
Landmarks in anthropology

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Landmarks in anthropology

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La Barre, Weston
Johnson Reprint Corp
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Note (General):

General editor: Weston La Barre

Related materials as well as pre- and post-revision versions

The Siouan tribes of the EastLeave the NDL website. Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando PoLeave the NDL website. Myths of the CherokeeLeave the NDL website. The narrative of an explorer in tropical South AfricaLeave the NDL website. Two trips to gorilla land and the cataracts of the CongoLeave the NDL website. The Omaha tribeLeave the NDL website. A description of the coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the sixteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Ein Besuch in San Salvador, der Hauptstadt des Königreichs Congo : ein Beitrag zur Mythologie und PsychologieLeave the NDL website. Australian discoveryLeave the NDL website. The lost Tasmanian raceLeave the NDL website. Savage Africa : being the narrative of a tour in equatorial, southwestern, and northwestern Africa; with notes on the habits of the gorilla; on the existance of unicorns and tailed men; on the slave-trade; on the origin, character, and capabilities of the Negro, and on the future civilization of Western AfricaLeave the NDL website. Negro culture in West Africa : a social study of the Negro group of Vai-speaking people, with its own invented alphabet and written language shown in two charts and six engravings of Vai script, twenty-six illustrations of their arts and life, fifty folklore stories, one hundred and fourteen proverbs and one mapLeave the NDL website. Anthropology : an introduction to primitive cultureLeave the NDL website. The North American Indian : being a series of volumes picturing and describing the Indians of the United States and AlaskaLeave the NDL website. Daily life and origin of the TasmaniansLeave the NDL website. The Menomini IndiansLeave the NDL website. Haida texts and myths : Skidegate dialectLeave the NDL website. Ainu life and lore : echoes of a departing raceLeave the NDL website. The races of Europe : a sociological studyLeave the NDL website. The Labrador EskimoLeave the NDL website. Missionary labours and scenes in Southern AfricaLeave the NDL website. The Winnebago tribeLeave the NDL website. Wanderings in wild AustraliaLeave the NDL website. The North American Indian : list of large plates supplementing volume ...Leave the NDL website. The problem of man's antiquity : an historical surveyLeave the NDL website. Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries, and of the discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, 1858-1864Leave the NDL website. The aborigines of Porto Rico and neighboring islandsLeave the NDL website. The great apes : a study of anthropoid lifeLeave the NDL website. Popular Hinduism : the religion of the massesLeave the NDL website. Peoples of Asiatic RussiaLeave the NDL website. Religion in various culturesLeave the NDL website. Notes of a botanist on the Amazon & AndesLeave the NDL website. Alone with the hairy Ainu : or, 3,800 miles on a pack saddle in Yezo and a cruise to the Kurile IslandsLeave the NDL website. Cooksland in north-eastern Australia : the future cotton-field of Great Britain; its characteristics and capabilities for European colonization. With a disquisition on the origin, manners, and customs of the aboriginesLeave the NDL website. The Coorg tribes and castesLeave the NDL website. The coast Indians of southern Alaska and northern British Columbia : based on the collections in the U.S. National Museum, and on the personal observation of the writer in connection with the survey of Alaska in the seasons of 1885, 1886, and 1887Leave the NDL website. Omaha sociologyLeave the NDL website. Journal of a voyage from Boston to the west coast of Africa : with a full description of the manner of trading with the natives on the coastLeave the NDL website. The Káfirs of the Hindu-KushLeave the NDL website. The origin and growth of village communities in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Travels, researches, and missionary labours during an eighteen years' residence in Eastern Africa : together with journeys to Jagga, Usambara, Ukambani, Shoa, Abessinia and Khartum, and a coasting voyage from Mombaz to Cape DelgadoLeave the NDL website. Studies of savages and sexLeave the NDL website. General anthropologyLeave the NDL website. Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Dieman's Land during the years 1830, 1831, 1832, and 1833Leave the NDL website. The tribe, and intertribal relations in AustraliaLeave the NDL website. The king's rifleLeave the NDL website. The Eskimo about Bering StraitLeave the NDL website. A voyage to Madagascar, and the East IndiesLeave the NDL website. Myths and legends of the Australian aboriginalsLeave the NDL website. Indian tribes of the lower Mississippi Valley and adjacent coast of the Gulf of MexicoLeave the NDL website. Travels from the Cape of Good-Hope into the interior parts of Africa : including many interesting anecdotes. With elegant plates, descriptive of the country and inhabitants: inscribed by permission to His Grace the Duke of MontaguLeave the NDL website. The social organization and the secret societies of the Kwakiutl IndiansLeave the NDL website. Beschreibung von AfrikaLeave the NDL website. Time perspective in aboriginal American culture : a study in methodLeave the NDL website. Zanzibar : city, island, and coastLeave the NDL website. Morals in evolution : a study in comparative ethicsLeave the NDL website. A narrative of a visit to the Australian coloniesLeave the NDL website. Ostafrikanische StudienLeave the NDL website. Annals of rural BengalLeave the NDL website. The hill tribes of Fiji : a record of forty years' intimate connection with the tribes of the mountainous interior of Fiji with a description of their habits in war & peace, methods of living, characteristics mental & physical from the days of cannibalism to the present timeLeave the NDL website. Die Sahara, oder von Oase zu Oase : Bilder aus den Natur- und Volksleben in der großen afrikanischen WürsteLeave the NDL website. Notes on the Bedouins and WahábysLeave the NDL website. Across AfricaLeave the NDL website. Description de l'Afrique : contenant les noms, la situation & les confins de toutes ses parties, leurs rivières, leurs villes & leurs habitations, leurs plantes & leurs animaux; les mœurs, les coûtumes, la langue, les richesses, la religion & le gouvernement de ses peuples. Avec des cartes des états, des provinces & des villes, & des figures en taille-douce, qui representent les habits & les principales ceremonies des habitans, les plantes & les animaux les moins connusLeave the NDL website. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa : including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West Coast; thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the Eastern OceanLeave the NDL website. The land-systems of British India : being a manual of the land-tenures and of the systems of land-revenue administration prevalent in the several provincesLeave the NDL website. Aranda traditionsLeave the NDL website. Social condition, beliefs, and linguistic relationship of the Tlingit IndiansLeave the NDL website. The Subanu : studies of a sub-Visayan mountain folk of MindanaoLeave the NDL website. Travels in the interior of southern AfricaLeave the NDL website. Man's poor relations : with many linecut and halftone illustrationsLeave the NDL website. Savage life and scenes in Australia and New Zealand : being an artist's impressions of countries and people at the antipodesLeave the NDL website. The history of human marriageLeave the NDL website. Unter den Naturvölkern Zentral-Brasiliens : Reiseschilderung und Ergebnisse der zweiten Schingú-Expedition, 1887-1888Leave the NDL website. A journey to Ashango-land : and further penetration into equatorial AfricaLeave the NDL website. An expedition of discovery into the interior of Africa, through the hitherto undescribed countries of the great Namaguas, Boschmans Hill Damaras, performed under the auspices of Her Majesty's Government and the Royal Geographical SocietyLeave the NDL website. The life of the Copper EskimosLeave the NDL website. The origin and development of the moral ideasLeave the NDL website. Human origins : a manual of prehistoryLeave the NDL website. The dream in primitive culturesLeave the NDL website. The Osage tribe : rite of the chiefs : sayings of the ancient menLeave the NDL website. Die Masai : Ethnographische Monographie eines ostafrikanischen SemitenvolkesLeave the NDL website. Die Eingeborenen der Kolonie SüdaustralienLeave the NDL website. In Ashanti & beyond : the record of a resident magistrate's many years in tropical Africa, his arduous & dangerous treks both in the course of his duty & in pursuit of big game, with descriptions of the people, their manner of living & the wonderful ways of beasts & insectsLeave the NDL website. The Zuñi Indians : extract from the twenty-third annual report of the Bureau of American EthnologyLeave the NDL website. The mothers : a study of the origins of sentiments and institutionsLeave the NDL website. A