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他の出版社あり: 吉林人民出版社

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宋代韻書史研究 : 《礼部韵略》系韵书源流考Leave the NDL website. 中国与朝鲜半岛关系史论 = On the history of relationship between China and Korean peninsularLeave the NDL website. "活着"的魯迅 : 鲁迅文化选择的当代意义/ 张福贵著Leave the NDL website. 清代东北人口社会研究Leave the NDL website. 中国近代小报史 = The modern history of tabloids in ChinaLeave the NDL website. 清初庙堂诗歌集群研究 = Research about the cabinet poetry group in qing dynasty initial periodLeave the NDL website. 侵权责任法总则的解释论研究Leave the NDL website. 两汉儒生的社会角色 = The confucion scholars' social activities in Han dynastyLeave the NDL website. 贸易、文化与世界区域化 : 近代早期中国与世界的互动与比较 = Trade, culture and reregionalization of the world : interaction and comparison of China and the world in the early modern periodLeave the NDL website. 排律文献学研究 = The research on the documentology of pai luLeave the NDL website. 吉林省廉政文化建设研究Leave the NDL website. 单位社会的终结 : 东北老工业基地典型单位制背景下的社区建设 = The termination of the unit society : The community construction under typical state-unit system of northeastern old industrial basesLeave the NDL website. 上古歌诗的文化视野 = Cultural approach to ancient songsLeave the NDL website. 长沙走马楼三国竹简研究 = A study on the bamboo slips of Three Kingdoms in Changsha ZoumalouLeave the NDL website. 萨满艺术非物质文化遗产研究 = Study on the intangible cultural heritage of shaman artLeave the NDL website. 周代诗歌制度与文化研究 = Studies on the system and culture of poetry in the Zhou dynastyLeave the NDL website. 张家山汉简《二年律令》集释 = The explaination collection on the Two Year Laws of Zhangjiashan bamboo slipsLeave the NDL website. 汉代国家统治方式研究 : 列卿、宗室、信仰与基层社会Leave the NDL website. 日本鲁迅研究史论 = The history of Japanese studies on Lu XunLeave the NDL website. 《逸周书》研究Leave the NDL website. 周代的采邑制度 = The Fief system in Zhou dynastyLeave the NDL website. 朝鲜王朝前期的古史编纂 = Compilation of ancient histry in the early stage of korean dynastyLeave the NDL website. 渤海国民族构成与分布研究 = A research on compositions and distribution of nationalities in Bohai stateLeave the NDL website. 中国东周时期金属货币研究 = Research on coins in East-Zhou period of ChinaLeave the NDL website. 中国东北地区人口流失及其影响研究 : 以吉林省为例Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • 宋代韻書史研究 : 《礼部韵略》系韵书源流考

  • 中国与朝鲜半岛关系史论 = On the history of relationship between China and Korean peninsular

  • "活着"的魯迅 : 鲁迅文化选择的当代意义/ 张福贵著

  • 清代东北人口社会研究

  • 中国近代小报史 = The modern history of tabloids in China

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キツリン ダイガク テツガク シャカイ カガク ガクジュツ ブンコ
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他の出版社あり: 吉林人民出版社
Related Material
宋代韻書史研究 : 《礼部韵略》系韵书源流考
中国与朝鲜半岛关系史论 = On the history of relationship between China and Korean peninsular
"活着"的魯迅 : 鲁迅文化选择的当代意义/ 张福贵著
中国近代小报史 = The modern history of tabloids in China
清初庙堂诗歌集群研究 = Research about the cabinet poetry group in qing dynasty initial period
两汉儒生的社会角色 = The confucion scholars' social activities in Han dynasty
贸易、文化与世界区域化 : 近代早期中国与世界的互动与比较 = Trade, culture and reregionalization of the world : interaction and comparison of China and the world in the early modern period
排律文献学研究 = The research on the documentology of pai lu
单位社会的终结 : 东北老工业基地典型单位制背景下的社区建设 = The termination of the unit society : The community construction under typical state-unit system of northeastern old industrial bases
上古歌诗的文化视野 = Cultural approach to ancient songs
长沙走马楼三国竹简研究 = A study on the bamboo slips of Three Kingdoms in Changsha Zoumalou
萨满艺术非物质文化遗产研究 = Study on the intangible cultural heritage of shaman art
周代诗歌制度与文化研究 = Studies on the system and culture of poetry in the Zhou dynasty
张家山汉简《二年律令》集释 = The explaination collection on the Two Year Laws of Zhangjiashan bamboo slips
汉代国家统治方式研究 : 列卿、宗室、信仰与基层社会
日本鲁迅研究史论 = The history of Japanese studies on Lu Xun
周代的采邑制度 = The Fief system in Zhou dynasty
朝鲜王朝前期的古史编纂 = Compilation of ancient histry in the early stage of korean dynasty
渤海国民族构成与分布研究 = A research on compositions and distribution of nationalities in Bohai state
中国东周时期金属货币研究 = Research on coins in East-Zhou period of China
中国东北地区人口流失及其影响研究 : 以吉林省为例