
Roth Family Foundation Music in America imprint

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Roth Family Foundation Music in America imprint

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University of California Press
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Table of Contents

  • Making new music in Cold War Poland : the Warsaw Autumn Festival, 1956-1968

  • Capturing sound : how technology has changed music

  • Leonard Bernstein : the political life of an American musician

  • The San Francisco Tape Music Center : 1960s counterculture and the avant-garde

  • The danger of music and other anti-utopian essays

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Music in America imprint
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Related Material
Making new music in Cold War Poland : the Warsaw Autumn Festival, 1956-1968
Capturing sound : how technology has changed music
Leonard Bernstein : the political life of an American musician
The San Francisco Tape Music Center : 1960s counterculture and the avant-garde
The danger of music and other anti-utopian essays
Source : music of the avant-garde, 1966-1973
The danger of music and other anti-utopian essays
At the jazz band ball : sixty years on the jazz scene
Tunes for 'toons : music and the Hollywood cartoon
Celluloid symphonies : texts and contexts in film music history
Jazz matters : sound, place, and time since bebop
Russian music at home and abroad : new essays
Moral fire : musical portraits from America's fin de siècle
Film rhythm after sound : technology, music, and performance
Better git it in your soul : an interpretive biography of Charles Mingus
Blowin' the blues away : performance and meaning on the New York jazz scene
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