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Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture

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Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture

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edited by James Hardin
Camden House
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Army-Chaplain Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz ; and, Life of Quintus FixleinLeave the NDL website. Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's travelsLeave the NDL website. The guises of modesty : Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's female artistsLeave the NDL website. Georg Kaiser and the critics : a profile of expressionism's leading playwrightLeave the NDL website. Detectives, dystopias, and poplit : studies in modern German genre fictionLeave the NDL website. Confronting modernity : rationality, science, and communication in German literature of the 1980sLeave the NDL website. The magic bishop : Hugo Ball, Dada poetLeave the NDL website. Heights of reflection : mountains in the German imagination from the Middle Ages to the twenty-first centuryLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Thomas BernhardLeave the NDL website. Space and time in epic theater : the Brechtian legacyLeave the NDL website. Young Rilke and his timeLeave the NDL website. A critical history of German filmLeave the NDL website. Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766) : harbinger of German classicismLeave the NDL website. Queering the canon : defying sights in German literature and cultureLeave the NDL website. Germans as victims in the literary fiction of the Berlin RepublicLeave the NDL website. Love and death in Goethe : "one and double"Leave the NDL website. Post-wall German cinema and national history : utopianism and dissentLeave the NDL website. A companion to Wolfram's ParzivalLeave the NDL website. Paul Klee, poet/painterLeave the NDL website. Modern German political drama, 1980-2000Leave the NDL website. The critical response to Robert Musil's The man without qualitiesLeave the NDL website. Literature and censorship in Restoration Germany : repression and rhetoricLeave the NDL website. Writers and politics in Germany, 1945-2008Leave the NDL website. Literature and film in the Third ReichLeave the NDL website. Friedrich Nietzsche and Weimar classicismLeave the NDL website. Three Viennese comediesLeave the NDL website. Imperial messages : Orientalism as self-critique in the Habsburg fin de siècleLeave the NDL website. Lily Braun, 1865-1916 : German writer, feminist, socialistLeave the NDL website. The trumpet of reform : German literature in nineteenth-century New EnglandLeave the NDL website. The beginnings of German literature : comparative and interdisciplinary approaches to Old High GermanLeave the NDL website. Nuremberg : the imaginary capitalLeave the NDL website. Franz Werfel and the criticsLeave the NDL website. Die weibliche Muse : sechs Essays über künstlerisch schaffende Frauen der GoethezeitLeave the NDL website. Modern German thought from Kant to Habermas : an annotated German-Language readerLeave the NDL website. Stated memory : East Germany and the HolocaustLeave the NDL website. A companion to Thomas Mann's The magic mountainLeave the NDL website. Mörike's muses : critical essays on Eduard MörikeLeave the NDL website. The Indo-German identification : reconciling South Asian origins and European destinies, 1765-1885Leave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Franz KafkaLeave the NDL website. Aesthetic vision and German romanticism : writing imagesLeave the NDL website. Women peasant poets in eighteenth-century England, Scotland, and Germany : milkmaids on ParnassusLeave the NDL website. German and European poetics after the Holocaust : crisis and creativityLeave the NDL website. Freud's theory and its use in literary and cultural studies : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Crossings = Kreuzungen : a festschrift for Helmut KreuzerLeave the NDL website. Fritz Lang's Metropolis : cinematic visions of technology and fearLeave the NDL website. The Revivifying word : literature, philosophy, and the theory of life in europe's romantic ageLeave the NDL website. Heinrich Mann's novels and essays : the artist as political educatorLeave the NDL website. The sonnets to OrpheusLeave the NDL website. Thomas Mann's Joseph and his brothers : writing, performance, and the politics of loyaltyLeave the NDL website. Seven storiesLeave the NDL website. Grimmelshausen the storyteller : a study of the "Simplician" novelsLeave the NDL website. German and international perspectives on the Spanish Civil War : the aesthetics of partisanshipLeave the NDL website. Johann Gottfried Herder : language, history, and the enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. Kaspar Hauser : a modern metaphorLeave the NDL website. Cultural transformations in the new Germany : American and German perspectivesLeave the NDL website. German culture in nineteenth-century America : reception, adaptation, transformationLeave the NDL website. The critical reception of Alfred Döblin's major novelsLeave the NDL website. Storytelling in the works of Bunyan, Grimmelshausen, Defoe, and SchnabelLeave the NDL website. Perspectives on gender in post-1945 German literatureLeave the NDL website. Red Vienna, white socialism, and the blues : Ann Tizia Leitich's AmericaLeave the NDL website. Bertolt Brecht's dramatic theoryLeave the NDL website. The novel as archive : the genesis, reception and criticism of Goethe's Wilhelm Meisters WanderjahreLeave the NDL website. Justinus Kerners Weg nach Weinsberg (1809-1819) : die Entpolitisierung eines RomantikersLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of GrimmelshausenLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Friedrich SchillerLeave the NDL website. The German press of the Shenandoah ValleyLeave the NDL website. Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship : a reader's commentaryLeave the NDL website. Little detours : the letters and plays of Luise Gottsched (1713-1762)Leave the NDL website. Black bread, white bread : German intellectuals and the French RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Gottfried von Strassburg's Tristan : journey through the realm of ErosLeave the NDL website. 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Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus : a novel at the margin of modernismLeave the NDL website. Bettine von Arnim and the politics of romantic conversationLeave the NDL website. Expressionist film : new perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Heinrich von Kleist und die AufklärungLeave the NDL website. The quarrel of reason with itself : essays on Hamann, Michaelis, Lessing, NietzscheLeave the NDL website. Adalbert Stifter's late prose : the mania for moderationLeave the NDL website. Andreas Gryphius : a modern perspectiveLeave the NDL website. The wanderer in nineteeth-century German literature : intellectual history and cultural criticismLeave the NDL website. Writing the new Berlin : the German capital in post-wall literatureLeave the NDL website. Music in the works of Broch, Mann, and KafkaLeave the NDL website. The best novellas of medieval Germany : translated with an introductionLeave the NDL website. 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Twentieth-century reworkings of German literature : an analysis of six fictional reinterpretations from Goethe to Thomas MannLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Johann Gottfried HerderLeave the NDL website. Pattern and chaos : multilinear novels by Dos Passos, Döblin, Faulkner, and KoeppenLeave the NDL website. Heinrich von Kleist and modernityLeave the NDL website. The German Bildungsroman : history of a national genreLeave the NDL website. Violent women in print : representations in the West German print media of the 1960s and 1970sLeave the NDL website. The end-times in medieval German literature : sin, evil, and the ApocalypseLeave the NDL website. Politics and truth in Hölderlin : Hyperion and the choreographic project of modernityLeave the NDL website. Cultural history through a National Socialist lens : essays on the cinema of the third reichLeave the NDL website. Pigeons and moles : selected writings of Günter EichLeave the NDL website. Heinrich von Kleist : writing after KantLeave the NDL website. Women and family life in early modern German literatureLeave the NDL website. Ludwig Uhland and the criticsLeave the NDL website. The Faces of physiognomy : interdisciplinary approaches to Johann Caspar LavaterLeave the NDL website. German memory contests : the quest for identity in literature, film, and discourse since 1990Leave the NDL website. The problem of wealth in the literature of Luther's GermanyLeave the NDL website. A companion to Gottfried von Strassburg's "Tristan"Leave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Thomas MannLeave the NDL website. A study of the major novellas of E.T.A. HoffmannLeave the NDL website. Studies in early German comedy, 1500-1650Leave the NDL website. The literary reputation of Else