
ELPR publication series

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ELPR publication series

Material type
宮岡, 伯人
Project "Endangered languages of the pacific rim"
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26 cm
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Project director: Miyaoka, Osahito

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A dictionary of the Hualapai languageLeave the NDL website. Звуковые материалы для исследования нивхского языка I : <<ӈызит>> В.Ф. Акиляк -Ивановой- = Sound materials of the Nivkh language 1 : folktales recited by V.F.Akiljak -Ivanova-Leave the NDL website. アイヌ語樺太・名寄・釧路方言の資料 : 田村すず子採録 : 藤山ハルさん・山田ハヨさん・北風磯吉さん・徹辺重次郎さんの口頭文芸・語彙・民族誌Leave the NDL website. Чукотские мифы и фольклорные тексты собранные В.Г. Богоразом = The Chukchi myths and folklore texts collected by Vladimir BogorazLeave the NDL website. Мифы и сказки Негидальцев = Myths and tales of the NegidalsLeave the NDL website. 消滅の危機に瀕する全国方言語彙資料Leave the NDL website. 奄美大島笠利町佐仁方言の音声と語彙Leave the NDL website. George Louie's Nuu-chah-nulth (Ahousaht) texts with grammatical analysisLeave the NDL website. Basic vocabulary(A) of Tungusic languagesLeave the NDL website. 消滅に瀕した高知県限界集落の言語・民俗Leave the NDL website. Kosakata dasar bahasa Topoiyo serta tata bahasa ringkas bahasa TopoiyoLeave the NDL website. 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Language and folklore of the Alutor peopleLeave the NDL website. ワテケさんの神謡 : 近藤鏡二郎の録音テープに遺されたLeave the NDL website. ナーナイの民話と伝説Leave the NDL website. アイヌ語静内方言の音声資料 : 田村すず子採録 : 織田ステノさんと虎尾ハルさんの口頭文芸と会話Leave the NDL website. TIPA manualLeave the NDL website. 信越国境秋山郷方言談話資料Leave the NDL website. Ullalim Banna : Inyullalim Gaano Laudi, iDalupa, Pasil, Kalinga, Pilipinas = A Kalinga epic : sung by Gaano Laudi, from Dalupa, Pasil, Kalinga, PhilippinesLeave the NDL website. フィールド言語学者のためのUnicodeツールLeave the NDL website. アイヌ語諸方言調査報告Leave the NDL website. 日本語の消滅に瀕した方言に関する調査研究Leave the NDL website. Studies of minority languages in the Western Pacific rimLeave the NDL website. Тематический словарь и разговорник северного (седанкинского) диалекта ительменского языка = A lexicon of words and conversation phrases for the Itelmen northern dialectLeave the NDL website. Toda vocabulary : a preliminary listLeave the NDL website. 方言文法調査項目リストLeave the NDL website. ウデヘ語自伝テキスト = An Udehe autobiographical text with a Russian translationLeave the NDL website. 小笠原諸島における欧米系島民の消滅の危機に瀕した英語とその文化Leave the NDL website. Mpur prosody : an experimental-phonetic analysis with examples from two versions of the Fentora mythLeave the NDL website. 地方語と共通語における借用語の動態関係 : アフリカとインドネシアの場合Leave the NDL website. Yolngumatha ethnographic lexicon : with particular reference to toponyms associated with creation stories and related cultural and environmental termsLeave the NDL website. Basic materials in minority languagesLeave the NDL website. A basic grammar of Southern SinamaLeave the NDL website. 浅井タケ昔話全集Leave the NDL website. 危機言語の調査方法Leave the NDL website. The Ryukyuan languageLeave the NDL website. 消滅する方言音韻の緊急調査研究Leave the NDL website. Mrs. Della Waghiyi's St. Lawrence Island Yupik texts with grammatical analysisLeave the NDL website. コリマ・ユカギール語例文付き語彙集Leave the NDL website. ウイルタ口頭文芸原文集Leave the NDL website. Survey of Yup'ik grammar revisedLeave the NDL website. Comparative basic vocabulary of the Chukchee-Kamchatkan language family = Сравнительный базовый словарь языков чукотско-камчатской языковой семьиLeave the NDL website. エウェン語テキストと文法概説Leave the NDL website. Materiales de lenguas Mayas de GuatemalaLeave the NDL website. Indigenous minority languages of Russia : a bibliographical guideLeave the NDL website. 浅井タケ昔話全集Leave the NDL website. 危機言語のコーパスの構築のためにLeave the NDL website. 危機に瀕した言語について : 講演集Leave the NDL website. Songs of the Toda : text, translation & sound filesLeave the NDL website. Нивхско-русский разговорник и тематический словарь = Nivkh-Russian conversation and daily-life thesaurusLeave the NDL website. Toda textsLeave the NDL website. 消滅に瀕した琉球語に関する調査研究Leave the NDL website. 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Table of Contents

  • A dictionary of the Hualapai language

  • Звуковые материалы для исследования нивхского языка I : <<ӈызит>> В.Ф. Акиляк -Ивановой- = Sound materials of the Nivkh language 1 : folktales recited by V.F.Akiljak -Ivanova-

  • アイヌ語樺太・名寄・釧路方言の資料 : 田村すず子採録 : 藤山ハルさん・山田ハヨさん・北風磯吉さん・徹辺重次郎さんの口頭文芸・語彙・民族誌

  • Чукотские мифы и фольклорные тексты собранные В.Г. Богоразом = The Chukchi myths and folklore texts collected by Vladimir Bogoraz

  • Мифы и сказки Негидальцев = Myths and tales of the Negidals

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Material Type
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
26 cm
Alternative Title
Endangered languages of the Pacific Rim
ELPR publications series
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience