
A complete view of the British customs : I. A perfect and distinct account of the several particular branches whereof that revenue consists. II. The former and additional books of the rates of merchandizes from which most of those branches are chargeable, with the neat total amount of all the several branches payable, as well from those rates as from the values upon oath &c. ... III. Directions for and examples of the method of computing the aforesaid duties to be paid and repaid : with the drawbacks and bounties on the exportation of several British goods, &c. IV. The several ports, members, and creeks of Great Britain : the lawful keys, wharfs &c. and the fees payable to the officers of the Customs in the port of London, with the duties of scavage, package &c. payable to the said city. V. An index wherein is comprehended the substance of several laws now in force relating to the customs, &c. : the whole being a complete system of His Majesty's revenue of customs 5th ed

Icons representing 図書

A complete view of the British customs : I. A perfect and distinct account of the several particular branches whereof that revenue consists. II. The former and additional books of the rates of merchandizes from which most of those branches are chargeable, with the neat total amount of all the several branches payable, as well from those rates as from the values upon oath &c. ... III. Directions for and examples of the method of computing the aforesaid duties to be paid and repaid : with the drawbacks and bounties on the exportation of several British goods, &c. IV. The several ports, members, and creeks of Great Britain : the lawful keys, wharfs &c. and the fees payable to the officers of the Customs in the port of London, with the duties of scavage, package &c. payable to the said city. V. An index wherein is comprehended the substance of several laws now in force relating to the customs, &c. : the whole being a complete system of His Majesty's revenue of customs

5th ed

Material type
by Henry Crouch
Printed by Thomas Baskett, and by the assigns of Robert Baskett, for T. Longman
Publication date
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22 cm
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Material Type
by Henry Crouch
5th ed
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Publication Date
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22 cm
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