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Communist Party publication

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Communist Party of India
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On the basic approachLeave the NDL website. Party education seriesLeave the NDL website. Some problems concerning the agrarian movement and our tasksLeave the NDL website. Vishwa Hindu Parishad : the RSS broad outfit for spreading militant aggressive Hindu communal poisonLeave the NDL website. Bhopal, crime without punishmentLeave the NDL website. The "need-based" strikeLeave the NDL website. The Punjab crisis and the way outLeave the NDL website. Focus on taxationLeave the NDL website. Resolutions adopted by ... New Delhi, April 8 to 11, 1985Leave the NDL website. Report & resolutions, New Delhi, 24-27 Octover 1976Leave the NDL website. Communist Party and NaxalitesLeave the NDL website. Politics of Jamaat-e-Islami-e-HindLeave the NDL website. Political resolution : adopted by the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of India : Karyanandnagar, Patna, 7-15 February 1968Leave the NDL website. Political report and political resolutionLeave the NDL website. Kerala's first communist : life of 'Sakhavu' Krishna PillaiLeave the NDL website. Our Doc : tributes to Comrade Gangadhar Adhikari on his seventieth birthdayLeave the NDL website. Report and resolutions adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India, Hyderabad, 4-8 August 1976Leave the NDL website. Second five year plan : a critiqueLeave the NDL website. On certain ideological positions of CPI(M)Leave the NDL website. Bombay textile general strike : February 28th to March 11th, 1966Leave the NDL website. Kerala : three years of UF government headed by C. Achutha MenonLeave the NDL website. Murder of truth : anti-CPI barrage exposedLeave the NDL website. Branch functioning in the Communist PartyLeave the NDL website. Third elections-communist challengeLeave the NDL website. S. V. Ghate : our first general secretaryLeave the NDL website. Amritsar Congress of the Communist Party : a review of the Special Congress, April 6-13, 1958Leave the NDL website. Indian economy and the Janata Party rajLeave the NDL website. Some questions concerning Marxism and the peasantryLeave the NDL website. Forward to the defence of Kerala and Indian democracy!Leave the NDL website. Rule of terror in central TravancoreLeave the NDL website. Post-election situation and our tasks : resolutions adopted by the National Council of Communist Party of India, Calcutta, 23-30 April 1967Leave the NDL website. CPM's politics X-rayedLeave the NDL website. Sarvodaya and communismLeave the NDL website. Report & resolution on the international situation : the world communist movement and the tasks of the Communist Party of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Report on party organisation and amendments to party constitution, adopted by the tenth Congress of the Communist Party of India, Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada, 27 January to 2 February 1975Leave the NDL website. Organisation reportLeave the NDL website. Communist party and states reorganisationLeave the NDL website. Glorious Telengana armed struggleLeave the NDL website. National income : distribution and rate of growthLeave the NDL website. Guidelines of the history of the Communist Party of IndiaLeave the NDL website. India and the Russian revolutionLeave the NDL website. Proceeding of the seventh Congress of the Communist Party of India, Bombay, 13-23 December 1964Leave the NDL website. Tiller gets land in KeralaLeave the NDL website. What is CPI's programme?Leave the NDL website. Problems of India's agrarian sectorLeave the NDL website. Resolutions adopted by the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of India : New Delhi, 6 to 11 July 1965Leave the NDL website. National democratic front for national democratic tasksLeave the NDL website. Communists in parliamentLeave the NDL website. Immortal Punnapra-VayalarLeave the NDL website. Prices, monopolies and government policiesLeave the NDL website. Resolutions and report of the National Council of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 8 to 13 May 1970Leave the NDL website. Congress socialism : appraisal and appealLeave the NDL website. Indian Muslims : problems and trendsLeave the NDL website. Documents of the Ninth Congress of the Communist Party of India, Ghatenagar, Cochin, 3 to 10 October 1971Leave the NDL website. Review of national and international developments since the Varanasi Party Congress : adopted by the National Council of CPI, at Patna, March 12-17, 1986Leave the NDL website. The people and the crisis of capitalist planningLeave the NDL website. Twenty-point programme and democratic advanceLeave the NDL website. I was a CIA agent in IndiaLeave the NDL website. The historic Telengana struggle : some useful lessons from its rich experienceLeave the NDL website. Documents of the Eleventh congress of the communist Party of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Immortal heroes : lives of Communist leadersLeave the NDL website. Constitution of the Communist Party of India : adopted at the Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Party of India, amritsar April 1958Leave the NDL website. Chinese aggression against Vietnam : material prepared by the Foreign Languages Publishing House, HanoiLeave the NDL website. Indian and the Russian RevolutionLeave the NDL website. History has vindicated the communistsLeave the NDL website. For new victories for the world communsit movement : report on the results of the meeting of representatives of the communist and workers' partiesLeave the NDL website. The truth about CPM : a critique of the ideological-political line of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)Leave the NDL website. Resolutions adopted by ... New Delhi, January 20-23, 1985Leave the NDL website. Focus on the public sectorLeave the NDL website. Documents adopted by eighth congress of the Communist Party of India, Karyanandnagar, Patna, 7-15 February, 1968Leave the NDL website. Resolutions of the National Council of the Communist Party of India : New Delhi, 1 to 5 October 1970Leave the NDL website. The unsolved tribal problemLeave the NDL website. Communism and the New LeftLeave the NDL website. Third elections- communist challengeLeave the NDL website. New perspectives : text of Jayaprakash Narayan's "Letter to Communist friends" with Ajoy Ghosh's "Observations"Leave the NDL website. US-Sino-Pak axis threatens India : defend our sovereignty and independenceLeave the NDL website. Programme of the Communist Party of India : as amended by the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of India, Karyanandnagar, Patna, 7-15 February 1968Leave the NDL website. RSS double-talk exposedLeave the NDL website. The heritage we carry forward and the heritage we renounceLeave the NDL website. Communist Party's statement of policy on education : adopted by the National Council, Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 31 July to 4 August, 1974Leave the NDL website. Telengana tangle : the communist approachLeave the NDL website. Report & resolutions of the meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 24-27 October 1976Leave the NDL website. Life and work of Dr. K.M. AshrafLeave the NDL website. New situation and our tasksLeave the NDL website. The big loot : a brief study of foreign exploitation in IndiaLeave the NDL website. UNCTAD and developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Working class under Congress RajLeave the NDL website. Communist reply to Tata memorandumLeave the NDL website. Constitution of the Communist Party of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Public sector in Indian economyLeave the NDL website. Focus on unemploymentLeave the NDL website. Save Punjab, save IndiaLeave the NDL website. Heroic Telengana: reminiscences & experiencesLeave the NDL website. CPI's defence of Naxalite prisonersLeave the NDL website. Marx and IndiaLeave the NDL website. Review of midterm elections and our tasks and resolutionsLeave the NDL website. Glimpses of revolutionary CubaLeave the NDL website. Building the Communist Party in the working class : adopted by the National Council, Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 31 July to 4 August 1974Leave the NDL website. Communism and the New LeftLeave the NDL website. Communism and the New LeftLeave the NDL website. India's freedom struggle and the Communist Party of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Progress in land reform : a critical reviewLeave the NDL website. They gave their lives for communal amity and national integrityLeave the NDL website. Land reforms under Congress RajLeave the NDL website. Ten glorious years of Kerala UF Government : in the service of peopleLeave the NDL website. Case for Bangla DeshLeave the NDL website. Resolutions & reports adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 1-4 September 1973Leave the NDL website. Towards a mass communist partyLeave the NDL website. Election manifesto of the Communist Party of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Documents of the tenth Congress of the Communist Party of India : Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada, 27 January to 2 February 1975Leave the NDL website. National integration for democracy and socialismLeave the NDL website. Some comments on constitutional changesLeave the NDL website. Famine-hunger-growth : a study of food situation in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Bhowani Sen : tributesLeave the NDL website. Inflation curb--yes!, wage-freeze--no!Leave the NDL website. Afghanistan's National Fatherland Front : documents of the founding congress, Kabul, 15-16 June 1981Leave the NDL website. For anti-imperialist unity democratic consolidationLeave the NDL website. The Chinese revolution and MaoismLeave the NDL website. Ideology and emergencyLeave the NDL website. UNP organised anti-Tamil riots in Sri LankaLeave the NDL website. Quit CommonwealthLeave the NDL website. India and the two pythons, IMF and World BankLeave the NDL website. Consembly move and democratic fight-backLeave the NDL website. The tribal problem in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Kerala and the ugly face of the CongressLeave the NDL website. CPI's fight against the caucus, sterilisation, and demolitionLeave the NDL website. Communist Party of India : fifty years of struggle and advance, 1925-1975Leave the NDL website. Bangladesh : about-turn in economic policyLeave the NDL website. Punjab problem and solutionLeave the NDL website. World communist movement 1847-1876Leave the NDL website. CPM's opportunism in crisisLeave the NDL website. Devaluations and general crisis of capitalismLeave the NDL website. Statistical handbook, 1973Leave the NDL website. Ceiling on agricultural landLeave the NDL website. Resolutions adopted by the Central Executive Committee of Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 24 to 27 September 1965Leave the NDL website. A short political geography of the Indian OceanLeave the NDL website. Why this food crisisLeave the NDL website. Programme of the Communist Party of IndiaLeave the NDL website. The shame of free India : a study of the social and economic disabilities of scheduled castes and scheduled tribesLeave the NDL website. Janata butchery at FaridabadLeave the NDL website. Bhagat Singh and his comradesLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the seventh congress of the Communist Party of India, Bombay 13-23 December 1964Leave the NDL website. Political resolution, adopted by the tenth Congress of the Communist Party of India, Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada, 27 January to 2 February 1975Leave the NDL website. Mahatma Gandhi and historyLeave the NDL website. Resolutions and documents adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 31 July to 4 August 1974Leave the NDL website. Fight back detractors of nonalignmentLeave the NDL website. Pakistan : policies that led to break-upLeave the NDL website. Economics for trade unionistsLeave the NDL website. Who really aids India, USA or USSR? : a study in contrast of econoomic assistanceLeave the NDL website. Political review report : adopted by the eleventh Congress of the Communist Party of India, Bhakna Nagar, Bhatinda, 31 March to 7 April 1978Leave the NDL website. Communist answer to Pandit NehruLeave the NDL website. CPM's fight against United Front in west BengalLeave the NDL website. Codes of conduct for National Council members, legislators, wholetimersLeave the NDL website. Why nationalisation?Leave the NDL website. Real face of JP's total revolutionLeave the NDL website. CPM terror in West BengalLeave the NDL website. CPI in Parliament against emergency excessesLeave the NDL website. The new line and the dogmatistsLeave the NDL website. Wages since independenceLeave the NDL website. Class struggle and caste conflict in rural areasLeave the NDL website. Kerala's answer to KPCC charges : full text of the Kerala government's reply to the memorandum submitted by the K.P.C.C. to the president of the Indian unionLeave the NDL website. Review of elections to state assemblies (1972) and resolutions adopted by the National Council, New Delhi, 14 to 18 April 1972Leave the NDL website. Review of fourth general election : adopted by the National Council of Communist Party of India, Calcutta, 23-30 April 1967Leave the NDL website. 25 years of independence and the challenge of the pathLeave the NDL website. Women's movement and Communist Party : adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India (New Delhi, 25 to 28 August, 1975)Leave the NDL website. Fifty fighting years : CPI golden jubilee albumLeave the NDL website. Constitution of the Communist Party of India : adopted at the Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Party of India, amritsar April 1958Leave the NDL website. Organisational report and resolution on party organisationLeave the NDL website. Election manifesto of the Communist Party of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Report on international developments : adopted by the eleventh Congress of the Communist Party of India, Bhakna Nagar, Bhatinda, 31 March to 7 April 1978Leave the NDL website. Report on the All-India Padayatra campaign and other resolutionsLeave the NDL website. Idol of false promisesLeave the NDL website. Report and resolutions adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India, Trivandrum, 7 to 11 February 1976Leave the NDL website. Resolutions of the National Council of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 24-28 August 1972Leave the NDL website. Two systems : a balance sheetLeave the NDL website. A catalogue of repression, June 1977-May 1978Leave the NDL website. What is the Communist Party?Leave the NDL website. Real nature of agitation against communist-led government in KeralaLeave the NDL website. The struggle for building a mass Communist PartyLeave the NDL website. Communist Party and the problems of Muslim minorityLeave the NDL website.

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Related Material
On the basic approach
Party education series
Some problems concerning the agrarian movement and our tasks
Vishwa Hindu Parishad : the RSS broad outfit for spreading militant aggressive Hindu communal poison
Bhopal, crime without punishment
The "need-based" strike
The Punjab crisis and the way out
Focus on taxation
Resolutions adopted by ... New Delhi, April 8 to 11, 1985
Report & resolutions, New Delhi, 24-27 Octover 1976
Communist Party and Naxalites
Politics of Jamaat-e-Islami-e-Hind
Political resolution : adopted by the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of India : Karyanandnagar, Patna, 7-15 February 1968
Political report and political resolution
Kerala's first communist : life of 'Sakhavu' Krishna Pillai
Our Doc : tributes to Comrade Gangadhar Adhikari on his seventieth birthday
Report and resolutions adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India, Hyderabad, 4-8 August 1976
Second five year plan : a critique
On certain ideological positions of CPI(M)
Bombay textile general strike : February 28th to March 11th, 1966
Kerala : three years of UF government headed by C. Achutha Menon
Murder of truth : anti-CPI barrage exposed
Branch functioning in the Communist Party
Third elections-communist challenge
S. V. Ghate : our first general secretary
Amritsar Congress of the Communist Party : a review of the Special Congress, April 6-13, 1958
Indian economy and the Janata Party raj
Some questions concerning Marxism and the peasantry
Forward to the defence of Kerala and Indian democracy!
Rule of terror in central Travancore
Post-election situation and our tasks : resolutions adopted by the National Council of Communist Party of India, Calcutta, 23-30 April 1967
CPM's politics X-rayed
Sarvodaya and communism
Report & resolution on the international situation : the world communist movement and the tasks of the Communist Party of India
Report on party organisation and amendments to party constitution, adopted by the tenth Congress of the Communist Party of India, Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada, 27 January to 2 February 1975
Organisation report
Communist party and states reorganisation
Glorious Telengana armed struggle
National income : distribution and rate of growth
Guidelines of the history of the Communist Party of India
India and the Russian revolution
Proceeding of the seventh Congress of the Communist Party of India, Bombay, 13-23 December 1964
Tiller gets land in Kerala
What is CPI's programme?
Problems of India's agrarian sector
Resolutions adopted by the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of India : New Delhi, 6 to 11 July 1965
National democratic front for national democratic tasks
Communists in parliament
Immortal Punnapra-Vayalar
Prices, monopolies and government policies
Resolutions and report of the National Council of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 8 to 13 May 1970
Congress socialism : appraisal and appeal
Indian Muslims : problems and trends
Documents of the Ninth Congress of the Communist Party of India, Ghatenagar, Cochin, 3 to 10 October 1971
Review of national and international developments since the Varanasi Party Congress : adopted by the National Council of CPI, at Patna, March 12-17, 1986
The people and the crisis of capitalist planning
Twenty-point programme and democratic advance
I was a CIA agent in India
The historic Telengana struggle : some useful lessons from its rich experience
Documents of the Eleventh congress of the communist Party of India
Immortal heroes : lives of Communist leaders
Constitution of the Communist Party of India : adopted at the Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Party of India, amritsar April 1958
Chinese aggression against Vietnam : material prepared by the Foreign Languages Publishing House, Hanoi
Indian and the Russian Revolution
History has vindicated the communists
For new victories for the world communsit movement : report on the results of the meeting of representatives of the communist and workers' parties
The truth about CPM : a critique of the ideological-political line of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Resolutions adopted by ... New Delhi, January 20-23, 1985
Focus on the public sector
Documents adopted by eighth congress of the Communist Party of India, Karyanandnagar, Patna, 7-15 February, 1968
Resolutions of the National Council of the Communist Party of India : New Delhi, 1 to 5 October 1970
The unsolved tribal problem
Communism and the New Left
Third elections- communist challenge
New perspectives : text of Jayaprakash Narayan's "Letter to Communist friends" with Ajoy Ghosh's "Observations"
US-Sino-Pak axis threatens India : defend our sovereignty and independence
Programme of the Communist Party of India : as amended by the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of India, Karyanandnagar, Patna, 7-15 February 1968
RSS double-talk exposed
The heritage we carry forward and the heritage we renounce
Communist Party's statement of policy on education : adopted by the National Council, Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 31 July to 4 August, 1974
Telengana tangle : the communist approach
Report & resolutions of the meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 24-27 October 1976
Life and work of Dr. K.M. Ashraf
New situation and our tasks
The big loot : a brief study of foreign exploitation in India
UNCTAD and developing countries
Working class under Congress Raj
Communist reply to Tata memorandum
Constitution of the Communist Party of India
Public sector in Indian economy
Focus on unemployment
Save Punjab, save India
Heroic Telengana: reminiscences & experiences
CPI's defence of Naxalite prisoners
Marx and India
Review of midterm elections and our tasks and resolutions
Glimpses of revolutionary Cuba
Building the Communist Party in the working class : adopted by the National Council, Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 31 July to 4 August 1974
Communism and the New Left
Communism and the New Left
India's freedom struggle and the Communist Party of India
Progress in land reform : a critical review
They gave their lives for communal amity and national integrity
Land reforms under Congress Raj
Ten glorious years of Kerala UF Government : in the service of people
Case for Bangla Desh
Resolutions & reports adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 1-4 September 1973
Towards a mass communist party
Election manifesto of the Communist Party of India
Documents of the tenth Congress of the Communist Party of India : Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada, 27 January to 2 February 1975
National integration for democracy and socialism
Some comments on constitutional changes
Famine-hunger-growth : a study of food situation in India
Bhowani Sen : tributes
Inflation curb--yes!, wage-freeze--no!