narrative of the expedition sent by Her Majesty's Government to the River Niger, in 1841, under the command of Captain H.D. TrotterLeave the NDL website. The civilisation of Sweden in heathen timesLeave the NDL website. Chimpanzees : a laboratory colonyLeave the NDL website. An account of travels into the interior of, Southern Africa, in the years 1797 and 1798 : including cursory observations on the geology and geography of the southern part of that continent; the natural history of such objects as occured in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms; and sketches of the physical and moral characters of the various tribes of inhabitants surrounding the settlement of the Cape of Good Hope. To which is annexed, a description of the present state, population, and produce of that extensive colony ; with a map constructed entirely from actual observations made in the course of the travelsLeave the NDL website. The northern D'EntrecasteauxLeave the NDL website. Man and cultureLeave the NDL website. The last of the Tasmanians : or, The Black War of Van Diemen's LandLeave the NDL website. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic polar circle, and round the world: But chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the year 1772, to 1776Leave the NDL website. The Freudian wish and its place in ethicsLeave the NDL website. The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword hunters of the Hamran ArabsLeave the NDL website. Source book in anthropologyLeave the NDL website. The bushman ; or, Life in a new countryLeave the NDL website. Die Völkerstämme im Norden Deutsch-OstafrikasLeave the NDL website. The present state of the Cape of Good HopeLeave the NDL website. The coillard familyLeave the NDL website. The folklore, manners, customs, and languages of the South Australian aborigines : gathered from inquiries made by authority of South Australian governmentLeave the NDL website. The cochin tribes and castesLeave the NDL website. Tlingit myths and textsLeave the NDL website. The Kiwai Papuans of British New Guinea : a nature-born instance of Rousseau's ideal communityLeave the NDL website. Travels in South Africa : undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society, being a narrative of a second journey in the interior of that countryLeave the NDL website. Sketches taken during ten voyages to Africa, between the years 1786 and 1800 : including observations on the country between Cape Palmas and the River Congo; and cursory remarks on the physical and moral character of the inhabitants: with an appendix, containing an account of the European trade with the west coast of AfricaLeave the NDL website. Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa : with accounts of the manners and customs of the people, and of the chase of the gorilla, the crocodile, leopard, elephant, hippopotamus, and other animalsLeave the NDL website. Seven years in south Africa : travels, researches, and hunting adventures : between the diamond-fields and the Zambesi (1872-79)Leave the NDL website. Durch Massailand zur Nilquelle : Reisen und Forschungen der Massai-Expedition des deutschen Antisklaverei-Komite in den Jahren 1891-1893Leave the NDL website. Heredity and environment in the development of menLeave the NDL website. The meaning of sacrifice : thesis approved for the degree of doctor of philosophy in the University of LondonLeave the NDL website. Travels in Africa during years ...Leave the NDL website. Travels in Western Africa in 1845 & 1846 : comprising a journey from Whydah, through the kingdom of Dahomey, to Adofoodia in the interiorLeave the NDL website. Early history of the Creek Indians and their neighborsLeave the NDL website. The present state of the Empire of Morocco : its animals, products, climate, soil, cities, ports, provinces, coins, weights, and measures. With the language, religion, laws, manners, customs, and character, of the Moors; the history of the dynasties since Edris; the nval force and commaerce of Morocco ; and the character, coonduct, and views, political and commercial, of the region emperorLeave the NDL website. Die Pangwe : mit einem Geleitwort des VerfassersLeave the NDL website. Geschichte Afrikas : Staatenbildungen südlich der SaharaLeave the NDL website. A study of the Thlingets of AlaskaLeave the NDL website. Tsimshian mythologyLeave the NDL website. Pioneering on the CongoLeave the NDL website. An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of ParaguayLeave the NDL website. The environmental basis of society : a study in the history of sociological theoryLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The Siouan tribes of the East

  • Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando Po

  • Myths of the Cherokee

  • The narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa

  • Two trips to gorilla land and the cataracts of the Congo

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Alternative Title
Landmarks in anthropology : a series of reprints in cultural anthropology
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
General editor: Weston La Barre
Related Material
The Siouan tribes of the East
Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando Po
Myths of the Cherokee
The narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa
Two trips to gorilla land and the cataracts of the Congo
The Omaha tribe
A description of the coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the sixteenth century
Ein Besuch in San Salvador, der Hauptstadt des Königreichs Congo : ein Beitrag zur Mythologie und Psychologie
Australian discovery
The lost Tasmanian race
Savage Africa : being the narrative of a tour in equatorial, southwestern, and northwestern Africa; with notes on the habits of the gorilla; on the existance of unicorns and tailed men; on the slave-trade; on the origin, character, and capabilities of the Negro, and on the future civilization of Western Africa
Negro culture in West Africa : a social study of the Negro group of Vai-speaking people, with its own invented alphabet and written language shown in two charts and six engravings of Vai script, twenty-six illustrations of their arts and life, fifty folklore stories, one hundred and fourteen proverbs and one map
Anthropology : an introduction to primitive culture
The North American Indian : being a series of volumes picturing and describing the Indians of the United States and Alaska
Daily life and origin of the Tasmanians
The Menomini Indians
Haida texts and myths : Skidegate dialect
Ainu life and lore : echoes of a departing race
The races of Europe : a sociological study
The Labrador Eskimo
Missionary labours and scenes in Southern Africa
The Winnebago tribe
Wanderings in wild Australia
The North American Indian : list of large plates supplementing volume ...
The problem of man's antiquity : an historical survey
Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries, and of the discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, 1858-1864
The aborigines of Porto Rico and neighboring islands
The great apes : a study of anthropoid life
Popular Hinduism : the religion of the masses
Peoples of Asiatic Russia
Religion in various cultures
Notes of a botanist on the Amazon & Andes
Alone with the hairy Ainu : or, 3,800 miles on a pack saddle in Yezo and a cruise to the Kurile Islands
Cooksland in north-eastern Australia : the future cotton-field of Great Britain; its characteristics and capabilities for European colonization. With a disquisition on the origin, manners, and customs of the aborigines
The Coorg tribes and castes
The coast Indians of southern Alaska and northern British Columbia : based on the collections in the U.S. National Museum, and on the personal observation of the writer in connection with the survey of Alaska in the seasons of 1885, 1886, and 1887
Omaha sociology
Journal of a voyage from Boston to the west coast of Africa : with a full description of the manner of trading with the natives on the coast
The Káfirs of the Hindu-Kush
The origin and growth of village communities in India
Travels, researches, and missionary labours during an eighteen years' residence in Eastern Africa : together with journeys to Jagga, Usambara, Ukambani, Shoa, Abessinia and Khartum, and a coasting voyage from Mombaz to Cape Delgado
Studies of savages and sex
General anthropology
Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Dieman's Land during the years 1830, 1831, 1832, and 1833
The tribe, and intertribal relations in Australia
The king's rifle
The Eskimo about Bering Strait
A voyage to Madagascar, and the East Indies
Myths and legends of the Australian aboriginals
Indian tribes of the lower Mississippi Valley and adjacent coast of the Gulf of Mexico
Travels from the Cape of Good-Hope into the interior parts of Africa : including many interesting anecdotes. With elegant plates, descriptive of the country and inhabitants: inscribed by permission to His Grace the Duke of Montagu
The social organization and the secret societies of the Kwakiutl Indians
Beschreibung von Afrika
Time perspective in aboriginal American culture : a study in method
Zanzibar : city, island, and coast
Morals in evolution : a study in comparative ethics
A narrative of a visit to the Australian colonies
Ostafrikanische Studien
Annals of rural Bengal
The hill tribes of Fiji : a record of forty years' intimate connection with the tribes of the mountainous interior of Fiji with a description of their habits in war & peace, methods of living, characteristics mental & physical from the days of cannibalism to the present time
Die Sahara, oder von Oase zu Oase : Bilder aus den Natur- und Volksleben in der großen afrikanischen Würste
Notes on the Bedouins and Wahábys
Across Africa
Description de l'Afrique : contenant les noms, la situation & les confins de toutes ses parties, leurs rivières, leurs villes & leurs habitations, leurs plantes & leurs animaux; les mœurs, les coûtumes, la langue, les richesses, la religion & le gouvernement de ses peuples. Avec des cartes des états, des provinces & des villes, & des figures en taille-douce, qui representent les habits & les principales ceremonies des habitans, les plantes & les animaux les moins connus
Missionary travels and researches in South Africa : including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West Coast; thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the Eastern Ocean