Lasker-Schüler : criticism, 1901-1993Leave the NDL website. Envisioning social justice in contemporary German cultureLeave the NDL website. The Faustian century : German literature and culture in the age of Luther and FaustusLeave the NDL website. Warlike women in the German literary and cultural imagination since 1500Leave the NDL website. Poetic realism in Scandinavia and Central Europe, 1820-1895Leave the NDL website. The emergence of the modern German novel : Christoph Martin Wieland, Sophie von La Roche, and Maria Anna SagarLeave the NDL website. Political change and human emancipation in the works of Heinrich von KleistLeave the NDL website. Hugo Grotius, drama concordanceLeave the NDL website. Everyone's darling : Kafka and the critics of his short fictionLeave the NDL website. Fritz Lang's Metropolis : cinematic visions of technology and fearLeave the NDL website. Franz Grillparzer : a century of criticismLeave the NDL website. Zarathustra's children : a study of a lost generation of German writersLeave the NDL website. A history of Austrian literature 1918-2000Leave the NDL website. Ethics and remembrance in the poetry of Nelly Sachs and Rose AusländerLeave the NDL website. Religion, reason, and culture in the Age of GoetheLeave the NDL website. Women and death : representations of female victims and perpetrators in German culture 1500-2000Leave the NDL website. The German novella : two centuries of criticismLeave the NDL website. Wilhelm Lehmann : a critical biographyLeave the NDL website. Novellas of Ludwig Tieck and E.T.A. HoffmannLeave the NDL website. Enlightenment thought in the writings of Goethe : a contribution to the history of ideasLeave the NDL website. In the shadow of empire : Austrian experiences of modernity in the writings of Musil, Roth, and BachmannLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Robert MusilLeave the NDL website. Nestroy and the criticsLeave the NDL website. The historical experience in German drama : from Gryphius to BrechtLeave the NDL website. Goethe's ghosts : reading and the persistence of literatureLeave the NDL website. Early poems : a selection from the years, 1941-1945Leave the NDL website. Goethe's Werther and the criticsLeave the NDL website. Orienting the self : the German literary encounter with the Eastern otherLeave the NDL website. Günter Grass and his critics : from The tin drum to CrabwalkLeave the NDL website. The image and influence of America in German poetry since 1945Leave the NDL website. Johann Joachim Winckelmann on art, architecture, and archaeologyLeave the NDL website. A companion to Wagner's ParsifalLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Hermann BrochLeave the NDL website. Joseph Roth's march into history : from the early novels to Radetzkymarsch and Die KapuzinergruftLeave the NDL website. Fathers and daughters : patterns of seduction in tragedies by Gryphius, Lessing, Hebbel, and KroetzLeave the NDL website. The Dark flutes of fall : critical essays on Georg TraklLeave the NDL website. Kafka for the twenty-first centuryLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Friedrich SchillerLeave the NDL website. Stefan Zweig and world literature : twenty-first century perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Catastrophe and catharsis : perspectives on disaster and redemption in German culture and beyondLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Heinrich von KleistLeave the NDL website. Music, love, death, and Mann's Doctor FaustusLeave the NDL website. Constructing China : Kafka's orientalist discourseLeave the NDL website. Interwar Vienna : culture between tradition and modernityLeave the NDL website. Twentieth century odyssey : a study of Heimito von Doderer's Die DrämonenLeave the NDL website. Tatort Germany : the curious case of German-language crime fictionLeave the NDL website. Hermann Broch : literature, philosophy, politics : the Yale Broch symposium 1986Leave the NDL website. Hugo von Hofmannsthal's Der Schwierige : a fifty-year theater historyLeave the NDL website. Hölderlin after the catastrophe : Heidegger, Adorno, BrechtLeave the NDL website. Distinguished outsider : Robert Musil and his criticsLeave the NDL website. The critical fortunes of a romantic novel : Novalis's Heinrich von OfterdingenLeave the NDL website. Thomas Mann's Death in Venice : a novella and its criticsLeave the NDL website. Nietzsche and antiquity : his reaction and response to the classical traditionLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Heinrich von KleistLeave the NDL website. Kafka's castle and the critical imaginationLeave