Leave the NDL website. Report on interference with Madison Square Garden meeting against Austrian Fascism, held in New York City on February 16, 1934, : together with the findings of the Board of Directors and two minority dissents, submitted to the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties UnionLeave the NDL website. By-laws of the Board of Directors of the Home Club, May, 1892Leave the NDL website. Unveiling of the memorial to the mothers of the Revolution, October 9, 1921Leave the NDL website. Observations on a pamphlet, entitled, a short history of opposition, during the last Session of Parliament ; with a postscript to the author....edderburne, Gibbon and M'PhersonLeave the NDL website. The Boston MassacreLeave the NDL website. Corporal punishment in the public schools : The use of force in controlling student behaviorLeave the NDL website. The woman and the universityLeave the NDL website. Letters and addresses on woman suffrage by Catholic ecclesiasticsLeave the NDL website. The valiant woman : a sermon preached at the requiem Eucharist in S. Stephen's Church, Providence, Rhode Island, on Saturday, December 10, A.D. 1904, in memory of Anne Ives Carrington Dwight Ames, who fell asleep in Jesus on November 10, A.D. 1904Leave the NDL website. The weapon of fear : an addressLeave the NDL website. Married college women in business and the professionsLeave the NDL website. Combatting undemocratic pressures on schools and libraries : a guide for local communitiesLeave the NDL website. Original planning and construction of Bunker Hill MonumentLeave the NDL website. An American's offering : a recitative ode, on events of revolutionary times, in five cantos, with historical notes, and memoranda illustrative of the truth of the poem, dedécated to the American peolpLeave the NDL website. Proceedings on the one hundredth anniversary of introduction and adoption of the "Resolutions respecting independency," held in Philadelphia on the evening of June 7, 1876, at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and on July 4, 1876, at the Hall of IndependenceLeave the NDL website. The light under the bushel : womanhood suffrageLeave the NDL website. An analysis of the proposal for independent citizenship for women, together with a summary of the present law of citizenship and naturalizationLeave the NDL website. The stragetic [sic] relations of New Jersey to the war for American IndependenceLeave the NDL website. ...Extending the right of suffrage to women...report to accompany H. Res. 25...Leave the NDL website. The strange case of Mrs. Eaton : a woman deprived of the custody of her two little children in a divorce case in New Jersey, solely on the ground of her religious and political views, the only such case on recordLeave the NDL website. Centennial orations commemorative of the opening of the American Revolution : with other proceedings, 1874-1875Leave the NDL website. The ceremonies at the unveiling of the monument over the remains of Major General William SmallwoodLeave the NDL website. What the ballot will do for women and for menLeave the NDL website. American Civil Liberties Union FoudationLeave the NDL website. Should we ask for suffrage?Leave the NDL website. Reprint of a short biography of Colonel Ebenezer Allen, known in the New Hampshire Grants, as captain or major, A.D. 1777, before and after : also, short biographies of Lieutenant Samuel Allen and Dr. Jacob Roebeck : in addition some reminiscences of Lake Champlain, reprinted in partLeave the NDL website. Lynching and debt-slaveryLeave the NDL website. The constitutional relations of the American Colonies to the English government at the commencement of the American Revolution : a paper read before the American Historical Association, in Boston, May 23, 1887Leave the NDL website. Address of the National Woman Suffrage Association to the National Republican Convention, Philadelphia, Pa., June 10th, 1876Leave the NDL website. Sociology in the higher education of womenLeave the NDL website. Oration at the dedication of a monument to the memory of John Hart, one of the signers of the Declaration of independence from New Jersey, at Hopewell, Mcrcer County, New Jersey, July 4th, 1865Leave the NDL website. Shirts! : a survey of the new "shirt" organizations in the United States seeking a fascist dictatorshipLeave the NDL website. The past, present, and future of women : the domestic, social, educational, marital, industrial, mercantile, executive, political, legislative, progressive, civilizing and ethical aspects of the subjectLeave the NDL website. A letter from Lieut. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, K. B. to the commissioners of public accounts, relative to some observations in their seventh report, which may be judged to imply censure onnthe late commanders in chief of His Majesty's army in North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Police power and citizen's rights : the case for an independent police review boardLeave the NDL website. The battle of Kings Mountain : speech in the House of Representatives, Saturday, May 5, 1906Leave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : hearings before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, sixty-second Congress, second session... February 14, 1912Leave the NDL website. Michigan laws relating to women and girls : a comprehensive digest of the statutory law and amendments thereto as they relate to women and girls ; also, pointed decisions of the Supreme Court of Michigan affecting sameLeave the NDL website. How to get your personal file : the new freedom of information act & personal files : what the act says, how to use it, where to get helpLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage by federal constitutional amendmentLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage from a neutral point of viewLeave the NDL website. Bills in Congress for freedom of the airLeave the NDL website. The relation of women to municipal reform : a paper read at the Conference for Good City Government, Philadelphia, January 25, 1894Leave the NDL website. Benedict Arnold at SaratogaLeave the NDL website. Women and democracyLeave the NDL website. A brief memoir of General David Cobb, of the Revolutionary ArmyLeave the NDL website. The American Legion and civil libertyLeave the NDL website. The Smith act : its origin, use, poison. --Leave the NDL website. Oration of Henry Armitt Brown, on the one hundredth anniversary of the meeting of Congress in Carpenters' Hall, and proceedings in connection therewithLeave the NDL website. International Council of Women, assembled by the National Woman Suffrage Association of th United States to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the first woman's rights convention, Albaugh's Opera House, Washington, D.C., March 25th to april 1st, 1888, inclusiveLeave the NDL website. The pocket souvenir of the Bunker Hill Centennial, Boston, June seventeenth, 1875, comprising plan of city of Boston, and the attack on Bunker's Hill, Charlestown, June 17, 1775, from the original, drawn by an American volunteer in 1775 : an account of the battle from the original report of the Massachusetts Congress : route of the procession, June 17th, 1875, etcLeave the NDL website. What is the American Civil Liberties Union? : an idea, beliefs, action, organization, peopleLeave the NDL website. An account of the war in the middle colonies : extracted from a late author. London, 1780. 55 p. 18 cmLeave the NDL website. Southern women look at lynchingLeave the NDL website. The Equal rights amendmentLeave the NDL website. The Gwinnett BibleLeave the NDL website. In memoriam, Mrs. Edward Ely, died February 17, 1876Leave the NDL website. Siege of the fort of St. Johns in 1775Leave the NDL website. Report of a committee appointed by the Massachusetts Historical Society on exchanges of prisoners during the American Revolutionary War, presented Dec. 19, 1861Leave the NDL website. The women's uprising : a sermon of the Women's Congress, held in Chicago, May 15-21, 1893Leave the NDL website. Public television : a question of survival : a report of the American Civil Liberties UnionLeave the NDL website. Speech of Wendell Phillips, Esq., at the convention held at Worcester, October 15 and 16, 1851Leave the NDL website. Legal tactics for labor's rightsLeave the NDL website. "It happens here" : Just a few incidents within the last year to show how free speech is gagged and the rights of labor are attacked, and how methods which look a good deal like European fascism are used hereLeave the NDL website. What is a normal pelvis?Leave the NDL website. The siege of Newport, August, 1778Leave the NDL website. Memorandum on the origins of the ACLULeave the NDL website. A protest against the granting of municipal suffrage to women in the City of Chicago : addresses to the Honorable the Committee on Municipal Elections of the Charter ConventionLeave the NDL website. United States vs. Heywood : why the defendant should be releasedLeave the NDL website. Provisions of state constitutions regarding religious freedomLeave the NDL website. Censorship of comic books : a statement in opposition on civil liberties groundsLeave the NDL website. Pulaski vindicated from an unsupported charge,inconsiderately or malignantly introduced in Judge Johnson's Sketches of the life and correspondence of Major Gen. Nathaniel GreeneLeave the NDL website. Arguments before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives in favor of a Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, that shall protect the right of women citizens to vote in the several states of the UnionLeave the NDL website. "Love, courtship and marriage"Leave the NDL website. Race bias in housingLeave the NDL website. An address delivered at the centrnnial celebration of the battle of Germantown, October 4, 1877Leave the NDL website. Historical sketch of Major Joseph Hawley of Northampton, Mass., 1723-1788Leave the NDL website. Lafayette on the centenary of his visit to Illinois, 1825Leave the NDL website. Circular [explaining the design of the Association and soliciting support for the erection of a monument]Leave the NDL website. A boarding home for working girlsLeave the NDL website. Program of the thirty-eighth annual convention of the Colorado Federation of Women's Clubs, Durango, Colorado, July 12th through 16th, 1932Leave the NDL website. Observations on the fifth article of the treaty with America : and on the necessity of appointing a judicial enquiry into the merits and losses of the American LoyalistsLeave the NDL website. Crowning constitutional argument of Mary E. WalkerLeave the NDL website. The legal condition of women in MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage a right, not a privilegeLeave the NDL website. Minutes of the meeting of the National Council in New York City, April 23, 1966. --Leave the NDL website. Litigation under the amended Federal Freedom of information act : conference handbookLeave the NDL website. Constitution and by-laws of the Association for the Advancement of WomanLeave the NDL website. A summary of the chief points of the United States marriage and divorce report of 1909Leave the NDL website. The government and the market basket : address to the Jubilce Convention of theNational American Woman Suffrage Association, St. Louis, Mo., March 1919Leave the NDL website. Woman, the eternal questionLeave the NDL website. The case against the death penaltyLeave the NDL website. The invasion of Long IslandLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage unnatural and inexpedientLeave the NDL website. Sedition, criminal syndicalism, criminal anarchy lawsLeave the NDL website. The eight-hour day for womenLeave the NDL website. Nothing to do : an accompaniment to "Nothing to wear," by a lady, with illustrationsLeave the NDL website. Memorandum on specific methods for promoting good will among racial groups in IllinoisLeave the NDL website. Ethan Allen's Narrative of the capture of Ticonderoga, and of his capture and treatment by the BritishLeave the NDL website. ACLU through the decades, 1920's-1970'sLeave the NDL website. Address before the California Woman's Club, San Francisco, May 30, 1907Leave the NDL website. An address delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the Bunker Hill Monument, June 17, 1825Leave the NDL website. Protection of the health and motherhood of the working women of Illinois : the campaign to up-hold the ten-hour lawLeave the NDL website. The twentieth century home builder, being a treatise on the home, and woman as the builder of homeLeave the NDL website. The prohibition of night work for womenLeave the NDL website. The pacifist bogey : an apology to prospective citizens : the cases of alien pacifists in the courts, the schwimmer, Macintosh and other decisionsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings, National Conference on Local Race Relations and Minority Group Problems, Nov. 13-14, Public Administration Clearing House, Nov. 14-16, International House, ChicagoLeave the NDL website. Gazette Françoise : an account of the French newspaper printed on the press of the French fleet at Newport, Rhode Island, 1780 and 1781Leave the NDL website. Civil liberties in American colonies : a survey of interference with civil rights of natives and of the forms of American control, with proposed remediesLeave the NDL website. The Alabama prison system : an analysis and estimate of the cost and economic considerations resulting from the orders of the United States District Court in Pugh v. Locke (Civil action no. 74-57-n) and James V. Wallece (Civil action no. 74-203-n) 406 F. Supp. 318 (M.D. Ala. 1976)Leave the NDL website. Public and social service as vocations for college women ; together with a statement of preparatory professional courses offered by the colleges belonging to the Association of College AlumnaeLeave the NDL website. The life and Character of Maj. General Putnam : an address delivered at a meeting of the descendants of Maj. General Israel Putnam, at Putnam, Conn., Oct. 25,1855Leave the NDL website. Women in politics, their achievements and their opportunities : proceedings of the Eighth Annual Barnard Forum, sponsored by metropolitan alumnae groups of forty-five colleges and universities, the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, February 18, 1956Leave the NDL website. The first triennial meeting will be held at Albaugh's Grand Opera House, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, February 22, 23, 24 and 25, 1891Leave the NDL website. Biographical notes concerning General Richard Montgomery : together with hitherto unpublished lettersLeave the NDL website. The Double job in civil rightsLeave the NDL website. A plea for the new womanLeave the NDL website. Opportunities for women in domestic scienceLeave the NDL website. Do you know?Leave the NDL website. Minority parties on the ballot : a survey of restrictions on minority parties together with recommended legislationLeave the NDL website. Donations to the people of Boston suffering under the Port-BillLeave the NDL website. Woman's causeLeave the NDL website. Ticonderoga : a tribute to the revolutionaty and heroic efforts of Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain boysLeave the NDL website. The report and recommendations of the Bridgeport Vice CommissionLeave the NDL website. Women designers of book-platesLeave the NDL website. The French treaty of 1778, recognizing the independence of the United States : how the good news came to Falmouth...Leave the NDL website. Journal of Captain Henry Dearborn in the Quebec Expedition, 1775Leave the NDL website. Sullivan Centennial : historical addressesLeave the NDL website. The right of asylumLeave the NDL website. The Shurtleff manuscript, no. 153 : being a narrative of certain events which transpired in Canada, during the invasion of that province by the American army, in 1775Leave the NDL website. The Sullivan Road : a paper read beforethe Wyoming Valley Chapter, Daughters of the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. The portraits of John Hampden, in the Executive Mansion at Washington, and of Lafayette, in the hall of the House of Representatives of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Women and the school voteLeave the NDL website. Conscription and the "conscientious objector" : facts regarding exemption from the military service under the Conscription actLeave the NDL website. Washington, Steuben and the Continental Army, servants of democracy : an address at the celebration of the birthday of Baron Steuben, held in the Steuben Memorial Park, Steuben, New York, on September 22, 1940, under the auspices of the Carl SchurzaSocietyLeave the NDL website. Handbook for employers of women : summary of the provisions of the laws of Wisconsin regulating the employment of women, and suggestions for improved house-keeping and supervisionLeave the NDL website. The distribution of population in the American Colonies in the revolutionary periodLeave the NDL website. Memorial services in honor of Mrs. Mary HemenwayLeave the NDL website. The centennial situation of woman : address of Alexander H. Bullock, at the commencement anniversary of Mount Holyoke Seminary, Massachusetts, June 22, 1876Leave the NDL website. American independence the interest and glory of Great Britain : containing arguments which prove, that not only in taxation, but in trade, manufactures, and government, the Colonies are entitled to an entire independency on the British legislature ; and that it can only be by a formal declaration of these rights, and forming thereupon a friendly league with them, that the true and lasting welfare of both countries can be promoted. In a series of letters to the legislatureLeave the NDL website. Is woman suffrage an enlightened and justifiable policy for the state?Leave the NDL website. The tea-burners of Cumberland County who showed their resistance to British tyranny and unjust taxation by burning a cargo of East India tea on the evening of December 22, 1774, at Greenwich, New JerseyLeave the NDL website. Reunion of the pioneers and friends of woman's progress, on the eightieth birthday of Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Metropolitan Opera House, New York, Tuesday evening, November 12, 1895Leave the NDL website. BondwomenLeave the NDL website. Continental Congress : a paper read before the Illinois Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Chicago, Illinois, Feb. 11, 1892Leave the NDL website. An account of a new portrait of Thomas Lynch, JrLeave the NDL website. Sepulture of Major General Nathanael Greene , and of brig. Gen. Count casimir PulaskiLeave the NDL website. The associated work of the women in IndianaLeave the NDL website. Report by the American Civil Liberties Union on the issuance of passportsLeave the NDL website. A history of the fight at Concord, on the 19th of April, 1775 : with a particular account of the military operations and interesting events of that ever memorable day, showing that then and there the first regular and forcible resistance was made to the British soldiery, and the first British blood was shed by armed Americans, and the Revolutionary War thus commenced. --Leave the NDL website. Speech on the claims of the officers of the Revolutionary Army : delivered in Senate of the United States, January 5, 1857Leave the NDL website. Thoughts on female suffrage and in vindication of woman's true rightsLeave the NDL website. Special bulletinLeave the NDL website. Exchange of Major-General Charles LeeLeave the NDL website. Lessons of the Yorktown Centennial : address delivered in Richmond, on 22d October, 1881, by request of the City CouncilLeave the NDL website. An oration delivered at Charlestown, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1850Leave the NDL website. Woman as a physician, illustrious examples drawn from history : the advantages of the female medical student of today compared with those of her predecessors, with suggestions as to their proper utilizationLeave the NDL website. So this is free speech! : news pictures taken during 1933-34 in labor and farm strikes, in unemployed demonstrations, showing violent attacks by police and troops in making arrests and in dispersing assemblagesLeave the NDL website. Report of the General Counsel to the National Council of the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, April 23, 1966Leave the NDL website. General Stark and the battle of BenningtonLeave the NDL website. The first pamphlet proposing the creation of committees of correspondence to redeem the Constitution of the United States by causing the impeachment of Richard M. NixsonLeave the NDL website. The struggle of thirteen states for thirteen years to create a government, 1776-1789 : an address delivered before the Bunker Hill Monument Association, June 17, 1912Leave the NDL website. Souvenir of Lexington, 1775-1875Leave the NDL website. How Mississippi laws discriminate against womenLeave the NDL website. A friendly address to all reasonable Americans on the subject of our political confusion : in which the necessary consequences of violently opposing the king's troops, and of a general non-importation are fairly statedLeave the NDL website. The life of John Newton, a loyalist of the memorable Revolution of 1776 : his attachment to the mother country, his banishment to Nova Scotia, his eternal hatred to the United States flag, his subsequent piratical cruelties on the Eastern coast during the late struggles of 1812 and 13 ; together with a compendious and well-authenticated account of his cruel and illfated family, whose lives paid the penalty of their crimsLeave the NDL website. Woman's rights vs woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Hate groups and the Un-American Activities CommitteeLeave the NDL website. The Battle of Moore's Greek BridgeLeave the NDL website. Women's wages and the cost of livingLeave the NDL website. The theory of the marriage tieLeave the NDL website. Second triennial session of the National Council of Women of the United States, Washington, D.C., Metzerott's Music Hall, February 17th to March 2nd, 1895Leave the NDL website. ...Admission of Wyoming into the UnionLeave the NDL website. Some of my reasons why I think Congress has a constitutional right to make the laws that I have requested it to enact in my petition, and why I think Congress will have to exercise this right in order to presserve our Federal GovernmentLeave the NDL website. Dilemmas in liberalismLeave the NDL website. Report of the delegates from Louisiana to the National Divorce Congress, held in 1907Leave the NDL website. One hundred and fifty years of the Bill of Rights, with supplement of additional material to June, 1941Leave the NDL website. Violence in Peekskill : a report of the violations of civil liberties at two Paul Robeson concerts near Peekskill N.Y., August 27th and September 4th, 1949Leave the NDL website. Oration on the one hundredth anniversary of the introduction of the "Resolutions respecting independency," delivered onJune 7, 1876, at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts,ePhiladelphia ; with theproceedings on the occasionLeave the NDL website. How Virginia laws discriminate against womenLeave the NDL website. Woman's suffrageLeave the NDL website. Fourth annual meeting and amended constitutionLeave the NDL website. Hearing before the United States Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage, held in the Marble Room of the United States Senate, on the 13th day of February, 1900, at 10 o'clock a.m.Leave the NDL website. Paul Revere : mechanic-citizen-patriotLeave the NDL website. The exodus of the loyalists from Penobscot to Passamaquoddy (with map)Leave the NDL website. A memorial of the Woman's Industrial League of AmericaLeave the NDL website. No female suffrage! : Attila : theology, logic, anatomy, physiology and philology united, to establish the truism that the woman is no human being...Leave the NDL website. The treason of Benedict Arnold : a lecture delivered before a society of young men in NorthamptonLeave the NDL website. Since the Buford sailed : a summary of the developments in the deportation situationLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage in New Jersey : an address delivered at a hearing before the New Jersey Legislature, March 6th, 1867Leave the NDL website. The Bible and woman : a critical comprehensive examination of the teaching of the scriptures concerning the position and sphere of womanLeave the NDL website. March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom : Final plans for the march on Washington for jobs and freedom, August 28, 1963Leave the NDL website. France and the United States : historical reviewLeave the NDL website. Victory Convention (1869-1920) of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, including the Susan B. Anthony Centenary Celebration and the Anna Howard Shaw Memorial, together with the First National Congress of the League of Women Voters, Congress Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, February 12th to 18th, 1920Leave the NDL website. Addresses at the opening and closing of the second triennial session of the National Council of Women of the United States, held in Washington, D.C., February 18 to March 2, 1895Leave the NDL website. Official programme of the Yorktown Centennial Celebration, October 18, 19, 20, 21, 1881Leave the NDL website. Opportunities for women in the municipal civil service of the City of New YorkLeave the NDL website. Report of the Woman's Rights Convention, held at Seneca Falls, N.Y., July 19th and 20th, 1848Leave the NDL website. John Adams and the finances of revolutionary days : address, February 22d, 1899Leave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Safety Committee for the town of Wilmington, N. C., from 1774 to 1776, printed from the original recordLeave the NDL website. A history of the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs from 1894 to 1927Leave the NDL website. Memoir of Captain Nathan HaleLeave the NDL website. One man with courage is a majority : the keynote address delivered at the sixthannual principal awards presentation ceremonies of Freedoms Foundation at Valley ForgeLeave the NDL website. The worth of a girlLeave the NDL website. Amnesty questions & answersLeave the NDL website. Valley Forge letterLeave the NDL website. A lecture on woman's rights, delivered before the people's Sunday meeting, in Cochituate Hall, Boston, on Sunday, October 19th, 1851Leave the NDL website. The woman and her accusers : a plea for the Midnight Mission, delivered in several of the churches of New York and BrooklynLeave the NDL website. A labor union "Bill of Rights," democracy in labor unions : the Kennedy-Ives bill : statementsLeave the NDL website. A rejoinder to Mr. Bancroft's historical essay on President ReedLeave the NDL website. Restore the rights of citizenship to the 1500 Espionage act victimsLeave the NDL website. Reports of the standing committees of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, at its fourth annual meeting, Chicago, October 17 to 21, 1898Leave the NDL website. How Americans protest : a statement on the civil rights demonstrationsLeave the NDL website. A chapter in American history : sketches of the Revolutionary War, giving an account of the storming of Fort Griswold, on Groton Heights, on the 6th day of September, 1781... with the addition of a few small pieces, for evening reading for those who stay homeLeave the NDL website. Director's report, 1965. --Leave the NDL website. Woman as a political factorLeave the NDL website. The journal of Lieut. William Feltman, of this First Pennsylvania Regiment, 1781-82 : including the march into Virginiaand the siege of YorktownLeave the NDL website. Sedition! : The first federal peacetime prosecution for utterances and publications since the Alien and sedition act of 1798 ...Leave the NDL website. The clemency program : a manual of procedures and defensesLeave the NDL website. What think ye of the Congress now? : or, An enquiry, how far the Americans are bound to abide by, and execute the decisions of, the late Congress?Leave the NDL website. One woman's work for farm women : the story of Mary A. Mayo's part in rural social movementsLeave the NDL website. Amend the Constitution relative to equal rights for men and women : statements presented to Subcommittee No. 2 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, seventy-ninth Congress, first session, on H.J. Res. 1, H.J. Res. 5, H.J. Res. 30, H.J. Res. 42, H.J. Res. 49, H.J. Res. 66, H.J. Res. 71, H.J. Res. 80, H.J. Res. 82, and H.J. Res. 96, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to equal rights for men and womenLeave the NDL website. A short view of the history of the New England colonies : with respect to their charters and constitution. The 4th ed., to which is now added, an account of a conference between the late Mr. Grenville and the several colony agents, in the year 1764, previous to the passing the Stamp act. Also the original charter granted in the 4th of Charles I, and never before printed in EnglandLeave the NDL website. Seeing red : civil liberty and law in the period of following the warLeave the NDL website. Presenting the American Civil Liberties Union : What are its principles, how does it work, where does it get its money, who controls its policies?Leave the NDL website. Mr. Lex : or, The legal status of mother and childLeave the NDL website. Letter to Lord Mahon, being an answer to his letter addresses to the editor of Washington's writingsLeave the NDL website. The Tories of the Upper OhioLeave the NDL website. General LafayetteLeave the NDL website. The social position of woman in different periods of history : a lecture, delivered to the members and friends of the Malvern Working Men's & Literary InstituteLeave the NDL website. Patriotism, true and false : an indictment of governmental subserviency to special interests, together with an historical survey of the decline of the spirit of 1776, and some words of advice and warning to public officialsLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : meeting of the Wisconsin advocates of the movementLeave the NDL website. A common-sense view of woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. History creates our clients : the ACLU's 50-year recordLeave the NDL website. A report on the costs and benefits of electronic surveillance, 1972Leave the NDL website. The centennial history of the battle of Bennington : compiled from the most reliable sources, and fully illustrated with original documents and entertaining anecdotes : Col. Seth Warner's identity in the first action completely establishedLeave the NDL website. National Council of Women of the United SatesLeave the NDL website. Prisoners' self-help litigation manualLeave the NDL website. The significance of the declaration of independence, delivered at the fourth of July celebration on the S/S Leviathan, on July 4, 1929Leave the NDL website. Then...and nowLeave the NDL website. An oration, commemorative of the surrender of Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis, at Yorktown, 19th Oct. 1781 : delivered at the seat of government on the evening of February 21stLeave the NDL website. A moral review of the Revolutionary War: or some of the evils of that event considered : a discourse delivered at the Unitarian Church, Augusta, Sabbath evening, March 13th, 1842, with an introductory address, and notesLeave the NDL website. The National Guard and the Constitution : an ACLU legal studyLeave the NDL website. Introductory remarks of S. V. White, Presiding at the laying of the corner of the Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument, in Fort Greene Park, Borough of Brooklyn, N. Y., Saturday, Octobere 26th, 1907Leave the NDL website. Policies concerning civil rights in labor relationsLeave the NDL website. Address delivered before the Judiciary Committee of the Senate of the State of New York, March 24th, 1897Leave the NDL website. A diary of Peter Edes, the oldest printer in the United States, written during his confinement in Boston, by the British, one hundred and seven days, in the year 1775, immediately afteruthe battle ofBunker HillLeave the NDL website. The status of women under the laws of the State of MississippiLeave the NDL website. Narrative of James Moody, giving an account of his exertions and sufferings in the cause of government, since the year 1776, authenticated by proper certificatesLeave the NDL website. How not to get hooked by the new prostitution lawLeave the NDL website. Statement of some of the principal facts, which took place in the RevolutionaryWar, in and about the County of Barnstable, on Cape CodLeave the NDL website. How women can best serve the state : anaddress before the State Federation of Women's Clubs, Troy , N.Y., Octover 30, 1907Leave the NDL website. Valley Forge and the French allianceLeave the NDL website. Dialogues in the shades : between General Wolfe, General Montgomery, David Hume, George Grenville, and Charles TownshendLeave the NDL website. The invasion of Canada in 1775Leave the NDL website. Women in the Federal serviceLeave the NDL website. Legal discrimination against religious disbelievers : a survey of state laws affecting the testimony of atheists and disbelievers in a personal GodLeave the NDL website. ...Victoria C. Woodhull : a biographical sketchLeave the NDL website. Black JusticeLeave the NDL website. Oration delivered on the occasion of the reinterment of the remains of General Hugh Mercer before the St. Andrew's and Thistle Societies, Thursday, November 26th, 1840Leave the NDL website. The rights of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America : being an answer to the Declaration of the general CongressLeave the NDL website. Joyce JuniorLeave the NDL website. Woman and the lawLeave the NDL website. Report of the Committee on Marriage and Divorce : the church and the familyLeave the NDL website. The working girls and women of New YorkLeave the NDL website. Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pa. Reports to you!Leave the NDL website. Woman as inventorLeave the NDL website. Constitution and by-laws of the National Society of New England WomenLeave the NDL website. Woman, four centuries of progress : a lecture delivered at the Freethinkers' International Congress, Chicago, Ill., October, 1893Leave the NDL website. One hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of independence, and Independence Square.Leave the NDL website. The Concord fightLeave the NDL website. The war on the Colorado miners : militia, state police, mine guards and courts all attack the rights to meet, parade and picketLeave the NDL website. Director's report, 1965. --Leave the NDL website. Brother JonathanLeave the NDL website. Objections answeredLeave the NDL website. The address of Carrie Burnham Kilgore before the Legislature of Pennsylvania : delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives, at Harrisburg, March 23d, 1881Leave the NDL website. Mothers as educatorsLeave the NDL website. Thumbs down! : the fingerprint menace to civil libertiesLeave the NDL website. Ceremony of receiving, blessing and pouring upon the grave of Etienne Nicolas Marie Béchet, sieur de Rochefontaine, later known as Lieut. Col. Stephen Rochefontaine, earth from his native city of Ay, France, and water from the neighboring river Marne, under the suspices of the Sons of the American Revolution, New York Chapter...Leave the NDL website. Ill-judged bounties tend to beggary on both sides : or, Observations on a paper, intituled [sic], Reasons for laying a duty on French and Spanish indico, and granting a bounty on what is made in the British PlantationsLeave the NDL website. The Privacy act : how it affects you, how to use itLeave the NDL website. Suffrage, the citizen's birthright : an address delivered before the Constitutional Convention of Pennsylvania, January 16th, 1873Leave the NDL website. A spur to the reluctant voter : suggestions as to the importance of votingLeave the NDL website. Civil rights vs. Mayor Hague : extracts from a hearing before Hon. William J. Clark, Judge of the Federal District Court, Newark, N.J., on an application by the American Civil Liberties Union and others for an injunction against the practices of Jersey City officials violating civil rights (March, 1937)Leave the NDL website. Report of the commissioners appointed to attend the Uniform Divorce Law Congress as delegates for the State of New JerseyLeave the NDL website. Northwestern University and woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Report of the Woman's Rights Meeting, at Mercantile Hall, May 27, 1859Leave the NDL website. Legal status of women in the United States : analysis of sex distinction in political and civil lawsLeave the NDL website. Program for work of the National League of Women Voters : reports of the standing committeesLeave the NDL website. Historical sketch of Ann Pamela Cunningham, "the Southern matron," founder of "the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association"Leave the NDL website. ...Significance of the woman suffrage movement : session of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Wednesday evening, February 9, 1910Leave the NDL website. Speech of Victoria C. Woodhull on the great political issue of constitutional equality, delivered in Lincoln Hall, Washington, Cooper Institute, New York, Academy of Music, Brooklyn, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, Opera House, Syracuse : together with her secession speech, delivered at Apollo Hall, May 12, 1871Leave the NDL website. A statement to members and friends of the American Civil Liberties Union concerning the resolution fixing qualifications for membership on our guiding committees and staffLeave the NDL