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Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Letterkunde

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Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Letterkunde

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Proto-Munda words in SanskritLeave the NDL website. Abréviations composéesLeave the NDL website. The world of Emperor Charles VLeave the NDL website. Zur Syntax der pronomina im AvestaLeave the NDL website. Maarten Schaap, een Katwijker ter koopvaardij (1782-1870) : een biografie en een dagboekLeave the NDL website. Nicolaus Damascenus de plantis : five translationsLeave the NDL website. Plutarch's political thoughtLeave the NDL website. Herkomst, vorm en functie der Middeljavaanse rijksdelingstheorieLeave the NDL website. Savage and barbarian : historical attitudes in the criticism of Homer and Ossian in Britain, 1760-1800Leave the NDL website. OlympiodorusLeave the NDL website. Homeric modifications of formulaic prototypes : studies in the development of Greek epic dictionLeave the NDL website. A commentary on the surviving plays of AeschylusLeave the NDL website. Pronomen abundans and pronomen coniunctum : a contribution to the history of the resumptive pronoun within the relative clause in GreekLeave the NDL website. De Nederlandse staat onder de RepubliekLeave the NDL website. Non-linear developmental processesLeave the NDL website. A commentary on the surviving plays of AeschylusLeave the NDL website. DamasciusLeave the NDL website. Natural phenomena : their meaning, depiction, and description in the ancient Near EastLeave the NDL website. Logic and political cultureLeave the NDL website. The theory of marketsLeave the NDL website. The Greek commentaries on Plato's PhaedoLeave the NDL website. Forensic expertise and the law of evidenceLeave the NDL website. A concise Blackfoot grammar : based on material from the southern PeigansLeave the NDL website. Business cycles in the United Kingdom, 1870-1914Leave the NDL website. Neuplatonische Pythagorica in arabischem Gewande : der Kommentar des Iamblichus zu den Carmina aurea : ein verlorener griechischer Text in arabischer ÜberlieferungLeave the NDL website. Innovation and inspiration : fifty years of the Universal Declaration of Human RightsLeave the NDL website. Sectarianism and religious persecution in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Studies on the SāmavedaLeave the NDL website. Cities of financeLeave the NDL website. Theognis : le premier livreLeave the NDL website. Gopālakelicandrikā : a Kṛṣṇa-playLeave the NDL website. La composition littéraire archaïque grecque : procédeés et réalisationsLeave the NDL website. Le Dyscolos de Ménandre : étude critique du texteLeave the NDL website. The dual deities in the religion of the VedaLeave the NDL website. The Consumption of time and the timing of consumption : toward a new behavioral and socio-economics : contributions in honor of Amitai Etzioni : proceedings of the international colloquium, Amsterdam, 6-8 November 1990Leave the NDL website. Stuti and stava (Bauddha, Śaiva and Vaiṣṇava) of Balinese Brahman priestsLeave the NDL website. Loka : world and heaven in the VedaLeave the NDL website. Politieke theorie in het zeventiende-eeuwse NederlandLeave the NDL website. Advancing theory in labour law and industrial relations in a global contextLeave the NDL website. Māyā's hemelvaart in het Javaanse BuddhismeLeave the NDL website. Contribution à la grammaire comparée des langues du CaucaseLeave the NDL website. Eye and gaze in the VedaLeave the NDL website. Cyclification : the development of narrative cycles in the chansons de geste and the Arthurian romancesLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of measurement instruments by meta-analysis of multitrait multimethod studiesLeave the NDL website. De wording van het twaalfjarig bestand van 9 April 1609Leave the NDL website. Epic verse before Homer : three studiesLeave the NDL website. Vergleichende Phonetik der karaibischen SprachenLeave the NDL website. From pedlars to textile barons : the economic development of