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Gaekwad's oriental series

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Gaekwad's oriental series

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Oriental Institute
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Note (General):

"Published under the authority of the Maharaja Sayajirao, University of Baroda, Vadodara.""Published under the authority of the Government of His High...

Related materials as well as pre- and post-revision versions

The commentaries on the PrajñāpāramitāsLeave the NDL website. The Reḥla of Ibn Bat̤t̤ūt̤a : India, Maldive Islands and CeylonLeave the NDL website. Introduction to Vyavahārakāṇḍa of Kṛtyakalpataru (with index) of LaksmīdharaLeave the NDL website. Cultural history from the MatsyapurāṇaLeave the NDL website. Aparājitapr̥cchā of BhuvanadevaLeave the NDL website. The Tattvasaṅgraha of Sāntarakṣīta [sic] : with the commentary of KamalaśīlaLeave the NDL website. श्रीशान्तरक्षितविरचितः तत्त्वसंग्रहः : श्रीकमलशीलविरचितपञ्जिकोपेतः = Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita : with the commentary of KamalaśīlaLeave the NDL website. Praśastapādabhāṣyam : with the commentary, Kiraṇāvalī of UdayanācāryaLeave the NDL website. जयसिंहसूरिविरचितं हम्मीरमदमर्दनम् = Hammīra-mada-mardana of Jayasiṉha ŜuriLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyadarpaṇa of Rāmacandra and Guṇacandra : with their own commentaryLeave the NDL website. Hetubinduṭīkā of Bhaṭṭa Arcaṭa : with the sub-commentary entitled Āloka of Durveka MiśraLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit texts from BāliLeave the NDL website. Guhyasamāja Tantra, or, TathāgataguhyakaLeave the NDL website. कालञ्जराधिपतिपरमर्द्दिदेवामात्य-कविवत्सराजप्रणीतरूपकषट्कम् = A collection of six dramas of VatsarājaLeave the NDL website. बालचन्द्रसूरिविरचितं वसन्तविलासमहाकाव्यम् = Vasantavilâsamahâkâvya of Bâlachandra SûriLeave the NDL website. Nityotsava of Umanandanatha : supplement to Parasurama-kalpa-sutraLeave the NDL website. Paras'urāmakalpasūtra : with rames'wara's commentaryLeave the NDL website. भट्टवादीन्द्रविरचितं महाविद्याविडम्बनम् : आनन्दपूर्ण-भुवनसुन्दरसूरिकृतटीकाभ्यां समन्वितम्, तथा कुलार्कपण्डितविरचिता दशश्लोकी विवरण-विवरणटिप्पणसमेता = Mahávidyá-vidambana of Bhatta Vádîndra : with the commentaries of Ánandapurṇa and Bhuvanasundara Ŝuri, and the Daśa-sloki of Kulárka Pandita with Vivarana and Vivarana tippanaLeave the NDL website. The Vivādachintāmaṇi of Vāchaspati MishraLeave the NDL website. مرات احمدی : مشتملبر وقائع صوبه احمد اباد گجراتLeave the NDL website. Two Vajrayāna worksLeave the NDL website. A descriptive bibliography of the printed texts of the PāñcarātrāgamaLeave the NDL website. Niṣpannayogāvalī of Mahāpaṇḍita AbhayākaraguptaLeave the NDL website. The Pañcapādikā of PadmapādaLeave the NDL website. MānasollāsaLeave the NDL website. Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra, or, The lives of sixty-three illustrious personsLeave the NDL website. परमारश्रीप्रह्लादनदेवविरचितः पार्थपराक्रमव्यायोगः = Pārthaparākrama vyāyoga of Paramāra PrahlādanadevaLeave the NDL website. SādhanamālāLeave the NDL website. Nañjarājayaśobhūṣaṇa of Abhinava KālidāsaLeave the NDL website. Praśastapādabhāṣyam : with the commentary, Kiraṇāvalī of UdayanācāryaLeave the NDL website. Madanamahārṇava of Śrī Viśveśvara BhaṭṭaLeave the NDL website. Kumārapāla-pratibodha of SomaprabhacharyaLeave the NDL website. Rāmacarita of AbhinandaLeave the NDL website. नाट्यशास्त्रम् श्रीमन्महामाहेश्वराचार्य : श्रीमदभिनवगुप्ताचार्यविरचितविवृतिसमेतम् = Nāṭyas̀āstra : with the commentary of AbhinavaguptaLeave the NDL