Afghanistan's National Fatherland Front : documents of the founding congress, Kabul, 15-16 June 1981
For anti-imperialist unity democratic consolidation
The Chinese revolution and Maoism
Ideology and emergency
UNP organised anti-Tamil riots in Sri Lanka
Quit Commonwealth
India and the two pythons, IMF and World Bank
Consembly move and democratic fight-back
The tribal problem in India
Kerala and the ugly face of the Congress
CPI's fight against the caucus, sterilisation, and demolition
Communist Party of India : fifty years of struggle and advance, 1925-1975
Bangladesh : about-turn in economic policy
Punjab problem and solution
World communist movement 1847-1876
CPM's opportunism in crisis
Devaluations and general crisis of capitalism
Statistical handbook, 1973
Ceiling on agricultural land
Resolutions adopted by the Central Executive Committee of Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 24 to 27 September 1965
A short political geography of the Indian Ocean
Why this food crisis
Programme of the Communist Party of India
The shame of free India : a study of the social and economic disabilities of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
Janata butchery at Faridabad
Bhagat Singh and his comrades
Proceedings of the seventh congress of the Communist Party of India, Bombay 13-23 December 1964
Political resolution, adopted by the tenth Congress of the Communist Party of India, Bhowanisennagar, Vijayawada, 27 January to 2 February 1975
Mahatma Gandhi and history
Resolutions and documents adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 31 July to 4 August 1974
Fight back detractors of nonalignment
Pakistan : policies that led to break-up
Economics for trade unionists
Who really aids India, USA or USSR? : a study in contrast of econoomic assistance
Political review report : adopted by the eleventh Congress of the Communist Party of India, Bhakna Nagar, Bhatinda, 31 March to 7 April 1978
Communist answer to Pandit Nehru
CPM's fight against United Front in west Bengal
Codes of conduct for National Council members, legislators, wholetimers
Why nationalisation?
Real face of JP's total revolution
CPM terror in West Bengal
CPI in Parliament against emergency excesses
The new line and the dogmatists
Wages since independence
Class struggle and caste conflict in rural areas
Kerala's answer to KPCC charges : full text of the Kerala government's reply to the memorandum submitted by the K.P.C.C. to the president of the Indian union
Review of elections to state assemblies (1972) and resolutions adopted by the National Council, New Delhi, 14 to 18 April 1972
Review of fourth general election : adopted by the National Council of Communist Party of India, Calcutta, 23-30 April 1967
25 years of independence and the challenge of the path
Women's movement and Communist Party : adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India (New Delhi, 25 to 28 August, 1975)
Fifty fighting years : CPI golden jubilee album
Constitution of the Communist Party of India : adopted at the Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Party of India, amritsar April 1958
Organisational report and resolution on party organisation
Election manifesto of the Communist Party of India
Report on international developments : adopted by the eleventh Congress of the Communist Party of India, Bhakna Nagar, Bhatinda, 31 March to 7 April 1978
Report on the All-India Padayatra campaign and other resolutions
Idol of false promises
Report and resolutions adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India, Trivandrum, 7 to 11 February 1976
Resolutions of the National Council of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 24-28 August 1972
Two systems : a balance sheet
A catalogue of repression, June 1977-May 1978
What is the Communist Party?
Real nature of agitation against communist-led government in Kerala
The struggle for building a mass Communist Party
Communist Party and the problems of Muslim minority
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