
Studia Amstelodamensia ad epigraphicam, ius antiquum et papyrologicam pertinentia

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Studia Amstelodamensia ad epigraphicam, ius antiquum et papyrologicam pertinentia

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Publisher varies: Zutphen : Terra Pub, Amsterdam : J.C. Gieben

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The Roman law of succession in the letters of Pliny the youngerLeave the NDL website. Das Aurelia Charite Archiv : (P. Charite)Leave the NDL website. Customs duties in Graeco-Roman EgyptLeave the NDL website. P. Michigan Koenen (= P. Mich. XVIII) : Michigan texts published in honor of Ludwig KoenenLeave the NDL website. Tyriaion en Cabalide : épigraphie et géographie historiqueLeave the NDL website. Opera selecta : études de droit romain et d'histoire du droit : studies in Roman law and legal historyLeave the NDL website. Einige Wiener PapyriLeave the NDL website. Nouvelles inscriptions de PhrygieLeave the NDL website. Food for Rome : the legal structure of the transportation and processing of supplies for the imperial distributions in Rome and ConstantinopleLeave the NDL website. Gaius noster : plaidoyer pour GaiusLeave the NDL website. Restaurierung von Papyrus und anderen Schriftträgern aus ÄgyptenLeave the NDL website. The Rendel Harris papyri of Woodbrooke College, BirminghamLeave the NDL website. P. Erasmianae II : parts of the archive of an Arsinoite sitologos from the middle of the second century BCLeave the NDL website. Index of articles volumes 1-50 of Aegyptus 1920-1970Leave the NDL website. Fünfunddreissig Wiener Papyri (P. Vindob. Tandem)Leave the NDL website. Zwei Landlisten aus dem Hermopolites (P. Landlisten)Leave the NDL website. Ostraka in Amsterdam collections (O. Amst.)Leave the NDL website. Roman imperial titulature and chronology, A.D. 235-284Leave the NDL website. The Aphrodite papyri in the University of Michigan papyrus collection (P. Mich. XIII)Leave the NDL website. The chronological systems of Byzantine EgyptLeave the NDL website. Nouvelle liste des gymnasiarques des métropoles de l'Egypte romaineLeave the NDL website. Die Haftung der Schiffer im griechischen und römischen RechtLeave the NDL website. Testamentary succession in the constitutions of DiocletianLeave the NDL website. Eine Steuerliste aus Pheretnuis (P. Pher.)Leave the NDL website. The family of the Tiberii Iulii TheonesLeave the NDL website. Michigan papyri (P. Mich. XV)Leave the NDL website. Die Amsterdamer Papyri : (P. Amst.)Leave the NDL website. Collatio iuris romani : études dédiées à Hans Ankum : à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaireLeave the NDL website. Le droit romain en DacieLeave the NDL website. Rechtsirrtum in der griechischen Philosophie und im römischen Recht bis JustinianLeave the NDL website. Studien zur allgemeinen Rechtslehre des Gaius (ius gentium und ius naturale in ihrem Verhältnis zum ius civile)Leave the NDL website. The charm of legal historyLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The Roman law of succession in the letters of Pliny the younger

  • Das Aurelia Charite Archiv : (P. Charite)

  • Customs duties in Graeco-Roman Egypt

  • P. Michigan Koenen (= P. Mich. XVIII) : Michigan texts published in honor of Ludwig Koenen

  • Tyriaion en Cabalide : épigraphie et géographie historique

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Note (General)
Publisher varies: Zutphen : Terra Pub, Amsterdam : J.C. Gieben
Related Material
The Roman law of succession in the letters of Pliny the younger
Das Aurelia Charite Archiv : (P. Charite)
Customs duties in Graeco-Roman Egypt
P. Michigan Koenen (= P. Mich. XVIII) : Michigan texts published in honor of Ludwig Koenen
Tyriaion en Cabalide : épigraphie et géographie historique
Opera selecta : études de droit romain et d'histoire du droit : studies in Roman law and legal history
Einige Wiener Papyri
Nouvelles inscriptions de Phrygie
Food for Rome : the legal structure of the transportation and processing of supplies for the imperial distributions in Rome and Constantinople
Gaius noster : plaidoyer pour Gaius
Restaurierung von Papyrus und anderen Schriftträgern aus Ägypten
The Rendel Harris papyri of Woodbrooke College, Birmingham
P. Erasmianae II : parts of the archive of an Arsinoite sitologos from the middle of the second century BC
Index of articles volumes 1-50 of Aegyptus 1920-1970
Fünfunddreissig Wiener Papyri (P. Vindob. Tandem)
Zwei Landlisten aus dem Hermopolites (P. Landlisten)
Ostraka in Amsterdam collections (O. Amst.)
Roman imperial titulature and chronology, A.D. 235-284
The Aphrodite papyri in the University of Michigan papyrus collection (P. Mich. XIII)
The chronological systems of Byzantine Egypt
Nouvelle liste des gymnasiarques des métropoles de l'Egypte romaine
Die Haftung der Schiffer im griechischen und römischen Recht
Testamentary succession in the constitutions of Diocletian
Eine Steuerliste aus Pheretnuis (P. Pher.)
The family of the Tiberii Iulii Theones
Michigan papyri (P. Mich. XV)
Die Amsterdamer Papyri : (P. Amst.)
Collatio iuris romani : études dédiées à Hans Ankum : à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire
Le droit romain en Dacie
Rechtsirrtum in der griechischen Philosophie und im römischen Recht bis Justinian
Studien zur allgemeinen Rechtslehre des Gaius (ius gentium und ius naturale in ihrem Verhältnis zum ius civile)
The charm of legal history
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