website. Saṅgītacūḍāmaṇi : a work on Indian musicLeave the NDL website. Nyāyālaṅkāra : pañcaprasthānanyāyamahātarkaviṣamapadavyākhyā : a commentary on the five classical texts of the Nyāya philosophy of Abhayatilaka UpādhyāyaLeave the NDL website. Śabdaratnasamanvaya kośa of King Sāhajī of TanjoreLeave the NDL website. Anekāntajayapatākā : with his own commentary and Municandra Sūri's supercommentaryLeave the NDL website. Chakkammuvaeso of AmarakīrtiLeave the NDL website. Alaṅkāramahodadhi of Narendraprabha SūriLeave the NDL website. Portuguese vocables in Asiatic languages : from the Portuguese original of Monsignor Sevastião Rodolfo DalgadoLeave the NDL website. The Reḥla of Ibn Bat̤t̤ūt̤a : (India, Maldive Islands and Ceylon)Leave the NDL website. Āpastambaśrautasūtra, DhūrtasvāmibhāṣyaLeave the NDL website. Shabara-bhāṣyaLeave the NDL website. Śaktisaṅgama tantraLeave the NDL website. The foreign vocabulary of the QurʾānLeave the NDL website. समराङ्गणसूत्रधारः = SamarâṅgaṇasûtradhâraLeave the NDL website. Smr̥ticintāmaṇi of GaṅgādityaLeave the NDL website. The NyāyapraveśaLeave the NDL website. रुद्रकविविरचितं राष्ट्रौढवंशमहाकाव्यम् = Râshtrauḍhavaṇśkâvya of RudrakaviLeave the NDL website. Nyāyaratnamālā of Pārthasārathimiśra : with the commentary of Rāmānujācārya, entitled the NayakaratnaLeave the NDL website. Tarkabhāṣā of Mokṣākara GuptaLeave the NDL website. Gaṅgadāsa-pratāpavilāsa-nāṭakam : a historical Sanskrit playLeave the NDL website. वामनप्रणीतं लिङ्गानुशासनं : स्वोपज्ञवृत्तिसमेतम् = Lingānuśāsana of Vāmana : with the author's own commentaryLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni : with commentary Abhinavabhāratī on adhyāya VI onlyLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni : with the commentary Abhinavabhāratī by AbhinavaguptācāryaLeave the NDL website. Gaṇeśavijayakāvyam : with the commentary, SarvārthadāLeave the NDL website. AdvayavajrasaṁgrahaLeave the NDL website. Gaṇakārikā of Ācārya Bhāsarvajña : with four appendices including the Kāravaṇa-māhātmyaLeave the NDL website. TriṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritraLeave the NDL website. Gujarat under the Maitrakas of Valabhī : history and culture of Gujarat during the Maitraka period -- circa 470-788 A.D.Leave the NDL website. Kāvyālaṅkārasārasaṅgraha of Udbhaṭa with the "Vivṛti,"Leave the NDL website. Nyāyakandalī : being a commentary on Praśastapādabhāṣya, with three sub-commentariesLeave the NDL website. Sekoddeśaṭīkā of Naḍapāda (Nāropā) : being a commentary of the Sekoddeśa section of the Kālacakra TantraLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of Sanskrit grammarLeave the NDL website. Soḍhala-nighaṇṭu (Nāmasaṅgraha and Guṇasaṅgraha) of Vaidyācārya SoḍhalaLeave the NDL website. Satyasiddhiśāstra of HarivarmanLeave the NDL website. नित्योत्सवः उमानन्दनाथरचितः = Nityotsava by Umānandanatha : supplement to Parasurama-Kalpa-SutraLeave the NDL website. जेसलमेरजैनभाण्डागारीयग्रन्थानां सूचिपत्रम् = A catalogue of manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars at JesalmereLeave the NDL website. Mānasollāsa of King SomeśvaraLeave the NDL website. Rasakaumudī : a work on Indian musicLeave the NDL website. Vikramāṅkābhyudayam : a historical Sanskrit CampūLeave the NDL website. Gaṅgādhara's Gandhasāra and an unknown author's Gandhavāda : with Marathi commentaryLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni : with the commentary Abhinavabhāratī by AbhinavaguptācāryaLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyaśāstra of BharatamuniLeave the NDL website. A collection of six dramas of VatsarājaLeave the NDL website. कवीन्द्राचार्यसूचिपत्रम् = Kavindracharya listLeave the NDL website. Bhīmavikrama-vyāyoga of Vyāsa Mokṣāditya, and Dharmoddharaṇam of Paṇḍita DurgeśvaraLeave the NDL website. Ś̀rauta Sūtras and PrayogasLeave the NDL website. Mânavagṛhyasûtra of the Maitrâyaṇîya śâkhâ : with the commentary of AṣṭâvakraLeave the NDL website. Three Apabhraṁśa works of Jinadattasūri : with commentariesLeave the NDL website. Nityotsava (supplement to Paraśurāma-Kalpa-sūtra)Leave the NDL website. Tantrarahasya : a primer of Prābhākara MīmāṁsāLeave the NDL website. Bhāvaprakāśana of SāradātanayaLeave the NDL website. Kalpadrukośa of KeśavaLeave the NDL website. Iṣṭa-siddhi of Vimuktātman : with extracts from the Vivaraṇa of Jn̄ānottamaLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni : with the commentary Abhinavabhāratī by AbhinavaguptācāryaLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of Sanskrit grammarLeave the NDL website. Zafar ul wālih bi muzaffar wa ālihi : an Arabic history of Gujarat (English translation)Leave the NDL website. Niṣpannayogāvalī of Mahāpaṇḍita AbhayākaraguptaLeave the NDL website. The Sūryaprakāśa of Sūryadāsa : a commentary on Bhāskarācārya's Bījagaṇita : a critical edition, English translation and commentary for the chapters Upodghāta, ṣaḍvidhaprakaraṇa and KuṭṭakādhikāraLeave the NDL website. Kumārapāla-pratibodha of SomaprabhacharyaLeave the NDL website. Mallapurāṇa : a rare Sanskrit text on Indian wrestling especially as practised by the JyeṣṭhimallasLeave the NDL website. Paramasaṃhitā : of the PāñcharātraLeave the NDL website. Viṣṇudharmottara-Purāṇa, third khaṇḍaLeave the NDL website. Pre-Diṅnāga Buddhist texts on logic from Chinese sourcesLeave the NDL website. धनपाल-विरचिता भविसयत्तकहा = Bhavisayattakahā of DhanapālaLeave the NDL website. मन्त्रियशःपालविरचितं मोहराजपराजयम् = Moharājaparājaya of YaśahpālaLeave the NDL website. श्रीः बृहस्पतिस्मृतिःLeave the NDL website. आनन्दज्ञानविरचितः तर्कसङ्ग्रहः = Tarka-saṇgraha of Ânandajn̲ânaLeave the NDL website. An alphabetical list of manuscripts in the Oriental Institute, VadodaraLeave the NDL website. Daṇḍaviveka of VardhamānaLeave the NDL website. Nyāyaratnamālā of Pārthasārathimiśra : with the commentary of Rāmānujācārya entitled The NayakaratnaLeave the NDL website. مرات احمدیLeave the NDL website. A descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the Central Library, BarodaLeave the NDL website. धनपालविरचिता भविसयत्तकहा = Bhavisayattakahā by DhanapālaLeave the NDL website. Siddhāntabindu of Madhusūdana : with the commentary of PurushottamaLeave the NDL website. Bhāvaprakāśana of ŚāradātanayaLeave the NDL website. प्राचीन-गुर्जर-काव्यसंग्रहः = Prâchîna Gurjara-kâvyasangrahaLeave the NDL website. Narahari Upādhyāya's AnumānakhaṇḍadūṣaṇoddhāraḥLeave the NDL website. Rājadharmakaustubha of AnantadevaLeave the NDL website. خاتمه مرات احمدیLeave the NDL website. The Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita : with the commentary of KamalaśīlaLeave the NDL website. The Sūktimuktāvalī of Bhagadatta JalhanaLeave the NDL website. नारदविरचितः सङ्गीतमकरन्दः = Sangīta-makaranda of NāradaLeave the NDL website. Mirat-i-Ahmadi : a history of Gujarat in PersianLeave the NDL website. Vr̥ddhayavanajātaka of MīnarājaLeave the NDL website. Pārānanda sūtraLeave the NDL website. Nyāyapraveśa of Acārya DiṅnāgaLeave the NDL website. Viṣṇudharmottara-purāṇa : third khaṇḍaLeave the NDL website. Śāstradīpikā (Tarkapāda) of Pārthasārathi MiśraLeave the NDL website. Pāda-index of Vālmiki-RāmāyaṇaLeave the NDL website. Paraśurāmakalpasūtra : with Rāmeśvara's commentaryLeave the NDL website. Gaṇitatilaka by Śrīpati : with the commentary of