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Caturdaśalakṣaṇī : Dīdhiti with Gādādharī and the sub-commentaries Kr̥ṣṇaṃbhaṭṭīya and NyāyaratnaLeave the NDL website. Sphoṭavāda of NāgeśabhaṭṭaLeave the NDL website. From macrocosm to microcosm ; From atom to manLeave the NDL website. Siddhānta Darpaṇam : The mirror of the laws [of astronomy]Leave the NDL website. Maṇikaṇa : a Navya-Nyāya manualLeave the NDL website. Studies on some concepts of the Alaṃkāra ŚāstraLeave the NDL website. Vedāntasāra of Bhagavad RāmānujaLeave the NDL website. Tirukkuṛaḷ of Tiruvaḷḷuvar with English translationLeave the NDL website. Udāra-Rāghava of Śākalya Malla : with the commentaries Śiśubodhinī, Pradyotanī and SaṃjīvinīLeave the NDL website. Mīmāṁsā and Advaita VedāntaLeave the NDL website. Mānameyodaya of Nārāyaṇa : an elementary treatise on the MīmāṃsāLeave the NDL website. याज्ञिक्युपनिषद्विवरणम् = Yājñikyupaniṣad-vivaraṇaLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of BhedābhedaLeave the NDL website. Gaṅgeśa's philosophy of God : analysis, text, translation, and interpretation of Īśvaravāda section of Gaṅgeśa's Tattvacintāmaṇi with a study of the development of Nyāya theismLeave the NDL website. The Sāmanya Vedānta Upaniṣad-s : with the commentary of Śrī Upaniṣad-brahma-yoginLeave the NDL website. From humanity to divinity ; Some practical applicationsLeave the NDL website. The Saṃgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva : with the Kalānidhi of Kallinātha and the Saṃgītasudhākara of SiṃhabhūpālaLeave the NDL website. A synthetic view of VedāntaLeave the NDL website. The number of rasa-sLeave the NDL website. The cradle of Indian historyLeave the NDL website. Edicts of Aśoka : PriyadarśinLeave the NDL website. Ahirbudhnya-saṃhita of the PāñcarātrāgamaLeave the NDL website. Śrī Pāñcarātrarakṣā of Śrī Vedānta DeśikaLeave the NDL website. Rajadharma : Dewan Bahadur K. Krishnaswami row lectures, University of MadrasLeave the NDL website. चतुर्दशलक्षणी : गादाधरी : व्याख्यानत्रययुताLeave the NDL website. Prākr̥taprakāśa of Vararuci : with the commentary of RāmapāṇivādaLeave the NDL website. Varivasyā-rahasya and its commentary PrakāśaLeave the NDL website. Śrī Pāñcarātrarakṣā of Śrī Vedānta DeśikaLeave the NDL website. The Vaiṣṇava Upaniṣad-s : English translation based on the commentary of Upaniṣad BrahmayoginLeave the NDL website. Introduction to the Pāñcarātra and the Ahirbudhnya saṃhitāLeave the NDL website. अलंकारसंग्रहः अमृतानन्दयोगिकृतः = Alaṁkārasaṁgraha of Amr̥tānandayoginLeave the NDL website. Ṛgvedavyākhyā MādhavakṛtāLeave the NDL website. The Śākta Upaniṣad-s : with the commentary of Upaniṣad-brahma-yoginLeave the NDL website. The Daśarūpaka of Dhanaṃjaya : with the commentary Avaloka by Dhanika, and the sub-commentary Laghuṭīkā by BhaṭṭanṛsiṃhaLeave the NDL website. The Rasārṇavasudhākara of SiṃhabhūpālaLeave the NDL website. The Saṃnyāsa Upaniṣad-s : with the commentary of Śrī Upaniṣad-BrahmayoginLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of ViśiṣṭādvaitaLeave the NDL website. Usāṇiruddha : a Prakrit poem in four cantosLeave the NDL website. Amarakośa : with the unpublished South Indian commentariesLeave the NDL website. वेदान्तसारः = Vedāntasāra of Bhagavad RāmānujaLeave the NDL website. भव्यकृतम् मध्यमकहृदयम् = Madhyamakahṛdayam of BhavyaLeave the NDL website. Acyutarāyābhyudaya of Rājanātha Diṇḍima (sargas 7 to 12)Leave the NDL website. Maṇikaṇa ; a Navya-nyāya manualLeave the NDL website. Ātman in pre-Upanisadic Vedic literatureLeave the NDL website. HaricaritaLeave the NDL website. Āśvalāyana gṛhya sūtra : with the commentaries of Devasvāmin and NārāyaṇaLeave the NDL website. Indian theories of meaningLeave the NDL website. Varivasyā-Rahasya and its commentary PrakāśaLeave the NDL website. वेदान्तकारिकावली बुच्चि वेंकटाचार्यकृता = Vedāntakārikāvalī of Bucci VeṅkaṭācāryaLeave the NDL website. Vedic studiesLeave the NDL website. संकल्पसूर्योदयः : अहोबलकृतया प्रभाविलासाख्यया नृसिंहराजकृतया प्रभावल्याख्यया च व्याख्यया समेतःLeave the NDL website. Lakṣmī-tantra : a Pāñcarātra āgamaLeave the NDL website. आङ्गिरसस्मृतिः = ĀṅgirasasmṛtiLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of ViśiṣṭādvaitaLeave the NDL website. ChāndogyopaniṣadLeave the NDL website. Kavya, Nataka and AlankaraLeave the NDL website. वैष्णव-उपनिषदः = The Vaiṣṇava-Upaniṣads : with the commentary of Śri Upaniṣad-Brahma-YoginLeave the NDL website. The Sāmānya Vedānta Upaniṣad-sLeave the NDL website. Caturdaśalakṣaṇī : with the Kroḍapatra Ṭippaṇī by Paṭṭābhirāma ŚāstrīLeave the NDL website. Viśvabhāratī collectionLeave the NDL website. Vyavahāranirṇaya of VaradarājaLeave the NDL website. The ancient wisdom of WalesLeave the NDL website. Saṃnyāsapaddhati of Rudra DevaLeave the NDL website. Rāgavibodha of Somanātha with his own commentary VivekaLeave the NDL website. Amarakośa : with the unpublished South Indian commentaries, Amarapadavivṛti of Liṅgayasūrin and the Amarapadapārijāta of MallināthaLeave the NDL website. Tirukkuṛaḷ of Tiruvaḷḷuvar : in Roman and Tamil scrips, with an English translationLeave the NDL website. Advaitasiddhipatram : a critical review of the second definition of falsity : two fresh argumentsLeave the NDL website. The number of rasa-sLeave the NDL website. Viṣṇusmṛti : with the commentary Keśavavaijayantī of NandapaṇḍitaLeave the NDL website. Kauṣītaki Brāhmaṇa Upaniṣad : with an anonymous unpublished commentary in SanskritLeave the NDL website. The Vaiṣṇavopaniṣad-s : translated into English on the basis of the commentary of Śrī Upaniṣad-brahma-yoginLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of ViśiṣṭādvaitaLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of education in ancient India : Dewan Bahadur K. Krishnaswami Rao endowment lectures in the University of Madras, 17th and 18th November, 1949Leave the NDL website. Idea of personality : Dr. Annie Besant memorial endowment lectures, University of MadrasLeave the NDL website. Tirukkural of Tiruvalluvar (in Roman transliteration)Leave the NDL website. Ārya Śālistamba sūtra ; Pratītyasamutpādavibhaṅga nirdeśasūtra ; and Pratītyasamutpādagāthā sūtraLeave the NDL website. The Śrīharicarita-mahākāvya of Śrīhari Padmanābhaśāstrin : the complete Rāmāyaṇa in the Āryā metreLeave the NDL website. Alphabetical index of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Adyar LibraryLeave the NDL website. Saṅgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva : with Kalānidhi of Kallinātha and Sudhākara of SiṁhabhūpālaLeave the NDL website. The R̥tuvarṇana of Durlabha : with a commentaryLeave the NDL website. Rāmānuja on the yogaLeave the NDL website. Saṃgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva : with the Kalānidhi of Kallinātha and the Sudhākara of SiṃhabhūpālaLeave the NDL website. Naiṣadhānanda of KṣemīśvaraLeave the NDL website. Spinozian wisdom or natural religionLeave the NDL website. The Yoga Upaniṣads : translated into English (on the basis of the commentary of S'rī Upanisadbrahmayogin)Leave the NDL website. Cāṇakya-Rāja-nīti : maxims on Rāja-nīti, compiled from various collections of maxims attributed to CāṇakyaLeave the NDL website. Modern Sanskrit writingsLeave the NDL website. MūlamadhyamakakārikāḥLeave the NDL website. Stotrasamuccaya : a collection of rare and unpublished Stotra-sLeave the NDL website. Mānameyodaya of Nārāyaṇa : an elementary treatise on the MīṃāmsāLeave the NDL website. The Śākta Upaniṣad-s : translated into English (based mainly on the commentary of Upaniṣad-brahmayogin)Leave the NDL website. The Vaiṣṇava-Upaniṣads : with the commentary of Śrī Upaniṣad BrahmayoginLeave the NDL website. VedicLeave the NDL website. VādāvalīLeave the NDL website. VedāntaparibhāṣāLeave the NDL website. शैव-उपनिषदः : अष्टोत्तरशतोपनिषत्सु : श्री उपनिषद्ब्रह्मयोगिविरचितव्याख्यायुताःLeave the NDL website. The Śaiva upaniṣad-s : with the commentary of sri upaniṣad-brahma-yoginLeave the NDL website. Daśa-upaniṣadaḥLeave the NDL website. Descriptive catalogue of the Pāli manuscripts in the Adyar LibraryLeave the NDL website. Saṃgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva : with the Kalānidhi of Kallinātha and the Sudhākara of SiṃhabhūpālaLeave the NDL website. Gautama-Dharmasūtra-pariśiṣṭa : (second praśna)Leave the NDL website. Indian cameralism : a survey of some aspects of Arthaśāstra : readership lectures, Calcutta UniversityLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of BhedābhedaLeave the NDL website. Stotra-sLeave the NDL website. Ahirbudhnya-saṃhita of the PāñcarātrāgamaLeave the NDL website. The epistemology of Dvaita VedāntaLeave the NDL website. Viśiṣṭādvaita and other Vedānta-sLeave the NDL website. Nītidviṣaṣṭikā of Sundarapāṇḍya : a compendium of 120 moral maximsLeave the NDL website. Edicts of As'oka (Priyadars'in)Leave the NDL website. Ālambanaparīkṣā and vṛttiLeave the NDL website. Stuḍies on some concepts of the Alankara śāstraLeave the NDL website. The Yoga Upaniṣad-s : with the commentary of Śrī Upaniṣad-BrahmayoginLeave the NDL website. Saṅgītaratnākara of ŚārṅgadevaLeave the NDL website. The thirty-two vidyā-sLeave the NDL website. Sanatkumāra-Saṃhitā of the PāñcarātrāgamaLeave the NDL website. Sāṃkhya, Yoga, Vaiśeṣika and NyāyaLeave the NDL website. Grammar, prosody and lexicographyLeave the NDL website. Śaiva UpaniṣadsLeave the NDL website. Origin and spread of the Tamils : a course of two lectures delivered under the Sankara-Parvati Endowment, University of MadrasLeave the NDL website. Āśvalāyanagr̥hyasūtrabhāṣyam of DevasvāminLeave the NDL website. Introduction to the Pāñcarātra and the Ahirbudhnya saṃhitāLeave the NDL website. Chapter on dancingLeave the NDL website. अष्टोत्तरशतोपनिषत्सु शाक्त-उपनिषदः : श्री उपनिषद्ब्रह्मयोगिविरचितव्याख्यायुताःLeave the NDL website. Rasakalikā of RudrabhaṭṭaLeave the NDL website. वरिवस्यारहस्यम् : भासुरानन्दापरनाम्ना श्रीभास्कररायमखिना प्रणीतम् प्रकाशाख्यव्याख्यासंवलितम्, आङ्गलपरिवर्तनभूमिकोपेतम्Leave the NDL website. वराहमिहिरहोराशास्त्रम् = Varāhamihira, HorāśāstramLeave the NDL website. SphoṭavādaLeave the NDL website. The Rāśigolasphuṭānīti of Acyuta (Tṛkkaṇṭiyūr Acyuta Piṣāraṭi) (on the caluculation of true longitude on the celestial sphere and reduction to the ecliptic in Indian astronomy)Leave the NDL website. Studies in IndologyLeave the NDL website. The age of PatanjaliLeave the NDL website. VedāntaparibhāṣāLeave the NDL website. नागार्जुनीया मूलमध्यमककारिका प्रज्ञा नाम = Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā Prajñā nāmaLeave the NDL website. The saṃnyāsa upaniṣad-s (on renunciation)Leave the NDL website. Melarāgamālikā of Mahāvaidyanātha ŚivanLeave the NDL website. Descriptive catalogue of Tamil manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the Adyar Library : Western SectionLeave the NDL website. जीवानन्दनम् : आयुर्वेदशास्त्रतत्त्वप्रकटनपरं प्राचीनं नाटकम् : तेनैव विरचितया विपुलया नन्दिन्याख्यया व्याख्यया च समेतम्Leave the NDL website. UnmattarāghavaLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of BhedābhedaLeave the NDL website. Jyotiṣa, Vāstu, Śilpa, Nāṭya, Saṃgīta and Kāma Śāstra-sLeave the NDL website. Paramata-bhaṅga : an exposition : Śrī Vedānta Deśika's critique of non-Viśiṣṭādvaita philosophiesLeave the NDL website.

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The Adyar Library series
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Various publisher:The Adyar Library
Related Material
Caturdaśalakṣaṇī : Dīdhiti with Gādādharī and the sub-commentaries Kr̥ṣṇaṃbhaṭṭīya and Nyāyaratna
Sphoṭavāda of Nāgeśabhaṭṭa
From macrocosm to microcosm ; From atom to man
Siddhānta Darpaṇam : The mirror of the laws [of astronomy]
Maṇikaṇa : a Navya-Nyāya manual
Studies on some concepts of the Alaṃkāra Śāstra
Vedāntasāra of Bhagavad Rāmānuja
Tirukkuṛaḷ of Tiruvaḷḷuvar with English translation
Udāra-Rāghava of Śākalya Malla : with the commentaries Śiśubodhinī, Pradyotanī and Saṃjīvinī
Mīmāṁsā and Advaita Vedānta
Mānameyodaya of Nārāyaṇa : an elementary treatise on the Mīmāṃsā
याज्ञिक्युपनिषद्विवरणम् = Yājñikyupaniṣad-vivaraṇa
The philosophy of Bhedābheda
Gaṅgeśa's philosophy of God : analysis, text, translation, and interpretation of Īśvaravāda section of Gaṅgeśa's Tattvacintāmaṇi with a study of the development of Nyāya theism
The Sāmanya Vedānta Upaniṣad-s : with the commentary of Śrī Upaniṣad-brahma-yogin
From humanity to divinity ; Some practical applications
The Saṃgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva : with the Kalānidhi of Kallinātha and the Saṃgītasudhākara of Siṃhabhūpāla
A synthetic view of Vedānta
The number of rasa-s
The cradle of Indian history
Edicts of Aśoka : Priyadarśin
Ahirbudhnya-saṃhita of the Pāñcarātrāgama
Śrī Pāñcarātrarakṣā of Śrī Vedānta Deśika
Rajadharma : Dewan Bahadur K. Krishnaswami row lectures, University of Madras
चतुर्दशलक्षणी : गादाधरी : व्याख्यानत्रययुता
Prākr̥taprakāśa of Vararuci : with the commentary of Rāmapāṇivāda
Varivasyā-rahasya and its commentary Prakāśa
Śrī Pāñcarātrarakṣā of Śrī Vedānta Deśika
The Vaiṣṇava Upaniṣad-s : English translation based on the commentary of Upaniṣad Brahmayogin
Introduction to the Pāñcarātra and the Ahirbudhnya saṃhitā
अलंकारसंग्रहः अमृतानन्दयोगिकृतः = Alaṁkārasaṁgraha of Amr̥tānandayogin
Ṛgvedavyākhyā Mādhavakṛtā
The Śākta Upaniṣad-s : with the commentary of Upaniṣad-brahma-yogin
The Daśarūpaka of Dhanaṃjaya : with the commentary Avaloka by Dhanika, and the sub-commentary Laghuṭīkā by Bhaṭṭanṛsiṃha
The Rasārṇavasudhākara of Siṃhabhūpāla
The Saṃnyāsa Upaniṣad-s : with the commentary of Śrī Upaniṣad-Brahmayogin
The philosophy of Viśiṣṭādvaita
Usāṇiruddha : a Prakrit poem in four cantos
Amarakośa : with the unpublished South Indian commentaries
वेदान्तसारः = Vedāntasāra of Bhagavad Rāmānuja
भव्यकृतम् मध्यमकहृदयम् = Madhyamakahṛdayam of Bhavya
Acyutarāyābhyudaya of Rājanātha Diṇḍima (sargas 7 to 12)
Maṇikaṇa ; a Navya-nyāya manual
Ātman in pre-Upanisadic Vedic literature
Āśvalāyana gṛhya sūtra : with the commentaries of Devasvāmin and Nārāyaṇa
Indian theories of meaning
Varivasyā-Rahasya and its commentary Prakāśa
वेदान्तकारिकावली बुच्चि वेंकटाचार्यकृता = Vedāntakārikāvalī of Bucci Veṅkaṭācārya
Vedic studies
संकल्पसूर्योदयः : अहोबलकृतया प्रभाविलासाख्यया नृसिंहराजकृतया प्रभावल्याख्यया च व्याख्यया समेतः
Lakṣmī-tantra : a Pāñcarātra āgama
आङ्गिरसस्मृतिः = Āṅgirasasmṛti
The philosophy of Viśiṣṭādvaita
Kavya, Nataka and Alankara
वैष्णव-उपनिषदः = The Vaiṣṇava-Upaniṣads : with the commentary of Śri Upaniṣad-Brahma-Yogin
The Sāmānya Vedānta Upaniṣad-s
Caturdaśalakṣaṇī : with the Kroḍapatra Ṭippaṇī by Paṭṭābhirāma Śāstrī
Viśvabhāratī collection
Vyavahāranirṇaya of Varadarāja
The ancient wisdom of Wales
Saṃnyāsapaddhati of Rudra Deva
Rāgavibodha of Somanātha with his own commentary Viveka
Amarakośa : with the unpublished South Indian commentaries, Amarapadavivṛti of Liṅgayasūrin and the Amarapadapārijāta of Mallinātha
Tirukkuṛaḷ of Tiruvaḷḷuvar : in Roman and Tamil scrips, with an English translation
Advaitasiddhipatram : a critical review of the second definition of falsity : two fresh arguments
The number of rasa-s
Viṣṇusmṛti : with the commentary Keśavavaijayantī of Nandapaṇḍita
Kauṣītaki Brāhmaṇa Upaniṣad : with an anonymous unpublished commentary in Sanskrit
The Vaiṣṇavopaniṣad-s : translated into English on the basis of the commentary of Śrī Upaniṣad-brahma-yogin
The philosophy of Viśiṣṭādvaita
Some aspects of education in ancient India : Dewan Bahadur K. Krishnaswami Rao endowment lectures in the University of Madras, 17th and 18th November, 1949
Idea of personality : Dr. Annie Besant memorial endowment lectures, University of Madras
Tirukkural of Tiruvalluvar (in Roman transliteration)
Ārya Śālistamba sūtra ; Pratītyasamutpādavibhaṅga nirdeśasūtra ; and Pratītyasamutpādagāthā sūtra
The Śrīharicarita-mahākāvya of Śrīhari Padmanābhaśāstrin : the complete Rāmāyaṇa in the Āryā metre
Alphabetical index of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Adyar Library
Saṅgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva : with Kalānidhi of Kallinātha and Sudhākara of Siṁhabhūpāla
The R̥tuvarṇana of Durlabha : with a commentary