the NDL website. Framing a novelist : Arno Schmidt criticism 1970-1994Leave the NDL website. The modern revival of gnosticism and Thomas Mann's Doktor FaustusLeave the NDL website. The First World War as a clash of culturesLeave the NDL website. Hanns Eisler's art songs : arguing with beautyLeave the NDL website. Kafka's Prussian advocate : a study of the influence of Heinrich von Kleist on Franz KafkaLeave the NDL website. Publishing culture and the "reading nation" : German book history in the long nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. The intersection of science and literature in Musil's : The man without qualitiesLeave the NDL website. Music and literature in German romanticismLeave the NDL website. Traumatic verses : on poetry in German from the concentration camps, 1933-1945Leave the NDL website. The German bestseller in the late nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. The music of early MinnesangLeave the NDL website. Thomas Carlyle's Life of Friedrich Schiller (1825)Leave the NDL website. The Old Norse Elucidarius : original text and English translationLeave the NDL website. Der Erzähler in der deutschen KurzgeschichteLeave the NDL website. High modernism : aestheticism and performativity in literature of the 1920sLeave the NDL website. The rhetoric of national dissent in Thomas Bernhard, Peter Handke, and Elfriede JelinekLeave the NDL website. Plan and the Austrian rebirth : portrait of a journalLeave the NDL website. Goethe in German-Jewish cultureLeave the NDL website. Nazi cinema as enchantment : the politics of entertainment in the Third ReichLeave the NDL website. Schiller's "On grace and dignity" in its cultural context : essays and a new translationLeave the NDL website. Musarion and other Rococo talesLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of GrimmelshausenLeave the NDL website. Imagining the age of Goethe in German literature, 1970-2010Leave the NDL website. An introduction to the works of Peter WeissLeave the NDL website. The blue stain : a novel of a racial outcastLeave the NDL website. A companion to German realism, 1848-1900Leave the NDL website. Good girls, good Germans : girls' education and emotional nationalism in Wilhelminian GermanyLeave the NDL website. Nazi cinema as enchantment : the politics of entertainment in the Third ReichLeave the NDL website. Germany and Europe : the politics of culture : proceedings of a DAAD conference at the University of Toronto, Sept. 1990Leave the NDL website. Recasting German identity : culture, politics, and literature in the Berlin RepublicLeave the NDL website. Ortnit and Wolfdietrich : two medieval romancesLeave the NDL website. KudrunLeave the NDL website. Novels of Turkish German settlement : cosmopolite fictionsLeave the NDL website. Seltene Augenblicke : interpretations of poems by Hugo von Hofmannsthal edited by Margit ReschLeave the NDL website. Theodor Storm's Immensee : a critical overviewLeave the NDL website. Expressionist film : new perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Heimat : a critical theory of the German idea of homelandLeave the NDL website. The correspondence of Stefan Zweig with Raoul AuernheimerLeave the NDL website. PropheciesLeave the NDL website. The intellectual contexts of Kafka's fiction : philosophy, law, religionLeave the NDL website. A companion to the NibelungenliedLeave the NDL website. Goethe and the English-speaking world : essays from the Cambridge symposium for his 250th anniversaryLeave the NDL website. Unwrapping Goethe's Weimar : essays in cultural studies and local knowledgeLeave the NDL website. Eighteenth-century German authors and their aesthetic theories : literature and the other artsLeave the NDL website. The German legacy in East Central Europe as recorded in recent German-language literatureLeave the NDL website. The art of revolution : Kurt Eisner's agitpropLeave the NDL website. Bertolt Brecht's Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches : a German exile drama in the struggle against fascismLeave the NDL website. Trial by fire and battle in medieval German literatureLeave the NDL website. From expressionism to exile : the works of Walter Hasenclever (1890-1940)Leave the NDL website. Continued existence, reincarnation, and the power of sympathy in classical WeimarLeave the NDL website. Grass and Grimmelshausen : Günter Grass's "Das Treffen in Telgte" and RezeptionstheorieLeave the NDL website. The writers' state : constructing East German literature 1945-1959Leave the NDL website. Ad absurdum : a Hans Weigel potpourriLeave the NDL website. Modern German