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付: 第一批書目〜第五批書目, 428種共693冊

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覺世雅言, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 二十四尊得道羅漢傳, 6卷Leave the NDL website. 天凑巧 . 八段錦Leave the NDL website. 三國志通俗演義 : 萬卷樓本Leave the NDL website. 紅樓夢補Leave the NDL website. 風月夢Leave the NDL website. 金雲翹傳 . 玉樓春Leave the NDL website. 忠孝勇烈奇女傳Leave the NDL website. 五美縁全傳Leave the NDL website. 虞賓傳Leave the NDL website. 征播奏捷傳通俗演義Leave the NDL website. 紅樓夢 : 戚序本Leave the NDL website. 唐三藏出身全傳Leave the NDL website. 混元盒五毒全傳 ; 陰陽鬭異説傳奇Leave the NDL website. 水石縁Leave the NDL website. 幻中遊 . 東坡詩話Leave the NDL website. 善惡圖全傳Leave the NDL website. 全漢志傳Leave the NDL website. 珍珠舶, 6卷Leave the NDL website. 東西晋演義Leave the NDL website. 雅觀樓全傳Leave the NDL website. 希夷夢Leave the NDL website. 狐狸縁全傳Leave the NDL website. 二度梅全傳Leave the NDL website. 宣和遺事 ; 揷増田虎王慶忠義水滸全傳Leave the NDL website. 大唐三藏取經詩話 . 錢塘湖隱濟顚禪師語録Leave the NDL website. 雲仙嘯Leave the NDL website. 大漢三合明珠寳劍全傳Leave the NDL website. 三分事畧, 3卷 ; 三國志平話, 3卷Leave the NDL website. 連城璧Leave the NDL website. 宛如約Leave the NDL website. 東度記, 20卷Leave the NDL website. 五虎平西前傳, 14卷Leave the NDL website. 緑牡丹全傳Leave the NDL website. 西遊記 (世徳堂本)Leave the NDL website. 鐵花仙史, 26回Leave the NDL website. 型世言Leave the NDL website. 東西晋演義Leave the NDL website. 于少保萃忠傳, 10卷Leave the NDL website. 盤古至唐虞傳, 2卷 ; 有商誌傳, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 紅樓圓夢Leave the NDL website. 英雲夢傳Leave the NDL website. 蕉葉帕 . 霞箋記Leave the NDL website. 包龍圖判百家公案Leave the NDL website. 殘唐五代史演義傳Leave the NDL website. 粉粧樓Leave the NDL website. 常言道, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 女開科傳Leave the NDL website. 續英烈傳, 5卷Leave the NDL website. 隋唐演義, 10卷Leave the NDL website. 飛龍全傳Leave the NDL website. 遼海丹忠録, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 續鏡花縁Leave the NDL website. 梁武帝西來演義Leave the NDL website. 海公小紅袍全傳Leave the NDL website. 鐵樹記, 2卷 . 唐鍾馗全傳, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 二刻拍案驚奇, 40卷Leave the NDL website. 武則天四大奇案Leave the NDL website. 古今小説Leave the NDL website. 二奇合傳Leave the NDL website. 七十二朝人物演義Leave the NDL website. 隔簾花影Leave the NDL website. 豔異編Leave the NDL website. 濟顛大師醉菩提全傳Leave the NDL website. 瑶華傳Leave the NDL website. 賽紅絲Leave the NDL website. 今古傳奇Leave the NDL website. 皇明中興聖烈傳Leave the NDL website. 燈月縁Leave the NDL website. 石點頭, 14卷Leave the NDL website. 鏡花縁Leave the NDL website. 雲合奇蹤Leave the NDL website. 皇明英烈傳Leave the NDL website. 韓湘子全傳Leave the NDL website. 雙劍雪, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 無聲戲小説Leave the NDL website. 紅樓夢影Leave the NDL website. 岳武穆盡忠報國傳, 7卷Leave the NDL website. 四巧説Leave the NDL website. 玉蟾記Leave the NDL website. 南海觀世音菩薩出身修行傳 . 達摩出身傳燈傳Leave the NDL website. 虞初新志, 20卷Leave the NDL website. 花月痕Leave the NDL website. 説呼全傳, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 金石縁Leave the NDL website. 繡雲閣Leave the NDL website. 後西遊記Leave the NDL website. 唐鍾馗平鬼傳 . 五鼠閙東京傳Leave the NDL website. 禪真逸史, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 百煉眞海烈婦傳Leave the NDL website. 女才子書, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 開闢衍繹通俗志傳Leave the NDL website. 吕祖全傳Leave the NDL website. 隋史遺文Leave the NDL website. 繡鞋記警貴新書Leave the NDL website. 異説反唐全傳Leave the NDL website. 三分夢全傳Leave the NDL website. 