website. Bills in Congress for freedom of the airLeave the NDL website. Does a man support his wife? : a discussionLeave the NDL website. MarriageLeave the NDL website. A loyalist of the St. Lawrence : an address delivered July 4, 1913, at Block House Point, North Hero, Vt.Leave the NDL website. Observations on the American Revolution : published according to a resolution of Congress, by theirf committee for the consideration of those who are desirous of comparing the conduct of the opposed parties, and the severalhconsequences which have flowed from itLeave the NDL website. Oppression: a poem : by an AmericanLeave the NDL website. Periodicals, pamphlets and booksLeave the NDL website. Woman's Security Corporation, the object...Leave the NDL website. The significance of history in a democracyLeave the NDL website. The right of women to exercise the elective franchise under the fourteenth article of the Constitution : speech in the suffrage convention at Washington, January 11, 1871...Leave the NDL website. The cow chace : by Major AndréLeave the NDL website. A brief sketch of the birth, life & sufferings of Capt. Francis Duclos (a Frenchman by birth), particularly during the American Revolution : together with a statement of the unfriendly and cruel treatment he has since received from the British government in Canada, with some remarks, both in prose and verse, by th reviser of the work...Leave the NDL website. Abbot Academy, Andover, MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. Uniform marriage and divorce lawsLeave the NDL website. The Committee on Constitutional Amendments, to whom was referred the petition of Laura Shaw and 185 others, praying for the enfranchisement of womenLeave the NDL website. A woman's sacrifice : Miss Virginia Penny's labors on behalf of the members of her sexLeave the NDL website. What shocked the censors ; a complete record of cuts in motion picture films ordered by the New York state censors from January, 1932 to March, 1933Leave the NDL website. Labor's civil rights : the position the American Civil Liberties Union on the basic issuesLeave the NDL website. Censorship of motion picturesLeave the NDL website. How to organize parent's associations or mothers' circles in public schools, with suggestions for programs for the welfare of the childLeave the NDL website. ...Vocations open to college womenLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. What freedom for American students? : a survey of the practices affecting student activities and expressionLeave the NDL website. Report of the Committee on Marriage and DivorceLeave the NDL website. EphemeraLeave the NDL website. The State Department's ban on Saklatvala : the facts in a case of international significanceLeave the NDL website. Mating or marrying, which?Leave the NDL website. Opinions on interesting subjects of public law and commercial policy, arising from American independenceLeave the NDL website. The life, voyages and sea battles of that celebrated pirate Commodore Paul Jones, still remembered by some of the old inhabitants now living in Wapping, he being originally in the coal-trade : in which are contained a variety of important facts, displaying the revolutions of fortune that this naval adventurer underwentLeave the NDL website. The married woman and her jobLeave the NDL website. The case of Rosika Schwimmer : alien pacifists not wanted!Leave the NDL website. Addresses at the unveiling of the memorial to the North Carolina women of the Confederacy, presented to the state by the late Ashley HorneLeave the NDL website. An oration delivered Charlestown, Massachusetts, on the 17th of June, 1841, in commemoration of the battle of Bunker HillLeave the NDL website. Some American women in scienceLeave the NDL website. A plan for improving female educationLeave the NDL website. What women might do with the ballot : fire preventionLeave the NDL website. East Florida as a refuge of Southern loyalists, 1774-1785Leave the NDL website. California laws concerning women, revised to 1895Leave the NDL website. The camp by Schuylkill Falls : a paper read before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, January 11, 1892Leave the NDL website. The torch bearer : a look forward and back at the Woman's journal, the organ of the woman's movementLeave the NDL website. The arguments of counsel for libellee, Helen Maria Dalton, in the Dalton divorce case, consisting of the opening address of H.F. Durant, esq., and the closing plea of Hon. RufuslChoate : the phonographic report of the Daily beeLeave the NDL website. The civil liberties crisisLeave the NDL website. Advertising as a vocation for womenLeave the NDL website. The Kentucky miners struggle : the record of a year of violence, the only complete picture of events briefly toldLeave the NDL website. Feminism : or, woman suffrage in the light of Holy ScriptureLeave the NDL website. Women and social serviceLeave the NDL website. The past, present and future of woman : the domestic, social, educational, marital, industrial, mercantile, executive, political, legislative, progressive, civilizing and ethical aspects of the entire subjectLeave the NDL website. Help admit alien pacifists to citizenship!Leave the NDL website. Socialism and Christianity, with reference to the woman questionLeave the NDL website. Address of the president of the General Federation of Women's ClubsLeave the NDL website. The new Freedom of information act & national security secrecy : what the act says, how to use it, where to get helpLeave the NDL website. Suffrage a rightLeave the NDL website. Marriage and mortalityLeave the NDL website. Edith : a story of ChinatownLeave the NDL website. The states and subversion : related federal measures, the state laws, the "un-American" committees, the ACLU stand, what's to be done?Leave the NDL website. Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pa /Valley Forge letterLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage and politics : the inner story of the suffrage movementLeave the NDL website. The objections to the taxation of our American colonies : by the ligislature of Great Britain, briefly consider'dLeave the NDL website. Unsettled revolutionary claimsLeave the NDL website. A bid for libertyLeave the NDL website. Unity Club, Fulton, Illinois, 1897-1898, organized, 1895Leave the NDL website. The woman with empty hands : the evolution of a suffragetteLeave the NDL website. Woman : her character, her position, and her treatment, from the earliest days down to the present times, being the substance of a lecture delivered before the Baltimore Addison, LyceumLeave the NDL website. Abortion clinic directoryLeave the NDL website. Biographical sketch of the Honorable Major John Habersham of GeorgiaLeave the NDL website. The importance to women of a youthful marriageLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the Wheeling Female Seminary, from 18th, 1853, to June 30th, 1854Leave the NDL website. Illinois civil rights laws : protectionfor minority groupsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the one hundredth meeting, January 28, 1893Leave the NDL website. Benedict Arnold's regimental memorandum book, written while at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1775Leave the NDL website. What women won in WisconsinLeave the NDL website. Woman versus the state : an address delivered before the Century Club of San Francisco, January 18, 1893Leave the NDL website. EphemeraLeave the NDL website. Labor's civil rights : the position of the American Civil Liberties Union on the basic issuesLeave the NDL website. A reply to the strictures of Lord Mahon and others, on the mode of editing the writings of WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Tenth anniversary dinner : Sunday, December 12, 1971, Roma Hall, Livonia, Michigan, honoring Ernest MazeyLeave the NDL website. Biographical sketch of Samuel Tyler, major and lieutenant-colonel of the Eighth Connecticut Regiment during the Revolutionary WarLeave the NDL website. Constitutional equality : the logical result of the XIV and XV amendments, which not only define who are citizens, but also prohibit the denial of the right to vote on account of sex...Leave the NDL website. EphemeraLeave the NDL website. The abuses of the military chaplaincyLeave the NDL website. Handbook of police complaintsLeave the NDL website. Letters written at the time of the occupation of Boston by the British, 1775Leave the NDL website. The Yorktown campaign of September-October, 1781Leave the NDL website. History of the first thirty-five years of the science costume movement in the United States of America : outline of woman's sanitary efforts thru resisting fashion...Leave the NDL website. Constitution and by-laws, 1900Leave the NDL website. Girls and womenLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : hearings before the Committee on Woman Suffrage, United States Senate, sixty-fourth Congress, first session, on S.J. Res. 1, a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States extending the right of suffrage to womenLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage and the social evilLeave the NDL website. What is the American Civil Liberties Union? : an idea, beliefs, action, organization, peopleLeave the NDL website. Police lawlessness against communists in New York : the facts and remedies to check future violence and force a changed police policyLeave the NDL website. Colonel William Prescott, the commander in the battle of Bunker's Hill : honor to Whom honor is dur, a monographLeave the NDL website. Equal opportunity for women wage earners : facts vs. fictionLeave the NDL website. Women's suffrage leaflets, 1860-1931Leave the NDL website. General Woodhull and his monument : an oration on the life, character, and public services, of General Nathaniel Woodhull, with an account of the origin of the Woodhull Monument AssociationLeave the NDL website. Daniel Sullivan's visits, May and June 1781, to General John Sullivan, in Philadelphia, to explain declarations in Sir Henry Clinton's secret journal : with additional commentsLeave the NDL website. A fictitious Paul Jones masquerading as the real : the accepted life of the naval hero by A.C. Buell pronouced to be an audacious historical forgeryLeave the NDL website. The French alliance : address delivered before the Rhode Island State Society of the Cineinnati, at the State House at Newport, Rhode Island, on July 4, 1904Leave the NDL website. [Report of key Congressional votes for civil liberties, rights, peace]Leave the NDL website. A history of the surrender of the British forces to the Americans and French, at Yorktown, Va : the centennial anniversary will be celebrated on the field of Yorktown, Va., October 18th, 1881Leave the NDL website. An address to the American people in behalf of a monument to be erected in commemoration of the victory of the American army, at Schuylerville, under Gens. Schuyler, Gates and Morgan, October 17th, Anno Domini 1777Leave the NDL website. Army lodges [during the Revolution] : [a paper] read before the Worshipful Masters' Association in the Madonic Temple, Boston, March 7th, 1884Leave the NDL website. Modern womenLeave the NDL website. The education of woman : an address read before the Young Ladie's Literary Society of the Genesee Wesleyan SeminaryLeave the NDL website. Woman's legal right to the ballot : an argument in support ofLeave the NDL website. Address to the United States Senate and House of RepresentativesLeave the NDL website. Contributions toward a bibliography of the higher education of women : supplement no. 1Leave the NDL website. Everywoman's road : a morality of woman, creator, worker, waster, joy-giver, and keeper of the flameLeave the NDL website. A report on the position of women in industry and education in the State of IndianaLeave the NDL website. Letter of Samuel paine, of Worcester, Mass., upon affairs in Boston, October, 1775Leave the NDL website. Missouri laws discriminating against womenLeave the NDL website. Women in radio : a view of important jobs in radio held by women, illustrated by biographical sketchesLeave the NDL website. Paul Lunt's Diary, May-December, 1775 /edited by Samuel A. GreenLeave the NDL website. Freddie Pitts and Wilbert Lee spent 12 years in prison ... the jury said they should have been executed, the judge sentenced them to death -- for a crime they didn't commitLeave the NDL website. Florida laws discriminating against womenLeave the NDL website. The Scriptural law of divorceLeave the NDL website. ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. The woman's movement in the SouthLeave the NDL website. [Report on woman's suffrage]Leave the NDL website. Education and democracyLeave the NDL website. More than the vote : the woman and her cityLeave the NDL website. The mob mind vs. civil libertyLeave the NDL website. Status of woman from the educational and industrial standpointLeave the NDL website. Where do you stand on civil liberties?Leave the NDL website. Is newspaper work healthful for women?Leave the NDL website. Constitution of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, adopted at Chicago, May 13, 1892Leave the NDL website. ...Prominent women in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. The camp by the Old Gulph Mill : an address delivered before the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution, June 19, 1893, on the occasion of dedicating the memorial stone marking the site of the encampment of the Continental Army of the Old Gulph Mill, in December, 1777Leave the NDL website. Address to the rulers of the state : in which their conduct and measures, the priciples and abilities of their opponents, and the real interest of England, with regard to America and her natural eneies, are freely canvassedLeave the NDL website. Woman's influence in politics : an address delivered at the Cooper Institute, New York, Thursday evening, Feb. 2nd, 1860Leave the NDL website. Laws of California relating to women and children ; offered to the State of California by Mrs. Willoughby Rodman, chairman of civics, Los Angels District, California Federation of Women's ClubsLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the revolutionary relics exhibited at No. 56, Beacon Street, June 1875Leave the NDL website. Report of the Special Committee on Woman Suffrage, etc., made to the General Assembly at its January session, A.D. 1874Leave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : remarks of Hon. John M. Baer of North Dakota in the House of Representatives, January 19, 1918Leave the NDL website. What women have actually done where they vote : a personal investigation into the laws, records and results of the four equal suffrage states, Colorado, Idaho, Utah and WyomingLeave the NDL website. "The right to his day in court" : shall lawyers defend those deemed to be adversaries of our governmentLeave the NDL website. In memoriam, Biene Kurz, geboren am 11, February, 1832, in Oberstein, Deutschland, Gestorben am 23, September, 1904, in Chicago, Illinois : Worte, Gesprochen am Sarge der Frau Kurz am 25, September, 1904Leave the NDL website. Addresses at the second triennial session of the National Council of Women of the United States, held in Washington, D.C., February 18 to March 2, 1895Leave the NDL website. Lafayette, the faithful one : lectureLeave the NDL website. Argument of Hon. George G. Crocker at the hearing before the Committee on Woman Suffrage, January 29, 1884Leave the NDL website. A critical examination of Gordon's history of the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. The Reed controversy: further facts with reference to the character of Joseph Reed, adjutant general on the staff of General WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Kings Mountain and its campaign : an address on occasion of the unveriling of amonument to its heroes at Guilford battleground, July 4th, 1903Leave the NDL website. Aaron BurrLeave the NDL website. Dialogue on the constitutionality of the Committee on Un-American Activities ofthe House of Representatives, 89th Congress : Professor Thomas I. Emerson, YaleLaw School, v. Director Francis J. McNamara, House Committee on Un-American ActivitiesLeave the NDL website. The relation of the sexes to governmentLeave the NDL website. A help or a hindrance?Leave the NDL website. Congressional reports on woman suffrage : the majority and minority reports of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives on the Woodhull MemorialLeave the NDL website. The test of experimentLeave the NDL website. Democracy in labor unions : a report and statement of policyLeave the NDL website. Extending the right of suffrage to women : hearings before the Committee on Woman Suffrage, House of Representatives, sixty-fifth Congress, second session, on H.J. Res. 200, January 3, 4, 5, and 7, 1918Leave the NDL website. The Bennington battle monument and centennial celebration : a statement of the Bennington Historical Society in relation to these and kindred subjects, to which is added an account of the battle of Bennington by Hiland HallLeave the NDL website. Battle of Valcour on Lake Champlain : October 11th, 1776Leave the NDL website. The principle of suffrageLeave the NDL website. The life of Gen. Edward Lacey : with a list of battles and Skirmishes in South Carolina, during the Revolutionary WarLeave the NDL website. Proceedings at the centennial of the Cherry Valley Massacre : with a sketch of the Monument Association, a description of the monument and the names of the subscribersLeave the NDL website. Institutional marriageLeave the NDL website. Woman and the suffrageLeave the NDL website. Woman and the woman's movementLeave the NDL website. A history of the national woman's rights movement, for twenty years, with the proceedings of the decade meeting, held at Apollo Hall, October 20, 1870, from 1850 to 1870...Leave the NDL website. Revolutionary reminiscences of Camden County (originally part of "Old Gloucester") : State of New JerseyLeave the NDL website. Centennial celebration of the battle of the Bennington : clippingsLeave the NDL website. Election day : a suffrage playLeave the NDL website. Questions & answers about campaign financesLeave the NDL website. An address to the Joint Legislative Committees on State Affairs, Wednesday p.m., March 13, 1895, proposing the submission to the people of a constitutional amendmentLeave the NDL website. The Declaration of independenceLeave the NDL website. One hundred years ago, how the war began : a series of sketches from original authoritiesLeave the NDL website. Crisis at the University of California : a further statement to the people of CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Editorship as a profession for womenLeave the NDL website. Unveiling of the statue of John Paul Jones, Washington, April 17, 1912Leave the NDL website. Definitive treaty of peace between the United States of America and His Britannic