a Jewish minority group in the NetherlandsLeave the NDL website. A new series of Blackfoot texts : from the southern Peigans Blackfoot Reservation, Teton County, Montana : with the help of Joseph Tatsey, collected and published with an English translationLeave the NDL website. Helden auf Freiersfüssen : "Tochmarc Emire" und "Mal y kavas Kulhwch Olwen" : Studien zur frühen inselkeltischen Erzähltradition . Epic verse before Homer : three studies . Repertorium commentariorum medii aevi in Aristotelem latinorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Neerlandicis asservanturLeave the NDL website. De ringcompositie als opbouwprincipe in de epische gedichten van Homerus . Le decret d'argos relatif à un pacte entre Knossos et Tylissos . Proto-munda words in SanskritLeave the NDL website. Nederlands cartesianisme : avec sommaire et table des matières en françaisLeave the NDL website. Buigingsverschijnselen in het NederlandsLeave the NDL website. Oorlogsduur in oorlogsnamen : over het gebruik van getallen tot steun van historische voorstellingen/ P.J. van Winter . De Watergeuzen en de Nederlanden 1568-1572 . Kants Kunsttheorie und die Einheit der Kritik der UrteilskraftLeave the NDL website. Maya's hemelvaart in het Javaanse Buddhisme II. Prapanca's verhaal over het ritueel van 1284 çāka . Late-scholastic and humanist theories of the propositionLeave the NDL website. La reconstruction typologique des langues archaïques de l'humanité . Trois textes pré-kempistes du premier livre de l'imitationLeave the NDL website. De Groninger St. Walburg en haar ondergrond : tekst . De Groninger St. Walburg en haar ondergrond : afbeekdingen en platen . Kama and Kala : materials for the study of shadow theatre in BaliLeave the NDL website. Varuṇa and Vidūṣaka : on the origin of the Sanskrit drama . Abu Bakr se "uiteensetting van die godsdiens" : 'n Arabies-Afrikaanse teks uit die jaar 1869Leave the NDL website. Political thought in the Dutch Republic : three studiesLeave the NDL website. Kama and Kala : materials for the study of shadow theatre in BaliLeave the NDL website. De Bare'e sprekende Toradjas van Midden-Celebes (de Oost-Toradjas)Leave the NDL website. The mantras of the Agnyupasthāna and the SautrāmaṇīLeave the NDL website. The meaning of the Sanskrit term DhamanLeave the NDL website. Seventeenth-century Leyden law professors and their influence on the development of the civil law : a study of Bronchorst, Vinnius and VoetLeave the NDL website. Nederlandse woorden in het Russisch : supplement op de Hollandsche zee- en scheepstermen in het RussischLeave the NDL website. Le code du Mahâyâna en Chine : Son influence sur la vie monacale et sur le monde laïqueLeave the NDL website. Ḥātimī and his encounter with Mutanabbī : a biographical sketchLeave the NDL website. The sub-epic stage of the formulaic tradition : studies in the Homeric hymns to Apollo, to Aphrodite and to DemeterLeave the NDL website. Pūṣan and SarasvatīLeave the NDL website. The function of tense in textsLeave the NDL website. Late-scholastic and humanist theories of the propositionLeave the NDL website. Logic and argumentation : proceedings of the colloquium, ʿLogic and Argumentationʹ, Amsterdam, 14-17 June 1994Leave the NDL website. Repertorium commentariorum medii aevi in Aristotelem latinorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Neerlandicis asservanturLeave the NDL website. The cross-linguistic study of bilingual developmentLeave the NDL website. Sectarianism and religious persecution in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Surya-Sevana : the way to God of a Balinese Śiva priestLeave the NDL website. Notes on names and the name of God in ancient IndiaLeave the NDL website. Erasmianism : idea amd realityLeave the NDL website. Een commentaar van Hugo de Groot op de Lex Romana BurgundionumLeave the NDL website. The Savayajñas (Kauśikasūtra 60-68, translation, introduction, commentary)Leave the NDL website. Kants Kunsttheorie und die Einheit der Kritik der UrteilskraftLeave the NDL website. Ritual purification of a Balinese templeLeave the NDL website. Hymns of the Ṛgveda not employed in the