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隔週刊 宇宙の神秘

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隔週刊 宇宙の神秘

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「第78号-100号付属のDVDは、Discovery CHANNEL "How the universe works" Season 1,3,4の抜粋」「第101号-108号付属のDVDは、Discovery CHANNEL "How the universe works" Season 5の抜粋...

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超低温の宇宙 = Deep freezeLeave the NDL website. 車の材料の起源 = How the universe built your carLeave the NDL website. ブラックホール成長の秘密 = Black holes : the secret orginLeave the NDL website. 宇宙生物学 = AstrobiologyLeave the NDL website. 宇宙からの破壊兵器 = Hammer of ThorLeave the NDL website. 太陽の運命 = Dark future of the sunLeave the NDL website. 太陽 : 光子の旅 = SunLeave the NDL website. 火星 : 生命誕生と絶滅 = Life and death on the red planetLeave the NDL website. ナチスと月探査 = Nazis on the moonLeave the NDL website. 宇宙の音 = Alien soundsLeave the NDL website. 光速 = Light speedLeave the NDL website. 土星 : ロード・オブ・ザ・リングス = Saturn : lord of the ringsLeave the NDL website. 恒星への旅 = StarmanLeave the NDL website. 地球の未来と金星 = Earth : Venus's evil twinLeave the NDL website. 生還への分岐点 = Point of no returnLeave the NDL website. 大爆発トップ10 = Biggest blastsLeave the NDL website. 立ち往生 = StrandedLeave the NDL website. 宇宙での災害 = Deep space disastersLeave the NDL website. 超大質量ブラックホール = Monster black holeLeave the NDL website. 環をもつ惑星 = The hunt for ringed planetsLeave the NDL website. 恒星 = StarsLeave the NDL website. 漏れた有毒物質 = Toxic leakLeave the NDL website. 月の真実 = The moonLeave the NDL website. 宇宙の黙示録 = Cosmic apocalypseLeave the NDL website. 宇宙の液体 = Liquid universeLeave the NDL website. 地球という宇宙船 = Spaceship earthLeave the NDL website. 異星人 = Alien facesLeave the NDL website. 地球を崩壊させる10の方法 = 10 ways to destroy the earthLeave the NDL website. 不可解な暗黒物質 = The dark matter enigmaLeave the NDL website. 冥王星の秘密 = Secret history of plutoLeave the NDL website. 宇宙での荒天 = Wildest weather in the cosmosLeave the NDL website. 宇宙の最初の1秒間 = First secondLeave the NDL website. 彗星の歌 = Ghosts on a cometLeave the NDL website. 太陽系の果て = Edge of the solar systemLeave the NDL website. 秘密任務からのSOS = Secret mission maydayLeave the NDL website. 宇宙のエネルギー = Extreme energyLeave the NDL website. 数千億の銀河 = Alien galaxiesLeave the NDL website. 星雲 = NebulasLeave the NDL website. 水星と金星 = Mercury & Venus : the inner planetsLeave the NDL website. 火星の環境 = Crash landing on MarsLeave the NDL website. 月が消える日 = The day the moon was goneLeave the NDL website. 未解明の謎 = Unexplained mysteriesLeave the NDL website. 天の川銀河 = the milky wayLeave the NDL website. ミール火災事故Leave the NDL website. 氷の世界の生命体 = Rise of the ice creaturesLeave the NDL website. 不思議な天体や現象 = Strangest thingsLeave the NDL website. 宇宙の超危険エリア = The universe's deadliestLeave the NDL website. 地球周回軌道 = Edge of spaceLeave the NDL website. ミクロな宇宙 = Microscopic universeLeave the NDL website. SFの真実 = Science fictionLeave the NDL website. 太陽系の支配者、木星 = JupiterLeave the NDL website. 太陽電池パネルの災い = Solar panel crisisLeave the NDL website. 皆既食 = Total eclipseLeave the NDL website. 小惑星と彗星 = Deadly comets and meteorsLeave the NDL website. 木星で核爆発? = Did we nuke Jupiter?Leave the NDL website. 謎の惑星 = Nemesis : the sun's evil twinLeave the NDL website. 惑星を変えた大惨事 = Catastrophes that changed the planetsLeave the NDL website. 地球外生命体 = The search for E.T.Leave the NDL website. 星座 = ConstellationsLeave the NDL website. 重力 = GravityLeave the NDL website. 