MajestyLeave the NDL website. Journal of the voyage of the Brunswick auxiliaries from Wolfenbüttel to QuebecLeave the NDL website. The battle of Bunker Hill : a contemporaneous report from the Connecticut courant of June 26, 1775Leave the NDL website. [Battle of Guilford Courthouse : clippings about]Leave the NDL website. Why women want to voteLeave the NDL website. Marriage and divorce : sermon preached at the First Congregational Church, Baraboo, WisLeave the NDL website. Home amusements are the magnets of the family circleLeave the NDL website. The American spy : or, freedom's early sacrifice, a tale of the Revolution, founded upon factLeave the NDL website. Women in national politicsLeave the NDL website. ...Contributions towards a bibliography of the higher education of womenLeave the NDL website. The treason of Benedict Arnold : a lecture delivered before a society of young men in NorthamptonLeave the NDL website. Major Thomas ap Thomas Jones, of Bathurst, Virginia, a revolutionary soldierLeave the NDL website. Sullivan's expedition, 1779, against the Indians of New York : a letter from Andrew McFarland Davis to Justin Winsor ; with the journal of William McKendryLeave the NDL website. The prosecution of Mary Ware Dennett for "obscenity"Leave the NDL website. Equal rights for women : a speech in the Constitutional Convention of New York, at Albany, July 19, 1867Leave the NDL website. Citizen suffrage : the argument of Carrie S. Burnham before Chief Justice Read and Associate Justices Agnew, Sharswood and Mercur, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in Banc, on the third and fourth of April, 1873, with an appendix containing the opinion of Hon. George Sharswood, and a complete history of the case ; also, a compilation of the laws of Pennsylvania touching the rights of womenLeave the NDL website. Sex in mind and in educationLeave the NDL website. Addresses of the advocates of woman's suffrage before the Constitutional Convention Committee, June 7, 1894Leave the NDL website. Conservatism and civil liberty : address at annual meeting of the Nassau County Bar Association, Minneola, New York on June 11, 1938Leave the NDL website. Post war opportunity and the Viet Nam era veteranLeave the NDL website. The scandal of Mooney and Billings : the decisions of the California supreme Court, the Advisory Pardon Board, Governor Young denying pardons to Mooney and BillingsLeave the NDL website. Measuring up equal suffrage : an authoritative estimate of results in ColoradoLeave the NDL website. Out of his own mouth! : Congressman Martin Dies and his committee discovers that the American Civil Liberties Union is not a "Communist" organizationLeave the NDL website. Declaration of independence by the colony of Massachusetts Bay, May 1, 1776Leave the NDL website. Fourth annual meeting...Wednesday, October 28th, 1896, at the Athenaeum...Milwaukee, WisconsinLeave the NDL website. Home work for women : twenty ways by which ladies of refinement can earn a living or pocket money in spare timeLeave the NDL website. "Ought women to be allowed to vote?" : a lecture at Medford, Wis., April 20, 1887Leave the NDL website. The pamphlet, containing a description of the grateful manner in which the whole population of the City of New York voluntarily, with open arms, received General Lafayette on the 16th of August 1824, and the very affectionate manner in which they expressed their farewell on the memorable 14th July 1825 : together with a description of the national festival, given by the Honorable the Corporation of the city of New York, in commemoration of the glorious fourth of July, 1776...Leave the NDL website. Medical women in tenementsLeave the NDL website. Increased employment of women in industry : a report on the problems of substituting female workers for male to meet the present labor scarcityLeave the NDL website. Historical sketch on Col. Samuel Ashley : delivered before the Tremont Club, Claremont, N.H., Feb. 17, 1892Leave the NDL website. The polite present : or, Manual of good mannersLeave the NDL website. Record of the trial of Joshua Hett Smith for alleged complicity in the treason of Benekict Arnold, 1780Leave the NDL website. Address in favor of universal suffrage, for the election of delegates to the Constitutional Convention, before the Judiciary Committee of the Legislature of New York, in the Assembly Chamber, January 23, 1867, in behalf of the American Equal Rights AssociationLeave the NDL website. The thrilling and romantic story of Sarah Smith and the Hessian : an original tale of the American Revolution; to which is added, Female heroism exemplified: an interesting story, founded on fact; together with An essay on industryLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : speech of Hon. Henry W. Blair, of New Hampshire, in the Senate of the United States, December 8, 1886Leave the NDL website. Oration or H. V. Boynton, delivered at Guilford battle ground, July 4th, 1900Leave the NDL website. Address : one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the battle of Monmouth, Freehold, N. J., June 27, 1903Leave the NDL website. An oration, pronounced at Charlestown, at the request of the Artillery Company, on the seventeenth of June : being the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, and of that companyLeave the NDL website. American educators and democracyLeave the NDL website. Susan B. Anthony, 1820-1906Leave the NDL website. The freedom movement in BostonLeave the NDL website. The necessity of continued self-education : an addres to the graduating class of S.C. College, at commencement, on the first of December, MDCCCLILeave the NDL website. A remonstrance : an address before the Committee on Election Laws. at the StateHouse, Bostn, January 27, 1903Leave the NDL website. Utah's minimum wage law for females, passed by the state legislature of 1913, became effective May13, 1913 : paper read before the national convention of the Association of Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada, at Nashville, Tenn., on June 9, 1914Leave the NDL website. Elizabeth Skelton Danford, whose life was a benediction, whose memory is a beatitudeLeave the NDL website. Case of Susan B. Anthony : opinion of Mr. Justice HuntLeave the NDL website. Horrors of the prison ships : Dr. West's description of the Wallabout floating dungeons...Leave the NDL website. Violence in Peekskill : a report of the violations of civil liberties at two Paul Robeson concerts near Peekskill N.Y., August 27th and September 4th, 1949Leave the NDL website. Should alien Communists be deported for their opinions? : speech in debate with Hamilton Fish Jr., before the Boston Foreign Policy Association, March 4, 1931Leave the NDL website. Woman, from a doctor's sentimental viewpointLeave the NDL website. The lamentation of the American CongressLeave the NDL website. Civil liberties in American colonies : a survey of interference with civil rights of natives and of the forms of American control, with proposed remediesLeave the NDL website. How : a practical business guide for American women of all conditions and ages, who want to make money but do not know howLeave the NDL website. The snake devices, 1754-1776 and the Constitutional courant, 1765Leave the NDL website. The case of Rosika Schwimmer : Alien pacifists not wanted!Leave the NDL website. Some phases of the Declaration of independence : an address before the Nebraska State Bar Association, Omaha, January 9, 1902Leave the NDL website. Radio is censored! : a study of cases prepared to show the need of federal legislation for freedom of the airLeave the NDL website. The rape of the First AmendmentLeave the NDL website. The Negro in IllinoisLeave the NDL website. EphemeraLeave the NDL website. A sketch of the present state of our political relations with the United States of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Statement of the Academic Freedom Committee of the American Civil Liberties Union on the 1953 statement of the Association of American Universities : "The rights and responsibilities of universities and their faculties," and on the related dismissal at the University of MichiganLeave the NDL website. A soldier of three wars, Nathan Noble of New Boston (now Gray, Maine) : the story of an ancestorLeave the NDL website. Constitution and by-laws of the Mississippi Woman Suffrage AssociationLeave the NDL website. Follies of the woman movement : an addressLeave the NDL website. Surprise and capture of Paulus Hoeck : commemorative oration before the people of Jersey City, August 19th, 1879Leave the NDL website. A reply to the strictures of Lord Mahon and others, on the mode of editing the writings of Washington; also, a review of Lord Mahon's history of the American Revolution from The North American review for July, 1852Leave the NDL website. Jacob Duché : first chaplain of CongressLeave the NDL website. Diary of Dr. Jabez Campfield, surgeon in Spencer's Regiment : while attached to Sullivan's expedition against the Indians, from May 23d to Oct. 2d, 1779Leave the NDL website. Memoirs of the war in the southern department of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Two lectures on woman's suffrageLeave the NDL website. So this is libertyLeave the NDL website. The individual and the state : the problem as presented by the sentencing of Roger N. BaldwinLeave the NDL website. Jury trials on charges of violating injunctions : the first decision of a state supreme court upholding the right to jury trial for alleged violations of injunctions : concurring opinion of Justice George W. Maxey of the Supreme Court of PennsylvaniaLeave the NDL website. Memoir of Abijah Hutchinson : a soldierof the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. The reward of Toryism : A discourse on Judges v. 23, delivered at the Tabernacle in Salem, May, 1783Leave the NDL website. ...Historical account of the Association for the Advancement of Women, 1873-1893 ; Twenty-first Women's Congress ; World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893Leave the NDL website. Remarks on the Declaration of independenceLeave the NDL website. Les principes de la Révolution, justifiés dans un sermon prêché devant l'Université de Cambridge, le mécredit 29 mai 1776 : suivi d'un extrait du pamphlet américain, intitulé Le CommonsenseLeave the NDL website. Injunctions to protect civil liberties prepared for the use of attorneys engaged in defense of civil rights : memorandum of law with model bill of complaintLeave the NDL website. RestorationLeave the NDL website. Colonel Isaac Barré, 1726-1802, orator, soldier, statesman, and friend of the American coloniesLeave the NDL website. AddressesLeave the NDL website. Equal suffrage programLeave the NDL website. A brief account of the finances and paper money of the Revolutionary WarLeave the NDL website. Meditations on votes for women, together with animadversions of the closely related subject of votes for menLeave the NDL website. Constitution of New Jersey Woman Suffrage AssociationLeave the NDL website. Minutes of the Conference on Civil Liberties under the New Deal to discuss proposals for legislation in the forthcoming congress and to enlist support for themLeave the NDL website. An appeal to the Congress of the United States... for the erection of a monument over the remains of 11,500 prisoners who died on board the British prison ships during the Revolutionaryl War, from the Society of Old BrooklynitesLeave the NDL website. The Plymouth Meeting controversy : a report prepared for the Civil PhiladelphiaYearly Meeting of the Religious Societyof FriendsLeave the NDL website. The first freedoms, speech, press, assemblyLeave the NDL website. Women in industry : the eight hours day and rest at night upheld by the United States Supreme CourtLeave the NDL website. The social status of European and American womenLeave the NDL website. Committee on woman suffrage : hearing before the Committee on Rules, House of Representatives, sixty-third Congress, second session, on resolution establishing a committee on woman suffrage, December 3, 4 and 5, 1913Leave the NDL website. The position of women in a socialistic utopiaLeave the NDL website. Uniform divorce laws : paper read before the Pennsylvania State Bar Association, June 27, 1907Leave the NDL website. A sketch of olden time; or, General Lee's farewell dinner at New-York, founded on fact; being the first of a series of revolutionary takesLeave the NDL website. Working women and children in Pennsylvania : an analysis of the occupational and manufacturing sections of the 14th United States CensusLeave the NDL website. What is freedom and when am I free? : being an attempt to put liberty on a national basis, and wrest its keeping from irresponsible pretenders in church and stateLeave the NDL website. Free Pennsylvania's political prisonersLeave the NDL website. The American Legion and civil libertyLeave the NDL website. Patrick Calvin : the ferryman of '76 and friend of Washington-Trenton's first CatholicLeave the NDL website. Women should mind their own buisnessLeave the NDL website. ...Compensation in certain occupations of women who have received college or other special training ; prepared from material supplied by the Association of Collegiate AlumnaeLeave the NDL website. The narrative of Major Abraham Leggett, of the Army of Revolution, now first printed from the original manuscriptLeave the NDL website. Amend the Constitution relative to equal rights for men and women : statements presented to Subcommittee No. 2 of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, seventy-ninth Congress, first session, on H. J. Res. 1, H. J. Res. 5, H. J.'Res. 30, H. J. Res. 42, H. J. Res. 49, H. J. Res. 66, H. J. Res. 71, H. J. Res. 80, H. J. Res. 82, and H. J. Res. 96, proposing an amendment to the ConsLeave the NDL website. Academic freedom and academic responsibility, their meaning to students, teachers, administrators and the community : a statement of principles concerning the civil liberties and obligations of students and teachers in public and private schools, colleges and universitiesLeave the NDL website. New chapter in the history of the concord fight : Groton Minute-Men at the North Bridge, April 19, 1775Leave the NDL website. Washington's masterly retreat through the Jerseys : a sesqui-centennial address delivered at the 8lst annual meeting of the New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, New Jersey, October 27, 1926Leave the NDL website. Jehovah's Witnesses and the warLeave the NDL website. America's "thought police" : record of the Un-American Activities CommitteeLeave the NDL website. The British invasion of New Haven, Connecticut : togather with some account of their landing and burning the towns of Fairfield and Norwalk, July, 1779Leave the NDL website. The cow chace : a poem in three cantosLeave the NDL website. Beat the "Incitement to disaffection" bill!Leave the NDL website. The British attack at Bunker Hill : a paper read at a meeting of the Colonel Jeremiah Wadsworth Branch, Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Hartford Club, April 9, 1920Leave the NDL website. Life of Captian Nathan Hale : the martyr-spy of the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. A pageant for Independence DayLeave the NDL website. Caleb Haskell's diary, May 5, 1775-May 30, 1776 : a revolutionary soldier's record before Boston and with Arnold's Quebec expeditionLeave the NDL website. A reply to Judge Johnson's Remarks on an article in the North American review, relating to Count PulaskiLeave the NDL website. Presenting the American Civil Liberties Union. : what are its principles, how does it work, who supports it, who sets its policies?Leave the NDL website. A plea for the poor soldiers; or an essay to demonstate that the soldiers and other public creditors, who really and actually supported the burden of the late war, have not been paid!eought to be paid! can be paid! and must be paid! by a citizen of PhiladelphiaLeave the NDL website. An American plank for an American platformLeave the NDL website. Real opponents to the suffrage movement, says Mr. Bok, are the women themselves whose peculiar field of work lies outside of politicsLeave the NDL website. Wilhelmina Dranga Campbell, 1871-1911 : a memorialLeave the NDL website. Valley Forge : address delivered at a banquet given to the representatives of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Beading, Pa., at the Mineral Springs Inn, near Reading, Pa., May 9th, 1911Leave the NDL website. History of the Battle of the Crooked Billet, fought May lst, 1778Leave the NDL website. The case against the House Un-American Activities CommitteeLeave the NDL website. Women, war and fascismLeave the NDL website. Special oaths of loyalty for school teachers : a brief in opposition to proposed laws requiring such oaths pending before various state legislaturesLeave the NDL website. Is Lese majeste a crime in America, should men be jailed for free speech? : for making these speeches advocating the impeachment of Federal Judge C.H. Hanford, the speakers were arrestedLeave the NDL website. Women hold a fourth of Social Security account numbers, Social Security Board revealsLeave the NDL website. Legal status of women and children in Minnesota...Leave the NDL website. A national investigation of women in industryLeave the NDL website. Ephemera, 1921-1973Leave the NDL website. Battle of Oriskany : record of the narrative of Dr. Moses Younglove, giving an account of the battle of Oriskany and of his experience after being taken prisonerLeave the NDL website. State laws affecting women in the United States and directions for making exhibit mapsLeave the NDL website. Catechism of the National Council of Women of the United States, Official roster, list of patrons and constitutionLeave the NDL website. A lecture on constitutional equality, delivered at Lincoln Hall, Washington, D.C., Thursday, February 19, 1871Leave the NDL website. Catalogue of the loan collection of revolutionary relics exhibited at the Old South Church, November, 1876, for the benefit of the Old South purchase fundLeave the NDL website. Universal suffrage : speech of Hon. Thomas W. Palmer, of Michigan, in the Senate of the United States, Friday, February 6, 1885Leave the NDL website. A vindication of General Samuel Holden Parsons against the charge of treasonable correspondence during the Revolutionary WarLeave the NDL website. The ladies' pocket book of etiquette, with engravingsLeave the NDL website. The Supreme Court vs. civil liberty : dissenting opinions of Justices Brandeis and Holmes in cases affecting civil libertyLeave the NDL website. Serpents in the doves nestLeave the NDL website. Suggestions on woman's suffrage act of 1913Leave the NDL website. The training period for American independenceLeave the NDL website. The suffrage dime speakerLeave the NDL website. Negro housing problemsLeave the NDL website. The blanket equality bill proposed