solemn ritualLeave the NDL website. Lucretius and his intellectual backgroundLeave the NDL website. Judgment and proposition : from Descartes to KantLeave the NDL website. Das Blut Jesu und die Lehre von der Versöhnung im Werk Johann Sebastian BachsLeave the NDL website. A concise Blackfoot grammar based on material from the southern PeigansLeave the NDL website. The old-Javanese Rāmāyana : an exemplary Kakawin as to form and contentLeave the NDL website. The dragon in China and JapanLeave the NDL website. Dilemmatic arguments : towards a history of their logic and rhetoricLeave the NDL website. Agama tīrtha : five studies in Hindu-Balinese religionLeave the NDL website. Het rijk van de Vijfvoudige BuddhaLeave the NDL website. Cognitive foundations of interpretationLeave the NDL website. Ellipsis, brachylogy and other forms of brevity in speech in the ṚgvedaLeave the NDL website. Nederlandse dorpen in de 16e eeuwLeave the NDL website. Hieronymus Bosch and Lucas Cranach : two Last judgement triptychs : description and expositionLeave the NDL website. Atlas of the carabid beetles of the NetherlandsLeave the NDL website. Varuṇa and Vidūṣaka : on the origin of the Sanskrit dramaLeave the NDL website. Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus : the Arabic version of Aristotle's Parts of animals : book XI-XIV of the Kitāb al-HạyawānLeave the NDL website. Prajāpati's relations with Brahman, Bṛhaspati and BrahmāLeave the NDL website. Interface strategiesLeave the NDL website. The haviryajñāḥ somāḥ : the interrelations of the Vedic solemn sacrifices : Śāṅkhāyana śrautasūtra 14, 1-13. Translation and notesLeave the NDL website. Historical foundations of a national economy in Indonesia, 1890s-1990sLeave the NDL website. Mystic treatisesLeave the NDL website. Prajāpati and the yearLeave the NDL website. South China : state, culture and social change during the 20th centuryLeave the NDL website. Die Hellenisierung des Christentums im Urteil Adolf von HarnacksLeave the NDL website. Homeric modifications of formulaic prototypes : studies in the development of Greek epic dictionLeave the NDL website. Stylistic repetition in the VedaLeave the NDL website. The 'cabinet' of the brothers Gerard and Jan ReynstLeave the NDL website. Triads in the VedaLeave the NDL website. Het ontstaan van de stadsrechtoorkonden van Haarlem, Delft en AlkmaarLeave the NDL website. Organizational decision-making under different economic and political conditions : proceedings of a symposium at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences on 1-3 June 1994Leave the NDL website. Plato's Sophist : a philosophical commentaryLeave the NDL website. Business cycles in the United Kingdom, 1870-1914Leave the NDL website. Ovide moralisé en prose : texte du quinzième siècleLeave the NDL website. Ein Kompendium der aristotelischen Meteorologie in der Fassung des Ḥunain Ibn IsḥāqLeave the NDL website. Reformation, revolt and civil war in France and the Netherlands 1555-1585Leave the NDL website. De Watergeuzen en de Nederlanden 1568-1572Leave the NDL website. De West-Toradjas op Midden-CelebesLeave the NDL website. Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus : the Arabic version of Aristotle's Parts of animals : book XI-XIV of the Kitāb al-Hạyawān . Voluptatem spectandi non perdat sed mutet : observations sur l'iconographie du martyre en Afrique romaineLeave the NDL website. Nicolaas Heinsius in Napels (april-juli 1647) . De Vierdaagse Zeeslag, 11-14 juni 1666 . Pūṣan and Sarasvatī . Die Hellenisierung des Christentums im Urteil Adolf von HarnacksLeave the NDL website. Das Kapitel über das Begehren aus dem mittleren Kommentar des Averroes zur Schrift über die Seele . Het ontstaan van de stadsrechtoorkonden van Haarlem, Delft en Alkmaar . Christoffel van Sichem in Basel und der frühe deutsche Alexandriner . The ritual functions and significance of grasses in the religion of the VedaLeave the NDL website. Balinese Bauddha Brahmans . The dual deities in the religion of the Veda . Pronomen abundans and pronomen coniunctum : a contribution to the history of the resumptive pronoun within the relative