
GAP report

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GAP report

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Community Associations Institute
Community Associations Institute
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Material Type
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Alternative Title
Guide for association practitioners series
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
CAI-GAP report
Related Material
Drafting association rules
The role of the association secretary
Transition from developer control
Association management
How to select & use association legal counsel
Conflicts of interest
Grounds maintenance for the community association
Revitalizing apathetic communities
Community association insurance
The role of the association treasurer
Community association risk management : evaluating and managing risk in condominiums, co-ops, and planned communities
Selecting the landscape maintenance contractor
Selecting an on-site manager
Alternataive dipute resolution & consensus building for community associations
A complete guide to reserve funding & reserve investment strategies
Guide to annual meetings, special meetings, & elections
Collecting assessments : an poerational guide
The role of the association president