Siṃhatilaka SūriLeave the NDL website. रामानुजाचार्यविरचितं तन्त्ररहस्यम् = Tantrarahasya by RāmānujāchāryaLeave the NDL website. Padmānanda mahākāvyaLeave the NDL website. Anekāntajayapatākā by Haribhadra Sūri : with his own commentary and Municandra Sūri's supercommentaryLeave the NDL website. Mirat-i-Ahmadi : a Persian history of Gujarat (English translation)Leave the NDL website. GurjararāsāvalīLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyadarpaṇa of Rāmacandra and Guṇacandra with their own commentaryLeave the NDL website. Rāgatattvavibodha : a work on Indian musicLeave the NDL website. Paramānandakāvya of Kavīndra ParamānandaLeave the NDL website. Three Apabhraṁśa works of Jinadattasūri, with commentariesLeave the NDL website. Prācīna-gūrjara-kāvyasaṁgrahaLeave the NDL website. साधनमाला = SādhanamālāLeave the NDL website. A chronicle of the early Ṣafawīs : being the Aḥsanuʾt-tawārīkh of Ḥasan-i-RūmlūLeave the NDL website. The NyāyapraveśaLeave the NDL website. Nalavilâsa of Râmachandra SûriLeave the NDL website. Saṅgītopaniṣat-sāroddhāra : a work on Indian music and dancingLeave the NDL website. Kalandikāprakāśa of Somanātha Vyāsa : with his auto-commentary BudharañjanīLeave the NDL website. Śābara-bhāṣyaLeave the NDL website. Jayākhyasaṁhitā of Pāñcarātra ĀgamaLeave the NDL website. The pāda-index of the Vālmīki-Rāmāyaṇa : a comprehensive index of the verse-quarters of the critical edition of the Vālmīki-RāmāyaṇaLeave the NDL website. परशुरामकल्पसूत्रम् : रामेश्वरकृतवृत्तिसहितम् = Paraśurāmakalpasūtra : with Rameśwara's commentaryLeave the NDL website. Rāmaśatakam of Kavi Śri Someśvara, the family-priest of Gujarat-Chaulukyas : with the commentaries Hṛdayarañjanī and BālabodhinīLeave the NDL website. श्रीशान्तरक्षितविरचितः तत्त्वसंग्रहः : श्रीकमलशीलविरचितपञ्जिकोपेतः = Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita : with the commentary of KamalaśīlaLeave the NDL website. Āgamaprāmāṇya of YāmunācāryaLeave the NDL website. Vaiśeṣikasūtra of Kaṇāda : with the commentary of CandrānandaLeave the NDL website. Guhyasamāja Tantra, or, TathāgataguhyakaLeave the NDL website. A descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars at PattanLeave the NDL website. Tarkabhāṣā of Mokṣākara GuptaLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of palm-leaf manuscripts in the Śāntinātha Jain Bhaṇḍāra, CambayLeave the NDL website. Haṃsavilāsa of Śrī HaṃsamiṭṭhuLeave the NDL website. Mādhavānala-Kāmakandalā-prabandhaLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of Sanskrit grammarLeave the NDL website. श्रीवस्तुपालविरचितं नरनारायणानन्दमहाकाव्यम् = Naranārāyaṇānada of VastupālaLeave the NDL website. Vīṇālakṣaṇa by Parameśvara and Vīṇāprapāṭhaka : works of Indian musicLeave the NDL website. Praśastapādabhāṣyam : with the commentary : Kiraṇāvali of UdayanācāryaLeave the NDL website. Mānasollāsa of King Bhūlokamalla SomeśvaraLeave the NDL website. Ullāgharāghava-nāṭaka : a Sanskrit dramaLeave the NDL website. Aparājitapr̥cchā of BhuvanadevaLeave the NDL website. Pre-Diṅnāga Buddhist texts on logic from Chinese sourcesLeave the NDL website. Nr̥tyādhyāya : a work on Indian dancingLeave the NDL website. Mādhavānala-kāmakandalā prabandhaLeave the NDL website. Bhavisayattakathā of DhanapālaLeave the NDL website. Tattvopaplavasiṁha of Jayarāsi BhattaLeave the NDL website. Hetubinduṭīkā of Bhaṭṭa Arcaṭa : with the sub-commentary entitled Āloka of Durveka MiśraLeave the NDL website. Nārāyaṇa Śataka of Vidyakāra [sic] Purohita : with the commentary of Pītāmbara KavicandraLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyadarpaṇa of Rāmacandra and Guṇacandra with their