clause in GreekLeave the NDL website. Plato's Sophist : a philosophical commentary . Gopālakelicandrikā : a Kṛṣṇa-playLeave the NDL website. Het verraad van de pistoletten? . Ein Kompendium der aristotelischen Meteorologie in der Fassung des H̲unain Ibn Isḥâq . Seventeenth-century Leyden law professors and their influence of the development of the civil law : a study of Bronchorst, Vinnius and Voet . Triads in the VedaLeave the NDL website. Herkomst, vorm en functie der Middeljavaanse rijksdelingstheorie . Nederlandse dorpen in de 16e eeuw . Buigingsverschijnselen in het Nederlands, deel IV, slotstukLeave the NDL website. The mantras of the Agnyupasthāna and the Sautrāmaṇī . Rorgo Fretellus de Nazareth et sa Description de la Terre Sainte : histoire et édition du texte . De bestudering van het Nieuwe Testament aan de Noordnederlandse universiteiten en het Remonstrants Seminarie van 1575 tot 1700Leave the NDL website. Prapanca's verhaal over het ritueel van 1284 çākaLeave the NDL website. Buigingsverschijnselen in het NederlandsLeave the NDL website. Medezeggenschap in Nederlandse bedrijven : verslag van een onderzoek naar participatie- en invloedsverhoudingen . Ḥātimī and his encounter with Mutanabbī : a biographical sketch . Prajāpati and the year . G. J. Rheticus' Treatise on Holy Scripture and the motion of the earth : with translation, annotations, commentary and additional chapters on Ramus-Rheticus and the development of the problem before 1650Leave the NDL website. Contributions to the history of Isaac Vossius's library . Constantijn Huygens gebruyck of ongebruyck van 't orgel in de kercken der Vereenighde Nederlanden . The pre-Flavian Garrisons of Valkenburg Z.H. : fabriculae and bipartite barracks . Het oudste Kaapse zilver : met gegevens over zilveren voorwerpen verkregen in de 17de, 18de en 19de eeuw door die kerkelijke gemeenten en instellingen van Compagnie en burgerij welke reeds voor 1752 aan de Kaap bestonden . De corpore et sanguine domini : texte original et notice bibliographiqueLeave the NDL website. Een vergeten schepping van Koning Willem I : de maatschappij van landeigenaren en vast beklemde meijers in de provincie groningen . Éléments néerlandais du Wallon liégeoisLeave the NDL website. Buigingsverschijnselen in het Nederlands, deel 1 . Studies in Indonesian culture II : the community of Erai (Wetar) : texts and notesLeave the NDL website. Duitse invloed op de nederlandse woordvoorraad . Études linguistiques caribesLeave the NDL website. Bevolking en economie in Nieuw Spanje (ca. 1570-1800) . De constructione castri Saphet : construction et fonctions d'un château fort franc en Terre Sainte . De seinboeken voor Nederlandse oorlogsvloten en konvooien tot 1690Leave the NDL website. "Ovide moralisé" : poème du commencement du quatorzième siècleLeave the NDL website. Judgment and proposition : from Descartes to Kant . 'Op de wal agter St. Marye' : topografische aantekeningen bij een onbekend schilderijtje van Herman SaftlevenLeave the NDL website. The haviryajñāḥ somāḥ : the interrelations of the Vedic solemn sacrifices : Śāṅkhāyana śrautasūtra 14, 1-13. Translation and notes . Orion, le disciple aux grands pieds . Das Album amicorum von Dietrich Bevernest . Plutarch's political thoughtLeave the NDL website. Maarten Schaap, een Katwijker ter koopvaardij (1782-1870) : een biografie en een dagboek . Guyau and the idea of time . Hoger beroepsonderwijs avant-la-lettre : bemoeiingen met de vorming van landmeters en ingenieurs bij de Nederlandse universiteiten van de 17e en 18e eeuw . Prajāpati's relations with Brahman, Bṛhaspati and BrahmāLeave the NDL website. Studies on the Sāmaveda, part 1 . Abréviations composées . Le comput emendé de Reinherus de Paderborn (1171) . Business cycles in the United Kingdom, 1870-1914 . Engelse invloed op de Nederlandse woordvoorraadLeave the NDL website. Langs de heiligenweg : perspectief van enige vroegmiddeleeuwse verbindingen met Noord-Nederland . Hymns of the Ṛgveda not employed in the solemn ritual . Savage and barbarian : historical attitudes in the criticism of Homer and Ossian in Britain, 1760-1800Leave the NDL website.