by the Natioanl Woman's Party for state legislatures : why it should not passLeave the NDL website. Why equal suffrage has been a successLeave the NDL website. What women have done with the voteLeave the NDL website. Zur FrauenfrageLeave the NDL website. Civil Liberty in American cities : a survey based on 332 American cities of over 10,000 populationLeave the NDL website. Cool thoughts on the present situation of our public affairs: in a letter to a friend in the countryLeave the NDL website. Problems on the woman question, social, political, and scripturalLeave the NDL website. Address before the Bunker Hill Monument Association, at the annual meeting, June 17, 1865 : with resolutions passed at the meetingLeave the NDL website. Marriage and divorceLeave the NDL website. An outline history of the post office censorship, including 12 brief case histories and 20 conflicting types of court decisionLeave the NDL website. "Journal of drink," 1774, Spencertown, New York, Great Barrington, Massachusetts, Sheffield, MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. The case of Reed Harris, student editor at Columbia University, his expulsion for criticism of college affairs and subsequent reinstatementLeave the NDL website. Institute for women's club members during the twenty-fourth convention (fourth biennial), Montana Federation of Women's Clubs, State University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, August 1, 2, 3, 4, 1932Leave the NDL website. The medical education of women : the present hostile positions of Harvard University and of the Massachusetts Medical Society ; what remedies therefor can be suggested?Leave the NDL website. Race practices of national associations : a survey based on questionnaires covering 150 semi-public associations, with a list of leading Negro national associations and trade unions discriminatingLeave the NDL website. The inexpediency of granting the suffrage to American women : address at the tenth biennial of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, Cincinnati, May 14th, 1910Leave the NDL website. Report of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, for the year 1914, with outline of congressional work during the preceding yearLeave the NDL website. Speech delivered in the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, February 3, 1851, upon the question of granting two thousand dollars to aid the town of Acton in building a monumente over the remains of Capt. Isaac Davis, Abner Hosmer, and Jas. Hayward, Acton Minute Men killed at Concord fight, April 19, 1775Leave the NDL website. The South, its dangers and resources : an address, delivered at the celebrationof the battle of Fort Moultrie, June 28, 1850Leave the NDL website. The woman's portion : an address delivered in Carnegie Hall, New York City, Sunday afternoon, February 27, 1910, under the auspices of the women of the Socialist Party...Leave the NDL website. Report on freedom, November, 1956Leave the NDL website. Illinois race riotsLeave the NDL website. A memorial of the life and benefactions of Mary Hemenway, 1820-1894Leave the NDL website. Historical notes on the employment of Negroes in the American army of the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. John Andre and Honora SneydLeave the NDL website. A circular, or short biography, of C61. Ebenezer Allen, known as captain or major, in the New Hampshire Grants, and its rangers, A.D. 1777, and afterLeave the NDL website. Massachusetts laws discriminating against womenLeave the NDL website. The evils of fashionable dress, and how to dress healthfullyLeave the NDL website. The shame of West Virginia : a statement of fact showing how one of the great counties of the state has fallen into the hands of powerful outside financial interests, and how they are using their power to take over and corrupt the administration of lawLeave the NDL website. The part borne by Sergeant John White Paul, of Col. Topham's regiment of the Rhode Island Brigade, in the capture of Brigadier General Richard Prescott, Commander of the British forces, near Newport, R.I., in 1777Leave the NDL website. The Association of 1774Leave the NDL website. The free society : an inquiry into liberty and justice in modern AmericaLeave the NDL website. The Marine Corps and observance of civil liberties at the Parris Island training baseLeave the NDL website. American independence ; did the colonists desire it? : letters of John Jay and John Adams [and] letters and documents of other actors in the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. An oration upon the life and services of Gen. David Wooster : delivered at Danbury, April 27th, 1854, when a monument was erected to his memoryLeave the NDL website. Eminent opinions on woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Address of the officers and standing committee of the New Jersey Monument AssociationLeave the NDL website. America's twelve great women leaders during the past hundred years as chosen by the women of America : a compilation from the Ladies Home Journal and the Christian Science MonitorLeave the NDL website. Statement of the Academic Freedom Committee of the American Civil Liberties Union on the 1953 statement of the Association of American Universities, "The rights and responsibilities of universities and their faculties," and on the related dismissal at the University of MichiganLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Ohio Women's Convention, held at Salem, April 19th and 20th, 1850, with an addressLeave the NDL website. The right of assembly : a study of the law with suggested remediesLeave the NDL website. A winter gift for ladies : being instructions in knitting, netting, and crotchet work ; containing the newest and most fashionable patterns from the latest London ed.Leave the NDL website. Public human relations agencies : a guide to their status and operationsLeave the NDL website. How to erase sex discrimination in vocational educationLeave the NDL website. Reminiscencer of Lafayette's visit to Boston, Gov. Brooks, Gov. Eustis, and othersLeave the NDL website. American historical oration, delivered at the inauguration of the monument erected in Newport, R.I., to commemorate thelanding in 1780 on the cliffs of Newport, of the French troops which came to help the American colonists to obtain their independence... Newport, R.I., July 14th, 1928Leave the NDL website. The lady's work-box companion ; being instructions in all varieties of canvas work, with twenty-eight engraved specimensLeave the NDL website. John McCaddon, a revolutionary soldier : [obitrary]Leave the NDL website. Mothers of menLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. An answer to the Declaration of the American CongressLeave the NDL website. The facts about conscientious objectors in the United States (under the Selective service act of May 18, 1917)Leave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : a paper read by ex-Justice Brown of the Supreme Court of the United States before the Ladies' Congressional Club of Washington, D.C., April, 1910Leave the NDL website. "The Culpeper Minute Men" : presentation of flag, September 6th, 1887Leave the NDL website. Call out the militia! : a survey of the use of troops in strikesLeave the NDL website. Espionage act cases with certain others on related points : new law in making as to criminal utterance in war-timeLeave the NDL website. The revolution of AmericaLeave the NDL website. The lady's guide to embroidery and applique ; being instructions in embroidery on silk, velvet, muslin, lace, merino, etc. and in applique, with fifteen beautiful engraved patterns, from the latest London ed.Leave the NDL website. Central New York in the Revolution : an address delivered August 15th, 1878, at the unveiling of a monument ir in commemoration of the massacre at Cherry Valley, New York, in 1778Leave the NDL website. How to prevent a race riot in your home townLeave the NDL website. The American girl, her education, her responsibilities, her recreation, her futureLeave the NDL website. Woman's place in civic life : an address delivered before the Society of American Women in London, June 30, 1911Leave the NDL website. Thirty-five years with freedom of speechLeave the NDL website. Constitution and by-laws of the Catholic Woman's National League, organized 1893 under the general incorporation law of the State of Illinois, 1897-98Leave the NDL website. The Constitution, a title deed to woman's franchise : a letter to Charles SummerLeave the NDL website. Memorials of 1776Leave the NDL website. The Reed controversy : further facts with reference to the character of Joseph Reed, adjutant general on the staff of General WashingtonLeave the NDL website. How Rhode Island laws discriminate against womenLeave the NDL website. Constitution of the Home Club, 1875 ; revised, May, 1892Leave the NDL website. A brief account of the Lafayette Memorial, IncLeave the NDL website. A letter to the gentlemen of Philadelphia, on the subject of matrimonyLeave the NDL website. Platform of the National Equal Rights PartyLeave the NDL website. The persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses : the record of violence against a religious organization unparalleled in America since the attacks on the MormonsLeave the NDL website. Pros and cons of woman suffrage : review of a legislative reportLeave the NDL website. The education of women in AmericaLeave the NDL website. Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pa :the annual national awards and nomination informationLeave the NDL website. History of the battle of Red Bank, with events prior and subsequent theretoLeave the NDL website. The case against the death penaltyLeave the NDL website. The Carter administration and civil liberties : The first six monthsLeave the NDL website. Victory Convention (1869-1920) of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, including the Susan B. Anthony Centenary Celebration and the Anna Howard Shaw Memorial ; together with the First National Congress of the League of Women Voters, Congress Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, February 12th to 18th, 1920Leave the NDL website. Memorial exercises in honor of Julia Ward Howe, held in Symphony Hall, Boston, on Sunday evening, January 8, 1911, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the mayor and City CouncilLeave the NDL website. Carpenters' Hall, the meeting place of the first Continental Congress : full sketch of its history from 1724, with views and sketches... prepared for the Soldiers and Sailors Home FairLeave the NDL website. Address, delivered at the Pittsfield Young Ladies' Institute, July 5, 1847, on the education of American WomenLeave the NDL website. The British ministry and the Treaty of Fort StanwixLeave the NDL website. The American Revolution and the acquisition of the valley of the Mississippi : a paper read before the Missouri Historical Society, April 15th, 1884Leave the NDL website. The Battle of Guilford Court House, and the preservation of that historic fieldLeave the NDL website. The story of a private soldier in the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention, held at the Unitarian Church, Rochester, N.Y., August 2, 1848, to consider the rights of woman, politically, religiously and industriallyLeave the NDL website. Organization as applied to women in agriculture and horticultureLeave the NDL website. Who wrote the Declaration of independence?Leave the NDL website. The Revolution, Washington and the Constitution : a historical lecture, delivered on the 22 of February, in various places through successive yearsLeave the NDL website. Report on freedom, November, 1956Leave the NDL website. The Bunker Hill Monument orationsLeave the NDL website. Constitution of the American Woman Suffrage Association and the history of its formation ; with the times and places in which the Association has held meetings up to 1880Leave the NDL website. The shame of Pennsylvania : the story of how Pennsylvania leads the states in police violenceand brutality, prosecutions for opinion and war on strikers and radicalsLeave the NDL website. Plan offered by the Earl of Chatham, to the House of Lords, entitled, A provisional act, for settling the troubles in Amerila, and for asserting the supreme legislative authority and superintending power of Great Britain over the Colonies. Which was rejected, and not suffered to lie upon the tableLeave the NDL website. May women speak? : a Bible studyLeave the NDL website. Freedom-for what?Leave the NDL website. Sex discrimination in athletics and physical educationLeave the NDL website. Report of the Vice Commission, Louisville, Kentucky : survey of existing conditions, with recommendations to the Hon. John H. Buschemeyer, mayorLeave the NDL website. Advancement of female education : or, a series of addresses, in favor of establishing at Athens, in Greece, a female seminary, especially designed to instruct female teachersLeave the NDL website. Monody on Major AndreLeave the NDL website. A letter to young ladies on marriage, from E.B.B., esq., to his ward, Miss S.L.L., containing a bachelor's advice on matrimony, together with a table showing, at a glance, a woman's chances of marriage, for every year of her lifeLeave the NDL website. Jubilee Convention, 1869-1919, of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, held at Hotel Statler, St. Louis, Missouri, March 24-29, 1919Leave the NDL website. ...Woman suffrage : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, on H.J. Res. 151 and H.J. Res. 153, April 19, 1910Leave the NDL website. Articles of incorporation and by-lawsLeave the NDL website. The marriage of a wife's sister, considered in a sermon delivered in the chapel at Yale-College, on the evening after the commencement, September 12, A.D. 1792; being the anniversary concio ad clerumLeave the NDL website. "They shall know themselves into one" : a study in higher mental hygieneLeave the NDL website. Woman's place under the Gospel : a sermon preached before the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the Seventh Judicial District of Mississippi, at Wesson, Miss., Dec. 8, 1897Leave the NDL website. Constitutional rights in war timeLeave the NDL website. ReminiscencesLeave the NDL website. Why should women vote? : an appeal to gallant menLeave the NDL website. Obstructions in the way to justice : address before the Fourtieth Annual Convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, Buffalo, N.Y., October 20, 1908Leave the NDL website. The right of asylum : the end of the old American tradition of a land of asylum for political refugees ...Leave the NDL website. Captain Job Wright's company : Colonel Marinus Willett's levies at Ballston, New-York, 1782Leave the NDL website. What has been done in conformity with the program of the National League of Women Voters to remove legal discriminations against women and to establish equality of rights under the lawLeave the NDL website. Suggestion : the secret of sexLeave the NDL website. How? a book for women : a treatise on the health, toilet, etiquette and dress ;with some useful hints on hygiene and home treatmentLeave the NDL website. An oration on Bunker Hill Battle, delivered on the battle ground, in Charlestown, 18th of June, 1827 : together with a caucus speech, delivered at Faneuil Hall, May 9thLeave the NDL website. Approved methods for home launderingLeave the NDL website. The Declaration of independence : or Notes on Lord Mahon's History of the American Declaration of independenceLeave the NDL website. The study of freedom, 1957 reportLeave the NDL website. A mother's letters to a daughter on woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Illinois League of Women VotersLeave the NDL website. Transcript of record, Supreme Court of the United States, Virginia L. Minor andFrancis Minor, her husband, plaintiffs in error, vs. Reese Happersett, in errorto the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, filed August 16, 1873Leave the NDL website. The struggle for civil liberty on the land : the story of the recent struggles of land-owning farmers, of share-croppers, tenants and farm laborers for the right to organize, strike and picketLeave the NDL website. The Declaration of independence by the representatives of the U. S. of America, in general Congress assembled, July 4, 1776 : facsimile of the original document in the handwriting of Th. JeffersonLeave the NDL website. The battle of Germantown : an historical address delivered upon the one hundredth anniversary of the engagement, October 4, 1877Leave the NDL website. A sermon preached at Lexington, on the nineteenth of April, 1783 : being the anniversary of the commencement of the war between Britain and America, which broke out in that town on the 19th of April, 1775Leave the NDL website. Books, pamphlets, leaflets on civil liberties, published or recommended by the American Civil Liberties UnionLeave the NDL website. True politeness : a handbook of etiquette for ladiesLeave the NDL website. Account of Leslie's retreat at the North Bridge, in Salem, on Sunday, February 26, 1775Leave the NDL website. Stony Point battle-field : a sketch of its revolutionary history, and particularly of the surprise of Stony Point by Brigadier General Anthony Wayne on the night of July 15-16, 1779Leave the NDL website. Centennial of the capture of Major André : oration at Tarrytown, September 23d, 1880Leave the NDL website. An address in commemoration of the lives and services of Ledyard and his brave associates, who fell at Groton Heights, Sept. 6, 1781, in defence of their country, delivered at Grotone(Conn.), September 6, 1826, on the laying of the corner stone of a monument to their memoryLeave the NDL website. Discrimination costs you moneyLeave the NDL website. The Lafayette Monument : report of secretary...Leave the NDL website. The Immigration and Naturalization Service and civil liberties : a report on the abuse of discretionLeave the NDL website. Here's the way to secure these reightsLeave the NDL website. Unsolved problems in woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. The business of being a club womanLeave the NDL website. A narrative, showing the promises made to the officers of the line of the Continental Army, for their services in the Revolutionary War : and, the manner in which, and how far, these promises have been fulfilledLeave the NDL website. The story of Mooney and BillingsLeave the NDL website. Burgoyne's campaign, June-October 1777 : justice to SchuylerLeave the NDL website. The origin of the expedition against Ticonderoga, in 1775 : a paper read before the Connecticut Historical Siciety, January 5th, 1869Leave the NDL website. ...Report : to accompany S.R. 19.Leave the NDL website. Civil liberties and national defenseLeave the NDL website. Georgia women, 1840-1940 : a record of achievementLeave the NDL website. The people's right to know : a report on government news