own commentaryLeave the NDL website. ChinnamastākhaṇḍaLeave the NDL website. An alphabetical list of manuscripts in the Oriental Institute, BarodaLeave the NDL website. Index to the English translation of Shabara-bhāṣyaLeave the NDL website. The Pañcapādikā of PadmapādaLeave the NDL website. MeghadūtavyākhyāLeave the NDL website. Kāvyamīmāṃsā of RājaśekharaLeave the NDL website. वाराहगृह्यसूत्र = Vārāhagr̥hyasūtraLeave the NDL website. LekhapaddhatiLeave the NDL website. Śankha-parābhava-vyāyoga : a historical Sanskrit playLeave the NDL website. सोड्ढलविरचिता उदयसुन्दरी कथा = Udayasundarīkathā of SoddhalaLeave the NDL website. श्रीसोमप्रभाचार्यविरचितः कुमारपालप्रतिबोधः = Kumārapāla-pratibodha of SomaprabhāchāryaLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni with the commentary AbhinavabhāratīLeave the NDL website. The Tārīk̲h̲-i-Mubāraks̲h̲āhīLeave the NDL website. Tr̥cabhāskaraLeave the NDL website. Ishwar Das Nagar's Futuhat-i-Alamgiri : English translation and Persian textLeave the NDL website. Paraśurāmakalpasūtra : with Rāmeśvara's commentaryLeave the NDL website. Vaiśeṣikasūtra of Kaṇāda : with the commentary of CandrānandaLeave the NDL website. JayākhyasaṁhitāLeave the NDL website. Samarāṅgaṇa-Sūtradhāra of Mahārājadhirāja Bhoja, the Parmāra ruler of DhārāLeave the NDL website. तार्किकशिरोमणिश्रीमल्लवादिसूरिप्रणीतम् श्रीसिंहसूरिगणिवादिक्षमाश्रमणदृब्धया न्यायागमानुसारिणीव्याख्यया विभूषितम् द्वादशारं नयचक्रम्Leave the NDL website. The Sūktimuktāvalī of Bhagadatta JalhaṇaLeave the NDL website. ViśvāmitrīmāhātmyamLeave the NDL website. नाट्यशास्त्रम् : श्रीमन्महामाहेश्वराचार्य[म] श्रीमदभिनवगुप्ताचार्यविरचितविवृतिसमेतम् = Nāṭyaśāstra : with the commentary of AbhinavaguptaLeave the NDL website. Kṛtyakalpataru of Bhaṭṭa LakṣmīdharaLeave the NDL website. नाट्यशास्त्रम् : श्रीमदभिनवगुप्तविरचितविवृतिसमेतम् = Nātyaśāstra : with the commentary of AbhinavaguptaLeave the NDL website. Iṣṭa-siddhi of Vimuktātman : with extracts from the Vivaraṇa of Jn̄ānottamaLeave the NDL website. Priyaṁvadācaritam of BhikūdevaLeave the NDL website. Kāvyamīmāṁsā of RājaśekharaLeave the NDL website. Kāvyamīmāṁsā of RājaśekharaLeave the NDL website. गणकारिका = Gaṇa-kārikāLeave the NDL website. Kāvyamīmāṁsā of RājaśekharaLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of Sanskrit grammarLeave the NDL website. Descriptive catalogue of Marathi manuscripts in Oriental Institute, VadodaraLeave the NDL website. An alphabetical list of manuscripts in the Oriental Institute, VadodaraLeave the NDL website.

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"Published under the authority of the Maharaja Sayajirao, University of Baroda, Vadodara."
"Published under the authority of the Government of His Highness the Maharaja Gaekwad of Baroda."--No. 35
Related Material
The commentaries on the Prajñāpāramitās
The Reḥla of Ibn Bat̤t̤ūt̤a : India, Maldive Islands and Ceylon
Introduction to Vyavahārakāṇḍa of Kṛtyakalpataru (with index) of Laksmīdhara
Cultural history from the Matsyapurāṇa
Aparājitapr̥cchā of Bhuvanadeva
The Tattvasaṅgraha of Sāntarakṣīta [sic] : with the commentary of Kamalaśīla
श्रीशान्तरक्षितविरचितः तत्त्वसंग्रहः : श्रीकमलशीलविरचितपञ्जिकोपेतः = Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita : with the commentary of Kamalaśīla
Praśastapādabhāṣyam : with the commentary, Kiraṇāvalī of Udayanācārya
जयसिंहसूरिविरचितं हम्मीरमदमर्दनम् = Hammīra-mada-mardana of Jayasiṉha Ŝuri
Nāṭyadarpaṇa of Rāmacandra and Guṇacandra : with their own commentary
Hetubinduṭīkā of Bhaṭṭa Arcaṭa : with the sub-commentary entitled Āloka of Durveka Miśra
Sanskrit texts from Bāli
Guhyasamāja Tantra, or, Tathāgataguhyaka
