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Also published: CambridgePublisher varies: Toronto : Copp Clark

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Der Scheik von Alessandria und seine SklavenLeave the NDL website. New AtlantisLeave the NDL website. De rerum naturaLeave the NDL website. William Pitt, Earl of ChathamLeave the NDL website. Bacon's essaysLeave the NDL website. Demosthenes : Philippics I, II, IIILeave the NDL website. P. Ovidi Nasonis MetamorphoseonLeave the NDL website. M. Annaei Lvcani De bello civiliLeave the NDL website. English patriotic poetryLeave the NDL website. The traveller and the deserted villageLeave the NDL website. D. Ivnii Ivvenalis Satvrae XIV : Fourteen satires of JuvenalLeave the NDL website. The talismanLeave the NDL website. Maria Stuart : ein TrauerspielLeave the NDL website. The Memorabilia of XenophonLeave the NDL website. LivyLeave the NDL website. The lay of the last minstrelLeave the NDL website. Gray's English poems : original and translated from the Norse and WelshLeave the NDL website. Lord CliveLeave the NDL website. Ernst, Herzog von Schwaben : trauerspiel in fünf AufzügenLeave the NDL website. Platonis Apologia SocratisLeave the NDL website. P. Terenti Hauton TimorumenosLeave the NDL website. Milton's tractate on educationLeave the NDL website. The peaceLeave the NDL website. The Helena of EuripidesLeave the NDL website. Les enfants d'Edouard : tragédieLeave the NDL website. Der Staat Friedrichs des Grossen (Bilder aus deutschen Vergangenheit, vierter Band) : with an appendix of poems on Frederick the GreatLeave the NDL website. The hellenicaLeave the NDL website. The lays of ancient Rome, and other poemsLeave the NDL website. Wilhelm Tell : SchauspielLeave the NDL website. The Iliad of HomerLeave the NDL website. L'école des femmes : comédieLeave the NDL website. Essay on manLeave the NDL website. T. Macci Plavti StichvsLeave the NDL website. The prologueLeave the NDL website. The elements of English grammarLeave the NDL website. Marmion : a tale of flodden fieldLeave the NDL website. An apologie for poetrieLeave the NDL website. The two noble kinsmenLeave the NDL website. L'art poétiqueLeave the NDL website. Culturgeschichtliche NovellenLeave the NDL website. Gai Iuli Caesaris De bello gallico commentariusLeave the NDL website. Euripides : the AlcestisLeave the NDL website. Euripides : the OrestesLeave the NDL website. The Oedipus TyrannusLeave the NDL website. Titi LiviLeave the NDL website. Three lectures on subjects connected with the practice of education, delivered in the University of Cambridge in the easter term, 1882Leave the NDL website. The heroes, or, Greek fairy tales for my childrenLeave the NDL website. Robert Browning : a selection of poems (1835-1864)Leave the NDL website. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΥ ΤΙΜΟΛΕΩΝ = Plutarch's life of TimoleonLeave the NDL website. Aristophanes : the cloudsLeave the NDL website. M. Tulli Ciceronis oratio philippica secundaLeave the NDL website. Der Oberhof : a tale of Westphalian lifeLeave the NDL website. Atlas of commercial geography illustrating the general facts of physical, political, economic, and statistical geography, on which international commerce dependsLeave the NDL website. History of EnglandLeave the NDL website. Gai Iuli Caesaris commentariorum De Bello CiviliLeave the NDL website. Nineteenth century essaysLeave the NDL website. Platonis ProtagorasLeave the NDL website. Louis XI et Charles le TéméraireLeave the NDL website. Voyage en ItalieLeave the NDL website. English grammar for beginnersLeave the NDL website. Milton's Samson AgonistesLeave the NDL website. TerpsichoreLeave the NDL website. Carminum liber IIILeave the NDL website. Le philosophe sans le savoirLeave the NDL website. A sketch of ancient philosophy from Thales to CiceroLeave the NDL website. Menippus et TimonLeave