suppressionLeave the NDL website. Lafayette and BaltimoreLeave the NDL website. Colored women as industrial workers in Philadelphia : a studyLeave the NDL website. Speech at the annual meeting of the Central Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage, July 6th, 1894Leave the NDL website. The wage earning woman and the state : a comparison of the laws for her protection in various states of the UnionLeave the NDL website. Richard Price and the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. The battle of Hubbardton : a critical analysis, prepared for the State of Vermont Historic Sites CommissionLeave the NDL website. Statement of facts concerning Henrici's on Randolph StreetLeave the NDL website. Charter and by-laws of the General Federation of Women's Clubs...Leave the NDL website. Woman and her wishes : an essay, inscribed to the Massachusetts Constitutional ConventionLeave the NDL website. Lafayette-Marne Day, September 6, 1934; program of national exercises, United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., Thursday, September 6, 1934Leave the NDL website. The Patriots of the Revolution of '76 : sketches of the survivors, etc., etc., etcLeave the NDL website. A plea for a monument to the martyrs of the war of the Revolution : read before the National Congress of Daughters of the American Revolution, in Washington, D. C., February 21, 1896Leave the NDL website. The Bible and woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. The Tennessee evolution caseLeave the NDL website. Academic freedom and civil liberties of students in colleges and universitiesLeave the NDL website. Report of the Library Extension Committee of the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs to the convention at Columbus, October 26-28, 1898Leave the NDL website. Louise E. BettensLeave the NDL website. The doctrines of woman suffrage and monogamous marriage antagonisticLeave the NDL website. Sex discrimination under Title VII : a snapshot guide to non-complex litigationLeave the NDL website. Citizenship for war objectors : the facts of pending court cases raising the issue of citizenship for alien religious objectors to war, with proposal in Congress to admit such objectors to citizenshipLeave the NDL website. Sedition, criminal syndicalism, criminal anarchy laws : their nature and operation, the arguments against themLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of a curious and valuable collection of original maps and plans of military positions held in the old French and revolutionary wars, with plans of different cities, and maps of the countryLeave the NDL website. Home and stateLeave the NDL website. Observance of the one hundred and twenty-third anniversary of the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British Army : Fort Washington and the encampment at White Marsh, November 2, 1777 : an address delivered before the society by the president...June 15, 1901Leave the NDL website. What rights for the unemployed? : a summary of the attacks on the rights of the unemployed to organize, demonstrate and petitionLeave the NDL website. Preliminary report on state marriage regulation : prepared for the New York Joint Legislative Committee on Interstate CooperationLeave the NDL website. The police and the radicals : what 88 police chiefs think and do about radical meetingsLeave the NDL website. Woman's right to the ballotLeave the NDL website. Civil and religious liberty under the Constitution of the United States from the standpoint of an American Catholic LaymanLeave the NDL website. John Connolly : a Tory of the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. The individual man, basis of freedom : an address on the occcasion of the celetration of the prelude to independence and the 200th anniversary of the introduction on May 29, 1765, of Patrick Henry's Stamp act resolves, at the eighteenth-century Capitol, Williamsburg, Va.Leave the NDL website. The outrage on Rev. Herbert S. Bigelow of Cincinnati, Ohio (October 28, 1917)Leave the NDL website. An address in commemoration of the Boston Massacre , of March 5, 1770Leave the NDL website. Address delivered in the City Hall, Burlington, on the occasion of the Centennial Tea Party, January 8, 1874Leave the NDL website. From Massachusetts to Turkey : a paper read before the League for Political Education, November 14th, 1896Leave the NDL website. 150th anniversary of the battle of the Brandywine, 1777-1927, Dilworthtown, Chester County, Pennsylvania : [program], September 9th, 10th and 11th, 1927Leave the NDL website. The Christian church and womenLeave the NDL website. Address on the occasion of marking the grave of Colonel John Francis Hamtramck, at Mount Elliott cemetery, Detroit, Michigan, by the Sons of the American Revolution, October 18th, 1897Leave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention, held at Akron, Ohio, May 28 and 29, 1851Leave the NDL website. The chruch and the home : a report to the General Association of Congregational Churches of MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. An address vindicating the right of women to the elective franchise : deliveredat the Woman's Rights Convention, on Friday evening, May 15, 1858Leave the NDL website. One hundredth anniversary, battle of Lexington, April 19, 1875Leave the NDL website. Beat the Kramer sedition bill!Leave the NDL website. Description and dedication of the girl's high and normal school house, Newton Street, BostonLeave the NDL website. Evils of the Revolutionary WarLeave the NDL website. If I were a womanLeave the NDL website. Hearing before the Select Committee on Woman Suffrage of the United States Senate, on the joint resolution (S.R. 47) proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sexLeave the NDL website. An oration delivered at Concord, April the nineteenth, 1825Leave the NDL website. Catalogue of manuscripts and revolutionary relics, deposited in Washington's Headquarters, Newburgh, N.YLeave the NDL website. The ranger service in the upper valley of the Connecticut and the most northerly regiment of the New Hampshire Militia in the period of the Revolution : an address delivered before the New Hampshire Society of Sons of the American Revolution at Concord, N.H., April 26, 1900Leave the NDL website. Ought women to learn the alphabet?Leave the NDL website. Clinical significance of roentgenometry in obstetricsLeave the NDL website. ...Reorganization of community servicesLeave the NDL website. Dedication of memorial tablet, Colonel Timothy Bedel, May 29, 1915Leave the NDL website. Speeches on rights of womenLeave the NDL website. Marriage as a present-day problem : an address delivered before the New York Association of the New Church, February 22, 1909Leave the NDL website. The family of Mrs. Louise E. Bettens, born RochatLeave the NDL website. Thoughts on the education of girlsLeave the NDL website. Prize medal essay contest, 1912, by the high school scholars and schools of equal grade of the State of Missouri [on the] subject : "The political writings of Thomas Paine and their influence on the Revolution"Leave the NDL website. DisfranchisementLeave the NDL website. Woman and the Commonwealth : or, A question of expediencyLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage and good citizenshipLeave the NDL website. Woman's suffrage decision : with dissenting opinions of Justice Farmer and Justice Cooke...Leave the NDL website. Congressional reports in favor of an amendment to the National Constitution prohibiting the disenfranchisement of United States citizens on account of sexLeave the NDL website. A journal of Gen. Poor's brigade, from Soldier's Fortune, on the Western expedition, May 17, 1779Leave the NDL website. Injunctions to protect civil rights : model memorandum of law in support of application for injunctionsLeave the NDL website. How it feels to be the husband of a suffragetteLeave the NDL website. Liberty on the home front in the fourth year of the warLeave the NDL website. Taxation of women in MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. A brief history of the movement for woman suffrage in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Academic freedom and academic responsibility, their meaning to students, teachers, administrators and the community : a statement of principles concerning the civil liberties and obligations of students and teachers in public and private schools, colleges and universitiesLeave the NDL website. The National divorce congressLeave the NDL website. Justice, North Carolina style : the record of the year's struggle for unions in Gastonia and Marion, April 1929 to April 1930Leave the NDL website. General Sullivan not a pensioner of LuzerneLeave the NDL website. The position of woman, sicial, civil and religious, on bible principlesLeave the NDL website. The centennial anniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and the British forces under his command on the 19th day of October 1781, virtually closing the struggle for American independence : to be appropriately celebrated on the field of Yorktown, Va., in October, 1881Leave the NDL website. Famous women of yesterday and todayLeave the NDL website. Confidential draft of article for the New international year book for 1965Leave the NDL website. President Reed of Pennsylvania : a reply to Mr. George Bancroft and othersLeave the NDL website. Debate on woman suffrage in the Senate of the United States, 2d session, 49th Congress, December 8, 1886 and January 25, 1887Leave the NDL website. The woman question : an address delivered before the Boston Social Science ClubLeave the NDL website. Argument before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives upon the petition of 600 citizens asking for the enfranchisement of the women of the District of Columbia, Jan. 21, 1874Leave the NDL website. A letter in answer to the "Speech of the Rev. Dr. Mason, at the thirteenth anniversary meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Society."Leave the NDL website. Paul-jones, ou Prophéties sur l'Amérique, l'Angleterre, la France, l'Espagne, la Hollande, etcLeave the NDL website. Mayors of five states recommend municipal suffrage for womenLeave the NDL website. Woman as a municipal factorLeave the NDL website. Report of Commissioner for Vermont, upon the Yorktown Centennial CelebrationLeave the NDL website. Why women should voteLeave the NDL website. The advantages which man derives from woman: with hints to the single and married of both sexes, in relation to conjugal duties, exemplified in a sermon, preached by the Rev. John Stephens, of LondonLeave the NDL website. Address before the U.S. Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage, February 13, 1900Leave the NDL website. A list of Tories who took part with Great Britain in the Revolutionary War, andwere attainted of high treason, commonly called the Black listLeave the NDL website. Memoir of Phillis Wheatley, a native African and a slaveLeave the NDL website. Liberty and morality : a Speech delivered at the New York State Free Thinkers' Convention at Watkins, August 26, 1882Leave the NDL website. Bible and church degrade womenLeave the NDL website. Government by the peopleLeave the NDL website. The secularization of domestic relations : nineteen centuries of church versus sexLeave the NDL website. Battle at King's Mountain, October 7, 1780 : proposed centennial celebration, October 7, 1880Leave the NDL website. Population trends in IllinoisLeave the NDL website. Suffrage for woman : a plea in its behalf, addressed to the Senate Commiittee on State Affiars, in the Assembly Chamber of the State of Wisconsin, at Madison, March 2, 1880Leave the NDL website. Proceedings of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut, called for the purpose of laying the chief stone of the monument to Gen. David Wooster, at Danbury, April 27, 1854 : with the oration and addresses delivered on the occasion, and exercises in the churchLeave the NDL website. No constitutional amendment to allow prayers in public schoolsLeave the NDL website. Argument before the Legislative Committee on Woman Suffrage, 1889, in behalf of the remonstrants against municipal suffrage for womenLeave the NDL website. ACLU practice manual on military discharge updatingLeave the NDL website. Report of the proceedings at the dedication of the monument to Captain Jacob Westfall, revolutionary soldier, in Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Indiana, on October 10th, 1918, his 163rd anniversary, under the auspices of Dorothy Q.Chapter, D.A.RLeave the NDL website. The homes of George Taylor, signer of the Declaration of independence : a paperread before the George Taylor Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, at Easton, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1922Leave the NDL website. Suffrage a natural rightLeave the NDL website. Is woman suffrage right? : the question answeredLeave the NDL website. Conscience and the war : a report on the treatment of conscientious objectors in World War IILeave the NDL website. History of the Bunker Hill MonumentLeave the NDL website. Summary of 1938 labor laws for womenLeave the NDL website. Memoir of the centennial celebration of Burgoyne's surrender, held at Schuylerville, N. Y., under the auspices of the Saratoga Monument Association, on the 17th of October, 1877Leave the NDL website. Anna Howard Shaw : a memorialLeave the NDL website. Diary and orderly book of Sergeant Jonathan Burton, of Wilton, N. H : while in service in the army on Winter Hill, December 10, 1775-January 26, 1776, and of the same soldier as Lieutenant Jonathan Burton, while in the Canada expedition at Mount Independence, August 1, 1776-November 29, 1776Leave the NDL website. Why the British lost the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Paper equalityLeave the NDL website. The history of woman suffrage : reviewLeave the NDL website. One moral standard for all : extracts from the lives of Victoria Claflin Woodhull and Tennessee ClaflinLeave the NDL website. A memorial to the Congerss of the United States : relating to revolutionary eventsLeave the NDL website. Oration of Henry Armitt Brown on the one hundredth anniversary of the evacuation of Valley Forge, June 19, 1878Leave the NDL website. The life of Gen. Edward Lacey : with a list of battles and Skirmishes in South Carolina, during the Revolutionary WarLeave the NDL website. Memoir of Gov. John Brooks communicated to the New England historical and genealogical registerLeave the NDL website. Memorial of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Isabella Beecher Hooker, Elizabeth L. Griffing, to the Congress of the United States, and the arguments thereon before the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Senate, Washington, January 12, 1872Leave the NDL website. Minutes of the Jubilee Convention (1869-1919) of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, including the regular sessions of Convention and conferences of women voters, St.lLouis, Missouri, March 24-29, 1919Leave the NDL website. An address delivered at Lexington, on the 19th (20th) of April, 1835Leave the NDL website. The real American Revolution : bridging the gap between popular opinion and historical factLeave the NDL website. Woman and her wishes : an essay, inscribed to the Massachusetts Constitutional ConventionLeave the NDL website. Steps to independence : a brief sketch-none briefer-of our struggle for freedomLeave the NDL website. Women workers in factories : a study of working conditions in 275 industrial establishments in Cinncinati and adjoining townsLeave the NDL website. Universal rights and American practiceLeave the NDL website. Description and analysis of the remarkable collection fo unpublished manuscripts of Robert Morris.. : including his official and private diary and correspondence, in sixteen folio volumes, the property of John Meredith Read... ; prepared with a brief sketch of his life by Henry A. HomesLeave the NDL website. Brief prospectus of the American Woman's Republic : its declaration and constituionLeave the NDL website. Public human relations agencies : a guide to their status and operationsLeave the NDL website. Constitutional rights in war timeLeave the NDL website. A biographical sketch of Captain Oliver Brown, an officer of the Revolutionary army, who commanded the party which destroyed the statue of George the Third, in New York City, July 9, 1776Leave the NDL website. The battle or affair of King's Mountain, Saturday, 7th October, 1780 : being the address delivered at the annual meeting of the New York Historical Society on the evening of Tuesday, 4th January, 1881Leave the NDL website. Letters to a college girlLeave the NDL website. Address by Gov. Boutwell at the Davis Monument, at Acton, October 29th, 1851Leave the NDL website. Address made before the Pennsylvania Society and New York Color Guard of Sons of the Revolution, at Valley Forge, June 7, 1930Leave the NDL website. Questions and answers about campaign financesLeave the NDL website. Education of girlsLeave the NDL website. The investments of Harvard College, 1776-1790 : an episode in the finances of the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Marriage and divorceLeave the NDL website. The history of the miners' struggle in Harlan and Bell counties : a year of violenceLeave the NDL website. An oration pronounced before the young men of Westchester County, on the completion of a monument, erected by them to the captors of Major André, at Tarrytown, Oct.7, 1853Leave the NDL website. The loyalty and devotion of colored Americans in the Revolution and War of 1812Leave the NDL website. The Supreme Court and civil liberties : how the court has protected the Bill of RightsLeave the NDL website. Plain truth : addressed to the inhabitants of America, containing, remarks on a late pamphlet, entitled Common sense... Written by CandidusLeave the NDL website. An appeal to the public on behalf of Cameria [America], a young lady, who was almost ruined by the barbarous treatment of her own motherLeave the NDL website. Working Women's Protective Union, twenty-five years' historyLeave the NDL website. Pattern of action for race relations : a report to the Presbytery of Chicago based on findings of a special commission on Race RelationsLeave the NDL website. The legal status of women in WisconsinLeave the NDL website. Meanings of the battle of Bennington : an address on the one hundred and twenty-sixth anniversary of the battle, at a Union old home week service, held at the Old First Church, Bennington Centre, Vermont, Sunday evening, August 16, 1903Leave the NDL website. A particular account of the battle of Bunker, or Breed's Hill, on the 17th of June, 1775 : by a citizen of BostonLeave the NDL website. Who was the commander at Bunker Hill? : with remarks on Frothingham's history of the battle, with an appendixLeave the NDL website. Women in architecture and landscape