कालञ्जराधिपतिपरमर्द्दिदेवामात्य-कविवत्सराजप्रणीतरूपकषट्कम् = A collection of six dramas of Vatsarāja
बालचन्द्रसूरिविरचितं वसन्तविलासमहाकाव्यम् = Vasantavilâsamahâkâvya of Bâlachandra Sûri
Nityotsava of Umanandanatha : supplement to Parasurama-kalpa-sutra
Paras'urāmakalpasūtra : with rames'wara's commentary
भट्टवादीन्द्रविरचितं महाविद्याविडम्बनम् : आनन्दपूर्ण-भुवनसुन्दरसूरिकृतटीकाभ्यां समन्वितम्, तथा कुलार्कपण्डितविरचिता दशश्लोकी विवरण-विवरणटिप्पणसमेता = Mahávidyá-vidambana of Bhatta Vádîndra : with the commentaries of Ánandapurṇa and Bhuvanasundara Ŝuri, and the Daśa-sloki of Kulárka Pandita with Vivarana and Vivarana tippana
The Vivādachintāmaṇi of Vāchaspati Mishra
مرات احمدی : مشتملبر وقائع صوبه احمد اباد گجرات
Two Vajrayāna works
A descriptive bibliography of the printed texts of the Pāñcarātrāgama
Niṣpannayogāvalī of Mahāpaṇḍita Abhayākaragupta
The Pañcapādikā of Padmapāda
Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra, or, The lives of sixty-three illustrious persons
परमारश्रीप्रह्लादनदेवविरचितः पार्थपराक्रमव्यायोगः = Pārthaparākrama vyāyoga of Paramāra Prahlādanadeva
Nañjarājayaśobhūṣaṇa of Abhinava Kālidāsa
Praśastapādabhāṣyam : with the commentary, Kiraṇāvalī of Udayanācārya
Madanamahārṇava of Śrī Viśveśvara Bhaṭṭa
Kumārapāla-pratibodha of Somaprabhacharya
Rāmacarita of Abhinanda
नाट्यशास्त्रम् श्रीमन्महामाहेश्वराचार्य : श्रीमदभिनवगुप्ताचार्यविरचितविवृतिसमेतम् = Nāṭyas̀āstra : with the commentary of Abhinavagupta
Saṅgītacūḍāmaṇi : a work on Indian music
Nyāyālaṅkāra : pañcaprasthānanyāyamahātarkaviṣamapadavyākhyā : a commentary on the five classical texts of the Nyāya philosophy of Abhayatilaka Upādhyāya
Śabdaratnasamanvaya kośa of King Sāhajī of Tanjore
Anekāntajayapatākā : with his own commentary and Municandra Sūri's supercommentary
Chakkammuvaeso of Amarakīrti
Alaṅkāramahodadhi of Narendraprabha Sūri
Portuguese vocables in Asiatic languages : from the Portuguese original of Monsignor Sevastião Rodolfo Dalgado
The Reḥla of Ibn Bat̤t̤ūt̤a : (India, Maldive Islands and Ceylon)
Āpastambaśrautasūtra, Dhūrtasvāmibhāṣya
Śaktisaṅgama tantra
The foreign vocabulary of the Qurʾān
समराङ्गणसूत्रधारः = Samarâṅgaṇasûtradhâra
Smr̥ticintāmaṇi of Gaṅgāditya
The Nyāyapraveśa
रुद्रकविविरचितं राष्ट्रौढवंशमहाकाव्यम् = Râshtrauḍhavaṇśkâvya of Rudrakavi
Nyāyaratnamālā of Pārthasārathimiśra : with the commentary of Rāmānujācārya, entitled the Nayakaratna
Tarkabhāṣā of Mokṣākara Gupta
Gaṅgadāsa-pratāpavilāsa-nāṭakam : a historical Sanskrit play
वामनप्रणीतं लिङ्गानुशासनं : स्वोपज्ञवृत्तिसमेतम् = Lingānuśāsana of Vāmana : with the author's own commentary
Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni : with commentary Abhinavabhāratī on adhyāya VI only
Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni : with the commentary Abhinavabhāratī by Abhinavaguptācārya
Gaṇeśavijayakāvyam : with the commentary, Sarvārthadā
Gaṇakārikā of Ācārya Bhāsarvajña : with four appendices including the Kāravaṇa-māhātmya
Gujarat under the Maitrakas of Valabhī : history and culture of Gujarat during the Maitraka period -- circa 470-788 A.D.
Kāvyālaṅkārasārasaṅgraha of Udbhaṭa with the "Vivṛti,"
Nyāyakandalī : being a commentary on Praśastapādabhāṣya, with three sub-commentaries
Sekoddeśaṭīkā of Naḍapāda (Nāropā) : being a commentary of the Sekoddeśa section of the Kālacakra Tantra
A dictionary of Sanskrit grammar
Soḍhala-nighaṇṭu (Nāmasaṅgraha and Guṇasaṅgraha) of Vaidyācārya Soḍhala
Satyasiddhiśāstra of Harivarman
नित्योत्सवः उमानन्दनाथरचितः = Nityotsava by Umānandanatha : supplement to Parasurama-Kalpa-Sutra
जेसलमेरजैनभाण्डागारीयग्रन्थानां सूचिपत्रम् = A catalogue of manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars at Jesalmere