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Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Verhandelingen, Afdeeling Letterkunde
Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde
Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde
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Related Material
Proto-Munda words in Sanskrit
Abréviations composées
The world of Emperor Charles V
Zur Syntax der pronomina im Avesta
Maarten Schaap, een Katwijker ter koopvaardij (1782-1870) : een biografie en een dagboek
Nicolaus Damascenus de plantis : five translations
Plutarch's political thought
Herkomst, vorm en functie der Middeljavaanse rijksdelingstheorie
Savage and barbarian : historical attitudes in the criticism of Homer and Ossian in Britain, 1760-1800
Homeric modifications of formulaic prototypes : studies in the development of Greek epic diction
A commentary on the surviving plays of Aeschylus
Pronomen abundans and pronomen coniunctum : a contribution to the history of the resumptive pronoun within the relative clause in Greek
De Nederlandse staat onder de Republiek
Non-linear developmental processes
A commentary on the surviving plays of Aeschylus
Natural phenomena : their meaning, depiction, and description in the ancient Near East
Logic and political culture
The theory of markets
The Greek commentaries on Plato's Phaedo
Forensic expertise and the law of evidence
A concise Blackfoot grammar : based on material from the southern Peigans
Business cycles in the United Kingdom, 1870-1914
Neuplatonische Pythagorica in arabischem Gewande : der Kommentar des Iamblichus zu den Carmina aurea : ein verlorener griechischer Text in arabischer Überlieferung
Innovation and inspiration : fifty years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Sectarianism and religious persecution in China
Studies on the Sāmaveda
Cities of finance
Theognis : le premier livre
Gopālakelicandrikā : a Kṛṣṇa-play
La composition littéraire archaïque grecque : procédeés et réalisations
Le Dyscolos de Ménandre : étude critique du texte
The dual deities in the religion of the Veda
The Consumption of time and the timing of consumption : toward a new behavioral and socio-economics : contributions in honor of Amitai Etzioni : proceedings of the international colloquium, Amsterdam, 6-8 November 1990
Stuti and stava (Bauddha, Śaiva and Vaiṣṇava) of Balinese Brahman priests
Loka : world and heaven in the Veda
Politieke theorie in het zeventiende-eeuwse Nederland
Advancing theory in labour law and industrial relations in a global context
Māyā's hemelvaart in het Javaanse Buddhisme
Contribution à la grammaire comparée des langues du Caucase
Eye and gaze in the Veda
Cyclification : the development of narrative cycles in the chansons de geste and the Arthurian romances
Evaluation of measurement instruments by meta-analysis of multitrait multimethod studies
De wording van het twaalfjarig bestand van 9 April 1609
Epic verse before Homer : three studies
Vergleichende Phonetik der karaibischen Sprachen
From pedlars to textile barons : the economic development of a Jewish minority group in the Netherlands
A new series of Blackfoot texts : from the southern Peigans Blackfoot Reservation, Teton County, Montana : with the help of Joseph Tatsey, collected and published with an English translation
Helden auf Freiersfüssen : "Tochmarc Emire" und "Mal y kavas Kulhwch Olwen" : Studien zur frühen inselkeltischen Erzähltradition . Epic verse before Homer : three studies . Repertorium commentariorum medii aevi in Aristotelem latinorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Neerlandicis asservantur
De ringcompositie als opbouwprincipe in de epische gedichten van Homerus . Le decret d'argos relatif à un pacte entre Knossos et Tylissos . Proto-munda words in Sanskrit
Nederlands cartesianisme : avec sommaire et table des matières en français
Buigingsverschijnselen in het Nederlands
Oorlogsduur in oorlogsnamen : over het gebruik van getallen tot steun van historische voorstellingen/ P.J. van Winter . De Watergeuzen en de Nederlanden 1568-1572 . Kants Kunsttheorie und die Einheit der Kritik der Urteilskraft
Maya's hemelvaart in het Javaanse Buddhisme II. Prapanca's verhaal over het ritueel van 1284 çāka . Late-scholastic and humanist theories of the proposition
La reconstruction typologique des langues archaïques de l'humanité . Trois textes pré-kempistes du premier livre de l'imitation