thought from Kant to Habermas : an annotated German-Language readerLeave the NDL website. The Ideological crisis of expressionism : the literary and artistic German War colony in Belgium 1914-1918Leave the NDL website. Proletarian performance in Weimar Berlin : Agitprop, chorus, and BrechtLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Franz KafkaLeave the NDL website. A companion to Goethe's Faust : parts I and IILeave the NDL website. Reading Goethe : a critical introduction to the literary workLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Rainer Maria RilkeLeave the NDL website. Music and German literature : their relationship since the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. Selections from Goethe's letters to Frau von Stein, 1776-1789Leave the NDL website. A history of Austrian literature 1918-2000Leave the NDL website. Political dimensions of Arthur Schnitzler's late fictionLeave the NDL website. Rainer Maria Rilke's The book of hours : a new translation with commentaryLeave the NDL website. The theater of confinement : language and survival in the milieu plays of Marieluise Fleisser and Franz Xaver KroetzLeave the NDL website. Brother Hermann's Life of the Countess Yolanda of ViandenLeave the NDL website. Aesthetic vision and german romanticism : writing imagesLeave the NDL website. Reading Andreas Gryphius : critical trends 1664-1993Leave the NDL website. History, myth, and music : Thomas Mann's timely fictionLeave the NDL website. The critical idyll : traditional values and the French Revolution in Goethe's Hermann und DorotheaLeave the NDL website. A companion to Gottfried von Strassburg's "Tristan"Leave the NDL website. Cultural history through a National Socialist lens : essays on the cinema of the third reichLeave the NDL website. Music and Mozart in the life of GoetheLeave the NDL website. Goethe's Elective affinities and the criticsLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Hartmann von AueLeave the NDL website. Deploying Orientalism in culture and history : from Germany to Central and Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Michigan German in Frankenmuth : variation and change in an East Franconian dialectLeave the NDL website. Thomas Bernhards Trilogie der Künste : Der Untergeher, Holzfällen, Alte MeisterLeave the NDL website. Encounters with Islam in German literature and cultureLeave the NDL website. Schiller's Wallenstein, Maria Stuart, and die Jungfrau von Orleans : the critical legacyLeave the NDL website. Goethe proceedings : essays commemorating the Goethe sesquicentennial at the University of California, DavisLeave the NDL website. The shifting fortunes of Wilhelm Raabe : a history of criticism as a cautionary taleLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Rainer Maria RilkeLeave the NDL website. Early letters of GoetheLeave the NDL website. The life and works of Wolfgang BorchertLeave the NDL website. Wolfgang Hildesheimer and his criticsLeave the NDL website. Shifting perspectives : East German autobiographical narratives before and after the end of the GDRLeave the NDL website. Essays on GoetheLeave the NDL website. The wellsprings of literary creation : an analysis of male and female "artist stories" from the German romantics to American writers of the presentLeave the NDL website. German culture, politics, and literature into the twenty-first century : beyond normalizationLeave the NDL website. Austria and other margins : reading cultureLeave the NDL website. Italy in the German literary imagination : Goethe's "Italian journey" and its reception by Eichendorff, Platen, and HeineLeave the NDL website. A companion to the works of Walter BenjaminLeave the NDL website. A critical history of German filmLeave the NDL website. Fontane in the twenty-first centuryLeave the NDL website. The hotel as setting in early twentieth-century German and Austrian literature : checking in to tell a storyLeave the NDL website. Goethe's concept of the daemonic : after the ancientsLeave the NDL website. Second-generation Holocaust literature : legacies of survival and perpetrationLeave the NDL website. A companion to the literature of German ExpressionismLeave the NDL website. A companion to sound in German-speaking culturesLeave the NDL website. Popular revenants : the German gothic and its international reception, 1800-2000Leave the NDL website. Transatlantic German studies : testimonies to the professionLeave the NDL website. Mountains and the German mind : translations from Gessner to Messner, 1541-2009Leave the NDL website. The Red Vienna sourcebookLeave the NDL website.