土星とその衛星 = SaturnLeave the NDL website. ファーストコンタクト = Will we survive first contact?Leave the NDL website. 小惑星衝突 = War on asteroidsLeave the NDL website. 奇妙な光の球 = Attack of the thunderballsLeave the NDL website. 謎の放射線 = Red storm risingLeave the NDL website. ブラックホールは実在するのか? = Are black holes real?Leave the NDL website. 水星の秘密 = Secret history of mercuryLeave the NDL website. 潜在意識 : Mysteries of the subconsciousLeave the NDL website. 生物の進化と神 : Did god create evolution?Leave the NDL website. 現実とは何か? : Is reality real?Leave the NDL website. 自由意志 : Do we have free will?Leave the NDL website. 地球外生命体の宗教 = Is God an Alien concept?Leave the NDL website. 永遠が終わるとき = Will eternity end?Leave the NDL website. 貧困と遺伝 = Is poverty genetic?Leave the NDL website. 無の解明 = What is nothing?Leave the NDL website. 魂と脳とアイデンティティー = What makes us who we are?Leave the NDL website. 宇宙の穴 = Cosmic holesLeave the NDL website. 宇宙移住 = Colonizing spaceLeave the NDL website. 太陽系外惑星 : Alien planetsLeave the NDL website. 死をもたらす星 = Stars that killLeave the NDL website. 海の誕生 = The first oceansLeave the NDL website. 宇宙形成の原動力 = Forces of mass constructionLeave the NDL website. 小惑星のUFO墜落現場Leave the NDL website. 天体の衝突 = Cosmic collisionsLeave the NDL website. 衛星の謎 = Alien moonsLeave the NDL website. 空からの落し物 = It fell from spaceLeave the NDL website. パルサーとクエーサー = Pulsars & QuasarsLeave the NDL website. 第二の地球 = Another earthLeave the NDL website. 分裂する小惑星 = Lethal weaponsLeave the NDL website. 小惑星の衝突 = Asteroid attackLeave the NDL website. 宇宙のサイズ = How big, how far, how fastLeave the NDL website. 物理学的UFO検証 = UFOs the real dealLeave the NDL website. 太陽系第9惑星の謎 = Mystery of planet 9Leave the NDL website. 宇宙探査機の秘密 = Secrets of the space probesLeave the NDL website. 宇宙での生活 = Living in spaceLeave the NDL website. 火星 : 赤い惑星 = Mars : the red planetLeave the NDL website. X字型の天体Leave the NDL website. 宇宙旅行 = Space travelLeave the NDL website. 宇宙ホタル = Revenge of the firefliesLeave the NDL website. 宇宙で最も危険な場所 = Most dangerous placesLeave the NDL website. 木星 : 巨大な惑星Leave the NDL website. 大量絶滅 = ExtinctionLeave the NDL website. 火星 : 新たな証拠 = Mars : the new evidenceLeave the NDL website. 太陽系の誕生 = How the solar system was madeLeave the NDL website. ダークマター、ダークエネルギー = Dark matter/dark energyLeave the NDL website. 超新星 = SupernovasLeave the NDL website. 星団・銀河団 = The search for cosmic clustersLeave the NDL website. 謎の光の群れLeave the NDL website. 月の神秘 = Mysteries of the moonLeave the NDL website. アルマゲドンの回避 = Stopping ArmageddonLeave the NDL website. 宇宙現象 = Cosmic phenomenaLeave the NDL website. 謎の天体ブラックホール = Black holesLeave the NDL website. 宇宙のパラレルワールド = Parallel universesLeave the NDL website. 生命の起源 = Dawn of lifeLeave the NDL website. 巨大氷惑星 : the outer planetsLeave the NDL website. 磁気嵐 = Magnetic stormLeave the NDL website. 月の有機体 = Return of the moon bugsLeave the NDL website. 太陽系の七不思議 = 7 wonders of the solar systemLeave the NDL website. タイムトラベル = Time travelLeave the NDL website. 月面着陸の真相 = Top secret terrorLeave the NDL website. 物理学と神学 = God and the universeLeave the NDL website. 星の生と死 = Life & death of a starLeave the NDL website. 地球最悪の日 = Worst days on planet earthLeave the NDL website. 宇宙から見る地球の歴史 = When space changed historyLeave the NDL website. 宇宙の終わり = End of the universeLeave the NDL website. 天の川銀河の中の地球 = Our place in the milky wayLeave the NDL website. 太陽に空いた穴Leave the NDL website. もうひとつの地球 = The search for a second earthLeave the NDL website. 