architectureLeave the NDL website. What do you mean, free speech?Leave the NDL website. The winning of Nevada for woman suffrage ; including oration of Hon. Curtis J. Hillyer, delivered before a joint session of the Nevada Legislature in 1869 : an unanswerable argument for the suffrage causeLeave the NDL website. Centennial celebration of the Minisink battle on the actual battlefield, July 22d, 1879 : with the prayer, oration and speeches delivered on the occasion, and the incidents connected with the celebrationLeave the NDL website. Selected bibliography on civil liberties in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Do we need more sedition laws? : testimony of Alfred Bettman and Swinburne Hale before the Committee on rules of the House of RepresentativesLeave the NDL website. The employment of womenLeave the NDL website. EphemeraLeave the NDL website. The tale of the spinning-wheelLeave the NDL website. What women might do with the ballot : the abolition of the white slave trafficLeave the NDL website. How to raise money for suffrageLeave the NDL website. The passage of the Arnold expedition through SkowheganLeave the NDL website. EphemeraLeave the NDL website. A narrative, of the excursion and ravages of the king's troops under the command of General Gage, on the 19th April,1775 : together with the depositions taken by order of Congress to support the truth of itLeave the NDL website. The war on the Colorado miners : militia, state police, mine guards and courts all attack the rights to meet, parade and picketLeave the NDL website. The soul of woman : an interpretation of the philosophy of feminismLeave the NDL website. Letter of ex-Governor Hiland Hall to the members of the Bennington Battle Monument AssociationLeave the NDL website. Anthony Wayne : an address delivered atthe celebration of the centennial anniversary of the Massacre of Paoli, September 20, 1877Leave the NDL website. "Militant methods"Leave the NDL website. Thanksgiving sermon preached long ago, delivered in the present first Reformed Church, Easton, on Oct. 17, 1779 : an historical discourse upon the return of the troops of Sullivan's expeditionLeave the NDL website. The election of Judge LindseyLeave the NDL website. Address, delivered at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1843, on the completion of the monumentLeave the NDL website. Memorial to the men of Cambridge who fell in the first battle of the Revolutionary War : services of dedication, Nov. 3, 1870Leave the NDL website. Your right to government information : how to use the FOIALeave the NDL website. Liberty : A speech delivered at battery D. Chicago, on release from Woodstock Jail, November 22, 1895Leave the NDL website. The Philadelphia Tea party of 1773 : a chapter from the history of the Old State HouseLeave the NDL website. Freedom's conquests : the great spread of woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Revolution and the woman questionLeave the NDL website. Julia Pauline Leavens, founder of the New York Browning SocietyLeave the NDL website. The operation of criminal syndicalism and sedition laws, with arguments for their repealLeave the NDL website. A report of proceedings of a British committee of investigation into the condition of affairs in America, 1782 : a satireLeave the NDL website. The life of John Howesa loy alist of the memorable Revolution of 1776Leave the NDL website. [Report]Leave the NDL website. One hundred and fifty years of the Bill of Rights : a supplement, 1939-1944Leave the NDL website. The decline of personal liberty in AmericaLeave the NDL website. Civil liberties : Books, pamphlets, leafletsLeave the NDL website. The social evil in Syracuse, being a report of an investigation of the moral condition of the city, conducted by a committee of eighteen citizensLeave the NDL website. Button Gwinnett, man of mystery, member of the Continental Congress, signer of the Declaration of indepen dence, president of the Provincial Council of Georgia : a brief biographical reviewLeave the NDL website. Program of the dedicatory ceremonies of the Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument : Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn, N. Y., Saturday, Nov. 14, 1908 ; and history of the prison ship martyrsLeave the NDL website. A sketch of the early political parties in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. A sketch of the military career of Captain John Daves of the North Carolina Continental Line of the Army of the Revolution : together with some facts of local and family historyLeave the NDL website. Laws of the State of New York affecting Women : a dialogueLeave the NDL website. Francis Lewis, one of the New York signers of the Declaration of independence : historical sketchLeave the NDL website. The influence of the female character : a sermon preached in Trinity Church, Utica, on Sunday, March 13, 1836Leave the NDL website. Crisis in the Civil Liberties Union : a statement including the basic documents concerned, giving the minority position in the current controversy in the A.C.L.U.Leave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : hearings before the Committee on Woman Suffrage, United States Senate, sixty-third Congress, first session, on S.J. Res. 1, a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States extending the right of suffrage to womenLeave the NDL website. Report and protest to the governor, the Legislature and the people of the State of New York : danger confronting popular government ; the Daly lobby and propaganda and the so-called New York League for Americanism, a powerful and perilous influence...Leave the NDL website. Treason to American tradition : the spirit of Benedict Arnold reincarnated in United States history revised in textbooks : an exposure of ten Anglicized school historiesLeave the NDL website. The rape of the press : American free speech subversion unmasked : democracy propaganda fraud "exploded"Leave the NDL website. Sketches of Col. Richard Humpton and Edward Evans, Eleventh Pennsylvania Regiment, Revolutionary WarLeave the NDL website. The battle of Oriskany, its place in history : an address at the centennial celebration, August 9, 1877Leave the NDL website. Letters from a Hessian mercenaryLeave the NDL website. The truth about the I.W.W. prisonersLeave the NDL website. The engagement at Freehold, known as the Battle of Monmouth, N.J., more properly of Monmouth Court-house, 28th June, 1778Leave the NDL website. Women workers and labor supplyLeave the NDL website. Financial report : 1885-6-7-8Leave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : address written by a committee of women of Southern California for presentation to the Committee on Woman Suffrage of the United States Senate, in favor of an amendament to the Constitution of the United States extending the right of suffrage to womenLeave the NDL website. Address of Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, delivered at Seneca Falls and Rochester, N.Y., July 19th and August 2nd, 1848Leave the NDL website. America's debt to France : "the most unalterable gratitude"Leave the NDL website. The woman's rights almanac for 1858, containing facts, statistics, arguments, records of progress, and proofs of the need of itLeave the NDL website. Woman's right and the public welfare : remarks before a joint special committee of the Massachusetts Legislature, April 14, 1869Leave the NDL website. Twenty questions about the federal amendement proposed by the National Woman's PartyLeave the NDL website. The winning of Nevada for woman suffrage ; including oration of Hon. Curtis J. Hillyer, delivered before a joint session of the Nevada Legislature in 1869 : an unanswerable argument for the suffrage causeLeave the NDL website. Fact sheet from briefs in the case of eight soldiers v. the United States government : honorable discharge for honorable serviceLeave the NDL website. The correspondence between the Victoria League and Victoria C. WoodhullLeave the NDL website. Who took Ticonderoga? : read before the Worcester Society of Antiquity, Dec. 21, 1880Leave the NDL website. The Smith act and the Supreme Court : an American Civil Liberties Union analysis, opinion and statement of policyLeave the NDL website. Historical sketch of the battle of King's Mountain, fought between the Americanand British troops, at King's Mountain, York Co., S.C., October 7, 1780Leave the NDL website. Captain Asa Lay of the War for IndependenceLeave the NDL website. American deportation and exclusion laws : a reportLeave the NDL website. Champion of the public interest : highlights of the 50-year work of the Academic Freedom Committee of the American Civil Liberties UnionLeave the NDL website. Tapes for broadcast and discussion offered to radio stations, discussion groups, classrooms, etcLeave the NDL website. The condition and needs of statistics of marriage and divorceLeave the NDL website. Equal suffrage in Colorado : speech of Hon. Edward T. Taylor, of Colorado, delivered in the House of Representatives, Wednesday, April 24, 1912, in consideration of Bill (H.R. 38) to confer legislative authority on the territory of AlaskaLeave the NDL website. Woman's progress versus woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Sullivan's campaign in western New York, 1779Leave the NDL website. The loyalist refugees of New HampshireLeave the NDL website. Sentry, or Beacon Hill : the beacon and the monument of 1635 and 1790Leave the NDL website. Why women do not wish the suffrageLeave the NDL website. White anxiety and negro revoltLeave the NDL website. The victory in New Jersey : the decision of the highest court reversing the conviction of Roger N. Baldwin and others for unlawful assembly in the Paterson silk strike of 1924Leave the NDL website. Girls in a factory valleyLeave the NDL website. An address commemorative of the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775Leave the NDL website. An answer to the letter of Edmund Burke, esq : one of the representatives of the city of Bristol, to the sheriffs of that cityLeave the NDL website. The education of woman in the United States : studies on AmericaLeave the NDL website. The gag on teachingLeave the NDL website. The battle of Groton Heights; the massacre of Fort Griswold; and the burning ofNew London : historical sketchLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Convention of the Soldiers of the War of 1812, in the state of New York, held at Schuylerville, Saratoga Co., Oct. 17, 1856, in reference to their claims for military services, and to celebrate the anniversary of Burgoyne's surrenderLeave the NDL website. The first convention ever called to discuss the civil and political rights of women, Seneca Falls, N.Y., July 19, 20, 1848Leave the NDL website. Career women of AmericaLeave the NDL website. Oriskany, 6th August, 1777 : the decisive collision of the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Lafayette's Virginia campaign, 1781Leave the NDL website. Shall women vote? : an argument in favor of woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Address to the Legislature of New-York, adopted by the State Woman's Rights Convention, held at Albany, Tuedsday and Wednesday, February 14 & 15, 1854Leave the NDL website. Report of proceedings of the First National Convention of Business Women, held at Chicago, Ill., July 1214, 1917Leave the NDL website. Freedom of speech and of the press : striking passages from distinguished champions of freedom of expressionLeave the NDL website. A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constituents, upon his late resignation : with the correspondences between the secretaries of war and him, relative to his return to AmericaLeave the NDL website. Reminiscences of Gen. Warren and Bunker HillLeave the NDL website. Report of Nominating Committee For National Council meeting, New Yorker Hotel, April 8, 1961Leave the NDL website. Statement by American Civil Liberties Union on grand jury presentment concerning the Peekskill disordersLeave the NDL website. The right of women to vote guaranteed by the Constitution : memorial of Belva A. Lockwood and others, with the moral and constitutional argument in support of the same...Leave the NDL website. Review : the tomb of the martyrs, adjoining the United States Navy Yard, Brooklyn City, in Jackson Street, who died in dungeons and pestilential prison ships, in and about the city of New York, during the seven years of our Revolutionary WarLeave the NDL website. The Declaration of independence, July 4, 1776, its inception and history illustrated by original documents, including memorable autographs of all the signers, in the great assembly room of Independence Hall, Philadelphia, where the Declaration was signed : presented for public exhibition by Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach to S. Davis Wilson, mayor of the city of Philadelphia, July fourth to fifteenth, 1937Leave the NDL website. Souvenir program : one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the battle of Oriskany and the siege and relief of Fort Stanwix, Saturday, August 6, 1927, at the Oriskany battlefield and in the city of RomeLeave the NDL website. Diary of Samuel Cooper, 1775-1776Leave the NDL website. General Thomas Bartlett of Nottingham, N. HLeave the NDL website. Historic letters from the collection of the West Chester State Normal SchoolLeave the NDL website. The case against woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Statement concerning the National Council of Women of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Why I oppose woman suffrage : a pamphlet not an essayLeave the NDL website. ...Speeches of George William Curtis and Henry Ward BeecherLeave the NDL website. How New Jersey laws discriminate against womenLeave the NDL website. After college, what? For girlsLeave the NDL website. Address at the inauguration of the Hatborough Monument, commemorating the Battle of the Crooked Billet ; delivered at Loller Academy, December 5, 1861Leave the NDL website. Saratoga Monument : remarks of Edward Wemple and Samuel S. Cox, of New York, in the House of Representatives, Thursday, December 4, 1884, on the bill (S. 1309) to provide statuary and historical tablets for the Saratoga Monument, which passed Congress on that dayLeave the NDL website. School buildings as public forums : a survey of discrimination against unpopular minorities in the use of public school buildingsLeave the NDL website. Why we defend civil liberty, even for Nazis, Fascists and Communists : a statement by the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties UnionLeave the NDL website. John Gray, of Mount Vernon : the last soldier of the Revolution, born near Mount Vernon, Va., January 6, 1764, died at Hiramsburg, Ohio, March 29, 1868, age 104 yearsLeave the NDL website. Suffrage songs and versesLeave the NDL website. Colonel William Fleming : colonial surgeon, soldier, patriot, 1729-1795Leave the NDL website. You be the jury! : the extraordinary case of Emerson Jennings at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : address to the juryLeave the NDL website. A woman's sermon on a woman's question, preached in the Free Christian Church, Leicester, February 17th, 1907Leave the NDL website. Address of the National Woman Suffrage Association to the National Democratic Convention, to be held at St. Louis, Mo., June 27, 1876Leave the NDL website. Women of the futureLeave the NDL website. Political rights of women : speech of Hon. John D. White, of Kentucky, in the House of Representatives, Thursday, February 7, 1884Leave the NDL website. The conviction of Mrs. Kate Richards O'hare and North Dakota politicsLeave the NDL website. [Program], November and December, 1897 : RussiaLeave the NDL website. Concord fight, April 19, 1775Leave the NDL website. What freedom in New York schools? : shall teachers like other citizens have the right to express their opinions freely on matters of public interest?Leave the NDL website. "Unlawful assembly" in Paterson, the trial and conviction of Roger N. Baldwin and seven silk strikers under a law passed in 1796Leave the NDL website. Female physiciansLeave the NDL website. An oration, delivered at New-Haven on the 7th of July, A.D. 1801, before the Society of the Cincinnati, for the state of Connecticut, as assembled to celebratethe anniversary of American independenceLeave the NDL website. Responsibilities of woman : a speech at the Woman's Rights Convention, Worcester, October 15, 1851Leave the NDL website. Votes for women, why?Leave the NDL website. Report : to accompany S. Res. 5Leave the NDL website. Behind the bars for the First amendment : the Story of 36 Americans, four of them already in jail, and the rest facing the possibility of imprisonment because they believe the First amendment to the Constitution means what it saysLeave the NDL website. Reflections on the Observations on the importance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the worldLeave the NDL website. In memoriam, Elvira Canfield Peabody, May 4, 1901Leave the NDL website. An interesting case, being an account of the legal controversy over the will of Banjamin van Cleve, a soldier of the Revolution... together with an appreciation of the testator...Leave the NDL website. The relation of women to work in the Southern states, read before the Association for the Advancement of Women, at the annual congress, held at Boston, October, 1880Leave the NDL website. The "parasitic" woman : an argumentLeave the NDL website. The National League of Women Workers : summary of its work from 1898 to 1904Leave the NDL website. Mrs. May Wright SewallLeave the NDL website. Women's wages today : one reason for a legal minimum in New York StateLeave the NDL website. The Sam Adams regiments in the town of BostonLeave the NDL website. How Maryland laws discriminate against womenLeave the NDL website. "For God and American liberty" : National Association, Loyal Women of American Liberty, National Headquarters, Room 10, Tremont Temple, BostonLeave the NDL website. Lafayette in the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Arnold's expedition against Quebec, 1775-1776 : the diary of Ebenezer Wild, with a list of such diariesLeave the NDL website. Amnesty for political prisoners : address delivered in Washington, D.C. on April 17, 1919Leave the NDL website. An address in commemoration of the battle of Bunker Hill!! : delivered on the evening of June 16th, 1825, it being the 50th ammiversarvLeave the NDL website. A complete and accurate account of the very important debate in the House of Commons : on Tuesday, July 9, 1782, in which the cause of Mr. Fox's resignation, and the great question of American independence came under consideration...Leave the NDL website. The struggle for civil liberty on the land : the story of the recent struggles of land-owning farmers, of sharecroppers, tenants and farm laborers for the right to organize, strike and picketLeave the NDL website. A sermon preached at Lexington on the 19th of Agril, 1781 : being the anniversary of the commencenent of hostilities between Great-Britain and America, which took place in that town, on the 19th of April, 1775Leave the NDL website. Journal of Major Jeremiah Fogg : during the expedition of Gen. Sullivan in 1779, against the western IndiansLeave the NDL website. The condition of women workers under the present industrial system : an address at the National Convention of the American Federation of Labor, held at Detroit, Mich., December 8th, 1890Leave the NDL website. Petition and brief of claimants [of the estate of Tarlton Woodson]Leave the NDL website. The correspondence of Lord Montague with General Moultrie, 1781Leave the NDL website. Camp Charlotte : a tale of 1774Leave the NDL website. Obscenity and censorship : two statements of the American Civil Liberties UnionLeave the NDL website. Der Freiheitskampf Nordamerikas und der Burenkreig : Vortrag, gehalten in der Militärischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin am 20. März 1901Leave the NDL website. State legislation limiting labor injunctions : draft of a model bill for the statesLeave the NDL website. An oration in memory of General Montgomery, and of the officers and soldiers, who fell with him, December 31, 1775, before Quebec : drawn up (and delivered February 19th, 1776) at the desire of the honorable Continental CongressLeave the NDL website. Relaxation of the symphysis pubis in pregnancyLeave the NDL website. The life and surprising adventures of John Nutting, Cambridge loyalist, and his strange connection with the Penobscot Expedition of 1779Leave the NDL website. Caesar Rodney and his rideLeave the NDL website. The navy in the war of the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. How women can learn to earn : courses by mail in architecture, bookkeeping, chemistry, English branches, lettering, ornamental design, stenography, teachingLeave the NDL website. An address read before the Maryland Historical Society on the centennial of thesiege of Yorktown, Va., 1781-1881Leave the NDL website. Report on the Scottsboro, Ala. caseLeave the NDL website. Music composed and arranged for the 100th anniversary of the battle and massacre of Wyoming, 3rd of July 1778-3rd of July 1878Leave the NDL website. War-time restraints : texts of federal laws and regulations affecting utterances, communication, enemy aliens, labor, etcLeave the NDL website. An oration delivered at Concord, on the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the events of April 19, 1775 : delivered before the Massachusetts legislature, and published by their orderLeave the NDL website. Address at the unveiling of the monument of General Peter Muhlenberg of German Day, Thursday, October 6, 1910, at the City Hall, PhiladelphiaLeave the NDL website. 