the NDL website. Aristophanes : the AcharniansLeave the NDL website. The heroes, or, Greek fairy tales for my childrenLeave the NDL website. Milton's sonnetsLeave the NDL website. Essay on criticismLeave the NDL website. The lord of the islesLeave the NDL website. HistoriesLeave the NDL website. Minna von Barnhelm, oder, Das Soldatenglück : ein Lustspiel in fünf AufzügenLeave the NDL website. Milton's Arcades and ComusLeave the NDL website. A book of German dactylic poetryLeave the NDL website. The revised English grammar : a new edition of the Elements of English grammarLeave the NDL website. Arcades : with introduction, notes and indexesLeave the NDL website. Goethe's Hermann and DorotheaLeave the NDL website. The Hercules Furens of EuripidesLeave the NDL website. Sir Thomas Browne : Religio MediciLeave the NDL website. Louis XI. : tragédieLeave the NDL website. BriefeLeave the NDL website. Twenty storiesLeave the NDL website. P. Terenti PhormioLeave the NDL website. Ευριπιδου Ιππολυτοσ = The Hippolytus of EuripidesLeave the NDL website. KalliopeLeave the NDL website. Les précieuses ridiculesLeave the NDL website. Eight storiesLeave the NDL website. Iphigenie auf Tauris : ein SchauspielLeave the NDL website. Cicero de officiisLeave the NDL website. The annals of TacitusLeave the NDL website. Xenophon the oeconomicusLeave the NDL website. T. Macci Plauti MenaechmiLeave the NDL website. ComusLeave the NDL website. GeorgiconLeave the NDL website. TrafalgarLeave the NDL website. John Amos comenius : Bishop of the moravians : His life and educational worksLeave the NDL website. The adventures of UlyssesLeave the NDL website. The elements of English grammarLeave the NDL website. The prioress's tale ; The tale of Sir ThopasLeave the NDL website. Goethe Hermann and DorotheaLeave the NDL website. An apologie for poetrieLeave the NDL website. Der Oberhof : a tale of Westphalian lifeLeave the NDL website. L. Annaei Senecae dialogorum : three dialogues of SenecaLeave the NDL website. Platonis CritoLeave the NDL website. The revised English grammar for beginnersLeave the NDL website. Euripides : iphigeneia at AulisLeave the NDL website. M. Tulli Ciceronis pro A. Licinio Archia poeta oratio ad judicesLeave the NDL website. Lucian, Somnium Charon, Piscator et de luctuLeave the NDL website. Euripides : the PhoenissaeLeave the NDL website. The Olynthiac speeches of DemosthenesLeave the NDL website. Milton's Samson AgonistesLeave the NDL website. MelpomeneLeave the NDL website. Die Deutchen Heldensagen (Hagen und Hilde, Gudrun)Leave the NDL website. Robinson CrusoeLeave the NDL website. Milton's Samson AgonistesLeave the NDL website. Das Wirthshaus im SpessartLeave the NDL website. Bacon's History of the reign of King Henry VIILeave the NDL website. The Anabasis of XenophonLeave the NDL website. M. Tvlli Ciceronis pro Gnaeo Plancio : oratio ad ivdicesLeave the NDL website. El remedio en desdichaLeave the NDL website. Childe Harold's pilgrimageLeave the NDL website. Geschichte des dreissigjährigen KriegsLeave the NDL website. The Prometheus bound of AeschylusLeave the NDL website. Das Bild des KaisersLeave the NDL website. Paradise lost, Books 1 and 2Leave the NDL website. Xenophon, AnabasisLeave the NDL website. Gai Iuli Caesaris commentariorum De Bello CiviliLeave the NDL website. The clerkes tale ; and The squieres taleLeave the NDL website. The faerie queeneLeave the NDL website. The elements of English grammarLeave the NDL website. Ευριπιδου Εκαβη = The Hecuba of EuripidesLeave the NDL website. Elementary commercial geography : a sketch of the commodities and the countries of the worldLeave the NDL website. Fabeln und ErzählungenLeave the NDL website. Ballad and poems : illustrating English historyLeave the NDL website. Quentin DurwardLeave the NDL website. Woodstock, or the cavalier : a tale of the year 1651Leave the NDL website. Cornelii