
Subcellular biochemistry v. 5 v. 6 v. 7 v. 8 v. 9 v. 10 v. 11

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Subcellular biochemistry v. 5

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Roodyn, D. B.ほか
Plenum Press
Publication date
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24 cm
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Note (General):

On t.p. of v. 13: Series editor, J.R. HarrisIncludes bibliographical references and indexv. 5-7: edited by Donald B. Roodyn...

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Table of Contents

  • Biology of the lysosome

  • Enzymes of synthesis and degradation

  • Membrane protein complexes : structure and function

  • Subcellular proteomics : from cell deconstruction to system reconstruction

  • Calcium signalling and disease : molecular pathology of calcium

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Material Type
v. 5
v. 6
v. 7
v. 8
v. 9
v. 10
v. 11
Publication, Distribution, etc.
24 cm
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