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edited by James Hardin
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The best novellas of medieval Germany : translated with an introduction
Metamorphoses of the vampire in literature and film : cultural transformations in Europe, 1732-1933
Georg Büchner's Woyzeck : a history of its criticism
The myth of a nation : literature and politics in Prussia under Napoleon
Hermann Broch, visionary in exile : the 2001 Yale Symposium
A companion to Friedrich Nietzsche : life and works
Wagner's Ring in 1848 : new translations of the Nibelung myth and Siegfried's death
Stories by Musäus and Fouqué
Herder's Essay on being : a translation and critical approaches
Dances of death : Wedekind, Brecht, Dürrenmatt, and the satiric tradition
Comparative romanticisms : power, gender, subjectivity
A companion to the works of Arthur Schnitzler
Twentieth-century reworkings of German literature : an analysis of six fictional reinterpretations from Goethe to Thomas Mann
A companion to the works of Johann Gottfried Herder
Pattern and chaos : multilinear novels by Dos Passos, Döblin, Faulkner, and Koeppen
Heinrich von Kleist and modernity
The German Bildungsroman : history of a national genre
Violent women in print : representations in the West German print media of the 1960s and 1970s
The end-times in medieval German literature : sin, evil, and the Apocalypse
Politics and truth in Hölderlin : Hyperion and the choreographic project of modernity
Cultural history through a National Socialist lens : essays on the cinema of the third reich
Pigeons and moles : selected writings of Günter Eich
Heinrich von Kleist : writing after Kant
Women and family life in early modern German literature
Ludwig Uhland and the critics
The Faces of physiognomy : interdisciplinary approaches to Johann Caspar Lavater
German memory contests : the quest for identity in literature, film, and discourse since 1990
The problem of wealth in the literature of Luther's Germany
A companion to Gottfried von Strassburg's "Tristan"
A companion to the works of Thomas Mann
A study of the major novellas of E.T.A. Hoffmann
Studies in early German comedy, 1500-1650
The literary reputation of Else Lasker-Schüler : criticism, 1901-1993
Envisioning social justice in contemporary German culture
The Faustian century : German literature and culture in the age of Luther and Faustus
Warlike women in the German literary and cultural imagination since 1500
Poetic realism in Scandinavia and Central Europe, 1820-1895
The emergence of the modern German novel : Christoph Martin Wieland, Sophie von La Roche, and Maria Anna Sagar
Political change and human emancipation in the works of Heinrich von Kleist
Hugo Grotius, drama concordance
Everyone's darling : Kafka and the critics of his short fiction
Fritz Lang's Metropolis : cinematic visions of technology and fear
Franz Grillparzer : a century of criticism
Zarathustra's children : a study of a lost generation of German writers
A history of Austrian literature 1918-2000
Ethics and remembrance in the poetry of Nelly Sachs and Rose Ausländer
Religion, reason, and culture in the Age of Goethe
Women and death : representations of female victims and perpetrators in German culture 1500-2000
The German novella : two centuries of criticism
Wilhelm Lehmann : a critical biography
Novellas of Ludwig Tieck and E.T.A. Hoffmann
Enlightenment thought in the writings of Goethe : a contribution to the history of ideas
In the shadow of empire : Austrian experiences of modernity in the writings of Musil, Roth, and Bachmann
A companion to the works of Robert Musil
Nestroy and the critics
The historical experience in German drama : from Gryphius to Brecht
Goethe's ghosts : reading and the persistence of literature
Early poems : a selection from the years, 1941-1945
Goethe's Werther and the critics
Orienting the self : the German literary encounter with the Eastern other
Günter Grass and his critics : from The tin drum to Crabwalk
The image and influence of America in German poetry since 1945
Johann Joachim Winckelmann on art, architecture, and archaeology
A companion to Wagner's Parsifal