Rāmānuja on the yoga
Saṃgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva : with the Kalānidhi of Kallinātha and the Sudhākara of Siṃhabhūpāla
Naiṣadhānanda of Kṣemīśvara
Spinozian wisdom or natural religion
The Yoga Upaniṣads : translated into English (on the basis of the commentary of S'rī Upanisadbrahmayogin)
Cāṇakya-Rāja-nīti : maxims on Rāja-nīti, compiled from various collections of maxims attributed to Cāṇakya
Modern Sanskrit writings
Stotrasamuccaya : a collection of rare and unpublished Stotra-s
Mānameyodaya of Nārāyaṇa : an elementary treatise on the Mīṃāmsā
The Śākta Upaniṣad-s : translated into English (based mainly on the commentary of Upaniṣad-brahmayogin)
The Vaiṣṇava-Upaniṣads : with the commentary of Śrī Upaniṣad Brahmayogin
शैव-उपनिषदः : अष्टोत्तरशतोपनिषत्सु : श्री उपनिषद्ब्रह्मयोगिविरचितव्याख्यायुताः
The Śaiva upaniṣad-s : with the commentary of sri upaniṣad-brahma-yogin
Descriptive catalogue of the Pāli manuscripts in the Adyar Library
Saṃgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva : with the Kalānidhi of Kallinātha and the Sudhākara of Siṃhabhūpāla
Gautama-Dharmasūtra-pariśiṣṭa : (second praśna)
Indian cameralism : a survey of some aspects of Arthaśāstra : readership lectures, Calcutta University
The philosophy of Bhedābheda
Ahirbudhnya-saṃhita of the Pāñcarātrāgama
The epistemology of Dvaita Vedānta
Viśiṣṭādvaita and other Vedānta-s
Nītidviṣaṣṭikā of Sundarapāṇḍya : a compendium of 120 moral maxims
Edicts of As'oka (Priyadars'in)
Ālambanaparīkṣā and vṛtti
Stuḍies on some concepts of the Alankara śāstra
The Yoga Upaniṣad-s : with the commentary of Śrī Upaniṣad-Brahmayogin
Saṅgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva
The thirty-two vidyā-s
Sanatkumāra-Saṃhitā of the Pāñcarātrāgama
Sāṃkhya, Yoga, Vaiśeṣika and Nyāya
Grammar, prosody and lexicography
Śaiva Upaniṣads
Origin and spread of the Tamils : a course of two lectures delivered under the Sankara-Parvati Endowment, University of Madras
Āśvalāyanagr̥hyasūtrabhāṣyam of Devasvāmin
Introduction to the Pāñcarātra and the Ahirbudhnya saṃhitā
Chapter on dancing
अष्टोत्तरशतोपनिषत्सु शाक्त-उपनिषदः : श्री उपनिषद्ब्रह्मयोगिविरचितव्याख्यायुताः
Rasakalikā of Rudrabhaṭṭa
वरिवस्यारहस्यम् : भासुरानन्दापरनाम्ना श्रीभास्कररायमखिना प्रणीतम् प्रकाशाख्यव्याख्यासंवलितम्, आङ्गलपरिवर्तनभूमिकोपेतम्
वराहमिहिरहोराशास्त्रम् = Varāhamihira, Horāśāstram
The Rāśigolasphuṭānīti of Acyuta (Tṛkkaṇṭiyūr Acyuta Piṣāraṭi) (on the caluculation of true longitude on the celestial sphere and reduction to the ecliptic in Indian astronomy)
Studies in Indology
The age of Patanjali
नागार्जुनीया मूलमध्यमककारिका प्रज्ञा नाम = Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā Prajñā nāma
The saṃnyāsa upaniṣad-s (on renunciation)
Melarāgamālikā of Mahāvaidyanātha Śivan
Descriptive catalogue of Tamil manuscripts
Catalogue of the Adyar Library : Western Section
जीवानन्दनम् : आयुर्वेदशास्त्रतत्त्वप्रकटनपरं प्राचीनं नाटकम् : तेनैव विरचितया विपुलया नन्दिन्याख्यया व्याख्यया च समेतम्
The philosophy of Bhedābheda
Jyotiṣa, Vāstu, Śilpa, Nāṭya, Saṃgīta and Kāma Śāstra-s
Paramata-bhaṅga : an exposition : Śrī Vedānta Deśika's critique of non-Viśiṣṭādvaita philosophies
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