Taciti historiarumLeave the NDL website. Silva latina : a Latin reading-bookLeave the NDL website. A sketch of ancient philosophy from Thales to CiceroLeave the NDL website. Jeanne d'ArcLeave the NDL website. Zopf und Schwert : Lustspiel in fünf AufzügenLeave the NDL website. Letters of Cicero to AtticusLeave the NDL website. P. Vergili Maronis BucolicaLeave the NDL website. Die Braut von Messina, oder, Die feindlichen Brüder : ein Trauerspiel mit ChörenLeave the NDL website. The frogs of AristophanesLeave the NDL website. Warren HastingsLeave the NDL website. Ευριπιδου Μηδεια = the Medea of EuripidesLeave the NDL website. M. Tulli Ciceronis in Q. Caecilium divinatio et in C. Verrem actio primaLeave the NDL website. Some thoughts concerning educationLeave the NDL website. The anabasis of XenophonLeave the NDL website. The anabasis of XenophonLeave the NDL website. M. Annaei Lvcani De bello civiliLeave the NDL website. Prinz Eugen von SavoyenLeave the NDL website. Tales from shakespeare : with extracts from the playsLeave the NDL website. The elements of English grammar : with a chapter on essay-writingLeave the NDL website. Euripides : the HeraclidaeLeave the NDL website. The last essays of EliaLeave the NDL website. Goethe's boyhood : taken from the first three books of his autobiographyLeave the NDL website. Zopf und Schwert : Lustspiel in fünf AufzügenLeave the NDL website. PlutusLeave the NDL website. ΞΕΝΟΦΩΝΤΟΣ : ΚΥΡΟΥ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ Γ'Δ'Ε' = The Cyropaedeia of XenophonLeave the NDL website. M.T. Ciceronis oratio pro L. MurenaLeave the NDL website. Selections from PlautusLeave the NDL website. P. Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum liber VILeave the NDL website. T. Macci Plauti TrinummusLeave the NDL website. UtopiaLeave the NDL website. TrafalgarLeave the NDL website. Outlines of the philosophy of AristotleLeave the NDL website. Introduction to LucretiusLeave the NDL website. Some thoughts concerning educationLeave the NDL website. The epistles of HoraceLeave the NDL website. Speech on conciliation with AmericanLeave the NDL website. The Prometheus bound of AeschylusLeave the NDL website. Cowley's essaysLeave the NDL website. The anabasis of XenophonLeave the NDL website. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΥ ΔΗΜΟΣΘΕΝΗΣ, Plutarch's life of DemosthenesLeave the NDL website. García del CastañarLeave the NDL website. Wallensteins Lager ; Die PiccolominiLeave the NDL website. Goethe's Hermann and DorotheaLeave the NDL website. The anabasis of XenophonLeave the NDL website. Some thoughts concerning educationLeave the NDL website. M.T. Ciceronis in Gaium VerremLeave the NDL website. Gray's English poems : original and translated from the Norse and WelshLeave the NDL website. M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro P. Cornelio Sulla oratio ad iudicesLeave the NDL website. Old MortalityLeave the NDL website. The story of Medea (Argonautica, Bk. III & Bk. IV, 1-211)Leave the NDL website. Thoughts on the cause of the present discontentsLeave the NDL website. Altera colloquia latinaLeave the NDL website. MicrocosmographyLeave the NDL website. Some thoughts concerning educationLeave the NDL website. Platonis EuthyphroLeave the NDL website. Luciani Manippus et TimonLeave the NDL website. La ilustre fregona, El licenciado Vidriera : two of the novelas ejemplares of Miguel de Cervantes SaavedraLeave the NDL website. The Odyssey of HomerLeave the NDL website. English patriotic poetryLeave the NDL website. Plato's seventh & eighth lettersLeave the NDL website. Wallensteins TodLeave the NDL website. M. Annaei Lvcani De bello civiliLeave the NDL website. T. Cornelii Taciti De vita Iulii Agricolae, De origine et moribus GermanorumLeave the NDL website. Hannibal M. Porcius cato atticusLeave the NDL website. Xenophon : Cyropaedeia : with introduction and