The land-systems of British India : being a manual of the land-tenures and of the systems of land-revenue administration prevalent in the several provinces
Aranda traditions
Social condition, beliefs, and linguistic relationship of the Tlingit Indians
The Subanu : studies of a sub-Visayan mountain folk of Mindanao
Travels in the interior of southern Africa
Man's poor relations : with many linecut and halftone illustrations
Savage life and scenes in Australia and New Zealand : being an artist's impressions of countries and people at the antipodes
The history of human marriage
Unter den Naturvölkern Zentral-Brasiliens : Reiseschilderung und Ergebnisse der zweiten Schingú-Expedition, 1887-1888
A journey to Ashango-land : and further penetration into equatorial Africa
An expedition of discovery into the interior of Africa, through the hitherto undescribed countries of the great Namaguas, Boschmans Hill Damaras, performed under the auspices of Her Majesty's Government and the Royal Geographical Society
The life of the Copper Eskimos
The origin and development of the moral ideas
Human origins : a manual of prehistory
The dream in primitive cultures
The Osage tribe : rite of the chiefs : sayings of the ancient men
Die Masai : Ethnographische Monographie eines ostafrikanischen Semitenvolkes
Die Eingeborenen der Kolonie Südaustralien
In Ashanti & beyond : the record of a resident magistrate's many years in tropical Africa, his arduous & dangerous treks both in the course of his duty & in pursuit of big game, with descriptions of the people, their manner of living & the wonderful ways of beasts & insects
The Zuñi Indians : extract from the twenty-third annual report of the Bureau of American Ethnology
The mothers : a study of the origins of sentiments and institutions
A narrative of the expedition sent by Her Majesty's Government to the River Niger, in 1841, under the command of Captain H.D. Trotter
The civilisation of Sweden in heathen times
Chimpanzees : a laboratory colony
An account of travels into the interior of, Southern Africa, in the years 1797 and 1798 : including cursory observations on the geology and geography of the southern part of that continent; the natural history of such objects as occured in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms; and sketches of the physical and moral characters of the various tribes of inhabitants surrounding the settlement of the Cape of Good Hope. To which is annexed, a description of the present state, population, and produce of that extensive colony ; with a map constructed entirely from actual observations made in the course of the travels
The northern D'Entrecasteaux
Man and culture
The last of the Tasmanians : or, The Black War of Van Diemen's Land
Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic polar circle, and round the world: But chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the year 1772, to 1776
The Freudian wish and its place in ethics
The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword hunters of the Hamran Arabs
Source book in anthropology
The bushman ; or, Life in a new country
Die Völkerstämme im Norden Deutsch-Ostafrikas
The present state of the Cape of Good Hope
The coillard family
The folklore, manners, customs, and languages of the South Australian aborigines : gathered from inquiries made by authority of South Australian government
The cochin tribes and castes
Tlingit myths and texts
The Kiwai Papuans of British New Guinea : a nature-born instance of Rousseau's ideal community
Travels in South Africa : undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society, being a narrative of a second journey in the interior of that country
Sketches taken during ten voyages to Africa, between the years 1786 and 1800 : including observations on the country between Cape Palmas and the River Congo; and cursory remarks on the physical and moral character of the inhabitants: with an appendix, containing an account of the European trade with the west coast of Africa
Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa : with accounts of the manners and customs of the people, and of the chase of the gorilla, the crocodile, leopard, elephant, hippopotamus, and other animals
Seven years in south Africa : travels, researches, and hunting adventures : between the diamond-fields and the Zambesi (1872-79)
Durch Massailand zur Nilquelle : Reisen und Forschungen der Massai-Expedition des deutschen Antisklaverei-Komite in den Jahren 1891-1893
Heredity and environment in the development of men
The meaning of sacrifice : thesis approved for the degree of doctor of philosophy in the University of London
Travels in Africa during years ...
Travels in Western Africa in 1845 & 1846 : comprising a journey from Whydah, through the kingdom of Dahomey, to Adofoodia in the interior
Early history of the Creek Indians and their neighbors
The present state of the Empire of Morocco : its animals, products, climate, soil, cities, ports, provinces, coins, weights, and measures. With the language, religion, laws, manners, customs, and character, of the Moors; the history of the dynasties since Edris; the nval force and commaerce of Morocco ; and the character, coonduct, and views, political and commercial, of the region emperor
Die Pangwe : mit einem Geleitwort des Verfassers
Geschichte Afrikas : Staatenbildungen südlich der Sahara
A study of the Thlingets of Alaska
Tsimshian mythology
Pioneering on the Congo
An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay
The environmental basis of society : a study in the history of sociological theory