A companion to the works of Hermann Broch
Joseph Roth's march into history : from the early novels to Radetzkymarsch and Die Kapuzinergruft
Fathers and daughters : patterns of seduction in tragedies by Gryphius, Lessing, Hebbel, and Kroetz
The Dark flutes of fall : critical essays on Georg Trakl
Kafka for the twenty-first century
A companion to the works of Friedrich Schiller
Stefan Zweig and world literature : twenty-first century perspectives
Catastrophe and catharsis : perspectives on disaster and redemption in German culture and beyond
A companion to the works of Heinrich von Kleist
Music, love, death, and Mann's Doctor Faustus
Constructing China : Kafka's orientalist discourse
Interwar Vienna : culture between tradition and modernity
Twentieth century odyssey : a study of Heimito von Doderer's Die Drämonen
Tatort Germany : the curious case of German-language crime fiction
Hermann Broch : literature, philosophy, politics : the Yale Broch symposium 1986
Hugo von Hofmannsthal's Der Schwierige : a fifty-year theater history
Hölderlin after the catastrophe : Heidegger, Adorno, Brecht
Distinguished outsider : Robert Musil and his critics
The critical fortunes of a romantic novel : Novalis's Heinrich von Ofterdingen
Thomas Mann's Death in Venice : a novella and its critics
Nietzsche and antiquity : his reaction and response to the classical tradition
A companion to the works of Heinrich von Kleist
Kafka's castle and the critical imagination
Framing a novelist : Arno Schmidt criticism 1970-1994
The modern revival of gnosticism and Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus
The First World War as a clash of cultures
Hanns Eisler's art songs : arguing with beauty
Kafka's Prussian advocate : a study of the influence of Heinrich von Kleist on Franz Kafka
Publishing culture and the "reading nation" : German book history in the long nineteenth century
The intersection of science and literature in Musil's : The man without qualities
Music and literature in German romanticism
Traumatic verses : on poetry in German from the concentration camps, 1933-1945
The German bestseller in the late nineteenth century
The music of early Minnesang
Thomas Carlyle's Life of Friedrich Schiller (1825)
The Old Norse Elucidarius : original text and English translation
Der Erzähler in der deutschen Kurzgeschichte
High modernism : aestheticism and performativity in literature of the 1920s
The rhetoric of national dissent in Thomas Bernhard, Peter Handke, and Elfriede Jelinek
Plan and the Austrian rebirth : portrait of a journal
Goethe in German-Jewish culture
Nazi cinema as enchantment : the politics of entertainment in the Third Reich
Schiller's "On grace and dignity" in its cultural context : essays and a new translation
Musarion and other Rococo tales
A companion to the works of Grimmelshausen
Imagining the age of Goethe in German literature, 1970-2010
An introduction to the works of Peter Weiss
The blue stain : a novel of a racial outcast
A companion to German realism, 1848-1900
Good girls, good Germans : girls' education and emotional nationalism in Wilhelminian Germany
Nazi cinema as enchantment : the politics of entertainment in the Third Reich
Germany and Europe : the politics of culture : proceedings of a DAAD conference at the University of Toronto, Sept. 1990
Recasting German identity : culture, politics, and literature in the Berlin Republic
Ortnit and Wolfdietrich : two medieval romances
Novels of Turkish German settlement : cosmopolite fictions
Seltene Augenblicke : interpretations of poems by Hugo von Hofmannsthal edited by Margit Resch
Theodor Storm's Immensee : a critical overview
Expressionist film : new perspectives
Heimat : a critical theory of the German idea of homeland
The correspondence of Stefan Zweig with Raoul Auernheimer
The intellectual contexts of Kafka's fiction : philosophy, law, religion
A companion to the Nibelungenlied
Goethe and the English-speaking world : essays from the Cambridge symposium for his 250th anniversary
Unwrapping Goethe's Weimar : essays in cultural studies and local knowledge
Eighteenth-century German authors and their aesthetic theories : literature and the other arts