notes founded on those of H.A. Holden, LL.D. and a complete vocabularyLeave the NDL website. The prologue and the knight's taleLeave the NDL website. Selections from Cicero : De re pvblicaLeave the NDL website. More's UtopiaLeave the NDL website. Platonis ProtagorasLeave the NDL website. C. Sallusti Crispi CatilinaLeave the NDL website. Cowley's prose worksLeave the NDL website. The wasps of AristophanesLeave the NDL website. Elementary commercial geographyLeave the NDL website. M. Tulli Ciceronis Laelius de amicitiaLeave the NDL website. LiviLeave the NDL website. M. Tulli Ciceronis Cato major de senectuteLeave the NDL website. P. Vergili Maronis AeneidosLeave the NDL website. Histoire du siècle de Louis XIVLeave the NDL website. A legend of MontroseLeave the NDL website. Platonis ProtagorasLeave the NDL website. M. Tvlli Ciceronis Pro T. Annio Milone ad ivdices oratioLeave the NDL website. Milton's Samson AgonistesLeave the NDL website. Maria Stuart : ein TrauerspielLeave the NDL website. Silva latina : a Latin reading-bookLeave the NDL website. The Olynthiac speeches of DemosthenesLeave the NDL website. Speeches on American taxation and conciliation with AmericaLeave the NDL website. A letter to the sheriffs of Bristol ; A speech at Bristol on parliamentary conduct ; A letter to a noble LordLeave the NDL website. M. Tulli Ciceronis orationes in L. Catilinam quattuorLeave the NDL website. Lettres sur les AnglaisLeave the NDL website. Die KaravaneLeave the NDL website. C. Plini Caecili Secundi EpistularumLeave the NDL website. ClioLeave the NDL website. Bacon's History of the reign of King Henry VIILeave the NDL website. L'avareLeave the NDL website. The nonnë prestes taleLeave the NDL website. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΥ ΓΡΑΓΧΟΙ, Plutarch's lives of the gracchiLeave the NDL website. Lysander, Alcibiades, Thrasybulus, Conon, Dion, Iphicrates, ChabriasLeave the NDL website. Reflections on the French revolutionLeave the NDL website. The IliadLeave the NDL website. General aims of the teacher, and form management : two lecturesLeave the NDL website. M. Annaei Lucani Pharsaliae : liber primusLeave the NDL website. Selected poemsLeave the NDL website. John Amos Comenius, bishop of the Moravians : his life and educational worksLeave the NDL website. M. T. Ciceronis Pro L. Cornelio Balbo oratio ad iudicesLeave the NDL website. Die Journalisten : Lustspiel in vier AktenLeave the NDL website. ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΥ ΣΥΛΛΑΣ, Plutarch's Life of Lucius Cornelius SullaLeave the NDL website. The Agricola and GermaniaLeave the NDL website. John Amos Comenius, bishop of the Moravians : his life and educational worksLeave the NDL website. The Plutus of AristophanesLeave the NDL website. Xenophon AgesilausLeave the NDL website. Le misanthropeLeave the NDL website. D. Ivnii Ivvenalis satvrae XIV : Fourteen satires of JuvenalLeave the NDL website. Paradise lostLeave the NDL website. M. Tulli Ciceronis oratio de imperio Cn. Pompei [pro lege manilia]Leave the NDL website. Old balladsLeave the NDL website. Sir Thomas Browne : HydriotaphiaLeave the NDL website. Die KaravaneLeave the NDL website. Miltiades themistocles aristides pausanias cimonLeave the NDL website. The Frogs of AristophanesLeave the NDL website. MicrocosmographyLeave the NDL website. KenilworthLeave the NDL website. HerodotusLeave the NDL website. PoemsLeave the NDL website. OdysseyLeave the NDL website. The MemorabiliaLeave the NDL website. Paradise lostLeave the NDL website. Wilhelm Tell : SchauspielLeave the NDL website. The fowre hymnesLeave the NDL website. The Iliad of HomerLeave the NDL website. The lady of the lakeLeave the NDL website. Q. Horati Flacci SatvrarvmLeave the NDL website. The Odyssey of HomerLeave the NDL website. La fortune de d'artagnan : an episode from Le vicomte de bragelonneLeave the NDL website. Le CidLeave