趙太祖三下南唐被困壽州城Leave the NDL website. 生花夢Leave the NDL website. 承運傳 . 躋雲樓Leave the NDL website. 春秋五覇七雄列國志傳Leave the NDL website. 國朝名公神斷詳刑公案, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 皇明諸司公案, 6卷Leave the NDL website. 笏山記Leave the NDL website. 詳情公案 . 明鏡公案Leave the NDL website. 續金瓶梅Leave the NDL website. 鎭海春秋Leave the NDL website. 今古奇聞, 22卷Leave the NDL website. 七劍十三俠, 6卷Leave the NDL website. 施案奇聞Leave the NDL website. 説唐演義全傳Leave the NDL website. 鼓掌絶塵Leave the NDL website. 五更風Leave the NDL website. 燕居筆記Leave the NDL website. 緑野仙踪Leave the NDL website. 補紅樓夢Leave the NDL website. 飛跎全傳 . 七眞祖師列仙傳Leave the NDL website. 平閩全傳Leave the NDL website. 玉嬌梨Leave the NDL website. 海剛峰先生居官公案Leave the NDL website. 三刻拍案驚奇Leave the NDL website. 七俠五義Leave the NDL website. 廉明奇判公案傳, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 東坡居士佛印禪師語録問答 . 覓燈因話 . 神明公案Leave the NDL website. 西遊原旨Leave the NDL website. 孫龐鬭志演義Leave the NDL website. 説唐演義後傳, 55回Leave the NDL website. 熊龍峯四種小説 . 飛英聲Leave the NDL website. 西湖小史Leave the NDL website. 枕上晨鐘Leave the NDL website. 剪燈新話Leave the NDL website. 合錦迴文傳Leave the NDL website. 續紅樓夢Leave the NDL website. 古今律條公案Leave the NDL website. 臺灣外記Leave the NDL website. 雷峰塔奇傳 . 粧鈿鏟傳Leave the NDL website. 後紅樓夢Leave the NDL website. 風箏配, 8回Leave the NDL website. 爭春園, 48回Leave the NDL website. 拍案驚奇, 40卷Leave the NDL website. 醒夢駢言Leave the NDL website. 新列國志Leave the NDL website. 吴江雪Leave the NDL website. 山水情Leave the NDL website. 飛花咏Leave the NDL website. 錦繡衣 . 換夫妻Leave the NDL website. 隋唐兩朝史傳Leave the NDL website. 金蓮仙史, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 醉醒石Leave the NDL website. 三教偶拈, 3卷Leave the NDL website. 混唐後傳Leave the NDL website. 關帝歴代顯聖誌傳, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 牛郎織女傳 . 潛龍馬再興七姑傳Leave the NDL website. 定情人Leave the NDL website. 終須夢, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 畫圖縁Leave the NDL website. 仙俠五花劍Leave the NDL website. 花陣綺言, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 繡谷春容, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 西遊真詮, 100回Leave the NDL website. 十二樓Leave the NDL website. 三寳太監西洋記通俗演義, 20卷Leave the NDL website. 秦併六國平話 ; 前漢書續集 ; 薛仁貴征遼事略Leave the NDL website. 小五義Leave the NDL website. 一枕奇, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 豆棚間話, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 春秋配 . 五金魚傳Leave the NDL website. 警世通言Leave the NDL website. 北史演義, 64卷Leave the NDL website. 海上塵天影Leave the NDL website. 南北宋誌傳Leave the NDL website. 飛花艶想Leave the NDL website. 紅樓幻夢Leave the NDL website. 春柳鶯, 10回Leave the NDL website. 娯目醒心編Leave the NDL website. 三國因 . 清夜鐘Leave the NDL website. 醒世恒言Leave the NDL website. 金鐘傳Leave the NDL website. 警世陰陽夢, 10卷Leave the NDL website. 永慶昇平, 24卷Leave the NDL website. 嶺南逸史Leave the NDL website. 婆羅岸全傳Leave the NDL website. 海上花列傳, 64回Leave the NDL website. 品花寳鑑Leave the NDL website. 海公大紅袍全傳Leave the NDL website. 林蘭香Leave the NDL website. 脂硯齋重評石頭記 : 庚辰本Leave the NDL website. 綺樓重夢Leave the NDL website. 雲鍾雁三閙太平莊全傳Leave the NDL website. 西遊補Leave the NDL website. 全漢志傳Leave the NDL website. 皇明通俗演義七曜平妖全傳Leave the NDL website. 歧路燈Leave the NDL website. 東漢演義評Leave the NDL website. 紅樓復夢Leave the NDL website. 海游記Leave the NDL website. 意外縁, 12回 . 風流和尚, 12回Leave the NDL website. 李卓吾批評忠義水滸傳Leave the NDL website. 後三國石珠演義Leave the NDL website. 北魏奇史閨孝烈傳Leave the NDL website. 