The German legacy in East Central Europe as recorded in recent German-language literature
The art of revolution : Kurt Eisner's agitprop
Bertolt Brecht's Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches : a German exile drama in the struggle against fascism
Trial by fire and battle in medieval German literature
From expressionism to exile : the works of Walter Hasenclever (1890-1940)
Continued existence, reincarnation, and the power of sympathy in classical Weimar
Grass and Grimmelshausen : Günter Grass's "Das Treffen in Telgte" and Rezeptionstheorie
The writers' state : constructing East German literature 1945-1959
Ad absurdum : a Hans Weigel potpourri
Modern German thought from Kant to Habermas : an annotated German-Language reader
The Ideological crisis of expressionism : the literary and artistic German War colony in Belgium 1914-1918
Proletarian performance in Weimar Berlin : Agitprop, chorus, and Brecht
A companion to the works of Franz Kafka
A companion to Goethe's Faust : parts I and II
Reading Goethe : a critical introduction to the literary work
A companion to the works of Rainer Maria Rilke
Music and German literature : their relationship since the Middle Ages
Selections from Goethe's letters to Frau von Stein, 1776-1789
A history of Austrian literature 1918-2000
Political dimensions of Arthur Schnitzler's late fiction
Rainer Maria Rilke's The book of hours : a new translation with commentary
The theater of confinement : language and survival in the milieu plays of Marieluise Fleisser and Franz Xaver Kroetz
Brother Hermann's Life of the Countess Yolanda of Vianden
Aesthetic vision and german romanticism : writing images
Reading Andreas Gryphius : critical trends 1664-1993
History, myth, and music : Thomas Mann's timely fiction
The critical idyll : traditional values and the French Revolution in Goethe's Hermann und Dorothea
A companion to Gottfried von Strassburg's "Tristan"
Cultural history through a National Socialist lens : essays on the cinema of the third reich
Music and Mozart in the life of Goethe
Goethe's Elective affinities and the critics
A companion to the works of Hartmann von Aue
Deploying Orientalism in culture and history : from Germany to Central and Eastern Europe
Michigan German in Frankenmuth : variation and change in an East Franconian dialect
Thomas Bernhards Trilogie der Künste : Der Untergeher, Holzfällen, Alte Meister
Encounters with Islam in German literature and culture
Schiller's Wallenstein, Maria Stuart, and die Jungfrau von Orleans : the critical legacy
Goethe proceedings : essays commemorating the Goethe sesquicentennial at the University of California, Davis
The shifting fortunes of Wilhelm Raabe : a history of criticism as a cautionary tale
A companion to the works of Rainer Maria Rilke
Early letters of Goethe
The life and works of Wolfgang Borchert
Wolfgang Hildesheimer and his critics
Shifting perspectives : East German autobiographical narratives before and after the end of the GDR
Essays on Goethe
The wellsprings of literary creation : an analysis of male and female "artist stories" from the German romantics to American writers of the present
German culture, politics, and literature into the twenty-first century : beyond normalization
Austria and other margins : reading culture
Italy in the German literary imagination : Goethe's "Italian journey" and its reception by Eichendorff, Platen, and Heine
A companion to the works of Walter Benjamin
A critical history of German film
Fontane in the twenty-first century
The hotel as setting in early twentieth-century German and Austrian literature : checking in to tell a story
Goethe's concept of the daemonic : after the ancients
Second-generation Holocaust literature : legacies of survival and perpetration
A companion to the literature of German Expressionism
A companion to sound in German-speaking cultures
Popular revenants : the German gothic and its international reception, 1800-2000
Transatlantic German studies : testimonies to the profession
Mountains and the German mind : translations from Gessner to Messner, 1541-2009
The Red Vienna sourcebook
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