100 new money making plans for untrained womenLeave the NDL website. Blue coats and redsLeave the NDL website. Fetal cephalometry in utero : a method for estimating the occipitofrontal diameter ; and a statistical study of cephalic measurements in one hundred and forty-nine unmolded headsLeave the NDL website. The life and services of Governor Samuel Ward, of Rhode Island, a member of the Continental Congress in 1774, 1775, and 1776Leave the NDL website. So this is free speech! : news pictures taken during 1933-34 in labor and farm strikes, in unemployed demonstrations, showing violent attacks by police and troops in making arrests and in dispersing assemblagesLeave the NDL website. The woman's suffrage from a religious and judicial point of viewLeave the NDL website. Consolatory thoughts on American independence : shewing the great advantages that will arise from it to the manufactures, the agriculture, and commercial interest of Britain and Ireland. Published for the benefit of the Orphan Hospital at EdinburghLeave the NDL website. American Civil Liberties Union FoundationLeave the NDL website. Marriage, as it was, as it is, and as it should be ; with a sketch of the life of Mrs, BesantLeave the NDL website. Your rights before the grand juryLeave the NDL website. Some facts about John Paul JonesLeave the NDL website. Constitution and by-laws of the Woman's Board of Trade and Library AssociationLeave the NDL website. The story of the convention army, 1777-1783Leave the NDL website. Civil liberties and national defenseLeave the NDL website. Woman in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the first anniversary of the American Equal Rights Association, held at the Church of the Puritans, New York, May 9 and 10, 1867Leave the NDL website. Hospital survey on sterilization policiesLeave the NDL website. Director's report, 1965. --Leave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : a study outlineLeave the NDL website. ...A discussion of woman suffrage by the Yale University debating teams, in the 1914 triangular debates with Harvard and PrincetonLeave the NDL website. A fragmentary record of public work done in America : 1871-1877Leave the NDL website. Why should a girl have a college education and what will it do for her ; a Rockford College point of view : address before the Chicago College Club, December 13, 1913Leave the NDL website. A letter on woman suffrage from one woman to anotherLeave the NDL website. Constitution of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, adopted by the Convention at Washington, December, 1913Leave the NDL website. The Supreme Court and civil liberties : how far has the court protected the Bill of Rights? : a study of the recordLeave the NDL website. The wreck of the "Somerset" : ... withan authentic letter from H. M. secretary of the admiralty, Whitehall, London, confirming the accuracy of the discovery of the famous old English man-of-warLeave the NDL website. The battle of TrentonLeave the NDL website. The woman for the times : an address delivered at the annual commencement of Kittrell's Spring Female College, June 28, 1866Leave the NDL website. History of the battle at Lexington, on the morning of the 19th April, 1775Leave the NDL website. How six states won woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Constitution of Hull-House Woman's ClubLeave the NDL website. The writings of Laura BridgmanLeave the NDL website. Employment discriminationLeave the NDL website. Ethan Allen at TiconderogaLeave the NDL website. Women in the war, for the final push to victory : women needed in war plants, in essential civilian jobs, and in the Women's Reserves of the armed forces...Leave the NDL website. Souvenir program : one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the battle of Bennington, Tuesday, August 16, 1927, at the Bennington battlefield, Walloomsac, New YorkLeave the NDL website. Handbook of laws regulating women's hours of labor and a standard law embodying the best provisions of the most effective statutes now in forseLeave the NDL website. Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistlesLeave the NDL website. Unveiling of memorial tablet to Daniel Bissell, the patriot spy of the Revolution, at Windsor, Conn., October 18, 1919Leave the NDL website. Martyrs to the Revolution in the British prison-ships in the Wallabout BayLeave the NDL website. Exercises to commemorate the visit of General Rochambeau during the Revolutionary War and to dedicate a tablet in his honorLeave the NDL website. Citizenship for alien pacifists : The issue again before the courtsLeave the NDL website. The British Army button in the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : hearing before the Select Committee on Woman Suffrage, on the joint resolution (S.R. 53) proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States extending the right of suffrage to womenLeave the NDL website. The treaties between His most Christian Majesty and the thirteen United Statesof America : published by order of CongressLeave the NDL website. Is Christianity hostile to the cause of woman suffrage? : a monograph embodying a citizen's protest against female enfranchisement as being an undemocratic and unjust innovationLeave the NDL website. Report of the proceedings of a convention composed of delegates from the thirteen original United States, held in Independence Hall on Monday the fifth, and Tuesday the sixth of July, 1852, for the purpose of considering the propriety of erecting one or more monument Independence Square, Philadelphia, in commemoration of the Declaration of independence, July 4, 1776, and in honor of the signers thereof, in accordance with a preamble and resolutions submitted by A. G. WatermanLeave the NDL website. ReportLeave the NDL website. The ladies' hand-book of baby linen ; containing plain and ample instruction for the preparation of an infant's wardrobe, with additionsLeave the NDL website. Cybernation and jobs : talk given at MENSA meeting, New York City, October 16, 1964Leave the NDL website. The American querist : or, Some questions proposed relative to the present disputes between Great-Britain and her American colonies. By a North-AmericanLeave the NDL website. Correct story of the romance of Nathan Hale and Alice AdamsLeave the NDL website. An address to the legislatures of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The battle of Princeton : a preliminary studyLeave the NDL website. Nancy Hanks Lincoln : a sermon delivered at All Souls Church, Chicago, February eight, nineteen hundred and threeLeave the NDL website. A great field for womenLeave the NDL website. The right and wrong of woman suffrage : address delivered under the auspices of the New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage, at a meeting of men and women at the residence of Mr. Justice Bischoff on the evening of February 27th, 1912Leave the NDL website. Historical military powder-horns : Society of Colonial Wars in the District of ColumbiaLeave the NDL website. An oration, delivered at Hackinsack, onthe 10th of September, 1780, at the interment of the Honorable Brigadier Enoch Poor, general of the New Hampshire brigadeLeave the NDL website. Louisiana laws discriminating against womenLeave the NDL website. The conspiracy of the privilegedLeave the NDL website. Addresses on mental culture for women, delivered in New York, October 26, 1858Leave the NDL website. Oration delivered on the eighty-third anniversary of the battle of Minisink, at Goshen, July 22, 1862, in dedication ofa monument erected by the munificence of Dr. Merrit H. Cash, inamemory of the patriots who fell in theat battleLeave the NDL website. Education of girls : institutions and suggestionsLeave the NDL website. Reminiscences of the Revolution ; or, LeLoup's bloody trail from Salem to Fort EdwardLeave the NDL website. An address delivered at Charlestown, Mass., on the 17th of June, 1836, at the request of the young men, without distinction of party, in commemoration of the battle of Bunker HillLeave the NDL website. Foreign dictators of American rights : the Tresca and Karolyi casesLeave the NDL website. Unveiling and presentation of the monument erẹcted on "Dover Green"Leave the NDL website. "The dress-maker" : a prize essay..Leave the NDL website. A woman cannot practice law or hold any office in Illinois : full report of the proceedings in the Supreme Court of Illinois upon the application of Myra Bradwell to be admitted to the barLeave the NDL website. An anti-suffrage monologueLeave the NDL website. Debater's guide for friends of woman suffrage, in debating clubs, literary societies, public meetings, etc., showing how to win the debate and carry the audience ; from thirty-five years' experience in the causeLeave the NDL website. Ceremonies at the dedication of the Bigelow Monument, Worcester, Massachusetts, April 19, 1861Leave the NDL website. Major-General Anthony Wayne, died December 15, 1796Leave the NDL website. The true cause of the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Anti-evolution laws : the views of leaders in religion, education and public life regarding laws restricting the teaching of evolutionLeave the NDL website. A memorial of Henry Wisner : the only New Yorker who voted for the Declaration of independenceLeave the NDL website. The battle of Lexington ; with personal recollections of men engaged in itLeave the NDL website. Why freedom mattersLeave the NDL website. The ban on miners' rights in the Illinois coal fields : the story of the struggle up to early spring of 1933Leave the NDL website. 150th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of independence, Taunton, Massachusetts, July 4th, 1926 : Robert Treat Paine, signerLeave the NDL website. James Otis's argument against the Writsof assistance, 1761 : remarks made before the Massachusetts Historical Society, December 11, 1890Leave the NDL website. An address of the legislature to the inhabitants of the Commonwealth of MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. A white life for twoLeave the NDL website. Civil liberties of teachers and students : academic freedom : a statement of principles governing freedom for teacher and students in public and private schools and collegesLeave the NDL website. Three revolutionary soldiers : David Forman (1745-1797), Jonathan Forman (1755-1809), Thomas Marsh Forman (1758-1845)Leave the NDL website. Women as jurors and jury service in IllinoisLeave the NDL website. The home defenceLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of a court martial : held at Cambridge, by order of Major General Heath, commanding the American troops for the northern district, for the trial of Colonel David Henley, accused by General Burgoyne, of the ill treatment of the British soldiers, &c. Taken in shorthand by an officer, who was presentLeave the NDL website. The morality of woman, and other essaysLeave the NDL website. A journal kept by John Leach, during his confinement by the British, Boston gaol, in 1775Leave the NDL website. The militant and the childLeave the NDL website. The late regulations respecting the British colonies on the continent of America considered, in a letter from a gentleman in Philadelphia to his friend in LondonLeave the NDL website. Compulsory flag salute in schools : a survey of the statutes and an examination of their constitutionalityLeave the NDL website. Dedication of the Oriskany Monument, August 6, 1884 : addressesLeave the NDL website. The story of the Bertrand Russell case : the enlightening record of the obstruction by courts and officials of the appointment of Bertrand Russell to a professorship at the College of the City of New YorkLeave the NDL website. An appeal for woman suffrage made in the Legislative Hall, Frankfort, Kentucky, January, 1884Leave the NDL website. The rights and condition of women ; considered in "The Church of the Messiah," November 8, 1846Leave the NDL website. Woman suffrage : hearing before the Committee on Woman Suffrage, United States Senate, sixty-fifth Congress, first session, on S.J. Res. 2, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States conferring upon women the right of suffrage, April 20, 1917Leave the NDL website. Diary of Ezra Green, M. D : surgeon on board the continental ship-of-war "Ranger," under John Paul Jones, from November1, 1777, to September 27, 1778, born in 1746, died in 1847Leave the NDL website. The message of Valley Forge : the 18th annual sermon preached before the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution ... December 16th, 1906Leave the NDL website. A memoir of Eli Bickford : a patriof of the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Women who have made goodLeave the NDL website. The battle of Kings Mountain and its significance : an address delivered at the annual dinner of the Tennessee Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Belle Meade Country Club, Nashville, Tennessee, October 8, 1934Leave the NDL website. An oration delivered at Charlestown, June 17, 1875, in commemoration of the centennial anniversary of the battle of Bunker HillLeave the NDL website. ...The Woman's Committee, United States Council of National Defense : an interpretative report, April 21, 1917, to February 27, 1919Leave the NDL website. Journals of Henry Dearborn, 1776-1783Leave the NDL website. The marriage marketLeave the NDL website. The Battle of Guilford Court HouseLeave the NDL website. Academic freedom and academic responsibility, their meaning to students, teachers, administrators and the community : a statement of principles concerning the civil liberties and obligations of students and teachers in public and private schools, colleges and universitiesLeave the NDL website. Your rights on the street : some things you should know when you leaflet, table, fundraise, speak, loudspeak, march or picket on public streets and certain special placesLeave the NDL website. Letter of Hon. Abram S. Hewitt and speech of Francis M. Scott, Esq., before Committee on Suffrage of the New York Constitutional Convention, June 14, 1894Leave the NDL website. Plain words on the woman questionLeave the NDL website. Director's report, National Council meeting, April 2, 1960. --Leave the NDL website. An oration on the real nature and value of the American Revolution : delivered in Cincinnati, before citizens of all races, sects and parties, on the fourth of July, A.D. 1855Leave the NDL website. The pay of college womenLeave the NDL website. Narrative of the Battle of Cowan's Ford, February 1st, 1781 : and Narrative of the Battle of Kings MountainLeave the NDL website. ...White-slave traffic...report (to accompany H.R. 12315)Leave the NDL website. The lie detector as a surveillance deviceLeave the NDL website. Some fundamentals of the divorce questionLeave the NDL website. Women and workLeave the NDL website. The legendary and myth-making process in histories of the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Popp's journal, 1777-1783Leave the NDL website. Story of the national amendment for woman suffrageLeave the NDL website. Civil liberties : books, pamphlets, leafletsLeave the NDL website. Survey of occupations open to the girl of fourteen to sixteen yearsLeave the NDL website. Little girls should not play little league ...Leave the NDL website. Organized women and their legislative program as represented by the Women's Joint Congressional CommitteeLeave the NDL website. EphemeraLeave the NDL website. The future of educated womenLeave the NDL website. The fight for free speech : a brief statement of present conditions in the United States and of the work of the American Civil Liberties Union against forces of suppressionLeave the NDL website. Dissent in crisis : the Anti-riot actLeave the NDL website. Fears of the anti-suffragistLeave the NDL website. Letter addressed to the Abbe Raynal on the affairs of North-America. In which the mistakes in the Abbe's account of the revolution in America are corrected adn cleared upLeave the NDL website. Women, economics and the ballotLeave the NDL website.

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