De Groninger St. Walburg en haar ondergrond : tekst . De Groninger St. Walburg en haar ondergrond : afbeekdingen en platen . Kama and Kala : materials for the study of shadow theatre in Bali
Varuṇa and Vidūṣaka : on the origin of the Sanskrit drama . Abu Bakr se "uiteensetting van die godsdiens" : 'n Arabies-Afrikaanse teks uit die jaar 1869
Political thought in the Dutch Republic : three studies
Kama and Kala : materials for the study of shadow theatre in Bali
De Bare'e sprekende Toradjas van Midden-Celebes (de Oost-Toradjas)
The mantras of the Agnyupasthāna and the Sautrāmaṇī
The meaning of the Sanskrit term Dhaman
Seventeenth-century Leyden law professors and their influence on the development of the civil law : a study of Bronchorst, Vinnius and Voet
Nederlandse woorden in het Russisch : supplement op de Hollandsche zee- en scheepstermen in het Russisch
Le code du Mahâyâna en Chine : Son influence sur la vie monacale et sur le monde laïque
Ḥātimī and his encounter with Mutanabbī : a biographical sketch
The sub-epic stage of the formulaic tradition : studies in the Homeric hymns to Apollo, to Aphrodite and to Demeter
Pūṣan and Sarasvatī
The function of tense in texts
Late-scholastic and humanist theories of the proposition
Logic and argumentation : proceedings of the colloquium, ʿLogic and Argumentationʹ, Amsterdam, 14-17 June 1994
Repertorium commentariorum medii aevi in Aristotelem latinorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Neerlandicis asservantur
The cross-linguistic study of bilingual development
Sectarianism and religious persecution in China
Surya-Sevana : the way to God of a Balinese Śiva priest
Notes on names and the name of God in ancient India
Erasmianism : idea amd reality
Een commentaar van Hugo de Groot op de Lex Romana Burgundionum
The Savayajñas (Kauśikasūtra 60-68, translation, introduction, commentary)
Kants Kunsttheorie und die Einheit der Kritik der Urteilskraft
Ritual purification of a Balinese temple
Hymns of the Ṛgveda not employed in the solemn ritual
Lucretius and his intellectual background
Judgment and proposition : from Descartes to Kant
Das Blut Jesu und die Lehre von der Versöhnung im Werk Johann Sebastian Bachs
A concise Blackfoot grammar based on material from the southern Peigans
The old-Javanese Rāmāyana : an exemplary Kakawin as to form and content
The dragon in China and Japan
Dilemmatic arguments : towards a history of their logic and rhetoric
Agama tīrtha : five studies in Hindu-Balinese religion
Het rijk van de Vijfvoudige Buddha
Cognitive foundations of interpretation
Ellipsis, brachylogy and other forms of brevity in speech in the Ṛgveda
Nederlandse dorpen in de 16e eeuw
Hieronymus Bosch and Lucas Cranach : two Last judgement triptychs : description and exposition
Atlas of the carabid beetles of the Netherlands
Varuṇa and Vidūṣaka : on the origin of the Sanskrit drama
Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus : the Arabic version of Aristotle's Parts of animals : book XI-XIV of the Kitāb al-Hạyawān
Prajāpati's relations with Brahman, Bṛhaspati and Brahmā
Interface strategies
The haviryajñāḥ somāḥ : the interrelations of the Vedic solemn sacrifices : Śāṅkhāyana śrautasūtra 14, 1-13. Translation and notes
Historical foundations of a national economy in Indonesia, 1890s-1990s
Mystic treatises
Prajāpati and the year
South China : state, culture and social change during the 20th century
Die Hellenisierung des Christentums im Urteil Adolf von Harnacks
Homeric modifications of formulaic prototypes : studies in the development of Greek epic diction
Stylistic repetition in the Veda
The 'cabinet' of the brothers Gerard and Jan Reynst
Triads in the Veda
Het ontstaan van de stadsrechtoorkonden van Haarlem, Delft en Alkmaar
Organizational decision-making under different economic and political conditions : proceedings of a symposium at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences on 1-3 June 1994
Plato's Sophist : a philosophical commentary
Business cycles in the United Kingdom, 1870-1914
Ovide moralisé en prose : texte du quinzième siècle
Ein Kompendium der aristotelischen Meteorologie in der Fassung des Ḥunain Ibn Isḥāq
Reformation, revolt and civil war in France and the Netherlands 1555-1585
De Watergeuzen en de Nederlanden 1568-1572
De West-Toradjas op Midden-Celebes
Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus : the Arabic version of Aristotle's Parts of animals : book XI-XIV of the Kitāb al-Hạyawān . Voluptatem spectandi non perdat sed mutet : observations sur l'iconographie du martyre en Afrique romaine