Mānasollāsa of King Someśvara
Rasakaumudī : a work on Indian music
Vikramāṅkābhyudayam : a historical Sanskrit Campū
Gaṅgādhara's Gandhasāra and an unknown author's Gandhavāda : with Marathi commentary
Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni : with the commentary Abhinavabhāratī by Abhinavaguptācārya
Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni
A collection of six dramas of Vatsarāja
कवीन्द्राचार्यसूचिपत्रम् = Kavindracharya list
Bhīmavikrama-vyāyoga of Vyāsa Mokṣāditya, and Dharmoddharaṇam of Paṇḍita Durgeśvara
Ś̀rauta Sūtras and Prayogas
Mânavagṛhyasûtra of the Maitrâyaṇîya śâkhâ : with the commentary of Aṣṭâvakra
Three Apabhraṁśa works of Jinadattasūri : with commentaries
Nityotsava (supplement to Paraśurāma-Kalpa-sūtra)
Tantrarahasya : a primer of Prābhākara Mīmāṁsā
Bhāvaprakāśana of Sāradātanaya
Kalpadrukośa of Keśava
Iṣṭa-siddhi of Vimuktātman : with extracts from the Vivaraṇa of Jn̄ānottama
Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni : with the commentary Abhinavabhāratī by Abhinavaguptācārya
A dictionary of Sanskrit grammar
Zafar ul wālih bi muzaffar wa ālihi : an Arabic history of Gujarat (English translation)
Niṣpannayogāvalī of Mahāpaṇḍita Abhayākaragupta
The Sūryaprakāśa of Sūryadāsa : a commentary on Bhāskarācārya's Bījagaṇita : a critical edition, English translation and commentary for the chapters Upodghāta, ṣaḍvidhaprakaraṇa and Kuṭṭakādhikāra
Kumārapāla-pratibodha of Somaprabhacharya
Mallapurāṇa : a rare Sanskrit text on Indian wrestling especially as practised by the Jyeṣṭhimallas
Paramasaṃhitā : of the Pāñcharātra
Viṣṇudharmottara-Purāṇa, third khaṇḍa
Pre-Diṅnāga Buddhist texts on logic from Chinese sources
धनपाल-विरचिता भविसयत्तकहा = Bhavisayattakahā of Dhanapāla
मन्त्रियशःपालविरचितं मोहराजपराजयम् = Moharājaparājaya of Yaśahpāla
श्रीः बृहस्पतिस्मृतिः
आनन्दज्ञानविरचितः तर्कसङ्ग्रहः = Tarka-saṇgraha of Ânandajn̲âna
An alphabetical list of manuscripts in the Oriental Institute, Vadodara
Daṇḍaviveka of Vardhamāna
Nyāyaratnamālā of Pārthasārathimiśra : with the commentary of Rāmānujācārya entitled The Nayakaratna
مرات احمدی
A descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the Central Library, Baroda
धनपालविरचिता भविसयत्तकहा = Bhavisayattakahā by Dhanapāla
Siddhāntabindu of Madhusūdana : with the commentary of Purushottama
Bhāvaprakāśana of Śāradātanaya
प्राचीन-गुर्जर-काव्यसंग्रहः = Prâchîna Gurjara-kâvyasangraha
Narahari Upādhyāya's Anumānakhaṇḍadūṣaṇoddhāraḥ
Rājadharmakaustubha of Anantadeva
خاتمه مرات احمدی
The Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita : with the commentary of Kamalaśīla
The Sūktimuktāvalī of Bhagadatta Jalhana
नारदविरचितः सङ्गीतमकरन्दः = Sangīta-makaranda of Nārada
Mirat-i-Ahmadi : a history of Gujarat in Persian
Vr̥ddhayavanajātaka of Mīnarāja
Pārānanda sūtra
Nyāyapraveśa of Acārya Diṅnāga
Viṣṇudharmottara-purāṇa : third khaṇḍa
Śāstradīpikā (Tarkapāda) of Pārthasārathi Miśra
Pāda-index of Vālmiki-Rāmāyaṇa
Paraśurāmakalpasūtra : with Rāmeśvara's commentary
Gaṇitatilaka by Śrīpati : with the commentary of Siṃhatilaka Sūri
रामानुजाचार्यविरचितं तन्त्ररहस्यम् = Tantrarahasya by Rāmānujāchārya
Padmānanda mahākāvya
Anekāntajayapatākā by Haribhadra Sūri : with his own commentary and Municandra Sūri's supercommentary
Mirat-i-Ahmadi : a Persian history of Gujarat (English translation)
Nāṭyadarpaṇa of Rāmacandra and Guṇacandra with their own commentary
Rāgatattvavibodha : a work on Indian music
Paramānandakāvya of Kavīndra Paramānanda
Three Apabhraṁśa works of Jinadattasūri, with commentaries
साधनमाला = Sādhanamālā