the NDL website. The essays of Elia : first seriesLeave the NDL website. Le bourgeois gentilhommeLeave the NDL website. Milton's Ode on the morning of Christ's nativity, l'allegro, il penseroso and lycidasLeave the NDL website. Timotheus phocion agesilaus epaminondas pelopidas timoleon eumenes datames hemilcarLeave the NDL website. A selection of tales from Shakspeare : The tempest, As you like it, The merchant of Venice, King Lear, Twelfth night, HamletLeave the NDL website. T. Lucreti Cari De rerum naturaLeave the NDL website. Platonis Euthyphro : with introduction and notesLeave the NDL website. Q. Horati Flacci CarminumLeave the NDL website. Goethe's Hermann and DorotheaLeave the NDL website. AreopagiticaLeave the NDL website. EratoLeave the NDL website. UraniaLeave the NDL website. P. Vergili Maronis operaLeave the NDL website. Das Wirtshaus im SpessartLeave the NDL website. AthalieLeave the NDL website. P. Ovidi Nasonis Metamorphoseon, liber VIIILeave the NDL website. Tennyson, fifty poems 1830-1864Leave the NDL website. M. Tulli Ciceronis pro Sexto Roscio Amerino oratioLeave the NDL website. History of King Richard III : to which is added the conclusion of the history of King Richard III : as given in the continuation of Hardyng's chronicle, London, 1543Leave the NDL website. Bertrand du Guesclin : connétable de France et de castilleLeave the NDL website. Paradise lostLeave the NDL website. The Rhesus of EuripidesLeave the NDL website. UtopiaLeave the NDL website. IonLeave the NDL website. Lycurgus : the speech against LeocratesLeave the NDL website. Theory and practice of teachingLeave the NDL website. The faerie queeneLeave the NDL website. Pro P. Cornelio Sulla : oratio ad iudicesLeave the NDL website. Les plaideursLeave the NDL website. Die Ganerben ; Die Gerechtigkeit Gottes : zwei GeschichtenLeave the NDL website. ThucydidesLeave the NDL website. More's UtopiaLeave the NDL website. C. Sallusti Crispi JugurthaLeave the NDL website. Selections from Virgil's GeorgicsLeave the NDL website. Das Wirthshaus im SpessartLeave the NDL website. Some thoughts concerning educationLeave the NDL website. History of EnglandLeave the NDL website. Nathan der Weise : ein dramatisches GedichtLeave the NDL website. M. Tvlli Ciceronis Pro T. Annio Milone ad ivdices oratioLeave the NDL website. Cicero's correspondence : a selectionLeave the NDL website. Milton's Paradise lostLeave the NDL website. M. Tulli Ciceronis pro Sexto Roscio Amerino oratioLeave the NDL website. Q. Horati Flacci CarminumLeave the NDL website. Un philosophe sous les toitsLeave the NDL website. Wilhelm Tell : SchauspielLeave the NDL website. A portion of the history of Quintus CurtiusLeave the NDL website. Miscellaneous essaysLeave the NDL website. The anabasis of XenophonLeave the NDL website. Thoykydidoy ebdomē : The seventh book of the history of ThucydidesLeave the NDL website. Introduction to LucretiusLeave the NDL website. Die Deutchen Heldensagen : Hagen und Hilde, GudrunLeave the NDL website. The birds of AristophanesLeave the NDL website. Gai Iuli Caesaris De bello gallico commentarius I. II. III.Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Der Scheik von Alessandria und seine Sklaven

  • New Atlantis

  • De rerum natura

  • William Pitt, Earl of Chatham

  • Bacon's essays

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Also published: Cambridge
Publisher varies: Toronto : Copp Clark
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M. Annaei Lvcani De bello civili
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Iphigenie auf Tauris : ein Schauspiel
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The elements of English grammar
The prioress's tale ; The tale of Sir Thopas
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Elementary commercial geography
M. Tulli Ciceronis Laelius de amicitia
M. Tulli Ciceronis Cato major de senectute