宇宙遊泳の罠 = Spacewalk of doomLeave the NDL website. 宇宙でのセックス = Sex in spaceLeave the NDL website. 宇宙戦争 = Space warsLeave the NDL website. 惑星 = PlanetsLeave the NDL website. 世にも奇妙な惑星群 = Strangest alien worldsLeave the NDL website. 衛星と生命 = MoonsLeave the NDL website. 彗星の旅 = Ride the cometLeave the NDL website. 水星の氷 = Life in hellLeave the NDL website. 地球の終焉 = End of the earthLeave the NDL website. 冥王星探査の危機 = Pluto under pressureLeave the NDL website. 太陽の秘密 = Our star, the sunLeave the NDL website. 宇宙の巨大天体 = Biggest things in spaceLeave the NDL website. デス・スター = Death starsLeave the NDL website. 月の秘密 = Secret history of the moonLeave the NDL website. 壮絶な星の死 = SupernovasLeave the NDL website. 天の川の死 = Death of the milky wayLeave the NDL website. 空気を求めて = Gasping for airLeave the NDL website. 脳のハッキング : Can our minds be hacked?Leave the NDL website. ヒッグス粒子 : Is there a god particle?Leave the NDL website. 海は思考するのか? = Does the ocean think?Leave the NDL website. なぜ人は嘘をつくのか? = Why do we lie?Leave the NDL website. 偏見との闘い = Are we all bigots?Leave the NDL website. 生きることの意味 = Are we here for a reason?Leave the NDL website. 秘密のない世界 = Is privacy dead?Leave the NDL website. 死は欺けるのか? = Can we cheat death?Leave the NDL website. 時間は逆行するのか? = Can time go backwards?Leave the NDL website. 正当化する心 = What makes a terrorist?Leave the NDL website. 神と人類 = Did we invent god?Leave the NDL website. 宇宙のフォース = Is the force with us?Leave the NDL website. 天王星と海王星 = Uranus & Neptune : rise of the ice giantsLeave the NDL website. 連星の秘密 = Twin suns : the alien mysteriesLeave the NDL website. 謎の天体 : クエーサーLeave the NDL website. 時間の起源 : When did time begin?Leave the NDL website. 命の始まり : When does life begin?Leave the NDL website. 超大国崩壊の危機 = How to collapse a superpowerLeave the NDL website. 命の再生 = Can we resurrect the dead?Leave the NDL website. 生命体としての宇宙 = Is the universe alive?Leave the NDL website. 私たちの中のエイリアン = Are aliens inside us?Leave the NDL website. 重力の正体 = Is gravity an illusion?Leave the NDL website. ゾンビ世界の到来 - Is a zombie apocalypse possible?Leave the NDL website. 害心の連鎖 = Is gun crime a virus?Leave the NDL website. 悪の抹消 = Can we eliminate evil?Leave the NDL website. 進化とロボット = Are robots the future of human evolution?Leave the NDL website. 時空の神秘 = Mystery of spacetimeLeave the NDL website. 消える衛星 = Moon that disappearedLeave the NDL website. 太陽系 : 闇の歴史 = Dark history of the solar systemLeave the NDL website. 準惑星の奇妙な世界 = Strange lives of dwarf planetsLeave the NDL website. 火星の呪い = Curse of the red planetLeave the NDL website. 「マトリックス」的世界 : Do we live in the matrix?Leave the NDL website. 運とは何か? = Is luck real?Leave the NDL website. 男女の未来 = Will sex become extinct?Leave the NDL website. 太陽の死 = Can we survive the death of the sun?Leave the NDL website. 宇宙の難破船 = ShipwreckedLeave the NDL website. 人類は神になるのか? = Will We Become God?Leave the NDL website. 土星の六角形の渦Leave the NDL website. 火星の衛星の謎Leave the NDL website. 影の宇宙 = Is there a shadow universe?Leave the NDL website. ジェンダーの境界線 = Are there more than twe sexes?Leave the NDL website. 天才の種 = Can we all become geniuses?Leave the NDL website. 地球ハック = Can we hack the planet?Leave the NDL website. 地球外生命体の思考 = How do aliens think?Leave the NDL website. 異なる種族 = Is there a superior race?Leave the NDL website.

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Mysteries of the universe
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