
Table of Contents

  • The roaring girl ; If this be not a good play, the devil is in it ; Troia-Nova triumphans ; Match me in London ; The virgin martyr ; The witch of Edmonton ; The wonder of a kingdom

  • The honest whore, part I . The honest whore, part II . The magnificent entertainment given to King James . Westward ho . Northward ho . The whore of Babylon

  • Sir Thomas More : Dekker's addition ; The shoemakers' holiday ; Old Fortunatus ; Patient Grissil ; Satiromastix ; Sir Thomas Wyatt

  • The sun's darling ; Britannia's honor ; London's tempe ; Lust's dominion ; The noble Spanish soldier ; The Welsh embassador

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edited by Fredson Bowers
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Publication Date (W3CDTF)
22 cm
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