Nicolaas Heinsius in Napels (april-juli 1647) . De Vierdaagse Zeeslag, 11-14 juni 1666 . Pūṣan and Sarasvatī . Die Hellenisierung des Christentums im Urteil Adolf von Harnacks
Das Kapitel über das Begehren aus dem mittleren Kommentar des Averroes zur Schrift über die Seele . Het ontstaan van de stadsrechtoorkonden van Haarlem, Delft en Alkmaar . Christoffel van Sichem in Basel und der frühe deutsche Alexandriner . The ritual functions and significance of grasses in the religion of the Veda
Balinese Bauddha Brahmans . The dual deities in the religion of the Veda . Pronomen abundans and pronomen coniunctum : a contribution to the history of the resumptive pronoun within the relative clause in Greek
Plato's Sophist : a philosophical commentary . Gopālakelicandrikā : a Kṛṣṇa-play
Het verraad van de pistoletten? . Ein Kompendium der aristotelischen Meteorologie in der Fassung des H̲unain Ibn Isḥâq . Seventeenth-century Leyden law professors and their influence of the development of the civil law : a study of Bronchorst, Vinnius and Voet . Triads in the Veda
Herkomst, vorm en functie der Middeljavaanse rijksdelingstheorie . Nederlandse dorpen in de 16e eeuw . Buigingsverschijnselen in het Nederlands, deel IV, slotstuk
The mantras of the Agnyupasthāna and the Sautrāmaṇī . Rorgo Fretellus de Nazareth et sa Description de la Terre Sainte : histoire et édition du texte . De bestudering van het Nieuwe Testament aan de Noordnederlandse universiteiten en het Remonstrants Seminarie van 1575 tot 1700
Prapanca's verhaal over het ritueel van 1284 çāka
Buigingsverschijnselen in het Nederlands
Medezeggenschap in Nederlandse bedrijven : verslag van een onderzoek naar participatie- en invloedsverhoudingen . Ḥātimī and his encounter with Mutanabbī : a biographical sketch . Prajāpati and the year . G. J. Rheticus' Treatise on Holy Scripture and the motion of the earth : with translation, annotations, commentary and additional chapters on Ramus-Rheticus and the development of the problem before 1650
Contributions to the history of Isaac Vossius's library . Constantijn Huygens gebruyck of ongebruyck van 't orgel in de kercken der Vereenighde Nederlanden . The pre-Flavian Garrisons of Valkenburg Z.H. : fabriculae and bipartite barracks . Het oudste Kaapse zilver : met gegevens over zilveren voorwerpen verkregen in de 17de, 18de en 19de eeuw door die kerkelijke gemeenten en instellingen van Compagnie en burgerij welke reeds voor 1752 aan de Kaap bestonden . De corpore et sanguine domini : texte original et notice bibliographique
Een vergeten schepping van Koning Willem I : de maatschappij van landeigenaren en vast beklemde meijers in de provincie groningen . Éléments néerlandais du Wallon liégeois
Buigingsverschijnselen in het Nederlands, deel 1 . Studies in Indonesian culture II : the community of Erai (Wetar) : texts and notes
Duitse invloed op de nederlandse woordvoorraad . Études linguistiques caribes
Bevolking en economie in Nieuw Spanje (ca. 1570-1800) . De constructione castri Saphet : construction et fonctions d'un château fort franc en Terre Sainte . De seinboeken voor Nederlandse oorlogsvloten en konvooien tot 1690
"Ovide moralisé" : poème du commencement du quatorzième siècle
Judgment and proposition : from Descartes to Kant . 'Op de wal agter St. Marye' : topografische aantekeningen bij een onbekend schilderijtje van Herman Saftleven
The haviryajñāḥ somāḥ : the interrelations of the Vedic solemn sacrifices : Śāṅkhāyana śrautasūtra 14, 1-13. Translation and notes . Orion, le disciple aux grands pieds . Das Album amicorum von Dietrich Bevernest . Plutarch's political thought
Maarten Schaap, een Katwijker ter koopvaardij (1782-1870) : een biografie en een dagboek . Guyau and the idea of time . Hoger beroepsonderwijs avant-la-lettre : bemoeiingen met de vorming van landmeters en ingenieurs bij de Nederlandse universiteiten van de 17e en 18e eeuw . Prajāpati's relations with Brahman, Bṛhaspati and Brahmā
Studies on the Sāmaveda, part 1 . Abréviations composées . Le comput emendé de Reinherus de Paderborn (1171) . Business cycles in the United Kingdom, 1870-1914 . Engelse invloed op de Nederlandse woordvoorraad
Langs de heiligenweg : perspectief van enige vroegmiddeleeuwse verbindingen met Noord-Nederland . Hymns of the Ṛgveda not employed in the solemn ritual . Savage and barbarian : historical attitudes in the criticism of Homer and Ossian in Britain, 1760-1800
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