P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos
Histoire du siècle de Louis XIV
A legend of Montrose
Platonis Protagoras
M. Tvlli Ciceronis Pro T. Annio Milone ad ivdices oratio
Milton's Samson Agonistes
Maria Stuart : ein Trauerspiel
Silva latina : a Latin reading-book
The Olynthiac speeches of Demosthenes
Speeches on American taxation and conciliation with America
A letter to the sheriffs of Bristol ; A speech at Bristol on parliamentary conduct ; A letter to a noble Lord
M. Tulli Ciceronis orationes in L. Catilinam quattuor
Lettres sur les Anglais
Die Karavane
C. Plini Caecili Secundi Epistularum
Bacon's History of the reign of King Henry VII
The nonnë prestes tale
ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΥ ΓΡΑΓΧΟΙ, Plutarch's lives of the gracchi
Lysander, Alcibiades, Thrasybulus, Conon, Dion, Iphicrates, Chabrias
Reflections on the French revolution
The Iliad
General aims of the teacher, and form management : two lectures
M. Annaei Lucani Pharsaliae : liber primus
Selected poems
John Amos Comenius, bishop of the Moravians : his life and educational works
M. T. Ciceronis Pro L. Cornelio Balbo oratio ad iudices
Die Journalisten : Lustspiel in vier Akten
ΠΛΟΥΤΑΡΧΟΥ ΣΥΛΛΑΣ, Plutarch's Life of Lucius Cornelius Sulla
The Agricola and Germania
John Amos Comenius, bishop of the Moravians : his life and educational works
The Plutus of Aristophanes
Xenophon Agesilaus
Le misanthrope
D. Ivnii Ivvenalis satvrae XIV : Fourteen satires of Juvenal
Paradise lost
M. Tulli Ciceronis oratio de imperio Cn. Pompei [pro lege manilia]
Old ballads
Sir Thomas Browne : Hydriotaphia
Die Karavane
Miltiades themistocles aristides pausanias cimon
The Frogs of Aristophanes
The Memorabilia
Paradise lost
Wilhelm Tell : Schauspiel
The fowre hymnes
The Iliad of Homer
The lady of the lake
Q. Horati Flacci Satvrarvm
The Odyssey of Homer
La fortune de d'artagnan : an episode from Le vicomte de bragelonne
Le Cid
The essays of Elia : first series
Le bourgeois gentilhomme
Milton's Ode on the morning of Christ's nativity, l'allegro, il penseroso and lycidas
Timotheus phocion agesilaus epaminondas pelopidas timoleon eumenes datames hemilcar
A selection of tales from Shakspeare : The tempest, As you like it, The merchant of Venice, King Lear, Twelfth night, Hamlet
T. Lucreti Cari De rerum natura
Platonis Euthyphro : with introduction and notes
Q. Horati Flacci Carminum
Goethe's Hermann and Dorothea
P. Vergili Maronis opera
Das Wirtshaus im Spessart
P. Ovidi Nasonis Metamorphoseon, liber VIII
Tennyson, fifty poems 1830-1864
M. Tulli Ciceronis pro Sexto Roscio Amerino oratio
History of King Richard III : to which is added the conclusion of the history of King Richard III : as given in the continuation of Hardyng's chronicle, London, 1543
Bertrand du Guesclin : connétable de France et de castille
Paradise lost
The Rhesus of Euripides
Lycurgus : the speech against Leocrates
Theory and practice of teaching
The faerie queene
Pro P. Cornelio Sulla : oratio ad iudices
Les plaideurs
Die Ganerben ; Die Gerechtigkeit Gottes : zwei Geschichten
More's Utopia
C. Sallusti Crispi Jugurtha
Selections from Virgil's Georgics
Das Wirthshaus im Spessart
Some thoughts concerning education
History of England
Nathan der Weise : ein dramatisches Gedicht
M. Tvlli Ciceronis Pro T. Annio Milone ad ivdices oratio
Cicero's correspondence : a selection
Milton's Paradise lost
M. Tulli Ciceronis pro Sexto Roscio Amerino oratio
Q. Horati Flacci Carminum
Un philosophe sous les toits
Wilhelm Tell : Schauspiel
A portion of the history of Quintus Curtius
Miscellaneous essays
The anabasis of Xenophon
Thoykydidoy ebdomē : The seventh book of the history of Thucydides
Introduction to Lucretius
Die Deutchen Heldensagen : Hagen und Hilde, Gudrun
The birds of Aristophanes
Gai Iuli Caesaris De bello gallico commentarius I. II. III.
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