夢中縁Leave the NDL website. 繡屏縁Leave the NDL website. 辜生鍾情麗集 . 鴛鴦鍼Leave the NDL website. 三國志傳 : 湯學士校本Leave the NDL website. 後七國樂田演義, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 忠烈俠義傳Leave the NDL website. 草木春秋Leave the NDL website. 歡喜冤家Leave the NDL website. 剿闖小説Leave the NDL website. 人中畫, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 清風閘Leave the NDL website. 西湖拾遺Leave the NDL website. 廿一史通俗衍義Leave the NDL website. 大宋中興通俗演義Leave the NDL website. 兒女英雄傳Leave the NDL website. 好逑傳Leave the NDL website. 忠烈全傳Leave the NDL website. 檮杌間評, 50卷Leave the NDL website. 燕居筆記Leave the NDL website. 新平妖傳Leave the NDL website. 離合劍蓮子瓶, 32回Leave the NDL website. 風流悟Leave the NDL website. 飛劍記, 2卷 ; 咒棗記, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 結水滸全傳Leave the NDL website. 新説西遊記, 100回Leave the NDL website. 螢窗清玩Leave the NDL website. 鬼谷四友志, 3卷Leave the NDL website. 前明正徳白牡丹傳Leave the NDL website. 諧鐸, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 大唐秦王詞話Leave the NDL website. 三教開迷歸正演義, 20卷Leave the NDL website. 鐵冠圖Leave the NDL website. 古今列女傳演義Leave the NDL website. 孔聖宗師出身全傳Leave the NDL website. 意中縁Leave the NDL website. 世無匹Leave the NDL website. 斬鬼傳, 4卷 . 何典, 10回Leave the NDL website. 大明正徳皇遊江南傳, 7卷Leave the NDL website. 禪真後史, 10集Leave the NDL website. 儒林外史Leave the NDL website. 清平山堂話本 ; 新編紅白蜘蛛小説Leave the NDL website. 萬花樓演義Leave the NDL website. 杜騙新書Leave the NDL website. 鍾伯敬批評忠義水滸傳Leave the NDL website. 警寤鐘Leave the NDL website. 炎涼岸 . 載陽堂意外縁Leave the NDL website. 封神演義Leave the NDL website. 西遊證道書Leave the NDL website. 巧聯珠Leave the NDL website. 歸蓮夢Leave the NDL website. 楊家府世代忠勇演義志傳Leave the NDL website. 繡球縁, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 二刻英雄譜Leave the NDL website. 蝴蝶媒, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 女仙外史Leave the NDL website. 華光天王傳, 4卷 . 八仙出處東遊記, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 金臺全傳Leave the NDL website. 續西遊記Leave the NDL website. 野叟曝言Leave the NDL website. 雙鳳奇縁, 20卷Leave the NDL website. 三國誌後傳Leave the NDL website. 情夢柝, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 燕子箋 . 明月臺Leave the NDL website. 夢斬涇河龍 . 剪燈餘話 . 姜胡外傳Leave the NDL website. 片璧列國志Leave the NDL website. 戚南塘剿平倭寇志傳, 残3卷存卷第1至第3 . 掌故演義, 7回Leave the NDL website. 最娯情 . 鴛鴦配Leave the NDL website. 錦香亭Leave the NDL website. 白魚亭Leave the NDL website. 京本通俗小説Leave the NDL website. 雨花香 ; 通天樂Leave the NDL website. 春秋列國志傳Leave the NDL website. 近報叢譚平虜傳, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 兩漢開國中興傳誌Leave the NDL website. 雪月梅Leave the NDL website. 隋煬帝豔史Leave the NDL website. 鳳凰池Leave the NDL website. 聽月樓Leave the NDL website. 増補紅樓夢, 32回Leave the NDL website. 玉支璣小傳Leave the NDL website. 青樓夢Leave the NDL website. 醒世姻縁傳Leave the NDL website. 貪欣誤, 6回 . 幻縁奇遇小説, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 異説後唐傳三集薛丁山征西樊梨花全傳, 10卷Leave the NDL website. 照世盃Leave the NDL website. 麟兒報Leave the NDL website. 魏忠賢小説斥奸書Leave the NDL website. 水滸後傳Leave the NDL website. 生綃剪, 19回Leave the NDL website. 十二笑Leave the NDL website. 天妃娘媽傳, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 燕居筆記Leave the NDL website. 八洞天Leave the NDL website. 瓦崗寨演義, 5卷Leave the NDL website. 蟫史Leave the NDL website. 俗話傾談Leave the NDL website. 今古奇觀Leave the NDL website. 五色石Leave the NDL website.

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