v. 1. Table and related sculptures 1966-1978
v. 2. Table and related sculptures 1979-1980, Miscellaneous sculptures 1974-1980, Bronze sculptures 1976-1980
v. 3. Steel sculptures 1960-1980
v .4. Student work 1942-1953, Figurative sculptures 1954-1959
v. 5. Table and related sculptures 1981-1983, Miscellaneous sculptures 1980-1983, Bronze sculptures 1980-1983, Steel sculptures 1981-1983
v. 6. Table and related sculptures 1984-1986, Miscellaneous sculptures 1984-1986, Bronze sculptures 1984-1986, Steel sculptures 1984-1986
v. 7. Table and related sculptures 1986-1988, Miscellaneous sculptures 1987-1988, Bronze sculptures 1986-1987, Steel sculptures 1987-1989
v. 8. Figurative sculptures 1984-1989
v. 9. Table and related sculptures 1989-1990, Miscellaneous sculptures 1987-1989, Bronze sculptures 1989-1990, Steel sculptures 1989-1990
v. 10. Table and related sculptures 1990-1993, Miscellaneous sculptures 1991-1992, Bronze sculptures 1990-1993, Steel sculptures 1989-1993
v. 11. Table and related sculptures 1993-1995, Clay and related sculptures 1994-1996, Miscellaneous sculptures 1993-1996, Bronze sculptures 1993-1994, Steel sculptures 1993-1996
v. 12: A survey of Student drawings 1951-1952, Monotypes 1953-1955, Figurative drawings 1954-1956
General index: 1942-1990. General index 2: 1942-1996
v. 8. Herausgeber: Acquavella Contemporary Art
English and German
Bibliography: v. 1, p. 262-271