A chronicle of the early Ṣafawīs : being the Aḥsanuʾt-tawārīkh of Ḥasan-i-Rūmlū
The Nyāyapraveśa
Nalavilâsa of Râmachandra Sûri
Saṅgītopaniṣat-sāroddhāra : a work on Indian music and dancing
Kalandikāprakāśa of Somanātha Vyāsa : with his auto-commentary Budharañjanī
Jayākhyasaṁhitā of Pāñcarātra Āgama
The pāda-index of the Vālmīki-Rāmāyaṇa : a comprehensive index of the verse-quarters of the critical edition of the Vālmīki-Rāmāyaṇa
परशुरामकल्पसूत्रम् : रामेश्वरकृतवृत्तिसहितम् = Paraśurāmakalpasūtra : with Rameśwara's commentary
Rāmaśatakam of Kavi Śri Someśvara, the family-priest of Gujarat-Chaulukyas : with the commentaries Hṛdayarañjanī and Bālabodhinī
श्रीशान्तरक्षितविरचितः तत्त्वसंग्रहः : श्रीकमलशीलविरचितपञ्जिकोपेतः = Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita : with the commentary of Kamalaśīla
Āgamaprāmāṇya of Yāmunācārya
Vaiśeṣikasūtra of Kaṇāda : with the commentary of Candrānanda
Guhyasamāja Tantra, or, Tathāgataguhyaka
A descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars at Pattan
Tarkabhāṣā of Mokṣākara Gupta
Catalogue of palm-leaf manuscripts in the Śāntinātha Jain Bhaṇḍāra, Cambay
Haṃsavilāsa of Śrī Haṃsamiṭṭhu
A dictionary of Sanskrit grammar
श्रीवस्तुपालविरचितं नरनारायणानन्दमहाकाव्यम् = Naranārāyaṇānada of Vastupāla
Vīṇālakṣaṇa by Parameśvara and Vīṇāprapāṭhaka : works of Indian music
Praśastapādabhāṣyam : with the commentary : Kiraṇāvali of Udayanācārya
Mānasollāsa of King Bhūlokamalla Someśvara
Ullāgharāghava-nāṭaka : a Sanskrit drama
Aparājitapr̥cchā of Bhuvanadeva
Pre-Diṅnāga Buddhist texts on logic from Chinese sources
Nr̥tyādhyāya : a work on Indian dancing
Mādhavānala-kāmakandalā prabandha
Bhavisayattakathā of Dhanapāla
Tattvopaplavasiṁha of Jayarāsi Bhatta
Hetubinduṭīkā of Bhaṭṭa Arcaṭa : with the sub-commentary entitled Āloka of Durveka Miśra
Nārāyaṇa Śataka of Vidyakāra [sic] Purohita : with the commentary of Pītāmbara Kavicandra
Nāṭyadarpaṇa of Rāmacandra and Guṇacandra with their own commentary
An alphabetical list of manuscripts in the Oriental Institute, Baroda
Index to the English translation of Shabara-bhāṣya
The Pañcapādikā of Padmapāda
Kāvyamīmāṃsā of Rājaśekhara
वाराहगृह्यसूत्र = Vārāhagr̥hyasūtra
Śankha-parābhava-vyāyoga : a historical Sanskrit play
सोड्ढलविरचिता उदयसुन्दरी कथा = Udayasundarīkathā of Soddhala
श्रीसोमप्रभाचार्यविरचितः कुमारपालप्रतिबोधः = Kumārapāla-pratibodha of Somaprabhāchārya
Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharatamuni with the commentary Abhinavabhāratī
The Tārīk̲h̲-i-Mubāraks̲h̲āhī
Ishwar Das Nagar's Futuhat-i-Alamgiri : English translation and Persian text
Paraśurāmakalpasūtra : with Rāmeśvara's commentary
Vaiśeṣikasūtra of Kaṇāda : with the commentary of Candrānanda
Samarāṅgaṇa-Sūtradhāra of Mahārājadhirāja Bhoja, the Parmāra ruler of Dhārā
तार्किकशिरोमणिश्रीमल्लवादिसूरिप्रणीतम् श्रीसिंहसूरिगणिवादिक्षमाश्रमणदृब्धया न्यायागमानुसारिणीव्याख्यया विभूषितम् द्वादशारं नयचक्रम्
The Sūktimuktāvalī of Bhagadatta Jalhaṇa
नाट्यशास्त्रम् : श्रीमन्महामाहेश्वराचार्य[म] श्रीमदभिनवगुप्ताचार्यविरचितविवृतिसमेतम् = Nāṭyaśāstra : with the commentary of Abhinavagupta
Kṛtyakalpataru of Bhaṭṭa Lakṣmīdhara
नाट्यशास्त्रम् : श्रीमदभिनवगुप्तविरचितविवृतिसमेतम् = Nātyaśāstra : with the commentary of Abhinavagupta
Iṣṭa-siddhi of Vimuktātman : with extracts from the Vivaraṇa of Jn̄ānottama
Priyaṁvadācaritam of Bhikūdeva
Kāvyamīmāṁsā of Rājaśekhara
Kāvyamīmāṁsā of Rājaśekhara
गणकारिका = Gaṇa-kārikā
Kāvyamīmāṁsā of Rājaśekhara
A dictionary of Sanskrit grammar
Descriptive catalogue of Marathi manuscripts in Oriental Institute, Vadodara
An alphabetical list of manuscripts in the Oriental Institute, Vadodara
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